saint barbara greek orthodox ·...

Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church 1205 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Phone: (805) 683-4492 † Fax: (805) 964-2774 [email protected] July 3 rd , 2016 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We welcome you to Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church and are blessed that you have come to our worship service. We hope that this worship experience is both enlightening and inspirational. Each Sunday is the day in which we commemorate the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ. The Christian Orthodox Church is the Church of the Resurrection and we rejoice in the Lord’s triumph over death. If you are a visitor to our Parish we encourage you to follow the Divine Liturgy book to assist you in following the Liturgy. While we are joyful that you have come to join us in worship, we must let you know that the sacraments are reserved for those who are Baptized and Chrismated in the Orthodox Faith. Though we may share a common belief in the Holy Trinity, not all churches are one in faith and practice. We believe that Holy Communion is not the means to Christian unity but it is in fact the fullest expression of that unity. We fervently pray for this unity in every divine service of the Orthodox Church. While visitors from other faiths are not able to receive Holy Communion today, we welcome all to receive the blessed bread that is distributed by the Priest at the end of the service. Feel free to contact Fr. Haralambos, if you desire to learn more about the Orthodox Church, the Church of the New Testament. We would like to remind all Orthodox Christians to be spiritually prepared and in proper canonical standing with the Church in order to partake of the Holy Eucharist. FEASTS CELEBRATED TODAY On this, the 3 rd day of July, we commemorate: 2nd Sunday of Matthew Hyacinth the Martyr of Caesarea & Theodotos and Theodota the Martyrs Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople Gerasimos the Holy Martyr of Karenesi Translation of the Holy Relics of our Father Among the Saints Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow By their holy intercessions, Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

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Page 1: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more

Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church 1205 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Phone: (805) 683-4492 † Fax: (805) 964-2774 † [email protected]

July 3rd, 2016 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We welcome you to Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox Church and are

blessed that you have come to our worship service. We hope that this

worship experience is both enlightening and inspirational. Each Sunday is

the day in which we commemorate the Resurrection of our Lord, God and

Savior Jesus Christ. The Christian Orthodox Church is the Church of the

Resurrection and we rejoice in the Lord’s triumph over death.

If you are a visitor to our Parish we encourage you to follow the Divine

Liturgy book to assist you in following the Liturgy. While we are joyful

that you have come to join us in worship, we must let you know that the

sacraments are reserved for those who are Baptized and Chrismated in the

Orthodox Faith. Though we may share a common belief in the Holy

Trinity, not all churches are one in faith and practice. We believe that

Holy Communion is not the means to Christian unity but it is in fact the

fullest expression of that unity. We fervently pray for this unity in every

divine service of the Orthodox Church. While visitors from other faiths

are not able to receive Holy Communion today, we welcome all to receive

the blessed bread that is distributed by the Priest at the end of the service.

Feel free to contact Fr. Haralambos, if you desire to learn more about the

Orthodox Church, the Church of the New Testament.

We would like to remind all Orthodox Christians to be spiritually prepared

and in proper canonical standing with the Church in order to partake of the

Holy Eucharist.


On this, the 3rd day of July, we commemorate:

2nd Sunday of Matthew

Hyacinth the Martyr of Caesarea & Theodotos and Theodota the


Anatolius, Patriarch of Constantinople

Gerasimos the Holy Martyr of Karenesi

Translation of the Holy Relics of our Father Among the Saints

Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow

By their holy intercessions, Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Page 2: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more

Sunday, June 26th, 2016 The Sunday of All Saints

Hymn for the Resurrection (First Tone)

Savior, Your tomb was sealed by the Jews with a stone. Soldiers kept

watch over Your sacred body. Yet, You rose on the third day, giving life to

the world. Wherefore the powers of heaven cried out to You, O Giver of

Life, "Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ; glory to Your Kingdom, glory

to Your dispensation who alone are the Loving One."

