sale. guarant((d. - n. 'vilson. - treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who...

, }' I , \ , .' , . . , . AUGl'lONEEHING! Watch. Talh. A "Iltch Deeth cnreful lind utten' tion to lcenp III fhiA mpchanfeR1 .tn-l)orfoct con clition. No mochlno will rnll woll without 0111011. and altholl.b a watch noed. vorl' little un, tbat IHDRll quantity Inust bo or lho \ cry fioeBt and In tbe riaiato placo. only. It 1. our huaine •• to mak" 'Watch heep 001'- I ... thne. and if It II not worn out wo enn do Rntl Jewolry ropatrod ou OUI 1"1 low aDd worll tllorough. F. A. MERCER AND./ JIl:WSLRR ISSUBR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. "' .............. , A Change! , .u When the season changes WI! Iike- changing with it. Change your, old winter suit for a new sprinit olle. Our samples will be here in fl few days and then we \\ ill hl! only too I\lad to have you come ill and talk the matteI' over. at. 'aIBntinB's Day February 14th Come Druggl.' Optlcla"

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Page 1: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt

, }'

I ,



.' •


. .


Watch. Talh. A "Iltch Deeth cnreful lind ~xllerl.Dccd utten'

tion to lcenp III fhiA mpchanfeR1 .tn-l)orfoct con clition. No mochlno will rnll woll without 0111011. and altholl.b a watch noed. vorl' little un, tbat IHDRll quantity Inust bo or lho \ cry fioeBt and In tbe riaiato placo. only. It 1. our huaine •• to mak" • 'Watch heep 001'­

I ... ~~. thne. and if It II not worn out wo enn do 1~,~~~:~~,~~o~I;OC:~kl. Rntl Jewolry ropatrod ou OUI 1"1 low aDd worll tllorough.



sale. guarant((d. -

N. 'VILSON. "' .............. ,

A Change! , .u

When the season changes WI! f~d Iike- changing with it. Change your, old winter suit for a new sprinit olle. Our samples will be here in fl few days and then we \\ ill hl! only too I\lad to have you come ill

and talk the matteI' over.

at. 'aIBntinB's Day February 14th


Druggl.' Optlcla"

Page 2: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt

that mum· nve declined to

give further de· who have examIned the

I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt. the body

have been wnshed nwny. A woman's hilt wns f011nd upon the rocks, but no indication of a body hl'ving been thrown ov~r the cliff.

Miss Charlesworth's pIcturesque CR'

reer suggests thnt of Mudame Hum·

"LO" AT THE PHONE. Arty of Hi. Will Do t.

Anlwer HII Call. Tbe Indlnns' are gr;at on using the

telephooe. Tbey ba,e but little. or no .... ' .. ,1. for the local bonrds, tbelr cnlls

5EA5E being over the'loog dlstoncc. They do not put In a cnll tor the lodlvldunl They, c!.o Dot nsk for White Engle nt Canton or Flying Clond nt Dnrllngton

call'ls tor "ao.\! Cbeyeone." 'J h~ Ilnme .Is tru~ .• ns to the Arapahoes Any member of the tribe serves.

An Indlno puts In n cnll for nny member at his hUm nt Clinton, Dllr· IIngton, Colony, Lawtou or allY polut It Is "up to" tbe monnger to go out on

w 11'101 tlu~ street nlld pick np nn I ndinll A ns. olle will do, so be Is of.the tribe askt'd tor. He Is "jl\lt up to the pbone nnd tbe tnlk proceeds The talk being III Indian, no one kilO" s "bnt It Is IIbont.

It nn Indlnn, sny. In Clinton Willits to rench one of bls people, sny. forty miles from Cantoll or nlly otller ghclI poillt. he enlls for one of his tribes· men, tells him the message he desires

of denth I decided to deTlvered, nnd It Is bls business to de. ~:~4~~:,,"Kil~~~e!. Pills II trilll. I liver It, even though It requires 9 • boxes and today my

RllenmlltiElm, Backache nnd Headnche night trip nnd In n storm. Ulllle IS like that of a A little Indlnn buby died nen'r Clln·

I feel owe my hfe to Dodd's ton Inst J I'nr, nnd his mother desired Kidney Pills.' thnt ber relatives nttend tbe fUDernl

Postmnster Cote hnd nil the symp- servle,es They lived out olf the prnlrle toms of Bright's DIsease. The doctors nQrtbwest of Cnnton The telephonE! eVidently knew he had Bright's Dis- ,,'nB nsed nnd a member at the tribe ease-the most deadly form 6f Kidney directed to delll'er tbe messnge to the Disense. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured I.rnoltbe,r's reIn Uves. It wns delh'ered 111m They Will cure any form of Kidney disease n courier ncrOSB the prnlrles nnd -;;';;~~;;;;~~=~~~===~'I ~:~~~:~~~~ and the relatives cnme lu ., OI'er the OrIent next dny.

I,nst summer II call cnme to Clinton tor a Kiowa thot wus a poser tor the mannger. Bowel'er, he tonnd UpOll Inquiry nmong the Cheyennes thnt tbere wns one who hod lived omon!: tile Kiowas nnd spoke the dlnlect. He WUB put up to tbe pbone aud recched tbe eall.-Clluton Cor. Dullos News.

S.edl ... Grap.I. 'Vbot's be~ome ot lhe "coreless" np­

pie? Twenty yenrs ngo It was nn­nounced ns n discovery or n develop· ment enlculntt'd to revolutionize the orchard, Industry. Of late we hear less nbout It. A little later tbe "tborn· less" blackberry appenred on the borl· 110111 It certainly wns tlioruless, but somelIow It fnlled to drive tbe tero·

whler •. ' elously nrmed brnmbles ot the berry gnrdeus Intol the desert. It Is stili produced, but the older kinds nre yct mueb more common. Now tbe "seed· less" grape bids tor fa vor Such II

fmlt \I auld surely "meet II long telt wuut" It the quality nnd ftllvor at tbe few thus tllr grown cno be per· petullted IlnU It proves lemuoerntll'ely productive and cupable at "stuudlng up" tor sblpment ttlcre Is a big future \Jetore it.-Country LIfe Jn, America.

