sales cases for midterms

[G.R. No. 59266. February 29, 1988.] SIL VESTRE DI GNOS and ISABEL LUMUNGSOD, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS and ATILANO G. JABIL, respondents. SYLLABUS 1.CIVI !"# C$N%R!C%&# '((' $F &!(# !)&$*%( IN N!%*R( "+(R( %+(R( I& N$ R$VI&I$N %+!% %I%( I& R(&(RV(' %$ %+( V(N'$R $R *NI ! %(R! - GIVING %+( V(N'$R  %+( RIG+% %$ R(&CIN' C$N%R !C% . It /as been /e0d t/at a deed o sa0e is abso0ute in natur e a0t/ou/ deno3inated as a 4'eed o Conditiona0 &a0e4 /ere no/er e in t/e ontrat in 7uestion is a proiso or stipu0ati on to t/e eet t/at tit0e to t/e property so0d is resered in t/e endor unti0 u00 pay3ent o t/e pur/ase prie, nor is t/ere a stipu0ation iin t/e endor t/e ri/t to uni0atera00y resin d t/e ontrat t/e 3o3ent t/e endee ai0s to pay it/in a :;ed period <%auba . Vda. de eon, 1=2 &CR! >22# u?on )ro@erae Co., In. . Aariti3e )ui0din Co., In., 86 &CR! =B5. ! areu0 e;a3ination o t/e ontrat s/os t/at t/ere is no su/ stipu0ation reserin t/e tit0e o t/e property on t/e endors nor does it ie t/e3 t/e ri/t to uni0atera00y res ind t/e ontrat upon nonDpay3ent o t/e ba0ane t/ereo it/in a :;ed period.

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[G.R. No. 59266. February 29, 1988.]




1.CIVI !"# C$N%R!C%&# '((' $F &!(#!)&$*%( IN N!%*R( "+(R( %+(R( I& N$

R$VI&I$N %+!% %I%( I& R(&(RV(' %$ %+(V(N'$R $R *NI!%(R!- GIVING %+( V(N'$R %+( RIG+% %$ R(&CIN' C$N%R!C%. It /as been/e0d t/at a deed o sa0e is abso0ute in naturea0t/ou/ deno3inated as a 4'eed o Conditiona0&a0e4 /ere no/ere in t/e ontrat in 7uestion isa proiso or stipu0ation to t/e eet t/at tit0e tot/e property so0d is resered in t/e endor unti0

u00 pay3ent o t/e pur/ase prie, nor is t/ere astipu0ation iin t/e endor t/e ri/t touni0atera00y resind t/e ontrat t/e 3o3ent t/eendee ai0s to pay it/in a :;ed period <%auba. Vda. de eon, 1=2 &CR! >22# u?on )ro@eraeCo., In. . Aariti3e )ui0din Co., In., 86 &CR!=B5. ! areu0 e;a3ination o t/e ontrat s/ost/at t/ere is no su/ stipu0ation reserin t/e tit0eo t/e property on t/e endors nor does it iet/e3 t/e ri/t to uni0atera00y resind t/e ontratupon nonDpay3ent o t/e ba0ane t/ereo it/in a:;ed period.

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2.I'.# I'.# &!(# ((A(N%&. $n t/e ontrary, a00t/e e0e3ents o a a0id ontrat o sa0e under!rti0e 1E58 o t/e Cii0 Code, are present, su/as <1 onsent or 3eetin o t/e 3inds# <2deter3inate subet 3atter# and <= prie ertainin 3oney or its e7uia0ent.

=.I'.# I'.# $"N(R&+I I& %R!N&F(RR(' )-'(IV(R- $F %+( %+ING &$'. In addition,!rti0e 1E>> o t/e sa3e Code proides t/at 4%/eoners/ip o t/e t/in so0d s/a00 be transerred tot/e endee upon atua0 or onstrutie de0iery

t/ereo.4 !s app0ied in t/e ase o Froi0an . an$rienta0 &/ippin Co., et a0. <12 &CR! 2>6, t/isCourt /e0d t/at in t/e absene o stipu0ation to t/eontrary, t/e oners/ip o t/e t/in so0d passesto t/e endee upon atua0 or onstrutie de0ieryt/ereo.

E.I'.# I'.# I'.# I'.# !C%*! '(IV(R- IN C!&( !%

)!R. "/i0e it 3ay be oneded t/at t/ere asno onstrutie de0iery o t/e 0and so0d in t/ease at bar, as subet 'eed o &a0e is a priateinstru3ent, it is beyond 7uestion t/at t/ere asatua0 de0iery t/ereo. !s ound by t/e tria0 ourt,t/e 'inos spouses de0iered t/e possession ot/e 0and in 7uestion to Habi0 as ear0y as Aar/ 2>,1965 so t/at t/e 0atter onstruted t/ereon &a00ys

)ea/ Resort a0so @non as Habi0s )ea/ Resort inAar/, 1965# Aatan "/ite )ea/ Resort on Hanuary 15, 1966 and )eir0yns )ea/ Resort on&epte3ber 1, 1965. &u/ ats ere ad3itted bypetitioner spouses <'eision, Cii0 Case No. 2=D#

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Reord on !ppea0, p. 1B8.

5.I'.# I'.# I'.# &IG+% '(!- IN %+((RF$RA!NC( $F $)IG!%I$N, N$% &*FFICI(N%

GR$*N' F$R R(&CI&&I$N. It /as been ru0ed,/oeer, t/at 4/ere ti3e is not o t/e essene o t/e aree3ent, a s0i/t de0ay on t/e part o oneparty in t/e peror3ane o /is ob0iation is not asuJient round or t/e resission o t/earee3ent4 <%auba . Vda. de eon, supra.Considerin t/at priate respondent /as on0y aba0ane o E,BBB.BB and as de0ayed in pay3ent

on0y or one 3ont/, e7uity and ustie 3andate asin t/e aoreited ase t/at Habi0 be ien anadditiona0 period it/in /i/ to o3p0etepay3ent o t/e pur/ase prie.



 %/is is a petition or reie on ertiorari see@int/e reersa0 o t/e <1 'eisionK o t/e 9t/'iision, Court o !ppea0s dated Hu0y =1, 1981,aJr3in it/ 3odi:ation t/e 'eisionKK dated!uust 25, 19>2 o t/e Court o First Instane oCebu in Cii0 Case No. 2=D entit0ed !ti0ano G. Habi0

s. &i0estre %. 'inos and Isabe0a u3unsod de'inos and an:0o Haba0de, as !ttorneyDinDFat ouiano Cabias and Hoita . de Cabias# and <2its Reso0ution dated 'ee3ber 16, 1981, denyindeendantDappe00ants <etitioners 3otion or

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reonsideration, or 0a@ o 3erit.

 %/e undisputed ats as ound by t/e Court o!ppea0s are as o00os

4%/e 'inos spouses ere oners o apare0 o 0and, @non as ot No. =E5=,o t/e adastra0 surey o $pon, apuDapu City. $n Hune >, 1965, appe00ants<petitioners 'inos spouses so0d t/esaid pare0 o 0and to p0aintiDappe00ant<respondent !ti0ano H. Habi0 or t/e su3o 28,BBB.BB, payab0e in to

insta003ents, it/ an assu3ption oindebtedness it/ t/e First Insu0ar )an@o Cebu in t/e su3 o 12,BBB.BB,/i/ as paid and a@no0eded byt/e endors in t/e deed o sa0e <(;/. Ce;euted in aor o p0aintiDappe00ant,and t/e ne;t insta003ent in t/e su3 oE,BBB.BB to be paid on or beore

&epte3ber 15, 1965.

4$n Noe3ber 25, 1965, t/e 'inosspouses so0d t/e sa3e 0and in aor odeendants spouses, uiano Cabiasand Hoita . 'e Cabias, /o ere t/en*.&. iti?ens, or t/e prie o=5,BBB.BB. ! deed o abso0ute sa0e<(;/. H, a0so 3ar@ed (;/. = ase;euted by t/e 'inos spouses inaor o t/e Cabias spouses, and/i/ as reistered in t/e $Je o t/eReister o 'eeds pursuant to t/eproisions o !t No. ==EE.

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4!s t/e 'inos spouses reused toaept ro3 p0aintiDappe00ant t/eba0ane o t/e pur/ase prie o t/e0and, and as p0aintiD appe00ant

disoered t/e seond sa0e 3ade bydeendantsDappe00ants to t/e Cabiasspouses, p0aintiDappe00ant brou/t t/epresent suit.4 <Ro00o, pp. 2>D28

!ter due tria0, t/e Court o First Instane o Ceburendered its 'eision on !uust 25, 19>2, t/edereta0 portion o /i/ reads

4"+(R(F$R(, t/e Court /erebyde0ares t/e deed o sa0e e;euted onNoe3ber 25, 1965 by deendantIsabe0a . de 'inos in aor odeendant uiano Cabias, a iti?en ot/e *nited &tates o !3eria, nu00 andoid ab initio, and t/e deed o sa0ee;euted by deendants &i0estre %.

'inos and Isabe0a u3unsod de'inos not resinded. Conse7uent0y,t/e p0ainti !ti0ano G. Habi0 is /erebyordered to pay t/e su3, o &i;teen

 %/ousand esos <16,BBB.BB to t/edeendantsDspouses upon t/e e;eutiono t/e 'eed o !bso0ute &a0e o ot No.=E5=, $pon Cadastre and /en t/e

deision o t/is ase beo3es :na0 ande;eutory.

