sample handbook final

Reviewed and updated October 2013 [Please note: This sample handbook is intended to be broad and applicable to a wide variety of industries and work environments. Because policies and procedures may vary based on state laws, company size, industry, organizational culture and other factors, this handbook should be customized to reflect your companys needs. The information in this handbook should not be considered legal advice and does not reflect state laws and regulations. !ny new policies should be reviewed by legal counsel for compliance with federal and state la ws and regulations. To supplement this handbook, "#$% provides Sample Policies and several State and Local Statutes and Regulations.& SAMPLE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ['(%P!)* )!%+& ($+-($ /0+$"/T* +1ual +mployment (pportunity "tatement  !nti2harassment Policy and 'omplaint Procedure  !mericans with isabilities !ct 3!!4 5 !mendments !ct 3!!!!4 +%P6(*%+)T +mployee 'lassification 'ategories Background and $eference 'hecks /nternal Transfers7Promotions )epotism, +mployment of $elatives and Personal $elationships Progressive iscipline "eparation of +mployment -($8P6!'+ "!+T* rug2ree -orkplace -orkplace Bullying 0iolence in the -orkplace "afety "moke2ree -orkplace -($8P6!'+ +9P+'T!T/()" 'onfidentiality 'onflicts of /nterest (utside +mployment  !ttendance and Punctuality  !ttire and rooming

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Reviewed and updated October 2013

[Please note: This sample handbook is intended to be broad and applicable to a wide variety ofindustries and work environments. Because policies and procedures may vary based on statelaws, company size, industry, organizational culture and other factors, this handbook should becustomized to reflect your companys needs. The information in this handbook should not be

considered legal advice and does not reflect state laws and regulations. !ny new policies shouldbe reviewed by legal counsel for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. Tosupplement this handbook, "#$% provides Sample Policies and several State and LocalStatutes and Regulations.&



• +1ual +mployment (pportunity "tatement

•  !nti2harassment Policy and 'omplaint Procedure

•  !mericans with isabilities !ct 3!!4 5 !mendments !ct3!!!!4

+%P6(*%+)T• +mployee 'lassification 'ategories

• Background and $eference 'hecks• /nternal Transfers7Promotions 

• )epotism, +mployment of $elatives and Personal $elationships

• Progressive iscipline

• "eparation of +mployment

-($8P6!'+ "!+T*• rug2ree -orkplace

• -orkplace Bullying

• 0iolence in the -orkplace

• "afety

"moke2ree -orkplace -($8P6!'+ +9P+'T!T/()"

• 'onfidentiality 

• 'onflicts of /nterest

• (utside +mployment

•  !ttendance and Punctuality

•  !ttire and rooming

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• +lectronic 'ommunication and /nternet ;se

• "ocial %edia<!cceptable ;se

• "olicitations, istributions and Posting of %aterials

• +mployee Personnel iles


• Performance and "alary $eviews• Payment of -ages

• Time $eporting

• %eal7$est Periods

• (vertime Pay

• (n2'all Pay

• +mployee Travel and $eimbursement

T/%+ (76+!0+" ( !B"+)'+• #oliday Pay

• 0acation

• "ick 6eave• amily and %edical 6eave 3%6!4

• Personal 6eave of !bsence

• Bereavement 6eave

• =ury uty

• 0oting 6eave

• %ilitary 6eave of !bsence

• 6actation7Breastfeeding

B+)+/T"• %edical and ental /nsurance

omestic Partners• le>ible "pending !ccount

• roup 6ife /nsurance

• "hort2Term isability Benefits

• 6ong2Term isability Benefits

• ?@A3k4 Plan

• -orkers 'ompensation Benefits

• Tuition !ssistance 

• +mployee !ssistance Program 3+!P4

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[Brief description of ['ompany )ame&.&

-hether you have ust oined our staff or have been at ['ompany )ame& for a while, we areconfident that you will find our company a dynamic and rewarding place in which to work, andwe look forward to a productive and successful association. -e consider the employees of['ompany )ame& to be one of its most valuable resources. This handbook has been written toserve as the guide for the employer7employee relationship.

There are several things to keep in mind about this handbook. irst, it contains only generalinformation and guidelines. /t is not intended to be comprehensive or to address all the possibleapplications of, or e>ceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. or thatreason, if you have any 1uestions concerning eligibility for a particular benefit or the applicabilityof a policy or practice to you, you should address your specific 1uestions to the #uman$esource department. )either this handbook nor any other company document confers any

contractual right, either e>press or implied, to remain in the companyCs employ. )or does itguarantee any fi>ed terms and conditions of your employment. *our employment is not for anyspecific time and may be terminated at will with or without cause and without prior notice by thecompany, or you may resign for any reason at any time. )o supervisor or other representative of the company 3e>cept the president4 has the authority to enter into any agreement foremployment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the above.

The procedures, practices, policies and benefits described here may be modified ordiscontinued from time to time. -e will try to inform you of any changes as they occur.

This handbook and the information in it should be treated as confidential. )o portion of thishandbook should be disclosed to others, e>cept ['ompany )ame& employees and others

affiliated with ['ompany )ame& whose knowledge of the information is re1uired in the normalcourse of business.

"ome subects described in this handbook are covered in detail in official policy documents.$efer to these documents for specific information because the handbook only brieflysummarizes those guidelines and benefits. Please note that the terms of the written insurancepolicies are controlling and override any statements made in this or other documents. 

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Emploee Hand!oo" Ac"no#ledgment and Receipt

$ %a&e 'ecei&ed m cop o( t%e Emploee Hand!oo")

The employee handbook describes important information about ['ompany )ame&, and /understand that / should consult my manager or #uman $esources regarding any 1uestions notanswered in the handbook. / have entered into my employment relationship with ['ompany)ame& voluntarily and acknowledge that there is no specified length of employment.Acco'dingl* eit%e' $ o' +,ompan Name- can te'minate t%e 'elations%ip at #ill* #it% o'#it%out cause* at an time* so long as t%e'e is not &iolation o( applica!le (ede'al o' statela#) / understand and agree that, other than the president of company, no manager, supervisor orrepresentative of ['ompany )ame& has any authority to enter into any agreement foremployment other than at willD only the president of the company has the authority to make anysuch agreement and then only in writing signed by the president of ['ompany )ame&.

This handbook and the policies and procedures contained herein supersede any and all priorpractices, oral or written representations, or statements regarding the terms and conditions ofmy employment with ['ompany )ame&. By distributing this handbook, the company e>presslyrevokes any and all previous policies and procedures that are inconsistent with those containedherein.

/ understand that, e>cept for employment2at2will status, any and all policies and practices maybe changed at any time by ['ompany )ame&, and the company reserves the right to change myhours, wages and working conditions at any time. !ll such changes will be communicatedthrough official notices, and / understand that revised information may supersede, modify oreliminate e>isting policies. (nly the president of ['ompany )ame& has the ability to adopt anyrevisions to the policies in this handbook.

$ unde'stand and ag'ee t%at not%ing in t%e Emploee Hand!oo" c'eates* o' is intended toc'eate* a p'omise o' 'ep'esentation o( continued emploment and t%at emploment at+,ompan Name- is emploment at #ill* #%ic% ma !e te'minated at t%e #ill o( eit%e'+,ompan Name- o' msel() Fu't%e'mo'e* $ ac"no#ledge t%at t%is %and!oo" is neit%e' acont'act o( emploment no' a legal document)  / understand and agree that employment andcompensation may be terminated with or without cause and with or without notice at any time by['ompany )ame& or myself.

/ have received the handbook, and / understand that it is my responsibility to read and complywith the policies contained in this handbook and any revisions made to it.


+mployeeCs "ignature




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E1ual Emploment Oppo'tunit Statement

['ompany )ame& provides e1ual employment opportunities 3++(4 to all employees andapplicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, se>ual orientation,gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, amnesty orstatus as a covered veteran in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws.['ompany )ame& complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination inemployment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all termsand conditions of employment, including hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall,transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training.

['ompany )ame& e>pressly prohibits any form of unlawful employee harassment based onrace, color, religion, gender, se>ual orientation, national origin, age, genetic information,

disability or veteran status. /mproper interference with the ability of ['ompany )ame& employeesto perform their e>pected ob duties is absolutely not tolerated.

 +,ompan Name-2s Anti%a'assment Polic and ,omplaint P'ocedu'e

['ompany )ame& is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated withrespect and dignity. +ach individual has the right to work in a professional atmosphere thatpromotes e1ual employment opportunities and prohibits unlawful discriminatory practices,including harassment. Therefore, ['ompany )ame& e>pects that all relationships amongpersons in the office will be business2like and free of bias, preudice and harassment.

/t is the policy of ['ompany )ame& to ensure e1ual employment opportunity withoutdiscrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, se>ual orientation,gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, marital status, amnesty orstatus as a covered veteran. ['ompany )ame& prohibits any such discrimination or harassment.

['ompany )ame& encourages reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination orharassment. /t is the policy of ['ompany )ame& to promptly and thoroughly investigate suchreports. ['ompany )ame& prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports discriminationor harassment or who participates in an investigation of such reports.

De(initions o( Ha'assment"e>ual harassment constitutes discrimination and is illegal under federal, state and local laws.

or the purposes of this policy, se>ual harassment is defined, as in the +1ual +mployment(pportunity 'ommission uidelines, as unwelcome se>ual advances, re1uests for se>ualfavors and other verbal or physical conduct of a se>ual nature when, for e>ample a4 submissionto such conduct is made either e>plicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individualCsemploymentD b4 submission to or reection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basisfor employment decisions affecting such individualD or c4 such conduct has the purpose or effectof unreasonably interfering with an individualCs work performance or creating an intimidating,hostile or offensive working environment.