WHAY HE OWES TO lAM-BUI. Mr. "rank Saailamore. to .. sreat. '

• Jr COIl .. pond en&., wllo _t many o~ lb. C.nadlm ..... tcbes duM.I t ,e late IIotr War. owes his bealth to

He has pa"ed ulIICGthed tlrough <!9 It;::~: CI lCI'aLeh which t.url\ed t.o 1110041· • nNl'ly ende4 hIa daya. Zam-Buk NV •• 11ft. wrIt.eI .. loBows:-

". Mve ,",v" Zcam.Buk IUCh a Itlessls\g t,hato I want ot.Ilen too !mow of it.e meritA. Tb. 1I01sM\01ll dye Ia lOme underclothll\g I wcal wearins got. inLet CI ICI'At.:h I hAd luStidne4 .... lllood-pobDnIns let up. InfJamlDGt.ion w .. 10Uowe<llty gr .. t. pain and sweDing. a"d t.hen ulcen IIroile out. on mylep. ForlOrn. !.Ime I could "ot walk CI lew st.. nor even put. my leet. to t.he ground. . 01\ my lett. leg below the 1m.. I had leve"t.een ulcers which Cl",ed holes. Int.o wh&ch • C(lqJd put. my thumll. On the right les I Md fOln.een IIlcers, Medical tre.tment IAiI .. to relieve. hGmely remedl .. w ... applied mvllin. ,Week 10Uowed week ..... sraduaJly sot. worse, until I w .. worn out with ,aln and l4ck of sleep. On tohe advice 01 • frie"d I obt.alnod 10m. Z_-Blik and lell. off everything els<> wbUe I t.riri It. It. ... m •• to sive me almost ilIatant. relIet from lite pain. and in • I.w dClYI I noticed that It. w.. heCIIiI\JI: lOme of the ulcers. This was cbeerlns lncfe.iI. a"d gladly I P":"vered wlt.h t.he :lam·8uk t.reat ...... t.. BII. by bit Ibe POll3DOIII matter was "raW,1 out.. The Illc: .... were ........ and new hecalthy Ildn gre .... ova' the p ... Vlous!y dileued places. I Clm now 4Uile cured. anll in gratitude, I mentJo" tIl_lacla that other aufferer.lrom IIdn "iseue &ty know of .o .... thin, wllich will cure tile.... ~

&m SuA 'Iff .... mUrtlv trom .,.41nary """ ...... 10 ...... mlvu, (U the abow (fUl, clearl" J1ro~1. lor aU .kin dlltltlU .. Iou .. absull&\ acalp tore., ringltlOrm, elafldrtn', tore hMdI .1It.. burm, brullu. .IL; ,; " a ."..tdv •• r~ II aIM> euru -_ "M, "'Ito, blood· pOI_I"" lau bleml.lIt., barber' ...... 11, *-, cold lOr", CAaJllll6 A4f11l1, ""oj /roll bll.. Rubbtd w.1I Into Ihl ""rl. 41Itoltd. U .Ur.. rhtuma/I''''' neura/qio aM .c/Glc.a. .lll d_gllt. GIld ,lor .. .,11 '" lOt • bo%. or poeI

Jru /roM z"",.Bu.Ic a.. r....,.,o, Jw PI'" '&ozulw' rll.

The Bell Telephone Co, WIll com· I She (indignllnUy)-"Why dId you plete their lIne between Saskatoon fIt k With and Pllnee Albert III the spring. Rl 0 t edep ~?ur npPoll1tment About 22 mllcs of tillS work IS nlrendy me yes eJ ny? 111 operntlOn 1101th find sonth of He--I'm aw[ully Borr),. but I WfiS Rosthcrn compelled to "nit in n. lestnurnnt " until it 1\ ns too late ;One of. the commonest comp1uillts

of Infants IS worms, and the most ef- She (ICily) - Paldon me, but I feotiYe application for theIll is Mother thought you hnd n pOSItion In a bunk Gruves' Worm Exterminator. wasn't awnre thnt you ware a

"It is said smokes CIgars apiece."

that King costing t\\O

Edwnrd dollurs

wniter.-Chicogo Dnlly News

'''I s'posc even the ones he gets at ChllstlllllS nre pretty fair."-LoUlsville

Be$I~les;be. J ;0111'''''' .. ' ournal. hotll~e.;"·1 ,..,.".,~:;.......,.~- . .'.~ - •.

Standard Medicine - Pllr11l010e'9 Veget,able PIlls, compounded of elltlre,

V""",,·,,ble substllnces Imown to U Icvlvl1rlug nnd slIlutnry effect

tile d\l!c~tJyq. ,q'ullIjIS", •. have rm",11 yom s or IIS~ Ilttmned so eIllI·

1(".,· .. 1.' [). pbs1iilolli il~II~1 t'IIl~:'hl'l1k as a stnndard meclicllle. ~'he IIIl1ng should remember tllls'_ll'limple 111 thClr com­

ls::.' {ine;c:'ot

~hey cun Pj) U~SII}lUa~Qrl by wauhest stomuch und file eertain

to havc II.hcallbflll.l\lld ngreeable ef-''''''''',,' .• frct ~I!, ~h~; slu~glsh .0r"lIns.


Bobbed Mrs CElsey, "some wlln told me husbnnd, PElt, that he

he lettm'

", ....... ~ .. I

, :1Aftor .an,". 1lIl)(1: tht> Bllt,~h. mnnu· l'fii,Cit1ircl~ , on' a' visit"' {!:i "Aiilerlca, <lU"nrl'!.·nothmg hef() that we buven't

EI?~lnf!d." . "You're mistaken," rcplIed the nil·

tlve; "there's one . thing, );'011 don't seem nble to mnke 111 Englnnd::

"\Vhnt IS thnt, ptny?" "Hnste "-Cntholic Stnnelnld anel



"" •

i ~ <f ! '\

'\ t

~ , I J J I




Page 3: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt

MISSIONARY AND WILD C~,~ I THE Rev Mr Peer Had an EI<citlnl!

perl.nee I n Northern Woods An encounler "ith II -I\"ld cat

experle.tIced recently bv Rev



FOR FEB, 14, 1&09 .f the Leason, Acta i,

Peer That dauntless mlsslOnn'ry \\ liS tramptng a trml to n lumber camp III the pmes district some fe\\ mIles north of North Dny when hIS uncx peeted meettng IIlth the lynx lool< place HIS feelings/on seeing lhe \ I Claus benst growling and spillong In the trIll I before hun 1\1\1 not be for gotten lerv readllv

