sandulescu-cheia exercitiilor.pdf

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză. 222 _________CHEIA EXERCIŢIILOR____________ N. B. Semnul x reprezintă absenţa oricărui articol, pronume etc. 7 to have a smoke, to have/take a walk, to have a shave, to have a drink, to have a bath, to have a talk. 10 to collar; the ins and outs; to bath; dead; “I don’t know’s”. 11 record [′rek :d] [ri′k :d]; contract [′k ntr kt] [kən′tr kt]; extract [′ekstr kt] [iks′trækt]; insult [’ins lt] [in′s lt]; export [′eksp :t] [eks′p :t]; import [′imp :t] [im′p :t]; increase [′inkri:s] [in′kri:s]; comment [′k ment] în ambele cazuri; address [ə′dres] în ambele cazuri; progress [′prougres] [prə′gres]; accent [′ ksənt] [ k′sent]; produce [′pr dju:s] [prə′dju:s] 12 object poate fi substantiv (cu accentul pe prima silabă, însemnând obiect, lucru) sau verb (cu accentul pe ultima silabă, însemnând a obiecta). În cazul de faţă, vorbitorul ia cuvântul numai ca verb, cu toate că în prima situaţie e substantiv. 13 1. sb.; adj.; vb. 2. sb.; adj.; adv.; vb. 3. adj. dem.; pron. dem.; conj.; pron. rel. 4. interj.; sb.; vb. 5. sb.; adv.; prep.; adj. 14 calms; the wear and tear; the why and the wherefore.

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C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �222

_________CHEIA EXERCIŢIILOR____________

N. B. Semnul x reprezintă absenţa oricărui articol, pronume etc.

7 to have a smoke, to have/take a walk, to have a shave, to have a drink, to

have a bath, to have a talk.

10 to collar; the ins and outs; to bath; dead; “I don’t know’s”.

11 record [′rek :d] [ri′k :d]; contract [′k ntr � kt] [kən′tr � kt]; extract

[′ekstr � kt] [iks′trækt]; insult [’ins lt] [in′s lt]; export [′eksp :t] [eks′p :t]; import

[′imp :t] [im′p :t]; increase [′inkri:s] [in′kri:s]; comment [′k ment] în ambele cazuri;

address [ə′dres] în ambele cazuri; progress [′prougres] [prə′gres]; accent [′ � ksənt]

[ � k′sent]; produce [′pr dju:s] [prə′dju:s]

12 object poate fi substantiv (cu accentul pe prima silabă, însemnând obiect,

lucru) sau verb (cu accentul pe ultima silabă, însemnând a obiecta). În cazul de faţă,

vorbitorul ia cuvântul numai ca verb, cu toate că în prima situaţie e substantiv.

13 1. sb.; adj.; vb. 2. sb.; adj.; adv.; vb. 3. adj. dem.; pron. dem.; conj.;

pron. rel. 4. interj.; sb.; vb. 5. sb.; adv.; prep.; adj.

14 calms; the wear and tear; the why and the wherefore.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� ! " # $ % & ' & ( ) * " # & ' " + & # % & # , ,- . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 1 7 / 0 5 2 3 0 1 2 8 9 : 6 0 5 ; 4 : 2 3 6 8223

15 a) meat, butter, snow, water, wine, milk, ink, tobacco, cheese. b) restul


17 1. world, bank. 2. university. 3. nation. 4. state. 5. man, property.

18 Turkey [′tə:ki]; China [′t ainə]; Jersey [′dʒə:zi]; Cicerone [′t it ə′rouni];

Champagne [ < m′pein].

19 family; team; crowd; crew; flock.

20 nice, adj.; books, pl.; men, pl.; country, sb. comun; grow, vb.

21 a writing-desk; a steam-engine; a stone wall; a bricklayer; a washing

machine; a match-box; a bedroom; a bathroom; a fountain-pen; a dining-car.

22 beauty, friendship, brotherhood, breadth, freedom, height, wisdom,

boyhood, childhood, length, good (goodness), youth.

23 were; has; is; is; is.

24 buses [′b siz]; towns [taunz]; women [′wimin]; boxes [′b ksiz]; flies

[flaiz]; keys [ki:z]; bees [bi:z]; Englishmen [′iŋgli mən]; teeth [ti:θ]; wishes [wi iz];

geese [gi:z]; cities [′sitiz]; potatoes [pə′teitouz]; books [buks]; children [′t ildrən];

leaves [li:vz]; lives [laivz]; feet [fi:t]; apples [ < plz]; toys [t iz]; balls [b :lz]; wolves

[wulvz]; safes [seifs]; oxen [′ ksən].

25 Teacher: Nouns are names of things, who can give me nouns? Tommy:

Cows. Teacher: Very good. Other nouns. Tommy: Other cows.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

= > ? @ A B C > D E D F G H @ A D E @ I D A C D A J JK L M N O P Q R S T N P O U M N S P Q N O P V W X T N S Y R X P Q T V224

26 brushes [′br iz]; thieves [θi:vz]; Chinese [′t ai′ni:z]; Germans

[′dʒə:mənz]; donkeys [′d ŋkiz]; shelves [ elvz]; fishes [′fi iz]; cliffs [klifs]; Swiss

[swis]; inches [′int iz]; sheep [ i:p]; lice [lais]; bamboos [b Z m′bu:z]; handkerchiefs

[h Z ŋk t ifs]; axes [′ Z ksiz]; proofs [pru:fs]; phenomena [fi′n minə]; dynamos

[′dainəmouz]; means [mi:nz]; pianos [′pj Z nouz].

27 negroes [′ni:grouz]; echoes [′ekouz]; loaves [louvz]; nieces [′ni:siz]; halves

[ha:vz]; chiefs [t i:fs]; volcanoes [v l′keinouz]; Japanese [′dʒæpə′ni:z]; deer [diə]; flies

[flaiz]; keys [ki:z]; births [bə:θs]; daughters [′d :təz]; buffaloes [′b fəlouz]; atlases

[′ Z tləsiz].

28 oases, errata, indices (indexes), criteria, bases, memoranda

(memorandums), automata (automatons), formulae (formulas), sanatoria

(sanatoriums), genera, analyses, stadia (stadiums), phenomena, theses, data.

29 foxes [′f ksiz]; books [buks]; pens [penz]; houses [′hauziz]; teeth [ti:θ];

matches [′m Z t iz]; boys [b iz]; wishes [′wi iz]; ladies [′leidiz]; roofs [ru:fs]; leaves

[li:vz]; stops [st ps]; cats [k [ ts]; inches [′int iz]; boxes [′b ksiz]; women [′wimin];

negroes [′ni:grouz]; men [men]; feet [fi:t]

30 gentlemen [′dʒentlmən]; Englishmen [′iŋgli mən]; airmen [′εəmen];

Frenchmen [′frent mən]; dragomans, dragomen [′dr [ goumənz], [′dr [ goumən];

camera-men [′k [ mərə-men]; workmen [′wə:kmən]; working men [′wə:kiŋ′men];

sportsmen [′sp :tsmən]; firemen [′faiəmən]; statesmen [′steitsmən]; coachmen

[′kout mən]. În multe cazuri, pronunţările formelor de plural şi singular sunt


C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

\ ] ^ _ ` a b ] c d c e f g _ ` c d _ h c ` b c ` i ij k l m n o p q r s m o n t l m r o p m n o u v w s m r x q w o p s u225

31 fruits − varietăţi de fructe; fishes − soiuri de peşti; damages − despăgubiri;

airs − aere; compasses − compas; pains − osteneală; colours − steag, drapel.

32 bacilli [bə′silai]; traumata [′tr :mətə]; wives [waivz]; truths [tru:ðz];

criteria [krai′tiəriə]; axes [′ y ksiz]; bamboos [b y m′bu:z]; mosquitoes [məs′ki:touz];

calves [ka:vz]; baths [ba:ðz]; months [′m nθs]; phenomena [fi′n minə]; crises

[′kraisi:z]; dilettanti [dili′t y enti].

33 apparatuses; foci, focuses; bacilli; geniuses, genii; terminuses, termini;

circuses; cactuses, cacti; genera; fungi, funguses; hippopotamuses, hippopotami;


34 pair; flock; herd; pack; flight; cloud; shoal; pair; herd; gang; pair; school.

35 trade-unions, on-lookers, lookers-on, women teachers, watchmen,

stepsons, men-servants, fathers-in-law, headaches, tooth-brushes, horseraces,


36 pack; pack; bunch; team; audience; pack.

37 Teacher: Tell me, Tommy, what are synonyms? Tommy: They are words

we write instead of others which we don’t know how to spell.

38 brothers, brethren; pennies, pence; geniuses, genii; dice, dies; staffs,


39 Pot avea forme de singular (fără schimbarea sensului) următoarele

cuvinte: sandwich, story, cheque, skirt, day, lady.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �226

41 woman, mother, sister, milkmaid (milkwoman), Englishwoman,

daughter-in-law, sportswoman, niece, girl, Mrs, wife, aunt, chairwoman, chairman.

