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November 19, 2017 Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral

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  • November 19, 2017

    Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral


    Stamatios Koukakis-40 days

    Grace Theoharides-6 months

    Vasiliki Bessie Yotides-1 year

    Theodora Vangos-1 year

    Elizabeth Nikiforakis-3 years

    Chrisilios Tom Biliouris-3 years


    Eleni Theodoridou 2 years

    Paraskevi Parafestas-15 years

    Johnny Yianni Pantos-24 years


    Coffee Hour will be sponsored in lov-

    ing memory of Stamatios Koukakis,

    Grace Theoharidis, Elizabeth Niki-

    forakis, Vasiliki Bessi Yotides and

    Paraskevi Parafestas by their families,

    in loving memory of Chrisilios Tom

    Biliouris by the Biliouris family and in

    loving memory of Eleni Theodoridou

    by Iordanis & Melpomeni Argyriadis

    Saints of the Day

    Obadiah the Prophet

    Martyrs Barlaam of Caesarea

    and Heliodorus


    Chrisostomos, Philip, Philipas,

    Filipos, Matthew, Mathaios

    The Office will be open on

    Wednesday, Nov. 22 from 9-2 and

    closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov.

    23 & 24 to celebrate Thanksgiving!

    St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral

    Church Office 508-791-7326 Mon.-Fri.: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

    Reverend Doctor Dimitrios MoraitisDean

    Reverend Father Dean N. Paleologos Dean Emeritus

    Reverend Deacon Andrew Giourelis

    Georgia Parafestas-Parish Council President

    Email - [email protected] Metropolis of Boston


    Welcome to the Saint Spyridon Cathedral in Worcester, Massachusetts. We are honored that you have

    chosen to worship with us today. It is our hope that your visit here will bring you many blessings from

    God. Please be sure to tell us if you are visiting or if you are new to our community. Our Church Fam-

    ily worships the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and every Sunday, the Lords Day, we

    commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to live the Holy Gospel in accordance

    with the Orthodox Faith; towards sanctification through Gods grace in worship, the Divine Liturgy

    and the Sacraments: glorifying God through all joys and struggles; and as a Church Community, in

    Christian love, we seek to do His will so that through His mercy, we may attain His Kingdom. We are

    blessed to have the slippers of St. Spyridon, which are located in the narthex of the Church, please be

    sure to venerate them. We pray you have a blessed day and that you visit with us again soon. Also,

    please remember that one must be an Orthodox Christian in order to receive Holy Communion. If you

    would like to embrace the Orthodox Faith, please see Father Dimitrios Moraitis. May God Bless you!

    November 19, 2017 9th Sunday of St. Luke


    Orthros 8:30am

    Divine Liturgy 9:45am


    Tuesday, November 21

    Entrance of the Virgin Mary

    Orthros 8:30am

    Divine Liturgy 9:45am


    Altar flowers are sponsored in

    loving memory of Grace Theo-

    haridis, Elizabeth Nikiforakis,

    Vasiliki Bessie Yotides,

    Theodora Vangos and Paraskevi

    Parafestas by their families, and

    in loving memory of Johnny

    Yianni Pantos by George &

    Colette Kalogeropoulos

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    Entrance Hymns






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    Today, the most pure temple of the Sav-

    ior, the precious bridal chamber and Vir-

    gin, the sacred treasure of God, enters the

    house of the Lord, bringing the grace of

    the Divine Spirit. The Angels of God

    praise her. She is the heavenly tabernacle.

    Thou didst abolish death by Thy Cross;

    Thou didst open Paradise to the thief;

    Thou didst transform the myrrh-bearers'

    lamentation, and didst bid Thine Apostles

    to preach that Thou art risen, O Christ

    God, granting great mercy to the world.

    Saint Spyridon

    Father, God-bearer, Spyridon, you were

    proven a champion and Wonder Worker

    of the First Ecumenical Council. You

    spoke to the girl in the grave and turned

    the serpent to gold. And, when chanting

    your prayers, most sacred One, angels

    ministered with you. Glory to Him who

    glorified you; glory to Him who crowned

    you; glory to Him who, through you,

    works healing for all.

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    For The Memorials

    Keep Thy servants in remembrance, O

    Lord, since Thou art good; and do Thou

    forgive every sin in this life; for no man

    is without sin, except for Thee Who art

    able to grant rest even unto him who has

    departed hence.

  • 2:14-22

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    The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to the

    Ephesians 2:14-22

    Brethren, Christ is our peace, who has

    made us both one, and has broken down

    the dividing wall of hostility, by abolish-

    ing in his flesh the law of commandments

    and ordinances, that he might create in

    himself one new man in place of the two,

    so making peace, and might reconcile us

    both to God in one body through the

    cross, thereby bringing the hostility to an

    end. And he came and preached peace to

    you who were far off and peace to those

    who were near; for through him we both

    have access in one Spirit to the Father. So

    then you are no longer strangers and so-

    journers, but you are fellow citizens with

    the saints and members of the household

    of God, built upon the foundation of the

    apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus him-

    self being the cornerstone, in whom the

    whole structure is joined together and

    grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in

    whom you also are built into it for a

    dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

    Precious in the sight of the Lord

    is the death of his saints.