Memory Ver ... , 19, 2():!-Gold .. e:lt;~~~-:.;~ :;}:~),t,~ Matt v, 10-Commentary F

Rev Mr Peer IS a pIOneer of Ihe

by Rev 0 M Stearns

[COP) right 1903, by \mcriclln rr~sa 48oc11iUiN .. J, Verses 12 to 1 () of our lessoD ellnp:

ter, "bleb tell ot lbe henllug of all tbe d" o\lld northern woods He hIlS trnveled tillS

-'~~~;:tj,~~v;','vo;ll(l' oun III country from the ellfllCl duys and IS n nttend II I at home III tho btlRh or on the cnlloe

sick lleollle "ho "ero brougltt to ~e;·;·:·;";n.~

11(' dcdllmti on of routc, btlt 11\ n\l hIS cxpenellcc he pIal' has yet lo meet \I Ith 0 more nervc

before cer trytng tnCldent Mr Peer IS II IllIS­lo obtnm II slOnary lo thc lumber camps of 11m

i~r~~I'!~t:~:t~i;~~i~~~{~~l nnd they north eOllnhy ntld makes It IllS bu. I en.,um il~~r:i.:~;~~1:;i65i clay to go n!>ss to hunt out Ihe little I'llclerness ;!,~::_~ ' .. ~t.:'~~~;'j:~1.'!I_t~,~::,~~ intei(l8tilil!IJnc.icl~~lti~~~i'~:'F:I~rCI~;;, gn1the,ri money villap:es Illth Ins message of pence 11~~~~;~~::~i,~b~! h nHlw··llghts" and fratermty Recently he clld the 'u mne district mentIOned north of Norlh

Bay, snelll<lIlg to some 300 men H "as II hde engnged III II nlklllg hom one camp lo IInolher that IllS cxcll IIlg ellcoll"lnr WIth the 1\lId ent oc curmd HIS hfo \I ns snved bv n mbblt

"1 wnR IrrmPIll" briskly IIlong the> trnll' .,ud Mr Peer "not tlllnkllll! of nny slIch hl\ppellllll! when 1 hearel tho groll I and SPIt of II wild en t III h ant of 1J.le Thel e he was Just II

few vllnlR dowlI lhe pllth-n grout fe roelolls bnu~t gllllllll1g grail hng IIml Spitllllg

'1 stoPPNI shall" contll111cd MI Poer, 'lind fllc·d hlln I lell Ion I ,lId 1I0t frrl comlol tl blc I hUll 110 nil'", illS ,"lh 111(> I conkl 1101 tUIII lmel 11111 I kn!'" It \lonl,1 lIever do to ,to that, nnel Ihere \Ie ~tood

IIpostles, me a mnulfest fulflilment tile Inst \\ on1s In Mntthew and

"ThClc \I lIS a hltle bunch of hrush bntl\ epn lhe CI'I and myself a trIfle fo me Side of Ihe tlOul and It sel'IlIS Llns IS whot the lynx WRs IYlIlclllng w hen I cl\m~ around II bend III I he trllli smhlenly upon It All at alice II rllbblt shot Ollt of the brush lind sCl\mpered down \lito the bush 1 h~

!:h,~,.~~;cb~I.~ftli~r~I(-1 1\lId cr,t WIIS nltel It hl<e a slreall l, You should have Roen tho sno\l fiy

"Lo, I 1IU1 \\ Ith ~ all nhvnJ"7" "rite Lord worklllg \\ ttli tltem and co~firm. Ing llle \\ 01 d "Ith slgus follo\\ lug" Such 1IllllllCcstnltons of tbe PO\\ eT of tile risen Christ III 0 too much tor the del II, "ho Is stili the splrltunl nd­Iiser ot all "ho flI eliot Call trolled by the fIol3 Spltlt nlld so the religIous rlliers nre filled \\ Ith Indignation by lhe el II olle nnd lhe npostles nre eRst Il1to prlsoll thnt the~ IIlny thus do no more hnt m to tho ellellll's property by robbIng him o( people "hom he hlld hitherto controlled Unt ns usual, the ellomles of lhe I 01 d Imnglne a ,n III thlug, nm] the Lo,,] hns them In lIe 11810n (Ps II, 1-1) Storm nud telll­pest fici y CUlllnco .". lions' clOIl prison gntes nnd \\lIl1s IIIC no hlndlnuce to the LOll] nOI to His 1I11gols \\ Ito excel In stlongth nml II ho <1ollght to do TIls bllllling (Ps clll 20) The npostles being sUIl In III 01 III lJOdles need to IIn\ e doors opellctl for them, but e\ 011

thllt PIOIOS 110 hlm11unce to an nngel So T}e \lbo neiOl slumbers uor sleells 8cnt fIls messengel by night to IIber­ato fIls sen allts thnt they mlsht go to the temple nlld sncnll to tile people the II ords of life, lind this they dId The next mornlllg "hell the high pllest and his cO\lncll and scnnte "ere n8somblel1 thel sent to tlte prison···"· .. · .. :·,'"

He II liS gone "Ilh .11 rllsh tlml n bound

'Well 'Ir WMll't T glild to See thut fIIblJ1t Yes, sIr 1 '

"How Ilbout the rubbll, though? W DB I\slICd

Mr Peor Illughed 'U \I (1S cerlulIll) nnother story for tho rubbll"

'Yon II 11l CI rry Bomothlllg yOU I,n future?' was suggest cd

'Yes "aRId M r Poer 'I'll tlll,1 a re\'olver \I Ith 1l1~ niter tillS III tlllll country 1 find nl\ the men p"peclIti y those who travel from pllle~ to

nlnce, go drmed I hctlrd n PIICI< of "olves c\inslIlg a deer go by me the "ther clllY on thIS same trIp nnd I tell ~ou 1 did not fecI comfortnble ' -Temlsktlmlllg H)lluld

