sample fsd for digital commerce

Template FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION S DOCUMENT TITLE A functional specifications

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A functional specifications document as the name suggests details out the functionality information of the system. It includes functional details of the modules, features and the business rules attached. The navigational flow is also explained through this document.

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Functional Specification Document

Table Of content


Purpose.................................................................................................................................................................................4Project Objective...................................................................................................................................................................5

Functional Flow Specifications..........................................................................................................................6

Structure of the Project.........................................................................................................................................................6Front End..........................................................................................................................................................................7

A. Authentication..........................................................................................................................................................7

A.1 Create Profile (Registration)....................................................................................................................................7

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Create Profile.................................................................................................................7

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Create Profile..................................................................................................................8

A. 2 Login.....................................................................................................................................................................12

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Login............................................................................................................................12

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Login.............................................................................................................................12

A. 3 Recovered Password...........................................................................................................................................14

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Recover Password........................................................................................................14

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Recover Password........................................................................................................14

B. Search Module...........................................................................................................................................................16B.1 Basic and Advance Search.....................................................................................................................................16

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Basic & Advance Search...............................................................................................16

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Basic & Advance Search................................................................................................17

B.2 Product Details......................................................................................................................................................19

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Product Details.............................................................................................................19

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Product Details.............................................................................................................19

C. Categories...............................................................................................................................................................23

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Product Details.............................................................................................................23

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Product Details.............................................................................................................24

D. Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/ Buy Now.........................................................................................................26

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/Buy Now...............................................................26

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/Buy Now................................................................27

E. Your Cart.................................................................................................................................................................32

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1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Your Cart......................................................................................................................32

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Your Cart......................................................................................................................32

E.1 Order History (Order Management).....................................................................................................................37

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Order History...............................................................................................................37

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Order History................................................................................................................38

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Functional Specification Document


This project outlines the functionality of a complete online store solution (an online shop digital

-commerce solution) that contains both catalog front-end and an administration tool backend.


The purpose of the document is described with respect to the intended audience of the document.

Within the Company

Administrator Users:

Managing the content on the website

Managing the Users/Registered Users

Managing the Product Catalog

For Development

Software Developers


Reading SuggestionIt is recommended that the reader reads the document in the same flow as mentioned in the Document Convention below. Two basic distinctions followed in the document are:


Administrative Control Panel/Backend


The document flow includes functional specifications/ functionalities/ feature details of Digital commerce Front- end and the Administrative Control Panel to manage the Digital commerce website.

All the functionalities/features have been explained with the following convention:

Diagrammatic Flow of the Process or Feature

Narrative Use Case

The key given below will assist in understanding the diagrammatic flows:

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Project Objective

Expanded Customer Base Increase Visibility through Search Engine Marketing

Provide Customers valuable information about your business

Build Customer Loyalty

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Functional Flow Specifications

Structure of the Project

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Front End

A. Authentication

A.1 Create Profile (Registration)

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Create Profile

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1.2 Narrative Use Case for Create Profile

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Module Name: Create Profile (Registration)

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Create Profile (Registration) (UC/D/01)

User An unauthenticated user.

Use Case Type This use case describes the registration functionality.

Description User needs to fill up a small registration form which will be having following sections

Personal Information

Billing Address

Ship to a different address

Contact Information

Additional Information

Username & Password

Image Verification

Flow of Events

Preconditions User must have a valid email address.

Failed End Condition If not supplied mandatory fields, user will be asked to fill them again.

Mandatory Fields Personal Information:First NameLast Name

Billing Address:AddressCityProvince/ Territory CountryPostal Code

Contact Information:PhoneE-mail

User name & Password:User namePasswordConfirm Password

Image Verification:Image Verification

Other Validations Personal Information:First Name: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

Last Name: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

Company: Textbox (Characters Min{0} Max{{50})

Billing Address:Address: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{100})

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1.3 Business Rules for Create Profile

Authentication >Create Profile

1.1 User needs to provide a genuine and valid email address. Email address should be unique.

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A. 2 Login

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Login

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Login

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Module Name: Login

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Login (UC/D/02)

User Registered user of the site.

Use Case Type This use case describes the login functionality.

Description This describes the login functionality. Using this feature, user can authenticate himself and access various other features available on the site.

