same and different - architectures for mass-uniqueness

Same and different architectures for mass-uniqueness Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting Open Group London, October 2013 the futures of business

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My presentation for Open Group London #ogLON enterprise-architecture conference, October 2013 Classic enterprise-architectures seem to focus mainly on IT and replicable IT-based processes. By contrast, many business-contexts such as healthcare, recruitment, education, customer-service and retail, all need to emphasise 'mass-uniqueness' - individual difference or uniqueness at scale. This slidedeck explores some of the themes and techniques that can be used to develop enterprise-architectures with appropriate balance between 'same' and 'different'.


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Same and differentarchitectures for mass-uniqueness

Tom Graves, Tetradian ConsultingOpen Group London, October 2013

the futures of business

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(let’s not bother with the PR-stuff?)

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It begins with a pin, perhaps…

CC-BY Creativity103 via Flickr

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…or maybe some dust?

CC-BY storebrukkebruse via Flickr

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What isenterprise-architecture?

But perhaps better start witha much-argued question:

Maybe more to the point –

why enterprise-architecture?

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– it’s because

things work betterwhen they work together,

on purpose

Why enterprise-architecture?

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Why enterprise-architecture?…which implies further questions:

•Things – what things? and who decides?

•Work – ‘work’ in what sense? what work?

•Better – ‘better’ for what? or who? who decides?

•Together – what kind of ‘together’? how? why?

•On purpose – who chooses the purpose? for what?

One place to look for clues is in the enterprise’s balance between same and different…

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Into practice…

(Each ‘Into practice…’ sectionprovides a brief moment to exploreimplications of the preceding ideas.

Use the text on the slide to guidea quick review of related design-themes

in your business-context.)

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“What’s the story?”A quest for productivity

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Let’s go back to an earlier time…

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there’s not much technology…

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maybe some of it a bit strange…

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everything made by hand…

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everything different, unique…

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almost nothing standardised…

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until this guy, in this book…

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looked at how pins were made…

CC-BY Creativity103 via Flickr

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applied it to other industries…

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via sameness…

CC-BY toktokkie via Flickr

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more sameness…

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a lot more sameness…

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then applied to work itself…Richard Arkwright’s Cromford Mill

CC-BY-SA CaptainScarlet via Wikimedia

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CC-BY aleutia via Flickr

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CC-BY via Flickr

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mass-sameness everywhere.

CC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr

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the real value of samenessis that it’s easy to scale

and easy to make efficient- creating huge productivity

Why sameness?

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But there’s a catch…

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the differencesnever went away…

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and if we pretendthat everythingis sameness…

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we court disaster…

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Into practice…

In what ways do your systemsdepend on sameness?

What would happenif the sameness wasn’t there

to depend on?

What happens with anythingthat won’t fit those expectations?

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“What’s the story?”There’s always an exception…

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What name in your system?

Typical UK-style name-structure for database:

•Title (mandatory: select from picklist)

•Forename (mandatory: 30 characters max)

•Middle-name (optional: 30 characters max)

•Surname (mandatory: 30 characters max)

•Suffix (optional: select from picklist)

Easy, right? – well, let’s take a real example…

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What name in your system?

UK-style name:

•Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz

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What name in your system?

UK-style name:

•Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz

Full legal birth-name:

•Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

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What name in your system?

UK-style name:

•Mr Pablo Diego Ruiz

Full legal birth-name:

•Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

You probably know him as:

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Driver’s licence, please?

Real simple, right?

Hmm… maybe not so simpleafter all?

The same for everyone, surely?

Hensel twins’ driver-licences >>

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Driver’s licence, please?On the flight: One ticket, one seat, two passengers, two passports

In the car: Two drivers behind the wheel, each legally liable

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What keeps executives awake at night?

And here’s a real casefrom my own consultancy-work

in enterprise-architecture…

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Executive #1: PR disastersGovernment department

(in social-work sector)

Real (if unofficial) business metric:

Number of daysbetween bad headlines

in the newspaper

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Executive #1: PR disasters

Real newspaper headline:

Department fails again!

Ten life-critical incidentsin just one suburbstill not resolvedin 2½ months!