42 widow, witch, waitress, spinster, queen, bride, heroine; bitch, cow,

mare, goose, ewe (sheep), peahen, bee.

43 Substantive de gen comun: traveller, child, friend, cat, cousin, parent. Forme

de feminin: madam, daughter; wife, sister, aunt. Forme de masculin: cock, boy, brother-

in-law, man, husband.

44 a) man / woman worker; boy/girl friend; man/woman doctor; boy/girl

student; actor, actress; father, mother; man/woman teacher, b) he-/she-wolf;

male/female elephant; he-/she-goat; tom/tabby (tib) cat; cock-/hen-sparrow; lion,

lioness; he-/she-bear.

45 they; it; it.

46 spinster, queen, bee, gentleman, hen, drake, goose, husband, sir, wizard,

lass, countess, nephew, ewe (sheep), fox.

47 it; he; he sau she; she; he sau she; it; he; it; it; she; he; they; it; they; it; it

sau he (rar she); it; it; it; it; it; he sau she; they; it; he; it.

48 he; she; it; he; he; it (nepersonificat); she; he; it, she; she; he sau it; she; he;

he; he; it (nepersonificat); she; she.

52 my father’s fountain-pen; my parents’ wish; the children’s toys;

Shakespeare’s plays; king Richard the Third’s horse; Charles’ room; Peter and

Charles’ room; Charles’ and Nicholas’ rooms.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �227

53 1. Yesterday’s snow has covered the whole town. 2. There is a very

interesting article about agriculture in today’s newspaper. 3. This ship’s crew is

made up of forty sailors. 4. Romania’s trade with the Asian and African countries

contributes to the strengthening of the (commercial) ties with those countries. 5. In

the afternoon my brothers’ children visited several Bucharest museums.

54 my sister’s dog; Mr Johnson’s books; my uncle John’s room; a day’s

journey; the old man’s umbrella; a three miles’ walk; a two weeks’ interval;

Romania’s mountains; the world’s desire for peace; Mr and Mrs. Smith’s flat.

55 today’s football results; a six hundred miles’ drive; a few minutes’ rest;

those are my brother-in-law’s books; the editor-in-chief’s office; my father- in-law’s


56 Genitivul sintetic e posibil numai în următoarele exemple: the boy’s

room; the cow’s horns; my cat’s tail; my mother-in-law’s garden.

57 1. He has his job at his fingers’ ends. 2. This picture postcard gives you a

bird’s-eye view of the city. 3. You can eat apples to your heart’s content. 4. Henry

was at his wit’s end.

58 the plays of Shakespeare, Shakespeare’s plays; the room of my brother,

my brother’s room; the friend of John, John’s friend; the trade of Romania,

Romania’s trade; the capital of France, France’s capital; the stories of Ernest

Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway’s stories; the population of London, London’s


59 1. The month of December is the last month of the year. 2. My aunt’s

room is on the second floor. 3. The floor of the room is covered with a very beautiful

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �228

carpet. 4. Charles’ parents have gone to the seaside. 5. The city of Bucharest has

more than two million inhabitants.

60 1. My cousins’ books are in the book-case of their room. 2. This

fountain-pen is not mine, it’s my sister’s. 3. Robert Burns’ poems are known and

appreciated all over the world. 4. The reporters had a ten minutes’ talk with the

members of the brigade. 5. My brother-in-law’s wrist-watch is on the desk.

62 the children a story; your brother a book; you a parcel; their teacher a

bunch of flowers; his audience the story of his future novel; her brother John a letter.

63 1. A noun is a word. 2. A city is a big town. 3. A horse is an animal.

4. A rose is a beautiful flower. 5. A table is a piece of furniture.

64 1. Cats are animals. 2. Flies are insects. 3. Tables are made of wood.

4. Chickens are birds. 5. Cakes are sweet. 6. Dictionaries are books. 7. Dogs eat

meat. 8. Birds can fly. 9. Fishes can swim. 10. Men can walk. 11. Houses are

buildings. 12. Planes are made of metal. 13. Fountain-pens have ink in them.

14. Cows give milk. 15. We drink tea out of cups.

65 the Horse; the teacher; a horse; a horse; the teacher.

66 news, butter, grass, beef, sunshine, cotton, mutton, daytime.

67 a youth; an orange; a herb; an ass; a union; a hare; a house; a coat; an

honour; a ewe; an ape; an eye; a horse; an ear; a boat; an oar; an eel; an umbrella; an


68 a book, a pencil and a copybook; a man, a woman and a child; a story

and an essay; a European, an African, an American, an Asian and an Australian; a

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �229

hen and an egg.

69 [ðə] cat; [ði] egg; [ðə] house; [ðə] hen; [ði] hour; [ðə] clock; [ði] early

train; [ðə] goods train; [ði] empty cup; [ðə] one and only; [ðə] university; [ðə] United

Nations; [ðə] United States; [ði] understanding.

70 1. a; the. 2. a; a. 3. a; a. 4. a. 5. a.

71 a; an; a; an; a; a;an;a;an; a; a; an, a; an (a); a; an; an.

72 x; the; x; x; the; the; the; x; x; the; the; the; x; the; the; x; x; the; the; x; the;

x; the; x.

73 1. a; x; a. 2. the; x. 3. the. 4. the; the. 5. x; x; the. 6. x; the. 7. x; a.

8. the; x. 9. x; x; x. 10. the; x; an; the.

74 a little; a baker’s; x pies; a cherry; a penny; x cherry; x mince; a cherry; x

cherry; a penny; a cherry; x cherry; x mince; x apple; x lemon; x cherry; x cherry; a

penny; a penny; x cherry; a cherry; a penny; a baker’s; x bread; x cakes; x pies; a

cherry; x little.

75 1. a; a. 2. x; x. 3. a; x. 4. x; the; the; 5. x; the. 6. a; x; a. 7. the; the; the.

8. an. 9. x; a; x. 10. the; the; the.

76 1. x; an (the). 2. a; a; the. 3. x; the. 4. x; the. 5. x; x. 6. x; x; the. 7. x; x;

x. 8. an; x; x. 9. the; the. 10. the; an.

77 1. x; x. 2. x; x; a; a. 3. x; x; x; x. 4. x; the; x; x; x. 5. x; x; a; a; x.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �230

78 the foreign; the following; the extent; the great; a medium-sized; a small;

a solid; the well-being; the inhabitants; the forests; the wonderful; the Black; the

enchanting; a land.

79 an enormous; a diameter; the earth; a train; an hour; stars; the one; a

diameter; the thousands; a powerful; the naked; the earth; a hundredth; the full.

80 a whole; the master; the boy; the ceiling; an expression; a corner; the

methods; a single; the second; the master; a long; the boy; the master; a very; the boy;

a lunatic; the master; a proper; a well-behaved; the whole; the master; a tone, the

desired; the face; the other; the playground; the face; the rest; the hour; the whole;

the play-hour; the master; the classroom; the subject; a changed; the course; the best;

the school; the conclusion; the master.

81 the territory; the United; the west; a vast; the Pacific; the east; the

Atlantic; the great; the basin; the Mississippi; the Pacific; the western; the United; the

Rocky; the backbone; the largest; the continent; the Mississippi; the Missouri.

82 the teacher; the class; a horse; a cart; the teacher; a horse; the teacher; the

horse; the cart; the answer.

83 the price; an ostrich; a big; the passengers; a rich; a big; a fine; a man; the

diamond; the ostrich; the other; the man; the moment; the ostriches; the five; the

diamond; the passengers; the story; the lost; the birds; the ostriches; the man; the

birds; the passengers; a bird; a part; the bird; the general; the man; an offer; the five;

the man; the birds; the same; a man; an offer; the owner, the birds; an answer; the

owner, the birds; the five; the birds; the diamond; the ostriches; an auction; the other;

the fifth; the diamond; a diamond; the ship; the diamond; the beginning; the voyage;

the starting; a bird; the passengers; the auction; the diamond; the first; the diamond,

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �231

the auction, the birds; the end; the auction; the diamond; the bird; the owner, the

birds; the ship; the auction; an illegal; the birds; the diamond; the one; the next; the

birds; the auction; an engineer; the new; the birds; the Hindoo; the men; the birds;

the diamond; a week; a very; a rich; the diamond; a real; the bird; the diamond.

84 the mole; the grass; the river; a dark; the bank; the water’s; x something;

the heart; a tiny; an eye; a small; a frame; a picture; a brown; x whiskers; a grave; the

same; x small; x thick; the Water; the two; x each; x Mole; the Water; x Rat; the Mole;

the Rat; the Mole; a river; the Rat; a rope; a little; the Mole; x blue; x white; the size;

the Mole’s; the Rat; the Mole; the Mole; x delight; the stern; a real.

85 the publication; the Pickwick; the Papers; the story; a young; the last; the

Pickwick; the introduction; the popularity; the Papers; a wit; the time;. the best; the

accounts; the pigeon; the crow; the crow; the pigeon.

