sand replacement by glass powder

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  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder



    This is to certify that WAQUAR KHAN and DIVYA student of B.Tech (i!i" #n$ineerin$%

    &th'eester has su)itted their *ro+ect re*ort entit"ed ,'AND R#-A#/#NT BY

    0A'' -1WD#R IN 1NR#T#2 under our $uidance.

    'u)itted to3 0uided )y3

    /r. /ohit 'aat /s. 0eeti4aTri5adi

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder



    An endea!or o!er a *eriod can )e successfu" on"y 5ith the ad!ice and su**ort of 5e""6

    5ishers. I ta4e this o**ortunity to e7*ress y $ratitude and a**reciation to a"" those

    5ho encoura$ed e to co*"ete this *ro+ect.

    I a dee*"y inde)ted to Asst. -rof. 0eeti4a 5ho has $uided e for y successfu"

    co*"etion of this *ro+ect.

    I 5ou"d "i4e to e7*ress s*ecia" than4s of $ratitude to y Head of De*artent -rof. -.N.

    Darde 5ho $a!e e this $o"den o**ortunity to do this 5onderfu" *ro+ect on the to*ic

    ,'AND R#-A#/#NT BY 0A'' -1WD#R IN 1NR#T#2

    I e7*ress y *rofound and sincere than4s to y /entor /r./ohit 'aat 5ho acted as a

    ariner8s co*ass and steered e throu$hout y *ro+ect !oya$e throu$h her e7ce""ent

    $uidance and constant ins*iration.

    I sha"" )e fai"in$ in y *ro+ect if I don8t ac4no5"ed$e y de*artent to a"" the 9acu"ties

    of i!i" De*artent for their !a"ua)"e $uidance and su**ort: 5hich he"*ed e in $i!in$ a

    sha*e to y study.

    ast"y: )ut not the "east: I 5ant to than4 to a"" y friends 5ho ha!e he"*ed e and $a!e

    their !a"ua)"e su**ort for *ro*er $uidance in coin$ throu$h the *ro+ect.

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder




    Introduction Use of 5aste *roduct in concrete

    rushed roc4 f"our

    'heet $"ass *o5der

    rushed $ranite fine (09%

    Incinerated se5a$e s"ud$e ash (I''A%

    0round 5aste $"ass

    Introduction of $"ass in concrete

    oncrete co*osite ateria"


    eent A$$re$ate

    Waste 0"ass

    Use of recyc"ed $"ass )ott"es as fine a$$re$ates in concrete i7ture

    oncrete /i7 Desi$n

    Resu"t and discussion




    Dis*osa" of ore than ;

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    ca*acity of !a"ua)"e "andfi"" s*ace is $oin$ to )e saturated at an a"arin$ rate. 9or this

    reason: in the *ast ten years: a a+or research effort has )een carried out to find

    *ractica" 5ays to recyc"e 5aste $"ass for the *roduction of different concrete *roducts

    such as concrete )"oc4s: se"f6co*actin$ concrete and architectura" ortar.

    'oe of these s*ecia"ty $"ass6concrete *roducts ha!e )een successfu""y

    coercia"i=ed and are $ainin$ 5ider acce*tance. This *a*er $i!es an o!er!ie5 of the

    current ana$eent and recyc"in$ situation of 5aste $"ass and the e7*erience of usin$

    recyc"ed 5aste $"ass in concrete *roductsin India.

    0"ass is 5ide"y used in our "i!es throu$h anufactured *roducts such as sheet $"ass:

    )ott"es: $"ass5are: and !acuu tu)in$. 0"ass is an idea" ateria" for recyc"in$. The use

    of recyc"ed $"ass he"*s in ener$y sa!in$.

    The increasin$ a5areness of $"ass recyc"in$ s*eeds u* ins*ections on the use of 5aste

    $"ass 5ith different fors in !arious fie"ds. 1ne of its si$nificant contri)utions is to the

    construction fie"d 5here the 5aste $"ass 5as reused for concrete *roduction. The

    a**"ication of $"ass in architectura" concrete sti"" needs i*ro!eent.

    a)oratory e7*erients 5ere conducted to further e7*"ore the use of 5aste $"ass as

    coarse and fine a$$re$ates for )oth A'R (A"4a"i6'i"ica6Reaction% a""e!iation as 5e"" as

    the decorati!e *ur*ose in concrete. The study indicated that 5aste $"ass can effecti!e"y

    )e used as fine a$$re$ate re*"aceent (u* to >

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    re*"aceent and ceentitious ateria"s re*"aceent 5ith *o5der $"ass on fresh and

    hardened concrete *ro*erties 5ere assessed. It 5as conc"uded that 5ith the

    incor*oration of >@? of crushed $"ass as a natura" sand re*"aceent: the co*ressi!e

    and f"e7ura" stren$ths ha!e ar$ina""y increased: 5hi"e the indirect tensi"e stren$th

    ar$ina""y decreased. The concrete 5ith $"ass as the natura" sand re*"aceent had

    "o5er shrin4a$e and si$nificant "o5er ch"oride diffusion coefficient. oncretes 5ith

    *o5der $"ass as ceentitious ateria"s re*"aceent sho5ed "o5er co*ressi!e

    stren$th and ar$ina""y hi$her dryin$ shrin4a$e than the contro" i7: )ut eetin$ the

    concrete i7 desi$n reEuireents.

