sacred hearts parish, malden sacred hearts church january ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o...

Rectory Address 297 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 Tel: 781-324-0728 Fax: 781-324-2714 Rectory Hours: M/F: 10:00am - 2:00pm Closed for lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm Closed: Holidays and Holy Days email: [email protected] web: Administrator Rev. Mario Guarino [email protected] Priest in Residence Rev. Richard Uftring Permanent Deacons Deacon Franklin Mejia Deacon T. Van Nguyen Cheverus School Thomas P. Arria, Jr., Principal email: [email protected] 30 Irving Street, Malden, MA Tel: 781-324-6584 Fax: 781-324-3322 website: Religious Education Please contact the Main Office (781) 324-0728 Business Manager William Wallace [email protected] Liturgy Schedule Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday Schedule 7:30am, 10:00 am, 5:30 p.m. Misa en Español - 12:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Monday through Friday 12:10 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. Todos los Viernes Misa en Español - 7:00 p.m. Holy Day Masses: As announced Legal Holiday Masses: - 9:00 a.m. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament Tuesday - 12-Noon - 7:00 p.m. (Lower Church) Sacred Heart Devotion & Adoration Friday - after 12:10 p.m. Mass (Lower Church) Immaculate Heart Devotion & Adoration Saturday - 3:00 pm - 4:00 p.m. (Church or Chapel before 4:00 p.m. Mass) Sacraments Reconciliation (Confession) Friday - 12:45 pm - 1:30 p.m. Saturday - 3:00 pm - 3:45 p.m. Sunday - 4:45 pm - 5:15 p.m. Baptism Fourth Saturday of each month English: 12:00 p.m. Español: 1:30 p.m. Call to register Marriage Please consult with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance. A program of preparation is required. 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time Sacred Hearts Church

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Page 1: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord

Rectory Address 297 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148 Tel: 781-324-0728 Fax: 781-324-2714 Rectory Hours: M/F: 10:00am - 2:00pm Closed for lunch 12:00pm - 1:00pm Closed: Holidays and Holy Days email: [email protected] web:

Administrator Rev. Mario Guarino [email protected]

Priest in Residence Rev. Richard Uftring

Permanent Deacons Deacon Franklin Mejia Deacon T. Van Nguyen

Cheverus School Thomas P. Arria, Jr., Principal email: [email protected] 30 Irving Street, Malden, MA Tel: 781-324-6584 Fax: 781-324-3322 website: Religious Education Please contact the Main Office (781) 324-0728

Business Manager William Wallace

[email protected]

Liturgy Schedule

Saturday 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Schedule 7:30am, 10:00 am, 5:30 p.m.

Misa en Español - 12:00 p.m.

Weekday Mass Monday through Friday 12:10 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m.

Todos los Viernes Misa en Español - 7:00 p.m.

Holy Day Masses: As announced

Legal Holiday Masses: - 9:00 a.m.

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Tuesday - 12-Noon - 7:00 p.m. (Lower Church)

Sacred Heart Devotion & Adoration

Friday - after 12:10 p.m. Mass (Lower Church)

Immaculate Heart Devotion & Adoration Saturday - 3:00 pm - 4:00 p.m.

(Church or Chapel before 4:00 p.m. Mass)


Reconciliation (Confession) Friday - 12:45 pm - 1:30 p.m. Saturday - 3:00 pm - 3:45 p.m. Sunday - 4:45 pm - 5:15 p.m.


Fourth Saturday of each month English: 12:00 p.m. Español: 1:30 p.m.

Call to register

Marriage Please consult with a priest or deacon at least

six months in advance. A program of preparation is required.

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Sacred Hearts Church

Page 2: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord


Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Januar

Visit the Blessed SacramentVisit the Blessed SacramentVisit the Blessed Sacrament

Tuesdays Fridays 12:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. 12:30 p.m. -1:30 p.m.