86 the woman; the boy; the middle; the head; a simple; a couple; a small; a

little; the bottom: a steady; an intense; the nearer; the mouth; the chief; the woman;

the gentle; a festering; a floor; the brush; the dirt; the dry; the patch; a sturdy; the

neck; a laugh; a ripple; a musical; an irresistible.

87 the sea; the little; x taking; the first; the sea; x putting; the balloon-like;

the water; x going; a row; the raft; the little; x roaring; x laughter; the waves; the seas;

x every; a glimpse; the desolate; x mixed; x nothing; x bearded; the two; the boat; a

suspicion; the two; x back; x board; the Kon-Tiki; the dancing; a sea; x once; x

laughter; an outside; x ourselves; the open; the raft; an old; the open; a hay-loft; x

sunburnt; x sea; a bath; the same; x laughter.

88 the window; the green; the middle; the campus; x doors; the sunshine; x

pairs; x small; the damp; the lawns; a gardener; a young; x olive; a motor; the

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

z { | } ~ � � { � � � � � � } ~ � � } � � ~ � � ~ � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �232

margins; the flower; the reclining; the students; a flock; x birds; the same; the

students; a glance; the students’; the young; a kind; x multual; x contact; x separate; a

very; x differences; x race.

89 the art; the deriving; the condition; the science; the study; the

development; the field; the first; the melting; the second; the metals; the service; the

scope; the field; the operation; a melting; a hundred; the rolling; the metal; the rolled;

a multitude.

90 1. participiu nedefinit; adj. 2. participiu nedefinit; adj. 3. participiu

nedefinit; adj. 4. participiu nedefinit; adj. 5. participiu trecut; adj.

91 a folding door; a written examination; a broken cup; a sleeping dog; a

withered branch; a torn coat.

92 difficult, beautiful, long, famous, important, English, Romanian,

friendly, careful, atomic, talented, American, childish, bookish, stormy.

93 stony, silent, true, hateful, handy, manly, snowy, reasonable, eventful,


94 1. a Bucharest radio-listener; a Bucharest-radio listener. 2. a foreign

trade-enterprise; a foreign-trade enterprise. 3. a superfluous hair-remover; a

superfluous-hair remover. 4. a small hotel-room; a small-hotel room 5. an ice-

hockey competition.

95 a) atributiv: eldest, former, major, latter, elder. b) predicativ: alone, alive,

afraid. c) atributiv şi predicativ: happy, red, important, dark, easy, beautiful,

intelligent, pretty, old.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °233

96 living, fearful, lonely, burning, burning, burning, blooming, sleeping,


98 1. as small as. 2. as narrow as. 3. as thick as. 4. as industrious as.

5. as tall as.

99 1. smaller than. 2. narrower than. 3. thicker than. 4. more industrious

than. 5. taller than.

100 bigger; smaller; longer; shorter.

101 longer, the longest; more beautiful, the most beautiful; more afraid, the

most afraid; younger, the youngest; redder, the reddest; thinner, the thinnest;

blacker, the blackest; more pleasant, the most pleasant; better, the best; easier, the

easiest; more difficult, the most difficult; more, the most; smaller, the smallest;

worse, the worst.

102 taller, the tallest; bigger, the biggest; more difficult, the most difficult;

fewer, the fewest; farther (further), the farthest (furthest); brighter, the brightest;

older (elder), the oldest (eldest); freer, the freest; less, the least; sweeter, the sweetest;

clearer, the clearest; higher, the highest; cleverer, the cleverest; darker; the darkest;

slower, the slowest; deeper, the deepest; fuller, the fullest; more violent, the most


104 inferioritate: not so careful as. egalitate: as careful as. superioritate:

more careful than, hotter than etc.

105 bad, worse, the worst; young, younger, the youngest; good, better, the

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °234

best; easy, easier, the easiest; thin, thinner, the thinnest; beautiful, more beautiful, the

most beautiful; late, later, the latest; little, less, the least; narrow, narrower, the

narrowest; heavy, heavier, the heaviest; light, lighter, the lightest; near, nearer, the

nearest; much, more, the most; tall, taller, the tallest; clever, cleverer, the cleverest;

simple, simpler, the simplest.

106 1. older. 2. oldest, youngest. 3. best, worst. 4. taller. 5. more


108 1. nearest. 2. smaller. 3. faster. 4. nearest. 5. clear.

111 1. utmost. 2. utter. 3. latest. 4. last. 5. outer.

112 Cu cât studiem mai mult, cu atât ştim mai mult... etc.

113 1. sooner, better. 2. harder, less. 3. better and better. 4. faster and

faster. 5. more and more. 6. worse. 7. better. 8. the bigger... the more.

114 is older than, is bigger than etc.

115 last.

116 is the prettiest of; is the youngest of; the most beautiful of, etc.

117 1. older; eldest. 2. best. 3. further. 4. eldest (elder); oldest. 5. latest;


118 the most good folosit în loc de the best.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °235

119 1. than. 2. as, as. 3. than. 4. than. 5. as, as.

120 1. of. 2. than. 3. of. 4. as, as. 5. as, as.

121 best-known; hardest-working; most outstanding; hardest-earned;


122 as, as, as, as.

123 red; hungry; merry; sweet; busy; hard; dead.

124 1. Bucharest is the largest city in Romania. 2. Those who wknow

English are ever more numerous. 3. More and more traces of older civilizations are

being discovered. 4. His knowledge of Japanese is very good.

128 1. The flat in which I live now is bigger and more beautiful than the

one in which I lived before. 2. In summer the days are longer than the nights; in

winter the nights are longer. 3. The large-scale use of chemical utilizers ensures the

best conditions for the development of agriculture. 4. The farm we visited last year

is as big and as beautiful as ours. 5. The English book I bought yesterday from the

Mihail Eminescu bookshop is as thick as a dictionary. 6. Dickens’ last novel is The

Mystery of Edwin Drood. 7. Mrs Blake lives at a mile’s distance from Mary’s home.

130 him; her; us; them; her.

131 1. me. 2. I. 3. he. 4. them. 5. me. 6. I.

132 1. a story to her; her a story. 2. a big parcel to him; him a big parcel.

3. birthday presents to her; her birthday presents. 4. that book to him; him that

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °236


133 1. they say that he is. 2. you should read. 3. they say that. 4. they

have proved. 5. we know that your brother is.

134 1. you. 2. it; it. 3. your; they. 4. it. 5. his. 6. you; you. 7. we.

135 1. I think it will snow tomorrow. 2. It is two (minutes) to two. 3. How

far is it to the top of the mountain? 4. If I go on foot, it will take three hours to get


137 1. It is never too late to learn. 2. It is ill to waken sleeping dogs. 3. It

is no use crying over spilt milk. 4. It is an easy thing to find a staff to beat a dog.

5. It is easier to pull down than to build.

138 I; it; me; I; it; I; it; me; it.

141 1. It’s mine; I made it myself. 2. This is your book; you made it

yourself. 3. This is his poem; he wrote it himself etc.

142 1. I cut myself with a knife the other day (a few days ago, a couple of

days ago). 2. This book is not yours; I bought it myself. 3. The children quarrelled

among themselves and in the end went home. 4. If you want a job well done, do it

yourself (if one wants a thing well done, one had best do it oneself). 5. John says

that these gloves are not his, although they are just like the ones he bought himself

not long ago.

144 1. reflexiv. 2. reflexiv. 3. de întărire. 4. de întărire; reflexiv. 5. de


C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °237

145 1. They are playing with each other. 2. They are quarrelling with one

another. 3. They are looking at each other. 4. They were fighting with each other.

5. They helped each other. 6. They listened to one another. 7. They learnt from one


146 acesta, aceasta, ăsta, asta; acela, aceea, ăla, aia; aceştia, acestea, ăştia,

astea; aceia, acelea, ăia, alea.

147 1. that. 2. this; that. 3. that; that. 4. that. 5. this.

148 1. This is my younger brother. 2. Come, go to bed now, that’s a good

boy. 3. They must have fallen asleep by now. 4. I have been asking him to give my

book back these five weeks. 5. Long before this, they had made a voyage to the area

of Cape Verde Islands.

149 1. this. 2. that; this. 3. that. 4. this or that. 5. this and that. 6.that.

150 1. ours. 2. is not hers. 3. ours. 4. mine. 5. theirs.

152 1. I have been told that I shall meet a friend of yours at the seaside.

2. A relative of hers has made so far over one hundred trips up the mountain. 3. Let

us invite some of our friends for supper (for dinner) tomorrow night. 4. I recently

received a parcel from a friend of my father’s. 5. It seems to me that he has lost his

book; maybe you give him yours.

153 1. ours. 2. their. 3. mine. 4. yours. 5. her. 6. yours; mine.

154 1. any. 2. some. 3. someone. 4. some; some. 5. any. 6. something.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °238

7. some.

155 1. some. 2. some. 3. any. 4. any. 5. some.