    0"ass is a trans*arent ateria" *roduced )y e"tin$ a i7ture of ateria"s such as

    si"ica: soda ash: and a1; at hi$h te*erature fo""o5ed )y coo"in$ 5here

    so"idification occurs 5ithout crysta""i=ation. 0"ass is 5ide"y used in our "i!es throu$h

    anufactured *roducts such as sheet $"ass: )ott"es: $"ass5are: and !acuu tu)in$.

    0"ass is an idea" ateria" for recyc"in$. The use of recyc"ed $"ass sa!es "ot of ener$y

    and the increasin$ a5areness of $"ass recyc"in$ s*eeds u* focus on the use of 5aste

    $"ass 5ith different fors in !arious fie"ds.

    1ne of its si$nificant contri)utions is the construction fie"d 5here the 5aste $"ass 5as

    reused for concrete *roduction. The a**"ication of $"ass in architectura" concrete sti""

    needs i*ro!eent. 'e!era" study ha!e sho5n that 5aste $"ass that is crushed and

    screened is a stron$: safe and econoica" a"ternati!e to sand used in concrete. Durin$

    the "ast decade: it has )een reco$ni=ed that sheet $"ass 5aste is of "ar$e !o"ue and is

    increasin$ year )y year in the sho*s: construction areas and factories. Usin$ 5aste

    $"ass in the concrete construction sector is ad!anta$eous: as the *roduction cost of

    concrete 5i"" $o do5n.

    The aount of 5aste $"ass is $radua""y increased o!er the years due to an e!er6

    $ro5in$ use of $"ass *roducts. /ost of the 5aste $"asses ha!e )een du*ed into

    "andfi"" sites. The "and fi""in$ of 5aste $"asses is undesira)"e )ecause they are not

    )iode$rada)"e: 5hich a4es the en!ironenta""y "ess friend"y. There is hu$e *otentia"

    for usin$ 5aste $"ass in the concrete construction sector. When 5aste $"asses are

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    reused in a4in$ concrete *roducts: the *roduction cost of concrete 5i"" $o do5n

    (To*cu and an)u=:

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    5or"d. With the scarcity of s*ace for "and fi""in$ and due to its e!er increasin$ cost:

    5aste uti"i=ation has )ecoe an attracti!e a"ternati!e to dis*osa". Research is )ein$

    carried out on the uti"i=ation of 5aste *roducts in concrete as a re*"aceent of natura"

    sand. 'uch 5aste *roducts inc"ude discarded tires: *"astic: $"ass: )urnt foundry sand:

    and coa" co)ustion )y *roducts(Bs%. #ach of these 5aste *roducts has *ro!ided a

    s*ecific effect on the *ro*erties of fresh and hardened concrete. The use of 5aste

    *roducts in concrete not on"y a4es it econoica": )ut a"so he"*s in reducin$ dis*osa"

    *ro)"es. Reuse of )u"4y 5astes is considered the )est en!ironenta" a"ternati!e for

    so"!in$ the *ro)"e of dis*osa".

    1ne such 5aste is *"astic: 5hich cou"d )e used in !arious a**"ications. Ho5e!er: efforts

    ha!e a"so )een ade to e7*"ore its use in concreteFas*ha"t concrete. The de!e"o*ent

    of ne5 construction ateria"s usin$ recyc"ed *"astics is i*ortant to )oth the

    construction and the *"astic recyc"in$ industries. This *a*er *resents a detai"ed re!ie5

    a)out 5aste and recyc"ed ateria"s that can )e effecti!e"y used in concrete as a sand

    re*"aceent. Waste ana$eent o*tions: and research *u)"ished on the effect of

    5aste ateria"s on the fresh and hardened *ro*erties of concrete.



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    5ith '0-. o*ressi!e stren$th: Tensi"e stren$th (cu)es and cy"inders% and 9"e7ura"

    stren$th u* to C&< days of a$e 5ere co*ared 5ith those of concrete ade 5ith natura"

    fine a$$re$ates. 9ineness odu"us: s*ecific $ra!ity: oisture content: 5ater a)sor*tion:

    )u"4 density: ?!oids: ? *orosity ("oose and co*act% state for sand ('% and 'DA 5ere

    a"so studied. The test resu"ts indicate that it is *ossi)"e to anufacture concrete

    containin$ 'heet $"ass *o5der ('0-% 5ith characteristics sii"ar to those of natura"

    sand a$$re$ate concrete *ro!ided that the *ercenta$e of '0- as fine a$$re$ate is

    "iited to C

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    The contro" i7: uti"i=in$ '0-: re*"aced as the fine a$$re$ate: 5as desi$ned for the

    cu)e: cy"inder and )ea. Based on the "a)oratory tria"s: the i7 *ro*ortion of the

    contro" i7 (/

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    >% The 9"e7ura" stren$th of the )ea of concrete for a"" i7 increases 5ith a$e of curin$

    and decreases as the '0- content increases. C

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    for acce*ta)"e ra5 ateria"s. A Eua"ity *rotoco" is current"y )ein$ *roduced for *fa. This

    defines co*ositiona" and Eua"ity reEuireents and sources of *fa that eet its

    reEuireents are e7*ected to )e re$arded as ,)y6*roducts2 rather than ,5aste2. No

    such schee is yet de!e"o*ed or is )ein$ considered for I''A.


