santa barbara chinese school

ᆣჃဎભᄎᄎ עSanta Barbara Chinese American Association Newsletter No. 60 Jan. 2011 ᇜ丠ฅᇢ ޠ䱇䊶ཇ Ҏ⠽ᇜ㿾 ➩Ҁ令仼 㮱᭛ ⏎䂛㨵㧘䜦ǃϞ⍋ϪमПᮙǃϪ⬠ᭉ ⼒औ⼒೬ᮄ㘲Ё᭛ᅌ Inside: Special report The story of Jessie Community interview-Yen Ching Restaurant Article- WineA Trip to ShanghaiThe World Enemy Community news-Chinese School

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Santa Barbara Chinese American Association Newsletter No. 60 Jan. 2011

ᇜ丠ฅᇢ 䱇䊶ཇޠ Ҏ⠽ᇜ㿾 —➩Ҁ令仼 㮱᭛ ⏎䂛㨵㧘䜦ǃϞ⍋ϪमПᮙǃϪ⬠ᭉ ⼒औ⼒೬ᮄ㘲—Ё᭛ᅌ Inside: Special report –The story of Jessie Community interview-Yen Ching Restaurant Article- WineᇬA Trip to ShanghaiᇬThe World Enemy Community news-Chinese School

Page 2: Santa Barbara Chinese School



會長的話 President’s Note 祝各位讀者兔年平安、事事順利。 今年春節慶祝活動將在 Santa Barbara 市區大學盛大舉辦, 除了依照往年的聯歡表演活動之外,今年在校園裡增設文化攤位,有傳統的書法、中國結、剪紙等,希望借由這次的活動將中國文化介紹給社區。古人說“家有一老,如有一寶“,本期簡

短介紹華人社區裡一位高齡 97 歲的凌陳慧賢女士的一生,還有燕京餐館主廚兼老闆—曾夫婦,另外也有一篇“淺談葡萄酒”,讓大家對聖塔芭芭拉的葡萄酒有初步的瞭解。期刊中也刊載 UCSB學生暑假參觀上海世博的見聞,最後刊登一篇有關環保方面議題的文章。 本人今年接任會長,希望帶領協會會員一同努力,達成本協會的宗旨:傳承及發揚中國文化傳統。

I hope everyone is having a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year of the Rabbit!

SBCAA Chinese New Year celebrations the will be held at Santa Barbara City College. As usual, there will not only be local committees’ performances, but also outdoor Chinese cultural activities- Chinese calligraphy, DIY Chinese knots, paper cutting..etc. in the hope of introducing elements of Chinese culture to our community.

As the old Chinese saying goes, “The family has one old man at home, as if there is a treasure. ” So this issue symbolizes the life story of Jessie Ling, who is 97. Also included are the owners of the Yen Ching Restaurant. We introduce an article about wine by the local Hua Sheng Chorus and the UCSB summer trip to Shanghai by a UCSB student. The final article is about the environment, written by Pao-Ming Chou.

As the new president of the SBCAA, I aim to work with members and friends to strengthen and perpetuate the Chinese culture, tradition, heritage and language.

會長 朱寧莊/ President Neil Chu A picture with Mayor Helene Schneider. Santa Barbara Hua Sheng Chorus was invited by the Mesa News and Mesa Shopping Center to perform at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on December 4, 2010 on Mesa. Members of Hua Sheng Chorus took a picture with Mayor of Santa Barbara after the ceremony. (Top left)

BBQ activity at Goleta Beach on the Moon Festival.

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專題報導 Special Report

The Life Story of Jessie Ling

Santa Barbara is known for its various treasures, but one treasure that many people may not be aware of is the rich Chinese heritage lying beneath the surface in our community. The reason behind this is because the Chinese community itself is in fact quite "disintegrated" in the sense that we are well integrated into the general population, despite certain organizations like the Chinese Students Association at UCSB or the Chinese Church. This story that you are about to read reveals just one little piece in Santa Barbara's treasure trove of Chinese heritage, the story of Jessie Ling, known in her youth in Hong Kong as Chen Huixian (陳慧賢).

Jessie's family was originally from Dongguan in Guangdong province, but by the time she was born in 1914, her family had already "exiled" themselves to the British colony of Hong Kong. Because her father was a high-ranking Mandarin in the Qing imperial court, he was compelled to migrate to Hong Kong after the fall of the dynasty in 1911. As was common practice for high-class gentlemen in those days, Jessie's father had a various concubines in addition to his official wife. Being the fourteenth child out of sixteen, and growing up in an environment penetrated by modern western cultural influence, Jessie escaped many of the traditional practices – like foot-binding and arranged marriages – that constrained other family members. Jessie's father was always a revered distant figure to her, and her mother died of a sudden illness when Jessie was just a child, so she grew up in the households of older siblings and family servants. In her formative years, she straddled two worlds – old and new, Chinese and Western. She received a British-style education at the Diocesan High School for Girls and at Hong Kong University, and was free to choose her own spouse and pursue any career she desired.