4%/e p0ainti !ti0ano G. Habi0 is orderedto rei3burse t/e deendants uianoCabias and Hoita . de Cabias,

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t/rou/ t/eir attorneyDinDat, an:0o Haba0de, reasonab0e a3ountorrespondin to t/e e;penses or ostso t/e /o00o b0o@ ene, so ar


4It is urt/er ordered t/at deendantsDspouses &i0estre %. 'inos and Isabe0au3unsod de 'inos s/ou0d return todeendantsDspouses uiano Cabiasand Hoita . de Cabias t/e su3 o=5,BBB.BB, as e7uity de3ands t/atnobody s/a00 enri/ /i3se0 at t/ee;pense o anot/er.

4%/e rit o pre0i3inary inuntionissued on &epte3ber 2=, 1966,auto3atia00y beo3es per3anent inirtue o t/is deision.

4"it/ osts aainst t/e deendants.4

Fro3 t/e oreoin, t/e p0ainti <respondent/erein and deendantsDspouses <petitioners/erein appea0ed to t/e Court o !ppea0s, /i/appea0 as do@eted t/erein as C!DG.R. No.5E=9=DR, 4!ti0ano G. Habi0 . &i0estre %. 'inos, eta0.4

$n Hu0y =1, 1981, t/e Court o !ppea0s aJr3ed

t/e deision o t/e 0oer ourt e;ept as to t/eportion orderin Habi0 to pay or t/e e;pensesinurred by t/e Cabias spouses or t/e bui0dino a ene upon t/e 0and in 7uestion. %/edispositie portion o said deision o t/e Court o!ppea0s reads

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4IN VI(" $F %+( F$R(G$INGC$N&I'(R!%I$N&, e;ept as to t/e3odi:ation o t/e ud3ent aspertains to p0aintiDappe00ant aboe

indiated, t/e ud3ent appea0ed ro3is /ereby !FFIRA(' in a00 ot/errespets.

4"it/ osts aainst deendantsDappe00ants.

4&$ $R'(R('.

4Hud3ent A$'IFI('.4! 3otion or reonsideration o said deision as:0ed by t/e deendantsDappe00ants <petitioners'inos spouses, but on 'ee3ber 16, 1981, areso0ution as issued by t/e Court o !ppea0sdenyin t/e 3otion or 0a@ o 3erit.

+ene, t/is petition.

In t/e reso0ution o February 1B, 1982, t/e &eond'iision o t/is Court denied t/e petition or 0a@o 3erit. ! 3otion or reonsideration o saidreso0ution as :0ed on Aar/ 16, 1982. In t/ereso0ution dated !pri0 26, 1982, respondents erere7uired to o33ent t/ereon, /i/ o33entas :0ed on Aay 11, 1982 and a rep0y t/ereto as

:0ed on Hu0y 26, 1982 in o3p0iane it/ t/ereso0ution o Hune 16, 1982 . $n !uust 9, 1982,atin on t/e 3otion or reonsideration and ona00 subse7uent p0eadins :0ed, t/is Court reso0edto reonsider its reso0ution o February 1B, 1982and to ie due ourse to t/e instant petition. $n

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&epte3ber 6, 1982, respondents :0ed a reoinderto rep0y o petitioners /i/ as noted on t/ereso0ution o &epte3ber 2B, 1982.

etitioners raised t/e o00oin assin3ent oerrors


 %+( C$*R% $F !(!& C$AAI%%(' !GR!V( (RR$R $F !" IN GR$&&-,INC$RR(C%- IN%(RR(%ING %+(

 %(RA& $F %+( C$N%R!C%, (L+I)I% C,

+$'ING I% !& !N !)&$*%( &!(,(FF(C%IV( %$ %R!N&F(R $"N(R&+I$V(R %+( R$(R%- IN M*(&%I$N %$

 %+( R(&$N'(N% !N' N$% A(R(- !C$N%R!C% %$ &( $R R$AI&( %$&(# %+( C$*R% !&$ (RR(' INAI&!-ING !R%IC( 1=>1 !&"!RR!N%ING R(!'ING $F %+(!GR((A(N%, (L+I)I% C, !& $N( $F!)&$*%( &!(, '(&I%( %+( C!RI%-$F %+( %(RA& %+(R($F &+$"ING I% I&! C$N%R!C% $F R$AI&( %$ &(.


 %+( C$*R% $F !(!& C$AAI%%('!N (RR$R $F !" IN INC$RR(C%-!-ING !N' $R IN AI&!-ING

!R%IC( 1592 $F %+( N(" CIVI C$'(!& "!RR!N%ING %+( (RR$N($*&C$NC*&I$N %+!% %+( N$%IC( $FR(&CI&&I$N, (L+I)I% G, I& IN(FF(C%IV(&INC( I% +!& N$% )((N H*'ICI!-'(A!N'(' N$R I& I% ! N$%!RI! !C%.

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 %+( C$*R% $F !(!& C$AAI%%('!N (RR$R $F !" IN R(H(C%ING %+(!IC!)II%- $F !R%IC(& 22B8, 221>and 2219 $F %+( N(" CIVI C$'( !N'(&%!)I&+(' H*RI&R*'(NC( !& %$"!RR!N% %+( !"!R' $F '!A!G(&!N' !%%$RN(-& F((& %$(%I%I$N(R&.



(RF$RA!NC( &+$*' +!V( )((N'I&AI&&(', +( +!VING C$A( %$C$*R% "I%+ *NC(!N +!N'&.


)- !N' !RG(, %+( C$*R% $F !(!&C$AAI%%(' !N (RR$R IN !FFIRAING"I%+ A$'IFIC!%I$N %+( '(CI&I$N $F

 %+( %RI! C$*R% '*( %$ GR!V(AI&IN%(RR(%!%I$N, AI&!IC!%I$N!N' AI&!R(+(N&I$N $F %+( %(RA&$F %+( M*(&%I$N(' C$N%R!C% !N'

 %+( !" !IC!)( %+(R(%$.


 %/e oreoin assin3ent o errors 3ay be

synt/esi?ed into to 3ain issues, to itI."/et/er or not subet ontrat is adeed o abso0ute sa0e or a ontrat tose00.

II."/et/er or not t/ere as a a0id

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resission t/ereo.

 %/ere is no 3erit in t/is petition.

It is sini:ant to note t/at t/is petition asdenied by t/e &eond 'iision o t/is Court in itsReso0ution dated February 1B, 1982 or 0a@ o3erit, but on 3otion or reonsideration and ont/e basis o a00 subse7uent p0eadins :0ed, t/epetition as ien due ourse.


 %/e ontrat in 7uestion <(;/ibit C is a 'eed o&a0e, it/ t/e o00oin onditions

41.%/at !ti0ano G. Habi0 is to pay t/ea3ount o %e0e %/ousand esos<12,BBB.BB /i0ippine Curreny asadane pay3ent#

42.%/at !ti0ano G. Habi0 is to assu3e t/eba0ane o %e0e %/ousand esos<12,BBB.BB oan ro3 t/e First Insu0ar)an@ o Cebu#

4=.%/at !ti0ano G. Habi0 is to pay t/e saidspouses t/e ba0ane o Four %/ousandesos <E,BBB.BB on or beore&epte3ber 15, 1965.

4E.%/at t/e said spouses areed to

deend t/e said !ti0ano G. Habi0 ro3ot/er 0ai3s on t/e said property#

45.%/at t/e spouses arees to sin a:na0 deed o abso0ute sa0e in aor o!ti0ano G. Habi0 oer t/e aboeD

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3entioned property upon t/e pay3ento t/e ba0ane o Four %/ousand esos.4<$riina0 Reord, pp. 1BD11

In t/eir 3otion or reonsideration, petitionersreiterated t/eir ontention t/at t/e 'eed o &a0e<(;/ibit 4C4 is a 3ere ontrat to se00 and not anabso0ute sa0e# t/at t/e sa3e is subet to to <2positie suspensie onditions, na3e0y t/epay3ent o t/e ba0ane o E,BBB.BB on or beore&epte3ber 15, 1965 and t/e i33ediateassu3ption o t/e 3ortae o 12,BBB.BB it/

t/e First Insu0ar )an@ o Cebu. It is urt/erontended t/at in said ontrat, tit0e or oners/ipoer t/e property as e;press0y resered in t/eendor, t/e 'inos spouses, unti0 t/e suspensieondition o u00 and puntua0 pay3ent o t/eba0ane o t/e pur/ase prie s/a00 /ae been3et. &o t/at t/ere is no atua0 sa0e unti0 u00pay3ent is 3ade <Ro00o, pp. 51D52.

In bo0sterin t/eir ontention t/at (;/ibit 4C4 is3ere0y a ontrat to se00, petitioners aer t/att/ere is abso0ute0y not/in in (;/ibit 4C4 t/atindiates t/at t/e endors t/ereby se00, oney ortranser t/eir oners/ip to t/e a00eed endee.etitioners insist t/at (;/ibit 4C4 <or 6 is a priateinstru3ent and t/e absene o a or3a0 deed o

oneyane is a ery stron indiation t/at t/eparties did not intend 4transer o oners/ip andtit0e but on0y a transer ater u00 pay3ent4 <Ro00o,p. 52. Aoreoer, petitioners an/ored t/eirontention on t/e ery ter3s and onditions o

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t/e ontrat, 3ore partiu0ar0y pararap/ our/i/ reads, 4t/at said spouses /as areed to se00t/e /erein 3entioned property to !ti0ano G. Habi0 . . .4 and ondition nu3ber :e /i/ reads,4t/at t/e spouses arees to sin a :na0 deed oabso0ute sa0e oer t/e 3entioned property upont/e pay3ent o t/e ba0ane o our t/ousandpesos.4

&u/ ontention is untenab0e.