156 1. anybody. 2. anybody. 3. somehow. 4. somewhere. 5. anything.

6. something. 7. somewhat. 8. anywhere.

158 1. anybody. 2. somebody. 3. anything. 4. anyone. 5. any.

160 1. a little. 2. little. 3. some. 4. few. 5. a little.

161 1. many. 2. much, a lot of, plenty of. 3. many 4. many, a lot of.

5. many. 6. many. 7. much, a lot of, plenty of. 8. many. 9. much. 10. plenty, of, a

lot of, much.

162 1. much. 2. much. 3. much. 4. many. 5. many. 6. much. 7. much.

8. many. 9. much. 10. many.

163 1. Neither of my friends had come yet. 2. I have got two books on my

desk, but neither is interesting. 3. There are plenty of trees on either side of the

river. 4. Either of these buses takes you to the airport. 5. ‘Which of these books will

you take?’ ‘Either will do.’ 6. Either road will take you to the railway station.

164 all; some; some; all; all; all.

165 1. all. 2. somebody. 3. some; any. 4. any; one. 5. one.

166 1. everyone. 2. everything. 3. everything. 4. something. 5. nobody.

6. none.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °239

167 1. all. 2. some; some. 3. all. 4. every. 5. none.

168 1. another (one). 2. other. 3. others. 4. other. 5. other.

169 1. restrictivă 2. descriptivă 3. descriptivă 4. şi 5. restrictive.

170 1. who. 2. which. 3. x. 4. x. 5. x. (în toate exemplele se poate adăuga


171 1. x. 2. who (that). 3. x. 4. x. 5. who (that).

172 1. whom. 2. which. 3. which. 4. who. 5. which.

173 1. which. 2. which. 3. whom. 4. who. 5. which.

175 1. Her cat, which (who) is called Tim, ... 2. The great fire of London,

which broke out in 1666, ... 3. The river Danube, which is one of the biggest in

Europe, ... 4. Geoffrey Chaucer, who lived between 1340 and 1400, ... 5. Ann’s

grandfather, who was born in Bucharest, ...

176 1. The sailor you met yesterday is Tommy’s uncle. 2. John, who is

fifteen, has bought a book of mathematics. 3. The old man over there, who is ninety

years old, is a pensioner. 4. Mary’s father, who is a very nice man, is a metal

worker. 5. This novel, which has about two hundred pages, was written by one of

the most outstanding Romanian writers.

177 1. x. 2. who (that). 3. x. 4. who (that). 5. x.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °240

178 1. what. 2. how. 3. what. 4. what. 5. which. 6. why. 7. how.

179 that în toate cazurile; which după nume de lucruri, animale; who după

nume de persoane.

180 1. x. 2. which (that). 3. whom. 4. who. 5. x.

181 1. It was William who brought the good news. 2. It was John whom

they sent as their representative. 3. It was the cat that ate all the meat in the pan.

4. It is modern languages that he is studying, not Greek and Latin. 5. It is a book of

natural sciences that I am reading.

182 1. which is which. 2. who is who. 3. what’s what.

183 1. who. 2. what. 3. what. 4. which. 5. which. 6. what. 7. what.

184 1. what. 2. which. 3. what. 4. who. 5. what.

185 1. whose. 2. what. 3. who. 4. what. 5. what. 6. which. 7. who.

8. what. 9. what. 10. whose.

186 1. Who reads the book which is on the table? 2. What are you looking

at? 3. Who (m) are you talking with? 4. Which of them met him in the street on

Sunday? 5. What book are you looking for? 6. Who wrote this story?

187 1. what. 2. who. 3. who. 4. which. 5. which. 6. who. 7. what.

8. who. 9. what. 10. which.

188 1. What is he wearing? 2. What is her name? 3. Whom do they want

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °241

to see? 4. Who ate five big apples yesterday? 5. What did we see last night? 6. To

whom did the pupils give a big bunch of flowers at the end of the year?

189 1. What are you talking of/about? Who (m) are you talking to/with?

2. What are you looking at/for? Who (m) are you looking at/for? 3. What are you

thinking of/about? Who(m) are you thinking of/about?

190 1. when. 2. what. 3. who. 4. when. 5. what. 6. what.

191 why; what; this; what; that.

192 1. what an. 2. how. 3. what. 4. how. 5. what an. 6. how. 7. what a.

8. how. 9. how. 10. what a.

193 my; her; she; me; she; you; me.

194 him; you; I; you; me; I; you; he; it; my; him; him; me; I; me; your; I;

him; I; him; it; he; me; your.

195 Tabelul conţine peste 600 de posibilităţi.

196 his; I; you; he; he; it; she.

197 that; his; it; anything; he; his; I; I; my; I; myself; our; it; you; he; he; it; I;

I; his; his; his; his; his; his; he; it.

208 1. I shall be able to. 2. They will have to. 3. Shall I be allowed to.

4. Mary will have to. 5. The pupils will be able to. 6. Will you be able to. 7. Shall I

be allowed to. 8. She will probably come tomorrow.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

� � � � � � � � � � �   ¡ ¢ � � � � � £ � � � � � ¤ ¤¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ­ ® ¨ ª © ¯ § ¨ ­ ª « ¨ © ª ° ± ² ® ¨ ­ ³ ¬ ² ª « ® °242

209 1. I shall be able to. 2. Tommy will be able to. 3. We shall be able to.

4. You will be able to. 5. Tommy will be able to.

210 1. I could. 2. Tommy will be able to. 3. We shan’t be able to. 4. They

could. 5. Mary will be able to.

211 1. must. 2. can. 3. must. 4. may. 5. can.

214 1. We are to. 2. He is not to make. 3. Am I to. 4. She is to come.

5. John is to see.

215 1. I have to. 2. Tommy has to. 3. They have to. 4. He will have to.

5. We have to. 6. He will have to. 7. Students have to.

216 1. You ought to have been. 2. The teacher ought to have told you.

3. You shouldn’t have left. 4. He ought to have paid. 5. This boy should have been

punished for. 6. How much time should I have spent. 7. They ought to have come

to school.

217 1. Helen can read English books. 2. ‘May I go home?’ ‘No, you

mustn’t.’ 3. Peter can translate this article into Russian. 4. I can do that (this) work

by myself. 5. As he has been a good boy, Tommy can go to the cinema tomorrow.

6. May I smoke? 7. They had to finish that (this) translation until Monday. 8. May I

open the window? 9. Children ought to be obedient. 10. Children will be children.

219 1. will (shall). 2. shall. 3. shall. 4. will. 5. will. 6. will; will. 7. shall.

222 a) nu e nevoie needn’t; b) nu e voie mustn’t.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º µ » ¼ » ½ ¾ ¿ · ¸ » ¼ · À » ¸ º » ¸ Á ÁÂ Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Å Ç Æ Ì Ä Å Ê Ç È Å Æ Ç Í Î Ï Ë Å Ê Ð É Ï Ç È Ë Í243

224 1. We had to; we shall have to. 2. Students had to; students will have

to. 3. They could; they will be able to. 4. The farmers had to; the farmers will have

to. 5. They had to; they will have to. 6. could; will be able to.

225 1. Can Tommy ride; Tommy cannot ride. 2. May we pick; we may not

(must not) pick. 3. Could Peter and James understand; Peter and James could not

understand. 4. Must they be; they need not (needn’t) be. 5. Shall we arrive; we

shall not arrive. 6. Would she like; she would not like. 7. Must you write; you

needn’t write (nu e nevoie), you mustn’t write (nu e voie). 8. May candidates leave;

candidates may not (must not) leave. 9. Shall we be able; we shall not be able.

10. Have you got to finish; you haven’t got to finish. 11. Can he make; he cannot

make. 12. Will she be able; she will not be able.

226Ñ 233 şi 236Ñ 238 pot fi corectate cu ajutorul unui tabel complet al verbelor


234 stricken, struck; loaded, laden; melted, molten; learnt, learned

(terminaţia ed pronunţată ca silabă separată); worked, wrought; sunk, sunken;

drunk, drunken.

235 1. learned [′lə:nid]. 2. molten. 3. stricken; struck. 4. drunken; drunk.

5. sunken. 6. wrought.

239Ñ 246 cât şi 249 pot fi corectate cu ajutorul unui tabel complet al conjugării


247 1. Do they speak; they do not speak. 2. Are John and Mary playing;

John and Mary are not playing. 3. Can the little girl write; the little girl cannot write.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º µ » ¼ » ½ ¾ ¿ · ¸ » ¼ · À » ¸ º » ¸ Á ÁÂ Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Å Ç Æ Ì Ä Å Ê Ç È Å Æ Ç Í Î Ï Ë Å Ê Ð É Ï Ç È Ë Í244

4. Is my friend reading; my friend is not reading. 5. Is the book of grammar; the

book of grammar is not. 6. Do children like; children do not like. 7. Did I give you;

I did not give you. 8. Can these workers build; these workers cannot build. 9. Did I

see; I did not see. 10. Have they got; they haven’t got.

