sacru Şi profan Într-un oraŞ european (1150-2007)

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the book presents arhaelogical research that take place in Huet Square, Sibiu in 2007.




SACRU I PROFAN NTR-UN ORA EUROPEAN (1150-2007) Pia a Huet - o punte peste timp

Editura Hieronymus Braov 2007

Fotografii/ Photos: Daniela Marcu Istrate, Victor Moraru Desene/ Drawings: Angel Istrate, Victor Moraru Tehnoredactare computerizat/ Layout: Angel Istrate, Victor Moraru Traducerea n limba englez / English translation: Teodora Bianca Moraru, Anca Ileana Moraru Carte realizat cu sprijinul/ A book issued with the help of: Ministerului Culturii i Cultelor/The Ministry of Culture and Cults SC Damasus srl SC Mora srl Tiprirea volumului a fost finan at de/ Printing of the volume financed by: Asocia ia Cultural Hieronymus Sponsori/Sponsors: SC Geiger srl SC Sinecon srl

ISBN 978-973-88327-0-1

Editura Hieronymus, Braov, Str.Tmpei, Nr.12 tel. 0744 808426, mail: [email protected] web:

Acest volum este o parte a proiectului Sacru i profan ntr-un ora european. Sibiul ntre 1150 i 2007, din programul Sibiu capital cultural european 2007/ This volume is part of the project Sacred and Profane in an European City. Sibiu between 1150 and 2007, belonging to the program Sibiu European Cultural Capital 2007.


Toate drepturile sunt rezervate autorilor i editurii Hieronymus


5 Cuvnt nainte (Daniela Marcu Istrate) / Foreward................................................... CERCETRILE ARHEOLOGICE (Daniela Marcu Istrate, Angel Istrate) / Archaeological research Cteva cuvinte despre organizarea antierului / A few wards about organizing the 9 investigations............................................................................................................ Repere istorice / Historic benchmarks...................................................................... 12 Strategia cercetrii / Research strategy ................................................................. 14 Evolu ia general a sitului / The general development of the site .......................... 17 Cuptorul de var nr. 1 / The lime oven nr. 1................................................................ 25 Cuptorul de var nr. 2 / The lime oven nr. 2................................................................ 27 Incinta 1 / First precinct............................................................................................. 32 Turn inclus n primul zid de incint /Tower included within the first precinct wall (?). 38 Capela Sfntul Iacob / St. Jacob's chapel................................................................ 39 Capela Sfntul Ioan / St. John's chapel.................................................................... 42 Biserica Parohial Sfnta Maria / The Parish Church.............................................. 50 Capela Sfnta Maria / Holy Mary's chapel................................................................ 61 Cimitirul / The cemetery............................................................................................ 65 Capela Sfntul Ladislau / St. Ladislaus' chapel........................................................ 71 Construc ie adosat capelei Sfntul Ladislau / Construction attached to St. Ladislaus' chapel....................................................................................................................... 77 Alte complexe / Other piles....................................................................................... 77 Obiecte descoperite n spturi / Objects discovered during the diggings............... 79 AMENAJAREA PIE EI HUET (arh. Victor Moraru)/ The rehabilitation of Huet Square Cteva considera ii urbanistice-arhitecturale despre Pia a Huet/ A few urbanistic and architectural considerations on the Huet Square...................................................... 85 Primii pai / First steps.............................................................................................. 93 Studii preliminare / Preliminary studies..................................................................... 95 Dificult i inerente / Inherent difficulties..................................................................... 96 Avizarea proiectului / Official preoject approval........................................................ 96 Realizarea proiectului / Execution phase of the project............................................ 103 Executarea lucrrilor de amenajri proiectate / The execution of rehabilitation project work.......................................................................................................................... 114 Situa ii neateptate / Unexpected situations............................................................ 116 Concluzii / Conclusions............................................................................................. 119 BIBLIOGAFIE SELECTIV / Selected references.................................................... 122