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"e>ual harassment may include a range of subtle and not2so2subtle behaviors and may involveindividuals of the same or different gender. epending on the circumstances, these behaviorsmay include unwanted se>ual advances or re1uests for se>ual favorsD se>ual okes andinnuendoD verbal abuse of a se>ual natureD commentary about an individualCs body, se>ualprowess or se>ual deficienciesD leering, whistling or touchingD insulting or obscene comments orgesturesD display in the workplace of se>ually suggestive obects or picturesD and other physical,

verbal or visual conduct of a se>ual nature.

#arassment on the basis of any other protected characteristic is also strictly prohibited. ;nderthis policy, harassment is verbal, written or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his7her race, color, religion, gender, se>ual orientation,national origin, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information or any othercharacteristic protected by law or that of his7her relatives, friends or associates, and that a4 hasthe purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environmentD b4 hasthe purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individualCs work performanceD or c4otherwise adversely affects an individualCs employment opportunities.

#arassing conduct includes epithets, slurs or negative stereotypingD threatening, intimidating or

hostile actsD denigrating okesD and written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostilityor aversion toward an individual or group and that is placed on walls or elsewhere on theemployerCs premises or circulated in the workplace, on company time or using companye1uipment via e2mail, phone 3including voice messages4, te>t messages, tweets, blogs, socialnetworking sites or other means.

$ndi&iduals and ,onduct ,o&e'edThese policies apply to all applicants and employees, whether related to conduct engaged in byfellow employees or someone not directly connected to ['ompany )ame& 3e.g., an outsidevendor, consultant or customer4.

'onduct prohibited by these policies is unacceptable in the workplace and in any work2related

setting outside the workplace, such as during business trips, business meetings and business2related social events.

,omplaint P'ocess/ndividuals who believe they have been the victims of conduct prohibited by this policystatement or who believe they have witnessed such conduct should discuss their concerns withtheir immediate supervisor, #uman $esources or any member of management.

-hen possible, ['ompany )ame& encourages individuals who believe they are being subectedto such conduct to promptly advise the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome andre1uest that it be discontinued. (ften this action alone will resolve the problem. ['ompany)ame& recognizes, however, that an individual may prefer to pursue the matter through

complaint procedures.

['ompany )ame& encourages the prompt reporting of complaints or concerns so that rapid andconstructive action can be taken before relationships become irreparably strained. Therefore,although no fi>ed reporting period has been established, early reporting and intervention haveproven to be the most effective method of resolving actual or perceived incidents of harassment.

 !ny reported allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be investigatedpromptly. The investigation may include individual interviews with the parties involved and,

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where necessary, with individuals who may have observed the alleged conduct or may haveother relevant knowledge.

'onfidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the e>tent consistentwith ade1uate investigation and appropriate corrective action.

$etaliation against an individual for reporting harassment or discrimination or for participating inan investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination is a serious violation of this policyand, like harassment or discrimination itself, will be subect to disciplinary action. !cts ofretaliation should be reported immediately and will be promptly investigated and addressed.%isconduct constituting harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be dealt with appropriately.

/f a party to a complaint does not agree with its resolution, that party may appeal to ['ompany)ame&Cs EEEEEEEE orEEEEEEEEEE.

alse and malicious complaints of harassment, discrimination or retaliation may be the subectof appropriate disciplinary action.

Ame'icans #it% Disa!ilities Act 3ADA4 and t%e ADA Amendments Act3ADAAA4

The !mericans with isabilities !ct 3!!4 and the !mericans with isabilities !mendments !ct,known as the !!!!, are federal laws that prohibit employers with AF or more employees fromdiscriminating against applicants and individuals with disabilities and that when needed providereasonable accommodations to applicants and employees who are 1ualified for a ob, with orwithout reasonable accommodations, so that they may perform the essential ob duties of theposition.

/t is the policy of ['ompany )ame& to comply with all federal and state laws concerning theemployment of persons with disabilities and to act in accordance with regulations and guidanceissued by the +1ual +mployment (pportunity 'ommission 3++('4. urthermore, it is ourcompany policy not to discriminate against 1ualified individuals with disabilities in regard toapplication procedures, hiring, advancement, discharge, compensation, training or other terms,conditions and privileges of employment.

The company will reasonably accommodate 1ualified individuals with a disability so that theycan perform the essential functions of a ob unless doing so causes a direct threat to theseindividuals or others in the workplace and the threat cannot be eliminated by reasonableaccommodation and7or if the accommodation creates an undue hardship to ['ompany )ame&.'ontact the #uman $esource department with any 1uestions or re1uests for accommodation.

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Emploee ,lassi(ication ,atego'ies

 !ll employees are designated as either none>empt or e>empt under state and federal wage andhour laws. The following is intended to help employees understand employment classificationsand employees employment status and benefit eligibility. These classifications do not guaranteeemployment for any specified period of time. The right to terminate the employment2at2willrelationship at any time is retained by both the employee and ['ompany )ame&.

None5empt emploees are employees whose work is covered by the air 6abor "tandards !ct36"!4. They are )(T e>empt from the laws re1uirements concerning minimum wage andovertime.

E5empt emploees are generally managers or professional, administrative or technical staffwho !$+ e>empt from the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the 6"!. +>emptemployees hold obs that meet the standards and criteria established under the 6"! by the;.". epartment of 6abor.

['ompany )ame& has established the following categories for both none>empt and e>emptemployees:

• Regula'* (ull time6 +mployees who are not in a temporary status and who are regularlyscheduled to work the companys full2time schedule of GH.F hours per week. enerally,these employees are eligible for the full benefits package, subect to the terms,

conditions and limitations of each benefits program.

• Regula'* pa't time6 +mployees who are not in a temporary status and who are regularlyscheduled to work less than the full2time schedule but at least I@ hours each week.$egular, part2time employees are eligible for some of the benefits offered by thecompany subect to the terms, conditions and limitations of each benefits program.

• .empo'a'* (ull time6 +mployees who are hired as interim replacements to temporarilysupplement the workforce or to assist in the completion of a specific proect and who aretemporarily scheduled to work the companys full2time schedule for a limited duration.+mployment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change inemployment status.

• .empo'a'* pa't time6 +mployees who are hired as interim replacements to temporarilysupplement the workforce or to assist in the completion of a specific proect and who aretemporarily scheduled to work less than the companys full2time schedule for a limitedduration. +mployment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply achange in employment status.

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Temporary workers are not eligible for company benefits unless specifically stated otherwise incompany policy or are deemed eligible according to plan documents.


Bac"g'ound and Re(e'ence ,%ec"s

To ensure that individuals who oin ['ompany )ame& are well 1ualified and to ensure that['ompany )ame& maintains a safe and productive work environment, it is our policy to conductpre2employment background checks on all applicants who accept an offer of employment.Background checks may include verification of any information on the applicants resume orapplication form.

 !ll offers of employment are conditioned on receipt of a background check report that isacceptable to ['ompany )ame&. !ll background checks are conducted in conformity with theederal air 'redit $eporting !ct, the !mericans with isabilities !ct, and state and federalprivacy and antidiscrimination laws. $eports are kept confidential and are only viewed byindividuals involved in the hiring process.

/f information obtained in a background check would lead ['ompany )ame& to denyemployment, a copy of the report will be provided to the applicant, and the applicant will havethe opportunity to dispute the reports accuracy. Background checks may include a criminalrecord check, although a criminal conviction does not automatically bar an applicant fromemployment.

 !dditional checks such as a driving record or credit report may be made on applicants forparticular ob categories if appropriate and ob related.

['ompany )ame& also reserves the right to conduct a background check for current employeesto determine eligibility for promotion or reassignment in the same manner as described above.

$nte'nal .'ans(e's7P'omotions

+mployees with more than twelve months of service may re1uest consideration to transfer toother obs as vacancies become available and will be considered along with other applicants. !tthe same time, the company may initiate transfers of employees between departments andfacilities to meet specified work re1uirements and reassignment of work re1uirements.

['ompany )ame& offers employees promotions to higher2level positions when appropriate.%anagement prefers to promote from within and may first consider current employees with thenecessary 1ualifications and skills to fill vacancies above the entry level, unless outside

recruitment is considered to be in the companys best interest.

To be considered, employees must have held their current position for at least AI months, havea satisfactory performance record and have no disciplinary actions during the last AI months.%anagement retains the discretion to make e>ceptions to the policy.

Nepotism* Emploment o( Relati&es and Pe'sonal Relations%ips

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['ompany )ame& wants to ensure that corporate practices do not create situations such asconflict of interest or favoritism. This e>tends to practices that involve employee hiring,promotion and transfer. 'lose relatives, partners, those in a dating relationship or members ofthe same household are not permitted to be in positions that have a reporting responsibility toeach other. 'lose relatives are defined as husband, wife, domestic partner, father, mother,father2in2law, mother2in law, grandfather, grandmother, son, son2in2law, daughter, daughter2in

law, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, brother, sister, brother2in2law, sister2in2law, step relatives,cousins and domestic partner relatives.

/f employees begin a dating relationship or become relatives, partners or members of the samehousehold and if one party is in a supervisory position, that person is re1uired to informmanagement and #uman $esources of the relationship.

['ompany )ame& reserves the right to apply this policy to situations where there is a conflict orthe potential for conflict because of the relationship between employees, even if there is nodirect2reporting relationship or authority involved.

P'og'essi&e Discipline

+very employee has the duty and the responsibility to be aware of and abide by e>isting rulesand policies. +mployees also have the responsibility to perform his7her duties to the best ofhis7her ability and to the standards as set forth in his7her ob description or as otherwiseestablished.

