sam jupiter enterprise security management - gfs

How you can benefit from SAM Jupiter [x] Increases productivity in your enterprise by automating security workflow [x] The best ROI for large-scale production deployments [x] Intuitive user interface [x] Easy integration of intranet, extranet and mainframe systems security [x] Rapid RBAC deployment using role mining [x] Integration of application security Secure access rights allocation The complexity of communication within and between organisations is increasing. Efficient information flow, data availability and security are critical factors for success. Access privileges for employees, business partners and customers, all need to be managed, while at the same time protecting sensitive data and applications, and making these accessible for specific groups. You can best meet these challenges with a security solution that automates enterprise-wide security management and allows both simple and flex- ible administration. Technology that sets standards and a user- friendly interface SAM Jupiter sets new standards in security management. This innovati- ve security solution now offers you enterprise-wide security provisioning and automated identity management with Windows-like and intuitive HTML user interfaces. SAM Jupiter provides Premium Security Management. Satisfied Customers The security of your IT infrastructure is a key factor in your corporation’s chain of value creation. Efficient security management optimizes work- flow and reduces costs, increasing customer confidence in your orga- nization and enhancing your image and reputation in the business world. SAM Jupiter Enterprise Security Management

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How you can benefit from SAM Jupiter

[x] Increases productivity in your enterprise by automating security workflow

[x] The best ROI for large-scale production deployments

[x] Intuitive user interface

[x] Easy integration of intranet, extranet and mainframe systems security

[x] Rapid RBAC deployment using role mining

[x] Integration of application security

Secure access rights allocationThe complexity of communication within and between organisations isincreasing. Efficient information flow, data availability and security arecritical factors for success.

Access privileges for employees, business partners and customers, allneed to be managed, while at the same time protecting sensitive dataand applications, and making these accessible for specific groups. Youcan best meet these challenges with a security solution that automatesenterprise-wide security management and allows both simple and flex-ible administration.

Technology that sets standards and a user- friendly interface SAM Jupiter sets new standards in security management. This innovati-ve security solution now offers you enterprise-wide security provisioningand automated identity management with Windows-like and intuitiveHTML user interfaces.

SAM Jupiter provides Premium Security Management.

Satisfied CustomersThe security of your IT infrastructure is a key factor in your corporation’schain of value creation. Efficient security management optimizes work-flow and reduces costs, increasing customer confidence in your orga-nization and enhancing your image and reputation in the business world.

SAM Jupiter Enterprise Security Management

[email protected]

Increased CompetitivenessSecurity management increases competitiveness and allows yourenterprise to act more quickly. Flexible security management guaran-tees that new employees obtain access to all job-relevant data instantly,while ensuring that other employees, customers, and business partnersalso have access to the resources they need. The prompt integration ofnew job responsibilities, customers, partners, and employees, as wellas of mergers and acquisitions, optimizes workflows and secures yourcompetitive edge.

Better Cost-EfficiencyThe right security management solution is a sound investment in yourbusiness future. A flexible, automated solution allows you to adjust con-tinually to dynamic changes in access rights and your organization’s ITinfrastructure, now and in the future. With efficient security manage-ment, greater challenges for your organization will not result in morework or higher costs.

Simple VerifiabilityTargeted security management protects mission-critical informationeffectively. Security policies can be easily enforced and controlledacross all platforms and systems, making verifiability for IT auditorsmuch simpler.

Comprehensive OverviewSuccessful security management means knowing who has access towhich data and that all end-users have access to the data they need.Security management guarantees controlled and verifiable availabilityof your enterprise’s most valuable asset: information.

[email protected]

User-Friendly InnovationSAM Jupiter sets a new standard for security management. User-friendly design provides SAM Jupiter with the most innovative userinterface currently on the market. Security provisioning – the instantavailability of tools and resources for new employees, – simplifiessecurity management in your day-to-day business, as does the ability tomanage account information, passwords and access rights centrally ina heterogeneous IT infrastructure via automated identity management.

High levels of scalability, reliability, flexibility, stability, openness, andinvestment safety all come together in SAM Jupiter, setting new stan-dards of ease and functionality. SAM Jupiter automates securitymanagement processes with cross-platform, enterprise-wide useradministration.






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[email protected]

Consistent User InterfaceWith SAM Jupiter, you benefit from a Web-enabled interface with simplenavigation paths and a modern look and feel. Welcome to the centralpoint of administration: SAM Jupiter integrates and standardizes existingsecurity systems. You no longer need to switch between different admin-istration interfaces and command languages.

Greater FlexibilityFlexible teams and temporary changes in job responsibilities requirerapid adjustments in access rights. With SAM Jupiter, administratorshave a flexible, business-oriented Web interface to work with, and thesoftware uses a role-based access control concept to translate therequirements into access rights for all connected systems. A delegatedadministration concept is the most efficient system for large organiza-tions with numerous business locations or branch offices.

Profitable InvestmentThrough process automation, SAM Jupiter creates rapid return oninvestment (ROI) and low total cost of ownership (TCO). A world-leaderin technology and platform-independent software architecture, SAMJupiter also provides a high level of investment protection.