CUVNT NAINTEPia a Huet a fost totdeauna centrul spiritual al Sibiului. Topografic, ea se confund cu suprafa a primei incinte fortificate, n mijlocul creia s-a nl at biserica parohial n secolul al XII-lea, urmat peste aproape dou veacuri de biserica actual, cu hramul Sfnta Maria. n primele secole ale existen ei sale medievale, destina iile acestui spa iu au fost religioase, el fiind ocupat de o dens necropol, de o biseric monumental i de cel pu in 5 capele dezvoltate n jurul acesteia. De la sfritul secolului al XIV-lea pe linia de fortifica ii au nceput s apar construc ii civile, iar n epoca modern curtea bisericii s-a transformat treptat n pia public, numit din 1872 Pia a Huet i primind forma sa actual n jurul anului 1900. Acest nucleu al oraului istoric a fost supus n ultimii ani unei bine venite reabilitri, care a inclus i ample cercetri istorice i arheologice. Multe informa ii noi i dovezi materiale ale vechimii oraului, ale civiliza iei sailor, au ieit la iveal cu acest prilej, i constituie acum suportul pentru a scrie o altfel de istorie. Lucrare complex, restaurarea Pie ei Huet a fost posibil prin conlucrarea unui colectiv numeros de cercettori, proiectan i i executan i. S-au ntocmit proiecte de specialitate, devize de execu ii i situa ii de lucrri, documenta ii arheologice, sute de plane desenate. Dar toate acestea sunt sortite s rmn n arhive, sau cel mult vor fi accesibile pentru specialiti. O mare investi ie a Primriei din Sibiu, restaurarea Pie ei Huet a fost fcut pentru oameni: pentru sibienii care o folosesc zilnic, pentru elevii care i croiesc destinele la Colegiul Brukenthal, pentru enoriaii Bisericii evanghelice i, nu n ultimul rnd, pentru turiti. Acestora li s-a5

FOREWORDThe Huet Square has always been the spiritual centre of Sibiu. From a topographical point of view, it mingles with the area of the first fortified precinct, in the middle of which the Parish Church has been built during the XIIth century, followed, after almost two centuries, by the present-day Church, patronized by Holy Mary. During the first centuries of its medieval existence, the functions of this area were religious ones, as it has been occupied by a dense necropolis, a monumental church and at least 5 chapels developed around it. Beginning with the last part of the XIVth century, civil constructions began to appear on the fortification line and in the Modern Age the churchyard gradually became a public square, named since 1872 the Huet Square and receiving its present shape around the year 1900. During the last few years, this nucleus of the historical city has been subject to a welcomed rehabilitation, which also included broad historical and archaeological research. Many new information and material proofs of the citys age, of the Transylvanian Saxon civilization were revealed on this occasion. They now represent the raw material for writing such a history. A complex work, the rehabilitation of the Huet Square has only been possible through the collaboration of a large team of scientists, planners and builders. Technical projects, execution lists and work situations, archaeological documentation, hundreds of drawn plans have been made. But all these are meant to remain within the archives or they may, at least, be accessible to specialists. A great investment of Sibiu City Hall, the restoration of the Huet Square has been