['ompany )ame& supports the use of progressive discipline to address issues such as poorwork performance or misconduct. (ur progressive discipline policy is designed to provide acorrective action process to improve and prevent a recurrence of undesirable behavior and7orperformance issues. (ur progressive discipline policy has been designed consistent with ourorganizational values, #$ best practices and employment laws.

(utlined below are the steps of our progressive discipline policy and procedure. ['ompany)ame& reserves the right to combine or skip steps in this process depending on the facts ofeach situation and the nature of the offense. The level of disciplinary intervention may also vary."ome of the factors that will be considered are whether the offense is repeated despitecoaching, counseling and7or trainingD the employeeCs work recordD and the impact the conductand performance issues have on our organization.

The following outlines ['ompany )ame&s progressive discipline process:

0e'!al #a'ning6 ! supervisor verbally counsels an employee about an issue of concern,and a written record of the discussion is placed in the employeeCs file for futurereference.

• W'itten #a'ning6 -ritten warnings are used for behavior or violations that a supervisorconsiders serious or in situations when a verbal warning has not helped changeunacceptable behavior. -ritten warnings are placed in an employees personnel file.+mployees should recognize the grave nature of the written warning.

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• Pe'(o'mance imp'o&ement plan6 -henever an employee has been involved in adisciplinary situation that has not been readily resolved or when he7she hasdemonstrated an inability to perform assigned work responsibilities efficiently, theemployee may be given a final warning or placed on a performance improvement plan3P/P4. P/P status will last for a predetermined amount of time not to e>ceed J@ days.-ithin this time period, the employee must demonstrate a willingness and ability to meet

and maintain the conduct and7or work re1uirements as specified by the supervisor andthe organization. !t the end of the performance improvement period, the performanceimprovement plan may be closed or, if established goals are not met, dismissal mayoccur.

['ompany )ame& reserves the right to determine the appropriate level of discipline for anyinappropriate conduct, including oral and written warnings, suspension with or without pay,demotion and discharge.

Sepa'ation o( Emploment

"eparation of employment within an organization can occur for several different reasons.

• Resignation6 !lthough we hope your employment with us will be a mutually rewardinge>perience, we understand that varying circumstances cause employees to voluntarilyresign employment. $esigning employees are encouraged to provide two weeks notice,preferably in writing, to facilitate a smooth transition out of the organization.%anagement reserves the right to provide an employee with two weeks pay in lieu ofnotice in situations where ob or business needs warrant such action. /f an employeeprovides less notice than re1uested, the employer may deem the individual to beineligible for rehire depending on the circumstances regarding the notice given.

Reti'ement6 +mployees who wish to retire are re1uired to notify their departmentdirector and the #uman $esource department in writing at least one 3A4 month beforethe planned retirement date.

/t is the practice of ['ompany )ame& to give special recognition to employees at the timeof their retirement. The recipient must be employed with ['ompany )ame& for five 3F4years to be eligible for a retirement gift. The amount provided for the gift is KA@@ peryear, based on the employees uninterrupted full2time service. The department directorshould contact the #uman $esource department to purchase a gift or a gift card.epartmental funds may not be used to augment the gift.

• 8o! a!andonment6 +mployees who fail to report to work or contact their supervisor for

three 3G4 consecutive workdays shall be considered to have abandoned the ob withoutnotice, effective at the end of their normal shift on the third day. The supervisor shallnotify the #uman $esource department at the e>piration of the third workday and initiatethe paperwork to terminate the employee. +mployees who are separated due to obabandonment are ineligible to receive accrued benefits and are ineligible for rehire.

• .e'mination6 +mployees of ['ompany )ame& are employed on an at2will basis, and thecompany retains the right to terminate an employee at any time.

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Retu'n o( ,ompan P'ope'tThe separating employee must return all company property at the time of separation, includinguniforms, cell phones, keys, P's and identification cards. ailure to return some items mayresult in deductions from the final paycheck. !n employee will be re1uired to sign the -ageeduction !uthorization !greement to deduct the costs of such items from the final paycheck.

The separating employee shall contact the #uman $esource department as soon as notice isgiven to schedule an e>it interview. The interview will be on the employees last day of work oranother day, as mutually agreed on.

 !ccrued vacation leave will be paid in the last paycheck unless the employee resigned and didnot give and work a full two weeks notice. [)ote: 'heck state laws on vacation payout attermination because some states may re1uire the employer to pay out for all separationsD see"#$% 0acation7Sic"7P.O La#s by state.

#ealth insurance terminates the last day of the month of employment, unless an employeere1uests immediate termination of benefits. /nformation for 'onsolidated (mnibus Budget$econciliation 3'(B$!4 continued health coverage will be provided. +mployees will be re1uired

to pay their share of the dependent health and dental premiums through the end of the month.

Re%i'eormer employees who left ['ompany )ame& in good standing and were classified as eligiblefor rehire may be considered for reemployment. !n application must be submitted to the #uman$esource department, and the applicant must meet all minimum 1ualifications and re1uirementsof the position, including any 1ualifying e>am, when re1uired.

"upervisors must obtain approval from the #uman $esource director or designee prior torehiring a former employee. $ehired employees begin benefits ust as any other new employee.Previous tenure will not be considered in calculating longevity, leave accruals or any otherbenefits.

 !n applicant or employee who is terminated for violating policy or who resigned in lieu oftermination from employment due to a policy violation will be ineligible for rehire.

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D'ug9F'ee Wo'"place

['ompany )ame& has a longstanding commitment to provide a safe and productive workenvironment. !lcohol and drug abuse pose a threat to the health and safety of employees andto the security of our e1uipment and facilities. or these reasons, ['ompany )ame& iscommitted to the elimination of drug and7or alcohol use and abuse in the workplace.

This policy outlines the practice and procedure designed to correct instances of identifiedalcohol and7or drug use in the workplace. This policy applies to all employees and all applicantsfor employment of ['ompany )ame&. The #uman $esource department is responsible for policyadministration.

Emploee Assistance and D'ug9F'ee A#a'eness /llegal drug use and alcohol misuse have a number of adverse health and safety conse1uences./nformation about those conse1uences and sources of help for drug7alcohol problems isavailable from the #uman $esource department, whose members have been trained to makereferrals and assist employees with drug7alcohol problems.

['ompany )ame& will assist and support employees who voluntarily seek help for suchproblems before becoming subect to discipline and7or termination under this or other policies."uch employees may be allowed to use accrued paid time off, placed on leaves of absence,referred to treatment providers and otherwise accommodated as re1uired by law. "uchemployees may be re1uired to document that they are successfully following prescribed

treatment and to take and pass follow2up tests if they hold obs that are safety sensitive or thatre1uire driving or if they have violated this policy previously.

+mployees should report to work fit for duty and free of any adverse effects of illegal drugs oralcohol. This policy does not prohibit employees from the lawful use and possession ofprescribed medications. +mployees must, however, consult with their doctors about themedications effect on their fitness for duty and ability to work safely and promptly disclose anywork restrictions to their supervisor. +mployees should not, however, disclose underlyingmedical conditions unless directed to do so.

Wo'" Rules The following work rules apply to all employees:

• -henever employees are working, are operating any company vehicle, are present oncompany premises, or are conducting related work off2site, they are prohibited from:

o ;sing, possessing, buying, selling, manufacturing or dispensing an illegal drug3to include possession of drug paraphernalia4.

o Being under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug as defined in this policy.

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• The presence of any detectable amount of any illegal drug or illegal controlled substancein an employees body while performing company business or while in a company facilityis prohibited.

• ['ompany )ame& will not allow any employee to perform their duties while takingprescribed drugs that are adversely affecting the employees ability to safely andeffectively perform their ob duties. +mployees taking a prescribed medication must carryit in the container labeled by a licensed pharmacist or be prepared to produce it if asked.

•  !ny illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia will be turned over to an appropriate lawenforcement agency and may result in criminal prosecution.

Re1ui'ed .esting The company retains the right to re1uire the following tests:

• P'e9emploment6 !ll applicants must pass a drug test before beginning work or

receiving an offer of employment. $efusal to submit to testing will result indis1ualification of further employment consideration.

• Reasona!le suspicion6 +mployees are subect to testing based on observations by asupervisor of apparent workplace use, possession or impairment. #uman $esourcesmust be consulted before sending an employee for reasonable suspicion testing.

• Post9accident6 +mployees are subect to testing when they cause or contribute toaccidents that seriously damage a company vehicle, machinery, e1uipment or propertyand7or result in an inury to themselves or another employee re1uiring off2site medicalattention. /n any of these instances, the investigation and subse1uent testing must takeplace within two 3I4 hours following the accident, if not sooner.

• Follo#9up: +mployees who have tested positive, or otherwise violated this policy, aresubect to discipline up to and including discharge. epending on the circumstances andthe employees work history7record, ['ompany )ame& may offer an employee whoviolates this policy or tests positive the opportunity to return to work on a last2chancebasis pursuant to mutually agreeable terms, which could include follow2up drug testing attimes and fre1uencies for a minimum of one 3A4 year but not more than two 3I4 years. /fthe employee either does not complete his7her rehabilitation program or tests positiveafter completing the rehabilitation program, he7she will be subect to immediatedischarge from employment.


 !pplicants who refuse to cooperate in a drug test or who test positive will not be hired.+mployees who refuse to cooperate in re1uired tests or who use, possess, buy, sell,manufacture or dispense an illegal drug in violation of this policy will be terminated.The first time an employee tests positive for alcohol or illegal drug use under this policy, theresult will be discipline up to and including discharge.

