sai sanjeevini radionic cards

SAI SANJEEVINI RADIONIC CARDS - PAGE 1 Body Parts 1 Abdomen 2 Alimentary Canal 3 Arm & Hand 4 Back 5 Blood 6 Body Tissues (All) 7 Bone 8 Brain 9 Breast 10 Chest 11 Circulatory System 12 Ear 13 Endocrine System 14 Eye 15 Face 16 Female 17 Gall Bladder 18 Glands 19 Gums 20 Hair 21 Head 22 Heart 23 Hip 24 Immune System 25 Kidney & U.T. 26 Knees 27 Leg & Foot 28 Liver 29 Lymphatic System 30 Male 31 Mind 32 Mouth 33 Muscles 34 Nails 35 Neck 36 Nervous System 37 Nose 38 Pancreas 39 Prostrate 40 Rectal 41 Respiratory Tracts 42 Shoulder 43 Sinuses (All) 44 Skin 45 Spine 46 Spleen 47 Teeth 48 Throat & Tonsils 49 Thyroid 50 Tongue 51 Appendix 52 Bone Marrow 53 Lungs 54 Whole Body 55 Body - Left Side 56 Body - Right Side 57 Colon 58 Joints 59 Lips 60 Ovaries Diseases 1 ACID: Acidity, Colic & Indigestion 2 Addictions (All Types) 3 Adenoids 4 AIDS (All Types) 5 Allergies (All) 6 Anaemia 7 Angina 8 Anorexia (No Appetite) 9 Anti-Toxins 10 Arteriosclerosis 11 Asthma 12 Autism 13 Bedwetting 14 Bites & Stings 15 Bleeding / Haemmorhage 16 Blockages (All) 17 Blood Pressure HIGH 18 Blood Pressure LOW 19 Blood Sugar Imbalance

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Post on 29-Oct-2015




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Sai Sanjeevini Radionic Cards



Body Parts 1 Abdomen 2 Alimentary Canal 3 Arm & Hand 4 Back 5 Blood 6 Body Tissues (All) 7 Bone 8 Brain 9 Breast 10 Chest 11 Circulatory System 12 Ear 13 Endocrine System 14 Eye 15 Face 16 Female 17 Gall Bladder 18 Glands 19 Gums 20 Hair 21 Head 22 Heart 23 Hip 24 Immune System 25 Kidney & U.T. 26 Knees 27 Leg & Foot 28 Liver 29 Lymphatic System 30 Male 31 Mind 32 Mouth 33 Muscles 34 Nails 35 Neck 36 Nervous System 37 Nose 38 Pancreas 39 Prostrate 40 Rectal

41 Respiratory Tracts 42 Shoulder 43 Sinuses (All) 44 Skin 45 Spine 46 Spleen 47 Teeth 48 Throat & Tonsils 49 Thyroid 50 Tongue 51 Appendix 52 Bone Marrow 53 Lungs 54 Whole Body 55 Body - Left Side 56 Body - Right Side 57 Colon 58 Joints 59 Lips 60 Ovaries

Diseases 1 ACID: Acidity, Colic & Indigestion 2 Addictions (All Types) 3 Adenoids 4 AIDS (All Types) 5 Allergies (All) 6 Anaemia 7 Angina 8 Anorexia (No Appetite) 9 Anti-Toxins 10 Arteriosclerosis 11 Asthma 12 Autism 13 Bedwetting 14 Bites & Stings 15 Bleeding / Haemmorhage 16 Blockages (All) 17 Blood Pressure HIGH 18 Blood Pressure LOW 19 Blood Sugar Imbalance


61 Hernia 62 Herpes Zoaster (Shingles) 63 Hiccups 64 Hydrocele 65 Hyperthyroidism 66 Hypothyroidism 67 Incontinence 68 Infection 69 Infertility Male & Female 70 Inflammation 71 Injury 72 Jaundice (Hepatitis) 73 Leprosy 74 Leucoderma (Vitiligo) 75 Leucorrhoea 76 Lice 77 Lymphatic Disorders 78 Malaria (All Types) 79 Marasmus 80 Measles (All Types) 81 Meniere’s Disease 82 Menopause 83 Menstrual Disorders 84 Migraine 85 Miscarriage 86 Multiple Sclerosis 87 Mumps 88 Muscular Dystrophy 89 Numbness 90 Obesity 91 Pain 92 Palpitations 93 Paralysis 94 Parkinson’s Disease 95 Piles 96 Pneumonia 97 Pnuemonic Plague 98 Polio 99 Polyps (All)