)y and 0are, t/e issues in t/is ase /ae a0ready

been sett0ed by t/is Court in ana0oous ases. %/us, it /as been /e0d t/at a deed o sa0e isabso0ute in nature a0t/ou/ deno3inated as a4'eed o Conditiona0 &a0e4 /ere no/ere in t/eontrat in 7uestion is a proiso or stipu0ation tot/e eet t/at tit0e to t/e property so0d isresered in t/e endor unti0 u00 pay3ent o t/epur/ase prie, nor is t/ere a stipu0ation iint/e endor t/e ri/t to uni0atera00y resind t/eontrat t/e 3o3ent t/e endee ai0s to payit/in a :;ed period <%auba . Vda. de eon, 1=2&CR! >22# u?on )ro@erae Co., In. . Aariti3e)ui0din Co., In., 86 &CR! =B5.

! areu0 e;a3ination o t/e ontrat s/os t/att/ere is no su/ stipu0ation reserin t/e tit0e o

t/e property on t/e endors nor does it ie t/e3t/e ri/t to uni0atera00y resind t/e ontrat uponnonDpay3ent o t/e ba0ane t/ereo it/in a :;edperiod.

$n t/e ontrary, a00 t/e e0e3ents o a a0id

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ontrat o sa0e under !rti0e 1E58 o t/e Cii0Code, are present, su/ as <1 onsent or3eetin o t/e 3inds# <2 deter3inate subet3atter# and <= prie ertain in 3oney or itse7uia0ent. In addition, !rti0e 1E>> o t/e sa3eCode proides t/at 4%/e oners/ip o t/e t/inso0d s/a00 be transerred to t/e endee uponatua0 or onstrutie de0iery t/ereo. !s app0iedin t/e ase o Froi0an . an $rienta0 &/ippin Co.,et a0. <12 &CR! 2>6, t/is Court /e0d t/at in t/eabsene o stipu0ation to t/e ontrary, t/e

oners/ip o t/e t/in so0d passes to t/e endeeupon atua0 or onstrutie de0iery t/ereo.

"/i0e it 3ay be oneded t/at t/ere as noonstrutie de0iery o t/e 0and so0d in t/e aseat bar, as subet 'eed o &a0e is a priateinstru3ent, it is beyond 7uestion t/at t/ere asatua0 de0iery t/ereo. !s ound by t/e tria0 ourt,t/e 'inos spouses de0iered t/e possession ot/e 0and in 7uestion to Habi0 as ear0y as Aar/ 2>,1965 so t/at t/e 0atter onstruted t/ereon &a00ys)ea/ Resort a0so @non as Habi0s )ea/ Resort inAar/, 1965# Aatan "/ite )ea/ Resort on Hanuary 15, 1966 and )eir0yns )ea/ Resort on&epte3ber 1, 1965. &u/ ats ere ad3itted bypetitioner spouses <'eision, Cii0 Case No. 2=D#

Reord on !ppea0, p. 1B8.Aoreoer, t/e Court o !ppea0s in its reso0utiondated 'ee3ber 16, 1981 ound t/at t/e ats opetitioners, onte3poraneous it/ t/e ontrat,0ear0y s/o t/at an abso0ute deed o sa0e as

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intended by t/e parties and not a ontrat to se00.

)e t/at as it 3ay, it is eident t/at /enpetitioners so0d said 0and to t/e Cabias spouses,

t/ey ere no 0oner oners o t/e sa3e and t/esa0e is nu00 and oid.


etitioners 0ai3 t/at /en t/ey so0d t/e 0and tot/e Cabias spouses, t/e ontrat o sa0e asa0ready resinded.

!pp0yin t/e rationa0e o t/e ase o %auba .Vda. de eon <supra /i/ is on a00 ours it/ t/ease at bar, t/e ontrat o sa0e bein abso0ute innature is oerned by !rti0e 1592 o t/e Cii0Code. It is undisputed t/at petitioners neernoti:ed priate respondents Habi0 by notaria0 att/at t/ey ere resindin t/e ontrat, andneit/er did t/ey :0e a suit in ourt to resind t/e

sa0e. %/e 3ost t/at t/ey ere ab0e to s/o is a0etter o Cipriano !3istad /o, 0ai3in to be ane3issary o Habi0, inor3ed t/e 'inos spouses notto o to t/e /ouse o Habi0 beause t/e 0atter /adno 3oney and urt/er adised petitioners to se00t/e 0and in 0itiation to anot/er party <Reord on!ppea0, p. 2=. !s orret0y ound by t/e Court o!ppea0s, t/ere is no s/oin t/at !3istad as

proper0y aut/ori?ed by Habi0 to 3a@e su/ e;tra udiia0 resission or t/e 0atter /o, on t/eontrary, iorous0y denied /ain sent !3istadto te00 petitioners t/at /e as a0ready aiin /isri/ts to t/e 0and in 7uestion. *nder !rti0e 1=58

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o t/e Cii0 Code, it is re7uired t/at ats andontrats /i/ /ae or t/eir obet t/ee;tinuis/3ent o rea0 ri/ts oer i33oab0eproperty 3ust appear in a pub0i dou3ent.

etitioners 0aid onsiderab0e e3p/asis on t/e att/at priate respondent Habi0 /ad no 3oney on t/estipu0ated date o pay3ent on &epte3ber 15,1965 and as ab0e to raise t/e neessary a3ounton0y by 3idD$tober, 1965.

It /as been ru0ed, /oeer, t/at 4/ere ti3e is

not o t/e essene o t/e aree3ent, a s0i/tde0ay on t/e part o one party in t/e peror3aneo /is ob0iation is not a suJient round or t/eresission o t/e aree3ent4 <%auba . Vda. deeon, supra. Considerin t/at priate respondent/as on0y a ba0ane o E,BBB.BB and as de0ayedin pay3ent on0y or one 3ont/, e7uity and ustie3andate as in t/e aoreited ase t/at Habi0 be

ien an additiona0 period it/in /i/ too3p0ete pay3ent o t/e pur/ase prie.

"+(R(F$R(, t/e petition :0ed is /ereby'is3issed or 0a@ o 3erit and t/e assai0eddeision o t/e Court o !ppea0s is !Jr3ed intoto.

&$ $R'(R('[G.R. No. 156=6E. &epte3ber =,


 JACOBUS BERNHARD HULST,petitioner, vs. PR BUILDERS, INC.,respondent.

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)eore t/e Court is a etition or Reie onCertiorari under Ru0e E5 o t/e Reised Ru0es oCourt assai0in t/e 'eision  dated $tober =B,2BB2 o t/e Court o !ppea0s <C! in C!DG.R. &No. 6B981.  %!I'+a

 %/e ats

 Haobus )ern/ard +u0st <petitioner and /isspouse Ida Ho/anna +u0stDVan I?eren <Ida, 'ut/nationa0s, entered into a Contrat to &e00 it/ R)ui0ders, In. <respondent, or t/e pur/ase o a21BDs7. 3. residentia0 unit in respondentston/ouse proet in )aranay Niyuan, aure0,)atanas.

"/en respondent ai0ed to o3p0y it/ its erba0pro3ise to o3p0ete t/e proet by Hune 1995, t/espouses +u0st :0ed beore t/e +ousin and and*se Reu0atory )oard <+*R) a o3p0aint orresission o ontrat it/ interest, da3aes andattorneys ees, do@eted as +R) Case No. IV6DB>1196DB618.

$n !pri0 22, 199>, +*R) !rbiter Aa. erpetua -.!7uino <+*R) !rbiter rendered a 'eision ! inaor o spouses +u0st, t/e dispositie portion o/i/ reads

"+(R(F$R(, pre3ises onsidered,

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 ud3ent is /ereby rendered in aor o t/e o3p0ainant, resindin t/eContrat to &e00 and orderinrespondent to (a+C'

1Rei3burse o3p0ainant t/e su3 o=,18>,5BB.BB, representin t/epur/ase prie paid by t/eo3p0ainants to .R. )ui0ders, p0usinterest t/ereon at t/e rate o te0eperent <12 per annu3 ro3 t/e ti3eo3p0aint as :0ed#

2ay o3p0ainant t/e su3 o29>,BBB.BB as atua0 da3aes#

=ay o3p0ainant t/e su3 o1BB,BBB.BB by ay o 3ora0 da3aes#

Eay o3p0ainant t/e su3 o15B,BBB.BB as e;e3p0ary da3aes#

55B,BBB.BB as attorneys ees and orot/er 0itiation e;penses# and

6Cost o suit.

&$ $R'(R('. "

Aean/i0e, spouses +u0st diored. Ida assined/er ri/ts oer t/e pur/ased property topetitioner. # Fro3 t/en on, petitioner a0one

pursued t/e ase. '+%a(

$n !uust 21, 199>, t/e +*R) !rbiter issued a"rit o (;eution addressed to t/e (;D$Jio&/eri o t/e Reiona0 %ria0 Court o %anauan,)atanas diretin t/e 0atter to e;eute its

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 ud3ent. $

$n !pri0 1=, 1998, t/e (;D$Jio &/eri proeededto i3p0e3ent t/e "rit o (;eution. +oeer,

upon o3p0aint o respondent it/ t/e C! on aetition or Certiorari and ro/ibition, t/e 0ey3ade by t/e &/eri as set aside, re7uirin t/e&/eri to 0ey :rst on respondents persona0properties. % &/eri Hai3e ). $?aeta <&/eri triedto i3p0e3ent t/e rit as direted but t/e rit asreturned unsatis:ed. &  %!'+&

$n Hanuary 26, 1999, upon petitioners 3otion,t/e +*R) !rbiter issued an !0ias "rit o(;eution. ' '%C&+!

$n Aar/ 2=, 1999, t/e &/eri 0eied onrespondents 15 pare0s o 0and oered by 1= %ranser Certi:ates o %it0e <%C% ( in )aranayNiyuan, aure0, )atanas. )

In a Notie o &a0e dated Aar/ 2>, 2BBB, t/e&/eri set t/e pub0i aution o t/e 0eiedproperties on !pri0 28, 2BBB at 1BBB a.3.

