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The Art & Literary Magazine of the Greenwich Education Group Schools: Beacon, Spire, Pinnacle & Links. Volume 2: May, 2012



The Art & Literary Magazine of the Greenwich Education Group Schools Beacon, Spire, Pinnacle & Links Volume 2 May, 2012

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” ~ Albert Camus

Dedicated to Rawle Deland

Cover Art by Dave Maturo, Grade 12

Anything “Anything” you say. Really, I can just make a poem about anything. Anything at all that comes to my mind. Like a dog. Or a horse. Or even a chair. Does it have to rhyme. Well, even if it did I probably wouldn’t care. Does it have to be a certain length or will any do. How about two pages or nine or a whole book, filled with just this poem. Going on and going on and going on and going on and on and going and going and Finally stopping. Maybe even abruptly Luke Stanton, Grade 10

Scrambled Files Borrowed however not stolen shopping carts. Garbage bags filled with useless nothings. Sporting dirty clothes meant for seasons to come. Mumbling a thread of nonsense, the repetition of Meaningful words creating a meaningless phrase. We see our world as one whole, They see it as a collage. Their minds are a scattered mess, like a five year old Child’s room. Perceived by ignorant taxpayers as having A brain of scrambled eggs; others believe They are just lazy. However the places in which they habituate Not always are decided by them. Life and Its cruel ways can determine one’s terrible Fate and not always is it one’s fault that One is in the circumstance in which one stands. Whether truly ludicrous or mentally stable However unable to get a job, each one has a Soul and their exterior always has a story To be told. Eliza Fath, Grade 11

Charlie Peacock, Grade 9

James Howe, Grade 5

Haiku Like lush winter snow Carrying all the colors Humble white crayon Blind gossamer clouds In a red violet sky Stranded flying dreams Gliding through the air Flip and twist feeling so free I hit the water Ellie Uhl, Grade 7

Gianna Lohnn, Grade 11

Gianna Lohnn, Grade 11

Red Sun A dose of beauty in a single sight as the slight curve of the hills and the ascending tree tops catch the light of a crimson star slowly rising into the morning sky clouds scattered about the heavens two gazers pitch a glance at this view and find themselves staring endlessly as the sun gets higher, it loses its color and the clouds lose their orange tint the purple sky converts to blue the scene is lost for the rest of time but it still lives in my head always constantly replaying, repeating you can see it as well, just think use your minds eye and give in to the beauty of the appearance of the divine nature of the red sun Cole Fisher, Grade 12

Elizabeth Donovan, Grade 12

Life & Death Life, our earth is lucky to have it, Some creatures on earth don’t care one bit, Over the hundreds of millions of animals on earth, short and tall, Only one species stands above them all. Death, it has to happen sometime, It feels like any moment that death bell will chime, Sometimes it is a very close shave, But you will be eventually sent to your grave. Alex Lein-McDonough, Grade 9

Alex Lein-McDonough, Grade 9

Chauncey Dewey, Grade 9


Through the woods, between the trees Hair blows back in the breeze I come upon a little hollow Inside which there is a swallow. The bird chirps a song And another sings along While I wander through the woods, between the trees.

Lulu Ward, Grade 8

Brian Fargis, Grade 7

Erica Robins, Grade 10

Untitled Arcadia arose, The setting of the sun, I experienced the dynamic of psychedelic vision, The madness of fear, Manifested, In physical forms, In milky but decipherable figures, Neediness and lust, Beneath my skin, Honey like consistency, The brainwaves devoured me, My dilated pupils helped me to see, All the lovely quirks, Blonde haired improprieties, A floozy little nymph, A brown-eyed angel, And so on, And so on, Crimes went unseen, Imperfections weren’t demonized It was inconceivable, Extraordinary, To those who did not believe, This was simply, Not a reality, Before the dust fluttered off, My delicate skin, The rays of golden water, They spoke to me, “Tell me,” They sang, “What was it like, To feel the absence of despair?” Olya Saniee, Grade 10

Flight of the Phoenix The tarmac is quiet, calm, and still The birds wait motionless, ready to kill. But when the time reaches 0600 hours, Men take posts from the gates to the towers. As mechanics run and ammo is stocked, Door gunners mount up, with M-60’s loaded and cocked. The pilots get ready, checking from the roof to the floor, And fire up the engines with a whir and a roar. The prep is finished; the stage has been set; Birds sit ready, the men glistening with beads of sweat. Engines go to full power, sounding mean as a bear, As the choppers of Phoenix flight take to the air. James Jackson, Grade 9