+mployees will be paid for time spent in alcohol7drug testing and then suspended pending theresults of the drug7alcohol test. !fter the results of the test are received, a date7time will bescheduled to discuss the results of the testD this meeting will include a member of management

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and #uman $esources. "hould the results prove to be negative, the employee will receive backpay for the times7days of suspension.

,on(identialit /nformation and records relating to positive test results, drug and alcohol dependencies andlegitimate medical e>planations provided to the medical review officer 3%$(4 shall be kept

confidential to the e>tent re1uired by law and maintained in secure files separate from normalpersonnel files.

$nspections ['ompany )ame& reserves the right to inspect all portions of its premises for drugs, alcohol orother contraband. !ll employees, contract employees and visitors may be asked to cooperate ininspections of their persons, work areas and property that might conceal a drug, alcohol or other contraband. +mployees who possess such contraband or refuse to cooperate in suchinspections are subect to appropriate discipline up to and including discharge.

,'imes $n&ol&ing D'ugs ['ompany )ame& prohibits all employees from manufacturing, distributing, dispensing,

possessing or using an illegal drug in or on company premises or while conducting companybusiness. +mployees are also prohibited from misusing legally prescribed or over2the2counter3(T'4 drugs. 6aw enforcement personnel shall be notified, as appropriate, when criminalactivity is suspected.

Wo'"place Bulling

['ompany )ame& defines bullying as Lrepeated inappropriate behavior, either direct or indirect,whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another orothers, at the place of work and7or in the course of employment.M "uch behavior violates thecompany 'ode of +thics, which clearly states that all employees will be treated with dignity andrespect.

The purpose of this policy is to communicate to all employees, including supervisors, managersand e>ecutives, that the company will not tolerate bullying behavior. +mployees found inviolation of this policy will be disciplined up to and including termination.

Bullying may be intentional or unintentional. #owever, it must be noted that where an allegationof bullying is made, the intention of the alleged bully is irrelevant and will not be givenconsideration when meting out discipline. !s in se>ual harassment, it is the effect of thebehavior upon the individual that is important. ['ompany )ame& considers the following types of behavior e>amples of bullying:

• 0e'!al !ulling6 "landering, ridiculing or maligning a person or his7her familyD persistentname calling that is hurtful, insulting or humiliatingD using a person as the butt of okesDabusive and offensive remarks.

• P%sical !ulling6 Pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping, assault or threat ofphysical assaultD damage to a persons work area or property.

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• :estu'e !ulling6 )onverbal threatening gestures or glances that convey threateningmessages.

• E5clusion6 "ocially or physically e>cluding or disregarding a person in work2relatedactivities.

0iolence in t%e Wo'"place

[)ote: "ee also Wo'"place 0iolence P'e&ention and $nte'&ention.]

 !ll employees, customers, vendors and business associates must be treated with courtesy andrespect at all times. +mployees are e>pected to refrain from conduct that may be dangerous toothers.

'onduct that threatens, intimidates or coerces another employee, customer, vendor or businessassociate will not be tolerated. ['ompany )ame& resources may not be used to threaten, stalk

or harass anyone at the workplace or outside the workplace. ['ompany )ame& treats threatscoming from an abusive personal relationship as it does other forms of violence.

/ndirect or direct threats of violence, incidents of actual violence and suspicious individuals oractivities should be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor, security personnel, #uman$esources, member of ['ompany )ame&s Threat %anagement Team or any member of seniormanagement. -hen reporting a threat or incident of violence, the employee should be asspecific and detailed as possible. +mployees should not place themselves in peril, nor shouldthey attempt to intercede during an incident.

+mployees should promptly inform the #uman $esource department of any protective orrestraining order that they have obtained that lists the workplace as a protected area.

+mployees are encouraged to report safety concerns with regard to intimate partner violence.['ompany )ame& will not retaliate against employees making good2faith reports. ['ompany)ame& is committed to supporting victims of intimate partner violence by providing referrals to['ompany )ame&s employee assistance program 3+!P4 and community resources andproviding time off for reasons related to intimate partner violence.

['ompany )ame& will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats of violence orincidents of actual violence and of suspicious individuals or activities. The identity of theindividual making a report will be protected as much as possible. ['ompany )ame& will notretaliate against employees making good2faith reports of violence, threats or suspiciousindividuals or activities. /n order to maintain workplace safety and the integrity of itsinvestigation, ['ompany )ame& may suspend employees suspected of workplace violence or

threats of violence, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

 !nyone found to be responsible for threats of or actual violence or other conduct that is inviolation of these guidelines will be subect to prompt disciplinary action up to and includingtermination of employment.

['ompany )ame& encourages employees to bring their disputes to the attention of theirsupervisors or #uman $esources before the situation escalates. ['ompany )ame& will notdiscipline employees for raising such concerns.

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/t is the responsibility of each employee to conduct all tasks in a safe and efficient mannercomplying with all local, state and federal safety and health regulations and program standards,and with any special safety concerns for use in a particular area or with a client.

 !lthough most safety regulations are consistent throughout each department and program, eachemployee has the responsibility to identify and familiarize her7himself with the emergency planfor his7her working area. +ach facility shall have posted an emergency plan detailing proceduresin handling emergencies such as fire, weather2related events and medical crises.

/t is the responsibility of the employee to complete an !ccident and /ncident $eport for eachsafety and health infraction that occurs by an employee or that the employee witnesses. ailureto report such an infraction may result in employee disciplinary action, including termination.

urthermore, management re1uires that every person in the organization assumes theresponsibility of individual and organizational safety. ailure to follow company safety and healthguidelines or engaging in conduct that places the employee, client or company property at riskcan lead to employee disciplinary action and7or termination.

The #ealth and "afety 'ommittee and the safety director shall have the responsibility todevelop and the authority to implement the safety and health program in the interest of a saferwork environment.

Smo"e9F'ee Wo'"place

/t is the policy of ['ompany )ame& to prohibit smoking on all company premises in order toprovide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. The law definessmoking as the Nact of lighting, smoking or carrying a lighted or smoldering cigar, cigarette orpipe of any kind.N

The smoke2free workplace policy applies to:•  !ll areas of company buildings.

•  !ll company2sponsored off2site conferences and meetings.

•  !ll vehicles owned or leased by the company.

•  !ll visitors 3customers and vendors4 to the company premises.

•  !ll contractors and consultants and7or their employees working on the companypremises.

•  !ll employees, temporary employees and student interns.

"moking is permitted in parking lots only.

+mployees who violate the smoking policy will be subect to disciplinary action up to andincluding immediate discharge.

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(ur clients and other parties with whom we do business entrust the company with importantinformation relating to their businesses. /t is our policy that all information consideredconfidential will not be disclosed to e>ternal parties or to employees without a Lneed to know.M /fan employee 1uestions whether certain information is considered confidential, he7she shouldfirst check with his7her immediate supervisor. This policy is intended to alert employees to the need for discretion at all times and is notintended to inhibit normal business communications.

 !ll in1uiries from the media must be referred to [insert name, title, contact information&.

,on(licts o( $nte'est

+mployees must avoid any relationship or activity that might impair, or even appear to impair,their ability to make obective and fair decisions when performing their obs. !t times, anemployee may be faced with situations in which business actions taken on behalf of ['ompany)ame& may conflict with the employees own personal interests. 'ompany property, informationor business opportunities may not be used for personal gain.

,on(licts o( inte'est could a'ise in t%e (ollo#ing ci'cumstances6 • Being employed by, or acting as a consultant to, a competitor or potential competitor,

supplier or contractor, regardless of the nature of the employment, while employed with['ompany )ame&.

• #iring or supervising family members or closely related persons.

• "erving as a board member for an outside commercial company or organization.

• (wning or having a substantial interest in a competitor, supplier or contractor.

•  !ccepting gifts, discounts, favors or services from a customer7potential customer,competitor or supplier, unless e1ually available to all company employees.

+mployees with a conflict2of2interest 1uestion should seek advice from management. Before

engaging in any activity, transaction or relationship that might give rise to a conflict of interest,employees must seek review from their manager or the #uman $esource department.

Outside Emploment

+mployees are permitted to engage in outside work or to hold other obs, subect to certainrestrictions as outlined below.

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 !ctivities and conduct away from the ob must not compete with, conflict with or compromise thecompany interests or adversely affect ob performance and the ability to fulfill all obresponsibilities. +mployees are prohibited from performing any services for customers onnonworking time that are normally performed by ['ompany )ame&. This prohibition also e>tendsto the unauthorized use of any company tools or e1uipment and the unauthorized use orapplication of any confidential information. /n addition, employees are not to solicit or conduct

any outside business during paid working time.

+mployees are cautioned to carefully consider the demands that additional work activity willcreate before accepting outside employment. (utside employment will not be considered ane>cuse for poor ob performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel orrefusal to work overtime or different hours. /f ['ompany )ame& determines that an employeesoutside work interferes with performance, the employee may be asked to terminate the outsideemployment.

+mployees who have accepted outside employment may not use paid sick leave to work on theoutside ob. raudulent use of sick leave will result in disciplinary action up to and includingtermination.

Attendance and Punctualit

0acation and holidays must be scheduled with ones supervisor in advance. "ick leave may beused in the case of emergency or sudden illness without prior scheduling. Patterns ofabsenteeism or tardiness may result in discipline even if the employee has not yet e>haustedavailable paid time off. !bsences due to illnesses or inuries that 1ualify under the amily and%edical 6eave !ct 3%6!4 will not be counted against an employees attendance record.%edical documentation within the guidelines of the %6! may be re1uired in these instances.

