sacred heart & our lady’s collaborative sacred heart and ... · sacred heart and our lady’s...

SACRED HEART & OuR LADy’S COLLAbORATivE Newton, MA July 1, 2018 Sacred Heart Church 1321 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459 617-969-2248 Our Lady Help of Christians Church 573 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02458 617-527-7560 ~ All Are Welcome ~

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative



Newton, MA

July 1, 2018

Sacred Heart Church 1321 Centre Street, Newton, MA 02459


Our Lady Help of Christians Church 573 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02458


~ All Are Welcome ~

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Refugee Ministry - Search for Part Time Work

The father of our refugee family, Mujahid Komi, is now working at Minigrow in Copley Square. However, his hours are varied and not full time. We are therefore asking parishioners who know of possible part time projects and/or employment opportunities to send an email to Bob Gill at [email protected]. Thank you for your help and for your continued donations to the Refugee Ministry.

Explanation Mass Text Available! If you worshipped with us June 9 and 10, you were present at our Explanation Mass, which used ten one-minute statements to explain the different parts of the Mass and why we do what we do when we do!

Many people expressed a desire to have a copy of the text that was used, so we have made it available both online at as well as in paper form at the church doors. Grab one for yourself and maybe one for a friend or neighbor as well!

If you’d like to learn even more about the beauty of the Mass, see the bulletin reflections each week, or read all of them online at

Spam Email Alert (Again!) Several times now, staff members and parishioners have received emails from fraudsters impersonating Fr. John or other parish leaders and requesting financial help (usually to purchase iTunes gift cards). These are spam/phishing emails! As a rule, these

From Fr. Dan, Administrator

Dear Friends,

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (The Declaration of Independence.)

Happy Independence Day! May we more fully live up to the great ideals this great nation was founded upon.

We are glad you are here! If this is your first time, or you are relatively new, we want to let you know we are so thrilled you have joined us for Mass. We hope you feel at home. Welcome, welcome! Also, if you have been here for a long time – how can I ever thank you for all you do for our parishes!

Priest Numbers: The Archdiocese of Boston has 270 diocesan priests serving 262 parishes, as of June 1, 2018.

The Bible: A Declaration of Love. If you want to seek the essential in the Bible, then seek nothing but God’s love. The Bible can teach you that even if God allows you to suffer difficulties, it happens out of love. God’s love is present everywhere. Saint Augustine says that “the whole Bible can be summarized in these three words: God is love (1 Jn

4:8, 16). No matter where we open the Bible. Every page speaks about love.” If you read the Bible without seeking to discover God’s personal love for you, then you are not reading the Bible as God’s word. God only speaks about love—he has nothing else to say. -- Fr. Wilfrid Stinissen, S.J.

I bet Jesus agrees with this: “Search others for their virtues, thyself for thy vices.” —Benjamin Franklin

Workcamp, Young Adult Cookout, Bereavement Committee planning, and Weekend Liturgies were among the many good things going on in our collaborative. 18 work campers have been helping the poor in the Adirondack’s all this week. Thanks to Kristina Preman and all!

Sports: In the NBA draft the Celts selected a center/forward who could be a defensive star. In the NHL draft, the Bruins took a defenseman. As I write this (Sunday 6/24), the Sox are up 5-0 after 6 innings, with Chris Sale on the mound. Take it to the bank! The World Cup continues towards the July 15th Championship. Fr. Adrian is passionately routing for Poland!

Love and God bless you!

Fr. Dan

New & Ongoing in Our Community

Marriage Banns Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative is pleased to announce the following upcoming marriages:

Katherine Brustowicz and Clark Winchell

Amanda Kiddie and Thomas Parker

Danielle Sullivan and Nicholas Thebeau

Natalia Perdomo and Peter McManus

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


emails should be deleted immediately—they are almost always fraudulent! If you are in doubt about the authenticity of an email, call the parish office for advice!