Thank you so much for your continued support. We have been working to help those in need during the pandemic. We are asking for help with food. The following items are most needed at present and would be appreciated. Please leave them at the back of

the church. Cereals (especially sweet ones), grape jelly or strawberry preserves, pasta sauce, elbow pasta, spaghetti, penne, rice, canned pasta, canned fruit (especially peaches or fruit cocktail), peanut butter, canned corn, apple juice or fruit punch, canned hash, chili, and beef stew. Thank you for your help as always. Please consider putting us on your Christmas list. Donations can be mailed to the rectory at St Vincent de Paul 297 Main St. Malden or placed in a clearly marked envelope in the collection. The need for food, clothing, and heating are great this winter. Your donation allows you to stand with us as we see Christ in each person we help. No donation is too small and will help. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. - Matthew 25:40

Sunday Reflection This feast of the Baptism of the Lord This feast of the Baptism of the Lord presents us with the opportunity to reflect on the importance of our own baptism. It is the sacrament we receive only once but the graces of the

sacrament continue to unfold throughout our lives. Spend some time in prayer with the reading from Isaiah in today’s Mass. As you read the passage, hear God speaking these words directly to you. Draw on the grace of your baptism to make these words live in your heart.

Pope Francis Proclaims

Pope Francis announced a Year of St. Joseph on Tuesday, December 8, 2020, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the saint’s proclamation as patron of the Universal Church. The year begins Dec. 8, 2020, and concludes on Dec. 8, 2021, according to a decree authorized by the pope. The decree said that Pope Francis had established a Year of St. Joseph so that “every member of the faithful, following his example, may strengthen their life of faith daily in the complete fulfillment of God’s will.” The Pope explained in the letter, entitled Patris Corde (“With a father’s heart”) and dated Dec. 8, that he wanted to share some “personal reflections” on the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. “My desire to do so increased during these months of pandemic,” he said, noting that many people had made hidden sacrifices during the crisis in order to protect others. “Each of us can discover in Joseph -- the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence -- an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble,” he wrote. “St. Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation.” St. Joseph, pray for us.

Prayer to St. Joseph

For Employment

Dear Saint Joseph, you were yourself once faced with the responsibility of providing the necessities of life for Jesus and Mary. Look down with fatherly compassion upon me in my anxiety over my present inability to

support my family. Please help me to find gainful employment very soon, so that this heavy burden of concern will be lifted from my heart and that I am soon able to provide for those whom God has entrusted to my care. Help us to guard against bitterness and discouragement, so that we may emerge from this trial spiritually enriched and with even greater blessings from God. Amen.

For more prayers visit:

Page 3: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord


En el Año de la EucaristíaEn el Año de la EucaristíaEn el Año de la Eucaristía La Iglesia de los Sagrados CorazonesLa Iglesia de los Sagrados CorazonesLa Iglesia de los Sagrados Corazones

297 Main St., Malden297 Main St., Malden297 Main St., Malden

Te InvitaTe InvitaTe Invita...

Todos los Martes Todos los Martes Todos los Martes 12:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Hora Santa en Español Hora Santa en Español Hora Santa en Español 6 p.m. –7 p.m. Lugar: Lugar: Lugar: Capilla

Año de la


V S SS S Todos los Martes 12:30 p.m. Todos los Martes 12:30 p.m. -- 7 p.m7 p.m..

H S E Todos los Martes de 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Lugar: Capilla de la Iglesia de Los Sagrados Corazones 297 Main Street, Malden Transmisión por a través de Sacred Hearts Parish


Muchas gracias por su continuo apoyo. Hemos estado trabajando para ayudar a los necesitados durante la pandemia. Estamos pidiendo ayuda con la comida. Los siguientes elementos son los más necesarios en la actualidad y se agradecerían. Déjelos en la parte trasera de la iglesia. Cereales (especialmente

cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz, pasta enlatada, fruta enlatada (especialmente melocotones o cócteles de frutas), mantequilla de maní, maíz enlatado, jugo de manzana o ponche de frutas, estofado de picadillo, chile y carne enlatados. Gracias por tu ayuda como siempre. Considere ponernos en su lista de Navidad. Las donaciones pueden enviarse por correo a la rectoría en St Vincent de Paul 297 Main St. Malden o colocarse en un sobre claramente marcado en la colección. La necesidad de comida, ropa y calefacción es grande este invierno. Su donación le permite estar con nosotros mientras vemos a Cristo en cada persona a la que ayudamos. Ninguna donación es demasiado pequeña y ayudará. En verdad les digo que todo lo que hiciste por uno de mis hermanos más pequeños, lo hiciste por mí. - Mateo 25:40

Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor

La Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor nos da la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre la importancia de nuestro propio bautismo. Este sacramento lo recibimos solamente una vez pero las gracias del Sacramento continúan revelándose

a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Dedica un tiempo en oración para leer la lectura del profeta Isaías de la misa de hoy. Mientras lees este pasaje, escucha a Dios diciéndote estas palabras directamente ti. Acércate a la gracia de tu bautismo para hacer que estas palabras vivan en tu corazón.