    This *a*er e7aines the *ossi)i"ity of usin$ fine"y $round 5aste $"ass as *artia" natura"

    sand re*"aceent in concrete. The reduction of 5aste $"ass *artic"e si=e 5as

    acco*"ished in the "a)oratory )y crushin$ and $rindin$ the 5aste $"ass in a +ar i"".

    The co*ressi!e stren$th at : & and < days: 5as deterined for different $round

    5aste $"ass sand *ercenta$e re*"aceent in concrete. #*hasi=es on the *ossi)i"ity of

    usin$ fine"y $round 5aste $"ass as *artia" natura" sand re*"aceent in concrete. Usin$

    5aste $"ass: as coarse a$$re$ate in concrete: did not ha!e a ar4ed effect on the

    5or4a)i"ity of concrete: )ut the co*ressi!e stren$th decrease in *ro*ortion to an

    increase in 5aste $"ass. The increase in the content of 5aste $"ass fine a$$re$ate on

    concrete sho5ed a s"u* decrease tendency inf"uenced )y the $rain sha*e and the

    fineness odu"us of the 5aste $"ass a$$re$ates. These authors o)ser!ed a decreasin$

    co*ressi!e stren$th a"on$ 5ith an increase in the i7in$ ratio of the 5aste $"ass

    a$$re$ate. They found the hi$hest co*ressi!e stren$th in concrete containin$ ;

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    stoc4*i"ed or sent to "andfi""s. The construction industry has sho5n $reat $ains in the

    recyc"in$ of industria" )y6*roducts and 5aste: inc"udin$ 5aste $"ass ateria"s.

    Quantities of 5aste $"ass ha!e )een risin$ ra*id"y durin$ the recent decades due to the

    hi$h increase in industria"i=ation and the considera)"e i*ro!eent in the standards of

    "i!in$: )ut unfortunate"y: the a+ority of these 5aste Euantities are not )ein$ recyc"ed

    )ut rather a)andoned causin$ certain serious *ro)"es such as the 5aste of natura"

    resources and en!ironenta" *o""ution.

    Recyc"in$ of this 5aste )y con!ertin$ it to a$$re$ate co*onents cou"d sa!e "andfi""

    s*ace and a"so reduce the deand for e7traction of natura" ra5 ateria" for construction

    acti!ities. Herein is a Euic4 re!ie5 for soe of the *re!ious research studies concerned

    5ith the 5aste $"ass as an a$$re$ate ateria": )ut fro different *oints of !ie5 and



    This section suari=es the *ro*erties of a"" the co*onents used in the !arious

    concrete i7es. oncrete is a structura" ateria" that contains soe si*"e e"eents

    )ut 5hen i7ed 5ith 5ater 5ou"d for a roc4 "i4e ateria". oncrete i7 is co*rised

    of coarse a$$re$ates usua""y $ra!e": fine a$$re$ates usua""y sand: ceent: 5ater: and

    any necessary additi!es. oncrete *ossesses any fa!ora)"e *ro*erties as a structura"

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    ateria": aon$ 5hich are its hi$h co*ressi!e stren$th and its *ro*erty as a fire6

    resistant e"eent to a considera)"e e7tent.

    The unfa!ora)"e *ro*erties inc"ude a re"ati!e"y 5ea4 tensi"e stren$th as co*ared to its

    co*ressi!e stren$th and the a)i"ity to for crac4s in un*redicta)"e areas. With stee"

    )ars as interna" reinforceent: the crac4s can )e contro""ed to soe de$ree. Un"i4e

    other )ui"din$ ateria"s such as stee" and *"astic: concrete is not a unifor ateria" due

    to the fact that it contains a ratio of $ra!e" and sand: thus fai"ure ode or "ocation of the

    fai"ure is un*redicta)"e.

    Due the nature of concrete: concrete has an a)i"ity to ha!e its reci*e chan$ed or a"tered

    to eet situationa" needs. Thus: if a +o) ca""s for hi$h stren$th: "i$ht5ei$ht or 5eather

    resistant concrete: its reci*e is a!ai"a)"e or a custo one can )e de!ised. oncrete has

    three ain co*onents 5hen its fresh"y i7ed and they are 5ater: ceent and

    a$$re$ates. Water is needed to )e$in the hydration *rocess for the concrete and after

    four 5ee4s of curin$ unti" fu"" *otentia" stren$th of the concrete can )e achie!ed JC

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    ust )e *ota)"e 5hich is essentia""y has neither noticea)"e taste nor odor. Basica""y:

    5ater containin$ "ess than

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    fored: the coarse a$$re$ates 5ith its "ar$e !o"ue 5ou"d a4e u* a "ar$e *ortion of

    the concrete. The fine a$$re$ates 5ou"d fi"" in the !oids created for the coarse

    a$$re$ate and reduce the aount of ceent reEuired.

    If on"y coarse a$$re$ates are used then there 5ou"d )e !oids )et5een the *artic"es and

    the !oids created 5ou"d )e fi""ed 5ith ceent *aste. Thus fine a$$re$ates are used to

    fi"" those !oids. In essence: the $oa" is to *roduce a concrete i7ture that has the "east

    aount of !oid s*aces thus usin$ "ess ceent *aste to fi"" the !oids )et5een the

    *artic"es. When fresh a$$re$ates are used to i7 concrete: the a$$re$ates these"!es

    a"so contain soe oisture either fro 5ater condensin$ on the *artic"es or the

    a$$re$ates 5as 5ashed in soe 5ay 5ith 5ater. Accordin$"y: there are four distinct

    states that the a$$re$ates can )e in .