248 1. John won’t go to the theatre tonight. 2. Tommy never goes to the

theatre. 3. What book did you read last week? 4. They don’t clean their boots every

day. 5. You must not go out this week. 6. Who will come to see you tomorrow

morning? 7. Who is ringing at the front door? 8. Grandfather never reads anything

without his spectacles. 9. Did you go to a farm last year? 10. I could not translate

these two sentences.

250 1. Is it; is it not; it is not. 2. Is he; is he not; he is not. 3. Will they like;

won’t they like; they won’t like. 4. Do they understand you; don’t they understand

you; they don’t understand you. 5. Must you; mustn’t you; you mustn’t. 6. Did

they invite; didn’t they invite; they did not invite. 7. Does Tommy know; doesn’t

Tommy know; Tommy doesn’t know. 8. Do these boys read; don’t these boys read;

these boys don’t read. 9. Did her mother seem; didn’t her mother seem; her mother

didn’t seem. 10. Did they leave; didn’t they leave; they didn’t leave. 11. Did it rain;

didn’t it rain; it didn’t rain. 12. Will you have to write; won’t you have to write; you

won’t have to write.

251 1. Do you go; you do not go. 2. Does Ann write; Ann doesn’t write.

3. Did his brother buy; his brother did not buy. 4. Did the travellers reach; the

travellers did not reach. 5. Do Mary and her husband live; Mary and her husband

do not live. 6. Did the doctor return; the doctor did not return. 7. Does Peter read;

Peter doesn’t read. 8. Do your neighbours go; your neighbours do not go. 9. Did

the teacher enter; the teacher didn’t enter. 10. Did you see him; you didn’t see him.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

´ µ ¶ · ¸ ¹ º µ » ¼ » ½ ¾ ¿ · ¸ » ¼ · À » ¸ º » ¸ Á ÁÂ Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Å Ç Æ Ì Ä Å Ê Ç È Å Æ Ç Í Î Ï Ë Å Ê Ð É Ï Ç È Ë Í245

252 1. drink. 2. do. 3. are doing. 4. is knocking. 5. live. 6. am working.

7. spends. 8. are listening. 9. rises. 10. want.

253 1. like. 2. do you hear. 3. likes. 4. are you thinking. 5. gives. 6. does

this word mean. 7. is snowing. 8. are talking. 9. gives. 10. hates.

254 1. is she doing; is reading. 2. are playing. 3. is the orchestra playing.

4. is writing. 5. am opening. 6. is shutting. 7. is not learning; is sleeping. 8. are

you going. 9. is raining. 10. are you reading. 11. is eating; is smoking. 12. is


255 1. is now being built. 2. is said. 3. is being held. 4. are being made.

5. is written. 6. am sometimes given.

257 1. are doing. 2. are we going. 3. are you feeling. 4. are doing; are

turning out. 5. are coming. 6. are making.

258 drink up your tea, drink it up, etc.

259 When do you shut the door? When do you open the window? etc.

260 1. He washes his hands and dries them on a towel. 2. My brother likes

meat, but does not like fish. 3. He builds houses; he is a builder. 4. This pear is

very green. 5. The child plays in the morning and sleeps in the afternoon. 6. He

buys new books from the bookshop. 7. He has breakfast at eight and eats his lunch

at about two. 8. He wants to buy a lot of bread. 9. He has got English lessons three

times a week. 10. This Romanian singer is in Vienna now.

261 1. The woman who is talking with my sister in the yard is our neighbour

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ó Ù Ú Ù Û Ü Ý Õ Ö Ù Ú Õ Þ Ù Ö Ø Ù Ö ß ßà á â ã ä å æ ç è é ã å ä ê â ã è å æ ã ä å ë ì í é ã è î ç í å æ é ë246

who lives across the street. 2. Don’t enter the study. Father is working there and he

does not like to be disturbed. 3. Do you see that gentleman in the corner? He is

having his dessert now. As soon as he is leaving we shall occupy his table. 4. Are

you going my way? 5. The sun is shining, the birds are singing; summer has come (is


263 1. was working. 2. were you doing. 3. landed. 4. was crossing.

5. came. 6. was sleeping. 7. was walking. 8. was having. 9. sent. 10. knew.

264 1. was being played. 2. was being sharpened. 3. was solved. 4. were

constantly disturbed. 5. was asked. 6. was being prepared (was prepared). 7. was


265 1. My brother John has lived (has been living) in Bucharest for ten years.

2. I’d like to buy some beef. 3. This portfolio is mine; I bought it last week. 4. I have

been looking for my pencil for two hours and I can’t find it. 5. John gave this

copybook to his brother yesterday morning. 6. This is the play by Shakespeare I

was telling you about. 7. Let us go for a walk to the Botanical Gardens this

afternoon. 8. Help yourself to another cake. 9. The factory chimneys were seen in

the distance. 10. Nobody had ever met him in the street. 11. Nobody has ever seen

the like of it. 12. Mary cut her hand with a knife last Thursday.

266 did you read; I did; I read; they were.

267 1. was born. 2. came. 3. heard. 4. woke; got; washed; shaved;

dressed; went; had; put; hurried; caught. 5. did you do (were you doing).

6. listened. 7. wrote. 8. switched off. 9. had lived. 10. left; went.

268 1. The boy was just writing a label when the bell rang and presently a

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ó Ù Ú Ù Û Ü Ý Õ Ö Ù Ú Õ Þ Ù Ö Ø Ù Ö ß ßà á â ã ä å æ ç è é ã å ä ê â ã è å æ ã ä å ë ì í é ã è î ç í å æ é ë247

short man entered (the room). 2. ‘I saw a light in your window as I was passing by,’

he said. 3. At breakfast while James was slowly eating a cake, his friend burst into

the room and told him that it was late and that they would be late at school.

269 1. have read. 2. read. 3. read. 4. have read. 5. have often read.

6. have been reading. 7. read.

270 1. was. 2. have never seen. 3. have you been. 4. did you sleep.

5. have just met. 6. has been. 7. have you been. 8. have lost. 9. met; knew.

10. went. 11. happened. 12. took. 13. have I put. 14. did you see. 15. died.

271 1. Improvements were recently carried out. 2. was asked. 3. have

been made.

272 1. was coming; saw. 2. did not hear; had said; was not listening.

3. began; were leaving. 4. arrived; was ringing; were going.

275 John’s brother got up very early yesterday morning. He washed and

dressed quickly and then said he would go and buy some tickets for the cinema.

“Wait for me here,” he said, “and I’ll ring you up as soon as I buy the tickets.” When

he arrived at the booking office, he learnt that there were no more tickets available

for that day. He then rang up home. His mother asked him: “You have bought the

tickets, haven’t you?” “No,” he replied. “I couldn’t find any. But I want you all to

come to the lakes. We shall take a walk through the park.”

276 1. Mary has come home. 2. We must go out early in the morning.

3. We shall have plenty of fruits this autumn. 4. Do not open the window. 5. What

did he do there? 6. I’m sorry you don’t know my brother. 7. Where does he live?

8. John has his meals at home. 9. ‘Did you speak with him?’ ‘No, I didn’t.’

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ó Ù Ú Ù Û Ü Ý Õ Ö Ù Ú Õ Þ Ù Ö Ø Ù Ö ß ßà á â ã ä å æ ç è é ã å ä ê â ã è å æ ã ä å ë ì í é ã è î ç í å æ é ë248

10. James has a large family.

279 1. All conditions exist in our schools and universities that the pupils

and students may study and prepare for life. 2. The farmers in our country are

making use of advanced agro-tehnical means. 3. This Bucharest plant has just been

built. 4. Have you read the editorial published in the latest issue of “The Times”?

280 1. The Jones family has (have) been living (has, have lived) in this house

for twenty years. 2. He told me that the day before yesterday he had come across

John in the street. 3. The building was finished almost two weeks before the

deadline. 4. He told me that he must go away (leave) at once. 5. He must have been

very tired when he came home, for he went to bed without his supper. 6. Yesterday

morning they went for a two hours’ drive by car.

281 1. I hear that you have given up the idea of going there. 2. The rain has

stopped, but a cold wind continues to blow. 3. How many exams have you taken so

far? 4. The building of this house started early in April. 5. I have finished all my

lessons at last. Now I can go for a walk. 6. We have solved this problem. 7. The

factory was put into commission last year.

282 are; was; started; didn’t you start; was; to start.

283 1. had never done. 2. liked. 3. had mixed. 4. had never seen.

5. understood; had explained. 6. entered. 7. did he say. 8. had never seen.

285 1. had arrived; saw. 2. had had; went out. 3. saw; had never seen.

4. had ended. 5. had been put out. 6. had finished. 7. (had) waited.

286 1. had lived. 2. have never lived. 3. have seen. 4. had finished.

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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5. have you put. 6. had snowed.

287 1. The book is brought by the librarian. 2. is being brought. 3. was

brought. 4. was being brought. 5. had been brought. 6. will be brought. 7. will

have been brought.