oferit un spa iu public modern, n care trecutul a rmas ns o prezen important, prin monumentele istorice aflate n picioare sau prin vestigiile arheologice marcate n pavaj. Din dorin a de a transmite acest mesaj ntr-o formul accesibil oricrei vrste i culturi, s-a conturat un proiect cultural, selectat apoi pentru a face parte din programul oficial Sibiu capitala cultural european 2007. Cu titlul Sacru i profan ntr-un ora european. Sibiul ntre 1150-2007, proiectul organizat de Asocia ia Cultural Hieronymus a inclus dou evenimente majore. Expozi ia cu subtitlul Pia a Huet, o punte peste timp a descris drumul parcurs de la cercetri, documenta ii i proiecte pn la transformarea acestora n realitate. Imagini din timpul spturilor arheologice i lucrrilor de restaurare, obiecte din secolele XII-XVI, reconstituirea unui mormnt cu cist din crmid, acestea au fost o parte din componentele expozi iei, deschis n ferula Bisericii evanghelice din Sibiu ntre 19 martie i 12 aprilie 2007. Expozi ia a fost nso it de un pliant, iar vernisarea ei a fost totodat un prilej de dialog ntre specialiti, implica i sau nu n proiectul de restaurare, i ntre acetia i public. Aceast suit de evenimente a fost finan at de Ministerul Culturii i Cultelor. A doua parte a proiectului o reprezint acest volum, care parcurge succint istoria Pie ei Huet de la aezarea sailor n Sibiu, spre mijlocul secolului al XII-lea, i pn n anul 2007, prin prisma noilor investiga ii. El se dorete o mrturie peste timp a lucrrilor realizate n acest spa iu, a eforturilor pe care le-am fcut cu to ii, cercettori, proiectan i, executan i, Primria oraului i Ministerul Culturii i Cultelor, pentru a oferi capitalei culturale europene a anului 2007 o hain modern peste o istorie de opt veacuri.

made for the people: for the inhabitants of Sibiu City, who cross it daily, for the students who shape their destinies in the National College Samuel von Brukenthal, for the parishioners of the Evangelical Church and, last but not least, for the tourists. They have been offered a modern public area, where the past has yet remained an important presence, through the historic monuments, rising around it or through the archaeological vestiges marked within the pavement. The wish of sending this message in an accessible manner to each age and culture materialized under the shape of a cultural project, which was then selected to become part of the official program Sibiu European Cultural Capital 2007. Bearing the title Sacred and Profane in an European City. Sibiu Between 1150 2007, the project organized by the Hieronymus Cultural Association included two major events. The exhibition having as its subtitle Huet Square, a Bridge Beyond Time described the way we went from research, documentations and projects up to their materialization. Photographs shot during the archaeological diggings and restoration works, objects dating from the XIIth to XVIth centuries, the reconstruction of the grave with a brick cist, these were only a part of the exhibitions components. The exhibition was opened within the Ferrule of the Evangelical Church in Sibiu between the 19th of March and the 12th of April 2007. It has been accompanied by the publication of a flyer and its varnishing has also provided an opportunity for a dialogue among specialists, who were or were not part of the restoration project, as well as between them and the public. The event suite has been financed by the Ministry of Culture and Cults. The second part of the project is represented by this volume, which gives a


Arh. Victor Moraru, ing. Iosif Crian.

brief outline on the history of the Huet Square, beginning with the Transylvanian Saxon colonization around the middle of the XIIth century, up to the present, to 2007, from the perspective of new investigations. The present publication wants to become a testimony over time of the works carried out within this area, of the efforts we have all made scientists, planners and builders, Sibiu City Hall and the Ministry of Culture and Cults to offer the European Cultural Capital of 2007 a modern coating over a history of eight centuries.

Una din vizitele primarului Klaus Johannis pe antier. One of the vizit of Mayor Klaus Johannis.




C T E VA C U V I N T E D E S P R E ORGANIZAREA INVESTIGA IILOR Lucrrile de cercetare i restaurare a Pie ei Huet au implicat un mare efort uman, datorit att complexit ii lucrrii ct i timpului scurt pe care l-am avut la dispozi ie ntre avizarea proiectului i recep ia final. Proiectul de restaurare a fost ntocmit de cre arh. Victor Moraru, prin SC Mora srl Sibiu. Domnia sa a urmrit ndeaproape cercetrile arheologice, dar i lucrrile propriu-zise de execu ie, dup cum rezult pe larg din partea a doua a acestui volum. Cercetrile arheologice au fost organizate de SC Damasus SRL i conduse de dr. Daniela Marcu Istrate, care a coordonat un colectiv format din urmtorii arheologi: Angel Istrate, Maria Crngaci- iplic, dr. Daniela Tnase, Cosmin Roman, Ctlina Toma, Claudia Urduzia, Radu Lupescu i Anca Ni oi. Ctlina Toma s-a ocupat n special de materiale, iar Anca Ni oi a lucrat cu intermiten e la ntocmirea desenelor de antier. Dup ncheierea propriu-zis a antierului arheologic activitatea constructorului a fost supravegheat permanent de ctre Cosmin Roman pn cnd s-au ncheiat toate decaprile. Prelucrarea ilustra iei a fost realizat de Angel Istrate, Cornelia uglui i Ionu Marin, cur area, conservarea i restaurarea monedelor i a obiectelor metalice i-au apar inut lui Radu Cordo. Dr. Monica Gogu a identificat monedele,