)ot reporting to work and not calling to report the absence is a no2call7no2show and is a serious

matter. The first instance of a no call7no show will result in a final written warning. The secondseparate offense may result in termination of employment with no additional disciplinary steps.A no call7no s%o# lasting t%'ee das ma !e conside'ed <o! a!andonment and ma !edeemed an emploee2s &olunta' 'esignation o( emploment) 

Atti'e and :'ooming

/t is important for all employees to proect a professional image while at work by beingappropriately attired. ['ompany )ame& employees are e>pected to be neat, clean and wellgroomed while on the ob. 'lothing must be consistent with the standards for a businessenvironment and must be appropriate to the type of work being performed.

 !ll employees must be covered from shoulders to knees at all times 3no see2through orsleeveless clothing is permitted at any time4. )atural and artificial scents may become adistraction from a well2functioning workplace and are also subect to this policy

['ompany )ame& is confident that employees will use their best udgment regarding attire andappearance. %anagement reserves the right to determine appropriateness. !ny employee whois improperly dressed will be counseled or in severe cases may be sent home to change

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clothes. 'ontinued disregard of this policy may be cause for disciplinary action, which mayresult in termination.

Elect'onic ,ommunication and $nte'net =se

The following guidelines have been established for using the /nternet, company2provided cellphones and e2mail in an appropriate, ethical and professional manner:

• /nternet, company2provided e1uipment 3e.g., cell phone, laptops, computers4 andservices may not be used for transmitting, retrieving or storing any communications of adefamatory, discriminatory, harassing or pornographic nature.

• The following actions are forbidden: using disparaging, abusive, profane or offensivelanguageD creating, viewing or displaying materials that might adversely or negativelyreflect upon ['ompany )ame& or be contrary to ['ompany )ame&s best interestsD andengaging in any illegal activities, including piracy, cracking, e>tortion, blackmail,

copyright infringement, and unauthorized access of any computers and company2provided e1uipment such as cell phones and laptops.

• +mployees may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, e>cept withpermission or as a single copy to reference only.

• +mployees must not use the system in a way that disrupts its use by others. +mployeesmust not send or receive large files that could be saved7transferred via thumb drives.+mployees are prohibited from sending or receiving files that are not related to work.

• +mployees should not open suspicious e2mails, pop2ups or downloads. 'ontact /T withany 1uestions or concerns to reduce the release of viruses or to contain virusesimmediately.

• /nternal and e>ternal e2mails are considered business records and may be subect todiscovery in the event of litigation. Be aware of this possibility when sending e2mailwithin and outside the company.

Rig%t to Monito' !ll company2supplied technology and company2related work records belong to the companyand not to the employee. ['ompany )ame& routinely monitors use of company2suppliedtechnology. /nappropriate or illegal use or communications may be subect to disciplinary actionup to and including termination of employment.

Social Media>Accepta!le =se

Below are guidelines for social media use.

+mployees may not post financial, confidential, sensitive or proprietary information about thecompany, clients, employees or applicants.

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+mployees may not post obscenities, slurs or personal attacks that can damage the reputationof the company, clients, employees or applicants.

-hen posting on social media sites, employees must use the following disclaimer whendiscussing ob2related matters, “The opinions expressed on this site are my own and do notnecessarily represent the views of ['ompany )ame&.”

['ompany )ame& may monitor content out on the /nternet. Policy violations may result indiscipline up to and including termination of employment.

Solicitations* Dist'i!utions and Posting o( Mate'ials

['ompany )ame& prohibits the solicitation, distribution and posting of materials on or atcompany property by any employee or nonemployee, e>cept as may be permitted by this policy.The sole e>ceptions to this policy are charitable and community activities supported by['ompany )ame& management and company2sponsored programs related to ['ompany)ame&s products and services.

Provisions:• )onemployees may not solicit employees or distribute literature of any kind on company

premises at any time.• +mployees may only admit nonemployees to work areas with management approval or

as part of a company2sponsored program. These visits should not disrupt workflow. !nemployee must accompany the nonemployee at all times. ormer employees are notpermitted onto company property e>cept for official company business.

• +mployees may not solicit other employees during work times, e>cept in connection witha company2approved or sponsored event.

• +mployees may not distribute literature of any kind during work times or in any work

area at any time, e>cept in connection with a company2sponsored event• The posting of materials or electronic announcements are permitted with approval from

#uman $esources.

0iolations of this policy should be reported to #uman $esources.

Emploee Pe'sonnel Files

+mployee files are maintained by the #uman $esource department and are consideredconfidential. %anagers and supervisors may only have access to personnel file information on aneed2to2know basis.

 ! manager or supervisor considering the hire of a former employee or transfer of a currentemployee may be granted access to the file, or limited parts of it, in accordance withantidiscrimination laws.

Personnel file access by current employees and former employees upon re1uest will generallybe permitted within three days of the re1uest unless otherwise re1uired under state law.

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Personnel files are to be reviewed in the #uman $esource department. Personnel files may notbe taken outside the department.

$epresentatives of government or law enforcement agencies, in the course of their duties, maybe allowed access to file information.

[)ote: Please be advised that company policy may be subect to state re1uirements, includingpotential re1uirements to provide copies of personnel files. Please see Reco'd"eeping7Access

to Pe'sonnel Files.&

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Pe'(o'mance and Sala' Re&ie#

Performance appraisals are conducted on an annual cycle. +mployees will receive aperformance review on the established date each year. The performance appraisal will bediscussed, and both the employee and manager will sign the form to ensure that all strengths,areas for improvement and ob goals for the ne>t review period have been clearlycommunicated. Performance evaluation forms will be retained in the employees personnel file.

%erit increases are based on company performance and financials and are not guaranteed. !performance review does not always result in an automatic salary increase. The employeesoverall performance and salary level relative to his7her position responsibilities are evaluated to

determine if a salary increase would be warranted.

Budget allocations for merit increases are planned for and allocated before the start of eachcalendar year. The annual salary increase program is designed to assist management inplanning and allocating merit and promotional increases that reward individual performance,that are market competitive and that are internally e1uitable.

"alary adustments are occasionally re1uested or warranted at times other than the employeesscheduled annual salary reviews. (ut2of2cycle salary increases must be preapproved by thedepartment manager, #$ and the company president. #uman $esources will review all salaryincrease7adustment re1uests to ensure internal e1uity and compliance with company policiesand guidelines.

Pament o( Wages

[)ote: "ome states have specific provisions for wage payments and direct deposit. "eePament o( Wages7Di'ect Deposit La# before implementing a policy.&

"alary payment is made EEEEEEEEEEEE [e.g., biweekly& for base salary due up to the pay date.Paydays are usually EEEEEEEEEEEE [e.g., biweekly& on every other EEEEEEEEEEEE.

(vertime payment, which is included with the none>empt employeeCs base salary payment, isalso paid EEEEEEEEEEEE [e.g., biweekly& with such payment covering hours worked in the prior

 EEEEEEEEEEEE [biweekly& period.

/t is the companyCs policy that employee paychecks will only be given personally to thatemployee or mailed to his7her home address.

/f the normal payday falls on a company2recognized holiday, paychecks will be distributed oneworkday before the aforementioned schedule.

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+mployees may be paid by check or through direct deposit of funds to either a savings orchecking account at the financial institution of their choice.

/n the event of a lost paycheck, the #uman $esource department must be notified in writing assoon as possible and before a replacement check can be issued. /n the event the lost paycheckis recovered and the company identifies the endorsement as that of the employee, the

employee must remit the amount of the replacement check to the company within I? hours ofthe time it is demanded.

/f an employeeCs marital status changes or the number of e>emptions previously claimedincreases or decreases, a new orm -2? must be submitted to the #uman $esourcedepartment.

+>cept for e>treme emergencies and vacation pay, no salary advances will be made.

.ime Repo'ting

 ! work hour is any hour of the day that is worked and should be recorded to the nearest tenth of an hour. The workday is defined as the I?2hour period starting at AI:@@ a.m. and ending atAA:FJ p.m. The workweek covers seven consecutive days beginning on "unday and ending on"aturday. The usual workweek period is ?@ hours.

(vertime is defined as hours worked by an hourly or none>empt employee in e>cess of ?@hours in a workweek and should be recorded to the nearest tenth of an hour. (vertime must beapproved in advance by the manager to whom the employee reports.

+mployees will submit their time record weekly as directed by their manager. +ach employee isto maintain an accurate daily record of his or her hours worked. !ll absences from workschedules should be appropriately recorded.

Meal7Rest Pe'iods

[)ote: Please check State Meal7Rest Pe'iod Re1ui'ements as some states have differentre1uirements for meal and rest breaks than what is provided below.&

The scheduling of meal periods at ['ompany )ame& is set by the employees immediatemanager with the goal of providing the least possible disruption to company operations.

Mandato' Meal Pe'iod+mployee meal periods are important to company productivity and employee health. +mployeeswho work at least [/nsert Time rame& consecutive hours will be provided a meal break not toe>ceed O@ minutes State Meal7Rest Pe'iod Re1ui'ements. The meal period will not beincluded in the total hours of work per day and is not compensable. )one>empt employees areto be completely relieved of all ob duties while on meal breaks and must clock out for mealperiods.

Rest B'ea"s"alaried employees, as they are paid a weekly salary regardless of the hours they work, may

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choose to take breaks as needed. )one>empt employees are permitted a AF2minute rest breakfor each four hours of work. )one>empt employees on rest breaks are not re1uired to clock inand clock out because this time is considered Ltime workedM and is compensable.