Families Belong Together Prayer Vigil Members of the Newton Clergy Association are leading a prayer vigil on Monday, July 2nd at 6:30 pm. in front of City Hall. We believe that faith is relevant to the soul of our nation. The separation of families is not a partisan issue. It’s a moral one. Along with the rallies being held in Boston and cities across the nation next weekend, we invite people of faith, or no faith, to come together, and lift your voices, in our various traditions, in prayer for our country, our leaders and those seeking refuge from the violence of their countries. Please bring an electric candle or the light on your cell phone to help us shine a light in the darkness.

Care for Creation To lower carbon emissions, which lead to the destructive impacts of climate change: Make energy efficiency a prime factor in selecting a new appliance, such as a furnace, air conditioner, washer and dryer, or refrigerator.

Collaborative Picnic Save the Date

Our Annual Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative Picnic this year will be Sunday, September 23rd from 12Noon to 3:00pm on the front lawn of Our Lady’s Church. All Are Welcome! If you attended last year and enjoyed the day, please spread the word about our picnic to your neighbors and friends. We will supply hamburgers, hot dogs & ice cream; you supply soft drinks and any other foods your family will enjoy. If you would like to share a finger food dessert or salad with other people, bring it along; we will have tables set up for your items. Bring your blanket and chairs and enjoy an afternoon of fun; there will be games, races, pony rides and more. If you would like to make a monetary donation to help defray the expenses of the picnic, please make your check payable to “Our Lady’s” with “picnic” written on the memo line. Donations can dropped in the collection baskets or mailed to the parish office. Note: Grill closes at 2:30pm.

New & Ongoing in Our Community Beginning Monday, July 2:

Summer Daily Mass Schedule Beginning this Monday, July 2, we are moving to our revised summer daily Mass schedule:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00am at Our Lady’s Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday at 9:00am at Sacred Heart in the lower church

The revised schedule will run through Monday, September 3 (Labor Day). Contact the parish offices with any questions.

There are flyers at the doors of the churches listing additional Mass times at other area parishes.

Summer Prayer

Father, Creator of all, thank You for summer! Thank you for the warmth of the sun

and the increased daylight. Thank You for the beauty I see all around me

and for the opportunity to be outside and enjoy Your creation.

Thank You for the increased time I have to be with my friends and family,

and for the more casual pace of the summer season. Draw me closer to You this summer.

Teach me how I can pray no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Warm my soul with the awareness of Your presence and light my path with Your Word and Counsel.

As I enjoy Your creation, create in me a pure heart and a hunger and a thirst for You.

We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

New Pastoral Associate: Welcome Kate Neal

We are really excited about our new Pastoral Associate for Adult Evangelization, Kate Neal. Kate is a Boston area native who has been liv-ing and working in California for the last 10 years or so. Kate and her family will be relocating over the summer, and she will begin her minis-try here around the middle of August. Welcome Kate!

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


The Mass for Millennials: Prayer of the Faithful I used to think that the Prayer of the Faithful was a bit like a bill passed in Congress. There would be certain key prayers, fol-lowed by additional prayers from special interest groups that might not have been part of the original plan, but after a vote from the parish committee on Sunday all of us are obliged to stand and repeat, “Lord, hear our prayer,” regardless of whether we were particularly connected to these prayers. However, in reality these prayers are one of the most important duties of our Christian life, and a necessary work for our salvation and that of the world.

First, from the General Instruction of the Roman Missal: In the Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in a certain way to the word of God which they have welcomed in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to God for the salvation of all. (§69)

What is striking here is that the Prayer of the Faithful is one of the ways that we exercise our shared bap-tismal priesthood. The new life that we experience in our Baptism brings with it new authority and responsibility, especial-ly a priestly responsibility. And there are several observations to be made about our what this priestly responsibility entails.

As David Fagerberg points out in Liturgical Theology, Adam and Eve had a priestly duty to God. Even though they were taught to rule over all creation, they had the requirement to give each ani-mal and thing a name. By naming that animal they return it to God, and offer its existence not for their own purposes but ulti-mately for God’s. Within our Baptism, we are now Adam and Eve redeemed, and our responsibility is to bring all of creation with us and name that before God in our prayers. In the Prayer of the Faithful we do something similar; we name before the altar of God the intentions that we have for the Church, for civil authori-ties, for those with difficulties, for our local communities, and many more.