    1!en dry a$$re$ates 5ou"d a)sor) 5ater to fi"" its o5n interna" !oids and in doin$ so

    5ou"d reduce the 5ater ceent ratio. If this occurs: then the hydration *rocess is not

    *eritted to continue and the stren$th of the concrete i7 5ou"d )e reduced )y a

    considera)"e aount. Air dry a$$re$ates 5ou"d a)sor) soe 5ater )ut not to an

    e7traneous de$ree "i4e the o!en dry a$$re$ates. The surface 5ou"d a**ear dry and

    thus soe 5ater is a)sor)ed and reduces the 5ater ceent ratio. Thus the stren$th ofthe concrete is reduced )y a sa"" aount. 'aturated dry surface a$$re$ates ha!e their

    interna" !oids fi"" 5ith 5ater and thus cannot a)sor) any ore 5ater. These a$$re$ates

    5ou"d 4ee* the 5ater ceent ratio constant and the concrete 5ou"d retain its fu""


    A$$re$ates ha!e their interna" !oids and surface area saturated 5ith 5ater. Instead of

    a)sor)in$ 5ater: the a$$re$ates 5ou"d add 5ater to the i7ture and in doin$ soL the

    5ater ceent ratio is increased: decreasin$ the stren$th of the concrete. 9or this

    research the 5ater content for the a$$re$ates 5as *re*ared under the saturated

    surface dried (''D% condition in order to a!oid any *ossi)"e o!er or under estiation of

    5ater content due to oisture a)sor*tion )y the i7ed a$$re$ates: and a"so to

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    $uarantee the true efficiency of the different 5ater6ceent ratios used for *re*arin$ the

    concrete i7.

    Waste Glass

    Theoretica""y: $"ass is a fu""y recyc"a)"e ateria"L it can )e recyc"ed 5ithout any "oss of

    Eua"ity. There are any e7a*"es of successfu" recyc"in$ of 5aste $"ass3 as a cu""et in

    $"ass *roduction: as ra5 ateria" for the *roduction of a)rasi!es: in sand6)"astin$: as a

    *o==o"anic additi!e: in road )eds: *a!eent and *ar4in$ "ots: as ra5 ateria"s to

    *roduce $"ass *e""ets or )eads used in ref"ecti!e *aint for hi$h5ays: to *roduce

    fi)er$"ass: and as fractionators for "i$htin$ atches and firin$ aunition. Waste $"ass

    can a"so )e *roduced fro e*ty $"ass )ott"es and *ots: and coe in se!era" distinct

    co"ors containin$ coon "iEuids and other su)stances. This 5aste $"ass is usua""y

    crushed into sa"" *ieces that rese)"e the si=es of $ra!e"s and sands. Therefore 6 as

    an a"ternati!e 6 there is a *otentia" to *artia""y re*"ace the concrete i7 a$$re$ate 5ith

    5aste $"ass due to the "ac4 of natura" recourses in 0a=a 'tri*.

    In its ori$ina" for: $"ass coes as a )a"anced co)ination fro three ain ra5 natura"

    ateria"s3 sand: si"ica: and "iestone: in addition to a certain *ercenta$e of recyc"ed5aste $"ass uti"i=ed in the anufacturin$ *rocess. The $"ass recyc"in$ *rocess

    *roduces a crushed $"ass *roduct ca""ed Mcu""etM: 5hich is often i7ed 5ith !ir$in $"ass

    ateria"s to *roduce ne5 end *roducts. Ta)"e .C "ists soe of a**ro7iate

    co*ositions and the corres*ondin$ uses of !arious coon fors of $"ass.

    Appro,imate compositions and t-e correspondin+ .ses o/ 0ario.s common/orms o/ +lass

    Ty*e of 0"ass o*osition ()y 5ei$ht% Usa$es

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    'oda6ie6'i"ica ;? 'i"ica C>? 'oda

    ? ie ;.? /a$nesia

    .@? 'i"ica >.@?

    A"uina C

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    resistant !arieties (B1; C;?% there are others that due to the different 5ay in

    5hich the )oric o7ide is incor*orated into the structura" net5or4 ha!e on"y "o5

    cheica" resistance (B1; P C@?%.

    'econd"y: the A"4a"ine6earth a"uinosi"icate $"asses are free of a"4a"i o7ides and contain

    C@ @? A"1;: @

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    As tie $oes )y: huan ci!i"i=ation is continuous"y )ecoin$ ore industria"i=ed. /ore

    factories are )ui"t: !ehic"es are continuous"y $ro5in$ in nu)er: and )ui"din$s 5ere )ui"t

    a"" around. As a resu"t of these: our natura" en!ironent 5as *eranent"y chan$ed fro

    5hat it has )een t5enty years or ore.