A FEW WORDS ABOUT ORGANIZING THE INVESTIGATIONS The research and restoration works of the Huet Square have implied a great human effort, not only due to the complexity of the work, but also because of the short period of time left between the validation of the project and the final reception. The restoration project has been elaborated by the architect Victor Moraru and his limited liability company Mora Sibiu. He closely monitored the archaeological research and also the proper execution works, as will be explained in the second part of this volume. The archaeological research has been organized by Damasus limited liability company and conducted by dr. Daniela Marcu Istrate, who coordinated a te a m m a d e u p o f t h e f o l l o w i n g archaeologists: Angel Istrate, Maria Crngaci- iplic, dr. Daniela Tnase, Cosmin Roman, Ctlina Toma, Claudia Urduzia, Radu Lupescu and Anca Ni oi. Ctlina Toma was mainly in charge of the materials, whereas Anca Ni oi has intermittently worked on the execution of the construction site drawings. After the proper closing of the archaeological site, the builders work has closely and permanently been monitored by Cosmin Roman, until all the scraping works have been completed. The processing of the illustration has been made by Angel Istrate, Cornelia uglui and Ionu Marin,


Colectivul antierului: Angel Istrate, Maria iplic, Ioan Marian iplic, Daniela Marcu Istrate, Daniela Tnase, Radu Lupescu.

dr. Georgeta El Susi a prelucrat oasele de animale, iar dr. Nicolae Miri oiu i Mihaela Gtej lucreaz la analiza antropologic a cimitirului. Maria Crngaci- iplic a studiat mai ales obiectele speciale, iar Ctlina Toma i Cosmin Roman o parte a materialului ceramic, desenat de Elena Savancea. Paginile urmtoare se bazeaz pe munca acestor colaboratori, ale cror contribu ii vor fi vizibile mai ales n monografia de specialitate a cercetrilor. n timpul antierului ne-am bucurat n Sibiu de un sprijin deosebit din partea tuturor colegilor, istorici i arheologi. Domnul academician Paul Niedermaier a vizitat deseori antierul, iar sfaturile domniei sale ne-au fost de mare folos n orientarea investiga iilor. Au fost alturi de noi i domnii arheologi dr. Petre Beliu i dr. Zeno Pinter, de ale cror cunotin e profunde privind situa ia din Pia a Huet am profitat deseori. De asemenea ne-am sftuit cu dr. Sabin Luca i cu Adrian Georgescu de la Muzeul Na ional

the cleaning up, preservation and restoration of the coins and metallic objects belonged to Radu Cordo. Dr. Monica Gogu has identified the coins, dr. Georgeta El Susi has processed the animal bones and dr. Nicolae Miri oiu and Mihaela Gtej work on the anthropological analysis of the cemetery. Maria Crngaciiplic has mainly analyzed the specialArheolog Petre Beliu.