Government "auld buy \IP burrens of Norfolk COUl1tJ

of $5 per IIcre plnnl thelll pine alld protect the In

ngllll1st fire, 111 tlfly JO UI ' .m1w,cn ".~.-,::::~.;b:;:e Bold for $225 Inth

, the mteresl on (md nil eXJlenrh n proht of $ tOO

des enTlchlllg the In J ZIIVltz of thp m a lecture at lhe

111 'i'oronto. re

Lo bllng lho npoatles, lmt "hlle tbe prIson "ns secUl c ns usual aml the keepers on dut) lhere \\ erc no npostles " ithln

nO\\ It mnkes aile's henrt laugh to seo Ood Illushln,: nt his enemtesl There Is uotllin,; lo~ "olldelful tor tho Crcntor of heal e. and cnrtb (Jer xxxII, 17) "c do not "onder lim t lltey doubted "" hm eunto this "onld gro\\" Wc Imow UIII t It II 1\1 grow In spite at all tlin t the lid I el Sill y CIIIl (la, until e\ ery III ollll\nud llallghty thing shall bc Inld 10\\ and 'the Lord nlono sholl be cxulte(l (Isn II, 11, li) fInllllg lelllnod thllt tile prisoners "ere free mell n 1111 tcnc hlng In tlto temple, they sont for Lhem, hrought them \\ !thout Iiolellce aud Bet tllem heloro the COIIllCtt, nccuslng them of bringing the bloOu of Jeslls on .liIle luI­ers nnd demnndtng of them wl'/"y they continued lcachtng In this nllmo uftor belns tOI bltlllclI to do so They Beerne(l to lorget thnt they hnd cried "His blood Do on liS nnd on our chl1dlon' (lIIatt XXI II 25) Peter boldly replied thnt God IIlllsl be oboyed rnther than meu onel lhen Qnce molO to their fllce ficcused them of sino IlIg Jesus, assert­Ing thnt God hnc1 Inlsed fIlm from the dead and eXlllted HIm to fIls 0\\ n right hnnd ns n Prince nnd a SlIvlour to gil e I epen ta noo n nd forgiveness eveD to thelll a1l(1 tllat tbey, tbe npos­ties \I ere fIls \I ItnesscB by the power of lhe fIoly Ghost Thnt settled tho tate at the apostles In the mInds' of the council n 1111 AO they tool, 10 kill them 'I'he grcnt m'11",1In;.t;r' .. : ..... , .. ,:."."' would fain accomplish Bomo his de,lIIsh work nnd dispose ·of·tbm'l;I:···· ns ho had of thotr Muster 'rhey ."';:.""" Quite ready tor slIch II result, for hnd boen toll1 to expect It (Jollu 1-4) 'I'hcy" el 0 tho slIllle· gllllc!rnHcm',:" of ,Ipers, or seod of Lhe Berpeut Itlles,0·",l·.':·3: JC\\s), as those to "hom Jesus saId thnt thoy "auld do tbese things They" el e as fIc ~c·,~,· ,:

tbelr futber the dCI II (lIIatt xxIII John vIII, 41)

world oD;:~~y~t~w,~.o~:,~:~~~;l~:I~rE und the .cnl/uren GOd nnd tlie:;.'" Icl~ed~f~i:;;


. ..

Page 4: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt




,~ Store ,

" •

30 per cent. discount.

,WERT Grocel-z"es.




1 •


.. I

. ..

Page 5: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt

. This is the time of year that' it pay all farmers to look O\'cr,:tntalr; harness and see what they will need for spring. We are bllsy

. making our spring- stock and'would be pleased to have )'ou call_ wlien tn town and sec how strong, neat ami-substantial our

',harne", is put together. We ha\'e some new :.tyles we .would like to show you. Does YOlll old harness need rdpairing? It so bring it in, as we cannot do evcrybod)"s work the wed:: before it is needed, We arc again agents for thc celebrated Uncle Sam's

' .... "'TJarness Oil, it giv~s·;;trength and boely to the leathet'. \Ve also fish oil in stock, ' \Vt! arc cutling nil prices vcry close this

year, you will therefore save money by buying your Harness amI Boots anel Shoes from Treherne's Big Leathcl' House,

~.5pecials $1.50 solid rawhide whip, this week, 75c t!lroug~ rawhide whip, 1his \\'cck , The palan"~ of our horse blankcts, robes and

bells to go at cost.


• eniD

Co",. to Our Spring Opening 0' New Dry, Go.ds

We have jllst placed in stock our first consignment of Spring'Dry Goods, Dress Goods, l'rillts, Muslins, Lawns and Lllces. N I:\yspaper space is too small to tel! YOlt of all the good tllings we have to sho\V YOtl, but lVe can guarantee YOll a better slock and Ulore up - to - date styles and patterns than this

store has ever ShOlVl1



.. "

. ..

Page 6: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt


AT 110 "05

Total Red "i Populat.on Dwells East 01 Great Lakes-Usual Increase In Numb... 1

Changed to a Decrease Lnst Year­Unhyg.en c Home. Conduclv. to Spread of Tub.rculos.s

R •

lin I re

Page 7: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt

- ,



, • •

- . t

• I .. _ _ ".~~.:_:::..:::-==========::::;-:_-:-":-_":-:-:=::.--:--:-:=:-...;,-:=~ - . -Unemployed in Britain to the Oom After Effects of Is," -P~e~~,:na.,~.Usefld _ Jt..A!!!~J.~~~~" t'!.M;!~~_~I""'~"::.~;;"~""~~'~

