sampling and analysis plan - united states environmental ... · aquatec quality assurance program...

Superfund Records Ceiite^ SITE: !V>u-A-ntft> I -«, \ v -, BREAK: OTHER: SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN DRAFT QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN Bennington Landfill Site Bennington, Vermont Submitted to: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region I Prepared by: McLaren/Hart Environmental Engineering Corp. 25 Independence Blvd. Warren, New Jeisey 07059 February 3, 1992 Revised: May 22, 1992 C476

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  • Superfund Records Ceiite^ SITE: ! V > u - A - n t f t > I -, \v -, BREAK: OTHER:




    Bennington Landfill Site Bennington, Vermont

    Submitted to:

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region I

    Prepared by:

    McLaren/Hart Environmental Engineering Corp. 25 Independence Blvd.

    Warren, New Jeisey 07059

    February 3, 1992 Revised: May 22, 1992





    McLaren/Hart Environmental Enineerin: ~

    ie^ Project Manager

    David Everitt, QA/QC Officer



    Environmental Protection Agency. Region I:

    Terrence Connelly, Remedial Project Manager Date


  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN IIA.2 Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan


    Section Title Page


    1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Project Background 2 1.3 Project Objectives 2 1.4 RI/FS Study Objectives 2

    2.0 PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES . . . 4 2.1 Project Organization 4 2.2 Subcontractors 4

    3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE OBJECTIVES FOR MEASUREMENT DATA 5 3.1 Precision and Accuracy 5 3.2 Completeness 7 3.3 Comparability 7 3.4 Representativeness 8

    4.0 SAMPLING PROCEDURES 10 4.1 Selection of Sampling Locations 10 4.2 Sample Collection 10 4.3 Sample Preservation 12 4.4 Field Documentation 13

    5.0 SAMPLE CUSTODY 15 5.1 Field Sample Custody 15 5.2 Sample Packaging and Shipment 16 5.3 Laboratory Sample Custody 17

    C476 -i

  • IIA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN ILA.2 Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan

    TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

    Section Page

    6.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 18 6.1 Organics 19 6.2 Inorganics 20

    7.0 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION AND MAINTENANCE 21 7.1 Responsibility 21 7.2 Field Instruments 21 7.3 Laboratory Instruments 23


    8.1 General 24 8.2 Data Reduction 24 8.3 Data Reporting 26 8.4 Data Validation 28

    9.0 INTERNAL QUALITY CONTROL CHECKS 30 9.1 Laboratory QC Checks 30 9.2 Field QC Checks 30

    10.0 PERFORMANCE AND SYSTEM AUDITS 32 10.1 Laboratory Performance and Systems Audits 32 10.2 Field Team Performance Audits 32


    C476 -11

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN IIA.2 Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan

    TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

    Section Page




    C476 -m

  • IIA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN IIA.2 Draft Quality Assurance Project Plan

    Figure 1:

    Table 1:

    Table 2:

    Table 3:

    Table 4:

    Table 5:

    Appendix A:

    Appendix B:

    Appendix B C:

    Appendix D:


    Project Management Organizational Structure


    QA Objectives for Precision, Accuracy and Completeness of Analyses

    QC Sample Summary

    Sample Collection Requirements

    Methodology Summary

    Field Equipment Calibration Schedule


    Aquatec Quality Assurance Program Plan

    McLaren Analytical Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual

    Contract Required Quantitation Limits

    Methods for Air Sarapte Analysis

    C476 -IV

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Dnft Quality AMurance Project Plan



    Terrence Connelly EPA Remedial Project Manager

    Bruce Mackie McLaren/Hart

    David Everitt McLaren/Hart

    James Peterson McLaren/Hart

    Quality Assurance Officer Aquatec


  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project Plan




    A Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) will be conducted at the Bennington

    Landfill Site (the Site) pursuant to an Administrative Order by Consent issued by USEPA

    Region I, CERCLA Docket No. 1-91-10-93.

    The Settling Parties have retained McLaren/Hart Environmental Engineering, Inc.

    (McLaren/Hart) to prepare an RI/FS Work Plan. A Quality Assurance Project Plan

    (QAPP) has been prepared as part of the RI/FS Work Plan. The purpose of the QAPP is

    to outline the specific quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) objectives and procedures

    for all sampling and analysis conducted at the Site. The appropriate use and application of

    QA/QC procedures will ensure that environmental samples are collected, transported, and

    analyzed in ways which fulfill the needs and regulatory requirements of USEPA, Region I.

    This QAPP has been prepared in accordance with applicable USEPA guidance including:

    Statement of Work for Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study for the Bennington

    Landfill Site and Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance

    Project Plans. All sampling and analysis will be conducted according to USEPA or other

    appropriate standard methods as detailed in this QAPP and in the Field Sampling Plan

    (FSP). All project activities throughout the RI/FS shall comply with the QAPP.

    C476 -1

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auuraace Project Plan


    The Bennington Landfill Site is an inactive municipal landfill which occupies approximately

    15 acres of a 28 acre parcel of land. The landfill is located on Houghton Lane,

    approximately 3 miles north of Bennington in southern Vermont. Currently, the only

    operations taking place at the Site arc conducted by the Town of Bennington, which uses

    the Site for iuchiuie ihe temporary storage of brush and white goods, and fef- & transfer,

    recycling, and sorting of municipal solid waste.

    A discussion of the history, environmental setting, and previous investigations of the Site can

    be found in the Site Background (FSP Section 2.0).


    The primary objective of the RI/FS is to assess Site conditions and evaluate remedial

    alternatives to the extent necessary to select a remedy for the Site, as defined in the

    Administrative Order by Consent (Consent Order), EPA Docket No. 1-91-1093, that is

    consistent with the National Contingency Plan (NCP).


    The Remedial Investigation (RI) objectives are to:

    1. define the sources, nature, extent, and distribution of contaminants


    2. determine and quantify potential exposure pathways;

    C476 _

  • OA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN EA.2 Drift Quality Auunoce Project PUn

    3. provide sufficient information to assess the risks to human health and to the


    4. provide sufficient information to evaluate remedial alternatives,

    conceptually design remedial actions, select a remedy, and issue a record

    of decision.

    The Feasibility Study (FS) objectives are to:

    1. review the applicability of various remedial technologies, including

    innovative technologies, to determine whether they are appropriate

    remedies for the Site;

    2. determine if each alternative developed by combining technologies is

    effective, by evaluating in the short and long term whether it is:

    a. effective

    b. implementable

    c. cost effective

    3. evaluate each alternative or combination of alternatives through a detailed

    and comparative analysis based on the criteria listed in the EPA references:

    Guidance for Conducting RI/FS Studies under CERCLA : and Conducting

    RI/FS Studies for CERCLA Municipal Landfill Sites and any criteria

    identified in the NCP or CERCLA as amended;

    4. provide direction to the RI portions to ensure that sufficient and

    appropriate data are gathered to allow for the selection of a remedy.

    C476 -3.

  • OA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Aifunnce Project Plan



    The project management organization provides clear lines of authority and a control

    structure to support this RI/FS. The organizational structure for the project is shown in

    Figure 1. A summary of each team member's responsibilities is provided in Section 5.0 of

    the Site Management Plan (SMP).


    McLaren/Hart will retain qualified subcontractors to perform specific tasks of the RI/FS

    process. McLaren/Hart will provide overall management, coordination, and quality control

    and review of subcontractors' activities. The project tasks which will be subcontracted are

    discussed in the SMP.

    C476 .4

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auurance Project PUn


    The overall QA objective is to ensure that the field and laboratory procedures employed

    during the project will generate data of sufficient and adequate quality for its intended use.

    The data will be used to characterize the Site so that remedial alternatives can be evaluated

    and ultimately, a remedy for the Site can be selected. In order for the data to be used for

    these purposes, the data must be of a known and acceptable quality.