20 Body Imbalance 21 Boils 22 Brain Power 23 Bronchitis 24 Bubonic Plague 25 Burns 26 Cancers (All) 27 Caries 28 Cataract 29 Chicken Pox 30 Childbirth (Delivery) 31 Cholera 32 Colitis 33 Coma 34 Constipation 35 Cough DRY 36 Cough WET 37 Cramps 38 Dehydration 39 Diabetes Adult 40 Diabetes Juvenile 41 Diarrhoea 42 Digestion 43 Diphtheria 44 Discharges (All) 45 Downe’s Syndrome 46 Drawing 47 Eczema 48 EMERGENCY 49 Epilepsy (All) 50 Fevers & ‘Flu (All) 51 Filaria 52 Fissures 53 Fistula 54 Fitness 55 Frozen Shoulder 56 Glaucoma 57 Gonorrhoea 58 Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)

59 Hearing & Deafness 60 Hole in Heart

SAI SANJEEVINI RADIONIC CARDS - PAGE 3 100 Pregnancy 101 Primary Complex 102 Prolapsed Uterus 103 Psoriasis & Itching 104 Puberty BOYS 105 Puberty GIRLS 106 Renal Failure 107 Retardation Mental 108 Retardation Physical 109 Rheumatism / Arthritis / Gout 110 Scar & Scar Tissue 111 Sciatica 112 Septicaemia 113 Shakti 114 Shanti 115 Shock 116 Sinus & Colds 117 Slipped Disk 118 Sore Throat 119 Speech 120 Spondylitis 121 Squint Eye 122 Stones -Gall Bladder 123 Stones -Kidney & UT 124 Suffocation & Wheeze 125 Swelling 126 Syphilis 127 Tearing Eye 128 Thought Management 129 Tinnitus 130 Tonsilitis 131 Tuberculosis 132 Tumours & Growths 133 Typhoid 134 Ulcers (All Types) 135 Urticaria 136 Veins & Arteries 137 Vision 138 Vomitting 139 Warts 140 Water Retention

141 Whooping Cough 142 Worms, Parasites, & Fungus 143 SAFE: Scars of Abuse & Fear Eradication 144 Sleep 145 Ahimsa (non violence) 146 Canine Distemper 147 Fungal Infections 148 Herpes (Simplex) 149 Osteoporosis 150 Scabies / Mange 151 Addictions ALCOHOL 152 Addictions CAFFEINE 153 Addictions NICOTINE 154 Addictions DRUGS 155 Anger 156 Antitoxin Heavy Metals 157 Antitoxin Dental Fillings 158 Anxiety 159 Better Memory 160 Bone Disorders Growths 161 Crohn’s Disease 162 Dandruff 163 Dementia 164 Dengue (All Types) 165 Depression 166 Entities 167 Examination Stress 168 Flourosis 169 Forgiveness 170 Hypersensitivity 171 Indecisiveness 172 Leukaemia 173 Meningitis 174 Oxygenation 175 PFBD: Beak & Feather 176 Phobias 177 Poisoning (All Types) 178 Pre-menstrual Tension 179 Resentment 180 Schizophrenia 181 Soil Rejuvenation


182 Sweat Disorders 183 Tetanus 184 Ticks & Fleas 185 Vaccine Antidote 186 Vertigo 187 Dharma (Right Conduct) 188 Honesty 189 Prema / Love

190 Sathya / Truth 191 Anthrax 192 Ego / Aham Kara 193 Fear / Bhoyam 194 Greed / Lobha 195 Lust / Kama 196 Yellow Fever

Make a medicine: place glass of water over card 15 seconds, repeat next card.

Make more of a previously prepared medicine: 1. Place the "sample" in the small circle marked "sample" on the Multiplication

and Broadcasting card. 2. Place the bottle containing fresh pills or vibhuthi in the circle marked

"Output" on the Multiplication and Broadcasting card. 3. Leave for half a minute. Remember, chanting a prayer, mantra or affirmation

while the Sanjeevinis are being prepared is good for the patient and the healer.

The medium in the "Output" circle is now ready, having been charged with all the vibrations that were in the original sample.

Distance healing by broadcasting or transmitting the SS-Sanjeevinis is a dynamic way to heal. This way of healing is the "first choice" of many healers. 1. Prepare the required Sanjeevinis for the patient in a bottle or a paper bag. 2. Place this in the circle marked "sample" on the Multiplication and

Broadcasting card 3. Write the name of the patient on a small piece of paper and place it on the

circle marked "Output" Leave it there as long as required in a spirit of surrender. This could be a few minutes in some cases where the response is almost instantaneous or several days in other cases.

In order to keep many broadcasts going for different patients simultaneously, please make photocopies of the Multiplication and Broadcasting card.

Print the next page to make the Multiplication and Broadcasting cards