, for Catarrh? r Kaffirs Hold Lar&e Tr;cls 0;; Which ~m~~~~~~I~~~~~ig~~~~~~~~I~~~~~i~ ~anit'ofthe~eutiot"'~- Krilis II;. Locat;d., : ~ Qn::.of:I=~~;:~::::I::-

itma be I1lbmittcd to any medical e%- Tl:ie Katllrs own land all over Soutb ; pert, ofwh&tevllrllcli'ool or nationality \frlca In many placea the land stili ~he would be obl~cd to,wmit without belhonge to the chIefs, subject to the 1'f ' that h f· rig ts 01 theIr tnbl>smen lind the 'l';;retene eac one~ ~e~waaofun- clnef has nO-l'Ight to sell or tra~e it .Iloullted value in ChrOIIlccatarrbaldia· nwny. In Sonthern RhodesIa the n,u· ~e8llll, and had atodd the teSt of many live commlSRloners assign the land for #.,eaii ezperienco in the ti'eaturent of huts and graZIng, gIVIng eall!l krnal eAch diIeueI. THEBE CAlf BE 1'0 to much Whell Cecil Rh6d"es dlcd jlJUPUTE ADOUT.,~ WBAT. I:rn~:deb;d ~~d\s:~~bcdatJvcs on hl9 causes serlOUd Nerve force, like electriCIty. IS hnrd • EVEB.. Perurudlcom~ofthemOit blocks of Government Inn', [lfrl~~lijf.~~i~~ organs, esp(lclally \\Ith to explllIn

efficacious and uriivenally1iled herbal sct BSHle for agrIcultu e the hearknl)d lungs These;'r~ff~illa~~f}j:~!~~t~\flj;~~~ti~~~~~~i~j One tlung IS certnm force 'remedieaforcatarrh; Everyingredient parts of RhodeSIa In iNllfill ,.some .. : gases have other III effects can only be created froql ofPeruna Juuj' a r';p'u"tatioD of i'. 0 t1ung hke 8,000 acres were transferred ubsorbed by the blood and blood. ~ a", ~ .. W11 to a trust more than fifty years ago, and aorrupt It as to cause Make the hlood fight.. and you ... the cure ohoma phase of catarrh; and thIS trust was to gIve all the remote parts 01 the body and the perIod 01 B1X weeks cure f (hseases of the nerves, such as

Peruna brings to the home the COH. rents and profits from It to one trIbe. 10rmlltlOn of unhealthy ~Issue every. The waves of the headache, mdlgestlon, sleeplessness,

Idle worktnan ronrr'RA'ntR It 13 estnnated, II. famIly of

'I'he federatIOn calls upon ulllon men lefuse to "ork overtime In any

tl'a,d". or shop "Inch happens to be l'nglTleermg trade umons,

WIth a membershIp of 153.363, report 12 per ccnt unemployed, wIllie slnp uUlldmg l1mo'ns' WIth a membersillp of GO.G3I, have 252 per cent of theu membels out of work Other trades show slnlliar returns JlINED DOWLEDGE OJ' SEVERAL A few years later nnotlier native where Gcneral bodIly weakness an.1 away the wharfs and other can IrritabIlity, weakness of the bodIly

SClIOOLS OF MEDICINE in the tre t. trast wns given two million lIeres. and loss of weIght Is the result The structlOns on the rock. even carr)· organs, prostration and partIal pllra·

t f • a Ihls IS sltll "dmlOlRtered for the nerves and the brnm arc dIsturbed mg off bmbers wi ell I~ere rIveted to lYSIS

men 0 catarrhal dISeases; brings to Kllmrs of Nfllal Wlthlll the last few nnd dIscomforts such as dIzziness, hot the rock As yet, _however ,the lan, Tins IS the only way aetunl cure ThIS IS a Sargent story. A million· the home the lOiontifioakilland knowl. years the natIve hmds hnve been fiashes. sleeplessness, IrritabIlity remnlllcci untouched • can pOSSIbly be brought nbout and aile of COntde extlRctlon werlt to Mr edgeorthemodomphirmaolstjandlaat fenced orf [rom those of the Euro- despondency orlgmnte from thIS -. .tlut ·ttle storm IIlcrer.sed, the waves because' Dr -A W Chasc's Nerve Food Sargent's stu ella and had his portraIt butnotlo:l.8t,brlnrrstothehomethevaat peans. and the houndarIes between source ExperIence shows that thl!'lle rose height and soon dashed IS a great blood bUIlder It aceom ,10.01lIC. When he portrait' was finish· and varied experience of Dr Hartma the trIbes definer! In that colony troubles vamsh lust as soon as the against he lrmtern WhlCh was 160 plJshes wonderful results It} the cure the mllhonBlre looked at It closo· inth f • Do I'rbout one half of the negroes hve' stomach IS made strong enough to feel above the level of tht' SAn FlIlally of dlseascs of the nerves ., ly, and then sllld With a frown, "Not

011180 catarrhremecl.iea,andinthe native 1l1nds have bcen fenced of! fron: (hgest the food In other words It the wllter wnshed over Ihe top of the Mrs !'iooran, 19 Sulhvan street. b Mr ,Sargent) not at all bad but treatment of catarrhal c1iseuea. $5 to $25 per lIut to the owners of needs II tOllle thnt WIll rouse It to do lighthouse. gOIng 111 through the ven· Hahfax, N S, writes - " you'VO left out one most esse'ntlill

The faot is, chrOnio catarrh is a dla. I theIr. fnrms, whIch consist of from tho \\ olk of chnnglng the food mto !Ilntors overhcnd "My daughter wns troubled last feature" Mr Sargent bIt h's lips to eue which is very prevalent. Vft ... 1.600 to 5000 acrcs eneh One of these nourISh mont 'I'ho tOllle ought to be The keepers lIele eomp211eCI to lIolk spllng and summer WIth tired hst. lude a smIle "Excuse me Sir" he thousand people kn th ~ha fllrms will have n group of nabvcs up· one thllt. WIll agree \I Ith the most de- desperlltely all mght long to keep the less feehngs She seemed to hn've no sllld, "but I thought yOU' wo~ldn't

ow e'1 ve on It and the group Will be governed lieate stomach ,nnd thiS IS exactly lump hghted Tho) WOle contlllulllly energy. was VCIY pale, had no appe care to hnve the er-er-warts pro· chronic catarrh; They h&ve visited by Its herechtary chIef or headman. whnt D\: Wllhams' Pmk Pills do 111 fellr thllt the lights In the glllsscs tlte, and becllme very nervous nnd duced" The mllhonlllre, purple WIth doctors over and over 1L(l'I1lD, and been Every krnlll \\111 eulllvnte from five Here IS II bIt of strong proof looklllg scuIlIlrd would be broken III wenlt We were mucll,c. alarmed about shouted "Oonfound It. SIr, I'm told that their case Ia one of chronio to ten ncres af land. und the remain- MISS LIZZIe Macdonllld;- by the fOlee of the waves and Irer, as nothmg seemed to do her any ng about the dIamond rlDgs and cntarrh. It may be ofthenoll8 throat der 18 uscd lor J:(rIlZlllg In common Douohe, N S, Hays -"Dr Wilhams' they themselves should be good It. WIlS not long, pms-not the warts I" !