 %o days beore t/e s/edu0ed pub0i aution oron !pri0 26, 2BBB, respondent :0ed an *rentAotion to Muas/ "rit o ey it/ t/e +*R) ont/e round t/at t/e &/eri 3ade an oer0ey

sine t/e areate appraised a0ue o t/e 0eiedproperties at 6,5BB.BB per s7. 3. is8=,616,BBB.BB, based on t/e !ppraisa0 Report ! 

o +enry +unter )ayne Co., In. dated 'ee3ber11, 1996, /i/ is oer and aboe t/e ud3entaard. "  %a!I'

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!t 1B15 a.3. o t/e s/edu0ed aution date o!pri0 28, 2BBB, respondents ounse0 obeted tot/e ondut o t/e pub0i aution on t/e roundt/at respondents *rent Aotion to Muas/ "rit oey as pendin reso0ution. !bsent anyrestrainin order ro3 t/e +*R), t/e &/eriproeeded to se00 t/e 15 pare0s o 0and. +o00yroperties Rea0ty Corporation as t/e inninbidder or a00 15 pare0s o 0and or t/e tota0a3ount o 5,E5B,65=.==. %/e su3 o5,=1=,BEB.BB as turned oer to t/e petitioner in

satisation o t/e ud3ent aard aterdedutin t/e 0ea0 ees. #

!t E15 p.3. o t/e sa3e day, /i0e t/e &/erias at t/e +*R) oJe to re3it t/e 0ea0 eesre0atie to t/e aution sa0e and to sub3it t/eCerti:ates o &a0e $ or t/e sinature o +*R)'iretor )e0en G. Ceni?a <+*R) 'iretor, /ereeied t/e $rder dated !pri0 28, 2BBB issued byt/e +*R) !rbiter to suspend t/e proeedins ont/e 3atter. %

Four 3ont/s 0ater, or on !uust 28, 2BBB, t/e+*R) !rbiter and +*R) 'iretor issued an$rder settin aside t/e s/eris 0ey onrespondents rea0 properties, & reasonin aso00os

"/i0e e are not 3a@in a ru0in t/att/e air 3ar@et a0ue o t/e 0eiedproperties is /6,5BB.BB per s7uare3eter <or an areate a0ue o/8=,616,BBB.BB as indiated in t/e

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+unter )aynes !ppraisa0 Report, ede:nite0y annot aree it/ t/eposition o t/e Co3p0ainants and t/e&/eri t/at t/e areate a0ue o t/e

12,86E.BBDs7uare 3eter 0eiedproperties is on0y around/6,BBB,BBB.BB. %/e disparitybeteen t/e to a0uations are [si] soereious t/at t/e &/eri s/ou0d /ae0oo@ed into t/e 3atter :rst beoreproeedin it/ t/e e;eution sa0e ot/e said properties, espeia00y /en t/e

aution sa0e proeedins asseasonab0y obeted by Respondentsounse0, !tty. Noe0 Ainoa. +oeer,instead o reso0in :rst t/e obetionti3e0y posed by !tty. Ainoa, &/eri$?aete tota00y disrearded t/e obetionraised and, post/aste, issued t/eorrespondin Certi:ate o &a0e een

prior to t/e pay3ent o t/e 0ea0 ees<pars. > O 8, &/eris Return.

"/i0e e aree it/ t/e Co3p0ainantst/at /at is 3ateria0 in an e;eutionsa0e proeedin is t/e a3ount or /i/t/e properties ere bidded and so0ddurin t/e pub0i aution and t/at,3ere inade7uay o t/e prie is not a

suJient round to annu0 t/e sa0e, t/eourt is usti:ed to interene /ere t/einade7uay o t/e prie s/o@s t/eonsiene <)arro?o s. Aaarae, 8=/i0. =>8. %/e dierene beteen/8=,616,BBB.BB and /p6,BBB,BBB.BB

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is />>,616,BBB.BB and it de:nite0yinites our attention to 0oo@ into t/eproeedins /ad espeia00y so /ent/ere as on0y one bidder, t/e +$-

R$(R%I(& R(!%- C$R$R!%I$Nrepresented by Aa. C/andra Ca/o<par. >, &/eris Return and t/e autionsa0e proeedins as ti3e0y obetedby Respondents ounse0 <par. 6,&/eris Return due to t/e pendeny o t/e *rent Aotion to Muas/ t/e "rit oey /i/ as :0ed prior to t/e

e;eution sa0e.

B*s+d*s, a +s a +ss/* +s n0 *va1/* 02 * s/34*5 6706*7+*s asd**78+n*d d/7+n9 * a/5+0nsa1*, 3/ * d**78+na+0n 02 *va1/* 02 * 6706*7+*s 1*v+*d /60n3: * S*7+; a<+n9 +n050ns+d*7a+0n S*5+0n (=3> 02 *((& R/1*s 02 C+v+1 P705*d/7* . . .

;;; ;;; ;;;

It is ery 0ear ro3 t/e oreoin t/at,een durin 0ey, t/e &/eri /as toonsider t/e air 3ar@et a0ue o t/eproperties 0eied upon to deter3ine/et/er t/ey are suJient to satisy

t/e ud3ent, and any 0ey in e;ess o t/e ud3ent aard is oid <)uan .Court o !ppea0s, 2=5 &CR! E2E

;;; ;;; ;;; ' <(3p/asis &upp0ied.  %+C&(!

 %/e dispositie portion o t/e $rder reads

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"+(R(F$R(, t/e 0ey on t/e subetproperties 3ade by t/e (;D$Jio&/eri o t/e R%C o %anauan, )atanas,is /ereby &(% !&I'( and t/e said &/eri 

is /ereby direted to 0ey insteadRespondents rea0 properties t/at arereasonab0y suJient to enore its :na0and e;eutory ud3ent, t/is ti3e,ta@in into onsideration not on0y t/ea0ue o t/e properties as indiated int/eir respetie ta; de0arations, buta0so a00 t/e ot/er deter3inants at

arriin at a air 3ar@et a0ue, na3e0yt/e ost o a7uisition, t/e urrenta0ue o 0i@e properties, its atua0 orpotentia0 uses, and in t/e partiu0arase o 0ands, t/eir si?e, s/ape or0oation, and t/e ta; de0arationst/ereon.

&$ $R'(R('. (

! 3otion or reonsideration bein a pro/ibitedp0eadin under &etion 1 </, Ru0e IV o t/e 1996+*R) Ru0es and roedure, petitioner :0ed aetition or Certiorari and ro/ibition it/ t/e C!on &epte3ber 2>, 2BBB.

$n $tober =B, 2BB2, t/e C! rendered /erein

assai0ed 'eision !) dis3issin t/e petition. %/eC! /e0d t/at petitioners insistene t/at )arro?o .Aaarae ! does not app0y sine said ase statedt/at 4/en t/ere is a ri/t to redee3 inade7uayo prie s/ou0d not be 3ateria04 /o0ds no ater as/at is obtainin in t/is ase is not 43ere

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inade7uay,4 but an inade7uay t/at s/o@s t/esenses# t/at )uan . Court o !ppea0s !! proper0yapp0ies sine t/e 7uestioned 0ey oered 15pare0s o 0and posited to /ae an areatea0ue o 8=,616,BBB.BB /i/ s/o@in0ye;eeded t/e ud3ent debt o on0y around6,BBB,BBB.BB. (a&+C

"it/out :0in a 3otion or reonsideration, !" 

petitioner too@ t/e present reourse on t/e so0eround t/at

 %+( +$N$R!)( C$*R% $F !(!&GR!V(- (RR(' IN !FFIRAING %+(!R)I%(R& $R'(R &(%%ING !&I'( %+((V- A!'( )- %+( &+(RIFF $N %+(&*)H(C% R$(R%I(&. !#  %CI(+

)eore reso0in t/e 7uestion /et/er t/e C!erred in aJr3in t/e $rder o t/e +*R) settinaside t/e 0ey 3ade by t/e s/eri, it be/ooes

t/is Court to address a 3atter o pub0i andnationa0 i3portane /i/ o3p0ete0y esapedt/e attention o t/e +*R) !rbiter and t/e C!petitioner and /is ie are orein nationa0s /oare dis7ua0i:ed under t/e Constitution ro3onin rea0 property in t/eir na3es.

