salthouse, caroline - littoral 2010 - assessing sustainability and strengthening operational policy

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  • 8/8/2019 Salthouse, Caroline - LITTORAL 2010 - Assessing Sustainability and Strengthening Operational Policy



    Assessing sustainability and

    strengthening operational policy

    Caroline Salthouse

    North West Coastal Forum/Sefton Borough CouncilAlan Pickaver, Maria FerreiraCoastal & Marine Union (EUCC)

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    What is SUSTAIN?

    A new way of thinking about sustainable developmentsupported by designing a new set of indicatorsincorporating sustainability quality information and

    targets relating to key aspects of the EU SustainableDevelopment Strategy:

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

    nature and biodiversity

    carrying capacity water & environmental quality

    climate change

    socio-economic aspects

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    To have in place, at the end of three years,a fully implementable policy tool,

    applicable for all 22 coastal states of the EU,

    which will enable the measurement ofsustainability in coastal areas.


    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    to increase the sustainability of partner municipalities

    through interchange of experience and transfer of practice

    during the lifetime of the project, as well as beyond, on

    sustainability issues

    to draw up a definitive list of sustainability criteria for a

    coastal future which can be readily implemented

    to self-assess the identified sustainability criteria in order

    that they can be used on a Pan-European scale


    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    SUSTAIN is designed to help transfer of beneficial ideas

    between the partner regions.

    The aim is to improve the socio-economic balance between

    coastal communities by exploring how partners have


    Economic revitalisation of some areas

    Equalising cross cultural disparities

    Wider sustainaibilitycontext

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    SUSTAIN will contribute to increasing sustainability on a

    number of key challenges including climate change,

    transport, consumption, conservation and management of

    natural resources and public health

    Wider sustainaibilitycontext

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

    through the INTERREG IVC Programme:

    Innovation & Environment

    Regions of Europe Sharing Solutions


    ERDF 1.406 845

    Partners 391 177

    TOTAL1.798 023

    36 months started Jan.10

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    12 Partners including 8 regional and/or local

    authorities, lead by EUCC, NL

    UK (England and Northern Ireland)






    Italy Greece




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    Pan-European coverage

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    COMPONENT 1 : Management and Co-ordination (EUCC)

    COMPONENT 2 : Communication & Dissemination

    To inform local and regional authorities and wider communities,

    relevant stakeholders and the publicLead by Sefton Borough Council

    COMPONENT 3 : Exchange of experiences for sustainability

    To enhance sustainability of the coastal partners and achieve a welldefined indicator set and provide guides and tools for ease of


    Lead by ARH Tejo / Tagus River Basin District Administration, Public


    Project organisation

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

  • 8/8/2019 Salthouse, Caroline - LITTORAL 2010 - Assessing Sustainability and Strengthening Operational Policy


  • 8/8/2019 Salthouse, Caroline - LITTORAL 2010 - Assessing Sustainability and Strengthening Operational Policy


    The North West coast is over 1000 km long.

    6.9 million people live in the region all lessthan 1 hours drive from the coast.

    Our coast is over 80% Natura 2000Resorts such as Blackpool and Southport(Sefton) attract millions of visitors each year

    We also have 10 ports (4 major ports),

    nuclear, offshore renewables and otherindustry

    Relevance of regional partners...example of North West England

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

    The NW Coastal Forum seeks to influenceregional and local policy to promote ICZMprinciples

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    As component 2 leader, Sefton will

    coordinate the promotion and dissemination

    activities, both internally and externally:

    To ensure good internal communicationduring the life of the project

    To ensure local and regional authorities

    are aware of the project and its outputs

    To ensure successful take-up and use ofthe indicator set and guides

    To ensure success in influencing policy as

    needed across Europe

    Relevance of regional partners...example of North West England

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    ARH Tejo coastal areacomprizes 13municipalities, almost1.2 million inhabitants(about 12% of nationalpopulation) and 122beaches

    ARH do Tejo's territorial area

    Coastline:289 km

    Relevance of regional partners...example of ARH Tejo

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    Responsible by law to protect andimprove littoral quality, a main goal inthe National policy and EUorientations.

    The coast is managed through 4 MasterPlans that are being implemented.

    In order to proceed with this objective,ARH Tejo has prepared a Regional

    Strategy which was recently published.

    ARH do Tejo is a Public Institution thatworks on territorial planning, directlyassociated to water resources, includingthe coastal zone:

    Relevance of regional partners...example of ARH Tejo

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  • 8/8/2019 Salthouse, Caroline - LITTORAL 2010 - Assessing Sustainability and Strengthening Operational Policy


    SUSTAIN Policy Tool: a coherent, management driven

    instrument to measure sustainability at local/regional level

    Partners with increased sustainability through exchange ofexperience

    Multilingual information about the project development and

    products in the partners national languages:

    Expected results (1)

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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    Two guides: (i) for authorities and (ii) for sustainabilityimprovement

    A set of criteria agreed and implementable at local andregional partner authority level

    Contribution to the implementation of the EU Sustainable

    Development Strategy

    Expected results (2)

    Ltitoral 2010, September 2010London, UK

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