1 to h h" r ffa(l a good chance to see some- Fmk PIlls have done for me what out mto the SOli to certulIl de'"lh begmnmg the usc of Dr ungI, I mac cr lOme at or internal thing of I he WIlder Kamrs durmg my other medICine dul or the 110n InttlC(lII ark outSide the wm· Nerve Food untIl we began a "I had alwnys thought tho public

organ; Theroisnodoubtaatothena. stny m,Mntabclelan<l nnd Bechuana- could do For ahnost tllree do·.s saveu the 1)l1l1es hom destruc· mnlketllmprovement III her t f t f th

"I~_ I d Hit btl servan s p my 0\\11 CIty \\elo the ure 0 e ...... tue. The only trouble nil. and I also inet strange tribes suffered untold agony from"j~~~;::::1 tlon er co or ga e tor, s Ie gallled III freshest on ealth," says a New Yorl,

h tha remed". mhildoctorhutriedto who nre alhed to them III Northwest,;. t.IOII I would have the moot The light kaopcrs, who \~ere old wOIght and Vlgor" nnd her whole sys· "b J ... Rh d ~ t d t b b It mnn. ut II' (ecent expel lenee m cure them. That dootor hU triid to ern a eSla Nenrly all the nlltlVes mg pallls m the S11l1018. JllHrnled tlu·t no experIence on em soeme 0 e UI up She IS Kanslls CIty has led to II. le"ISlon of

esorib , lIve In whllt are known a9 iknals I could not sleep wUIUlIl.1 slupbollrd could be IIs,holnble liS tillS qUIte well now, and we Jom 111 strong. I t pr e or them. These nro httle mud VIllages, aur. rIse In the mormng 10llg struggle \\ ILh tlie storm at the ly recommendmg Dr Chase's Nerve t III notIOn ..

BUT THEY ALL FAU,ED TO rounded by mud walls or fences of worn 'Out I lost III 8umDnt of the lighthouse 'rhey would Food" "One I1fternoon I dashed III to a JlRmG AliY BELIEP'. ' 1I1most reduced to a I glad to tnke reluge even III The old saymg that "an rAIlwllY stntlOn 01 that tOlln \~Ith

Dr.lIartuian'. idea is that & catarrh Among the Zulus these krllals are under doctor's treatment almost IS worth a Just half n nunute to' buy my ticket nmedy can be made on a Ift-e _10, CIrcular III shape. WIth the cattle pen stantly but wlth no benefit One day so nnd enter a tram for OlllCllgO I dash· ~6 I!I the centre nnd tlie huts runmng I read the testlmomnl of a lady who u ..... ~ was cd till ough the fil st gate lind, pOlllting .. he Ia makingltj that it can be made IIround It In Matabelelnnd they are had been cured of dyspepSIa by Dr never so effec:th'e nre"i>rlt.i,m as Dr to 1\ certam tram, nsked hurriedly 01 honeatly, of tho purest drup and of somc,~hnt Irregulnr nnd In other ra- Wllhams' PlIlk PIlls and deCIded ~ Chnse's Nerve IS IS bemg the gateman • the Itrictest UnIformIty. Hill idea Ia glons they are bmlt like a horseshoe tlY them The first two or three boxes proven every day In thousnnd~ of "Is that my tram?'" thatthiaremidycan bnuppUecldirect. WIth a cattle kranl nenr the opemng. I took dId wt show any apparent re- cc,c.-.-- •• .... "·~~:·I cn~es ""Vell, I don't know: rephed he, lytothepeople,andnomorebec"--ecI The cattle are herded during tho day· and I began to fear the medlcme PortraIt nnd sIgnature of i\ W WIth exaspmatlllg dellberallOn 'May fi -a and IIro alwllYs kept III the would not help me, but as I had • Ohnse, MD. the fnmolls RecClpt Dook be It IS but the calS have the com· or it than 11 nece75!'7 for the at mght pought a half dozen boxes I deCIded It \\ell established. there- Buthor, on every box 50 cents at all plIny's name on them' "-Hulper's

handUng orit. kranl URun lIy contnins all the that I would use them up anyway fore, WIlV~S mll.Y m9ullt to II denIers. or Edmanson. Bates & Co No other hOlll8hold remed,1O unt. of the villnge These are of To my JOY, before they were all used heIght 150 feet !'bnve the genernllevel Toronto '

venally advertitiOd carnea upon the t shapeR 1TI different locnb· I began to Improve lind I got three -New York World label the princinal active coutl'tuen'- tICS In Mlltn bclelllnd they consIst of boxes more Dy the tIme I fimshed

• .. n frame II ark of t wIgs woven together these I was IIgalTl III the best of Ihowing that Peruna invite. the fIIll and plnjltered WIth mud, and III Zulu· health and gamed 12 pounds lJIIpeCtion of the critfCa. lund t.hey are thntched down to the weIght I have not slTlce hnd n ",VlIIl"'"

Far n free Illustrllted booklet en. 1!I'0\,lnd In many pnrtR of Rhodeslll. of thIS temble trouble, and am . morEl I tItled "Tilo TlUth About Perunn," ad. the, houses aro made 01 a framework grateful than \\ords can sny for

MISS OhelluB DId he like the duets

cnn't deCIde

Repeat 1t:-" Shiloh's Cure will al. ways cure my coughs and colds."

Tho June bnde frowned "These tomatoes," she sUld., "'arc

Just tWIce ns denl as those across the street Why IS It?"