&etion > o !rti0e LII o t/e 198> Constitution


&e. >.&ae in ases o /ereditarysuession, n0 67+va* 1ands sa11 3*7ans2*77*d 07 50nv*:*d *?5*6 0+nd+v+d/a1s, orporations, or

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assoiations @/a1+*d 0 a5@/+7* 0701d 1ands 02 * 6/31+5 d08a+n.<(3p/asis supp0ied. I(a!%'

 %/e apaity to a7uire priate 0and is 3adedependent upon t/e apaity to a7uire or /o0d0ands o t/e pub0i do3ain. riate 0and 3ay betranserred or oneyed on0y to indiidua0s orentities 47ua0i:ed to a7uire 0ands o t/e pub0ido3ain.4 %/e 198> Constitution resered t/e ri/tto partiipate in t/e disposition, e;p0oitation,dee0op3ent and uti0i?ation o 0ands o t/e pub0i

do3ain or Fi0ipino iti?ens !$ or orporations at0east 6B perent o t/e apita0 o /i/ is onedby Fi0ipinos. !% !0iens, /et/er indiidua0s ororporations, /ae been dis7ua0i:ed ro3a7uirin pub0i 0ands# /ene, t/ey /ae a0sobeen dis7ua0i:ed ro3 a7uirin priate 0ands. !&


&ine petitioner and /is ie, bein 'ut/nationa0s, are prosribed under t/e Constitutionro3 a7uirin and onin rea0 property, it isune7uioa0 t/at t/e Contrat to &e00 entered intoby petitioner toet/er it/ /is ie andrespondent is oid. *nder !rti0e 1EB9 <1 and <>o t/e Cii0 Code, a00 ontrats /ose ause,obet or purpose is ontrary to 0a or pub0i

po0iy and t/ose e;press0y pro/ibited or de0aredoid by 0a are ine;istent and oid ro3 t/ebeinnin. !rti0e 1E1B o t/e sa3e Codeproides t/at t/e ation or deense or t/ede0aration o t/e ine;istene o a ontrat doesnot presribe. ! oid ontrat is e7uia0ent to

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not/in# it produes no ii0 eet. !' It does notreate, 3odiy or e;tinuis/ a uridia0 re0ation. !( &I%C(

Genera00y, parties to a oid aree3ent annot

e;pet t/e aid o t/e 0a# t/e ourts 0eae t/e3as t/ey are, beause t/ey are dee3ed in paride0ito or 4in e7ua0 au0t.4 ") In pari de0ito is 4auniersa0 dotrine /i/ /o0ds t/at no ationarises, in e7uity or at 0a, ro3 an i00ea0 ontrat#no suit an be 3aintained or its spei:peror3ane, or to reoer t/e property areed tobe so0d or de0iered, or t/e 3oney areed to bepaid, or da3aes or its io0ation# and /ere t/eparties are in pari de0ito, no aJr3atie re0ie oany @ind i00 be ien to one aainst t/e ot/er.4 "

 %/is ru0e, /oeer, is subet to e;eptions "! t/atper3it t/e return o t/at /i/ 3ay /ae beenien under a oid ontrat to <a t/e innoentparty <!rts. 1E11D1E12, Cii0 Code# "" <b t/e

debtor /o pays usurious interest <!rt. 1E1=, Cii0Code# "# =5> * 6a7: 7*6/d+a+n9 * v0+d50n7a5 3*207* * +11*9a1 6/760s* +sa550861+s*d 07 3*207* da8a9* +s 5a/s*d 0a +7d 6*7s0n and +2 6/31+5 +n*7*s +ss/3s*7v*d 3: a110+n9 7*50v*7: =A7. ##,C+v+1 C0d*> "$ <d t/e inapaitated party i t/e

interest o ustie so de3ands <!rt. 1E15, Cii0Code# "% <e t/e party or /ose protetion t/epro/ibition by 0a is intended i t/e aree3ent isnot i00ea0 per se but 3ere0y pro/ibited and ipub0i po0iy ou0d be en/aned by per3ittinreoery <!rt. 1E16, Cii0 Code# "& and < t/e

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party or /ose bene:t t/e 0a /as been intendedsu/ as in prie ei0in 0as <!rt. 1E1>, Cii0 Code"' and 0abor 0as <!rts. 1E18D1E19, Cii0 Code. "( a%+C&(

It is sini:ant to note t/at t/e aree3ente;euted by t/e parties in t/is ase is a Contratto &e00 and not a ontrat o sa0e. ! distintionbeteen t/e to is 3ateria0 in t/e deter3inationo /en oners/ip is dee3ed to /ae beentranserred to t/e buyer or endee and,u0ti3ate0y, t/e reso0ution o t/e 7uestion on/et/er t/e onstitutiona0 prosription /as beenbrea/ed.

In a ontrat o sa0e, t/e tit0e passes to t/e buyerupon t/e de0iery o t/e t/in so0d. %/e endor/as 0ost and annot reoer t/e oners/ip o t/eproperty unti0 and un0ess t/e ontrat o sa0e isitse0 reso0ed and set aside. #) $n t/e ot/er /and,a ontrat to se00 is a@in to a onditiona0 sa0e

/ere t/e eJay or ob0iatory ore o t/eendors ob0iation to transer tit0e issubordinated to t/e /appenin o a uture andunertain eent, so t/at i t/e suspensieondition does not ta@e p0ae, t/e parties ou0dstand as i t/e onditiona0 ob0iation /ad neere;isted. # In ot/er ords, in a ontrat to se00, t/e

prospetie se00er arees to transer oners/ip ot/e property to t/e buyer upon t/e /appenin oan eent, /i/ nor3a00y is t/e u00 pay3ent ot/e pur/ase prie. )ut een upon t/e u0:003ento t/e suspensie ondition, oners/ip does notauto3atia00y transer to t/e buyer. %/e

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prospetie se00er sti00 /as to oney tit0e to t/eprospetie buyer by e;eutin a ontrat oabso0ute sa0e. #! '%+a!

&ine t/e ontrat ino0ed /ere is a Contrat to&e00, oners/ip /as not yet transerred to t/epetitioner /en /e :0ed t/e suit or resission."/i0e t/e intent to iru3ent t/e onstitutiona0prosription on a0iens onin rea0 property aseident by irtue o t/e e;eution o t/e Contratto &e00, su/ io0ation o t/e 0a did not3ateria0i?e beause petitioner aused t/e

resission o t/e ontrat beore t/e e;eution ot/e :na0 deed transerrin oners/ip.

 %/us, e;eption < :nds app0iation in t/is ase.*nder !rti0e 1E1E, one /o repudiates t/earee3ent and de3ands /is 3oney beore t/ei00ea0 at /as ta@en p0ae is entit0ed to reoer.etitioner is t/ereore entit0ed to reoer /at /e

/as paid, a0t/ou/ t/e basis o /is 0ai3 orresission, /i/ as ranted by t/e +*R), asnot t/e at t/at /e is not a00oed to a7uirepriate 0and under t/e /i0ippine Constitution. )utpetitioner is entit0ed to t/e reoery on0y o t/ea3ount o =,18>,5BB.BB, representin t/epur/ase prie paid to respondent. No da3aes3ay be reoered on t/e basis o a oid ontrat#

bein none;istent, t/e aree3ent produes no uridia0 tie beteen t/e parties ino0ed. #" 

Furt/er, petitioner is not entit0ed to atua0 as e00as interests t/ereon, ## 3ora0 and e;e3p0aryda3aes and attorneys ees.

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 %/e Court ta@es into onsideration t/e at t/att/e +*R) 'eision dated !pri0 22, 199> /as 0onbeen :na0 and e;eutory. Not/in is 3ore sett0edin t/e 0a t/an t/at a deision t/at /as a7uired:na0ity beo3es i33utab0e and una0terab0e and3ay no 0oner be 3odi:ed in any respet een it/e 3odi:ation is 3eant to orret erroneouson0usions o at or 0a and /et/er it as3ade by t/e ourt t/at rendered it or by t/e/i/est ourt o t/e 0and. #$  %/e on0y reoni?ede;eptions to t/e enera0 ru0e are t/e orretion

o 0eria0 errors, t/e soDa00ed nun pro tunentries /i/ ause no preudie to any party,oid ud3ents, and /eneer iru3stanestranspire ater t/e :na0ity o t/e deisionrenderin its e;eution unust and ine7uitab0e. #% 

None o t/e e;eptions is present in t/is ase. %/e+*R) deision annot be onsidered a oid ud3ent, as it as rendered by a tribuna0 it/

 urisdition oer t/e subet 3atter o t/eo3p0aint. #&

Ine0utab0y, t/e +*R) 'eision resu0ted in t/eunust enri/3ent o petitioner at t/e e;pense orespondent. etitioner reeied 3ore t/an /at/e is entit0ed to reoer under t/e iru3stanes.

!rti0e 22 o t/e Cii0 Code /i/ e3bodies t/e

3a;i3, ne3o e; a0terius ino33ode debet0eup0etari <no 3an ou/t to be 3ade ri/ out oanot/ers inury, states

!rt. 22.(ery person /o t/rou/ anat o peror3ane by anot/er, or any

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ot/er 3eans, a7uires or o3es intopossession o so3et/in at t/e e;penseo t/e 0atter it/out ust or 0ea0round, s/a00 return t/e sa3e to /i3.

 %/e aboeD7uoted arti0e is part o t/e /apter o t/e Cii0 Code on +u3an Re0ations, t/e proisionso /i/ ere or3u0ated as basi prinip0es to beobsered or t/e ri/tu0 re0ations/ip beteen/u3an beins and or t/e stabi0ity o t/e soia0order# desined to indiate ertain nor3s t/atsprin ro3 t/e ountain o ood onsiene#

uides or /u3an ondut t/at s/ou0d run aso0den t/reads t/rou/ soiety to t/e end t/at0a 3ay approa/ its supre3e idea0 /i/ is t/esay and do3inane o ustie. #' %/ere is unustenri/3ent /en a person unust0y retains abene:t at t/e 0oss o anot/er, or /en a personretains 3oney or property o anot/er aainst t/eunda3enta0 prinip0es o ustie, e7uity and ood

onsiene. #(

! sense o ustie and airness de3ands t/atpetitioner s/ou0d not be a00oed to bene:t ro3/is at o enterin into a ontrat to se00 t/atio0ates t/e onstitutiona0 prosription.