El Papa Convoca un Año de San José

El Papa Francisco convocó un Año de San José desde este martes, 8 de diciembre hasta el 8 de diciembre del próximo año 2021, durante el cual la Iglesia Católica concederá indulgencias según una serie de condiciones establecidas por la Penitenciaría Apostólica.

El Santo Padre convocó este Año de San José para conmemorar los 150 años del Decreto Quemadmodum Deus, por medio del cual el Beato Pío IX declaró a San José Patrono de la Iglesia. Con la convocatoria de este Año de San José, se pretende, continúa el Decreto, “que todos los fieles siguiendo su ejemplo (de San José), puedan fortalecer cotidianamente su vida de fe en cumplimiento pleno de la voluntad de Dios.” “Todos los fieles tendrán así la posibilidad de comprometerse, mediante la oración y las buenas obras, en obtener con ayuda de San José, cabeza de la celeste Familia de Nazaret, consuelo y alivio de las graves tribulaciones humanas y sociales que hoy afligen al mundo contemporáneo”. Para obtener la indulgencia plenaria, se precisa en el Decreto, se deberán cumplir las condiciones prescritas por la Iglesia para tal efecto: confesión sacramental, comunión eucarística y rezar por las intenciones del Santo Padre. San José, ruega por nosotros.

Oración a San Jose

Para Empleo

Querido San José, una vez te enfrentaste a la responsabilidad de proveer las necesidades de la vida de Jesús y María. Mírame con paternal compasión en mi ansiedad por mi actual incapacidad para mantener a

mi familia. Ayúdame a encontrar un empleo muy pronto, para que esta pesada carga de preocupación sea quitada de mi corazón y pronto pueda proveer para aquellos a quienes Dios ha confiado a mi cuidado. Ayúdanos a protegernos de la amargura y el desánimo, para que podamos salir de esta prueba espiritualmente enriquecidos y con mayores bendiciones de Dios. Amén.

Para mas oraciones:

Page 4: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord


Garrie Elios, Chris Salamone, Marianna McCarthy, Andrea Petrangelo, Pat Petrangelo, Joe Lynch, Kacey McCarthy, Andrea Lynch, Vincent Tamboli, Christina

Tamboli, Christine Lynch, Tori Tamboli, Justine Musto, Christina Tamboli, Marirose, Danielle Calvo, Diane

Lucey, Lisa Tamboli, Mary Grace, Mike Meoli, Rosanne Sullivan, Aldo Dunn, Debra Hahn, Daniel Hahn, Mary

Albuzetian, Josephine Petrillo, Jennifer Carlson, Victoria Tamboli, Lori Lanier, Sabina Santiago, Jose Ortiz, Marianne Valenti, Edward Gilbert, Nick Pino,

Janet Pino, Christina Atkinson, Rosemarie Hodl, Mary F. Cafarella, Kapinga Kapena,

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we place our sick under Your care and humbly ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen Please call the office, 781-324-0728 with any changes.

Saturday 01/09 9:00 a.m. Victoria Tamboli - Thanksgiving 4:00 p.m. Eileen Lynch - Thanksgiving Claire Fouhy - Thanksgiving

Sunday 01/10 7:30 a.m. Paul Viet Nguyen - Memorial 10:00 am Catherine Natola - Memorial 12:00 pm Marianela Pimentel Alcantar - Birthday Celebration 5:30 p.m. Available

Monday 01/11 12:10 p.m. Thanksgiving to Our Heavenly Father

Tuesday 01/12 12:10 p.m. John Haddad - For Health

Wednesday 01/13 12:10 p.m. Rosemary Petrangelo - Thanksgiving

Thursday 01/14 12:10 p.m. Margret Keelty - For Health

Friday 01/15 12:10 p.m. In Thanksgiving to Our Heavenly Father

Saturday 01/16 9:00 a.m. Paul Viet Nguyen - Memorial All Souls 4:00 p.m. Available