Brukenthal, n legtur cu materialele preistorice, sau cu unele complexe; cu dr. Marian iplic de la Universitatea Lucian Blaga i cu Florin Blezu n legtur cu partea medieval a sitului. Materialele arheologice au fost preluate de domnul Petre Beliu, n numele Muzeului Brukenthal. antierul arheologic n sine a necesitat o organizare special, datorit suprafe ei mari abordate i datorit faptului c pmntul trebuia evacuat permanent pentru a putea avansa. Nu am fi reuit s facem acest lucru fr asisten a de excep ie asigurat de cei doi constructori, SC Geiger srl i SC Sinecon srl, dar nici fr sprijinul dirigin ilor de antier, domnul ing. Iosif Crian i domnul ing. V. Demnia. Cercetrile arheologice din Pia a Huet nu ar fi fost posibile fr sus inerea discret a domnului primar Klaus Johannis i fr acceptul prim preotului Kilian Drr i Consistoriului evanghelic. Tuturor le mul umim pentru n elegere, acceptare i sprijin.

Arheolog Zeno Pinter.

objects, whereas Ctlina Toma and Cosmin Roman have studied a part of the pottery material, illustrated by Elena Savancea. The following pages are grounded on the work of these collaborators, whose contributions will be visible mainly within the scientific monography of the research. While the archaeological site was open, we enjoyed the great support of all our colleagues, historians and archaeologists. The academician Paul Niedermaier has often visited the site and his advice was of great use to us within the orientation of investigations. Also the archaeologists dr. Petre Beliu and dr. Zeno Pinter have supported us, and we often took advantage of their profound knowledge regarding the situation within the Huet Square. We have also asked the advice of dr. Sabin Luca and Adrian Georgescu from the National Brukenthal Museum concerning the prehistoric materials or particular piles, with dr. Marian iplic from the Lucian Blaga University and with Florin Blezu regarding the medieval part of the site. The archaeological materials were then taken over by Mr. Petre Beliu, in the name of the Brukenthal Museum. The archaeological site itself needed a special type of organization, due to the great area it investigated and due to the fact that the earth had to be permanently removed for the project to advance. We would not have been able to do this without the exceptional assistance provided by the two construction limited liability companies, Geiger and Sinecon, but also without the help of the construction site coordinators, Mr. engineer Iosif Crian and Mr. engineer V. Demnia. The archaeological research within the Huet Square would not have been possible without the discreet support of the Mayor Klaus Johannis and without the


acceptance of the head priest Kilian Drr and the Evangelical Consistory. We thank everybody for their understanding, acceptance and support.

REPERE ISTORICE1141-1162 coloniti din Europa occidental sunt adui de regalitatea maghiar (regele Gza II) n sudul Transilvaniei. Grupul condus de locatorul Hermann pune piatra de temelie a oraului Sibiu. 1172-1196 monede din acest interval descoperite n recentele spturi arheologice arat c pe terasa nalt a Cibinului func iona deja un lca de cult n jurul cruia se practicau nmormntri. Terasa a fost sistematizat i fortificat printr-un zid din piatr de form neregulat, eventual ntrit pe traseu cu turnuri. n acest fel s-a format incinta I, care peste veacuri, va primi numele de Pia a Huet. Prepozitura liber a germanilor din Transilvania, cu sediul la Sibiu, men ionat documentar n 1191. 1224 diploma regelui Andrei al II-lea, prin care se confirm privilegiile speciale ale sailor. Sec. XIII se construiesc capelele de pe latura estic a incintei: Sfntul Ioan i Sfntul Iacob (tefan?). 1322 prima men iune a unei biserici Sfnta Maria, foarte probabil prima bazilic construit n Pia a Huet. 1350 (ante) deschiderea antierului bisericii actuale. Pn la 1371 partea estic era definitivat, func ionnd mpreun cu navele i turnul bisericii anterioare. Forma actual este rezultatul mai multor etape de construc ie, ce se deruleaz pn la 1520. n jurul ei continu s func ioneze cimitirul principal al comunit ii.