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Answer: architecture of the enterprise

What actually happened?


for one incidentReport



ReportReport Report





Ten incident-reports

Key-field: Date of Birth(for unborn child…)

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Executive #1: PR disasters

Moral of this story:

Every automated systemneeds an option for manual override

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Into practice…

What exceptions are therethat could break

your current systems?

How do you find out about thembefore they break your systems?

What workarounds would you needto keep your systems going?

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“What’s the story?”A bit of theoryon uniqueness…

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…dust is everywhere…

CC-BY storebrukkebruse via Flickr

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‘Cantor Dust’

Start with everything-different

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‘Cantor Dust’

Find an area of samenesswithin all of that uniqueness

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‘Cantor Dust’

Within each remaining block of difference,find another region of sameness

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‘Cantor Dust’

Within each remaining block of difference,find another region of sameness

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‘Cantor Dust’

Within each remaining block of difference,find another region of sameness

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‘Cantor Dust’

Within each remaining block of difference,find another region of sameness

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‘Cantor Dust’

Repeat the same processall the way to infinity…

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no matter how far down we go,there will always be uniqueness…

…and every one of thoseapparent ‘samenesses’ we found

is also different from every other…

- uniqueness in the sameness…

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Into practice…

How much at present do you designagainst uniqueness?

If uniqueness is a fact of nature,is trying to design against it

even a viable option?

Should you design for uniqueness?If so, how?

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“What’s the story?”Uniqueness– how and why

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Mass-uniquenessis uniqueness at scale

– where differenceor uniqueness

is a central factof the work itself

What is mass-uniqueness?

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Mass-uniquenessSome everyday examples:

•Healthcare – unique needs, Hickam’s Dictum

•Customer-service – unique needs, ‘long-tail’

•Clothing – fashion, body-types, shapes, sizes

•Education – every student is different, unique needs

•Information-search – unstructured, natural-language

•Farming – weather, micro-climate, soil-types

•City-planning – topography, geography, particularity

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A spectrum of uniqueness

customised unique

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CC-BY-NC-ND actiononarmedviolence via Flickr

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customised…CC-BY-NC-SA Doctress Neutopia via Flickr

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customised…CC-BY-NC-SA Doctress Neutopia via Flickr

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unique…© Courtesy of 3D Systems

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© Courtesy of 3D Systems

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© Courtesy of 3D Systems

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uniqueness makes it something to celebrate…

© Courtesy of 3D Systems

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Into practice…

How much mass-uniquenessexists in your business-context?

How much do you already designfor that uniqueness?

How do you supportthe required uniqueness at scale?

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“What’s the story?”A question of perspective

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Perspectives and journeys

Service-delivery is a journey of interactionswhere ‘inside-out’ (the organisation’s perspective)

touches ‘outside-in’ (the customer’s / supplier’s perspective)

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CC-BY Fretro via Flickr

“Customers do not appear

in our processes,we appear in

their experiences.”Chris Potts, recrEAtion, Technics, 2010

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A stakeholder is anyonewho can wielda sharp-pointed stakein your direction…

CC-BY-NC-SA evilpeacock via Flickr

Stakeholders in the enterprise

(Hint: there are a lot more of them than you might at first think…)

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Narrative and storyhelp us to identify

the exceptionsand uniquenesses…

The role of narrative

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CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr



The usual EA view

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CC-BY-SA xdxd_vs_xdxd via Flickr






A narrative-oriented viewStage




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Into practice…

What changesas you shift the perspective

from inside-out to outside-in?

What do the narratives tell youabout uniqueness in your business?

What do you need to changeto make best use of this?

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“What’s the story?”SCAN – making senseof uniqueness

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“Let’s do a quick SCAN of this…”

Order and unorder

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CC-BY bobaliciouslondon via Flickr

“We have a rule for everything!”

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CC-BY bobaliciouslondon via Flickr

Hmm… let’s do a quick SCAN of this…

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“Insanityis doingthe same thingand expectingdifferent results”

(Albert Einstein)

ORDER(IT-type rules do work here)

Take control! Impose order!

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“Insanityis doingthe same thingand expectingdifferent results”

(Albert Einstein)

“Insanityis doingthe same thingand expectingthe same results”

(not Albert Einstein)

ORDER(IT-type rules do work here)

UNORDER(IT-type rules don’t work here)

Order and unorder

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A quest for certainty: analysis, algorithms, identicality, efficiency, business-rule engines, executable models, Six Sigma...