Flow of Events

Preconditions User must be registered member of the site.

Failed End Condition If user provides wrong username or password.

Mandatory Fields UsernamePassword

Other Validations

Flow of Events Step Action

1. In the ‘Authentication’ section of the homepage, user needs to fill his login credentials in order to login into his account. (Other modules which are only accessible to the logged in user, will also provide the same login form.)

2. On click of ‘Login’, system will check whether the user exists in the database or not.

If the provided username & password combination exists then it allows user to successfully log into the system. And will be redirected to the homepage.

3. If the data is invalid then a system will throw appropriate error messages.

Additional Information 1. While logging into the system, if user fails thrice then forth time he/she will be redirected to the ‘Recovered Password’ page. (Refer UC/D/03)

2. If user does not have an account then ‘Register Here’ link will be provided on the same page. On click of the link user will be redirected to the ‘Create Profile’ page. (Refer UC/D/01).

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1.3 Business Rules for Login

Authentication >Login

1.1 While logging into the system, if user fails to login 2-3 times and still entering the wrong username and password then ‘Image verification’ will be provided in addition to the login form.

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A. 3 Recovered Password

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Recover Password

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Recover Password

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Module Name: Recover Password

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Recover Password (UC/D/03)

User Registered user of the site.

Use Case Type This use case describes the recover password functionality.

Description User can use this feature to retrieve his/her forgotten password.

Flow of Events

Preconditions User must be registered member of the site.

Failed End Condition If user provides wrong email address.

Mandatory Fields Email Address

Other Validations This email address should match with the one user has provide at the time of registration.

Flow of Events Step Action

1. ‘Authentication’ section of the homepage includes the link ‘Recover Password’. On click of this link, user will be redirected to the ‘Recover Password’ page.

(While logging into the system, if user fails thrice then forth time he/she will be redirected to the ‘Recovered Password’ page.)

2. On the ‘Recover Password’ page, user needs to provide same email address which he has provided at the time of registration.

On click of ‘Submit’, system will check whether the email address exists in the database or not.

If it exists then it an email notification will be sent to the user and message will be displayed as “An email with your account information was mailed to <Email Address>. Use the received data for logging into the shop.”

3. If the data is invalid then a system will throw appropriate error messages.

Additional Information 1. While logging into the system, user fails twice then third time he/she will be redirected to the ‘Recovered Password’ page.

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1.3 Business Rules for Recover Password

Authentication > Recover Password

1.1 An email notification will be sent to the user. This email will contain the login credentials of the user.

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B. Search Module

B.1 Basic and Advance Search

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Basic & Advance Search

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1.2 Narrative Use Case for Basic & Advance Search

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Module Name: Basic & Advance Search

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Basic & Advance Search (UC/D/04)

User An anonymous or registered user.

Use Case Type Basic and advance search features are available to find the desired product.

Description Using the search functionality, user can search for the desired product.

Flow of Events


Failed End Condition

Mandatory Fields

Other Validations Keyword (Basic) search:Search for Pattern: Textbox(Characters Min{0} Max{120})(All special characters are allowed)Radio button with values: {All words, Any word and Exact Phase}

Search in: Checkboxes with values {Product Title, Short Description, Detailed Description and SKU}

Advance Search: Search In Category: Dropdown with all values coming from category master Checkboxes with values {Main Category, Additional Category, Also search in sub categories}

Price (CA$): Two textboxes separated by hyphen Textbox (Numeric Min{0} Max{15})(Special character ‘.’ Is allowed)

Flow of Events Step Action

1. User may or may not enter the keyword and click on ‘Go’. Search result will be displayed (if keyword is provided then result matching with the criteria will be displayed and if it is blank then default listing will be displayed. (Default listing will be displayed )

2. User may sort the listing by

1. SKU (Product Code)

2. Product (Product Title)

3. Price (Product Price)

3. On the search result page, user can enter the required quantity and may choose one of the following options:

1. Buy Now

2. Add to Favorites

4. If user clicks on ‘Buy Now’ then user will be redirected to ‘Your Shopping Cart’ page (if user is logged in’ else he/she will be redirected to the ‘Login’ page. (Refer UC/D/06)

5. If user clicks on ‘Add to Favorites’ then dropdown will be populated which has folder names (General: default

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1.3 Business Rules for Basic & Advance Search

Basic & Advance Search

1.1 In order to add the product to the shopping cart, user needs to be logged in user.

1.2 To add any of the item to the folder (i.e. to save the favorite item), user needs to create the folder first. (Only added/edited folders will be available in the dropdown)

B.2 Product Details

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Product Details

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Product Details

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Module Name: Basic & Advance Search > Product Details

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Basic & Advance Search > Product Details (UC/D/05)

User An anonymous or registered user.