HISTORIC BENCHMARKS1141 1162 colonists from Western Europe were settled by the Hungarian royalty (King Gza the Second) into the South of Transylvania. The group lead by the lessor Hermann laid the foundation stone of Sibiu town. 1172 1196 coins from these years, discovered during recent archaeological diggings show that a place of worship was already functioning on the high Cibin terrace, around which burials took place. Building of the first fortified precinct, which over the centuries will get the name of Huet Square. The free praepositura of Tr a n s y l a v a n i a n S a x o n s , w i t h i t s headquarters in Sibiu, 1191. 1124 King Andrew the Second's Diploma, confirming the special privileges of Transylvanian Saxons. XIIIth century the chapels on the Eastern side of the precinct are built: St. John's and St. Jacob's (Stephen?). 1322 first mentioning of a St. Mary's Church, most likely the first basilica built within the Huet Square. 1350 (before) opening of the construction site for nowaday's church. Its present outline is the result of several construction stages, which took place until 1520. The place around it continues to be used as the community's main cemetery. 1357 1366 the third fortification wall, surrounding the entire Upper Town, is built. The first precinct gradually loses its military role and different buildings are constructed along its path. The process of its transformation into a public area begins. A


1357-1366 se construiete a treia centur de fortifica ii, care cuprinde ntreg oraul de sus. Incinta I i pierde treptat rolul militar, iar pe traseul ei i fac apari ia diferite cldiri. ncepe procesul transformrii ei n spa iu public. O parte a casei parohiale evanghelice i a consistoriului evanghelic (Pia a Huet nr. 4) dateaz din aceast perioad (Pia a Huet nr.1). La 1380 este men ionat prima coal, extins n 1545, pe locul ei fiind ridicat n 1778-1786 edificiul actual al Colegiului Brukenthal. ncep. XV se construiete capela Sf. Ladislau, din partea sud-estic a incintei. 1470 casa Gulden, aflat lng Turnul Preo ilor, a fost folosit ca sediu al Primriei pn n 1549. 1448 se afl n construc ie capela Sfnta Maria n jurul corului gotic, demolat n 1530, cnd iar biserica primete forma actual. Tot acum se demoleaz capela Sfntul Ioan. 1554 cimitirul principal se mut n exteriorul zidurilor oraului, pe latura estic. Probabil acum nceteaz nhumrile n jurul bisericii. 1592 capela Sf. Ladislau este transformat n bilbiotec i mai trziu devine o anex a colegiului. 1853-1855 restaurare a bisericii, modificri ale spa iului interior. 1872 spa iul incintei I, cunoscut anterior ca fiind curtea cimitirului, apoi curtea bisericii, primete numele cunoscutului comite al sailor, Albert Huet. ntre 1947 i 1990 pia a se va numi Grivi a. 1898 se demoleaz capela Sfntul Ladislau i turnul preo ilor. Pia a Huet ajunge la forma ei actual. 1899 statuia episcopului Georg Daniel Teutsch (1817-1893) este amplasat pe latura sudic a Bisericii evanghelice.

section of the Evangelical Parish House and of the Evangelical Consistory (Huet Square Nr.1,4) goes back to this period. In 1380, the first school is mentioned, extended in 1545. On its place, the present Brukenthal College is built between the years 1778-1786. Beginning of the XVth century the St. Ladislaus Chapel is built on the SouthEastern side of the precinct. 1470 the Gulden House, situated next to the Clergymen Tower, was used as Town Hall headquarters since 1549. 1448 St. Mary's Chapel is constructed around the Gothic choir and is torn down in 1530, when the church gets its presentday shape. 1554 the main cemetery is moved outside the town walls, on the Eastern side. At this time, burials may no longer have taken place around the church. 1853 1855 restoration of the Church, changes in the inner area. 1872 the area around the first precinct, formerly known as the cemetery graveyard, then churchyard, gets the name of the famous Transylvanian Saxonian comes (administrative ruler) Albert Huet. From 1947 until 1990, the square was called Grivita Square. 1898 the Chapel of St. Ladislaus and the Clergymen Tower are torn down. The Huet Square gets its present day outline. 1899 the statue of Bishop George Daniel Teutsch (1817 - 1893) is placed on the Southern side of the Evangelical Church. 2005 2006 The Huet Square is being rehabilitated.


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