$mpe'missi!le =se o( Meal Pe'iod and7o' Rest B'ea"s)either the lunch period nor the rest break3s4 may be used to account for an employeeCs late

arrival or early departure or to cover time off for other purposes<for e>ample, rest breaks maynot be accumulated to e>tend a meal period, and rest breaks may not be combined to allow onehalf2hour long break.

O&e'time Pa 3none5empt emploees4

)one>empt employees who e>ceed ?@ hours of work time in a workweek will be paid time andone half.

Paid leave, such as holiday, sick or vacation pay, does not apply toward work time.

The workweek begins at AI:@@ a.m. on "unday morning and ends at AA:FJ p.m. on "aturdaynight.

"upervisors are re1uired to obtain approval from managers prior to the use of overtime.

+mployees who anticipate the need for overtime to complete the weeks work must notify thesupervisor in advance and obtain approval before working hours that e>tend beyond theirnormal schedule.

uring busy periods employees may be re1uired to work e>tended hours.

[)ote: "ome states re1uire the payment of overtime to be calculated on a daily basis rather than

on a workweek basis. "ee State O&e'time La#s before implementing an overtime policy.&

On9,all Pa 3none5empt emploees4

 !n on2call employee who is called back to work outside his or her normal work schedule shallbe paid for the time worked or a minimum of two 3I4 hours, whichever is greater.

Time worked while on call will be calculated at the employees regular rate of pay. /f anemployee is called back to work, he or she will be paid for travel time. /f an on2call employee isnot called back, no pay will be earned. (vertime compensation is applicable only when totalhours worked e>ceed ?@ hours in a workweek. 

Emploee .'a&el and Reim!u'sement

+mployees will be reimbursed for reasonable e>penses incurred in connection with approvedtravel on behalf of the company.

Travelers seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable travel e>penses ande>ercise care to avoid the appearance of impropriety. /f a circumstance arises that is not

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specifically covered in the travel policies, the most conservative course of action should beadopted.

Travel for staff must be authorized in advance. Travelers should verify that planned travel iseligible for reimbursement before making travel arrangements. ;pon completion of the trip, andwithin G@ days, the traveler must submit a Travel $eimbursement orm and supporting

documentation to obtain reimbursement of e>penses. or more details, refer to the companyintranet for detailed travel policies, procedures and authorization and reimbursement forms.

+>empt employees will be paid their regular salary for weeks in which they travel. )one>emptemployees will be paid for travel time in accordance with federal and state wage payment laws.

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Holida Pa

['ompany )ame& recognizes nine paid holidays each year:

• )ew *ears ay

• %artin 6uther 8ing =r. ay

• Presidents ay

• %emorial ay

• /ndependence ay

• 6abor ay

• Thanksgiving ay• ay !fter Thanksgiving

• 'hristmas ay

"hould a holiday fall on a weekend, the holiday will be observed on the work day closest to theholiday.

Time off may be granted to employees who desire to observe a religious holiday that is notrecognized by the company.


[)ote: "ome states have specific provisions for vacation7PT(. "ee state 0acation7Sic"7P.OLa#s before implementing a policy.&

 !ll full2 and part2time employees are eligible for vacation leave benefits. Part2time employeesworking I@ to IJ hours per week will earn vacation on a prorated basis. ull2time employees arethose working G@2plus hours per week. 0acation accrual begins on the first day of full2 or part2time employment. 0acation is accrued according to the schedule in this policy. 0acation can beused only after it is earned. 0acation leave will not be earned during an unpaid leave ofabsence.

To schedule vacation time, employees should submit a completed leave form to the supervisorat least two weeks before the re1uested leave. +mployees must ensure that they have enoughaccrued leave available to cover the dates re1uested. $e1uests will be approved based on anumber of factors, including department operating and staffing re1uirements. The supervisorshould return the leave re1uest to the employee within three business days of the date it issubmitted indicating that the re1uest has been approved or denied. /f the re1uest for vacationleave is denied, the supervisor should provide an appropriate reason on the form returned to theemployee.

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0acation will be paid at the employees base rate at the time the leave is taken. 0acation pay isnot included in overtime calculation and does not include any special forms of compensationsuch as incentives, commissions, bonuses or shift differentials. /f a holiday falls during theemployees vacation, the day will be charged to holiday pay rather than to vacation pay.

6eave taken beyond an employees available vacation balance may be unpaid unless otherwise

re1uired under state or federal law.

/f employment is terminated, accrued unused vacation leave earned through the last day ofactive employment will be paid at the employees base rate of pay at termination. /n the event of the employees death, earned unused vacation time will be paid to the employees estate ordesignated beneficiary.

Sic" Lea&e

 !ll full2time, regular employees accrue sick leave from the date of hire, for a total of A@ days peryear. Part2time, regular employees accrue sick leave from the date of hire, in a prorated amount

using the full2time total of A@ days per year and the average number of hours the part2timeemployee works per week.

"ick leave may be used for an employeeCs personal illness, well2care, and medical and dentalappointments. "ick leave may also be used for illness and well2care in an employeeCsimmediate family.

"ick leave may be accrued to a ma>imum of AI@ hours. "ick leave may not be used beforeaccrual. /f sick leave is e>hausted, any available vacation hours will be used in its place. !nemployee who has a sick leave absence in e>cess of three consecutive working days mustpresent medical documentation for the absence. +mployees are not paid for unused sick leaveupon termination of employment.

Famil and Medical Lea&e Act

;pon hire, ['ompany )ame& provides all new employees with notices re1uired by the ;.".epartment of 6abor 3(64 on +mployee $ights and $esponsibilities ;nder the amily and%edical !ct .

The function of this policy is to provide employees with a general description of their %6!rights. /n the event of any conflict between this policy and the applicable law, employees will beafforded all rights re1uired by law.

/f you have any 1uestions, concerns or disputes with this policy, you must contact [insert nameand contact info for appropriate person& in writing.

:ene'al P'o&isions;nder this policy, ['ompany )ame& will grant up to AI weeks 3or up to IO weeks of militarycaregiver leave to care for a covered service member with a serious inury or illness4 during aAI2month period to eligible employees. The leave may be paid, unpaid or a combination of paidand unpaid leave, depending on the circumstances of the leave and as specified in this policy.

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Eligi!ilitTo 1ualify to take family or medical leave under this policy, the employee must meet thefollowing conditions:

• The employee must have worked for the company for AI months or FI weeks. The AImonths or FI weeks need not have been consecutive. "eparate periods of employment

will be counted, provided that the break in service does not e>ceed seven years."eparate periods of employment will be counted if the break in service e>ceeds sevenyears due to )ational uard or $eserve military service obligations or when there is awritten agreement, including a collective bargaining agreement, stating the employersintention to rehire the employee after the service break. or eligibility purposes, anemployee will be considered to have been employed for an entire week even if theemployee was on the payroll for only part of a week or if the employee is on leave duringthe week.

• The employee must have worked at least A,IF@ hours during the AI2month periodimmediately before the date when the leave is re1uested to commence. The principlesestablished under the air 6abor "tandards !ct 36"!4 determine the number of hoursworked by an employee. The 6"! does not include time spent on paid or unpaid leaveas hours worked. 'onse1uently, these hours of leave should not be counted indetermining the A,IF@ hours eligibility test for an employee under %6!.

• The employee must work in a work site where F@ or more employees are employed bythe company within HF miles of that office or work site. The distance is to be calculatedby using available transportation by the most direct route.

.pe o( Lea&e ,o&e'edTo 1ualify as %6! leave under this policy, the employee must be taking leave for one of thereasons listed below:

• The birth of a child and in order to care for that child.

• The placement of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for a newly placed child.

• To care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition 3;nder the %6!, aLspouseM means a husband or wife as defined under the law in the state where theemployee resides, including same2se> marriages in states that legally recognize suchcivil unions4.

• The serious health condition 3described below4 of the employee.

 !n employee may take leave because of a serious health condition that makes theemployee unable to perform the functions of the employeeCs position.

 ! serious health condition is defined as a condition that re1uires inpatient care at ahospital, hospice or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity orany subse1uent treatment in connection with such inpatient care or as a condition thatre1uires continuing care by a licensed health care provider.

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This policy covers illnesses of a serious and long2term nature, resulting in recurring orlengthy absences. enerally, a chronic or long2term health condition that would result ina period of three consecutive days of incapacity with the first visit to the health careprovider within seven days of the onset of the incapacity and a second visit within G@days of the incapacity would be considered a serious health condition. or chronicconditions re1uiring periodic health care visits for treatment, such visits must take place

at least twice a year.

+mployees with 1uestions about what illnesses are covered under this %6! policy orunder the companyCs sick leave policy are encouraged to consult with the #uman$esource manager.

/f an employee takes paid sick leave for a condition that progresses into a serious healthcondition and the employee re1uests unpaid leave as provided under this policy, thecompany may designate all or some portion of related leave taken as leave under thispolicy, to the e>tent that the earlier leave meets the necessary 1ualifications.

• ualifying e>igency leave for families of members of the )ational uard or $eserves or

of a regular component of the !rmed orces when the covered military member is oncovered active duty or called to covered active duty.

 !n employee whose spouse, son, daughter or parent has been notified of an impendingcall or order to covered active military duty or who is already on covered active duty maytake up to AI weeks of leave for reasons related to or affected by the family memberscall2up or service. The 1ualifying e>igency must be one of the following: a4 short2noticedeployment, b4 military events and activities, c4 child care and school activities, d4financial and legal arrangements, e4 counseling, f4 rest and recuperation, g4 post2deployment activities, and h4 additional activities that arise out of active duty, providedthat the employer and employee agree, including agreement on timing and duration ofthe leave.