    1!er: the "ast se!era" decades: socio"o$ists ha!e in!esti$ated the *u)"ics increasin$

    concern a)out the en!ironent: )ut they ha!e had "itt"e success e7*"ainin$ attitudes.

    to5ard the en!ironent or the ado*tion of *ro6en!ironent )eha!iors "i4e recyc"in$ The

    researcher e7aine the ro"e of socia" conte7t in the "in4 )et5een indi!idua" attitudes

    a)out the en!ironent and recyc"in$ )eha!ior )y co*arin$ counities that !ary in

    their access to recyc"in$ *ro$ras. Resu"ts sho5 that *eo*"e 5ith access to a

    structured recyc"in$ *ro$ra ha!e uch hi$her "e!e"s of recyc"in$ than do *eo*"e

    "ac4in$ such access. 9urtherore: indi!idua" attitudes to5ard the en!ironent affect

    recyc"in$ )eha!ior on"y in the counity 5ith easy access to a structured recyc"in$

    *ro$ra. Indi!idua" concern a)out the en!ironent enhances the effect of the recyc"in$

    *ro$ra: )ut does not o!ercoe the )arriers *resented )y "ac4 of access.

    The huan *o*u"ation is continuous"y $ro5in$ in nu)er: )ecause of thisL there is a

    $reat deand of constructin$ ore structures to faci"itate the needs of the counity.Quarry o*erations )ecoe ra*ant to satisfy the need for $ra!e" and sand for

    construction. As a conseEuence there are assi!e destruction of ountains 5hich has

    )een one of the a+or costs of "ands"ides: and f"ashf"oods durin$ earthEua4es and

    ty*hoons resu"tin$ to "oss of thousands or e!en i""ions of "i!es.

    Recyc"in$ of the dis*osed ateria" is one ethod of treatin$ the a$ricu"tura" 5aste. The

    used of coconut fi)er and coconut she"" cou"d )e a !a"ua)"e su)stitute in the foration

    of co*osite ateria" that can )e used as a housin$ construction: such as concrete

    ho""o5 )"oc4 .

    oconut is faous as u"ti6function *"ant that a"" *arts of its *"ant can )e used for

    !arious acti!ities. The use of this a$ricu"tura" 5aste due to an assu*tion is that it can

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    re*"ace the e7istin$ ateria" used in coercia" *roduct in order to reduce cost or

    i*ro!e echanica" *ro*erties of the co*osite ateria". Industria"ists in ost of the

    coconut *roducin$ countries hai" the econoic: en!ironenta" and techno"o$ica"

    )enefits of uti"i=in$ coconut far 5astes J. 1n the farers side: a$ricu"tura" residues

    can )e a source of e7tra incoe. Traditiona""y: coconut farers dis*ose the hus4s:

    s*ate: *etio"e and "ea!es )y )urnin$ or a""o5in$ these far 5astes to rot in the fie"d.

    Ho5e!er: 5or"d5ide interest in usin$ far residues for !a"ue6added *roducts eans

    that farers can $enerate additiona" incoe aside fro aassin$ en!ironenta"

    di!idends. 'tudies ha!e sho5n that )urnin$ of a$ricu"tura" 5astes causes air *o""ution:

    soi" erosion and e!en a decrease in soi" )io"o$ica" acti!ity that can e!entua""y "ead to

    decreased soi" ferti"ity. 1n the other hand: a""o5in$ far residues to rot in the fie"d ay

    i*ro!e the *roducti!ity of the soi" )ut the *rocess of deco*osition is !ery s"o5

    "eadin$ to accuu"ation of *i"es of a$ricu"tura" 5astes that can cause *hytosanitary

    *ro)"e to the coconut *"antation: since decayin$ de)ris is idea" )reedin$ *"ace for

    coconut *est "i4e the rhinoceros )eet"e .

    Usin$ a$ricu"tura" and forest residues for industria" *ur*oses is a uch ore

    en!ironent6safe and friend"y ore than any other ethod of 5astes dis*osa" )ein$

    coon"y ado*ted no5adays. Research and de!e"o*ent in the construction industryare shiftin$ to5ards e7*"oration of ce""u"ose far 5astes and forest residues *rocessin$

    and *roduction for )ui"din$ ateria"s. The treendous *otentia" of a$ricu"tura" and

    forest residues can )e a so"ution to the *ro)"e of inadeEuate su**"y and hi$h cost of

    con!entiona" ti)ers and de*endence fro i*orted )ui"din$ ateria"s. urrent

    research and de!e"o*ent efforts in the fie"d of )ui"din$ ateria"s shou"d )e su**orti!e

    of *o"icies of ost $o!ernents that are aied in the *rootion of i*ort su)stitution

    schees: e*"oyent $eneration and se"f6re"iance. The enorous aount of residues

    that sha"" )e $enerated fro the far and forest *"antation 5ou"d then a4e a sta)"e

    source of a"ternati!e ateria"s for the *ur*ose of )ui"din$ afforda)"e housin$ units for

    the a+ority of the countrys *o*u"ation.

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    onsidered the ost usefu" tree in the 5or"d: the coconut *a" *ro!ides food: drin4:

    c"othin$: she"ter: heir"oo history: and financia" security J. Hard"y an inch of the coconut

    *a" $oes to 5aste in countries such as the -hi"i**ines 5here fai"ies re"y on the

    coconut *a" for sur!i!a" and refer to it as the Mtree of "ife.M

    The she"": hus4: roots of the tree: fronds: f"o5ers: and 5ood of the trun4 are a"so

    )ecoe usefu" *roducts. harcoa" fi"ters used in $as as4s and ci$arettes are ade

    fro coconut she""s that are )urned: "ea!in$ *ure car)on )ehind. harcoa" has the

    a)i"ity to tra* icrosco*ic *artic"es and i*urities and *re!ent a)sor*tion J>. harcoa"

    ade fro coconut she""s *roduces fi"ters of e7ce*tiona" hi$h *erforance.