    The quality of measurement data is characterized by the accuracy, precision, completeness,

    representativeness, and comparability of the data collected. Each of these elements is

    discussed below in relation to the data which will be generated from sampling and analysis

    activities conducted at the Site. Table 1 presents these QA objectives for each of the major

    parameter groups for sod* water, aad air aattlces, Accuracy and precision objectives are

    based on prior knowledge of the measurement system employed and on method validation

    studies. The objectives referenced in Table 1 are based on the attainable/acceptable ranges

    as specified in the analytical methods to be used in this project, and are based on Level 4

    data quality objectives.


    Accuracy is the degree of agreement of a measurement with an accepted reference or true

    value. Accuracy is often expressed as the percent difference between two values. Precision

    is a measure of mutual agreement among individual measurements of the same property and

    is often expressed as the standard deviation or relative percent difference (RPD). The

    accuracy and precision associated with the measurement of inorganic and organic

    parameters are discussed in the analytical methods and in data validation guidance to be

    employed for this investigation.

    C476 .5.

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Draft Quality Auurmoce Project Plan

    Analytical accuracy is determined by comparing results from the analysis of surrogates,

    matrix spikes, or check standards to their known values. Every sample analyzed for organics

    is spiked with compounds (surrogates) which behave chemically and physically like target

    compounds. The percent recoveries of the surrogates from all samples and blanks are

    reported as a measure of the accuracy of the method. Matrix spike recovery can also be

    used to assess analytical accuracy. Acceptable percent recovery ranges have been proposed,

    and are presented in Table 1.

    The equation used to calculate percent recovery (%R) is as follows:

    PercentRecovery(SpikeSample)= RSS~RUSxlOO

    Where: RSS = Results of Spike Sample RUS = Results of Unspiked Sample SA = Amount of Spike Added

    Precision is measured by analyzing field duplicates and laboratory duplicates. Duplicate

    samples from each matrix are spiked (Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate). Percent

    recovery and relative percent difference of the matrix spikes are reported. RPD measures

    the precision of the method for the particular matrix. The maximum RPD limits for

    organics are presented in Table 1. One of every twenty samples is designated as the

    MS/MSD sample. Accuracy and precision limits for inorganic analytes are also based on

    spike and duplicate analyses and are presented in Table 1. The particular compounds and

    concentrations to be used for spiking are specified in the referenced methods.


  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auurance Project Plan

    The equation used to calculate % RPD is as follows:

    D.-D. RelativePcrcentDifference(RPD)= -*100

    Where: D, = First Sample Results D2 = Duplicate Sample Results


    With respect to data collection, completeness is a measure of the amount of valid data

    obtained compared to the amount that was specified or expected to be obtained under

    normal conditions. The measure is usually expressed as a percentage. Occasionally,

    completeness is something less than 100 percent due to difficulties in collection and analysis

    of environmental samples. An overall completeness rate of 90% is generally acceptable and

    will be the standard applied to this project.

    PercernCompletcness- ">**rofVaUdtesuhS NumberofExpectedResults


    The data generated from this Site should be comparable with similar measurements made

    by others at this or a similar site. To assure that the measurements are comparable, sample

    C476 .7

  • I1A DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN EA 2 Draft Quality Auunnce Project PUn

    collection and analysis will follow standard EPA methods; also, standard reporting units will

    be used for all data. All aqueous sample data for organic and inorganic analytes will be

    reported in ug/1. All sediment or soil sample data will be reported in ug/kg for organic

    analytes and in mg/kg for inorganic analytes. All ambient air sample results will be

    reported in ug/m 3.


    Data representativeness is ensured by using standard sampling procedures as well as

    standard analytical methods. Blank and && fepBeate duplicate samples will be collected

    for comparison to the environmental samples. Specific approaches are incorporated into

    sample collection for each medium as outlined below.

    Monitoring wells will be flushed three to five casing volumes prior to collecting samples to

    ensure that a representative sample has been obtained from the aquifer. During collection

    of ground water samples, one field blank per day of sampling, one replicate per twenty

    samples, and a trip blank for each sample shipment, will be collected to check for

    laboratory/field contamination.

    During the collection of surface water and sediment samples, all downstream sampling will

    be performed prior to upstream sampling. A field blank, a trip blank, and replicate surface

    water and sediment samples will be collected to check for laboratory/field contamination.

    Air sampling will be conducted by staging six sample collection points around the perimeter

    of the site at 60 degree angles. After sampling is completed, a review of the wind direction,

    as recorded by a meteorological monitoring station during sampling, will be used to

    determine upwind and downwind locations. The samples collected at the upwind and

    C476 - .

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Draft Quality Auunnce Project Plan

    downwind locations will be sent for analysis. Ail air samples

  • OA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Dnft Quality AMunnce Project Plan


    The Phase IA field investigation program is designed to determine the existing

    environmental conditions and to define the general extent of contamination resulting from

    past operations at the Site. Through the field investigation process, the nature and extent

    of contamination in the soil, ground water, surface water, leachate, sediments and air will be

    determined. The FSP specifies the field tasks to be carried out during the Phase 1A



    All available data was reviewed, including results from previous sampling events to identify

    sample locations, the number of samples to be collected, and the target analytes. Areas of

    potential contaminant migration were also considered during selection of sample locations.

    A complete discussion of sampling rationale and the number of samples to be collected with

    maps depicting sampling locations are presented in the FSP. H&le I

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Auunoce Project Plan

    Sampling procedures were developed according to guidance given in A Compendium of

    Field Operations Methods . EPA/540/P-87/001.

    Replicate samples will be collected from each matrix at the frequency of one replicate per

    twenty samples as designated in Table 2. Replicate samples will be collected from every

    matrix, except air. The replicate sample will be collected at the same location and if

    possible from the same sample aliquot as the original sample. Replicates of water samples

    will be obtained by alternately filling sample containers from the same sampling device.

    Replicate soil or sediment samples will be obtained by homogenizing the sample aliquot

    prior to filling the sample containers, with the exception of the sample portion for volatile

    organics analysis. Volatile organic samples will be taken prior to mixing the sample.

    Replicate air samples will be collected by collocating air sampMng trains at a given::16 cartridges (two cartridges connected in series)

    as an additional quality control measure.

    Trip blanks for all matrices except air will consist of a set of sample bottles filled at the

    laboratory with demonstrated analyte free water. Trip blanks will be handled and

    transported in the same manner as the samples acquired that day, except that the sample

    containers are not opened in the field. Trip blanks will be analyzed for volatile organics

    only. The trip blanks for air sampling will consist of clean sample collection media which

    will not be usod for sampling, but will be transported to and from the Site like the other

    samplcs, and analyzed for the some parameters as other air samples. Trig blttk$


    Field blanks for all matrices except air will be aqueous rinsate samples. Analyte free water

    from the laboratory will be passed through decontaminated sampling equipment and

    collected into the appropriate empty sample bottles. Field blanks are analyzed for the same

    C476 -11

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality AMunnce Project Plan

    parameters as their associated matrix. A field blank for air analysis consists of exposing the

    sampling medium to ambient air but not actively drawing air through the medium. All field

    blanks will be packaged and shipped to the laboratory with samples of the same matrix.


    Sample preservation, containers, and holding times for each analytical parameter are

    specified in Table 3. Holding times have been specified from the time of sample collection.

    All sample preservation will be performed in the field immediately after collecting samples.

    Aqueous samples and blanks to be analyzed for volatiles will be acidified with 1:1 HC1 to

    pH 12. Any

    deviations from the preservation methods as described will be noted in the field notebook

    and on the chain-of-custody form.

    After collection samples will be cooled to approximately 4 degrees Celsius and will be

    maintained at a reduced temperature during shipment to the laboratory. All samples will

    be shipped to the laboratory within 24 hours of collection via an overnight carrier or

    laboratory courier service.