As a young college-educated woman in her twenties, Jessie was enjoying both her career as a high school English teacher and her carefree life until Japan attacked Hong Kong in December 1941, resulting in Japanese occupation. Amidst the chaos, Jessie fell in love with Samuel Ling, and decided to marry so that they could flee to inland China together. A Christian minister married them on January 17, 1942. Soon after their marriage, the trek to inland China became more complicated upon discovery that Jessie was pregnant. Jessie was not able to make the arduous journey, so she stayed with some distant relatives in Guangxi while Sam went ahead to the Nationalist government base in Chongqing (Chungking). Then after giving birth to her first child, Michael, in December, Jessie and her newborn rejoined her husband,

For the next three years, Jessie and her family lived in a hut with a mud-tamped floor; cooking was by a little coal stove, and laundry was, of course, done by hand. During this time, Jessie had her second child, Vivian, in April 1944, and even managed to teach at Jiaotong University. Her husband Sam was often away from home due to his efforts to begin a career in journalism.

After the war ended, Sam and Jessie followed the Nationalist government to Nanjing, where Sam eventually joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The family lived in a decent apartment, with a full-time nanny when their third child Angela was born. But lurking in the background of this "good life" was the escalating civil war between the Communists and the Nationalists. As a result, Sam and Jessie decided to take their children out of harm's way first, and then follow themselves later if necessary. So one day in 1949, Michael, Vivian, and Angela (age 6, 5 and 2) – each clutching a bag of candy – boarded a plane with their nanny to Guangzhou, where relatives met them. Shortly thereafter, Sam and Jessie retreated from Nanjing and reunited with their children in Guangzhou. From there, the family retreated to Hong Kong, and Sam and Jessie resumed teaching.

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In 1951, Sam decided to rejoin the Foreign Ministry of the Nationalist government - which had by

now retreated to Taiwan – in order to advance in his career and perhaps to immigrate to the US. The period of four years that the family lived in Taiwan – 1951-1955 – was the only time that Jessie was a stay-at-home Mom, often putting her creative talents to good use by making architectural improvements to the family's home.

The big break came in 1955 when Sam was commissioned to a post at the Chinese Embassy in Washington. During this time, Jessie remade herself into a librarian by first taking courses at Catholic University and Gallaudet College, then getting a job at the headquarters of the Washington D.C. Public Library. When Sam's position at the Chinese Embassy ended in 1963, the couple returned to Taiwan. Because Angela was a semester short of high school graduation, she stayed with a friend's family while she completed high school. At the time, Michael was about to graduate from college, and Vivian had only one more year left. Even though all her children were well-settled and quite resourceful, Jessie left them with a heavy heart.

By 1964 in Taiwan, Jessie had resumed teaching English. Her career was interrupted again when Sam was commissioned to be the Chinese Ambassador to Jamaica in 1968. Jessie's three years in Jamaica as Madame Ambassador had its high points, but overall it was a very trying time for a diplomat representing the Nationalist government in Taiwan. One by one, countries around the world shifted their recognition from the Nationalist regime to the Communist regime. In 1971, partly due to anticipation of the political shift in Jamaica, Jessie left Jamaica and came to Santa Barbara. Several months prior to this move, her son Michael, who had settled in Santa Barbara several years earlier, was in a near-fatal car accident. Jessie rushed to his bedside to help him recover. In choosing Santa Barbara for her next home, Jessie was motivated by her wish to be near her son as well as bythe wonderful environment for a new life. Soon after, Jamaica shifted its recognition to the Communist Chinese regime, resulting in the closure of the Nationalist regime’s embassy and Sam’s return to Jessie in Santa Barbara.

As we all know, Santa Barbara is hardly a haven for those without income. So Jessie - with the attitude that no work is too menial - took a job caring for "advanced" seniors at Samarkand. A couple of years later, she reinvented herself as a shopkeeper, opening the gift shop Cathay West. Aside from imports from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China, Jessie sold jewelry that she made herself – some customized to the client's order. The shop thrived for almost two decades and served a more important function as Jessie’s front porch for socializing with everyone. Many who happened to stop in became frequent visitors. On any given day, Jessie might not make many sales, but she was sure to see many friends.