Use Case Type Details related to the particular product will include:Product DescriptionProduct CodeWeightPriceManufacturerCatalog Page NumberRecommended Product List

Description This use case describes various features available on the detailed page:

1. Send to friend2. Product Rating3. Customer Reviews

Flow of Events


Failed End Condition

Mandatory Fields Send to Friend:Your nameYour e-mailRecipients e-mail

Customer Feedback:1) Product Rating: Select your rate

2) Customer Reviews:Your nameYour messageImage verification

Other Validations Send to Friend:Your name : Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

Your e-mail: Textbox(Alphanumeric Min{2} Max{50})(Special characters like ‘_’, ‘.’ Are allowed. ‘.’ and ‘@’ should be present in the provided string.)

Recipients e-mail: Textbox(Alphanumeric Min{2} Max{50})(Special characters like ‘_’, ‘.’ Are allowed. ‘.’ and ‘@’ should be present in the provided string.)

Customer Feedback:1) Product Rating: Select your rateDropdown will have following values {Excellent, very Good, Good, Fair, Poor}2) Customer Reviews:Your name: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

Your message: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{200})(All special characters and white spaces are allowed)

Image verification: Image Verification: Random image will be displayed here.And textbox will be provided to enter the same code into it.(Get different code’ link will be available, on click of which code will be refreshed and user can see different code.)

Flow of Events Step Action

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1.3 Business Rules for Basic & Advance Search > Product Details

Basic & Advance Search > Product Details

1.1 User can vote for any product only once.

1.2 User can add review for any product only once.

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C. Categories

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Product Details

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1.2 Narrative Use Case for Product Details

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Module Name: Categories

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Categories (UC/D/06)

User An anonymous or registered user.

Use Case Type User can browse through various categories available and can buy desired product.

Description This use case describes product catalog added through back-end. Various categories and sub categories of the product are available.

Flow of Events


Failed End Condition

Mandatory Fields

Other Validations

Flow of Events Step

1. User can click on any of the category listed under ‘Categories’ module. Sub categories will be available under that category with the product count.

2. Use can either click on sub category or can view the default listing of the products.

3. User can browse though this product catalog till the last level.

(Level is not defined. Product catalog has nth level.)

4. When user comes on the product listing page,

5 User may sort the listing by

1. SKU (Product Code)

2. Product (Product Title)

3. Price (Product Price)

6. On the search result page, user can enter the required quantity and may choose one of the following options:

3. Buy Now

4. Add to Favorites

7. If user clicks on ‘Buy Now’ then user will be redirected to ‘Your Shopping Cart’ page (if user is logged in’ else he/she will be redirected to the ‘Login’ page. (Refer UC/D/07)

8. If user clicks on ‘Add to Favorites’ then dropdown will be populated which has folder names (General: default folder and other (if any) created by the user.)

(if user is not logged in then he/she will be redirected to the ‘Login page’)

User needs to select the folder where he wants to save his favorite item.

9. User can click on ‘See Details’ in order to view the all

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1.3 Business Rules for Categories


1.1 Product catalog has nth level. This catalog will be handled in the back-end.

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D. Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/ Buy Now

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/Buy Now

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1.2 Narrative Use Case for Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/Buy Now

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Module Name: Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/Buy Now

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Quick Entry/Add to Shopping Cart/ Buy Now (UC/D/07)

User A registered user of the site.

Use Case Type User can add items to the shopping cart and make the payment of the product.

Description This use case describes shopping cart functionality.

Flow of Events

Preconditions User needs to be logged in.

Failed End Condition If user does not supply any mandatory details then he/she is asked to fill it again.