The basic work of the Christian priest is as follows:

Offer up our praise / gifts (anaphora),

Ask God to remember his covenant (anamnesis),

Call down God’s presence upon the gifts (epiklesis),

Commune with God and bring God to others.

If we take a look at the Prayer of the Faithful, we see that we ourselves have the same structure present.

The priest celebrant begins with a prayer, calling us to offer up our petitions (anaphora).

We ask God to remember his care of all creation by naming them before him (anamnesis).

We ask God to grant these petitions of his grace in the world (epiklesis).

We go out and take action.

While there is certainly room for improvisation, the Roman Mis-sal currently has many examples in its appendix that essentially provide a script for this same structure. Here is an example of the opening prayer for the Prayer of the Faithful from Advent:

As we await with longing the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters, let us with renewed devo-tion beseech his mercy, (call to offer up our prayers—anaphora) that, as he came into the world (remembering—

anamnesis) to bring the good news to the poor and heal the contrite of heart, so in our own time, also, he may bring sal-vation to all in need. (calling down his grace–epiklesis)

The priest celebrant essentially gives us the structure for what we are about to do. We then do the work of naming our petitions before God, followed by an emphatic call to God to bring his mercy into the world through Jesus Christ, an epiklesis:

Almighty ever-living God, who bring salvation to all and desire that no one should perish, hear the prayers of your people and grant that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and your Church rejoice in tranquility and devotion. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Note that the Advent prayers are designed uniquely to respond to the Advent readings and the meaning of the Advent season. As Scripture penetrates our hearts through the readings in the various seasons throughout the year, likewise our hearts respond differ-ently to God in this time than others. The prayers are our first active response to these readings, they are our first act of love in response to the readings. Thus our own priestly activity of prayer also follows the Church’s calendar.

Finally, notice the most important part of this prayer, “Through Christ our Lord,” which is so often overlooked because it is so common. By offering the petitions to God the Father through Christ our Lord, the priest celebrant takes them and unites them with sacrifice of the Mass. To understand the importance of this, consider the prayer of the good thief on the cross: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” I marvel at what a perfect prayer of petition this is; it is a prayer of one who knows he is a sinner, but has faith in the mercy of almighty God. By uniting our prayers with Jesus’ sacrifice, the priest effectively places these prayers at the foot of the Cross, and we ask these things of Jesus, knowing how much he has already done for us. That should give us pause to consider the powerful act we are doing and the humility we may have in offering these prayers.

The Prayer of the Faithful is where we the laity exercise one of the highest priestly functions in our vocation, our restored dignity as priests given from the moment of our creation. These prayers are the moment when we drag the world with us and call God to account for his loving care for creation and of our greatest needs and petitions. By doing the work of prayer we sanctify the world, calling down God’s Holy Spirit onto the myriad needs and desires of his Church. We do all this in light of the Cross, keeping Jesus’ sacrifice in mind at every point. That may be the most important aspect to keep in mind for restoring our sense of humility, our sense of ‘chosenness’ to do this work, and

allowing us to offer this work to Jesus in light of his sacrifice for us.

-Alan Stout

Alan Stout is an independ-ent writer and marketer living in Pamplona, Spain. He holds an MTS in Liturgi-cal Studies from Notre Dame ’13.

The above reflection first appeared online through the Center for Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame and can be read in its entirety at While it was originally written for an audience of college and graduate students, the beauty of the Mass is something that we can all consider and savor. We hope that you enjoy these reflections, consider prayerfully how you are called to engage or reengage in the Mass, and share these words with your loved ones. Timothy P. O’Malley is the owner of this content.