Sunday 01/17 7:30 a.m. Available 10:00 am Available 12:00 pm Rafael Rodriguez- Birthday Celebration 5:30 p.m. Available


Pray for The Sick

+Fred H. Brown +Jonathan Cano Lopez

Liturgical Ministry Assignments for January 16/January 17 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Green)

Cardinal O’Malley encourages Catholics, and all people who would find it helpful, to participate in the daily and Sunday Mass by way of Catholic TV. Schedules and access to the televised Mass and rebroadcasts are available at or and by watching on Comcast 268; Verizon 296; RCN 85 .

El Cardenal O’Malley nos exhorta a que participemos de la Santa Misa por televisión que se transmite los Domingos a las 8 a.m., 5:30 p.m. y 10 p.m. ET por CatholicTV. CatholicTV se encuentra en los canales: 268 de Comcast, 296 de Verizon, 85 de RCN. Para más información sobre CatholicTV o para ver La Santa Misa en Español, visita:

Mass Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Altar Servers 4:00 PM Saturday No Lector Assigned 7:30 AM Sunday No Lector Assigned No assigned Altar Server 10:00 AM Sunday No Lector Assigned No Eucharistic Minister Assigned No assigned Altar Server 12:00 PM Sunday Spanish Mass Spanish Mass Spanish Mass 5:30 PM Sunday No Lector Assigned No Eucharistic Minister Assigned No assigned Altar Server

Page 5: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord


The second collection for this weekend is for Fuel The second collection for next weekend is for Snow Plowing Online donations are encouraged. Please visit: Click on: “Give” Thank You!

January Memorials

Paschal Candle Easter 2020- 2021

In Memory of Fred H. Brown

Wine - $85/month


Hosts - $50/week Available - Week of 17, 24, 31

Given by Elena V. Marquez

Flowers - Weekly

Available - Week of 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 1 vase - $75, 2 vases - $100, 3 vases - $175


Sanctuary Candle - Chapel - $50/month


Sanctuary Candle - Church - $50/month


Blue Candle - Blessed Mother’s Statue - Chapel $50/month


Red Candle - Sacred Heart’s Statue - Chapel $50/month


Amber Candle - St. Joseph’s Statue - Church $50/month


Blue Candle - Blessed Mother’s Statue - Church $50/month



The Daily Mass book is OPENED for The whole year of 2021

All 2021 Monthly Memorials Available Please call the office, 781-324-0728, if interested.

Offertory Week #27 of Fiscal Year

This Year (2020) $8,119 Last Year (2019) $3,684 Lower $(4,435)

If you haven’t contributed to the church during these months, and are able, please consider doing so. If you have contributed to the church during these months, WE THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It is very important that all contribute to the maintenance of our Church, according to your possibilities.

Impact of Pandemic on Offertory

March 3, 2019 - December 29, 2019 $278,426 March 1, 2020 - January 1, 2021 $184,880 Decrease $(93,546)


2020Grand Annual Appeal

Our goal this year is to surpass $65,000

Raised to-date: $32,820

If you haven’t received a Pledge card in the mail, please pick one up from the tables in the back of the church or at the rectory,

Monday thru Friday. I hope that you will do your best to contribute to this 2020 Grand Annual Appeal. May God bless your kindness and generosity. Fr. Mario

Thank you to all who contributed to last week’s special Christmas collection to provide for the health and well-being of the 580 active and senior priests in good standing in the Archdiocese of Boston. If you were unable to give last week, contributions may be mailed to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust, Archdiocese of Boston, 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA 02184. To donate online, please visit or text the word PRIEST25 to 20222 to donate $25. Msg. and data rates may apply. Visit for the heartwarming testimony from a family about our priests.

Page 6: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden January 10, 2021 The Baptism of the Lord


Page 7: Sacred Hearts Parish, Malden Sacred Hearts Church January ...cereales dulces), mermelada de uva o mermelada de fresa, salsa para pasta, pasta de codos, espaguetis, pasta penne, arroz,

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Sacred Hearts, Malden, MA 4610

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For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Sacred Hearts, Malden, MA 4610

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