    C476 -12

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Drift Quality Auunoce Project Plan


    Field notebooks will provide the means of recording any field events including data

    collection and sampling activities. The notebook will be bound and maintained by the Site

    Sampling Task Manager to provide daily records of significant events, observations, and

    measurements during the field investigation. All entries are to be signed and dated. All

    members of the field investigation team are to use this notebook, which is to be kept as a

    permanent record.

    Field notebooks are intended to provide sufficient data and observations to enable

    participants to reconstruct events that occurred during projects and to refresh the memory

    of the field personnel if called upon to give testimony during legal proceedings. The field

    notebook entries should be factual, detailed, and objective. Unless restricted by weather

    conditions, all original data recorded in field notebooks and on sample identifications tags,

    chain-of-custody records, and receipt-for-samples forms are written in waterproof ink.

    If an error is made on an accountable document the correction is made by simply crossing

    out the error and entering the correct information. The erroneous information should not

    be obliterated. All corrections must be initialed and dated. Whenever a sample is collected

    or a measurement is made, a detailed description of the event will be recorded. The

    sampler, sample time, sample location, sample description, sample measurement, and any

    field observations will be included in the field notebook. All equipment used to make

    measurements will be identified, along with the date of calibrations. Sample custody will

    be documented in the field notebook. Field data sheets, including boring logs and air

    monitoring data sheets, may also be used to record field data.

    C476 -13

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auurance Project PUn

    Notebooks will be assigned to field personnel, but will be stored in the project file when not

    in use. Field data sheets will also be maintained in the project file.


  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Auunoce Project PUn


    Chain-of-custody procedures provide an accurate written record which can be used to trace

    the possession of samples from the time of collection through sample analysis and data

    reporting by the laboratory. Both the field team and the laboratory are responsible for

    documenting sample custody. A sample is considered to be in an individual's custody if any

    of the following criteria are met: 1) the sample is in your possession; 2) it was in your

    possession and then locked up or sealed to prevent tampering; or 3) it is in a secured area.


    Custody documentation will be maintained for each sample collected in the field. The field

    team member performing the sampling is responsible for the care and custody of the sample

    until they are properly dispatched. Chain-of-custody forms will be used to document sample

    custody. The following information will be specified for each sample on the field

    chain-of-custody form: sample number; sample matrix; date and time of sample collection;

    analysis requested; number of containers per sample; sample preservation; and method of

    shipment. One chain-of-custody form will be used for each sample shuttle shipped for

    analysis. All other pertinent sample information including sample location will be recorded

    in the field notebook.

    The chain-of-custody form will be signed by sampling personnel. The forms will be placed

    in a water-tight plastic bag and taped to the underside of the lid of the cooler containing the

    samples designated on the form. A copy of the form is retained by the sampler for the

    project file.

    C476 -15

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA 2 Drift Quality Assurance Project Plan


    The laboratory will provide the field personnel with all the sample containers necessary for

    completing the field sampling. Sample containers will be obtained directly from the

    laboratory to ensure that the containers are free of contamination and are the appropriate

    volume for the requested analysis. Air sampling media which require precleaning will also

    be obtained directly from the laboratory to ensure that the appropriate cleaning procedures

    have been performed a$ described by tfce re&remaed method*. Preservatives used in field

    sampling will be reagent grade and will be supplied by either the laboratory or purchased


    Following sampling, the sealed sample container will be rinsed with tap water, dried and

    labeled. The bottles will be labeled with the following information: site name, sample

    number, initials of collector, date and time of collection, type of sample, analysis required,

    and preservative.

    Sample labels will be completed in waterproof ink. Labels will be taped onto the sample

    bottles. Following labeling, sample containers will be placed in sealed clear plastic zip lock

    type bags and placed in a cooler for storage and shipment. Ice, sealed in double plastic

    bags, or "blue ice" will be placed in each cooler to maintain all samples at 4C. The

    samples will be cushioned using vermiculite, foam rubber or other similar packaging

    material. Chain-of-custody forms will be enclosed in each cooler. Coolers will be sealed

    with custody seals in such a manner that the custody seal would be broken if the cooler were

    opened. The lid of the cooler will be securely taped shut. Sample coolers will be shipped

    to the analytical laboratory on the same day as sampling via overnight delivery or laboratory

    courier service.

    C476 -16

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drmft Quality Auunoce Project Plan


    Samples will be received at the laboratory by the sample custodians who examine each

    sample to ensure that it is the expected sample, inspect the sample containers for possible

    damage, and ensure that the documentation is complete and adequate. The sample

    custodians will ensure that each sample has been preserved in the manner required by the

    particular test to be conducted and stored according to the correct procedure. Samples will

    be maintained at 4C until analysis begins. Details of the laboratory's procedure for sample

    receipt, storage, and tracking are included in Appendix A Appendices A asd B*

    C476 -17

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project Plan


    Aquatec, one of the laborator y fas tentatively identified to perform routine analysis of the

    samples, is certified by the Vermont Department of Health and has been a participant in

    the EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP). Aquatec's Quality Assurance Program Plan

    has been included as Appendix A. McLaren Analytical Laboratory has also beea

    selected to provide analytical services for this project McLaren

    demonstrated performance wi& CSLF methods and maintains a Basic Ordering witn EPA, which preqtiatifies &e laboratory for EPA contracts, Mctareo

    participates in the EPA's profideJicy testiig programs, Water Pollution Studies

    Supply Studies. The McLaren Analytical Quality Assurance Manual has been fag) Appendix B.

    EPA or other standard methods will be used for all analyses. A methodology summary is

    presented in Table 4. The CLP methods to be used for this project include "USEPA

    Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Inorganics Analysis", Document No.

    ILMO I.O.March 1990; and "USEPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for

    Organic Analysis",Document Number OLMO 1.0including revisions through OLMO 1.8,

    August 1991. Contract required quantitation limits (CRQLs) have been established for CLP

    methods. The CRQLs for the detection of organic compounds in water samples are at the

    parts per billion range (ppb). Approximate sample quantitation limits for soil samples can

    be calculated based on the sample size and on concentration/dilution factors. The CRQLs

    for inorganic analytes in water samples are in the ppb to low part-per-million (ppm) range;

    CRQLs for soil samples can be achieved in the low-to mid-ppm range. Appendix B-C; lists

    all the target analytes with their respective CRQLs. Deliverables will be supplied in the

    CLP format. Complete documentation will be provided for those analyses performed

    C476 -18

  • DA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project Plan

    according to CLP modifications or SW-846 methods so that Level 4 data quality objectives

    are met.

    6.1 ORGANICS

    The analysis of any organic compounds (volatiles, semivolatiles, PCBs) in soil or water

    matrices will be performed according to the CLP protocols. For the analysis of volatiles in

    groundwater and surface water samples, a larger sample volume will be analyzed to achieve

    a detection limit of 0.5ug/L. This method modification will provide lower detection limits so that

    the groundwater and surface water sample results can be compared to water quality criteria and

    be used for risk assessment purposes.

    Air samples will be analyzed for select volatile organic compounds including benzene,

    chlorobenzene, chloroethane, dichlorobenzenes, dichloroethenes, dichloroethane, ethyl benzene,

    tetrachloroethane, trichloroethane, vinyl chloride, and xylenes. Air samples will be analyzed

    according to EPA Method TO-2, Method for the Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds

    in Ambient Air by Carbon Molecular Sieve Adsorption and Gas Chromatography/Mass

    Spectrometry. The detection limit for TO-2 analytes is 10 ng/tube.

    Air samples will also be analyzed for PCBs according to EPA Method TO-4, Method for the

    Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Ambient Air.

    Detection limits of > 1 ng/m 3 can be achieved using a 24-hour sampling period.

    Copies of the TO methods to be used fortes project are included as Appettdhc D. A$oatie*$ TO-2 method specifications are also included.