SAMENESS(IT-systems do work

well here)

UNIQUENESS(IT-systems don’t work

well here)

Same and different

An acceptance of uncertainty: experiment, patterns, probabilities, ‘design-thinking’, unstructured process...

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What we plan to do, in the expected conditions

What we actually do, in the actual conditions


Theory and practice

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algorithm guideline

rule principle

Different types of decision-guides apply in each ‘domain’

Sensemaking guides decisions

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Guidelines for design

order unorder





Waterfall(‘controlled’ change)

Agile(iterative change)

analysis(knowable result)

experiment(unknowable result)

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Why we need people…

What is always going to beuncertain or unique?

(‘Messy’ – politics, management, wicked-problems, ‘should’ vs ‘is’, etc.)

What will always be ‘messy’?

Wherever these occur,we’re going to need human skill…

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Machines and people

order(rules do work here)

unorder(rules don’t work here)



analysis(knowable result)

experiment(unknowable result)


Waterfall(‘controlled’ change)

Agile(iterative change)

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misapplied difference - ‘special cases’ -

creates inefficiency

misapplied samenesscreates failure-demand– a key cause of waste…

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Into practice…

Trying to apply rules to everything,or to automate everything,

will cause your system to fail.

How do you identify the right balancebetween sameness and difference?

How will you avoid inefficiency,or failure-demand?

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“What’s the story?”Balancing samenessand uniqueness

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Taylorist-type modelstend to assume that everything

is a machine to ‘control’…

Find the right fit!

people will oftenrelate to machines

as if they’re other people…

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Wrong and right…

order(rules do work here)

unorder(rules don’t work here)



CC-BY justin pickard via Flickr CC-BY andré luís via Flickr

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Right and wrong…

order(rules do work here)

unorder(rules don’t work here)



CC-BY-SA izzard via FlickrCC-BY-SA MysteryBee via Flickr

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How we really think…

CC-BY Brett Jordan via Flickr

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Use context-maps such as SCANto identify

what may or must changewhat is or is not certain

how these vary over timeand what to do with each

Mapping the context-space

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A surgical example…

patient identity

surgery plan

emergency action



pre-op complications

family behaviour

surgical-staff availability

change oftheatre-availability




verify identity





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A surgical example…

patient identity





verify identity

we need to be certain about all of these





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A surgical example…

surgery plan

surgical-staff availability

change oftheatre-availability


we expect(and plan for)

uncertaintyabout these





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A surgical example…

emergency action

pre-op complications

family behaviour

we don’t expectthese to happen,

but we need contingency-plans

and guiding-principlesfor all of them





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Into practice…

How would you map the right fitfor each type of context?

How would you ensure you don’ttreat people as machinesor machines as people?

How will you managethe inherent uncertainties?

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“What’s the story?”Uniqueness, changeand governance

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Balancing the spectra…

customised unique

sameness uniqueness

high-probability low-probability

high-dependency low-dependency

reusability bespoke

low rate of change high rate of change

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We need architecturesthat express that balance

between sameness and uniqueness,and other trade-offs across the space…

Architectures and governance

…and governanceto guide relative-positioning

and changes over timebetween backbone and edge

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Architectures for change


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Into practice…

What do you need, to balancesameness and differencecertainty and uncertainty

across your whole business-context?

What architecturesdo you need for this?

What governance do you needto manage their changes over time?

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Same and different

Some key take-aways, I hope?

•Many industries depend on mass-uniqueness

•Sameness and efficiency are important, but over-focus on sameness can fail, lethally

•Uniqueness is inherent and unavoidable

•Need ‘just enough sameness’ to support scale

•Work with uniqueness, not against it

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“What’s the story?”Thank you!

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Contact: Tom Graves

Company: Tetradian Consulting

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @tetradian ( )




Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise-architecture (2012)

• Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as services with the Enterprise Canvas (2010)

• Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy, structures and solutions (2010)

• Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the real enterprise (2009)

Image-credits: Slides 64-67 courtesy of 3D Systems: Other photo-images via Flickr or Wikimedia, as shown on each slide

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