Mandatory Fields Quick EntryProduct Code (SKU)

Step 1:Your Shopping Cart


Step2 :Personal Details

Personal Information:First NameLast Name

Billing Address:AddressCityProvince/ Territory CountryPostal Code

Contact Information:PhoneE-mail

User name & Password:PasswordConfirm Password

Other Validations Quick EntryProduct Code (SKU) : Textbox (Alphanumeric Max{10})Quantity: Textbox (Numeric Max{3}

Step 1:Your Shopping Cart

Quantity: Textbox (Numeric Max{3}

Step2 :Personal Details

Customer No: Label (Displays customer number)

Personal Information:First Name: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

Last Name: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

Company: Textbox (Characters Min{0} Max{{50})

Billing Address:Address: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{100})

Address (line2): Textbox (Characters Min{0} Max{100})

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1.3 Business Rules for Quick Entry/ Add to Shopping Cart/Buy Now

Quick Entry/Add to shopping Cart/ Buy Now

1.1 An order notification will be sent to user’s email address.

1.2 An order will get processed according to the delivery details provided while shopping.

1.3 User can not jump to step 4 (i.e. Place Order) until unless he complete step3 (i.e. Shipping and Payment)

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E. Your Cart

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Your Cart

1.2 Narrative Use Case for Your Cart

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Module Name: Your Cart

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Your Cart (UC/D/08)

User Anonymous or registered user of the site.

Use Case Type User can view the products added to the cart. This module also has quick link for checkout.

Description Following features are available in this section:1. View Cart2. Checkout3. Modify Profile 4. Delete Profile5. Order History

Flow of Events


Failed End Condition If user does not supply any mandatory details then he/she is asked to fill it again.

Mandatory Fields View Cart


Modify Profile

Personal Information:First NameLast Name

Billing Address:AddressCityProvince/ Territory CountryPostal Code

Contact Information:PhoneE-mail

User name & Password:PasswordConfirm Password

Other Validations View Cart

Quantity: Textbox (Numeric Max{3})


Delivery Method: Radio button with value {Delivery }

Payment Method: Radio button with values {On account, Purchase Order, Phone Ordering and Fax Ordering}


Group name: Textbox(Characters Min{2} Max{50})

(By default Group named ‘General’ exists)

Modify Profile

Customer No: Label (Displays customer number)

Personal Information:First Name: Textbox (Characters Min{2} Max{20})

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1.3 Business Rules for Your Cart

Your Cart

1.1 At least one product needs to be available in the cart, in order to access checkout feature.

1.2 ‘Modify Profile’ and ‘Delete Profile’ features will require authentication.

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E.1 Order History (Order Management)

1.1 Diagrammatic Flow for Order History

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1.2 Narrative Use Case for Order History

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Module Name: Order History

Use Case Identification

Use Case Name & Id Order History (UC/D/09)

User Registered user of the site.

Use Case Type User can search for the orders to view/process.

Description This use case describes the order management functionality.

Flow of Events


Failed End Condition

Mandatory Fields

Other Validations Basic Search:Date Period: Radio buttons with values {All dates, This month, This week, Today, Specify the period below}

Following options will be enabled only if user selects option ‘ Specify the period below’:

Order date from: Three dropdowns for month, date and year respectively.

Order date through: Three dropdowns for month, date and year respectively.

1. First dropdown will have values from January to December

2. Second dropdown will have values from 1 to 313. Third dropdown will have values from 1999 to 2009

Advance Search

Order ID: Two textboxes First textbox: Characters Max{20}Second Textbox: Characters Max {30}

Order Status: Dropdown with values {Not Finished, Queued, Processed, Backordered, Declined, Failed, Complete}

Flow of Events Step Action

1. User may or may not enter the search criteria and clicks on ‘Search’.Search result will be displayed as per the criteria specified.(By default result for all dates will be displayed.)

2. Search result will contain following columns:

Order Id





3. On click of any of the link except customer user will be redirected to the ‘Order Details’ page where user can view the order process details.

4 In order to view the invoice (order details), user can check the desired one and click on ‘Order for selected’. On click of the link, a new window will be

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1.3 Business Rules for Your Cart > Order History (Order Management)

Your Cart >Order History (Order Management )

1.1 Status of the order will get updated as the order will be processed by the admin.

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