 %/is is not a ase o e7uity oerru0in orsupp0antin a positie proision o 0a or udiia0ru0e. Rat/er, e7uity is e;erised in t/is ase 4ast/e o3p0e3ent o 0ea0 urisdition [t/at] see@sto rea/ and to o3p0ete ustie /ere ourts o0a, t/rou/ t/e inPe;ibi0ity o t/eir ru0es andant o poer to adapt t/eir ud3ents to t/e

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speia0 iru3stanes o ases, are ino3petentto do so.4 $)

 %/e purpose o t/e e;erise o e7uity urisdition

in t/is ase is to preent unust enri/3ent and toensure restitution. (7uity urisdition ai3s to doo3p0ete ustie in ases /ere a ourt o 0a isunab0e to adapt its ud3ents to t/e speia0iru3stanes o a ase beause o t/einPe;ibi0ity o its statutory or 0ea0 urisdition. $

 %/e s/eri de0iered to petitioner t/e a3ount o

5,=1=,BEB.BB representin t/e net proeeds<bidded a3ount is 5,E5B,65=.== o t/e autionsa0e ater dedutin t/e 0ea0 ees in t/e a3ounto 1=>,61=.==. $! etitioner is on0y entit0ed to=,18>,5BB.BB, t/e a3ount o t/e pur/ase prieo t/e rea0 property paid by petitioner torespondent under t/e Contrat to &e00. %/us, t/eCourt in t/e e;erise o its e7uity urisdition 3ay

a0id0y order petitioner to return t/e e;essa3ount o 2,125,5EB.BB.

 %/e Court s/a00 no proeed to reso0e t/e sin0eissue raised in t/e present petition /et/er t/eC! serious0y erred in aJr3in t/e +*R) $rdersettin aside t/e 0ey 3ade by t/e &/eri on t/esubet properties.

etitioner aers t/at t/e +*R) !rbiter and'iretor /ad no atua0 basis or pein t/e air3ar@et a0ue o t/e 0eied properties at 6,5BB.BBper s7. 3. or 8=,616,BBB.BB# t/at re0iane on t/eappraisa0 report as 3isp0aed sine t/e

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appraisa0 as based on t/e a0ue o 0and innei/borin dee0oped subdiisions and on t/eassu3ption t/at t/e residentia0 unit appraised/ad a0ready been bui0t# t/at t/e &/eri need notdeter3ine t/e air 3ar@et a0ue o t/e subetproperties beore 0eyin on t/e sa3e sine /atis 3ateria0 is t/e a3ount or /i/ t/e propertiesere bidded and so0d durin t/e pub0i aution#t/at t/e pendeny o any 3otion is not a a0idround or t/e &/eri to suspend t/e e;eutionproeedins and, by itse0, does not /ae t/e

eet o restrainin t/e &/eri ro3 proeedinit/ t/e e;eution.


Respondent, on t/e ot/er /and, ontends t/at/i0e it is true t/at t/e +*R) !rbiter and 'iretordid not ateoria00y state t/e e;at a0ue o t/e0eied properties, said properties annot ust

a3ount to 6,BBB,BBB.BB# t/at t/e +*R) !rbiterand 'iretor orret0y /e0d t/at t/e a0ueindiated in t/e ta; de0aration is not t/e so0edeter3inant o t/e a0ue o t/e property.

 %/e petition is i3pressed it/ 3erit.

I t/e ud3ent is or 3oney, t/e s/eri or ot/eraut/ori?ed oJer 3ust e;eute t/e sa3e

pursuant to t/e proisions o &etion 9, Ru0e =9 o t/e Reised Ru0es o Court, i?

&e. 9.(;eution o ud3ents or3oney, /o enored. <a I33ediatepay3ent on de3and. %/e oJer

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s/a00 enore an e;eution o a ud3ent or 3oney by de3andinro3 t/e ud3ent ob0ior t/ei33ediate pay3ent o t/e u00 a3ount

stated in t/e rit o e;eution and a000au0 ees. . .

<b &atisation by 0ey. I t/e ud3ent ob0ior annot pay a00 or parto t/e ob0iation in as/, erti:ed ban@/e@ or ot/er 3ode o pay3entaeptab0e to t/e ud3ent ob0iee,* 05*7 sa11 1*v: /60n *6706*7+*s 02 * 4/d98*n 031+90702 *v*7: <+nd and na/7*as0*v*7 +5 8a: 3* d+s60s*d02 207 va1/* and n0 0*7+s**?*86 2708 *?*5/+0n, iin t/e0atter t/e option to i33ediate0y /oose/i/ property or part t/ereo 3ay be0eied upon, suJient to satisy t/e

 ud3ent. I t/e ud3ent ob0ior doesnot e;erise t/e option, t/e oJer s/a00:rst 0ey on t/e persona0 properties, iany, and t/en on t/e rea0 properties it/e persona0 properties are insuJientto anser or t/e ud3ent.

T* s*7+; sa11 s*11 0n1: a

s/5+*n 607+0n 02 * 6*7s0na1 077*a1 6706*7: 02 * 4/d98*n031+907 +5 as 3**n 1*v+*d/60n.

*n *7* +s 807* 6706*7: 02 * 4/d98*n 031+907 an +s s/5+*n

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0 sa+s2: * 4/d98*n and 1a2/12**s, * 8/s s*11 0n1: s0 8/5 02* 6*7s0na1 07 7*a1 6706*7: as +ss/5+*n 0 sa+s2: * 4/d98*n

and 1a2/1 2**s.

R*a1 6706*7:, sto@s, s/ares, debts,redits, and ot/er persona0 property, orany interest in eit/er rea0 or persona0property, 8a: 3* 1*v+*d /60n +n 1+<*8ann*7 and + 1+<* *;*5 as/nd*7 a 7+ 02 aa58*n <(3p/asis supp0ied. $"

 %/us, under Ru0e =9, in e;eutin a 3oney ud3ent aainst t/e property o t/e ud3entdebtor, t/e s/eri s/a00 0ey on a00 propertybe0onin to t/e ud3ent debtor as is a3p0ysuJient to satisy t/e ud3ent and osts, andse00 t/e sa3e payin to t/e ud3ent reditor so3u/ o t/e proeeds as i00 satisy t/e a3ount o 

t/e ud3ent debt and osts. !ny e;ess in t/eproeeds s/a00 be de0iered to t/e ud3entdebtor un0ess ot/erise direted by t/e ud3entor order o t/e ourt. $#

C0ear0y, t/ere are to staes in t/e e;eution o3oney ud3ents. First, t/e 0ey and t/en t/ee;eution sa0e.

ey /as been de:ned as t/e at or ats by /i/an oJer sets apart or appropriates a part or t/e/o0e o a ud3ent debtors property or t/epurpose o satisyin t/e o33and o t/e rit oe;eution. $$ %/e obet o a 0ey is to ta@e

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property into t/e ustody o t/e 0a, and t/erebyrender it 0iab0e to t/e 0ien o t/e e;eution, andput it out o t/e poer o t/e ud3ent debtor todiert it to any ot/er use or purpose. $%

$n t/e ot/er /and, an e;eution sa0e is a sa0e bya s/eri or ot/er 3inisteria0 oJer under t/eaut/ority o a rit o e;eution o t/e 0eiedproperty o t/e debtor. $&

In t/e present ase, t/e +*R) !rbiter and'iretor rae0y abused t/eir disretion in settin

aside t/e 0ey onduted by t/e &/eri or t/ereason t/at t/e aution sa0e onduted by t/es/eri rendered 3oot and aade3i t/e 3otion to7uas/ t/e 0ey. %/e +*R) !rbiter 0ost urisditionto at on t/e 3otion to 7uas/ t/e 0ey by irtue o t/e onsu33ation o t/e aution sa0e. !bsent anyorder ro3 t/e +*R) suspendin t/e autionsa0e, t/e s/eri ri/tu00y proeeded it/ t/e

aution sa0e. %/e innin bidder /ad a0ready paidt/e innin bid. %/e 0ea0 ees /ad a0ready beenre3itted to t/e +*R). %/e ud3ent aard /ada0ready been turned oer to t/e ud3entreditor. "/at as 0et to be done as on0y t/eissuane o t/e orrespondin erti:ates o sa0eto t/e innin bidder. In at, on0y t/e sinatureo t/e +*R) 'iretor or t/at purpose as

needed $'  a pure0y 3inisteria0 at.

! pure0y 3inisteria0 at or duty is one /i/ anoJer or tribuna0 peror3s in a ien state oats, in a presribed 3anner, in obediene to t/e3andate o a 0ea0 aut/ority, it/out reard or or

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t/e e;erise o /is on ud3ent upon t/epropriety or i3propriety o t/e at done. I t/e 0ai3poses a duty upon a pub0i oJer and ies/i3 t/e ri/t to deide /o or /en t/e duty s/a00be peror3ed, su/ duty is disretionary and not3inisteria0. %/e duty is 3inisteria0 on0y /en t/edis/are o t/e sa3e re7uires neit/er t/ee;erise o oJia0 disretion nor ud3ent. $( Int/e present ase, a00 t/e re7uire3ents o autionsa0e under t/e Ru0es /ae been u00y o3p0iedit/ to arrant t/e issuane o t/e orrespondin

erti:ates o sa0e.!nd een i t/e Court s/ou0d o into t/e 3erits ot/e assai0ed $rder, t/e petition is 3eritorious ont/e o00oin rounds

First0y, t/e re0iane o t/e +*R) !rbiter and'iretor, as e00 as t/e C!, on )arro?o .Aaarae %) and )uan . Court o !ppea0s % is


 %/e +*R) and t/e C! 3isonstrued t/e Courtspronoune3ents in )arro?o. )arro?o ino0ed a ud3ent debtor /o anted to repur/aseproperties so0d at e;eution beyond t/e oneDyearrede3ption period. %/e state3ent o t/e Court in)arro?o, t/at 4on0y /ere su/ inade7uay s/o@s

t/e onsiene t/e ourts i00 interene,4 is atbest a 3ere obiter ditu3. %/is de0aration s/ou0dbe ta@en in t/e onte;t o t/e ot/er de0arationso t/e Court in )arro?o, to it

!not/er point raised by appe00ant is

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t/at t/e prie paid at t/e aution sa0eas so inade7uate as to s/o@ t/eonsiene o t/e ourt. &upposin t/att/is issue is open een ater t/e oneD

year period /as e;pired and ater t/eproperties /ae passed into t/e /andso t/ird persons /o 3ay /ae paid aprie /i/er t/an t/e aution sa0e3oney, t/e :rst t/in to onsider is t/att/e stipu0ation ontains no state3ent o t/e reasonab0e a0ue o t/e properties#and a0t/ou/ deendants anser aers

t/at t/e assessed a0ue as =,96B ita0so aers t/at t/eir rea0 3ar@et a0ueas 2,BBB on0y. An:a:, 8*7*+nad*@/a5: 02 67+5* +5 as* 50861a+ns a11*9a+0n  +s n0s/5+*n 970/nd 0 ann/1 * sa1*.I +s 0n1: *7* s/5 +nad*@/a5:s05<s * 50ns5+*n5* a *

50/7s +11 +n*7v*n*. . . . !not/eronsideration is t/at t/e assessed a0uebein =,96B and t/e pur/ase priebein in eet 1,86E <E6E sa0e priep0us 1,EBB 3ortae 0ien /i/ /ad tobe dis/ared t/e onsiene is nots/o@ed upon e;a3inin t/e priespaid in t/e sa0es in Nationa0 )an@ .