    C476 -19

  • DA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Draft Quality Afwnace Project PUn


    Analysis of metals in all sample matrices except air will be performed according to the CLP

    protocols. The analysis of metals in air sampling filters will be conducted according to SW 846

    flfclftlMlNj f>UI iHTlIi GOnTOrin SHrl^n i .\ ^r \^f\ prOvPO*lfv^ ft,* l"" O^T?*M pO^fy*f**^t I'fty ffffJr tBCTlB jtPRSJRnlTwBHy

    wiljbc trcattxi flaa aolid mat^, and digest Detection limits for metals

    in air samples ore as follows: arsenic, 0.5 ug/filtcr; lead, 0.5 ug/filter; nickel, 4 ug/filter.

    All other chemical analyses will be performed according to standard methods as described in: Test

    Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/Chemical Methods SW-846. Third Edition; Methods

    for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes EPA-600/4-79-020; or Standard Methods for the

    Examination of Water and Wastewater .

    C476 -20

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Dnft Quality Auunnce Project Plan



    A calibration and maintenance program will be implemented to ensure that routine calibration and

    maintenance is performed on all field instruments. The program provides equipment of the proper

    type, range, accuracy, and precision to provide data compatible with the specified requirements and

    desired results. Calibration of measuring and test equipment is performed internally using in-house

    reference standards or externally by agencies or manufacturers. The Site Sampling Task Manager

    is responsible for ensuring that the field instruments used in the investigation are calibrated and

    maintained according to manufacturers specifications. Field instrument manuals describing

    calibration, maintenance, and field operating procedures for these instruments will be available for

    easy reference by field and project personnel.

    Team members will be trained in the field calibration, operation and maintenance of the

    equipment, and will perform the prescribed field operating procedures outlined in the operation

    and field manuals accompanying the respective instruments. They will keep records of all field

    instrument calibrations and field checks in the field notebooks.

    Aquatec is responsible for the routine calibration and maintenance of analytical equipment used

    for the subcontracted analysis of samples to provide compliance with the referenced methods.


    The field instruments are maintained and calibrated in accordance with identified maintenance and

    calibration procedures. Records will be prepared and maintained for each piece of calibrated

    measuring and test equipment to indicate that established calibration procedures have been

    C476 -21

  • HA DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auurmnce Project PUn

    followed (e.g. results of calibration, problems, corrective action). Records for field equipment used

    only for this specific project will be kept in the project files.

    Instrument response will be checked prior to bringing the instruments to the Site and prior to

    operation at the Site. Equipment that fails calibration or becomes inoperable during use will be

    removed from service and tagged to prevent inadvertent use. If on-site monitoring equipment

    should fail, the Site Health and Safety Officer will be contacted immediately and will either provide

    replacement equipment or have the malfunction repaired immediately.

    Groundwater temperature, pH, and coi^ik^ty will be measured in the conductivity meter will be calibrate^ daily t>y a trained team member using sta $oiotioiis. Standard tRiffet^i^it^^W'p^-^4v7rliflil "lO'^lfffStlfifli focal Standard buffer sdutised, The cotuioctivity standard will chloride solution obtained as a 720 uMf solution, traceable to the HBS; Fresh will be used for daily calibration Calibratiofi solutions are pwcfeased from * *

    Periodic preventive maintenance is required for sensitive equipment. The field instruments are

    maintained through periodic calibration and adjustment by the instrument manufacturer as needed.

    In general, an HNu is serviced by the manufacturer every 3 months or less; an OVA is serviced

    every 6 months or less.

    Routine maintenance is performed whenever an instrument is acquired for field use, and when

    returned from field use. Instrument manuals are kept on file for reference purposes should

    equipment need repair. Troubleshooting sections of manuals are often useful in assisting personnel

    performing maintenance tasks. A schedule for field equipment calibration is included as Table 5.

    Preventive maintenance, other than routine maintenance and calibration, is performed as needed.

    C476 -22

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auurance Project Plan


    All laboratory equipment will be maintained in accordance with manufacturer's specifications.

    Quality assurance, tuning, and calibration procedures will be conducted according to the current

    EPA CLP protocols or other method specific protocols where CLP is not applicable.

    C476 -23

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project Plan


    8.1 GENERAL

    The Project Manager will maintain project files which will contain complete project documentation.

    These files will include project plans, field notebooks, field data sheets, photographs, maps and

    drawings, sample identification documents, chain-of-custody records, the entire analytical data

    package provided by the laboratory including QC documentation, copies of raw data computer

    printouts, gas chromatograms, mass spectra, data validation notes, references and literature, report

    notes and calculations, progress and technical reports, correspondence and other pertinent

    information. The project file will be kept at the McLaren/Hart office in Warren, NJ; the file will

    be maintained for the duration of the project.


    Data reduction techniques and all equations used to calculate concentrations are specified by the

    analytical methodology. The equations presented below are for the quantitation of inorganic and

    organic analyzed according to CLP protocols. Data from these analyses will be converted to

    concentration units using the following equations:

    For volatiles in aqueous samples:

    Concentration ug/L = (AJ1 flj (Dfl (A J (RRF)

    C476 -24

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auunoce Project Plan

    For volatiles in soil or sediment samples:

    Concentration ug/kg =(A j (I,) (Dry weight basis) (Aw (RRF) (W^ (D)

    For semivolatiles in aqueous samoles:

    Concentration ug/L = (A.) m fV,) (Oft (AJ(RRF)

    For semivolatiles in soil or sediment samples:

    Concentration ug/kg = (A.) (I,) rv,") (Dry weight basis) (AJ (RRF) (V) (WJ (D)


    Ax = Area of the characteristic ion for the compound to be measured

    Au = Area of the characteristic ion for the internal standard

    I, = Amount of internal standard added in nanograms

    RRF = Relative response factor

    V0 = Volume of water purged or extracted in milliliters

    V j = Volume of extract injected in microliters

    V, = Volume of the concentrated extract in microliters

    Df = Dilution factor

    D = 100 - % moisture/100

    C476 -25

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN OA.2 Draft Quality Auunnce Project Plan

    W, = Weight of sample purged or extracted in grams

    For metals in soil or sediment samples:

    Concentration (mg/kg) = C x V (dry weight basis) W x S


    C = Concentration found in sample extract in mg/1

    V = Final volume in liters after sample preparation

    W = Weight in kg of wet sample

    S = % Solids/100


    The analytical laboratory will prepare and retain full analytical and QC documentation as required

    by the CLP protocols or other referenced methods. The analytical laboratory will supply complete

    data packages consisting of all results, the raw data and all relevant QA/QC documentation. All

    data will be transmitted in hard copy and on diskette. All original data files will be stored in a

    manner which precludes manipulation of the original data, and all manipulation, editing, and

    presentation will be performed on data copied from the original data files. Data compilations will

    be provided in formats that are compatible with EPA Region I databases and will be organized to

    facilitate data review and evaluation. The analytical laboratory will provide the following

    information in each analytical data package submitted:

    0 Analytical results with detection limits and appropriate data quality notations.

    C476 -26

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auunnce Project Plan

    0 Narrative including statement of samples received, description of any deviation from the

    QAPP, explanation of qualifications regarding data quality, and other significant items

    encountered during analysis.

    0 According to CLP protocol, the laboratory is required to tentatively identify unknown

    compounds not included in the TCL list. This includes twenty (20) semivolatile

    compounds, and ten (10) volatile organic compounds.

    0 For analyses conducted by the CLP protocols, the deliverable format is specified by the

    protocol. CLP QA/QC information to be reported includes at a minimum, the following:

    Organic parameters

    surrogate spike results for each sample

    matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate results

    method blank results

    initial and continuing calibration data

    GC/MS tuning and mass calibration

    Compound identification spectra

    Inorganic parameters

    spike and duplicate results

    method blank results

    initial and continuing calibration verification results

    instrument detection limits

    laboratory control sample results

    ICP interference check sample analysis

    C476 -27

  • nA DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN OA 2 Draft Quality Auunnce Project Plan


    The analytical laboratory will review appropriate quality control data to assure the validity of the

    analytical results provided to the McLaren/Hart. A qualified chemist from McLaren/Hart will

    conduct an independent data validation review. The data validator will conduct a systematic review

    of the data for compliance with the established QA/QC criteria based on the calibration, spike,

    duplicate and blank results provided by the laboratory. All data produced according to CLP

    protocols will be evaluated according to the following EPA Region I guidance:

    Region I Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Organics

    Analyses, February 1, 1988; revised November 1, 1988.