    1ne third of the coconuts a4e6u* is the hairy hus4 that is soa4ed in sa"t 5ater unti" it is

    soft enou$h to s*in into ro*e or t5ine that is 4no5n for its dura)i"ity J@. The ro*e: ca""ed

    coir )ut *ronounced coi": is hi$h"y resistant to sa"t 5ater and does not )rea4 do5n "i4e

    other fi)ers inc"udin$ he* J. The coconut hus4 has househo"d *ractica"ity in tro*ica"

    countries 5here coconuts are *art of a"ost e!ery cuisine. The hus4 *ro!ides fue" for

    coo4in$ as 5e"" as fi)er for a4in$ c"othin$.

    Bui"din$ ateria"s fro a$ricu"tura" and forest 5astes are idea" for socia"i=ed or "o56costhousin$ since these are $enera""y chea*er than con!entiona" ateria"s J. 9or

    e7a*"e: residues fro coconut *"antation "i4e hus4s: fronds and s*ate can )e

    *rocessed and transfored into e7ce""ent sta)i"i=ed ceent6)onded )oards or 5a""

    *ane"s and corru$ated roofin$ sheets at a uch reduced *roduction cost than the

    con!entiona" ceent )"oc4s: $a"!ani=ed iron sheets: as)estos *ane"s or *"y5ood

    sheets. i4e5ise: rice hu""Fstra5: corn sta"4s: a)aca 5astes and su$ar cane )a$asse are

    "oca""y a!ai"a)"e ateria"s that can )e readi"y used in anufacturin$ ceent6)onded

    )oards. In addition: indi$enous and sa"" diaeter trees "i4e ,)a$a"un$a2 and $iant ,i*i"6

    i*i"2 are a)undant in coconut *"antations *articu"ar"y in /indanao: -hi"i**ines: either as

    intercro**ed or natura""y6$ro5n: 5hich can )e econoica""y *rocessed into ceent6

    )onded )oards J. The a!ai"a)i"ity of suita)"e ateria"s is intiate"y "in4ed to the

    de!e"o*ent of a ne5 *roduct: such as *roducin$ a concrete ho""o5 )"oc4 usin$

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    coconut fi)ers and she""s. 0eneratin$ this *roduct usin$ a$ricu"tura" 5aste 5i"" introduce

    a"ternati!e construction ateria"s 5ith a "o5 *roduction cost and "essen the socia" and

    en!ironenta" *ro)"es J: &. /odern construction techno"o$ies )ein$ de!e"o*ed:

    res*ond to eco"o$ica" and socia" issues of e7cessi!e use of ra5 ateria"s fro nature.

    E,perimental In0esti+ation

    This e7*erienta" research focuses on the effect of usin$ recyc"ed )ott"es as concrete

    ateria" for ass housin$ *ro+ects. This research ais to deterine the effect of usin$

    recyc"ed )ott"es on the *ro*erties of hardened concrete nae"y3 co*ressi!e stren$th

    and odu"us of e"asticity. A"so inc"uded: are the effect of recyc"ed )ott"es on 5ater6

    ceent ratio: Eua"ity and si=e of a$$re$ates and consistency of the i7. #7*erients

    sha"" )e conducted to acEuire the necessary data needed in the ana"ysis. #ach

    e7*erient sha"" )e conducted in accordance 5ith the standards 5hich are a**"ica)"e in

    our country: in 5hich in our case: s*ecified )y A'T/ reEuireents.

    Bott"es fro +un4sho*s are used in this study. These )ott"es are crushed and use as a

    re*"aceent for fine a$$re$ates for concrete i7ture. The researcher used anua""y

    crushed and c"ean )ott"es and chosen )ott"es 5ith the sae *ro*erty for unifority. Thecrushed sa*"es 5ere *assed throu$h sie!e ana"ysis to ensure that the si=e of the

    cu""et 5i"" )e "ess than .< )ut $reater than

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    The study focuses on co*ressi!e stren$th and e"astic odu"us. This study a"so $i!es

    e*hasis on the en!ironenta" concerns and not on its econoic as*ect. In addition:

    study is a"so de"iited to dura)i"ity: cree*: shrin4a$e and 5ater ti$htness. These four

    *ro*erties of hardened concrete are tie6de*endent *ro*erties 5hich 5i"" entai" so

    uch tie to deterine J&: C.

    $ro2ect esi+n

    The researcher )e"ie!es that $"ass )ott"es can )e *rocessed into construction $rade

    cu""et usin$ any con!enient echanica" ethod. 9or cu""et6a$$re$ate )"ends: $"ass

    cu""et can )e )"ended 5ith natura" a$$re$ates )y any con!enient echanica" ethod.

    Nora" *recautions shou"d )e fo""o5ed to *re!ent se$re$ation.

    Ty*ica" a$$re$ates for construction inc"ude sands: $ra!e"s: crushed roc4 and recyc"ed

    concrete. The $"ass cu""et and cu""et a$$re$ate )"ends shou"d )e co*ared 5ith these

    standard s*ecifications for each s*ecific a**"ication. The intent of this research is to

    encoura$e re$u"atory de*artents to aend s*ecifications to a""o5 $"ass cu""et and

    cu""et a$$re$ate )"ends as an a"ternati!e to con!entiona" a$$re$ate in nuerous

    a**"ications. 'e!era" states in United 'tates of Aerica: inc"udin$ the Washin$ton 'tate

    De*artent of Trans*ortation: ha!e a"ready inc"uded s*ecifications for $"ass a$$re$ate.