IS Tun down, Inlls, there IS II. lilngour and weakncss, nnd bfe eeems scarcely worth 11\ mg In InlU\Y cas~s the lungs are nttnclwd, and the -Ilcl!m grnduully deehnes, untIl prematurely eUllled of I by the d rended "whIte plague"

]\oIls Hope (nee Cattle). of Mol'­peth, wntes "My lungs were III a ternble -stnte I had had Ltl Grippe, and It hlld settled on my lungs I I,ept steadily gettll1g worse, and got so low tllllt I WIIS confined to bed, and could not even SIt up I consulted several doctors but they saId nothmg could be done for me Then I slnrted tukll1g PSYCH I NE lind It has certam· ly done wondels I 11m now ns strong us I "liS belole my slclmess, IIncl call truly say thllt PSYCHINE sa\ed my hfe"

Such testimony us thIS IS convmc· II1g If) ou al e suf/ermg III n SImI· lar wuy lind hll\e almost despfilred or ever reeovenng the henlth you once enJoyed, why not send for a sam· pIc bottle of PSYCH I NE and test It [ar yom Bell? ThOle IS no reason why YOll should not be restored PSy· CH I NE has proved the soverClgn re· meuy m hundlcds of other cascs Why not III YOUls? PSYCH I NE IS Bold by ,,11 dt ugglSts l\lld dealers at 500 an,l $100 a bottle LU'E IN EVERY DOSE ~~~~~~~~~~~

Kmg Arthur had lust IIlvented tho Round Tablo

"'rhe shape mnkes no difference," they cned, "the landlady \I 111 gIVe th ... clllckon's neck to the llIan behmd III

Ius boanl" Horel\lth he percClved the scheme

\\IIS lIle/IectJve -Now York Sun

Small but Potent -l'urmelee's Vegc tllble PIlls arc small, but they nre of fectlve III nctlOn 'l'hClr fine qUllbtlCS os a corrector of stomach troubles aro known to thousands und they are in constant demand elClywhere by those II ho know \1 hnt a Sttle lind SImple lellledy they life lhlJy nced no III.

tlOciuetlOn to those acquulllted WIth them but to those who lllUY not know them they are plesented us the best propnrntlOn on the lor dIS­orders of the stomach

dress The Peruna Co, Columbus of shcleR, Bmeflr~rt wllh the clay from DI WIlliams' Pmk Fills have Olllo. Mluled postpaid ' the white ant hlll& ThiS IS n natural for me"

ccmcnt and 18 \1s<,d for all sorts of You oan get Dr Wllllams' 'I" ====;:===-=--=_;:_c=-=-=-=-======_= bUlldmgs In thnt country the ne· from IIny medlcme dealer or Wlllmg to Concede That. groes havc grnnnrlCs of mud and they at 50 cents a box or SIX h~,~~!J::li:'i,~~!:;~~'~~;I~

'Ah, ma'am these"-and tho gro eer snnled-"these are hand plc~ed '

She blushed " Rlflo bullets tilUt go through five "Or conrse," sh,e saICI, hastily, "I mches of "ood do not penotl ato threo

mIght have known GIve me a bushel. please "-Hmper's Weekly mchcs of pnstcbomd 'fhat IS the re

He-If you refuse me I shall also make pigeon housos of It and for $260 from The Dr WlIllnms t b them on ht!!h M d C D •. II 0 ou my rall1s blrdR from the e Icme a , roeKVI e, nt r She-ImpossIble II~r:~~~nIi~ He-Mllybe you don't The ord ml\ry,'j

have II. pistol a hogsh",ed ';p··'np"". in 0110 iA_~!o~~J1;td 8he-Oh I I dure say ) ou have the ":

pistol, all right -Phllndelplua Record

Knty, nged five, and a reSIdent of America's seat of culture. ran to her father one morn mg. exclalmmg "Futhe~, Brother Hownrd swore"

v~i~e~,yril~~~~~l~~i;~iH~l:(r:~e.~;~~i~~f~i,~lift';1 "Swore, dId he?" mqUlred the par· h onto grImly, reaehing for the slipper "What dId he sny?' '"-

.~. '"Pic'liJ'[J'ii'SW~:~~:'1 "He saId 'alll't'," responded Katy, Ie solenlllly -Success Magnzme

, suit of soma mlerest ng filing tosts by THE PERUNA ALMANAC. the SwedIsh naval authOritieS at tho

Tho dIllgglSts have already been fOltress 01 I(allsklona 'rhe targ >t supplied WIth the l'eruna almanac for used \1 as prepared 01 mIll board, 1009 In adchtlOn to the regular aat,rO .. ·1 agamst wluch fire from revolvers, nomlOal matter usually furmshed III rlfles. earomes and maehllle guns was almaullcs, the artICles on astrology daected 'rhe pllsteboard, whIch was are very attraotlVe to most people thlee mches III t1llclmess. resisted 'l'he mentul ChllrtlctOllstlCS of each oompletely tho bullets fired from the sIgn me gIven WIth fmthful accuracy small arms. but was pelfolBted by ~ list of luclty and unlucky days \VlIl the proJechles flam the macillne be furmshed to those who_have our guns almanacs. free of charge rAddress ======-======-====-== The l'eruna 00, Columbus, 0 - "

FOXES HAVE SCALES.-Naturaftst Compares These Ani·

mal. W,th the Rept,les. K Toldt, II Viennese nnturallst, sa~'s

thnt tox'cs Iinve scnles us well as Iinlr npon tbelr skins. From this he argucs that tliey have descended from nnces tors bearing horny skins, like the arllla dUlos and the ant caters

Everyone who hilS examined a rat closely kuows that Its tnll Is senly throughout Its length Those \\ ho II

familial' \\ Itb wlld bonrs know also that there are parts at theIr Iiodles 011

;whlch Ulerc are distinct scales Whcr ever tho scales IIro found on tlle~e creatures with IInlrs '08 II ell, tllesc hairs grow In tutts nt regular Inter· I'uls between the scnles. As this form

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'"l~711 of growth ts otten found III animals which 1111\ e no scalcs bel



Page 8: sale. guarant((d. - N. 'VILSON. - Treherne · that mum· nve declined to give further de· who have examIned the I~i~';,~,tl:o~!f the supposed trngedv do not I' it possible thnt


~" (: ~... !.... ~

This Province has 4I~ (61),089 .acres of land, 6,01'9,20.0 a~res of water surface to'draw moisture froUl for Agricultural 'purposes, therefore we always have sufficient moisture to insure It crop. " There is yet 25,000,000 acres 11lloccupied,to be homesteaded pllrchased. . '

< The population in 1901 was 255,21 I; it is now bers 400,000 or nearly double in seven years. '. ,

Winnipeg in IC)OI had a populati9n of 42,240; has now JoJ 5.000

or more tban doubled its populatioll in seven yearli. • -' The transportation facilities are almost perfect, there

6 miles of railwllV in the Province. all rndiatin~ fro\11 ur;:;,i,; ..... rr

',",,".'-_.- trans-continental trains leave. WinuiPl'g every (Jay a UlaUer of a few mouths wheu there will be five, those

:adlded being the Grand TTltnk Pacific Imd the Canadian N--·'t . .:~:-, These are indicatious of the proyiuce's progress it! all dlrcc:ucms

. and is the place to cnst in your lot,· as no other .colmtry can , t~e same increase ill the ~me time. - ..

