s30 pumping lemma

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  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Formal Methods in Computer Science


    Pumping Lemma

    Patchrawat Uthaisombut

    University of Pittsburgh

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    What do we know about NFAs and DFAs?

    Describe the concept of closure.

    What are closure properties of regular

    languages that we know of?

    Are all languages regular?

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Is language { 0n10n | n >= 0 } regular?Lets try to find an DFA or NFA

    recognizing it.

    What do we need to show to proof that

    a language is NOT regular?


  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Using some other property

    All regular languages share some property Q.

    x (Reg(x) Q(x)) (All Ps are Qs)

    Note, some non-regular languages may also have property Q.

    If we can show that a language L doesnt have this property,then L cannot be regular.

    ~Q(L) ~Reg(L)

    What property Q is a good choice to use? All regular languages must have property Q. If a language does not have property Q (and thus not regular), it

    should be easy to prove this.

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma




    Pumping lemma

    Understanding the Pumping condition

    Shared by all regular languages.

    Proof of Pumping lemma

    (Negation of Pumping condition)

    (Using pumping lemma to show that alanguage is not regular.)

    (Existence of non-regular languages)

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Pumping Condition

    A language L satisfies thepumping condition if there exists an integer

    p > 0 such that for all strings s in L of length atleast p

    there exist strings x, y, z suchthat

    s = xyzand

    |xy| p and |y| > 0 and for all i0, xyiz is in L.

    p(p>0 s((sL |s|p)

    xyz(( s= xyz|xy| p |y| > 0

    ) i(i 0 xyizL)



    Focus on the RED part first

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Let x = abcdefg be in L. Then there exists a substring y in s such that y

    can be repeated (pumped) in place any number

    of times and the resulting string is still in L. xyiz is in L for all i 0.

    Example y = cde


    z = xz =abfg is in L xy1z = xyz = abcdefgis in L xy2z = xyyz = abcdecdefgis in L xy3z = xyyyz = abcdecdecdefg is in L

    1) s in L

    2) s = xyz

    3)for all i0, xyiz is in Ly can be pumped

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    What the other parts mean

    A language L satisfies the pumping condition if there exists an integer p > 0 such that

    will discuss later

    for all strings s in L of length at least p s must be in L and have sufficient length

    there exist strings x, y, z such that s = xyz and |xy| n and

    y occurs in the first p characters of s.

    |y| > 0 and y is not the empty string.

    for all i 0, xyiz is in L.

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma




    Let L be the set of even length strings over{a,b}.

    Consider p = 2and s = abaa. What are the possibilities for y? abaa, abaa


    Which one satisfies the pumping condition? abaa

    Do all strings of L satisfy this?

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma




    Let L be the set of strings over {a,b} wherethe number of as mod 3 is 1.

    Consider p = 3 and s = abbaaa. What are the possibilities for y?

    abbaaa, abbaaa, abbaaa abbaaa, abbaaa abbaaa

    Which ones satisfy the pumping condition? abbaaa, abbaaa, abbaaa

    Do all strings of L satisfy this?

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Pumping Lemma

    A language L satisfies the pumping condition if: there exists an integer p > 0 such that

    for all strings s in L of length at least p

    there exist strings x, y, z such that

    s = xyzand

    |xy| = 1 and

    for all i >= 0, xyiz is in L

    Pumping Lemma: All regular languages satisfy thepumping condition.

    Now we proof the Pumping Lemma

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    High Level Outline

    Let L be an arbitrary regular language.

    Let M be a DSA such that L(M) = L.

    M exists by definition of L being regular.

    Show that L satisfies the pumpingcondition

    Use M in this part

    Pumping Lemma follows.

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    First step: n+1 prefixes of x

    Let p be the number of states in M.

    Let s be any string in L of length at least p.

    Let si

    denote the ith character of string s.

    There are at least p+1 distinct prefixes of s

    length 0:

    length 1: s1

    length 2: s1s2 ...

    length i: s1s2 si ...

    length n: s1s2 si sn

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma




    Let p = 8

    Let s = abcdefgh

    There are 9 distinct prefixes of s. length 0:

    length 1: a

    length 2: ab ...

    length 8: abcdefgh

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Second step: Pigeon-hole Principle

    As M processes string s, it processes each prefix of s

    In particular, each prefix of s must end up in some state of M


    There are p+1 distinct prefixes of s.

    There are only p states in M.


    At least two prefixes of s must end up in the same state of M

    Pigeon-hole principle

    If there are more birds than holes, then some hole has two or more birds.

    Name these two prefixes w1 and w2.

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    Third step: Forming x, y, z


    Prefix w1 has length i

    Prefix w2 has lengthj > i

    prefix w1

    of length i: s1



    prefix w2 of length j: s1s2 si si+1 sj

    Forming x, y, z

    Set x = w1 = s1s2 si

    Set y = si+1 sj Set z = sj+1 s|s|

    xyz = s1s2 sisi+1 sjsj+1 s|s|x y z

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma




    Let M be a 5-state FSA that accepts all strings over{a,b,c,,z} whose length mod 5 = 3.