Alex Lein-McDonough, Grade 9

Yuka Lou, Grade 12

Yuka Lou, Grade 12

Angels Covered in Soot Her tale is the melody of a thousand sour notes strings battered by heart grenades bones left to float through decrepit hallways confidants perceived as ghosts but her vital force is what radiates the underpass on her way back home slicing up the innocence till it’s just pools on the tier illustrations on bathroom canvasses apprise a yarn of eminence and slaughter because the life seeps out through the tiniest of steel lock doors keys are butterflies and knives, but it won’t be the final chord she is persistent and has a tenacity that shatters the cataclysm but the wailing still remains like echoes injected by a master that filled her blood with a stentorian paroxysm fabricating a transfixed position chiseled out of consternation but every day she moves a finger like a patient grasping for existence and takes baby steps away from a spider web of recollection she was tangled, but uses her inner flame to broadcast aptitude and re writes her story every tread towards home with three years sober she defies her genetics and liquidates every fiend that stands for predestination because she has no story carved in her skin fate is something she defied when she found the light within sitting on top of lighthouses watching sailboats pass by one day she will sail into an ocean guided by a presence in the sky find an island filled with souls that have no indignation clear and unbiased, equality and beliefs that life is a presence, a gift not to speak when crowns are no different than speckles of dirt the scars on her arms are diamond rings, not jail bar cells her heart isn’t caught in the infernos of hell disgusted with the monster that it has become not having to wear masks into ballrooms filled tricksters that breathe in toxicity and bathe in vapid water making their pupils turn into scowling claws and their minds turn to highways avoiding the swell well she creates the waves to put out the fire and has an aura that will never truly expire she is an angel covered in soot with a heart that shines brighter than yours ever could Ben Tice, Grade 12

Olivia Tween, Grade 9

Annie Nielsen, Grade 12

Through Night’s Eyes Look up He watches her resigned eyes pore through his dark soul A black cloak wraps itself around the sun The low hum of the wind sings a lullaby; humanity closes its eyes Peaceful, silent Except I Holding the key to reverse this night While the world dreams in darkness The light is no longer lost But finds its wings Silence will pass through like air Look up My eyes interlock with the brightness of the stars The eyes of the sky Twinkling, waiting for me to answer a call I prolong our secret in my memory They wink at me I stare; turn the key in the lock Night fades I am awake and sit with the stars While the world drowns in night’s arms. Annie Nielsen, Grade 12

Chauncey Dewey, Grade 9

Chauncey Dewey, Grade 9

Ben Tice, Grade 12

Dave Maturo, Grade 12

Melody Sonnet Just hear the beat—the life within, the bird That chirps a longing hymn of hope and trust. Behind your eyes, the song so sweetly heard, The flow, the breath, the living wind that gusts. Like rolling ocean waves so deep and strong, Like trees that bloom and burn and drop their leaves. Like crickets singing dreams at summer’s dawn, Like shining bright, the thought that fire breathes. When time runs round so fast and you’re besieged By noise, by rush, the world invades your space, Just hear the song—the light within, believe In what you love, what cannot be replaced. The form of life is more than what you see. The voice of life is more than melody. Ellie Uhl, Grade 7

Jeffrey Bodek, Grade 7

Why Do Seasons Change? Sunrays beaming down Gently dancing to the ground Warming life from far away Energizing the children as they play Bundle up in hats and scarves Grab the pumpkins we can carve Apple cider in a cup Each sip will warm me up The leaves will fall so grab the rake A big leaf pile is what we’ll make Christmas time is almost here All of a sudden it’s the New Year Melting ice cream in your hands Until it moves to faraway lands Then the winter comes to chill Sledding, skiing, what a thrill! Warming by the fireplace Shadows dancing by my face Woolly stockings on my feet Let’s stay inside where there is heat The colors are bright The wind is light A little rainstorm And a cold night Then school is out and summer’s back Vacation time so let’s go pack! Molly Towne, Grade 9

Garrett Towne, Grade 6

Olivia Tween, Grade 9

Death A languid haze stranded my mind Circling around me a horribly sweet sound smiled And tangled around my body, like a fish gets caught in a net Weeks blowing by, stones washing onto lonely shore Losing the art of sanity and love Shells mummer a rage filled song Attacking my cold dead body Lily Besen-McNally, Grade 8