288 1. That new house had been lived in for three years. 2. His parents

were bitterly disappointed by his failure in the examination. 3. John promised that

you would be met at the airport. 4. Portugese is spoken in Brazil. 5. This radio-set

has not been used for five years. 6. Cotton goods are made in Lancashire. 7. He

was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

289 1. He was given a very nice present. 2. The lessons were finished.

3. My gloves were found. 4. Our work must be carefully planned. 5. The details of

the examination were told to his friend. 6. He was told that. 7. They were taken for

a drive. 8. This house was built… 9. The plans for the building of a new district

have been approved by the committee. 10. The speaker was being attentively

listened to.

290 1. Two letters were given me. 2. Were all the apples eaten by Jack?

3. The trees were shaken by the wind. 4. Was the bag opened by Tommy? 5. A new

song will be sung by Mary. 6. The trees were being cut down by the men. 7. The

flowers were being picked by the gardener. 8. The food was being prepared by the

cook. 9. The game had been finished. 10. The grass is being cut by the gardener.

291 1. High-risk professions are ensured the best conditions of rest and

treatment in health resorts. 2. They were told that the photographs would be ready

in two days. 3. The plans have been recently approved for the building of several

hundreds of flats. 4. This writer is known to have been awarded the state prize for

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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special literary merits.

292 1. A magnificent hall, named Heorot, was built by Hrothgar, king of

Danes. 2. A terrible monster, named Grendel, visited Heorot. 3. Thirty of the

sleeping Danes were killed and their bodies were carried away by Grendel. 4. The

Danes were afflicted by this scourge for twelve years. 5. Grendel’s deeds were heard

of by Beowulf. 6. Beowulf selected fourteen companions. 7. Permission was asked

by Beowulf to save Heorot, killing this monster. 8. Mead was drunk by the thanes

of Hrothgar and the followers of Beowulf. 9. The gleeman sang songs. 10. Mead

was served by Hrothgar’s queen to her lord and to Beowulf. 11. The mead-hall was

left for the night. 12. Beowulf and his men awaited the coming of Grendel. 13. One

of Beowulf’s men was devoured by Grendel. 14. Beowulf seized Grendel. 15. The

death of Grendel was caused by Beowulf who wrenched the monster’s arm from its


293 will you do; grow up; want; may be able; shall fly; has performed; shall

be; shall establish; look; will see; will be; will change; will want.

295 John will go to school tomorrow. He will take all his books and

copybooks. At school the teacher will tell him to read the lesson. During the break

John will play with the other boys. After the break all the pupils will go into the

classroom and the lesson will begin. At one o’clock John will come back home. He

will wash his hands and then he will eat his lunch. Then he will have to sleep for two

hours in the afternoon.

296 1. will be feeling. 2. will be giving. 3. shall often be thinking. 4. shall

be swimming. 5. will be meeting.

297 1. returns. 2. have arrived. 3. (will) have. 4. have visited. 5. fill.

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6. has happened. 7. will be. 8. finds.

298 1. I am going to write him (her) a letter. 2. I shall go to the library later

on. 3. How long have you been learning English? 4. You should go and see him.

5. You shall come tomorrow at five. 6. Let’s go into the garden. 7. This is the only

article that I have not read.

299 1. are going to. 2. is going to. 3. is going to. 4. is not going to. 5. am

going to. 6. are going to. 7. are going to.

300 1. opening. 2. to see. 3. say. 4. beating. 5. marching. 6. fall.

7. telling. 8. playing. 9. seeing. 10. to rain.

301 1. saying. 2. to be. 3. working. 4. to work. 5. to speak. 6. finishing

(having finished). 7. go. 8. come.

305 1. The English writer is announced to come to Bucharest tomorrow.

2. He is known to be a frontrank student. 3. Hamlet is considered to be

Shakespeare’s best known play. 4. He turned out to be in the wrong. 5. They are

not likely to speak Romanian. 6. The train seems to be ten minutes late. 7. He

happens to be one of my friends.

306 1. I want you to come at ten. 2. We want these actors to tell us about

their shows. 3. I should like your brother to become a doctor.

307 1. I saw him sleeping. 2. I made her go by plane. 3. I’d like you to

stop going to the cinema; you go there too often. 4. I know him to be a very good

student. 5. The teacher let them go home earlier. 6. I asked him to help his friends

in preparing their examinations. 7. I want you to read this lesson aloud. 8. I saw

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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him enter the university building at one o’clock sharp.

308 1. She wants you to help her. 2. I should like the doctor to examine

him. 3. I hate him to read aloud. 4. I don’t allow you to go and play in the garden.

5. I made her eat all the cakes. 6. I’d like you to stop reading so much.

311 1. I had (got) my shoes mended (for me). 2. I must have it repaired.

3. I had a tooth pulled out last week. 4. I had a new suit made (for me). 5. I must

have it sharpened. 6. Tommy had his leg broken while playing football. 7. I must

have my bike mended. 8. You must have your hair cut.

313 1. You had better tell him the truth. 2. Don’t make him laugh. 3. I saw

him take the book from the table. 4. He was seen to take the book from the table.

5. To tell you the truth, I don’t know what the answer is. 6. They are to be married

soon. 7. I heard her play the piano. 8. To know is to be strong.

315 is; learning; hearing; reproducing; have already learnt; also have;

hearing; have; knowing; are expressed; is; will serve; hear; may land; picking up;

may be seen; come; are; to utter.

318 is; may be; may rain; might be; come about; is always changing; is;

collects; cools; condenses; gather; form; get; spill; fill up.

320 was; began; thought; flying; was; to keep; see; had given; had to land;

were having; landed; were just taking; came; cannot understand; is; did not kill;

broke; went; was; were; did not go; was; did not even try to take.

321 carried; may be called; was; being; had; going; slipped; were told; could

be; belonged; remedied; escaped; pressing; could discern; marked; may be

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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mentioned; being; lay; was as a necessity pulled out; throwing; compressing;

drawing up.

322 was born; left; came; left; do not know; says; had robbed; belonging;

was prosecuted; was driven; may be; lived; were; learned; came across; listened; had

to tell; became; touched up; turned; gathered; observed; heard.

323 are composed; called; have; have; unite; called; are composed;

surrounded; are; is; form; form; form; is; is; are made up.

325 have found; dating; were; mark; is so much appreciated; sought; is;

showing; executed; is; shows; are; is; used; coming; are; traced; appear.

329 1. adjectiv; adverb. 2. adjectiv; adverb. 3. adjectiv; adverb. 4.

adjectiv; adverb. 5. adjectiv; adverb. 6. adjectiv; adverb.

330 easily, calmly, quietly, simply, suddenly, willingly, sincerely, badly,

well, wisely, fast, immediately, sweetly, late, hard, cheaply.

331 sweetly, gladly, quickly, drily, daily, gaily, ably, carelessly, heartily

angrily, with difficulty, curiously, peacefully, characteristically, near, weekly,

friendly, hopefully, uglily, logically, shyly, monthly, hard, little, tiredly, sleepily.

332 1. She works quickly. 2. She laughed merrily. 3. The children play

noisily in the garden. 4. That train goes very fast. 5. John works hard. 6. Mary

came late for her lesson. 7. Jane sings beautifully. 8. He drives slowly.

333 Forme identice cu cele date în paranteze în toate cazurile, folosite ca

adjective şi adverbe.

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335 Adverbele terminate în -ly formează gradele de comparaţie cu ajutorul

lui more şi most; adverbele near, hard, soon, fast, late formează comparaţia prin

metoda sintetică; well, better, the best; badly, worse, the worst; much, more the most.

336 always, tomorrow, everywhere, there, then, now, very, here.

337 1. Harry always goes. 2. He sometimes goes. 3. I can hardly

understand. 4. Do you often play. 5. I am always at home. 6. Mr Black

occasionally goes; his wife never goes. 7. My brother seldom writes. 8. They don’t

often go. 9.They can sometimes find. 10. Her father never smokes.

338 1. clearly. 2. cold. 3. happily. 4. quietly. 5. satisfactory. 6. simply.

7. coldly. 8. clear. 9. different. 10. regularly. 11. late. 12. bright. 13. prettily.

14. late; nearly. 15. highly. 16. high.

339 1. Have you ever seen. 2. He has never been invited. 3. Have you

lately been there? 4. The sun is shining brightly today. 5. You will see him here

tomorrow. 6. I have enough time to finish the translation today. 7. Grandmother is

young enough to learn English. 8. Mary will come soon. She is always in time. 9. It

has often been said before. 10. The teacher has not yet come (come yet).

340 1. This is the best book (that) I have ever read. 2. The Peleş Castle is

one of the most beautiful buildings in Romania. 3. Who else was at the concert?

4. What else did he bring you when he returned from his trip? 5. Let’s stay here a

few days longer. 6. Do you want some more tea? 7. He read two more letters.

8. She nearly fainted with laughter. 9. Is he still in bed? 10. The weather has

cleared up a little. 11. There is no more ink in the ink-pot. 12. This pen is still

better. 13. Who has ever seen the like of it? 14. What else did he buy for you?