    Consider x = abcdefghijklmnopqr, a string in L.

    What are the two prefixes w1 and w2? w1 =

    w2 = abcde

    What are x, y, z?

    x = y = abcde

    z = fghijklmnopqr

    xyz =abcdefghijklmnopqr

    1 2 3 40

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    Fourth step: Showing x, y, z

    satisfy all the conditions |xy| p

    xy = w2

    w2 is one of the first p+1 prefixes of string s

    |y| 1 y consists of the characters in w2 after w1 Since w2 and w1 are distinct prefixes of s, y is not

    For all i 0, xyiz in L x=w1 and xy=w2 end up in the same state qof M

    This is how we defined w1 and w2 Thus for all i 0, xyi ends up in state q

    The string z causes M to go from state qto an acceptingstate.

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    Let M be a 5-state FSA that accepts all strings over{a,b,c,,z} whose length mod 5 = 3.

    Consider x = abcdefghijklmnopqr, a string in L.

    What are x, y, z? x =

    y = abcde

    z = fghijklmnopqr

    |xy| = 5 p |y| = 5 1

    For all i 0, xyiz = (abcde)ifghijklmnopqr is in L.

    1 2 3 40

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Pumping Lemma

    A language L satisfies the pumping condition if: there exists an integer p > 0 such that

    for all strings s in L of length at least p

    there exist strings x, y, z such that

    s = xyzand

    |xy| = 1 and

    for all i >= 0, xyiz is in L

    Pumping Lemma: All regular languages satisfy thepumping condition.

    Now we proof the Pumping Lemma

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Rephrasing pumping lemma

    Pumping Lemma: All regular languages satisfy thepumping condition. x ( Reg(L) Pump(L) )

    A language is regular if and only if it satisfies thepumping condition. Equivalent? x ( ~Reg(L) ~Pump(L) ) Not Equivalent

    All non-regular languages do not satisfy the pumpingcondition. Equivalent? x ( ~Reg(L) ~Pump(L) ) Not Equivalent

    All languages that do not satisfy the pumpingcondition are not regular. Equivalent? x ( ~Pump(L) ~Reg(L) ) Equivalent

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    How to use the pumping lemma

    Contrapositive of Pumping Lemma:All languages that do not satisfy thepumping condition are not regular.

    x ( ~Pump(L) ~Reg(L)

    To prove that a language L is not regular1. Show that L does NOT satisfy the pumping

    condition.2. Cite pumping lemma and conclude that L is not


    Need to find negation of Pumping Condition

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Pumping Condition

    A language L satisfies thepumping condition if there exists an integer

    p > 0 such that for all strings s in L of length at

    least p there exist strings x, y, z such

    that s = xyzand


    p and |y| > 0 and for all i0, xyiz is in L.

    p(p>0 s((sL |s|p)xyz(( s= xyz

    |xy| p |y| > 0

    ) i(i 0 xyizL)



    Need to find negation of Pumping Condition

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    x ( P(x) Q(x) ) Not all Ps are Qs x ( P(x) Q(x) ) x (P(x) Q(x) )

    x ( P(x) Q(x) ) Some Ps are not Qs

    x ( P(x) Q(x) ) No Ps are Qs. x ( P(x) Q(x) )

    x (


    Q(x) ) x ( P(x) Q(x) )All Ps are not Qs

  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Negation of Pumping condition

    p(p>0 s((sL |s|p)xyz(

    ( s= xyz

    |xy| p |y| > 0

    ) i(i 0 xyizL)



    p( p> 0 s( (sL |s| p) xyz(

    ( s= xyz

    |xy| p|y| > 0

    ) i(i 0 xyizL)



  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Negation of Pumping condition A language L does NOT

    satisfy the pumping condition

    if: for all integers p > 0

    there exists a string s in L oflength at least p such that

    for all strings x, y, z such that s = xyz,

    |xy| p, and

    |y| > 0, there exists an i 0 suchthat xyiz is not in L

    p( p> 0 s( (sL |s| p) xyz(

    ( s= xyz


    |y| > 0) i(i 0 xyizL)



  • 8/2/2019 s30 Pumping Lemma



    Pumping condition and its negation A language L satisfiesthe

    pumping condition if:

    there existsan integer p > 0such that

    for allstrings s in L of length at

    least p

    there existstrings x, y, z suchthat

    s = xyz,

    |xy| p, and

    |y| > 0, for alli 0, xyiz is inL

    A language L does not satisfythe

    pumping condition if: for allintegers p > 0

    there existsa string s in L oflength at least p such that

    for allstrings x, y, z such that

    s = xyz,

    |xy| p, and

    |y| > 0,

    there existsan i 0 such

    that xyiz is not inL