    Region I Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganics

    Analyses, June 13, 1988; revised February 1989.

    Criteria which will be osed'W^ew ipn^ V analysis of air samples will adherence; matrix spike recovery; matrix duplicate and field replicate results; blank where apoBcable* ftmiae z^faMwft^&ti&flfai, ffie EPA TO Met&ods- contain ^^Ha&W^Mi^~* *" w" f f .. .. v s*AjiM.ffjff,firW f v f - _/"" AM* f *i.->5S.... 3s:x3a&2w t&C CV3*U&tiQlt '' O* ft ffM^ffOff':^fylvB^T^ 'pfl^rftrJT^-' 3IICI'''J5CKFK5S'

    The data validator will identify any out-of-control data points and data omissions and interact with

    the laboratory to correct data deficiencies. Decisions to repeat sample collection and analyses may

    be made by the QA Officer based on the extent of the deficiencies and their importance in the

    overall context of the project. Decisions to resample will be communicated to the Remedial

    Project Manager.

    C476 -28

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Drift Quality Auunoce Project PUn

    Following data validation, any data qualifiers will be entered into the sample results summary

    tables. The computerized data set will include the data qualifiers provided by the laboratory in

    accordance with the documents referenced above as well as additional comments of the data

    reviewer. The data qualifiers which will be used are defined as follows: 1) U, compound was

    analyzed for, but was not detected above the associated detection limit; 2) J, usable with caution

    as an estimated concentration, or 3) R, unusable due to out-of-control QA results. Those results

    which are usable as quantitative concentrations will be reported withouth qualifiers.

    C476 -29

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN EA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project PUo



    Aquatec has been selected based on their performance in the CLP program and their overall ability

    to perform the analyses specific to this project. Certain minimum requirements must be met for

    laboratory participation in the CLP program. In general these requirements specify the

    qualifications of personnel, available instrumentation, analysis of performance evaluation samples,

    and adherence to and documentation of standard operating procedures and quality assurance plans.

    It will be the responsibility of the Laboratory QA Officer to document, in each data package

    provided, that both initial and ongoing instrument and analytical QC functions have been met.

    Internal quality control checks, including spiked samples, duplicate samples, laboratory control

    samples, reagent specifications, and calibration checks, are performed in accordance with the

    specific methodologies used. Specific QC procedures and their frequency are incorportated into

    the referenced methods. The minimum criteria for most analyses generally consist of a daily

    calibration check, method blank analysis, analysis of spike or control samples, and duplicate analysis

    for each parameter.


    For field quality control, replicate and field blank samples will be obtained for each sample matrix.

    Trip blanks will be used in conjunction with all samples (except 'air} to be analyzed for volatile

    organic compounds. The procedures for obtaining or preparing these QC samples are discussed

    in Section 4.0. The frequency of QC sample collection is given in Table 2.

    C476 -30

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN DA 2 Draft Quality Auurance Project Plan

    The standard frequency for obtaining field replicates and samples designated as MS/MSDs is one

    per twenty samples per matrix. Held repEcate samples serve as & check on the overM precision of the sampling and analytical method. Matrix duplicate samples check on laboratory analytical

    precision, and may be used la assess matrix effect

    Field blanks will be collected throughout the sampling event for each matrix. Field blanks will be

    collected on a daily basis for the matrices sampled that day. Field blanks will be obtained by

    pouring laboratory provided distilled analyte-free water over decontaminated sampling equipment

    (trowels, mixing bowls, bailers, etc). The water will pass over this equipment and be allowed to

    run directly into laboratory prepared bottles. All field blank information will be noted in the field

    notebook. Trip blanks will only be sent with each shipment of samples to be analyzed for volatile


    Field blanks measore Incidental or accideotial sample cotrtanunatioo

  • OA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project Plan



    The analytical laboratory will conduct internal quality control checks and audits in accordance with

    specific methods and criteria required under their internal operating procedures and under the

    governing laboratory programs (CLP, VT DOH). The frequency of and procedures for laboratory

    performance and system audits are outlined in the laboratory Quality Assurance Program Plan.

    The laboratory QA Officer will be primarily responsible for conducting these audits.

    The systems audit consists of evaluation of all components of the measurement systems to

    determine their proper selection and use. Systems audits are normally conducted prior or shortly

    after systems are operational, and are then performed on a regularly scheduled basis. Performance

    audits are conducted periodically, and includes the analysis of performance evaluation samples.


    The QA officer or designee will be responsible for auditing the field team. A performance audit

    will be conducted during the field activities to ensure that proper procedures are followed and that

    subsequent data will be valid. The audit will focus on the details of the QA program, and will

    evaluate the following: 0 Project Responsibilities 0 Sample Custody Procedures 0 Document Control 0 Sample Identification System 0 QC Corrective Action Procedures 0 Sampling Techniques

    C476 -32

  • DA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN OA.2 Draft Quality Auunoce Project Plan

    Adherence to the Approved QA Project Plan

    The audit will evaluate the implementation of the project Sampling and Analysis Plan, that is the

    FSP and QAPP. Checklists appropriate to the task being audited will be used as the guide for the

    performance audit.

    The QA officer will also be responsible for conducting one evidence audit. The purpose of the

    evidence audit is to ensure that proper project documentation is maintained and has been

    distributed to project personnel.

    C476 .33.

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Drmft Quality Auurance Project Plan


    For preventive maintenance procedures in the field see Section 7.0. Preventive maintenance

    procedures for analytical laboratory instruments are discussed in the laboratory's Quality Assurance

    Program Plan provided as Appendix A.

    C476 -34.

  • DA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Drift Quality Auunnce Project Plan


    The procedures and control limits used for assessing the precision, accuracy and completeness of

    data have been discussed in Section 3.0. It will be the responsibility of the Project QA Officer and

    the Laboratory QA Officer to ensure that these procedures are followed. The control limits and

    data evaluation procedures have already been specified in the analytical and validation guidance

    documents referenced in Sections 6.0 and 8.0.

    The following items will be considered for all data: custody documentation; adherence to holding

    times; calibration documentation; duplicate, spike, and blank sample results; raw data, spectra,

    calculations and reporting units; and completeness of documentation.

    C476 .35.

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN DA.2 Drift Quality AMunnce Project Plan


    Corrective action on a day-to-day basis for field activities will be handled by consultation between

    team members and the Field Sampling Task Manager. The Field Sampling Task Manager will

    make immediate decisions with the team members on new protocols to be followed. All changes

    in field procedures will be documented in the field notebook, reported to the Project Manager, and

    reported in the final report. Corrective actions will be taken if performance audits reveal the need

    to amend field procedures.

    The Field Health and Safety Officer will have ultimate authority to make decisions regarding

    modifications to health and safety practices and regarding safety emergencies. The EPA Remedial

    Project Manager will be notified of any such field decisions or corrective actions that result in

    modification of protocols as outlined in any of the project plans, i.e. the FSP, QAPP or HASP.

    Corrective action in the laboratory will be handled by consultation between the Laboratory QA

    Officer and the Project QA Officer. Corrective actions are implemented when accuracy, precision,

    calibration or other internal method specific quality assurance criteria can not be met. All changes

    in laboratory procedures will be documented and reported.

    All modifications to procedures during the course of the project will be documented and these

    exceptions will be permanently incorporated into the project file.

    C476 -36

  • OA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN QA.2 Draft Quality Auunnce Project Plan


    The QA Officer will periodically report to the Project Manager on the status of the investigation.