TO VISITORS-Do not pass Wiunlpeg without seeing Gov­. ernwent and railway lands for sale, cm1 obtaiuing full information , as to homesteads aud opportunities for illv.estruent.'

" , !



.'.~~ ...... +,1..1.:1 BARG.tuNf:? \yE HAVE TO OFFER: . Sectlon, 40 mlleB I 5.-QUilrtel' Section, 5 mile~ 11.

Somerset. of Rath well; 4:5 ael C5 under

4.-Half Section, a miles fl0111 'rrcheme; 200 nc. uuder culli­,'alion, good buildings, plenty of standing wood, best walcr,

, cu1th'utiou, 50 1110re cas)'. to. clear, balance wood; gl anary.

IVe have man)' other!; 011 ollr li!lt

\VIite 01' call ill and see us. _


a first class lartn. .

pro-I th rI ry re-l tly ,,[tCI" 8 Pili, befnre

hOllse (ICIer which a "1<1111' a varied programUle \I'a:; I

. .,vv gOlle th gh, cOI1,lsting of song-so recitation-, cilllf.tdes Rnn a dialogl1t' .• 'rite ChUI,Hle entnlt:(\ "l)ll'l1b Bell", I \l'aH 0('i.:<1 (I; tllll:(' T).)rts The W\"IV in which It \I':ls gOlle I hrol1gh re ficct~d grl::Il Cll·tllt UpOI1 nil con-,

ned. 1'ho: cnst wa~ as r"lInws : Mr. S~lllper . • • I"V. Dr"I'1

SeI11l,er .. ~Iis, Ch 11111',:15 rC:~ssic Semper '. . . . r,lh~, Clark

y S~IJli",r . . ;\1 iss S.,·ElIg\lsh n )Jag!:. . •. --:-' .' N. CI,n k logll\: t:utltlt:ll the "Ghostl

,"'1,00."<:<' Lane," W,IS \Veil acted, "a"":lI lots of 1:ll1ghter. The

"""L"''''''' n!:! follow!; : h:lrit)' •• I\liss Stanford

ty's Husband, W. McCreary Mnllie (ni"cc) .• Miss L,MCrcury MatHe'S lovers- • •

R. SI"urord amI G El1glillb ·th,.C"nn,~ll1slon of tlie COllcert, '

W, who made all n<Jl1lli!dlble nuc:tio,n.eE~r, di9po~ed of a

lJlUlI bel' of \'cry pretty boxes, of which Hronttbt ~ood prices,

reali7.lng a sum of nearTv sixty-five dollars, which is to be given to­wards starting a lending library ,for the use of readers in this district.

The thanks of the committee are to all those who so ~illdlv help-

~w,'~. make the C!venin~ stich n sue· especinllv to Mr. Carler for,

c-.--", . ..:... Ithe trouble'be. took in looking a[ter; .. ',."..... the" arrangcmcnts for the ten,.and I

the lise of the stable for the borse!;, etc. Th\~ programme WIIS j

'j ... ,.....;. • - ': .... : • • I ~

and Records

'? r; ~) 1) ~ ~ '\) 'i) ~ '1}

l' ~ ,. 10

~ \\ c sell graphophonc~ .lI1d alst' keep l'lI hand .t rllil lim: of I ~("I';S ~

.. tu lit both di-c and cylindcl' l11,tchin~s Gel y' til' slIpplles hel e. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 't: ---..- tf1 ~ ~ ! \lve I-Ia ve a Complete Stock of i ! Seasonable l\IIerch~l1c1ise. ~ • - --- -~.j)

i ADAM FORBES, g t . ~ iRA T H W L L L • -t- MAN ITO B A. ~ ~~~~ ••• ~ •• ".~.~ •• ~ ••• ~9V~~.9~~¥~~~.¥~9~


__ .... _II .... IIpp.=MalJ!JJ'fEOlDII1.~. 1IIIl ___ !f!J"ll1IlIIlJiW'aI:;~Qj. WWI' "

SAY! F~IE~QJ.i I ~

What about a gl"lin gl illllel', gaso­line cngine and lI'ood saw to do all your IVOI k at h0mc? Call and let us give YOll a price on all outfit.

-e;«:t And wbat ab<lut a pump to have your well lixed in good UI del' beforc the hard weuthcl' scts in i' We have them in 1V00d and iron, with doublc

cylinder fOl'cc-pump,


We have a full line of Cutters and Sleighs. Olll' bob·sleighs

have cast or spring shoe:

.: QlJ -<~

Gorie & Wilson cbJ


---.. - .. ~.----~-.. -----.-------.. - ------ - ---O".O •• ~~~.~ ••• ~~~~+6

i The Fruit Stores i FINANCIAL AGENT. t •

\ : : . .' Agen~ndfi1Ht1lclnlll\hines",(Jn··t CANDREC :


v. Lltttill are geltll1~ cillcteci MUII~Y to luall un It:al i U _~;:J : ng 1::<: [ lhe i P!opl:!rty ,ll IU\\'t:"t laIC". 11l"tIT : . ~

,>.C';::"",l llg for slll~l-l am:!! 1l1ld_ rc.ti I;!"wte agt:lIL. 1<"-1 (I aild NUl S t WI prest!utillg (tll the Iltst 10,111 alld ill- ~ • • \_ . 0 ~

1I1~:; ~ --I) - ~

':;===============~;==i ~ Q> _,:"",;,,~; ~ 0 ~ . Fount:lin Drinhs, ! ~ Smok-en;' Supplies. t To t some C n-~ fcctione y.

" (> .,. -0--

I ~icmre' POS! Car4ls. : =================== • J. Greenawav,


, I

. "