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Fr. Adrian Celebrated 6 Years of Priesthood This June 23

Photos from Fr. Adrian, clockwise from right:

-Fr. Adrian with his parents, Mariola and Mariusz Milik, after celebrating his first Mass in Poland, at Our Lady of Mercy in his hometown of Radom

-Fr. Adrian with Cardinal Séan and his newly-ordained brother priests

-Fr. Adrian greets Cardinal Séan after Mass

-Fr. Adrian is ordained a priest by Cardinal Séan O’Malley, OFM Cap., on June 23, 2012, at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross

Happy Anniversary, Fr. Adrian! May God bless you—and, through you, us—with many more years of ministry!

Psalm: Trace the words and

learn to pray like Jesus!

Gospel: A young girl had died, but Jesus brought her back to life! He

said, “Do not be afraid. Just have faith!”

Learn at Mass: During Mass, how many times

do we say “And with your spirit?” Listen and count!

©2018 TJB

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Sacred Heart News

Summer Community Choir at the 9:00 Mass!

The Sacred Heart Liturgical Choir will take a much-deserved break for the summer months, but, of course, we all still enjoy singing our faith! We warmly welcome ALL parishioners who enjoy singing to join a new Summer Community Choir at Sacred Heart. This choir will sing for the 9:00am Mass through Labor Day weekend. Please come forward to the choir chairs when you arrive for Mass and we will make sure you have what you need. No prior choral experience is necessary and there will be no rehearsal - just come as you are and enjoy singing in your parish community. This is also a great way for parents to share the joy of music and faith together with their children while at Mass. Young adults, young families with children and seasoned parishioners - all are welcome! Please contact Erica for more information: [email protected]

Condiments Needed! In July, we are collecting ketchup, mustard and salad dressings. Donations can be dropped off during the week in the lower elevator lobby OR at weekend Masses in either the elevator lobby or the upper church foyer at Sacred Heart Church.

Make Your Parish Giving Easier Stop worrying about bringing envelopes and writing checks! Sacred Heart provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your giving even if you cannot be here at Mass and automatically records all payments for easily accessible tax records. This also helps the parish streamline our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times. Visit Sacred Heart’s Online Giving portal today at to get started today. Questions? Contact the parish office.

Summer Ice Cream Social!

So many of us miss coffee hour during the summer months; this year we are planning to host a couple of ice cream socials. Save the Date for the first one: July 8th after the 9am Mass. Hope you can make it!

Religious Education News

A Religious Education survey has been sent out to all CCD families, to get feedback from parents on improving our Religious Education program. Time is needed during the summer to digest and respond to your ideas so please fill out this very brief online survey before you head off for vacation! Thanks for you input. We are always looking for those who would be willing to share the gift of faith with our students on Tuesdays Grade 1-5 (4-5:15pm) and Tuesday evening Grades 6-10 (7-8:30pm). The lessons are clear and engaging so that teachers and students both can grow in their faith in the process! Call or email the Religious Education office during the summer (617-969-4031) or email: [email protected] . We provide all the training and supervision needed, while you share the impact of Christ on your life!

All First Communion parents, don’t forget to pick up pictures of your child from their special day, before you head off on vacation for the summer! Have a restful summer. Michelle Solomon, Dir. Of RE

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Our Lady’s News

Girls & Scouting at Our Lady’s Our Lady’s is exploring whether to expand our Cub Scout program to include girls this fall. If you and your daughter (Grades 1-4) are interested in becoming part of a program that uses adventure to build charac-ter and teach important life skills, please be in touch!

Meetings are twice a month on Tuesdays at 6:30pm at Our Lady’s, with optional weekend activities through-out the year: hiking; campouts; Pinewood Derby; nights at the museum, zoo, and aquarium; food drives and other service projects.

Interested? Contact Cubmaster Jon Flynn at [email protected] for more information.

Make Your Parish Giving Easier Stop worrying about bringing envelopes and writing checks! Our Lady’s provides Online Giving as an electronic tool for contributions so you can give via the internet. Online Giving helps you maintain your

giving even if you cannot be here at Mass and auto-matically records all payments for easily accessible tax records. This also helps the parish streamline our cash flow, especially during bad weather or vacation times. Visit Our Lady’s Online Giving portal today at to get started today. Questions? Contact the parish office.