Hymn for Saint Barbara (Fourth Tone)

Let us honor Saint Barbara; for the all-modest one prevailed over the snares

of the enemy, and was freed from them as a sparrow, with the Cross as aid

and weapon.

Seasonal Kontakion (Second Tone)

Champion of Christians not put to shame, advocate before the Maker al-

ways steadfast, do not spurn sinners’ voices raised in prayer. In your good-

ness respond to bring help to us who devoutly petition you. Hasten your

intercession and urgently make entreaty; for you unfailingly defend, The-

otokos, those who honor you.

This Week’s Servers Epistle Readers: Greek: George Papazacharioudakis

English: Theophilos Lasswell

Acolytes: Connor Blake, Theophanis Fox, Cainan Iorio,

Jacob Kaminsky, Alex Nikolov, Zachary Nikolov

Prosfora: Angelique Chuchas

Ushers: William Poulis, Brian Iorio


Alex Bulboaca—father to Iuliana Earl—5 years

May His Memory Be Eternal

Page 3: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more

Epistle Reading – St. Paul's Letter to the

Romans 2:10-16

Brethren, glory and honor and peace for every one who does good, the

Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality. All who have

sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and all who

have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not the

hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the

law who will be justified. When Gentiles who have not the law do by

nature what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though

they do not have the law. They show that what the law requires is

written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and

their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuse them on that day

when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ


At that time, as Jesus walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers,

Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the

sea; for they were fishermen. And he said to them, "Follow me, and I

will make you fishers of men." Immediately they left their nets and

followed him. And going on from there he saw two other brothers,

James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee

their father, mending their nets, and he called them. Immediately they

left their boat and their father, and followed him. And he went about all

Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the

kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the


Page 4: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more

Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more delicious pastries! Join us on Saturday, July 9th at 8:00 am for a workshop where we will explore the intricacies of preparing Melomakarona.

Summer Hours Summer hours have begun! As of last week,

Orthros starts at 8:30 on Sundays followed by

Liturgy at 9:30. Remember to set your alarms!

Out of Off ice Fr. Bob and Ernest will be representing our

parish at the National Clergy-Laity convention

in Nashville July 3-8. Please contact St.

Athanasius at (805) 685-5400 for any pastoral

emergencies! Fr. Bob will be back for the

Sunday service on July 10. Otherwise, Cynthia

will be in the office from July 5-8.

Have a Safe and happy

independence day!

Page 5: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more

This Week’s Schedule Sunday, July 3rd - 2nd Sunday of Matthew Orthros, 8:30 am; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 am Sunday, July 10 - 3rd Sunday of Matthew Orthros, 8:30 am; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 am

Announcements Our monthly bulletin, The Epistle, is available on the parish website and via email. Visit our website and sign up, if you would like to keep up to date with what is happening in our Parish.

Parish Ministries All of our parish ministries are taking a break for the summer.

Ministry leaders, we will see you at our parish-wide calendar meeting

on August 13th! Make sure that you are putting together dates for all of

your activities so we can co-ordinate. We wish you all a wonderful


Festival Pastries We have three more festival pastry workshops before the festival itself arrives. The next one, centering on Melomakarona, will be on Saturday, June 9th at 8 am, followed by Yogurt Cake or Yaourtopita on July 22nd beginning at 1 pm.

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Office Hours The Church Office Hours are:

10 to 2, Monday-Friday

Cynthia Anderson is assisting with

office clerical work during these hours for the summer.

Festival Meetings Thank you to everyone who came to the last two festival meetings. The next one is scheduled for July 19th, but keep an eye out for any developments and look for an opportunity to volunteer!

Summer Camp The first week of summer camp is almost here! Starting on

July 10th, Fr. Bob will be accompanying the students on the

first week of summer camp and will be out of the office

until July 16th.

Page 7: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more
Page 8: Saint Barbara Greek Orthodox · Melomakarona The Greek Festival is coming up in just over a month, so we need to make more