    This report will include, as appropriate, a summary of the sampling results with appropriate data

    qualifications; audit findings; and any necessary corrective action procedures. A data quality

    assessment, which summarizes the measurement data accuracy, precision, and completeness will

    be prepared using all information for the available data. The data quality assessment prepared by

    the QA Officer and data validator, and reviewed by the Project Manager, will be incorporated into

    the final report submitted to EPA.

    C476 -37.

  • 3



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  • TABLE! QC San pie Summary

    Quality Amnace Project Plaa

    Matrir PanaMtan*

    Groundwater TCL VoUtilei, Base Neutrals, PCBa; TAL Meuli

    Surface Water, Sediment TCL Volatile*, Base Neutnli, PCBa; TAL Meuli

    Soili TCL Volatile*, PCS*

    Leachate TCLP, PCBi, Leachate Treatment Panmeten

    Ambient Air Volatilci PCBi , Lttd, .\rnnio Niobil

    TCL: Target Compound List TAL: Target Analyte List

    FMd ReficatH






    FUd Btenla

    1 per day

    1 per day

    1 per day

    1 per day



    1 per shipment

    1 per shipment

    1 per shipment

    1 per shipment


  • i



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    Field Equipment Calibration Schedule Quality Assurance Project Plan

    Equipment 1 Minimum Calibration Freauencv 2

    HNU Model HW-101

    Century OVA Model 128

    YSI T L C Meter Model 3000 (temperature,conductivity meter)

    Conductivity Meter

    Cole-Parmer pH Meter Model 5996-805995-30

    Gilian HFS 513 Air Sampling System (high flow sampling pumps)

    Gilian Low Flow Industrial Hygiene Calibrator Pack (rotameter)

    Meteorology Research Inc. Model 1071 meteorological monitoring station

    Turbidimctcr Model 8391 35

    HFScienti Turbidity





    Flow rate measured immediately before and after sample collection

    Every six months or before each sampling event



    1 Equivalent field instrumentation may be used. 2 Operation, calibration, and maintenance instructions for all field equipment will be

    available with the equipment.

  • HA. DRAFT SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PLAN HA.2 Draft Quality Auunoce Project Plan






    Prepared by

    Aquatec,Ir.c. 75 Green Mountain Drive

    South Burlington, Vercont

    Revision 5 Approval


    ''/h^~_ ;/t-tl&.?*+.-/. George W. Starbuck


    fry*ft.. Comeau, ?h. D.

    Vice President, Chemistry

    * / Neal E. Van Wyckk/

    Chemistry Laboratory Directorirec

    Vo c. Philip) C. Downey,

    Biology Laboratory Director

    A L/U r f.Karen R. Chirgwitl

    Quality Assurance Officer

  • ; hereby authorize and approve the following Quality Assurance Program :lan fcr use in Aquatec's Analytical Laboratory.

    "=orge W. StarbuCf: 7Date President

  • Aquatec believes :r = comnit-ert . f all -Lthir. _ts

    :rganization to a comprehensive C-aiitv -ss_r;rc5 Program Plan ;s B.

    necessity to meet "he objectives of aralvrical laboratory ar.c of

    the Contract Laboratory Programs. The follcv-.r.g Laboratory Qaality

    Management Plan is an embodiment of tr.e carrant practices of quality

    assurance/quality control at Aquatec. The ir.--.cuse quality assurance

    program is aimed at the production of data of known quality and

    integrity, while sustaining a minimura loss of data due ro

    out-of-control conditions.

    Each laboratory section is responsible :;r keeping an upcated

    "ersion of Standarc derating Procedures 5CP applicable ro tnat

    section. To ensure continuity of analysis tr.rc-ig.-.ouc the laboratory,

    specifics in the areas sue.- as sample .-.sndling, inscru.T.enc

    calibration, quality control r.=asures, injection technique, data

    acquisition, data processing, and autosazpler procedures are

    thoroughly explained in each SOP. Following the guidelines stated in

    SOPs, contractual obligations and method specifications can be met.

    The constituents that tr.ake up Aquatec's quality assurance/quality

    control program have been greatly influenced by the contractual

    obligations. Currently, Aquatec is a participant in the United States

    Environmental Protection Agency's Contract Laboratory Program. RE.M

    Contract Laboratory Program, and the "ew York State Contract

    Laboratory Program. As a result, many of the routine quality

    assurance/quality control measures and restrictions utilized by the

    laboratory are designed to meet the obligations as set forth in these

    contracts. When "contractual obligation" is mentioned in the

    following text, it is in reference to these contracts.

    The practices of quality assurance/qualitv control presented in

    the following text are set forth as minimuss, and any additional

    measures that the client requires can be incorporated into the quality

    assurance/quality control project plan. The mini-urns set forth should

    be considered, as such, a minimun. Any tailoring or customizing the

    client may require, based on individual r.eeds, can usually be

    implemented within the laboratory structure.

  • Table of Contents

    \ Physical Facilities -.-1

    3. Personnel 3-1 B.I Roles and Responsibilities 3-1 B.2 Training 3-

  • Page A-l Revisicn Date


    The physical facilities available for analytical vork at Aquatec

    are housed in one building vith a total of 22,200 square feet of floor

    space. This comprises the corporate headquarters vith an additional

    off-site bioassay laboratory and storage facility. The floor plan in

    Figure A.I shows the location, size, and utilities available on an

    individual laboratory basis. Over 12,000 square feet are utilized by

    the chemistry division; approximately 2,500 square feet are devoted to

    analytical activities. The laboratories occupy 3,000 square feet;

    sample management, 250 square feet; and incubators, the analytical

    balance, and desks for computations and transcription are located in

    an 190 square foot room. Linear bench space in the laboratories are

    made of synthetic stone and occupy a total of 317 feet. The entire

    facility is air conditioned, has overhead fluorescent lighting, and

    the flooring is comprised of epoxy, tile, or raised computer flooring

    depending on the needs of the vork space. The gas chromatography/nass

    spectrometry laboratory has a positive pressure air system vith

    make-up air drawn through activated carbon filters. All other

    laboratories utilize a negative pressure air system. The laboratory

    also has many facilities to support the analytical effort in the form

    of a reverse osmosis system, deionization system, and computer


    Because of the nature of our vork at Aquacec, adequate security

    of the facilities, methodologies, and project files is necessary.

    Access to the train building is controlled through a system of

    combination-locked doors and, during business hours, reception log-in

    procedures for visitors. In addition, anti-intrusion devices and

    key-control are employed to secure access to the facilities and its

    contents. Visitors register upon entering the building and are

    accompanied by an employee while visiting the facility. Aquatec

  • o u .2 j

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  • a = 5- * <


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  • 5 .-age \- revision:ace 01/11/91

    are expects- t2 oe familiar --it.-, arc acr.ere to stancards of

    confidentiality u.anaatea ;y individual cc-tracts and common sense

    Business practices laooratorv Section .-.eacs '-ill .r.sure that their

    personnel are familiar Aauatec's securitv policies.


    The organization of -aooratorv rersonre. -~t-_- :~e -:_5;ec

    -.naj.vtical Laboratories is presented in Figure 3 1 Tre .ascratorv

    structure provides a means for communication fron tr.e rer.c.i .eve. -p

    co the Laboratory Director This organization facilitates the

    generation of data, several levels of data review, ana the monitoring

    of tne overall quality of the cata produced in tr.e laaoratorv Before

    it .s reported to the client The Quality Assurance Program

    the laboratory is operated .ndenendently of the laooratorv sections

    generating cata and reports directly to upper -ar.agete-t leve.s If

    ciscrscar.cies are founa _n tre performance cf -r" s = cti;-. ;f '--.&

    laboratory, it .s reported to the Laborator" I.rectcr -r.o _s

    responsible for initiating the proper corrective acticn tne

    section In this way, objectivity in the evaljatior. of laboratory

    operations can be ootained.