Religious Education Registration Begins July 1! Registration for the 2018-2019 Religious Education Programs will begin on or about July 1. Registration forms will be mailed home to all returning students. New students will be able to download a registration form from our website

Please note for First Penance and First Holy Communion: Preparation for these Sacraments is a two-year program. Although Religious Education begins in Kindergar ten, Grades 1 and 2 are required be-fore First Communion.

Please note for Confirmation: Preparation is a two-year program! High school students who wish to celebrate Confirmation must enroll in the preparation program for two consecutive years, typically - but not always - Grades 9 and 10. In addition, all rising 9th graders and any new 10th graders (typically Catholic school students) must contact Kristina over the summer to schedule a one-on-one introductory meeting that includes at least one parent.

Please spread the word about our programs to family, friends, and neighbors. Thank you! Rosemary Seibold (Grades K-5) Kristina Preman (Grades 6-10) 617-527-7560 ext.213 617-527-7560 x216 [email protected] [email protected]

Parish Office Summer Hours

Starting July 2nd through Labor Day, the Parish Office Hours will be Monday through Friday

from 7:00am to 3:00pm. We will return to the regular 8:00am to 3:45pm after Labor Day.

Have a Happy and Safe Summer!

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Our Collaborative

Sacred Heart 1321 Centre Street

Newton Centre 02459


Fax: 617-965-7515

Office: Mon-Fri 9:30am-2:30pm

[email protected]

Our Lady Help of Christians

573 Washington Street

Newton 02458


Fax: 617-527-1338

Office: Mon-Fri 8:00am-3:30pm

[email protected]



Fr. John Sassani, Pastor

[email protected], ext. 215

Fr. Dan Riley, Administrator

[email protected], ext. 229

Fr. Adrian Milik, Parochial Vicar

[email protected], ext. 224

Msgr. Dennis Sheehan, Senior Priest in Res.

[email protected], ext. 239

Fr. Michael Hahn, O.S.B., Pr iest in Res.

Deacon Bill Koffel, Deacon

[email protected]


Anne Marie David, Music Director (OL)

[email protected], ext. 227

Erica Johnson, Liturgy & Music Dir . (SH)

[email protected], ext. 120

Kristina Preman, Youth Min/ Rel. Ed. Gr 6-10 (OL)

[email protected], ext. 216

Brian Romer Niemiec, Pastoral Associate

[email protected], ext. 111

Rosemary Seibold, Past.Assoc./Rel.Ed. Gr K-5 (OL)

[email protected], ext. 213

Michelle Solomon, Rel. Ed. (SH)

[email protected], 617-969-4031


Michael Bliss, Finance & Operations

[email protected], ext. 226

Ed Desmond, Admin. Assistant (OL)

[email protected], ext. 250

Gerry McGrath, Facilities (OL)

[email protected]

Sioux Mont, Admin. Assistant (SH)

[email protected], ext.110

David Nahabedian, Facilities (SH)

[email protected], ext. 127


Saturday Vigil 4:00pm Our Lady’s 4:00pm Sacred Heart

Sunday 8:00am Our Lady’s 9:00am Sacred Heart 10:00am Our Lady’s 11:00am Sacred Heart (ASL) 12:00pm Sacred Heart Lower Church 6:00pm Our Lady’s

Weekdays including Legal Holidays Mon-Fri: 7:00am Our Lady’s Mon-Sat: 9:00am Sacred Heart Lower Church

Holy Days of Obligation

7:00am Our Lady’s 9:00am Sacred Heart 12:00pm Our Lady’s 7:30pm Sacred Heart


Every Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm, at both churches on the lower level, or by appointment.

New to our Collaborative? Welcome! Please introduce yourself after Mass or at the parish offices. We want to know and serve you! We hope you will participate in our parishes with your prayers, presence, talents, and steward-ship according to your means.