By 1994, when Jessie turned eighty, the rent for her arcade shop had become too expensive, and the commute by foot and bus too exhausting. She decided to call it quits. As a surprise to all except family, Jessie reinvented herself again, this time into a volunteer librarian at the Art Museum. For the next ten years, she spent many happy afternoons cataloging art books.

At age 90, Jessie finally retired. Then in August 2009, at age 95, she suffered a broken hip resulting in a surgical hip replacement. Since then, she has been living in an assisted living group home near her daughter Vivian. Sam, her husband of 68 years, passed away in December 2009, at the impressive age of 94. Today, Jessie continues to engage in church activities, attending her senior group every Friday, and church service on Sundays. She enjoys having friends visit her in her home, but is even more appreciative of outings with them.

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Reading about Jessie's life, you might wonder if there was any pattern or coherence to it at all. Upon

reflection, I realized that Jessie has done a marvelous job of rendering a coherent life out of the chaos of the times through which she has lived. Many of us feel that the world is changing so fast for us these days that we simply cannot keep up with the times, and we fear that our skills may become obsolete. Jessie's life story shows that out of necessity for survival she has had to reinvent herself many times over. Each time, she forged a niche for herself, found an outlet for her talents and accomplished something that her children – and her parents in the afterworld – could admire with pride.

Written by Vivian Ling, daughter of Jessie Ling Edited by Joshua Lindo, 3rd year English Major at UCSB

January 5, 2011 凌陳慧賢女士的故事

陳女士 1914 年出生於民國成立而舉家遷港的官宦世家。其父有一妻六妾,十六個子女,而她


1941 年,日本發動太平洋戰爭,香港局勢岌岌可危,此時陳女士已經自香港大學畢業,在一

所高中任教,並與凌先生交朋友。因為日益緊張的時局,兩人 決定先結婚再一同回中國。1942

年 1 月 17 日一位牧師朋友為兩人證婚,簡單的儀式既沒有隆重的排場,也沒有戒指的交換,兩

人結為連理。婚後,新婚夫妻開 始了一段辛苦而危險的旅途,兩人經過淪陷區及土匪出沒的三


生單身 到重慶報到。在舉目無親的環境裡,凌太太非常幸運的產下一子。當年十二月,她抱著

兒子到重慶與凌先生相聚。在重慶的三年裡,生活條件非常艱苦。一家人住在 簡陋的房子,用


學裡教課。此時凌先生正在進修新聞課程,住在學 校,極少有機會回家。


家人住進了單位分配的公寓裡。但是幸福的日子是短暫 的,1949 年三個孩子每人手上捧了一包



令到華盛頓駐美大使館任職。1967 年,他任牙買加大使,凌太太作為大使夫 人與使節的夫人們

及牙買加的上層社會保持非常有好的關係。1971 年因為政治風象改變,凌太太先離開該地到聖塔

芭芭拉居住。數月後牙買加與中共建交,凌先 生亦來到聖塔芭芭拉與夫人會合。


品店,賣中國的首飾及裝飾品,僅有一人看店。在二十年裡,凌太 太的禮品店能夠維持生活,



聽器,仍影響她和朋友交談的效率,但她仍樂於交友,絲毫不以為意。凌太太現仍 健在,回顧



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人物專訪 People


位於 Santa Barbara市內 De La Vina街上 Ralphs商場的燕京餐館由曾師傅夫婦打理,餐館寬廣,

備有圓桌及情人座,最大容量 150人,每日午、晚餐除點菜外,並提供吃飽為止的自助餐。

燕京餐館在 Santa Barbara頗具知名度,今年 4月曾獲 Santa Barbara Independent專人


單,是思鄉的游子回味家鄉口味的好去處。在自 助餐方面,曾師傅經常變換食





燒餅及芝麻餅)雖非每日供應,但可接受預約。水煎包是以菜肉為餡,熟面為皮 以水煎而成。


水煎包的口感。這也是下午茶及消夜的絕佳選擇。水煎包可 放在冰箱中冷藏,取出後在小烤箱

中維持 150 度,5 分鐘後可食。燕京餐館的經營理念是質、量並重,不但各式蔬菜。肉品要求質


曾師傅的人生也是經歷坎坷。15 歲開始就在餐館當學徒,當時身高僅及桌




炎熱,且法律甚嚴,禁酒,禁賭,且無任何娛樂場所,當地的電視看不 懂,只有閱讀過期的中


毅然回國。經過這次歷練,他深深的體會不受 拘束自由的可貴。


間定期在餐館上班,從無任何怨言。現子女皆已接受高等教育,兒子 在教授動畫製作,大女兒


長,但對兒女的身教、言教從未放鬆。一年多 前曾師傅因骨刺非常疼痛左腳有如針刺,無法站


並不鼓勵其子繼承衣 鉢)。曾師傅除了感受到兒子的孝心外,也盡心的教導烹飪技巧,為本地



歡迎會員投稿,來稿請用微軟 Word 文體,寄至 [email protected] 所有文章謹代表作者個人觀點,不反映編輯部或華美協會理事會的觀點。 The SBCAA Newsletter is published quarterly per year. It is also available online. On the website, we provide traditional and simplified versions. Please send contributions or comments to [email protected] All articles represent authors’ own views and do not reflect the views of the editorial board or the SBCAA board.

