sainik school,bijapur the ajeet 2007-08

The Winners Winners - Obstacle Race (Srs) Wodeyars Winners - Cross Country (Srs) Vijayanagars Winners - Obstacle Race (Srs) Wodeyars Winners - Cross Country (Srs) Vijayanagars The Ajeet The Ajeet  2007-08 2007-08 SAINIK SCHOOL BIJAPUR SAINIK SCHOOL BIJAPUR The Campus Air Craft Mounted on the pedestal Cycle Expedition National Sports & Adventure Training Cadets with Principal Captain Jatinder Kumar at the Shivaji Stadium,Bhagat Singh Marg, New Delhi on the occasion of the Nehru Cup Hockey Tournament held this year Parasailing for cadets of the School in progress

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This year Shri. VN Mannapur, ourbeloved teacher in Mathematics was honouredwith the prestigious National Award by theMinistry of Human Resource Development,Government of India. Shri VN Mannapur wasbestowed upon with this prestigious nationalaward for his innovativeness, dedication andmeritorious service by the President of IndiaSmt.Pratibha Patil at the glittering ceremonyheld at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 5 Sept

2007. The award carries a medal, a certificate

and a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/-.

Mr. Mannapur has been instrumental inestablishing Maths Lab in Sainik School Bijapur.He has used innovative methods in his teachingin order to simplify the concepts and makethem understandable to even slow learnerswithout any apprehensions. He has developedmany wooden models which include a numberof exercises that can be used by the students

from Class VI to XII.



Shree VN Mannapur receiving the National award fromPresident of India (Smt.) Pratibha Patil

All glory comes from daring to begin. - William Shakespeare


Can you 'C' through it?


j. company

Can you 'C' through it?Add letter 'c' to each of these nonsensicalwords and then rearrange them to makemeaningful words.



Mathematics laboratory serves as aforum to explain abstract and difficult conceptsto students. The lab has brought to the fore thephysical significance of models forinterpretation of Maths formulae.

Shri VN Mannapur was born at Hungundin Bagalkot district of Karnataka state on 01June 1950 and did his Post Graduation inMathematics from Karnataka UniversityDharwad. He joined Sainik School, Bijapur in1978. He felt the need to make study of Mathsan interesting and a joyful experience. He wasconcerned about the students who had

developed Maths-phobia. He came out withunique models aimed at helping students whowere not able to cope with the studies of Maths. Today Mathematics Laboratory in ourSchool is a place of a joyful learning.

Mr.Mannapur is an indefatigable teacherwhose dedicated efforts have yielded fruitfulresults in Class X and XII CBSE examinations in

which cent percent result was registered. Thestudents scored first class and distinctions inlarge numbers in this subject .Two Cadets gotcentum in Class X and XII in the subject andthey were awarded merit certificate from CBSE,New Delhi.

Shri VN Mannapur can be described asenthusiastic and proactive person. He displaysrelentless energy and determination. He is amodel for all of us. He is an immense source of inspirat ion to students. We heart i lycongratulate him on receiving the PrestigiousNational award.


Lingaraj R Shettar, 3701, Wod XI

Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. - Robert Louis Stevenson


In the Rural IT Quiz held at Bangalore,our cadets- Zeeshan Ali and Sachin L Rathodrepresented Gulbarga region in which they hadtopped to qualify for the finals. This was theannual IT Quiz organized by the Department of IT, BT, Science and Technology of Karnataka inpartnership with Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), the leading IT services and outsourcingfirm.

In the biggest IT quiz programmeconducted so far, a record 1.2 million studentsfrom rural Karnataka participated from 130

locations.The state level rural IT quiz final was

held as part of the Asia's premier ICT event on30 October at the Bangalore InternationalExhibition Centre (BIEC).

The regional-level competitions wereconducted at Dharwad, Davangere, Tumkur,Hassan, Udupi and Gulbarga. Our teamcomprising Cadets Zeeshan Ali and Sachin L

Rathod topped after beating 50 teams in thefray.

Our Cadets Zeeshan Ali and SachinRathod were two of the twelve finalists atBangalore. They have proved to be among thetop computer wiz kids in the state. We areproud of their achievement.

Shri S. B. Sattikar, Master, Computer Science,was instrumental behind success stories of anumber of cadets who represented the schoolto carve a niche for themselves as well as to

bring laurels to their alma mater. His ableguidance has paved the way for successfulonward march of cadets of Sainik School in therural IT quiz.

Cadets from Sainik School, Bijapur havemade their presence felt in the IT sector fromtime to time. In IT Quiz held on 02 November2001 at Bangalore Palace grounds, our two



What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. - George Eliot

Zeeshan Ali 3585 Vij Sachin L R 3666 Adl

School cadets Manu Prabhakar Kulkarni& J. Bharat won the first prize and wereawarded scholarship amounting to

Rs 50,000 besides the IT Quiz Trophy. They hadrepresented Dharwad Zone then.

On 05 November 2003, our School


Proud winners of IT Quiz withthe Principal and the Headmaster

We are all called upon to do small things wit h great love. - Mother Teresa

participated in the grand finals of Rural IT Quizheld at Kanteerava Stadium, Bangalore andreceived cash scholarship of Rs 10,000. Thesefinalists were also presented with personalaudio systems by the organizers.

This year our school Captain Zeeshan Ali and Adilshahi House Captain Sachin LRathod participated in the grand finale of the ITquiz.

Akshay M Sajjanar VIII , 4037, Adl

Word Jumble MumbleRearrange the letters of thejumbled words in order to

get the names of somepopular games:-

1)tiekcrc2)cokhey3)sechs4)ginmmiws5)bofollat6)teelabsinnt7)flog8)betballask 9)dintabmon10)sillibard


Word Jumble Mumble

1)cricket2)hockey3)chess4)swimming5)football6)table tennis7)golf 8)basketball9)badminton10)billiards

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