Gon?a0es, E5 /i0., 69= and Guerrero .Guerrero, 5> /i0., EE5, sa0es /i/ere 0et undisturbed by t/is Court.

Furt/er3ore, *7* *7* +s *7+9 0 7*d**8  as in t/is ase +nad*@/a5: 02 67+5* s0/1d n0 3*

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8a*7+a1 3*5a/s* * 4/d98*nd*307 8a: 7*-a5@/+7* * 6706*7:07 *1s* s*11 +s 7+9 0 7*d**8 and/s 7*50v*7 an: 10ss * 51a+8s 0

av* s/;*7*d 3: 7*as0n 02 *67+5* 03a+n*d a * *?*5/+0nsa1*.

;;; ;;; ;;; <(3p/asis supp0ied. %!

In ot/er ords, ross inade7uay o prie does notnu00iy an e;eution sa0e. In an ordinary sa0e, orreason o e7uity, a transation 3ay be ina0idated

on t/e round o inade7uay o prie, or /ensu/ inade7uay s/o@s ones onsiene as to ustiy t/e ourts to interere# su/ does not o00o/en t/e 0a ies t/e oner t/e ri/t to redee3as /en a sa0e is 3ade at pub0i aution, %" upont/e t/eory t/at t/e 0esser t/e prie, t/e easier it isor t/e oner to eet rede3ption. %# "/en t/ere

is a ri/t to redee3, inade7uay o prie s/ou0dnot be 3ateria0 beause t/e ud3ent debtor 3ayreDa7uire t/e property or e0se se00 /is ri/t toredee3 and t/us reoer any 0oss /e 0ai3s to/ae suered by reason o t/e prie obtained att/e e;eution sa0e. %$ %/us, respondent stood toain rat/er t/an be /ar3ed by t/e 0o sa0e a0ueo t/e autioned properties beause it possesses

t/e ri/t o rede3ption. Aore i3portant0y, t/esubet 3atter in )arro?o is t/e aution sa0e, nott/e 0ey 3ade by t/e &/eri.

 %/e Court does not santion t/e piee3ea0interpretation o a deision. %o et t/e true intent

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and 3eanin o a deision, no spei: portiont/ereo s/ou0d be iso0ated and resorted to, but t/edeision 3ust be onsidered in its entirety. %%

!s reards )uan, it is ast under an entire0ydierent atua0 3i0ieu. It ino0ed t/e 0ey on topare0s o 0and oned by t/e ud3ent debtor#and t/e sa0e at pub0i aution o one assuJient to u00y satisy t/e ud3ent, su/ t/att/e 0ey and atte3pted e;eution o t/e seondpare0 o 0and as de0ared oid or bein ine;ess o and beyond t/e oriina0 ud3ent

aard ranted in aor o t/e ud3ent reditor.

In t/e present ase, t/e &/eri o3p0ied it/ t/e3andate o &etion 9, Ru0e =9 o t/e ReisedRu0es o Court, to 4se00 on0y a suJient portion4 ot/e 0eied properties 4as is suJient to satisy t/e ud3ent and t/e 0au0 ees.4 (a/ o t/e 150eied properties as suessie0y bidded upon

and so0d, one ater t/e ot/er unti0 t/e ud3entdebt and t/e 0au0 ees ere u00y satis:ed. +o00yroperties Rea0ty Corporation suessie0y biddedupon and bou/t ea/ o t/e 0eied properties ort/e tota0 a3ount o 5,E5B,65=.== in u00satisation o t/e ud3ent aard and 0ea0 ees.%&

&eond0y, t/e Ru0es o Court do not re7uire t/att/e a0ue o t/e property 0eied be e;at0y t/esa3e as t/e ud3ent debt# it an be 0ess or 3oret/an t/e a3ount o debt. %/is is t/e ontinenyaddressed by &etion 9, Ru0e =9 o t/e Ru0es oCourt. In t/e 0ey o property, t/e &/eri does not

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deter3ine t/e e;at a0uation o t/e 0eiedproperty. *nder &etion 9, Ru0e =9, in onuntionit/ &etion >, Ru0e 5> o t/e Ru0es o Court, t/es/eri is re7uired to do on0y to spei: t/ins toeet a 0ey upon a rea0ty <a :0e it/ t/ereister o deeds a opy o t/e order o e;eution,toet/er it/ t/e desription o t/e 0eiedproperty and notie o e;eution# and <b 0eaeit/ t/e oupant o t/e property opy o t/esa3e order, desription and notie. %' Reords donot s/o t/at respondent a00eed nonDo3p0iane

by t/e &/eri o said re7uisites. 

 %/ird0y, in deter3inin /at a3ount o property issuJient out o /i/ to seure satisation o t/ee;eution, t/e &/eri is 0et to /is on ud3ent.+e 3ay e;erise a reasonab0e disretion, and3ust e;erise t/e are /i/ a reasonab0y

prudent person ou0d e;erise under 0i@eonditions and iru3stanes, endeaorin on t/eone /and to obtain suJient property to satisyt/e purposes o t/e rit, and on t/e ot/er /andnot to 3a@e an unreasonab0e and unneessary0ey. %( )eause it is i3possib0e to @no t/epreise 7uantity o 0and or ot/er propertyneessary to satisy an e;eution, t/e &/eri

s/ou0d be a00oed a reasonab0e 3arin beteent/e a0ue o t/e property 0eied upon and t/ea3ount o t/e e;eution# t/e at t/at t/e &/eri0eies upon a 0itt0e 3ore t/an is neessary tosatisy t/e e;eution does not render /is ations

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i3proper. &) &etion 9, Ru0e =9, proidesade7uate saeuards aainst e;essie 0eyin. %/e &/eri is 3andated to se00 so 3u/ on0y osu/ rea0 property as is suJient to satisy t/e ud3ent and 0au0 ees.

In t/e absene o a restrainin order, no error,3u/ 0ess abuse o disretion, an be i3puted tot/e &/eri in proeedin it/ t/e aution sa0edespite t/e pendin 3otion to 7uas/ t/e 0ey :0edby t/e respondents it/ t/e +*R). It ise0e3entary t/at s/eris, as oJers /ared it/

t/e de0iate tas@ o t/e enore3ent andQori3p0e3entation o ud3ents, 3ust, in t/eabsene o a restrainin order, at it/onsiderab0e dispat/ so as not to undu0y de0ayt/e ad3inistration o ustie# ot/erise, t/edeisions, orders, or ot/er proesses o t/e ourtso ustie and t/e 0i@e ou0d be uti0e. & It is notit/in t/e urisdition o t/e &/eri to onsider,3u/ 0ess reso0e, respondents obetion to t/eontinuation o t/e ondut o t/e aution sa0e. %/e &/eri /as no aut/ority, on /is on, tosuspend t/e aution sa0e. +is duty bein3inisteria0, /e /as no disretion to postpone t/eondut o t/e aution sa0e.

Fina00y, one /o atta@s a 0ey on t/e round o

e;essieness arries t/e burden o sustainint/at ontention. &! In t/e deter3ination o/et/er a 0ey o e;eution is e;essie, it isproper to ta@e into onsideration enu3branesupon t/e property, as e00 as t/e at t/at a

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ored sa0e usua00y resu0ts in a sari:e# t/at is,t/e prie de3anded or t/e property upon apriate sa0e is not t/e standard or deter3inint/e e;essieness o t/e 0ey. &"

+ere, t/e +*R) !rbiter and 'iretor /ad nosuJient atua0 basis to deter3ine t/e a0ue ot/e 0eied property. Respondent on0y sub3itted an!ppraisa0 Report, based 3ere0y on sur3ises. %/eReport as based on t/e proeted a0ue o t/eton/ouse proet ater it s/a00 /ae been u00ydee0oped, t/at is, on t/e assu3ption t/at t/e

residentia0 units appraised /ad a0ready been bui0t. %/e !ppraiser in at 3ade t/is 7ua0i:ation in its!ppraisa0 Report 4[t]/e property subet o t/isappraisa0 /as not been onstruted. %/e basis ot/e appraiser is on t/e e;istin 3ode0 units.4 &# 

&ine it is undisputed t/at t/e ton/ouse proetdid not pus/ t/rou/, t/e proeted a0ue did notbeo3e a rea0ity. %/us, t/e appraisa0 a0ue annotbe e7uated it/ t/e air 3ar@et a0ue. %/e!ppraisa0 Report is not t/e best proo toaurate0y s/o t/e a0ue o t/e 0eied propertiesas it is 0ear0y se0Dserin.