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人物專訪 People

Yen Ching Chinese Restaruant – Joe and Mei-Li Tseng

Yen Ching Chinese Restaurant is located at the Ralphs Shopping Center on De La

Vina in Downtown Santa Barbara. There are 150 seats and the restaurant offers both buffet and menu dishes.

Yen Ching is a well-known Chinese Restaurant that was featured in the Santa Barbara Independent in the April 22, 2010 issue. The restaurant offers popular dishes not

only from bilingual English Chinese menus, but also from Chinese menus with lesser known traditional dishes. The daily lunch and dinner buffet offer more than thirty selections including seafood, vegetable, beef and chicken dishes that change daily. They also have a new ice cream machine as an extra choice for dessert. In addition, Chef Tseng has developed an innovative and delicious way of making “pan fried pork vegetable buns”. A bread-like pocket with a juicy pork & vegetable filling, fried in oil and water, the bun is a gorgeous gold color with a crisp outside and juicy filling when ready. Pan fried pork vegetable buns are a very popular Chinese snack, perfect for afternoon tea or a midnight snack. Joe states that Yen Ching emphasizes quality and quantity together. All the ingredients must be fresh. The combination of quality of ingredients and the quality of cooking brings the dishes at Yen Ching over and beyond the customers’ expectations. However, Joe has not had an easy life. At fifteen, he was apprenticed at a restaurant. At that time he was not much taller than the kitchen counter, however he was required to perform all the chores and tolerate the master’s scolding and beatings. Joe endured these hardships and learned from the Master Chefs. Ten years later, he became a chef himself. Once he became a full chef, Joe decided to work for a restaurant in Saudi Arabia, having heard the opportunities and pay were better. He found it a rather different place, hot and dry weather at all times, weather no liquor, gambling, or recreational activities were allowed. Speaking only Chinese, he could not understand the local TV channels or radio broadcastings. His only form of entertainment was dated books and newspapers and a few old, left over videotapes. Some workers developed mental disorders due to the strict restrictions. Joe felt very lucky and appreciated his life more when he got home to Taiwan a year later. Joe has a wonderful family. Mei-Li, his wife, manages the restaurant and has raised three kids. Two daughters and their only son routinely worked at the restaurant during school breaks without complaint. Currently, all his children have graduated from universities. Joe’s son teaches computer animation, his eldest daughter holds a teaching certificate, and his younger daughter currently studies nursing. Though Joe and Mei-Li put in long hours at the restaurant every day, they never stop caring for their children. Last year Joe suffered osteocope; he could not walk and was in pain. Joe’s son accompanied him to the doctor and later even quit his job to work in the kitchen. In gratitude to his son’s sacrifice, Joe taught his son many new cooking techniques. Theirs is a new story in the Santa Barbara Chinese American community to follow by the Old Chinese saying, “The father is affectionate and the son is dutiful.”