    The researcher in!esti$ates the effects of usin$ recyc"ed $"ass )ott"es as an a"ternati!e

    fine a$$re$ate. As sho5n in fi$ure C: the researchers used recyc"ed )ott"es fro

    +un4sho*s. These )ott"es 5ere c"eaned to *re!ent forei$n ateria"s or cheica"s fro

    containatin$ the s*eciens. After c"eanin$: they 5ere crushed anua""y and sie!ed to

    ensure unifority in *artic"e si=e. The researcher used "ass A i7 5hich has C33>

    *ro*ortion of ceent: sand and $ra!e" res*ecti!e"y. 'oe *ercenta$e of sand 5as

    re*"aced )y crushed recyc"ed )ott"es (@?: @

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    $ro2ect esi+n

    Sample Identi/ication

    The identification for the s*eciens is started )y a "etter 5hich starts fro ,A2 to ,D2 to

    desi$nate the curin$ a$e of the s*eciens. The s*eciens noted 5ith ,A2 5ere those

    tested at its th day of curin$ *eriod. /oreo!er: those s*eciens tested on its C>th: Cst

    and &th day of curin$ *eriod 5ere desi$nated 5ith ,B2: ,2 and ,D2 res*ecti!e"y.

    '*eciens noted 5ith ,D2 5ere the ost critica" )ecause these 5ere tested on its &th

    day of curin$ *eriod and it 5i"" )e the )asis for the fina" co*ressi!e stren$th (fc8% and

    odu"us of e"asticity (#%. After the "etter: it is fo""o5ed )y a nuerica" !a"ue 5hich ran$es

    fro ,@2 to ,C

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    ,ontro"2. 9ro the a)o!e discussion: fi$ure can )e identified as ,sa*"e C of th day

    curin$ a$e 5ith C

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    $ro2ect e0elopment

    Concrete !i, esi+n

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    The reEuireent 5hich fors the )asis of se"ection and *ro*ortionin$ of i7 in$redients


    (C% The iniu co*ressi!e stren$th reEuired fro structura" consideration.

    (% The adeEuate 5or4a)i"ity necessary for fu"" co*action 5ith the co*actin$

    eEui*ent a!ai"a)"e.

    (;%/a7iu 5ater ceent ratio andFor a7iu ceent content to $i!e adeEuate

    dura)i"ity for the *articu"ar site conditions.

    (>%/a7iu ceent content to a!oid shrin4a$e crac4in$ due to te*erature cyc"e in

    ass concrete.

    Types o/ mi,

    a%Nominal !i,* The *ast s*ecifications for concrete *rescri)e the *ro*ortions of

    ceent: fine and coarse a$$re$ates. These i7es of fi7ed ceent6a$$re$ate ratio

    ensure adeEuate stren$th: tered as noina" i7es. These offer si*"icity and under

    nora" circustances: ha!e a ar$in of stren$th a)o!e that s*ecified. Ho5e!er: due to

    the !aria)i"ity of i7 in$redients the noina" concrete for a $i!en 5or4a)i"ity !aries

    5ide"y in stren$th.

    )%Standard !i,* The noina" i7 of fi7ed ceenta$$re$ate ratio ()y !o"ue% !aries

    5ide"y in stren$th and ay resu"t in under or o!er rich i7es. 9or this reason: the

    iniu co*ressi!e stren$th has )een inc"uded in any s*ecifications. These i7es

    are tered as standard i7es.

    c% I' >@6

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder



  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    esi+n o/ Concrete !i, wit- Recycled Glass "ottles


    C% To he"* reduce the aount of so"id 5aste ateria"s )ein$ da*ed at "andfi""s.

    % To find other source of a$$re$ate aside fro the con!entiona" $ra!e" and sand.

    ;% To sa!e the ateria" cost for construction )y usin$ indi$enous ateria"s.


    These are 5aste $"ass )ott"es: -ort"and ceent: sand: $ra!e": 5ater: crushin$ too"s:

    i7in$ too"s: cy"indrica" o"ds and: e7*erienta" and testin$ eEui*ent.

    Operation and Testin+ $roced.res

    C% o""ect 5aste $"ass )ott"es

    % "ean the co""ected )ott"es.

    ;% rush the )ott"es. After crushin$: the crushed )ott"es ust *ass throu$h sie!e

    nu)er C< 5ith o*enin$ diaeter. /a4e sure that the si=es of *artic"es are


    >% /i7 the desi$n i7ture desired to )e *erfored. /i7 the co*onents thorou$h"y to

    ensure that the distri)ution is e!en a"" throu$hout. arefu""y easure the 5ater to )e


    @% 9o""o5 the e7*erienta" *rocedures fro the A'T/ s*ecifications3

    a% /a4in$ and urin$ of oncrete Test '*ecien (A'T/ C%.

    )% '"u* in onsistency of /i7ture (A'T/ C>;%.

    c% o*ressi!e 'tren$th of y"indrica" '*eciens (A'T/ ;%

    d% /odu"us of #"asticity (N'- 'ection @.&.@%

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    o*ressi!e stren$th of cu)es (sand is *artia""y re*"aced )y )ric4 *o5der% of /6< i7

    increases u* to C@? $"ass

    *o5der. As $"ass *o5der e7ceeds C@?: co*ressi!e stren$th decreases. In /6@ and

    /6;< concrete i7: co*ressi!e stren$th a"so fo""o5s the sae trend as it did in the /6

    < i7. o*ressi!e stren$th is a7iu at

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    Comparison o/ compressi0e stren+t- o/ !456 mi, /or di//erent percenta+e o/Glass powder

    Comparison o/ compressi0e stren+t- o/ !457 !i, /or di//erent percenta+e o/Glass powder.