 %/ereore, t/e $rder dated !uust 28, 2BBB o+*R) !rbiter !7uino and 'iretor Ceni?a in +R)Case No. IV6DB>1196DB618 /i/ set aside t/e

s/eris 0ey on respondents rea0 properties, as0ear0y issued it/ rae abuse o disretion. %/eC! erred in aJr3in said $rder.

HEREFORE, t/e instant petition is GRANTED.  %/e 'eision dated $tober =B, 2BB2 o t/e Court

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o !ppea0s in C!DG.R. & No. 6B981 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. %/e $rder dated !uust 28,2BBB o +*R) !rbiter Aa. erpetua -. !7uino and'iretor )e0en G. Ceni?a in +R) Case No. IV6DB>1196DB618 is de0ared NULL and VOID. +*R)!rbiter !7uino and 'iretor Ceni?a are direted toissue t/e orrespondin erti:ates o sa0e inaor o t/e innin bidder, +o00y ropertiesRea0ty Corporation. etitioner is ordered to returnto respondent t/e a3ount o 2,125,5EB.BB,it/out interest, in e;ess o t/e proeeds o t/e

aution sa0e de0iered to petitioner. !ter t/e:na0ity o /erein ud3ent, t/e a3ount o2,125,5EB.BB s/a00 earn 6 interest unti0 u00ypaid.


[G.R. No. 156=6E. &epte3ber 25, 2BB8.]

 JACOBUS BERNHARD HULST,petitioner, vs. PR BUILDERS, INC.,respondent.



 %/is reso0es petitioners Aotion or artia0Reonsideration.

$n &epte3ber =, 2BB>, t/e Court rendered a'eision  in t/e present ase, t/e dispositie

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portion o /i/ reads I&Ca%(

"+(R(F$R(, t/e instant petition isGR!N%('. %/e 'eision dated $tober

=B, 2BB2 o t/e Court o !ppea0s in C!DG.R. & No. 6B981 is R(V(R&(' and&(% !&I'(. %/e $rder dated !uust 28,2BBB o +*R) !rbiter Aa. erpetua -.!7uino and 'iretor )e0en G. Ceni?a in+R) Case No. IV6DB>1196DB618 isde0ared N* and V$I'. +*R) !rbiter!7uino and 'iretor Ceni?a are direted

to issue t/e orrespondin erti:ateso sa0e in aor o t/e innin bidder,+o00y roperties Rea0ty Corporation.P*++0n*7 +s 07d*7*d 0 7*/7n 07*s60nd*n * a80/n 02P!,!$,$#).)), +0/ +n*7*s, +n*?5*ss 02 * 6705**ds 02 *a/5+0n sa1* d*1+v*7*d 06*++0n*7. !ter t/e :na0ity o /erein

 ud3ent, t/e a3ount o 2,125,5EB.BBs/a00 earn 6 interest unti0 u00y paid.

&$ $R'(R('. ! <(3p/asis supp0ied

etitioner :0ed t/e present Aotion or artia0Reonsideration " insoar as /e as ordered toreturn to respondent t/e a3ount o 2,125,5EB.BBin e;ess o t/e proeeds o t/e aution sa0ede0iered to petitioner. etitioner ontends t/att/e Contrat to &e00 beteen petitioner andrespondent ino0ed a ondo3iniu3 unit and didnot io0ate t/e Constitutiona0 prosription aainstoners/ip o 0and by a0iens. +e arues t/at t/e

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ontrat to se00 i00 not transer to t/e buyeroners/ip o t/e 0and on /i/ t/e unit issituated# t/us, t/e buyer i00 not et a transererti:ate o tit0e but 3ere0y a Condo3iniu3Certi:ate o %it0e as eidene o oners/ip# aperusa0 o t/e ontrat i00 s/o t/at /at t/ebuyer a7uires is t/e se00ers tit0e and ri/ts toand interests in t/e unit and t/e o33on areas.

'espite reeipt o t/is Courts Reso0ution datedFebruary 6, 2BB8, respondent ai0ed to :0e ao33ent on t/e subet 3otion.

 %/e Aotion or artia0 Reonsideration isi3pressed it/ 3erit.

 %/e Contrat to &e00 beteen petitioner andrespondent proides as o00os

&etion =.%it0e and $ners/ip o *nit.

a.*pon u00 pay3ent by t/e )*-(R ot/e pur/ase prie stipu0ated in&etion 2 /ereo, . . ., t/e &((Rs/a00 de0ier to t/e )*-(R t/e'eed o !bso0ute &a0e 50nv*:+n9+s 7+9s, +n*7*ss and +1*0 * UNIT and 0 *50880n a7*as a66/7*nan 0s/5 UNIT, and t/e

orrespondin C0nd08+n+/8C*7+5a* 02 T+1* in t/e&((Rs na3e# . . .

b.%/e &e00er s/a00 reister it/ t/eproper Reistry o 'eeds, t/e

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Aaster 'eed it/ t/e 'e0arationo Restritions and ot/erdou3ents and s/a00 i33ediate0yo3p0y it/ a00 re7uire3ents o

R*6/31+5 A5 N0. #&!% =T*C0nd08+n+/8 A5> andresidentia0 'eree No. 95><Reu0atin t/e &a0e o&ubdiision ots andCondo3iniu3s, roidinena0ties or Vio0ations %/ereo.It is /ereby understood t/at a11

+1*, 7+9s and +n*7*s s050nv*:*d sa11 3* s/34*5 0* 670v+s+0ns 02 *C0nd08+n+/8 A5, t/e Aaster'eed it/ 'e0aration oRestritions, t/e !rti0es oInorporation and )yDas andt/e Ru0es and Reu0ations o t/e

Condo3iniu3 Corporation, ?oninreu0ations and su/ ot/errestritions on t/e use o t/eproperty as annotated on t/e tit0eor 3ay be i3posed by anyoern3ent aeny orinstru3enta0ity /ain urisditiont/ereon. # <(3p/asis supp0ied a(+C'

*nder Repub0i !t <R.!. No. E>26, ot/erise@non as t/e Condo3iniu3 !t, orein nationa0san on /i0ippine rea0 estate t/rou/ t/epur/ase o ondo3iniu3 units or ton/ousesonstituted under t/e Condo3iniu3 prinip0e it/

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Condo3iniu3 Certi:ates o %it0e. &etion 5 oR.!. No. E>26 states

&(C. 5.!ny transer or oneyane o a

unit or an apart3ent, oJe or store orot/er spae t/erein, s/a00 in0ude t/etranser or oneyane o t/e undiidedinterest in t/e o33on areas or, in aproper ase, t/e 3e3bers/ip ors/are/o0dins in t/e ondo3iniu3orporation# roided, /oeer, %/at/ere t/e o33on areas in t/e

ondo3iniu3 proet are /e0d by t/eoners o separate units as oDonerst/ereo, no ondo3iniu3 unit t/ereins/a00 be oneyed or transerred topersons ot/er t/an Fi0ipino iti?ens ororporations at 0east 6B o t/e apita0sto@ o /i/ be0on to Fi0ipinoiti?ens, e;ept in ases o /ereditarysuession. *7* * 50880na7*as +n a 50nd08+n+/8 6704*5 a7**1d 3: a 507607a+0n, n0 7ans2*707 50nv*:an5* 02 a /n+ sa11 3*va1+d +2 * 50n508+an 7ans2*7 02* a66/7*nan 8*83*7s+6 07s05<01d+n9 +n * 507607a+0n +115a/s* * a1+*n +n*7*s +n s/5507607a+0n 0 *?5**d * 1+8+s

+860s*d 3: *?+s+n9 1as. <(3p/asissupp0ied

 %/e 0a proides t/at no ondo3iniu3 unit anbe so0d it/out at t/e sa3e ti3e se00in t/eorrespondin a3ount o ri/ts, s/ares or ot/er

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interests in t/e ondo3iniu3 3anae3ent body,t/e Condo3iniu3 Corporation# and no one anbuy s/ares in a Condo3iniu3 Corporation it/outat t/e sa3e ti3e buyin a ondo3iniu3 unit. Ite;press0y a00os oreiners to a7uireondo3iniu3 units and s/ares in ondo3iniu3orporations up to not 3ore t/an EB o t/e tota0and outstandin apita0 sto@ o a Fi0ipinoDonedor ontro00ed orporation. *nder t/is set up, t/eoners/ip o t/e 0and is 0ea00y separated ro3t/e unit itse0. %/e 0and is oned by a

Condo3iniu3 Corporation and t/e unit oner issi3p0y a 3e3ber in t/is Condo3iniu3Corporation. $ !s 0on as 6B o t/e 3e3bers ot/is Condo3iniu3 Corporation are Fi0ipino, t/ere3ainin 3e3bers an be oreiners.

Considerin t/at t/e ri/ts and 0iabi0ities o t/eparties under t/e Contrat to &e00 is oered byt/e Condo3iniu3 !t /erein petitioner as unitoner as si3p0y a 3e3ber o t/e Condo3iniu3Corporation and t/e 0and re3ained oned byrespondent, t/en t/e onstitutiona0 prosriptionaainst a0iens onin rea0 property does not app0yto t/e present ase. %/ere bein no iru3entiono t/e onstitutiona0 pro/ibition, t/e Courtspronoune3ents on t/e ina0idity o t/e Contrat

o &a0e s/ou0d be set aside.+(&C!

"+(R(F$R(, t/e Aotion or artia0Reonsideration is GR!N%('. !ordin0y, t/e'eision dated &epte3ber =, 2BB> o t/e Court isA$'IFI(' by de0etin t/e order to petitioner to

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return to respondent t/e a3ount o 2,125,5EB.BBin e;ess o t/e proeeds o t/e aution sa0ede0iered to petitioner.

&$ $R'(R('.