Security ProvisioningSAM Jupiter uses the information already available in HR systems, cor-porate directories and organizational databases for rule-based SecurityProvisioning. With SAM Jupiter approved requests can be implementedacross all relevant systems with no need for further intervention.


[x] Innovative Security provisioning

[x] Automated identity management

[x] Secure, traceable workflows

[x] Efficient security policy implementation

[x] Full integration of all SAM components

[x] Supports a large variety of applications andsystems

[x] Enterprise-wide audit and control

[x] Integrates user-based security technologies

[x] Attractive returns on investment

[x] Low TCO

[email protected]

Automated Identity ManagementAccount information, passwords, configurations, or access rights foremployees, business partners, and customers can all be centrallymanaged through automated identity management – securely andcompletely across different systems and platforms.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)Role-based access control makes administration with SAM Jupitereven more efficient. Instead of directly authorizing end-users to accesscertain data, SAM Jupiter bundles access rights according to establis-hed criteria, such as job descriptions. SAM Jupiter’s role concept sup-ports role hierarchies and also provides inheritance functionality.Certain user properties can be dynamically reflected in a role. This ishelpful when access rights for a group of employees differ only in joblocation and not in job responsibility, for example. The role is then para-meterized according to job location alone, reducing the number of rolesand considerably simplifying administration.

SAM Jupiter’s dynamic role concept is more flexible than static role-based access concepts and simplifies the allocation of job profiles andresources. Access rights can be managed simply at the business level.Enterprise-wide roles also facilitate cross-platform security manage-ment and allow a high level of automation. You can conduct rule-basedand role-based security administration jointly with SAM Jupiter.

SAM Jupiter's role-based access control not only complies with therequirements of the NIST RBAC standard (common criteria – cc33), italready surpasses this standard.

[email protected]

Total TransparencyYou are always in control with SAM Jupiter, even if access rights arewidely distributed. You obtain the highest possible level of transparen-cy. Outdated or erroneous access rights are reported and can be remo-ved instantly. Interdependent access rights pose potential risks. SAMJupiter detects such dependencies – even on different platforms.

Prompt ReportingWho has access to which resources? SAM Jupiter delivers flexible andprompt reporting across all systems or for certain access areas. SAMJupiter’s reports enable IT auditors to verify whether authorizations areup-to-date, and moreover, to ascertain whether access rights complywith your organization’s requirements and security policies.

Efficient AdministrationDelegated administration and central control are not a contradiction interms. On the contrary, together they make for an efficient approach tosecurity provisioning. The delegated administration concept providedby SAM Jupiter is particularly recommended for large organizationsoperating in many locations. Local administrators or end-users cancarry out simple but critical tasks, such as resetting passwords or tem-porarily assigning job functions, while the bundling of access rights toroles or enforcement of enterprise-wide security policy remain centrallyadministered tasks.

[email protected]

Solid architectureSAM Jupiter’s efficient implementation procedure and dynamic configu-ration options get your system up and running fast, based on the solidfoundation of its three-tier architecture. The architecture's open designenables the integration of legacy systems with newer intranet/extranetapplications and any future identity management components.

SAM Jupiter also integrates components such as single sign on, pass-word synchronization. SAM Jupiter can be easily connected to humanresources systems, ERP systems, and system management software.

SAM Jupiter Provisioning Engine:Our powerful Provisioning Engine translates user data from humanresources systems, directories and organizational databases intoaccess rights. It enables rule-based security provisioning and providesthe basis for extensive automation of administrative processes.

[SAM Jupiter]ProvisioningWorkflow

SAM JupiterProvisioning Engine:Transformation ofbusiness informationinto access rights

Operating Systems



Web AccessControl Servers


Custom Applications


System Management

Human ResourceManagement

Reporting Auditing

[email protected]

SAM Jupiter Standard Target System Interfaces:One of SAM Jupiter’s core competencies is its support of standardsecurity systems, including in-depth functionality for comprehensivesecurity management of key strategic systems.

SAM Jupiter User Consilidation Facility:Enables the consolidation of user IDs and other security-critical datafrom integrated target systems and directories.

Connector Technology SAM eConnect:SAM eConnect links to e-business security, PKIs, and LDAP directories.E-business applications and directories are fully integrated with SAMJupiter’s provisioning.

SAM aConnect:This component integrates application-level security administration withenterprise-wide identity management.

SAM uConnect:The TSI Rapid Development Kit is your solution for connecting all typesof security systems.

SAM Jupiter Repository:The SAM Jupiter Repository contains the knowledge vital for yoursecurity management. It is the prerequisite for enforcing security poli-cies and easy reporting. By simplifying the roll-out process of securitydefinitions for new systems and applications, it also contributes to theprotection of your investment. Access rights derived from the reposito-ry can be implemented automatically in the roll-out process.