Mother Nature Seeds grow with your guide Flourish and thrive Yet some perish by your will Weak and unsturdy You’ve set pathways Ones leading to succession or despair Constant alternate paths, forks in the road Directing us toward our destiny Your wind on my back Giving me an extra push Sometimes overwhelming and knocking me over Always guiding me along Time is your asset One day there is chaos and destruction Yet your asset teaches us most valuably A day will follow with rebuilding and new development Your foundation is set Impenetrable and non-perishable Even though things off the surface shift There is always something to fall back on You have four constants None more important than another in your eyes Co-existing in a chaotic harmony All playing a crucial part of your game You hold no grudges We walk all over you Yet you still provide the nutrients for life Even after grinding you down You purify in cycle Taking in polluted air, using trees and returning fresh air Recycling bad into good You pick up water, leaving toxins behind, releasing pure water

You protect us Watching over us through hawk eyes Sly like a fox With the roar of a lion You are never without meaning Taking every detail into consideration From the color of the flowers of spring, to that of the fall leaves Never leaving reason, with a mind for the bigger plan You continue to sacrifice yourself Chipping at your icebergs, draining springs for clean water Insisting it will all come back Limbs for a house You are mysterious The amazon forest, the deep sea Knowing only a map Discovering places never touched You’re core is undiscoverable Bringing warmth to the surface Sometimes thinking is useless when it cools and hardens Yet it has created caverns for magnificent shining crystals Your knowledge escapes us It is vast and unknown, years developed Taken for granted by selfishness Enlightening us through past for future You are always with us As far as we travel Living within and around, through what you have given Always a presence So it’s true We would not be here without you One thing I know I may survive If I were here And you were not But I would not LIVE Madison Hruschka, Grade 10

Lily Besen-McNally, Grade 8

Lily Besen-McNally, Lulu Ward, Talia Newman & Olivia Tween

Lulu Ward, Grade 8

Boni Canes Semper Sedent In Terra Sedent Et Excavant Terram Celeriter Currunt Ad Silvam Et Allatrant Alio Cani Yuka Lou, Grade 12 Alius Canis Redallatrat Aii Et Cheyenni Deinde Ludunt Yuka Lou, Grade 12 Cum Puella Quadam Me Talia Post Ludunt Devorant Cibum Post Devorant Dormiunt Do Canibus globulum Et Ludunt. Boni Canes! Erica Robins, Grade 10 Erica Robins, Grade 10

They always Sit on the ground They sit And they dig Into The ground They quickly Run To the forest And Bark at The other dog The other dog Barks back at A.J. and Cheyenne Dave Maturo, Grade 12 Then they play With a girl called Talia After They play they devour Food after they devour They sleep I give the dogs the ball And They play. Good dogs! Talia Newman, Grade 7

The Pain of Gilgamesh Oh the Epic of Gilgamesh! How tough it was to read! It existed thousands of years ago And now it causes students woe The missing text The awkward phrasing Where the heck should I start? We read the Epic of Gilgamesh I am glad to see it depart! The historical significance Some say outweighs the bad In my opinion To heck with significance I’m finished and now I’m glad! Chauncey Dewey, Grade 9

The Curse of Technology

In my opinion technology is a curse on mankind. In the early 20th century

everyone worked hard and didn’t take things for granted. But now people do not respect old technology. Adults are amazed when I tell them I use a typewriter. Many of the old things were built to last. Many of these things were made of cast iron and were powered by hand. But things like the iPod become out of date every six months and break if you drop them once. If a bad situation happened the hand powered tools would become better to use and they have unlimited battery life. We trust in mechanical and digital devices more than we do in our fellow man. New things like the Internet can have negative consequences. Technology is bad. People are becoming lazier and less social with one another. Young children are using iPhones and iPads for everything. This is destroying our imagination. Today we use the Internet for everything from texting and shopping to dating and marriage. Many of these sites are eBay, Amazon, and eHarmony. People are losing the ability to communicate and socialize with other people. Apple and Microsoft are at fault. Andrew Day, Grade 9

Dave Maturo, Grade 12

Poem No. 2

Out of the house and into the haze Drowsily walking head full of daze Capture the moment it won't come again Do not go quickly for then it will end Molly Towne, Grade 9