safe sanctuaries ® policies and procedures for the prevention of abuse littleton united methodist...

Safe Sanctuaries® Policies and Procedures for the Prevention of Abuse Littleton United Methodist Church Littleton, Colorado

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Page 1: Safe Sanctuaries ® Policies and Procedures for the Prevention of Abuse Littleton United Methodist Church Littleton, Colorado

Safe Sanctuaries®Policies and Procedures for the Prevention of Abuse

Littleton United Methodist ChurchLittleton, Colorado

Page 2: Safe Sanctuaries ® Policies and Procedures for the Prevention of Abuse Littleton United Methodist Church Littleton, Colorado

As we begin to consider Safe Sanctuaries, we begin with scripture

that will guide us in our thoughts. Luke 18:15-17 gives us a basis for our

understanding that we must protect our children and youth.

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Scripture: Luke 18:15-17

People were bringing even infants to him

that he might touch them; and when the

disciples saw it, they sternly ordered them

not to do it. But Jesus called for them and

said, “Let the little children come to me,

and do not stop them; for it is to such as

these that the kingdom of God belongs.

Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the

kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”

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History of Safe Sanctuaries®

The short answer … 1996

Since 1996 there has been a push to encourage every church to have a Safe Sanctuaries policy and procedure.

The United Methodist Church is the leader across all denominations in Safe Sanctuaries. Other churches are coming to The UMC for policies and procedures as well as training

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Why do all churches need a policy?

If every church has a policy and procedures that will protect their children and youth then the church will be protected.

Each church needs to honor their children and youth enough to protect them.

You are protecting them from bodily harm, emotional damage, and spiritual destruction.

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Who are children and youth?

Children are birth through 5th grade

Youth are 6th grade through 12th graders

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Summary of LUMC Safe Sanctuary Policy

The Two Adult Rule

No One-on-One Contact

Personal Conferences

Windows in All Classroom Doors

Five-Year Older Rule

Transportation Rule

Six-Month Rule

Advance Notice To Parents

Event Participation Covenant

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

Photographing Children and Youth

First Aid and CPR Training

Annual Orientation

Accident/ Incident Reporting

Recruitment, Screening and Selection of Workers

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

The Two Adult Rule

Simply stated, the “Two-Adult Rule” requires no fewer than two unrelated adults (one must be at least 21 years of age and one must be at least 18 years of age and graduated from high school) present at all times during any church-sponsored program, event or ministry involving children.

The child care is always attended by at least two adults. A Sunday school class for children (grade 5 and younger) is always led by at least two adults. A Bible study group for youth (grade 6 through high school) is always taught by at least two adults. The youth fellowship group is always staffed with at least two adult leaders.

Having one “roaming” adult and one adult in the classroom qualifies as two adults. Even as we strive for two dedicated adults in each room, we know it is not always possible.

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No One-on-One Contact

One-on-one contact between adults and children or youth shall not occur. When situations require personal conferences, meetings should be conducted in view of other adults, children or youth or in a public place. Personal conferences in a room with closed doors are discouraged; however, if it is necessary there must be a window. Specific bathroom procedures vary according to age and ministry, but should adhere to the above guidelines. In emergency or crisis situations, or if a child or youth is alone in a car with an adult, parent permission and release of responsibility of driver and church is required and the child/youth must sit in the back seat.

Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Personal Conferences

At any personal conferences with children or youth, the door of the room used should remain open for the entire session if the room or door has no window in it. The session will be conducted at a time when others are nearby, even if they are not within listening distance. Personal conference sessions conducted off-site from the church are discouraged. If for some reason it is impractical to meet at the church, then the meeting must be conducted in a public place (for example a restaurant) and the youth is responsible for their own transportation. Youth and children leaders who are not qualified counselors should not attempt to provide counseling but rather limit their discussions to guidance and support. Whenever a youth seeks a personal conference, it is important for the leader to determine if the problem is beyond the leader’s training and qualified professional counseling is needed. If so, the parents of the youth should be notified.

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Windows in the doors of classrooms or open doors

Each room set aside for children and youth should have a door with a window in it or a half door. If the room does not have a window or half door, the door should remain open. Windows in doors allow for accountability of all that is happening in the classroom or office. Yes, there are times when privacy is needed, but the safety and protection of all involved should take priority.

Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Five-Year Older Rule

Any worker, youth or adult, volunteer or paid, who is responsible for a group must be at least five years older than the group with which they are to work. This rule shall not prevent persons who do not meet this criterion from participating in events, trips and outings with younger persons.

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Transportation Rule

Drivers of church owned vehicles must be a minimum of 25 years of age with a good driving history and shall submit their name, date of birth, license number/state of issuance and proof of insurance. Two adults are required in vehicle when transporting children and youth.

Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Six Month Rule

In order to be eligible to work with children and youth, volunteers should have regularly attended Littleton United Methodist Church for six months. Regular attendance means attending worship or Sunday school at least once per month for six months. This rule shall not prevent parents from visiting and participating in activities with their children or youth. Exceptions to this rule, must be approved by the Senior Pastor.