    B.I Roles and Responsibilities

    Each section within the laboratory has specific roles and

    responsibilities in terms of producing a procuct of -.novn quality

    All laboratory personnel are expected to have a '-orkir.g rvrowieage of

    the ^quatec Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAP?) It is expected

    that employees at every level vill ensure that data .3 generated in

    compliance with the Aquatec QAPP

    At the bench level, analysts are responsible for tr.e generation

    of data by analyzing samples according to written SCP's They are

    also responsible for ensuring thac all documentation related to the

    sample is complete and accurate. The analyst sr.ouid provide

    management with immediate notification of quality problems within the

    laboratory. The analysts have the authority to accept or reject data

    based on compliance with well-defined QC acceptance criteria The

  • i

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    e P

    . The response of each compound within the

    internal standard is plotted on a control chart (Figure F.2). The

    tolerance ranges of these charts are contractually set. In the

    absence of any other criteria, the following working rule applies: the

    area of any compound cannot fall below 30X of its value in the

    preceding check standard nor can it rise above 100Z of its value. If

    internal star.card areas in one or more samples exceeds the specified

    tolerances, then the instrument will be recalibrated and all affected

    samples reanalyzed.

    F.7 Biological Standards

    F.7.1 Microbiological Standards

    All equipment and supplies used in the microbiological analyses

    are routinely checked for sterility. Laboratory dionized water is

    monitored monthly for bacterial densities and required water quality

    characteristics. If any of the parameters are out of the specified

    tolerances, the personnel responsible for the dionized vacer system

    are notified and corrective action is taken. The laboratory water is

    tested annually for suitability for culturing bacteria. Glassware is

    tested annually usir.g the inhibitory test to insure that the glassware

    cleaning procedures do not inhibit bacterial growth. Bacteria sample

    containers are prepared in lots and each lot is checked for -sterility.

    If the tested container is not sterile, then all the associated

    containers will be re-sterilized and re-tested.

    A positive and negative control sample is run with each daily set

    of bacteriological samples. The negative control is conducted using

    the dilution water appropriate for the test. This dilution water is

  • 631








    o S3

    S3 3CO






    :c so




    10 :o




    o S3


    I I

    Figure F . 2


  • 73


  • rage 7-7 Revision rate "1/11/91

    typically sterile phosphate rinse buffer. Tr.e rosirive control

    consists of the use of a target bacteria for t.-.e siecifiea test, such

    as Esterichia coli. Salror.ella spp., or r.terct:ter sp. , which are

    routinely maintained in the laboratory. Positive controls are diluted

    to an appropriate concentration and are carriec through the entire

    analysis to insure that cultural conditions are maintained. If the

    results of the negative or positive control samples indicate

    contamination or cultural problems, then all affected samples will be

    resaapled and reanalyzed.

    F.7.2 Bioassay Standards

    The sensitivity of the lineages of all test :r;ar.isrr.s used in the

    bioassay studies are routinely evaluated -sing reference toxicants

    obtained from USEPA Quality Assurance Program anc or internal toxicant

    standards. Test organism sensicivices are compared to specified

    tolerances. Control limits are calculated as outlined in Section

    F.2.1 of this QAPP. Fresh and saltwater test organisms cultured in

    our laboratory are maintained under the recommended environmental

    conditions and monitored daily by laboratory personnel.

    In accordance with bioassay method protocols, each test

    concentration and control samples are analyzes in replicate. A

    control sample consisting of the dilution water -sed in the bioassay

    are analyzed with every test series. If the response of the control

    test organisms are outside control limits, the test conditions are

    scrutinized for out-of-control situations. The response of the

    control test organisms and the test conditions are reported with each

    bioassay. The interpretation of the response and test conditions may

    influence the final report. If the test is judged by the Biological

    Laboratory Director as unacceptable due to orgar.isa response and/or

    laboratory conditions, the test results will be rejected and a new

    sample analyzed.

  • Page 7-8 Revision : Date 01/11/91

    F.8 Software Quality Control

    Aquatec's Technical Support Division develops software for data

    reduction and reporting for the Analytical Laboratory Division. These

    programs are requested and specified by the laboratory in terms of

    valid assumptions, calculations, and presentation of data. All

    software requests are presented to the Laboratory Director who will

    evaluate the request in terms of applicability and pass it on to

    Technical Support personnel. After the programs are developed but

    before they are put into general use by the laboratory, they are

    checked and approved by a laboratory representative. Once the

    programs have been approved, they are introduced to the laboratory

    personnel and the appropriate SOPs are updated ~o reflect changes in

    procedures for an analytical method. Record of all software requests,

    developments, improvements, and approvals are filed in the project


    F.9 Audits

    F.9.1 Audits from Regulatory Agencies

    As a participant in state and federal certification programs, the

    laboratory sections at Aquatec are audited by representatives of the

    regulatory agency issuing certification. Audits are usually conducted

    on an annual basis and focus on laboratory conformance to the specific

    program protocols for which the lab is seeking certification. The

    auditor reviews sample handling and tracking documentation, analytical

    methodologies, analytical supportive documentation, and final

    reports. The audit findings are formally documented and submitted to

    the laboratory for corrective action.

    F.9.2 Internal Audits

    All laboratory sections of the Chemistry Division at Aquatec are

    required to participate in semi-annual internal audits which are

    administered by the Quality Assurance Officer. The findings of these

    audits are formally documented and submitted to the Laboratory

    Director and to corporate management. The Laboratory Director will

  • Page F-9 Revision 5_ Date 01/11/91

    -,ave --= responsibilitv for resolving points at issue or for effect:

    .-.ecessary changes to the laboratory's practice .:es

    .r.e audit program will focus on the following areas:

    1. Maintenance of acceptable and complete SOP's in company format.

    2. Maintenance of training records. 3. Maintenance of notebooks. 4. Maintenance of instrument records. 5. Evaluation of standards control records. 5. Evaluation of sample handling procedures. 7. Evaluation of data handling and storage procedures.

    F.10 Corrective Action

    VTnen deficiencies or out-of-control situations exist, the Quality

    Assurance Program provides a means of detecting and correcting these

    situations. Samples analyzed during out-of-control situations are

    reanalyzed prior to reporting of results. There are several levels of

    out-of-control situations that raay occur in the laboratory during


    F.10.1 Bench Level

    Corrective action procedures are often handled at the bench level.

    If an analyst finds a nonlinear response during calibration of an

    instrument, then the instrument is recalibrated before sample analysis

    commences. The problem is often corrected by a careful examination of

    the preparation or extraction procedure, spike and calibration mixes,

    or instrument sensitivity. If the problem persists, it is' brought to

    the management level.

    F.10.2 Management Level

    If resolution at the bench level was not achieved or a deficiency

    is detected after the data has left the bench level, then corrective

    action becomes the responsibility of the Laboratory Section Head or

    Laboratory Director. Unacceptable matrix or surrogate spike

    recoveries detected by data review are reported to the Laboratory

  • raee T-10 Revision 5

    11~- -"o ^' '' Q1^ a c6 ^~ / I *. x 7 I

    Seccion Head. A decision to rear.alvze the sample or report the

    results is r.ade depending on the circumstances. Documentation

    procedures :;r sample reanalysis are initiated at this point if


    F.10.3 Receiving Level

    If discrepancies exist in either the documentation of a sample or

    its container, a decision nust be trade after consulting vith the

    appropriate management personnel. All decisions will be fully

    documented. Some examples of container discrepancies are broken

    samples, inappropriate containers, cr improper preservation. In these

    cases, corrective action involves the Project Director contacting the

    client to resolve the problems.

    F.10.4 Statistical Events

    This type of corrective action can only be monitored if control

    charts are kept for an analyte. An out-of-control situation is

    defined as data exceeding control limits, unacceptable trends detected

    in the charts, or unusual changes in the instrument detection limits.

    VThen these situations arise, it is brought to the attention of the

    Laboratory Director who will initiate corrective action.