Technical Features

[x] Automation

[x] Bi-directional connections to security systems

[x] Java Windows-like and HTML user interfaces

[x] Intuitive wizards for special tasks

[x] Multilingual capability

[x] Cross-platform control of access rights

[x] Connectable to ERP systems, HR systems,directories, and other database systems

[x] Queue operation interface

[x] Central message database

[x] Transaction logging

[x] Import interface for bulk processing ofadministrative tasks

[x] Connector for LDAP support

[x] Report Generator creates reports dynamically

[x] Fast reporting

[x] Fast data access

[x] Comprehensive search and copy features

[email protected]

SAM Jupiter Delegated Administration:Adds flexibility and empowers you to delegate administration and audi-ting tasks selectively, while efficiently controlling distributed admini-stration.

SAM Jupiter Initial Load Facility:Enables extremely rapid loading of target system information from thelinked platforms and systems.

SAM Jupiter Policy Enforcement Facility:This tool allows you to control and enforce centrally defined securitypolicies, ranging from password revoke and resume rules to accessrights policies, such as separation of duties. For example, a separationof duties rule can ensure that tasks requiring completion by differentemployees, such as "teller" and "cash auditor", cannot be assigned toone and the same person.

Flexible SolutionsA comprehensive, yet individually configurable and flexible solution isthe key to successful security management. We have designed SAMJupiter in a modular fashion to maximize flexibility. This enables us tohelp you implement an individual and cost-efficient solution. The SAMproduct line covers all critical aspects of user-based enterprise secu-rity management:

Target systems supported by SAM Jupiter

[x] Operating systems and networks

[x] Databases

[x] E-business applications and Web applications

[x] Standard security systems and custom-made solutions

SAM Jupiter harmonizes with

[x] User directories, other provisioning systems

[x] ERP systems, mail systems

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Password Synchronization (SAM PS)SAM Password Synchronization gives you access to various heteroge-neous platforms using a single password. Remembering many differentpasswords is a thing of the past. This solution standardizes passwordpolicies throughout your organization.

Password Reset Self Service (SAM PR)When users forget their passwords, they can reactivate them usingSAM Password Reset, considerably reducing help desk costs.

Role Engineering (SAM Role Miner)The Role Miner simplifies business-oriented role definition in complexenterprise structures, reducing the complexity of your automated secu-rity management. The automatic analysis of security-relevant attributesof job, function, and project specifications results in the definition ofgeneralized roles and access rights.

You will benefit from the know-how and the years of experience of ourSAM Professional Service Team:

Effective ConsultingOur experts will be pleased to advise and support you in the integrationof SAM Jupiter. Our consultants will work together with you in analyz-ing the existing situation, paving the way for migrating your organiza-tion to the most effective security management environment.

[email protected]

Simple IntegrationSAM Jupiter blends seamlessly into your existing IT environment.Security data is consolidated on the basis of organizational structures.Automation is based on standard communication interfaces. Workflowand dialog flow can also be readily adapted to your business require-ments. Additional systems and applications can also be easily integra-ted using the advanced SAM Connector technology.

Easy ImplementationOur experts will support you throughout the implementation process.SAM Jupiter also plays its part – pre-configured standards make centraland distributed components easy to install. The Initial Load Facilityhandles the loading of data from target systems. Desktop installation ofthe Web Client is unnecessary, dramatically accelerating roll-out.

Services with Business ValueYour success is our priority. That is why our SAM Professional ServiceTeam offers you an implementation and adaptation service. We willshow you how to make the most of SAM Jupiter’s capabilities andpotential. Our hands-on training courses demonstrate how SAMJupiter works and Service Packs deliver additional insights and cost-efficient, high-quality service.

Automatic OperationSAM Jupiter does the complicated work for you. Once all systems link-ed to SAM Jupiter have been activated, you work exclusively with ourintuitive user interface. Special skills for the administered systems areno longer required. All administrative work in the underlying systems iscarried out by your new security software and automatically convertedinto the required format.

«The quest for an overall security management, analysis and automa-tion solution led us to the determination that only SAM could meet ourcompany‘s enterprise security needs.»Randy Hulse, T. Rowe Price, USA

«The pilot area has enjoyed a reduction in request turnaround time of79 hours on average. Processing costs have been reduced by 42%.»Angela Kjolseth, The Standard Life Assurance Company, UK

«SAM has enabled Cheltenham & Gloucester to control user admini-stration through role-based access control and to ensure that ourusers' requirements are met as specified in the Service LevelAgreements.»Dave Curtis, Cheltenham & Gloucester, UK

SAMJupiter-E-070601 [email protected]

© Beta Systems Software AG, 2007. All rights reserved. – Beta, Role Miner, SAM Jupiter and VIDiDOC are trademarksof Beta Systems Software AG. Any other names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trade-marks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Important information: functions, features and characteristics of the products are constantly further developed and maytherefore change at any time.

SAM Jupiter provides

[x] Comprehensive security in heterogeneous IT environments

[x] Ease of use with our innovative user interface

[x] Automation

[x] Security provisioning

[x] Reliable identity management

[x] Role-based administration of access rights

[x] Integration into existing IT infrastructures

[x] Individual configurability

[x] Rapid linking of target systems using SAM Connector technology

[x] Investment protection through open architecture

[x] Cost-efficient administration

[x] Efficient workflow