Covered active duty  means:o /n the case of a member of a regular component of the !rmed orces, duty

during the deployment of the member with the !rmed orces to a foreign country.o /n the case of a member of a reserve component of the !rmed orces, duty

during the deployment of the member with the !rmed orces to a foreign countryunder a call or order to active duty under a provision of law referred to in Title A@;.".'. QA@A3a43AG43B4.

The leave may commence as soon as the individual receives the call2up notice. 3Son ordaughter  for this type of %6! leave is defined the same as for child  for other types of%6! leave e>cept that the person does not have to be a minor.4 This type of leave

would be counted toward the employees AI2week ma>imum of %6! leave in a AI2month period.

• %ilitary caregiver leave 3also known as covered service member leave4 to care for aninured or ill service member or veteran.

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 !n employee whose son, daughter, parent or ne>t of kin is a covered service membermay take up to IO weeks in a single AI2month period to take care of leave to care forthat service member.

Next of kin is defined as the closest blood relative of the inured or recovering servicemember.

The term covered service member  means:o  ! member of the !rmed orces 3including a member of the )ational uard or

$eserves4 who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy or isotherwise in outpatient status, or is otherwise on the temporary disability retiredlist, for a serious inury or illness.

o  ! veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for aserious inury or illness and who was a member of the !rmed orces 3including amember of the )ational uard or $eserves4 at any time during the period of fiveyears preceding the date on which the veteran undergoes that medical treatment,recuperation or therapy.

The term serious inury  or illness means:o /n the case of a member of the !rmed orces 3including a member of the

)ational uard or $eserves4, an inury or illness that was incurred by themember in line of duty on active duty in the !rmed orces 3or that e>isted beforethe beginning of the members active duty and was aggravated by service in lineof duty on active duty in the !rmed orces4 and that may render the membermedically unfit to perform the duties of the members office, grade, rank or rating.

o /n the case of a veteran who was a member of the !rmed orces 3including amember of the )ational uard or $eserves4 at any time during a period when theperson was a covered service member, a 1ualifying 3as defined by the "ecretaryof 6abor4 inury or illness that was incurred by the member in line of duty on anactive duty in the !rmed orces 3or that e>isted before the beginning of the

members active duty and was aggravated by service in line of duty on activeduty in the !rmed orces4 and that manifested itself before or after the memberbecame a veteran.

Amount o( Lea&e !n eligible employee may take up to AI weeks for the first five %6! circumstances above3under heading LType of 6eave 'overedM4 under this policy during any AI2month period. Thecompany will measure the AI2month period as a rolling AI2month period measured backwardfrom the date an employee uses any leave under this policy. +ach time an employee takesleave, the company will compute the amount of leave the employee has taken under this policyin the last AI months and subtract it from the AI weeks of available leave, and the balanceremaining is the amount of time the employee is entitled to take at that time.

 !n eligible employee can take up to IO weeks for the %6! military caregiver leavecircumstance above during a single AI2month period. or this military caregiver leave, thecompany will measure the AI2month period as a rolling AI2month period measured forward.%6! leave already taken for other %6! circumstances will be deducted from the total of IOweeks available.

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/f a husband and wife both work for the company and each wishes to take leave for the birth of achild, adoption or placement of a child in foster care, or to care for a parent 3but not a parent Nin2lawN4 with a serious health condition, the husband and wife may only take a combined total of AIweeks of leave. /f a husband and wife both work for the company and each wishes to take leaveto care for a covered inured or ill service member, the husband and wife may only take acombined total of IO weeks of leave.

Emploee Status and Bene(its Du'ing Lea&e-hile an employee is on leave, the company will continue the employeeCs health benefits duringthe leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if the employee hadcontinued to work.

Emploee Status A(te' Lea&e !n employee who takes leave under this policy may be asked to provide a fitness for duty 34clearance from the health care provider.

=se o( Paid and =npaid Lea&e !ll paid vacation, personal and sick leave runs concurrently with %6! leave.

isability leave for the birth of a child and for an employeeCs serious health condition, includingworkersC compensation leave 3to the e>tent that it 1ualifies4, will be designated as %6! leaveand will run concurrently with %6!.

$nte'mittent Lea&e o' a Reduced Wo'" Sc%eduleThe employee may take %6! leave in AI consecutive weeks, may use the leave intermittently3take a day periodically when needed over the year4 or, under certain circumstances, may usethe leave to reduce the workweek or workday, resulting in a reduced2hour schedule. /n allcases, the leave may not e>ceed a total of AI workweeks 3or IO workweeks to care for aninured or ill service member over a AI2month period4.

,e'ti(ication (o' t%e Emploee2s Se'ious Healt% ,onditionThe company will re1uire certification for the employees serious health condition. The employeemust respond to such a re1uest within AF days of the re1uest or provide a reasonablee>planation for the delay. ailure to provide certification may result in a denial of continuation ofleave.

,e'ti(ication (o' t%e Famil Mem!e'2s Se'ious Healt% ,onditionThe company will re1uire certification for the family members serious health condition. Theemployee must respond to such a re1uest within AF days of the re1uest or provide a reasonablee>planation for the delay. ailure to provide certification may result in a denial of continuation ofleave.

,e'ti(ication o( ?uali(ing E5igenc (o' Milita' Famil Lea&eThe company will re1uire certification of the 1ualifying e>igency for military family leave. Theemployee must respond to such a re1uest within AF days of the re1uest or provide a reasonablee>planation for the delay. ailure to provide certification may result in a denial of continuation ofleave.

,e'ti(ication (o' Se'ious $n<u' o' $llness o( ,o&e'ed Se'&ice Mem!e' (o' Milita' FamilLea&e

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The company will re1uire certification for the serious inury or illness of the covered servicemember. The employee must respond to such a re1uest within AF days of the re1uest or providea reasonable e>planation for the delay. ailure to provide certification may result in a denial ofcontinuation of leave.


The company may re1uest recertification for the serious health condition of the employee or theemployees family member when circumstances have changed significantly, or if the employerreceives information casting doubt on the reason given for the absence, or if the employeeseeks an e>tension of his or her leave. (therwise, the company may re1uest recertification forthe serious health condition of the employee or the employees family member every si> monthsin connection with an %6! absence.

P'ocedu'e (o' Re1uesting FMLA Lea&e !ll employees re1uesting %6! leave must provide the #$ manager with verbal or writtennotice of the need for the leave. -ithin five business days after the employee has provided thisnotice, the #$ manager will provide the employee with the (6 )otice of +ligibility and $ights.-hen the need for the leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide the employer with at

least G@ daysC notice. -hen an employee becomes aware of a need for %6! leave less thanG@ days in advance, the employee must provide notice of the need for the leave either the sameday or the ne>t business day. -hen the need for %6! leave is not foreseeable, the employeemust comply with the companys usual and customary notice and procedural re1uirements forre1uesting leave.

Designation o( FMLA Lea&e-ithin five business days after the employee has submitted the appropriate certification form,the #$ manager will provide the employee with a written response to the employees re1uest for %6! leave.

$ntent to Retu'n to Wo'" ('om FMLA Lea&e

The company may re1uire an employee on %6! leave to report periodically on the employeesstatus and intent to return to work.

Pe'sonal Lea&e o( A!sence

+mployees who re1uire time off in addition to vacation may re1uest a personal leave of absencewithout pay for up to a ma>imum of G@ days. !n e>tension may be approved in limitedcircumstances.

 !ll regular employees employed for a minimum of J@ days are eligible to apply for an unpaidpersonal leave of absence. =ob performance, absenteeism and departmental re1uirements will

all be taken into consideration before a re1uest is approved.

Please contact #uman $esources for more information on re1uest procedures.

The employee must return to work on the scheduled return date or be considered to havevoluntarily resigned from his or her employment. +>tensions of leave will only be considered ona case2by2case basis.

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Be'ea&ement Lea&e

 !n employee who wishes to take time off due to the death of an immediate family membershould notify his or her supervisor immediately.

Bereavement leave will be granted unless there are unusual business needs or staffingre1uirements.

Paid bereavement leave is granted according to the following schedule:

• +mployees are allowed five days of paid leave in the event of the death of theemployees spouse, child, father, father2in2law, mother, mother2in2law, brother, sister,stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, stepson or stepdaughter.

• +mployees are allowed three days of paid leave in the event of death of the employeesbrother2in2law, sister2in2law, son2in2law, daughter2in2law, aunt, uncle, grandparent,grandchild or spouseCs grandparent.

• +mployees are allowed up to four hours of bereavement leave to attend the funeral of anemployee or retiree of the company.

8u' Dut

[)ote: "ome states have specific provisions for ury duty. $eview your 8u'7Witness DutLea&e laws by state before implementing a policy.&

;pon receipt of notification from the state or federal courts of an obligation to serve on a ury,employees must notify their supervisor and provide him7her with a copy of the ury summons.

The company will pay regular full2time and regular part2time employees for time off for ury dutyup to one week of pay.

0oting Lea&e

[)ote: "ome states have specific provisions for vacation7PT(. $eview your State 0oting Lea&eLa#s before implementing a policy.&

0oting .ime !ll employees should be able to vote either before or after regularly assigned work hours.#owever, when this is not possible due to work schedules, employees will receive up to three

hours during the work day to vote. Time off for voting should be reported and codedappropriately on timekeeping records.

Election Lea&e+mployees who are chosen to serve as election officials at polling sites will be permitted to takere1uired time off to serve in this capacity. /t is incumbent on employees who are chosen to actas election officials to notify their manager a minimum of seven days in advance of their need

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for time off in order to accommodate the necessary rescheduling of work periods. Time engagedas an election official should be reported and coded appropriately on timekeeping records.