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    Comparison o/ compressi0e stren+t- o/ !486 !i, /or di//erent percenta+e o/+lass powder9

    (ariation o/ 0al.e o/ concrete wit- +lass powder content

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    Water Cement Ratio

    Ta)"e C re*resents the 5ater6ceent ratio. In ters of 5ater ceent ratio: as far as the

    researchers are concerned: the use of recyc"ed )ott"es as concrete ateria" has no

    si$nificant effect. Throu$hout the i7in$ and o"din$ sta$e of the s*eciens: the

    researchers used 5ater ceent ratio 5hich ran$es fro

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder

    36/41 Test Res.lts

    Ta)"e sho5s the resu"ts for s"u* test. The aount of 5ater $reat"y affects the

    consistency of the i7ture. Based on the 5ater ceent ratio and s"u* test: the use of

    recyc"ed )ott"es as concrete ateria" has no si$nificant effect on the consistency of the

    i7ture. The consistency and *rocedura" of i7in$ ceent and a$$re$ates

    i*"eentin$ the "ass A i7ture.

    Table 59 Test Res.lts

    Comparison between Con0entional Concrete and Concrete Recycled "ottles

    Compressi0e Stren+t-

    De*endin$ on the i7 and 5ater ceent ratio and the tie Eua"ity of curin$:

    co*ressi!e stren$th of concrete can )e o)tained u* to /-a or ore. on!entiona"

    concrete *roduction 5ith ordinary a$$re$ates is usua""y in the C /-a to &; /-a ran$e

    5ith the ost coon ran$es for cast in *"ace )ui"din$s fro C to >C /-a JC: C.

    The *riary )asis on the easure of the stren$th of concrete is its co*ressi!e

    stren$th at its &th day of curin$. The iniu stren$th reEuireent for "ass A i7 of

    concrete is

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    e7*erients: the a!era$e co*ressi!e stren$th of con!entiona" concrete (ontro"%

    o)tained fro the &th day of curin$ reached @.@> /-a: 5hi"e the co*ressi!e

    stren$th of the sa*"es ha!in$ crushed )ott"e to sand ratio of @?: @

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    thera" insu"ation: or fi"". Another interestin$ ad!anta$e of oncrete Recyc"ed Bott"es is

    that it is "i$hter than the con!entiona" concrete i7ture. Aside fro the ad!anta$es as

    entioned )efore: "i$ht5ei$ht concrete is ore ad!anta$eous in reducin$ the 5ei$ht of

    the structure: thus $i!in$ sa""er )ase shear for earthEua4e desi$n *ur*oses. Due to

    the scarcity of the resources for construction added 5ith the *resent econoic status in

    our country: the ateria" cost for construction continuous to $o u*. The oncrete

    Recyc"ed Bott"es has a so"ution on this *ro)"e. The use of the indi$enous ateria" for

    construction *roduces "o5 cost structures: thus "o5erin$ the construction *rice and

    $i!es ore *rofit for the contractor.

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder



    1n the )asis of resu"ts o)tained: fo""o5in$ conc"usions can)e dra5n3

    (C% The re*"aceent of fine a$$re$ate )y crushed )ric4 *o5der is found to )e !ery

    effecti!e. The o*tiu re*"aceent is found to )e

  • 7/24/2019 Sand Replacement by Glass Powder


    (;%Where e!er )ric4 )at a$$re$ates are used ade fro s"i$ht"y o!er )runt )ric4s: this

    5i"" )e hard and e!entua""y a)sor) "ess 5ater.

    (>% Resu"ts of this in!esti$ation su$$est that )ric4 *o5der or structura" concrete.

    After deterinin$ the !a"ue of the resu"ts of the for$oin$ findin$s: the fo""o5in$

    conc"usion 5ere dra5n3

    a% The use of recyc"ed $"ass )ott"es as an a"ternati!e fine a$$re$ate for concrete i7

    decreases the 5ater6ceent ratio de*endin$ on the aount *resent in the i7tureL

    )% The use of recyc"ed )ott"es as fine a$$re$ate decreases the unit 5ei$ht of concrete.

    c% The use of recyc"ed )ott"es as an a"ternati!e for fine a$$re$ate is not recoended

    for structura" e)ers such as co"uns: )eas and sus*ended s"a)s.

    d% The odu"us of e"asticity is de*endent 5ith the co*ressi!e stren$th: and unit

    5ei$ht of concrete: hence: the recyc"ed $"ass )ott"es as fine a$$re$ate decreases the

    !a"ue for odu"us of e"asticity

    e% The use of recyc"ed )ott"es as an a"ternati!e fine a$$re$ate decreases the aount of

    ateria" cost for concrete due to recyc"ed )ott"e a$$re$ateL f% There is a *ositi!e

    *ro+ection in the a!ai"a)i"ity of $"ass )ott"es due for its deands and f"e7i)i"ity in use.

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    '*ecification for oarse and 9ine A$$re$ate fro Natura" 'ources for oncrete.

    I' ;&;6C