    Verse: What shall I render to the

    Lord for all that he has given me?

  • The Gospel According to

    Luke 12:16-21

    The Lord said this parable: "The land

    of a rich man brought forth plentifully;

    and he thought to himself, 'What shall I

    do, for I have nowhere to store my

    crops?' And he said, 'I will do this: I

    will pull down my barns, and build lar-

    ger ones; and there I will store all my

    grain and my goods. And I will say to

    my soul, 'Soul, you have ample goods

    laid up for many years; take your ease,

    eat, drink, be merry.' But God said to

    him, 'Fool! This night your soul is re-

    quired of you; and the things you have

    prepared, whose will they be?' So is he

    who lays up treasure for himself, and is

    not rich toward God." As he said these

    things, he cried out: "He who has ears

    to hear, let him hear."









    , , .





    Fasting /

    The Advent fast has begun and ends on Christmas. Meat and dairy are prohibited, but oil and fish are




    SAVE THE DATE: Philoptochos ChristmasParty

    Friday, Dec 8, 2017 @7pm

    More info next week


    Choir Practice every Sunday Morning! Every

    voice matters!



    GOYA Apple Pie Bake Sale


    Coats being collected. Please

    drop off you new or gently used coats through

    the month of December. Drop off box will be at

    the entrance to

    Family Center


    The Parish Council Elections for the 2018-

    2020 term will be held on Sunday, December

    10, 2017 in the Tonna room.

    Members in good standing who wish to be

    candidates please submit your name to the

    Cathedral office by Monday, November 27 @

    4pm. Submissions are to be in writing, signed

    by the candidate, and submitted in a sealed



    Anyone who would like to donate towards the

    purchase of flowers etc. to decorate the 3 icons

    for the commemoration of our patron saint, St.

    Spyridon please contact the office.

    Prostasion Icon $95

    Processional Icon $95

    Iconostation Icon $195


    Attention College Students,

    St. Spyridon Cathedral is beginning a ministry for local college and university students. If you

    attend school in the Worcester area, please con-tact Nicholas Livingston

    ([email protected]) for more in-formation. We will hold services, have discus-

    sions, hear presentations, wrestle with faith and doubt, eat food, and have fun at various other

    events. Reach out as soon as possible so we can get this exciting ministry started!


    Hope/Joy will meet on Friday, December 8 at



    Daughters of Penelope will be selling Baked

    Goods TODAY immediately following

    Divine Liturgy.


    Greek School will be closed on Wednesday, Nov. 22

    and Thursday, Nov. 23 to celebrate Thanksgiving

    and will resume on Monday, Nov. 27

    Holy Trinity Nursing and Rehab Center Wins National Recognition

    A national health care organization recently recognized Holy Trinity Nursing and Rehabilitation Center as a Cen-ter of Excellence in Wound Management. The award, bestowed by the Vohra Centers of Excellence for Wound Management, is presented to facilities that meet criteria such as the presence of wound-certified nursing staff and a less than one percent wound-related hospi-talization rate. For more information, visit

    mailto:[email protected]


    For I Was Hungry and

    You Fed Me Wednesday, December 6, 2017

    at 7:00pm

    Find out what the qualifications are to enter

    into Eternal Life.

  • Saturday, December 9, 2017 The Feeding Ministry is continuing to serve our community with a Luncheon

    to be served to the Poor and Needy on Saturday, December 9, 2017 at

    11:30am in the St. Spyridon Cotsidas Cultural Center. This months meal is

    donated by and served by members of the Philoptochos and parish volun-

    teers. The Feeding Ministry will typically be scheduled the 2nd Saturday of

    each month in conjunction with the Council of Eastern Orthodox Churches

    of Central Massachusetts and the Food Pantry, and is subject to change if

    scheduling difficulties should arise. If you would like to volunteer please

    speak with Fr. Dimitri or contact Maria Kassos.

    Thank you for participating in the Lords Work.

    Feeding Ministry

    , 9 2017 11:30 ..

    . Feeding Ministry

    2 .

    , Fr. . .


    Total Cost of Family Center Renovation $4,100,000

    Total raised by our community during

    first fund drive $2,650,000

    Remaining Loan Balance to be

    paid $1,029,000

    3 Year Pledge Amount Annually Monthly

    $15,000 $5,000 $416

    $3,000 $1,000 $83

    $1,000 $333 $28

    Burn the Mortgage






    Thank You!

    Today we have a special presentation

    from the


    committee on our progress!

  • Stewardship of Work. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,

    as working for the Lord, not for men (Colossisans 3:23).

    Stewardship Sunday is Sunday, December 10. Please pick up your Stewardship packets after Divine Liturgy. Thank you.

  • 2017 Stewardship Report * GOAL 2017

    Week Total 574 pledges received Stewardship


    46 $263,064.25

    $ 458 average/pledge


    * GOAL amount includes the 2017 Stewardship Budget Receipts of $330,000.00. Funds reflect all mon-ies received in 2017 We suggest you budget your Stewardship contribution as you do your monthly home expenses

    Our Cathedral must meet the Financial needs of its ministries and annual operating budget by way of its Christian Stewardship Program. It is each and everyone's responsibility to accept honor and support your role as a Contributing Steward. Please pledge your Required Stewardship

    Contribution now, if you have not done so. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.