15. All the better he was not at home. 16. Write the exercise once again. 17. How is

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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my friend Bernard getting along? 18. I met him in the street the other day and

talked a little with him. 19. First of all I want to tell you about our achievements.

341 1. You had better give him some more help from time to time. 2. You

had better go and see him. 3. What else do you know about this author? 4. There

are no more pupils in the corridor. 5. What other novels have you read of late?

6. What else can you tell me about this novel? 7. It is much better so.

343 Tabelul conţine peste 2.300 posibilităţi.

344 1. of. 2. of. 3. from. 4. of. 5. of. 6. of. 7. from. 8. from. 9. from.

10. of. 11. of; of. 12. of.

345 1. into. 2. in. 3. in. 4. into; in. 5. in. 6. into. 7. in. 8. in. 9. in.

10. into. 11. into. 12. into.

347 1. about. 2. for. 3. for; for. 4. under. 5. about. 6. about. 7. under.

8. for. 9. for. 10. about. 11. under. 12. for.

348 1. at. 2. in. 3. for. 4. with. 5. after. 6. with. 7. to.

349 around; on; from; of; of; in; for.

351 1. In winter we sit by the fire. 2. The train passed through the tunnel.

3. She went out of the concert hall. 4. On hearing that, she went out of the room.

5. In his youth Mark Twain was a pilot on the Mississippi. 6. It is impossible for me

to tell you now what the matter is. 7. It is ten o’clock by my watch. 8. The boxers

fought with each other for several rounds. 9. He likes to travel by plane. 10. What

are you looking for?

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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352 through: 1, 5, 6, 7, 10. with: 2, 3, 4, 8, 9.

353 without: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. within: 2, 3, 7.

355 1. by. 2. by. 3. by. 4. by. 5. to. 6. by; by. 7. after. 8. by. 9. for.

10. by.

356 by: 1 2, 5, 6, 9, 10. over: 3, 4, 7, 8.

357 1. up. 2. on. 3. on. 4. on. 5. with. 6. with. 7. up. 8. on. 9. on; on.

10. on. 11. with. 12. with. 13. on. 14. up. 15. on.

359 1. at. 2. at. 3. to. 4. to. 5. at. 6. at. 7. to. 8. to. 9. at. 10. at; to.

11. to. 12. at. 13. at. 14. at. 15. to; to.

360 1. Nicholas’ book is on the table, not under the table. 2. James is going

to the faculty now, not to the cinema. 3. What is his opinion about my proposals?

4. He sat behind me at the theatre. 5. At school Henry always sat at the back of the

classroom. 6. I received a letter from your aunt last week. 7. I took John’s fountain-

pen by mistake yesterday.

361 of: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. off: 2, 6, 10.

363 1. to. 2. with. 3. to. 4. within. 5. by. 6. for; after; by. 7. to.

8. about; of. 9. of. 10. about.

364 1. for. 2. for. 3. till (until). 4. of. 5. of. 6. to. 7. for. 8. in. 9. at; out

of; at. 10. by; of.

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365 1. with; for. 2. out of. 3. of; to. 4. to. 5. at. 6. of. 7. to; over. 8. for.

9. since. 10. for.

366 of; on; of; in; at; of; into; at; in; in; after; to; in.

367 1. for; through. 2. to. 3. over. 4. at. 5. at; for. 6. for. 7. with. 8. for.

9. to. 10. for.

368 1. in; at. 2. to; of. 3. to; on; to; on. 4. with; to. 5. through; till (until).

6. to; by. 7. for; in. 8. on; by. 9. with (to); in. 10. from; to. 11. on; round.

12. round; in. 13. at; for. 14. to; in. 15. on; at.

370 1. since. 2. till. 3. for; since. 4. over. 5. after. 6. in. 7. round. 8. till

(until). 9. since; of. 10. of; for.

371 1. by. 2. into. 3. of. 4. of. 5. over. 6. under. 7. across. 8. from; to.

9. down. 10. on.

372 1. by. 2. by. 3. for. 4. on. 5. by. 6. in. 7. at. 8. among. 9. by.

10. in; in.

373 1. since. 2. from. 3. since. 4. from. 5. from. 6. since. 7. since.

8. from. 9. from. 10. from.

375 1. to; for. 2. for. 3. by; with. 4. on; in; at. 5. with. 6. at. 7. into.

8. by; in. 9. into. 10. at. 11. to. 12. on. 13. of. 14. to, in. 15. on. 16. from; out of.

17. into. 18. in. 19. by. 20. from; to.

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376 1. on. 2. into. 3. in. 4. in; of. 5. on. 6. at 7. with. 8. at. 9. in. 10. at.

377 1. On the twenty-fifth of December everyone celebrates Christmas.

2. There are many picturesque places in our country. 3. Many blocks of flats have

been built of late in Bucharest and in the other towns of the country. 4. The

museum is at a distance of one kilometre from here. 5. Theatre shows start at the

same hour. 6. Have you got a fountain-pen at hand? 7. What is the use of this

thing? 8. I’ve got two hundred lei about me. 9. Knock at the door before entering

the room. 10. All children should go to bed at nine o’clock in the evening. 11. Next

year I shall go in for academic studies. 12. You know that John lives close by (at a

stone’s throw). 13. Call on your brother tomorrow afternoon (Go and see...). 14. He

lives with his parents. 15. What are you thinking of?

378 1. beside. 2. beside. 3. besides. 4. of. 5. from. 6. from. 7. to. 8. to;

at. 9. to. 10. to. 11. with. 12. without.

380 1. with; for; during; with. 2. to; to. 3. on; of. 4. of; to. 5. on (upon);

on. 6. from. 7. by. 8. of; in; over; in. 9. at. 10. besides. 11. in; in. 12. at; of; at.

13. along; up. 14. to. 15. under.

381 1. Who(m) are you talking (speaking) with? 2. What are you writing

with? 3. Who(m) are you writing to? 4. What are you writing him for? 5. Who(m)

are you coming with (to see me)? 6. What are you laughing at? 7. Who(m) are you

laughing at? 8. What are you looking at? 9. What are you looking for? 10. Where

is he coming from?

382 1. The book you are looking at costs fifteen lei. 2. This is the pencil I

have been looking for. 3. He is a man whose word can be relied on. 4. Everything

he said was laughed at. 5. This is the kind of life I dreamed of. 6. Here are the

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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spectacles Mary was asking about two hours ago. 7. The child Helen looked after

was her sister-in-law’s son.

383 in; of; in; of; towards; at; with; with; in; with; in; at; at; for; into; in; of;

of; from; by; in; for.

384 for; among; of; on; throughout; among; in; from; of; of; of; in; with; of;

in; of; of; with; of; from; with; by; in.

385 between; of;of; of; for; at; with; of; of.

386 in; of; of; throughout; in; within; of; in; in; in; to; in; of; in; at; in; with;

of; of.

388 1. up; up. 2. on. 3. up. 4. up. 5. on. 6. on; on. 7. up. 8. on; up.

9. on. 10. up. 11. on. 12. up. 13. up. 14. on. 15. up.

389 1. in; in. 2. off. 3. off. 4. off. 5. in. 6. in. 7. off. 8. off. 9. in 10. off.

391 1. out; off. 2. out. 3. off. 4. out. 5. out. 6. off. 7. off. 8. out. 9. out.

10. off.

392 1. across. 2. away. 3. off. 4. up. 5. out. 6. down. 7. off. 8. forward.

9. on. 10. back.

394 1. off. 2. up. 3. up. 4. down. 5. after. 6. back. 7. out.

395 1. get out! 2. put it out! 3. come in! 4. switch it off! 5. sit down,


C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

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396 out în toate cazurile (în ultima propoziţie se poate folosi şi up).

398 on în toate cazurile.

399 1. find out. 2. worked out. 3. brought up. 4. gave up. 5. come along.

400 up; into; at; for; to.

402 both... and pentru a obţine sensuri afirmative; neither... nor pentru a

obţine sensuri negative.

403 1. both... and. 2. so that. 3. and. 4. whether (if). 5. not only... but

also. 6. lest. 7. if. 8. that. 9. than. 10. till (until).

404 1. unless. 2. unless. 3. if. 4. unless. 5. if. 6. unless.

405 1. or. 2. and. 3. as... so. 4. than. 5. while.

406 1. As long as I am not there I cannot help him. 2. I shall learn the poem

by heart as soon as I have ended my home task. 3. It is as cold as ice. 4. His sister is

not so dilligent as he (is). 5. I have as many as twenty books in my bag. 6. As for

me, I know nothing about that.

407 1. are. 2. is. 3. are. 4. is. 5. are. 6. were. 7. is.

408 1. is. 2. this money belongs. 3. is. 4. is. 5. is. 6. has. 7. helps. 8. is.

9. is. 10. has.

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410 1. There is nothing more to do. 2. There were five of us in the room.