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藝文天地 Article

淺談葡萄酒 ──華聲合唱團供稿







將經 典的幾種釀酒葡萄帶到了美國。加州的氣候讓它們如魚得水,加州大學戴維


先進釀 造技術。一九七九年,一次蒙眼評酒會上,那帕(Napa)的葡萄酒竟然擊敗




(Side Ways) 以文化的層次、人生的高度將加州第二大葡萄酒產地──聖塔芭芭拉





葡 萄酒除了紅葡萄酒(帶皮釀製,一般佐以肉類,尤其以牛排相得益彰)以及白


程中 加以特殊處理,使之充滿二氧化碳則為香檳。而葡萄酒再經蒸餾、濃縮至 40


的最 佳,其中極品稱為“XO”。



凍、 解凍,含糖量極高。如果當年的氣候未能如願,則園中葡萄全部作廢。如果


後,均用 細長的深色玻璃酒瓶避光,並需冷藏。





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藝文天地 Article

──From Huasheng Chorus

For the youths in Europe and America, wine knowledge is a ritual path to adulthood, but for Chinese-Americans it is a way to cultivate a better understanding of western society. Wine exploration would bring us on a wonderful trip as if going on a world tour. Furthermore, we can acquaint ourselves from an interesting perspective with western culture, history and tradition. The history of wine spans three thousands years, and is associated with early western civilization. Wine was introduced to Germany and France by the Roman Empire, and from that time on, the wine industry was gradually formed in Southern France and Northern Germany. Grapes and wheat were first brought to the United States by the first European immigrants. Grapes adapted their new environment like a duck to water. Experts at the University of California, Davis spent ten years and considerable expenses to develop a whole set of brewing technology for California. In 1979, wine from Napa defeated French wine in a blind wine tasting, which amazed the world wine industry and brought the California wine industry to the forefront. The film Sideways (2004), which was awarded five nominations by the Golden Globe Awards and four by the Academy Awards,made a star out of the Santa Barbara Wine Country and drummed up demand for pinot noir around the world. If French white wine is famed all over the world with its gentlemanly grace and feminine elegant characteristics, then Santa Barbara red wine attracts American wine lovers by its sweet smell and unconstrained style. Two basic categories of wine are red wine and white wine. Red wine, whose color can be derived from a vast assortment of grape varietals ranging from grapes that are reddish, deep purple, and even a beautiful blue on the color scale, usually goes with meat, especially beefsteak. White wine, made from the grape juice and grape skin of green, gold or yellowish colored grapes, often pair well with nuts, cheese and seafood. Another two special kinds of wine are champagne and aquavit. Champagne is a sparkling wine produced by inducing the in-bottle secondary fermentation of the wine to effect carbonation. Aquavit is redistilled from wine and typically contains 40% alcohol by volume. The top grade champagne and aquavit are from France. For aquavit, the best is produced from French cognac. XO is the highest grade.

Recently, ice wine as a type of dessert wine has become increasingly popular. It originated from Germany, and now it is regarded as the Canadian national wine. Due to the labor-intense and risky production process resulting in relatively small amounts of wine, ice wines are generally quite expensive. Ice wine is produced from grapes that have been frozen while still on the vine. The sugars and other dissolved solids do not freeze, but the water does, allowing a more concentrated grape essence to be pressed from the frozen grapes, resulting in a smaller amount of more concentrated, very sweet wine. Because of the sweet taste, birds prefer to eat them over normal grapes, so iron nets are used to protect them. Ice wine needs to be conserved in a dark glass bottle and a cold environment. The culture of wine is extensive and profound, and it plays a part in improving life quality and social activity. Moreover its healthy characteristic, such as its high concentration antioxidants and benefits for cardiovascular function, have made it increasingly popular. In Huasheng chorus meetings besides rehearsal and performance, we will prepare various different wines for tasting. We welcome wine lovers in SBCAA to participate, taste and discuss.

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藝文天地 Article

UCSB Students Study in Shanghai During World Expo

"Let China sleep for when she awakes, she will shake the world." Napoleon Bonaparte, even without seeing the impressive 2010 Shanghai World Expo, foresaw the influence China would one day exert over the world. A group of 11 University of California, Santa Barbara students had the opportunity to wake up to China’s splendor this August and September. Students studied Chinese Language and Culture while at the Shanghai University of Finance & Economics.

Daoxiong Guan and Shu-Chuan Chen of the UCSB Chinese Department organized the program with officials at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The same program has taken place before in Taiwan and Nanjing in recent years. Chinese Language lecturers Guan and Chen were excited to accompany students to Shanghai during the Shanghai World Expo.

The redevelopment of Shanghai for the World Expo 2010 contributed to the students’ impression of the modern city. The students visited the Expo with its numerous national and corporate pavilions, including the United States Pavilion, which televised a video of President Obama addressing the Chinese people.

Along with learning about China’s economy and new developments such as the impressive Pu Dong skyline, students also had the opportunity to learn about Chinese history and culture. After their language classes, students attended a variety of cultural classes including Yue Opera, Tai chi chuan, Chinese knot-tying, Chinese calligraphy, and stamp making. In the evenings, students visited historic sites in Shanghai such as Xintiandi, the Bund District, Jinjiang Temple, and Nanjing Road.

Students spent one of the weekends visiting the ancient canal towns of Suzhou and Hangzhou in Southern China. The Chinese have the expression, “Up there is Heaven but down here is Suzhou and Hangzhou.” Students saw the grand gardens of Suzhou as well as the famous West Lake in Hangzhou. At each town, students sampled the area’s local cuisine, which always proved to be a favorite time of day.