    F.10.5 Audit Response

    The laboratory is required to respond with corrective action to

    the audit findings and recommendations of the regulatory agencies

    before certification for a. particular program can be granted. If a

    recommendation is related to document format (for example, laboratory

    name is absent from a preprinted benchsheet), then the laboratory

    personnel will revise the document format and a copy of the revised

    document format will be submitted to the appropriate representatives

    of the regulatory agency. If a recommendation is related to an actual

    procedure (for example, error correction), then the recommendation

    will be communicated to the laboratory personnel informing them of the

    correct procedure and a record of this communication will be submitted

    to the appropriate representatives of the regulatory agency. If a

    recommendation is related to the written procedures (for example,

  • Page ~-ll Revision : Dace 01/11 =1

    -ritter. SOPs), tr.en rr.e laboratory -ersonne. -ill revise the -ritts-.

    50Ps and a copy of "a rew SC?s -ill be sjsanted to tr.e apprornare

    representatives of tra regulatory agencv The Laboratory 7-alitv

    Assurance Officer -ill conauct a follow-uo audit to verify at

    corrective action nas oeen implemented within one to two weeks of tr.e

    audit report. Observations made during this follow-up audit will :e

    submitted to the appropriate representatives cf the regulatory agency

    F.ll Interlaboratory Testing

    The analytical laboratory participates in the EPA

    inter-laboratory performance evaluation program for water (VS) S.T.C.

    -rastewater (UP) in acciticn ~o evaluations conducted by the states cf

    Vermont and New YOTK The analytical laboratory also participates .

    the inorganic and organic quarterly performance evaluations conducted

    by the EPA. Employee performances are annually evaluated. In sorre

    cases, extenuating circumstances will require more frequent


    F.12 Inventory Procedures

    Purchasing guidelines for all equipment and reagents effecting

    data quality are well defined and documented in the sectional SOPs.

    Similarly, performance specifications are documented for all items of

    equipment having an effect on data quality. Any item critical to the

    analysis, an in situ instrument or reagent, received and accepted by

    the organization Ls documented. This includes type, age, and

    acceptance status of the item. Reagents are dated upon receipt to

    establish their order of use and to minimize the possibility of

    exceeding their shelf life.

    Requests for equipment affecting the quality of analytical data

    will be submitted in writing to the Laboratory Director for technical

    approval. After approval, the requisition will be submitted to the

    company president for purchase approval.

  • Revision 5 Date 01/11/91


    Each laboratory section provides extensive data validation prior

    to reporting results to the client. In general, there are three

    levels of review as outlined below. For a complete description of

    validation steps and processes, refer to the sectional SOPs or to the

    Analytical Laboratories SOP.

    The analyst is responsible for primary review of data generated

    from sample analysis. If recoveries of all quality control samples

    are within specified tolerances, then the data are presented to data

    review groups for secondary review. If recoveries cf any quality

    control samples exceed specified tolerances, then affected samples are


    Secondary review is conducted by data review groups to determine

    if analytical results are acceptable. If recoveries of all quality

    control samples are within specified tolerances, then the data are

    presented to Project Directors for final review. If recoveries of any

    quality control samples exceed specified tolerances, rhen affected

    samples are submitted for reanalysis.

    Project Directors determine if all analytical results of a

    sample(s) are consistent. If so, then the data are presented in a

    final report to the client. If discrepancies or deficiencies exist in

    the analytical results, then corrective action is taken. Audits cf

    final reports by the Quality Assurance Officer will be conducted to

    determine the precision, accuracy, completeness, and

    representativeness of sample analyses.

    After all analytical data has been reviewed, the final report can

    be assembled for submission to the client. Aquatec offers five levels

    for reporting analytical results based on Data Quality Objectives

    (D.Q.O.). Level I data consists of measurements taken during field


  • Page Revision 5_ Date 01/11 ?1

    Level II data requires a specified degree of confidence in the

    compound ider.cif ication and quantitaricn. Compound identification

    specificity can range from group identification to single compound

    identification. Level II reporting consists of an analytical report

    with internal quality control results retained at Aquatec.

    Level III data requires a high degree of confidence in the

    compound identification and quantification, but not necessarily to the

    standards of level IV. This degree of confidence is achieved by

    examination of the raw laboratory data and the use of applicable

    laboratory QA/QC requirements. The frequency of QA/QC checks and

    standardizations are less than for level IV analysis. Level III

    reporting consists of an analytical report with some internal quality

    control results reported; these include reference standards and rethod


    Level IV data requires the highest degree of confidence in the

    compound identification and quantitation. Level IV is defined by the

    QA/QC supporting material which is provided by a CLP Regular

    Analytical Services Request. The high degree of confidence in the

    data are achieved by a thorough examination of the raw laboratory data

    and strict laboratory QA/QC controls. These controls include frequent

    standardization, spikes, duplicates, blanks, and strict compound

    identification criteria.

    Level V data has unique requirements in either compound

    identification, quantisation, detection limits, cleanup or QA/QC

    requirements. Level V analytical procedures are defined through the

    use of Special Analytical Services (SAS) requests for CLP. The

    procedures and QA/QC are specified through these requests. The QA/QC

    for Level V data usually requires frequent standardization, spikes,

    duplicates, blanks, and strict compound identification criteria.

  • Page G-3 Revision : Date 01/11/91

    There are five (5) general sections ~o any CL? data package.

    Seccicr.s nay be added or deleted depending on the scope of vork.

    Section 1 - Narrative

    The information contained in the narrative consists of (a) client name and address: (b) cross reference to Aquatec's ETR >/; (c) date of receipt of samples; (d) cross reference of Aquatec's lab number to clients sample ID; (e) a discussion of the analytical work.

    Section 2 - Analytical Results

    The results of all analyses will be contained in this section including any external quality control as specified by contractual obligations.

    Section 3 - Supportive Documentation

    This section contains any printouts, chromatograas, and raw data generated from the analyses.

    Section 4 - Sample Preparation

    Extraction sheets, digestion sheets, I solids, logbook pages, and runlog pages are found in this section.

    Section 5 - Sample Handling

    All documentation accompanying samples such as sample receipt sheets, internal Chain-of-Custody forms, correspondence,and telephone logs.

    Once ;he document is assembled, che sections are distinguished with

    blue paper with their respective titles. The pages are paginated in

    numerical order and photocopied. Copy(s) of the documentation are

    sent co the client, and the original document is retained at Aquatec

    in storage for a minimum of seven (7) years.

  • Page Revision Date 01/11/91


    Aquatec has a fundamental responsibility to provide facilities,

    equipment, maintenance, and an. organized program to make necessary

    improvements to ensure a safe working environment. Unless employees

    fulfill their responsibilities for laboratory safety, the

    safety-related features of rhe facility and established safety

    programs will be ineffective.

    The Aquatec building is equipped with many structural safety

    features. These include:

    * Fire Alarm System * Sprinkler System * Exit Signs * Emergency Lighting System * Fire Extinguishers * Laboratory Showers * Fire Doors * Fire Blankets * Fume Hoods

    Each employee will be familiar with the location, use, and

    capabilities of general and specialized safety features associated

    with their workplace. To protect employees from potential workplace

    hazards, Aquatec provides and requires the use of certain items of

    protective equipment. These include safety goggles, protective

    clothing, gloves, respirators, etc. If employee owned safety

    equipment is used, these items will be inspected to assure adequacy

    and conformity to applicable regulations. For a complete description

    of the types of personal safety equipment available, refer to the

    Laboratory SOP Section H.6.

    Precautions to be taken in the transportation, storage, and use

    of chemical substances are outlined on Material Safety Data Sheets

    provided by chemical supply companies. Employees using chemical

    substances are to become familiar with the Material Safety Data

    Sheets, especially those pertaining to routinely handled chemicals.

    These are maintained in a file, available to all employees.


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    Sample Management

    EDUCATION Rensselear Polytechnic Institu