3. I shall ask him to help us. 4. I convinced him that he had been mistaken. 5. There

are fifteen students in my class. 6. Do you know Mr and Mrs Brown? 7. Why do

they go to the mountains so often? 8. He asked me what her name was. 9. I wrote a

letter to my brother yesterday morning. 10. If I had my pen, I could write the


411 1. How many days are you going to stay there? 2. What was he doing

when you called on him? 3. I do not often go to the cinema. 4. He had two teeth

pulled out yesterday (sau yesterday he had... ). 5. They were not compelled to do it.

6. He cannot do all this work by himself. 7. Would you mind giving me some


412 1. Is Tom’s father going; isn’t Tom’s father going; Tom’s father is not

going. 2. Did she listen; didn’t she listen; she didn’t listen. 3. Did Mary’s brother-

in-law write; didn’t Mary’s brother-in-law write; Mary’s brother-in-law didn’t write.

4. Does this periodical appear; doesn’t this periodical appear; this periodical doesn’t

appear. 5. Did my cousin James invite; didn’t my cousin James invite; my cousin

James didn’t invite. 6. Will the secretary write; won’t the secretary write; the

secretary won’t write. 7. Did Peter show; didn’t Peter show; Peter didn’t show.

413 1. Do you write; don’t you write; you don’t write. 2. Are they learning;

aren’t they learning; they aren’t learning. 3. Has he been playing; hasn’t he been

playing; he hasn’t been playing. 4. Did Richard leave; didn’t Richard leave; Richard

didn’t leave. 5. Did he succeed; didn’t he succeed; he didn’t succeed. 6. Did the

teacher show; didn’t the teacher show; the teacher didn’t show. 7. Do I often go;

don’t I often go; I don’t often go. 8. Did they learn; didn’t they learn; they didn’t

learn. 9. Is that high mountain very difficult to climb? Isn’t that high mountain... ;

that high mountain is not... 10. Are these things made; aren’t these things made;

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ð ö ÷ ö ø ù ú ò ó ö ÷ ò û ö ó õ ö ó ü üý þ ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �262

these things aren’t made.

416 1. had been pleased; was pleased; would be pleased. 2. was flying.

3. had been paid; would be paid. 4. told. 5. could best help. 6. came, was coming.

7. would be ready. 8. had been awarded; would be awarded. 9. was repairing,

repaired. 10. (should) be.

417 1. What would you say if James were late for the lesson? 2. What

would you have said if James had been late for the lesson? 3. He had told me (that)

he would come back soon. 4. Didn’t he tell you (that) he would go there tomorrow?

5. What would you do if you were in his place (Were you in his place, what would

you do)? 6. If I could help him, I should do it with pleasure.

418 1. While I was writing a letter, my friend Charles came to see me.

2. Entering the room, my cousin told me (that) he would not be able to come with us

to the cinema. 3. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 4. The old man who is

passing now in front of my window is my friend’s uncle. 5. After they had bought a

lot of vegetables, the two women were going home. 6. My friend James told me the

other day that he wouldn’t go to the seaside this summer. 7. When he woke up, the

boy jumped out of bed and started dressing in a hurry.

419 1. I thought (that) you would come later. 2. After having finished the

middle school, he entered university. 3. You could work better than that, I’m sure.

4. Tell him that I have talked with you. 5. The doctor said that the sick man would

get well in a few days. 6. If it had not been too late, we too would have gone to the

show. 7. Wouldn’t you do the same were you in his place? 8. He had assured me

that he would give you the book as soon as he got it back. 9. I shall speak to him

when I meet him. 10. I shall read the article you told me about as soon as I buy the


C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ð ö ÷ ö ø ù ú ò ó ö ÷ ò û ö ó õ ö ó ü üý þ ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �263

421 1. Had I time, I should go. 2. Had they started earlier, they could have

reached… 3. Should Helen know her sister’s address, she would write. 4. Were he

at home, he would help us. 5. Had I seen him, I should have talked. 6. Could you

come to the meeting, you would have the opportunity… 7. Were I to meet him

tomorrow, I should ask. 8. Had she arrived earlier, she would have been able.

9. Were you more attentive at the lessons, you would speak. 10. Had you come

between two and three yesterday, you would have found.

422 1. If the weather is fine, we shall go for a trip to Bicaz. 2. If John had

been more dilligent, he would have succeeded in the examination. 3. If you make

up your mind to come and see me, ring me up. 4. If your brother had bought the

book I’m telling you about and if he had read it, he would have given an excellent

answer to this question.

423 1. I was told yesterday that my article would be published in a week. 2.

Yesterday as I was returning home, I met a friend (whom, that) I had not seen for

several months. 3. He said that he was living at Giurgiu and worked in a factory.

4. If I were you (in your place), I should speak English all the time. 5. Mary would

not have stayed in Bucharest during the holidays if she had not been ill.

424 1. If he invites me, I shall pay him a visit. 2. If he invited me, I should

pay him a visit. 3. If he had invited me, I should have paid him a visit. 4. If I had

time, I should make an excursion. 5. If I were hungry, I should eat a sandwich and

if I were thirsty, I should drink a glass of soda. 6. I should like to take a walk to the

lakes if the weather were fine.

426 1. We shall go to the theatre when we have written (after having

written) our lessons. 2. We wanted to know whether you had taken part in this

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ð ö ÷ ö ø ù ú ò ó ö ÷ ò û ö ó õ ö ó ü üý þ ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �264

work. 3. I asked him whether I was permitted to stay there till the 15th of May. 4. I

had been told (that) he was studying a very important problem. 5. When they come

back home, they will study the results of these experiments.

427 1. You are thirsty, aren’t you? 2. You have a brother, haven’t you?

3. You have no brothers, have you? 4. He speaks English well, doesn’t he? 5. We

shall have our lunch at two, shan’t we? 6. He read quite well, didn’t he? 7. There is

nobody at home, is there? 8. You haven’t read this book, have you? 9. You know

him, don’t you? 10. You don’t know him, do you? 11. You will be at home

tomorrow afternoon, won’t you? 12. You are waiting for me, aren’t you? 13. John

is learning for his examinations, isn’t he? 14. You’ve got a pencil, haven’t you?

15. You drink wine, don’t you? 16. You have not read today’s newspaper, have

you? 17. You didn’t ring up James, did you?

428 1. don’t you? 2. doesn’t he? 3. didn’t they? 4. aren’t you? 5. are

you? 6. can’t she? 7. won’t you? 8. does he? 9. are they? 10. aren’t you?

429 1. should you? 2. doesn’t he? 3. did he? 4. mustn’t we? 5. didn’t

you? 6. did they? 7. do you? 8. haven’t you? 9. does she? 10. isn’t she?

11. mustn’t you? 12. haven’t you? 13. aren’t you? 14. doesn’t he? 15. hasn’t he?

430 1. He told her that he had seen them on that day. 2. The girl answered

that she could not understand that rule. 3. She said that she would be there the next

day. 4. He asked me if (whether) I had been there the day before. 5. Mother asked

everybody to be in time for dinner. 6. The boy asked his mother not to be angry

with him. 7. She ordered (told) the boy to close the window. 8. He asked the girl

whether (if) she had received his letter. 9. He asked his neighbour what his name

was. 10. I asked my friend why he had come so late. 11. The teacher told (ordered)

us to show him (her) our copybooks. 12. He said that he had sent them a letter two

C. George SANDULESCU: Exerciţii de gramatică engleză.

ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ð ö ÷ ö ø ù ú ò ó ö ÷ ò û ö ó õ ö ó ü üý þ ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � ÿ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �265

days before.

431 1. He said that he wrote home every week. 2. He said that he was

learning English. 3. He said that he would see her at the seaside. 4. He said that he

had been playing football. 5. He said that he had written a letter to his brother.

6. He said that he could speak Spanish. 7. He said that he didn’t write home every

week. 8. He said that if he had had his pen, he could have written the answers.

432 1. He asked me if James could speak English. 2. He asked me if I

would help him. 3. He asked me if I had seen Peter at the football match. 4. He

asked me if they had all done the exercise correctly. 5. He asked me if Susan had

spent all her money. 6. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the railway

station. 7. He asked me if John had brought his bicycle with him.

433 1. He asked me where I was going. 2. He asked me what she was

doing there. 3. He asked me where James lived. 4. He asked me why they went to

the library so often. 5. He asked me what her name was. 6. He asked me what

Peter had said. 7. He asked me how William would manage to do that.

434 1. Peter said “I am going to the opera with my wife.” 2. The teacher

said, “Sam, you must do some exercises every day if you want to pass your

examination.” 3. The stranger asked, “Which is the way to the railway station?”

4. Henry said, “Mary, have you read Vanity Fair by Thackeray?” 5. Mary said, “I

shall write to you every week, Helen.” 6. My father said to me, “You can go to the

seaside for a month.” 7. Margaret said, “Our train will arrive in a quarter of an

hour.” 8. Mr Johnson said to his visitor, “Come in, please.” 9. Mother said (asked),

“Are you tired, Tommy?”