The following weekend, the group embarked on a tour van to the famous Huangshan or Yellow Mountain. Students witnessed the “sea of clouds” firsthand as they stood over the steep cliffs peering into the fog-filled abyss. Along the way, the tour guide stopped at ancient Chinese villages, which have been inhabited by the same families for hundreds of years.

Perhaps the best Chinese practice the students had was bargaining for goods in one of Shanghai’s bustling malls such as People’s Square or Qi Pu Road. Storeowners would often remark how tough the foreign students were at bargaining, which was as much a testament to their Chinese fluency as to their sheer willpower for getting the lowest price.

For three weeks, UCSB students built upon their Chinese fluency while immersing themselves in Chinese culture and touring Southern China. The experience left a remarkable impression on the students and many stay connected to the Chinese friends and teachers they met while at the university. A few more have decided to return to China to teach English. The students continue sharing stories over

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many plates of delicious Chinese food, just as they did in Shanghai. -By Casey Capachi, 4th year UCSB student


儘管 Napoleon Bonaparte沒有看到震驚世的 2010年上海市


十一位加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校(UCSB)的學生與 2010年八月至九月到上海財經學院學習中

國語言與文化,並參觀上海世博會, 有幸親眼見證了中國的建築。

UCSB 中文系的 Daoxiong Guan 老師積極與上海財經學院聯繫,與 Bella Chen 老師成功地安




會的很多展館, 也包括美國館,館內播放 Oboam 總統對中國人民的電視講話。








州。俗話說“上有天堂,下有蘇杭,”, 學生們參觀了











幾個同學決定回中國去教英文。留在 UCSB的同學舉行團圓聚餐會,大家交流有趣的事情,享受



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藝文天地 Article

世界公敵:大自然環境之破壞 作者:周寶明

根據美國太空總署(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,簡稱 NASA)的一篇資料中指







如火車、 汽車、飛機、電腦及其他交通工具的相繼發明與工業發達,不但提供人類舒適與便利的生活,同




























A report from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration points out that ice sheets on the South Pole and Greenland have experienced record melting in recent years.

Furthermore, the current sea level rise has risen at a mean rate of 3.6mm per year from 1993 to 2009. The report also indicates that natural environmental change has become more serious. For some people, the change is remote and will not influence their daily

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lives. However, the truth is that floods, mudslides and hurricanes are alarm bells to remind us of global climate change which may damage our natural environment and threaten human beings and other species.

The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human history and the beginning of a natural energy epoch. Trains, automobiles, airplanes, computers and other transportation vehicles continue to bring comfort and convenience to human life. Meanwhile, the increasing demands for energy pose a hazardous side effect. Moreover, energy demand has been aggravated by economic and social development and population growth. A survey, conducted by the international energy organization, tells us that global energy demands increased from five billion tons in 1971 to eleven billion tons in 2003, and will reach fifteen billion tons in 2030. The result is that exhaust gas produced by burning of coal, gasoline, natural gas and other chemical substances will accelerate global warming and threaten human life. First of all, nature destruction will endanger the environment. Extensive use of natural resources such as gasoline and coal will give birth to a large quantity of carbon dioxide, the main cause behind the Greenhouse Effect. According to Stern, an English expert on climatic variation and economy, global temperature will rise two to three degrees centigrade in the next fifty to seventy years, and will carry on, increasing three degrees centigrade until next century. Because of temperature rising, sea level will go up ninety centimeters by 2100, which will cause many Pacific Island nations, like Tuvalu, Kiribati and so on, to disappear. Also, seawater will engulf land in coastal cities, like Tokyo, New York, London. Secondly, global famine will be triggered by a food shortage. Because global climatic variations will lead to more abnormal flooding and drought, grain output will be greatly reduced. This phenomenon will be more serious in some areas. Basing on advanced research, in the coming decades, a sharp decrease in food production will occur: a 40% drop in India, 30% drop in Africa and 20% drop in Latin America. Accordingly, the scarcity of food will force prices up. Until 2050, wheat prices will go up from 170% to 194%, the price of rice will rise 112% to 113%, and maize prices will hike up from 148% to 153%. Famine and malnutrition crises will become a huge challenge for all human beings. Finally, the damage in the natural environment would also bring crisis to other species in the world. The overuses of natural resources by humans also threaten other creatures. Plastic bags were invented to package food and other daily products. According to the investigation of Ocean Protection Association, there are over a million birds, turtles and other marine animals that die from eating plastic bags, which have been overused and disposed of carelessly. Experts pointed out, toward the end of this century, over half of all the species on this planet face extinction. Although global warming and environmental damage are becoming potential crises, some scholars and experts still hold an optimistic attitude, believing that those problems could be solved with the progress of globalization. A point of view is that the multinational company that investigated in the developing countries will form more restrictive rules to prevent environment damage. The effects of those rules are under doubt. On the other hand, many countries are negotiating based on the climate change and environment crisis. An example is the Kyoto Protocol signed in 1997. However, the effects of it were confined by the conflict between the developed and developing countries. As it concerns the individual, the most important thing is to know environmental protection and to prevent the overuse of natural resources. The government should inform people of the importance of environmental protection and establish restricted laws related to it. Countries should cooperate more actively to solve the environmental crisis. We have to keep in mind that the disaster tomorrow results from the ignorance today.