Sacraments of Initiation: For adults interested in Bap-tism, Confirmation, or joining the Catholic Church, please contact Fr. Adrian Milik; for high school Confirmation only, contact Michelle Solomon at Sacred Heart or Kristina Preman at Our Lady's; for older children to be baptized or to receive Holy Communion, contact Michelle Solomon at Sacred Heart or Rosemary Seibold at Our Lady's.

Infant Baptisms: Infant Baptisms are celebrated at Mass or on special Sundays throughout the year. Parents are asked to call the parish offices to begin the process. A

program of preparation is offered for all parents. For more information, please visit our website.

Sacrament of Marriage: Please contact the par ish offic-es at least 6 months in advance. A preparation program is offered to all couples. For more information, please visit our website.

Pastoral Care of the Sick: We are most eager to help anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in church. If you wish to receive the Sacraments of the Anointing of the Sick, Eucharist, or Reconciliation, please call the parish offices. Please also notify us of hospitalizations, so that we may be of help.

Saint Vincent de Paul Society: For more information, email [email protected] or call 617-527-7560 x255.

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Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Collaborative


Mass Schedule and Intentions Priests’ schedule is subject to change

In your prayers, please remember

Joseph D. Fucci

and all who have died.

May they experience the new life promised by Christ’s Paschal victory.

Scripture Readings for the Week also found at

1 SUN Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/2 Cor 8:7,9,13-15/Mk 5:21-43 2 Mon Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Mt 8:18-22 3 Tue Eph 2:19-22/Jn 20:24-29 4 Wed Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Mt 8:28-34 5 Thu Am 7:10-17/Mt 8:1-8 6 Fri Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 7 Sat Am 9:11-15/Mt 9:14-17 8 SUN Ez 2:2-5/2 Cor 12:7-10/Mk 6:1-6a

Saturday, June 30

9:00am - Sacred Heart - Eloina Garcia

Immediately following Mass: Rosary, Exposition, Adoration &

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, ending at 10:30am

4:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)

Rose Marie Proia

Alfred Coppola, Edward Caira

Vincent & Rose Caira & Family

Gaetano & Carmela Marini

4:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Michael Hahn)

Deceased Members of the Parish

Sunday, July 1—13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00am - Our Lady’s (Fr. Adrian Milik)

Janet Milione

9:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. John Sassani)

Deceased Members of the St. Francis Guild

10:00am - Our Lady’s (Msgr. Dennis Sheehan)

Maria & Loreto Venditti

Philip L. Jasset Sr.

11:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Adrian Milik)

Deceased Members of the Parish

12:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Dan Riley)

Barbara Nyhen

6:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Adrian Milik)

Joseph Deangelis

Monday, July 2

7:00am - Our Lady’s - Mary C. Mullaney

Giovanna & Luigi Franchi

Tuesday, July 3

9:00am - Sacred Heart - For All Victims of Abuse

Wednesday, July 4 - Fourth of July Holiday

7:00am - Our Lady’s - For All Military Personnel

Thursday, July 5

9:00am - Sacred Heart - For the Sick of the Parish

Friday, July 6

7:00am - Our Lady’s - Patricia Kennedy

Saturday, July 7

9:00am - Sacred Heart - For the Poor of the Parish

Immediately following Mass: Rosary, Exposition, Adoration &

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, ending at 10:30am

4:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. John Sassani)

Philip L. Jasset Sr.

Romolo Pescosolido

4:00pm - Sacred Heart (Fr. Adrian Milik)

Deceased Members of the Parish

Sunday, July 8—14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00am - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)

Caroline Walsh

9:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Adrian Milik)

Bill Walsh

10:00am - Our Lady’s (Fr. Michael Hahn)

Ruth & Thomas Boucher

11:00am - Sacred Heart (Fr. Shawn Carey)

Deceased Members of the Parish

12:00pm - Sacred Heart (Msgr. Dennis Sheehan)

Maureen Nyhen

6:00pm - Our Lady’s (Fr. Dan Riley)

Michael Annis