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Advance Notice to Parents

Prior to participation by youth/children in church related events, parents must complete and sign the Child/Youth Program Participation Personal Information form (see Form B). This form must be filled out annually. In addition, an event specific release of liability (Form C) must be signed by a parent.

Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Safe Sanctuary Policy Participation Covenant

Adult staff and volunteers working with youth and children will be given a copy of the Safe Sanctuaries Participation Covenant statement during initial or annual orientation and training sessions. They will agree to abide by and cooperate with the church’s policies and procedures for Safe Sanctuaries and sign the Safe Sanctuary Policy Participation Covenant (Form D). This will give the church an up-to-date record that it has informed all of its workers about its policies and procedures.

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

All persons involved in Littleton United Methodist Church (LUMC) shall report to proper authorities any good-faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused, physically or emotionally neglected, exposed to any form of violence or threat, exposed to any form of sexual exploitation. You may not abdicate this reporting responsibility to any other person.

Notify the Senior Minister of this report, or of any violation of the LUMC Safe Sanctuary policies, so that he or she may take appropriate action for the safety of our Youth, make appropriate notifications, and follow-up with investigating agencies.

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Steps for Responding to Child Abuse

1. Ensure the child is no longer at risk of abuse.

2. In cases of child abuse or medical emergencies, call 911 immediately. In addition, if the suspected abuse is in the youth’s home or family, you are required to contact the local child abuse hotline - Arapahoe County Department of Human Services Hotline 303-636-1750.

3. Notify the Senior Minister or his/her designee.

4. Littleton United Methodist Church will use the Report of Suspected Incident of Child Abuse form (see Form E) to capture necessary information regarding allegations of abuse.

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Photographing Children and Youth

Parents may request that their children not be photographed or videotaped by LUMC staff and volunteers when they fill out annual Program Participation forms (Form B). Parents are not required to give permission for their children to be photographed or videotaped in order to participate in programs.

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First Aid and CPR Training

The church will provide first aid and CPR training on an annual basis for all church workers. Program staff shall maintain First Aid and CPR certification. This training, while not mandatory for volunteers, is encouraged.

Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

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Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

Annual Orientation

All workers with children and youth, whether the workers are paid, volunteer, part-time, full-time, clergy, or lay, shall be required to attend an orientation session, prior to their participation, in which they are informed of the Safe Sanctuary Policy.

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Accident/ Incident Reporting

When an accident involving a child or youth occurs resulting in an injury or which has the potential for serious injury, the lead person should complete the Accident/Incident Reporting Form (see Form F). Other serious incidents (excluding abuse, which shall be documented according to directions in section 10 above) should be documented on the Accident/Incident Reporting Form.

Any violations of the Safe Sanctuary Policy shall be followed up with an Accident/Incident Reporting Form.

Safe Sanctuaries® Policy and Procedures

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Volunteers may be subject to a background check. The cost of background checks will covered by each ministry area. Background checks will be maintained by the Senior Pastor.

Prior to beginning work as a volunteer or paid staff with children or youth, each volunteer or staff member should complete Safe Sanctuaries training.

Completion of this training will be documented and records of this training will be kept in the office of the Senior Minister.

Recruitment, Screening and Selection of Workers

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Background Checks

Background checks allow us to know who is working with our children and youth.

Background checks also deter predators.

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Protecting Children and Youth

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Protecting Children and Youth

What happens if you do not have a policy and procedure and an incident happens?

Without a policy and procedure, if there is an incident, you are liable. A church that has even an accusation can find itself in spiritual ruin, emotional ruin, and financial ruin. If you do not have a policy and you are sued you will find that there is not much leg to stand on. If you have a policy and have not followed your procedures you are in as bad a place.

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Protecting Children and Youth

We do not want to end up on the front page of the Denver Post. We do not want to have been lax and allow child abuse to happen in our church.

If you have a policy and procedure and you have been following it and there is an incident

One - You know what to doTwo - You have done due diligence to protect the children and youthThree - You have a higher chance of not being found at fault in a law suit

We do not want an incident

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Closing ThoughtsSafe Sanctuaries policies and procedures are necessary within the church to protect our children and youth. Safe Sanctuaries may be a policy and procedure that is difficult at first, as you live into it the processes become more natural.

Gracious God, we ask your blessings on our churches who seek to protect our children and youth. May they have your guidance through the process. In the name of Christ. AMEN.

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For additional information and resources on Safe Sanctuaries®, go to:

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Rocky Mountain Contact Information

Steve Easterday-McPadden 303.776.0399E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Merlene BarnerE-mail: [email protected]

Youngsook Kang 303.389.9466E-mail: [email protected]

Linda PietruszkaE-mail: [email protected]

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National Contact Information

Toll Free Number: 1-877-899-2780

Melanie C. Gordon Ministry with Children, GBODTelephone: 615-340-1762E-mail: [email protected]  

Chris WilterdinkYoung People's Ministry, GBOD Telephone: 303-260-8221E-mail: [email protected]