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聖塔芭芭拉中文學校 Santa Barbara Chinese School


中文學校 2010-2011 學年冬季班於 一月九日開學。今年我們繼續使用由史丹福大學馬立平教授所編輯的中文教材和中國國家漢辦的快樂漢語。馬立平中文教材 適合在美國環境下成長的中國孩子,內容生動有趣,編排合理,偏重識字和閱讀理解,配合 CD 光盤,提高學生學習興趣。除了有教科書之外,還有學生作業本及評 量試卷,不但對學生的學習有很大的幫助,同時也減輕了教師的工作量。希望透過此教材能對我們華裔子弟的中文能力有所提升,同時也能學習到純正的中國文化。

快樂漢語教材是給母語為英語的學生用的,注重會話。教科書還配有詞語卡片、掛圖、CD 和 CD-ROM。教材重點培養學生在自然環境中學習漢語的興趣和漢語 交際能力,同時能夠為以後繼續學習和打下扎堅實的基礎。文化課開設了手工、象棋、書法和舞蹈課程,希望借此能進一步激發學生們對中國文化的理解和喜愛。 為激發孩子們對中文閱讀的興趣,今年我們還新增了圖書館,現有圖書 109 冊。圖書以圖文並茂的中文兒童圖書為主,也有少量書籍兼顧了非華裔成人學生的需要。 成人中文教育也在繼續成長中。成人班主要面向年紀稍大的中學生和成人。為滿足不斷增長的學生需求,今年冬季我們新增了一個成人初級班。成人中文教育側重聽說,課型以實用會話為主。 教師是我們中文學校的最重要的資產,我們除了感謝長久以來一直為中文學校付出的資深教師之外,也歡迎剛加入我們教師陣容的 Angel 老師和 Li Qi 老師。同時也要感謝我們的中學生志願者。 中文學校將向所有有志於中文教育的人敞開大門,我們歡迎新的老師和志願者加入我們,將中華文化發揚光大。

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聖塔芭芭拉中文學校 Santa Barbara Chinese School

Santa Barbara Chinese

School winter quarter started on January 9, 2011. The

Chinese program continues to grow and expand.

We use the Ma Liping Chinese and Kuaile Hanyu textbook series as the unified curriculum throughout the program. Ma Liping Chinese textbook series was designed for Chinese students who grew up in the United States. The textbooks focus on reading comprehension. They also renew students’ interest with an interactive CD where they can practice and improve Chinese. Besides the textbook, Dr. Ma Liping also provides homework and tests. It greatly aids students’ understanding of the language, and reduces the workload of the teachers.

The Kuaile Hanyu (Happy Chinese) Program is designed for students to learn Chinese as

a foreign language from the beginning level. The textbook uses a spiral approach that reinforces and builds upon materials from previous lessons and emphasizes speaking and comprehension. The CD-Rom presents beginning Chinese through lively animation, videos that depict real-life situations, and fun and motivating games. The combination of the textbook, CD, flashcards, and CD-Rom help makes language learning a positive and exciting experience for students. We hope our students can master their Chinese language skills using the excellent curriculum of Ma Liping Chinese and Kuaile Hanyu textbooks.

The culture classes offer a glimpse of Chinese culture. These classes include Arts and Crafts, Chess, Chinese Calligraphy, and Folk Dance. We hope these classes will give students a chance to appreciate and love Chinese culture.

Out adult classes continue to grow each quarter. These adult classes focus on practical conversation, and emphasize listening and speaking. This winter quarter, we have Adult Beginner, and Adult I and Adult II classes to meet the growing needs of our adult student population. Teachers play very important roles in our students’ lives and we appreciate all the teachers who contribute their time and effort. We also want to thank all the volunteers and staff with their tireless efforts to make our school run smoothly. We welcome more teachers and volunteers to teach and help at our school.