Milita' Lea&e o( A!sence

['ompany )ame& is committed to protecting the ob rights of employees absent on militaryleave. /n accordance with federal and state law, it is the companys policy that no employee orprospective employee will be subected to any form of discrimination on the basis of thatpersonCs membership in or obligation to perform service for any of the ;niformed "ervices of the;nited "tates. "pecifically, no person will be denied employment, reemployment, promotion orother benefit of employment on the basis of such membership. urthermore, no person will besubected to retaliation or adverse employment action because such person has e>ercised hisor her rights under applicable law or company policy. /f any employee believes that he or shehas been subected to discrimination in violation of company policy, the employee shouldimmediately contact #uman $esources.

+mployees taking part in a variety of military duties are eligible for benefits under this policy."uch military duties include leaves of absence taken by members of the uniformed services,including $eservists and )ational uard members, for training, periods of active military serviceand funeral honors duty, as well as time spent being e>amined to determine fitness to performsuch service. "ubect to certain e>ceptions under the applicable laws, these benefits aregenerally limited to five years of leave of absence.

+mployees re1uesting leave for military duty should contact #uman $esources to re1uest leaveas soon as they are aware of the need for leave. or re1uest forms and detailed information oneligibility, employee rights while on leave and ob restoration upon completion of leave, refer tothe policies, procedures and forms on the company intranet site at EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE orcontact #uman $esources.


or up to one year after a childs birth, any employee who is breastfeeding her child will beprovided reasonable break times as needed to e>press breast milk for her baby. ['ompany)ame& has designated the room located [insert location& for this purpose. ! small refrigeratorreserved for the specific storage of breast milk is available. !ny breast milk stored in therefrigerator must be labeled with the name of the employee and the date of e>pressing thebreast milk. !ny nonconforming products stored in the refrigerator may be disposed of.+mployees storing milk in the refrigerator assume all responsibility for the safety of the milk andthe risk of harm for any reason, including improper storage or refrigeration and tampering.

)ursing mothers wishing to use this room must re1uest7reserve the room by contacting [insertname and phone number&. !dditional rules for use of the room and refrigerator storage areposted in the room. +mployees who work off2site or in other locations will be accommodatedwith a private area as necessary.Breaks of more than I@ minutes in length will be unpaid, and the employee should indicate thisbreak period on her time record.[)ote: "tate laws on breaks for nursing mothers vary. 'heck your state laws beforeimplementing a policy.&

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or more information regarding benefits programs, please refer to the company "ummary Planescriptions, which were provided to employees upon hire, or contact the #uman $esourcedepartment.

Medical and Dental $nsu'ance

The company currently offers regular full2time employees regularly scheduled to work aminimum of G@ hours per week enrollment in medical and dental insurance coverage optionsafter they have been employed for G@ days.

+mployees have up to G@ days from their date of hire to make medical and dental planelections. (nce made, elections are fi>ed for the remainder of the plan year. 'hanges in familystatus, as defined in the Plan document, allow employees to make midyear changes incoverage consistent with the family status change. Please contact the #uman $esourcedepartment to determine if a family status change 1ualifies under the Plan document and /$"regulations.

 !t the end of each calendar year during open enrollment, employees may change medical anddental elections for the following calendar year.The #uman $esource department is available to answer benefits plan 1uestions and assist inenrollment as needed.

Same9Se5 Ma''iages* ,i&il =nions and Domestic Pa'tne's

[)ote: 'heck with state regulations7laws as well as benefit plan documents before using thispolicy.&

"ame2se> marriages7'ivil ;nions are persons who:•  !re at least AR years of age and of the same of the same biological gender 

• #ave participated in a legally recognized marriage or civil union ceremony in a statewhich legally allows and recognizes same2se> marriages7civil unions.

omestic partners are persons who:•  !re at least AR years of age and of the same gender.•  !re not legally married to any person and are not related in any way that would prohibit

marriage in the companys state of operation.• "hare permanent residence.

omestic partners must have two of the following:• =oint lease, mortgage or deed.

• =oint ownership of a vehicle.

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• =oint ownership of a checking account or credit account.

• esignation of the domestic partner as beneficiary for the employees life insurance orretirement benefits.

• "hared household e>penses.

omestic partners are persons who:•  !re at least AR years of age and of the same gender.

•  !re not legally married to any person and are not related in any way that would prohibitmarriage in the companys state of operation.

"hare permanent residence

'ompany registration of a domestic partnership will be re1uired for coverage under companybenefits.

•  !n employee who wishes to register a domestic partnership must contact the #uman$esource department for information and the registration form. ;pon receipt of aproperly completed form, the department will consider the partnership registered as ofthe date on the forms signature line.

• 'hildren of domestic partners are eligible for benefits under the same conditions as arethe children of employees legal spouses.

• +nrollment of domestic partners and eligible dependent children is subect to the samerules as enrollment of other dependents.

• omestic partners and their enrolled dependents receive the same or e1uivalentbenefits as spouses, and their enrolled dependents receive group continuation healthcoverage through '(B$! and7or individual conversion.

•  !n employee may terminate a domestic partnership by notifying #uman $esources inwriting of the termination of the domestic partnership within G@ days of its termination.

The ta> conse1uences of a domestic partnership are the responsibility of the employee. Thevalue of benefits provided to an employees domestic partner 3and to the domestic partnerseligible children, if any4 is considered part of the employees ta>able income, unless theemployees domestic partner 1ualifies as a dependent under "ection AFI of the /nternal$evenue 'ode.

uestions regarding this policy should be directed to the #uman $esource department.

Fle5i!le Spending Account

 !s part of the companyCs le>ible Benefits Plan, we currently offer an employee2funded fle>iblespending account 3"!4 to regular full2time employees hired on or before =anuary A of a

calendar year. Plan participants may elect an annual amount of fle>ible dollars to pay for eligiblehealth care e>penses, including medical or dental insurance deductibles, copayments, and out2of2pocket costs for vision care and other types of care.

/f eligible medical or dental e>penses are less than the elected annual amount of fle> dollars forthat year, the balance will be forfeited.

:'oup Li(e $nsu'ance

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The company offers regular full2time employees who have been employed by ['ompany )ame&for G@ days an employer2paid basic group term life policy along with an accidental death anddismemberment policy. +ach policy generally pays a death benefit e1ual to the lesser of theirN6ife "alaryN 3as defined in the Plan document4 or KF@,@@@.

S%o't9.e'm Disa!ilit Bene(its

The companyCs short2term disability plan is a benefit that provides partial pay for employeeswho are unable to work due to illness, inury or disability not related to work, after an absenceof more than seven consecutive calendar days. Benefits begin on the eighth day of disabilityand continue for related absences up to a ma>imum of IO weeks. +mployees will not be able toreturn to work without submitting to #uman $esources a note from a physician or licensedhealth care professional authorizing the employeeCs return. !ny time spent on short2termdisability counts as part of the employeeCs %6! leave.

Long9.e'm Disa!ilit Bene(its

['ompany )ame& offers eligible employees 3i.e., regular full2time employees who are regularlyscheduled to work a minimum of G@ hours per week4 a noncontributory long2term disability36T4 base plan. This noncontributory base plan provides for monthly 6T benefits of F@S ofbasic monthly earnings to a ma>imum benefit of KA,@@@ per month, less any other offsets.+ligible employees are automatically enrolled as of the first day of the calendar month on orfollowing their date of hire. 6ong2term disability coverage terminates on the last day ofemployment.

Please contact #uman $esources for more information.

@3"4 Plan

The company offers a voluntary preta> salary reduction plan in which regular full2time andregular part2time employees 3scheduled for and working a minimum of I@ hours per week4, whoare IA years of age or older, may elect to participate beginning with the first payroll periodadministratively feasible after employment. The NwindowN periods during which an employeemay change the dollar amounts or the percentages of his7her contributions are around =anuaryAst, %arch Ast, =uly Ast and (ctober GAst of each year. )otices of these NwindowN periods andother information regarding the Plan are circulated to all employees periodically throughout theyear.

urther details about the Plan may be obtained from the #uman $esource department and thePlan document.

Wo'"e's2 ,ompensation Bene(its

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The company is covered under statutory state workersC compensation laws. +mployees whosustain work2related inuries must immediately notify their department supervisor.

.uition Assistance

The company will reimburse up to a ma>imum of KFI@@ per year incurred by an employee forcontinuing education through an accredited program that either offers growth in an area relatedto his or her current position or might lead to promotional opportunities. 'ourses include collegecredit courses, continuing education unit courses, seminars and certification tests. +mployeesmust earn a passing grade of LBM or its e1uivalent or obtain a certification to receive anyreimbursement. +>penses must be validated by receipts, and a copy of the final grade card orcertification must be presented to show hours or certification received.

 !ny 1uestions or comments should be directed to the #$ department.

Emploee Assistance P'og'am 3EAP4

Through the employee assistance program 3+!P4, ['ompany )ame& provides confidentialaccess to professional counseling services. The +!P, available to all employees and theirimmediate family members, offers problem assessment, short2term counseling and referral toappropriate community and private services. This service is provided on behalf of the ['ompany)ame& by EEEEEE.

The +!P is strictly confidential and is designed to safeguard an employees privacy and rights.'ontacts to and information given to the +!P counselor may be released to ['ompany )ame&only if re1uested by the employee in writing. There is no cost for an employee to consult with an+!P counselor. /f further counseling is necessary, the +!P counselor will outline community andprivate services available. The counselor will also let employees know whether any costsassociated with private services may be covered by their health insurance plan. 'osts that arenot covered are the responsibility of the employee.