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會務報告 Financial Report

SBCAA Financial Report (From 1/1/2010 to 12/31/2010)

華美協會 2010 年 1/1-12/31財務收支報告 Beginning Balance: $9,909.06 上期結餘:$ 9,909.06 Deposits: $1,322 收入:$1,322 1) Membership fee: $465.00 1) 會費收入:$465.00 2) New Year’s party admission fee: $617.00 2) 春節聯歡餐費收入:$617.00 3) Selling moon cake income:$140.00 3) 賣中秋月餅收入:$140.00 4) Advertisement fees collected up to now: $100.00 4) 廣告費收入:$100.00

Spending: $2,786.22 支出:$2,786.22 1) Cost for Newsletter (postage, copy): $194.51 1) 第 59 期會刊影印費、郵費:$194.51

2) GVCC rental cost: $530.00 2) 春節聯歡會場地租金:$530.00 3) Lunch for New Year’s Party: $1,071.24 3) 春節聯歡餐費:$1,071.24 4) Cost for Moon Festival BBQ$591.47 4) 中秋節烤肉費用: $591.47 5) Mail box service for 2010 whole year: $59.00 5) 2010 年協會信箱租金:$59.00 6) Board meeting lunch fee:$140.00 6) 董事會餐會:$140.00

7) Yangjie music conduct fee: $200.00 7) 楊杰音樂指導費:$200.00 Balance: $8,444.84 結餘 : $ 8,444.84

聖塔芭芭拉華美協會發行 會長及主編:朱寧莊 副會長:關浩 財務:何明元 公關及文化活動:戈越峰 前會長:王進學 版面設計:陳淑娟 網長:高春凱 地址:3887 State Street #104 Santa Barbara, CA93105 網址: 英文校對:林振賢 中國學生會會長: 湯維

Santa Barbara Chinese American Association Board members Publisher/President: Neil Chu

Vice President: Hao Guan

Treasurer: Mingyuan He

Public Relations and Activity Coordinator:

Yuefeng Ge

Previous President: Jinxue Wang

Director of Layout: Shu-Chuan (Bella) Chen

Webmaster: Chunkai Gao

Address: 3887 State Street #104 Santa

Barbara, CA93105


English Editor: Joshua Lindo

President of UCSB CSSA: Wei Tang

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President’s Note

Santa Barbara ,



97 —

, U C SB

, , :

I hope everyone is having a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year of the Rabbit!

SBCAA Chinese New Year celebrations the will be held at Santa Barbara City College. As usual, there will not only be local committees’ performances, but also outdoor Chinese cultural activities- Chinese calligraphy, DIY Chinese knots, paper cutting..etc. in the hope of introducing elements of Chinese culture to our community.

As the old Chinese saying goes, “The family has one old man at home, as if there is a treasure. ” So this issue symbolizes the life story of Jessie Ling, who is 97. Also included are the owners of the Yen Ching Restaurant. We introduce an article about wine by the local Hua Sheng Chorus and the UCSB summer trip to Shanghai by a UCSB student. The final article is about the environment, written by Pao-Ming Chou.

As the new president of the SBCAA, I aim to work with members and friends to strengthen and perpetuate the Chinese culture, tradition, heritage and language.

President Neil Chu A picture with Mayor Helene Schneider. Santa Barbara Hua Sheng Chorus was invited by the Mesa News and Mesa Shopping Center to perform at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on December 4, 2010 on Mesa. Members of Hua Sheng Chorus took a picture with Mayor of Santa Barbara after the ceremony. Top left

BBQ activity at Goleta Beach on the Moon Festival.

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President’s Note

Santa Barbara ,



97 —

, U C SB

, , :

I hope everyone is having a healthy, peaceful and prosperous year of the Rabbit!

SBCAA Chinese New Year celebrations the will be held at Santa Barbara City College. As usual, there will not only be local committees’ performances, but also outdoor Chinese cultural activities- Chinese calligraphy, DIY Chinese knots, paper cutting..etc. in the hope of introducing elements of Chinese culture to our community.

As the old Chinese saying goes, “The family has one old man at home, as if there is a treasure. ” So this issue symbolizes the life story of Jessie Ling, who is 97. Also included are the owners of the Yen Ching Restaurant. We introduce an article about wine by the local Hua Sheng Chorus and the UCSB summer trip to Shanghai by a UCSB student. The final article is about the environment, written by Pao-Ming Chou.

As the new president of the SBCAA, I aim to work with members and friends to strengthen and perpetuate the Chinese culture, tradition, heritage and language.

President Neil Chu A picture with Mayor Helene Schneider. Santa Barbara Hua Sheng Chorus was invited by the Mesa News and Mesa Shopping Center to perform at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony on December 4, 2010 on Mesa. Members of Hua Sheng Chorus took a picture with Mayor of Santa Barbara after the ceremony. Top left

BBQ activity at Goleta Beach on the Moon Festival.