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MOUNT OLIVET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Stew/Bake Sale Saturday January 13 Please donate Bake Sale items! To preorder call 793-7113 CROSSROADS NEWSLETTER Meet & Greet: Sundays from 9:15-9:45 in the Youth Room We’ve gone back to the basics, coffee and donuts. Please sign-up in the Narthex to provide breakfast Beginning January 7 the Sunday morning schedule will be: Meet & Greet: 9 - 9:20am Sunday School: 9:30 - 10:15am Worship: January 2018 01 Happy New Year! 07 New Sunday Times Begin PPR Meeting 08 Circle of Friends Meeting 13 Youth Stew / Bake Sale 14 Caroling 16 Roundtable Bible Study The youth would like to thank everyone who donated and/or helped with providing food for Feed the Hungry at Moffett Memorial on Saturday December 23.

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Stew/Bake SaleSaturday January 13

Please donate Bake Sale items!

To preorder call 793-7113


Meet & Greet: Sundays from 9:15-9:45

in the Youth Room We’ve gone back to the basics,

coffee and donuts. Please sign-up in the Narthex to provide

breakfast one Sunday.

January 201801 Happy New Year!

07 New Sunday Times Begin PPR Meeting

08 Circle of Friends Meeting

13 Youth Stew / Bake Sale

14 Caroling

16 Roundtable Bible Study Begins

Beginning January 7the Sunday morning schedule

will be:Meet & Greet:

9 - 9:20amSunday School: 9:30 - 10:15am

Worship: 10:30am

The youth would like to thank everyone who donated and/or helped

with providing food for Feed the Hungry at Moffett Memorial

on Saturday December 23.

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The Musings of Pastor Jimmy

Hello Friends,

Happy New Year! As 2017 comes to a close most will sit back and think of all the things that they accomplished or things that were left undone. As I think about 2018 Galatians 6:7-8 comes to mind as it shares, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”

One of the things that I feel the Lord is calling me to focus on and share with you is that this year we are to focus on what we sow. If we call ourselves Christians then we should be sowing love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. The beautiful truth that comes from this is when we sow these wonderful seeds, it will then grow into fruits. The fruit then multiplies and more seeds are planted... you see where I’m going here.

Let’s commit as followers of Jesus to sow the seeds that will produce the good fruits of Christ.

Keep Loving One Another!

Pastor Jimmy

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07 Wendy Hall14 Lyn & McKenzie Hill21 Karen Conner28 Judy Pena


07 Julia Kent 14 Thadd Christian 21 Alicia Gregory28 Dianne Harr


Cheryl Richardson

Budget Infoas of December 24, 2017

Needed Per Sunday: $ 2,647.77

Collected to Date: $ 105,021.07

Should Have Collected: $ 137,684.04

Ahead/Behind: - $ 32,662.97O3 Lois Kent

08 William Hall Mylie Dillion

10 Jessica Kent

11 Linda Barts

17 Mamie Lindsey Taylor Woodson


07 Ann Astin & Bessie Carter14 Mary & Corbyn Adkins21 Jim & Marjorie Blankenship28 Aprel & Melissa Bolt


07 Chuck Richardson & Linda Thomasson14 Cheryl Richardson & Bridget Kemp21 Vann Dillion & Andy Mills28 Steve Kent & Lyn Hill


07 Andy & Carol Mills14 Judy Pena21 Glenn & Ruth Dillion28 Pastor Jimmy & Kyle Calhoun


07 Mylie Dillion14 Maddie Davis21 Piper Calhoun28 Mylie Dillion


07 Betsy Kent14 Dianne & Mary Harr21 Bobbie Dillion28 Alicia Gregory

Prayer RequestsMargie Blankenship

Duane & Joyce Burnett

Our Church & Church Leaders

Our City

College Students

Our Country

Nathan Deandrea

Kat Dodson

Elizabeth Gregory

Carolyn & Ryland Hawker

Herbert & Joan Holley

Amy Jennings15 Ken & Jamie McBride

30 Glenn and Ruth Dillion

Thank You! To all of our volunteers

Crystal Jenson

Stevie Jones

Bill Keith

Garland Keith

Harriet KeithTim Kemp

Darlene LeffelWJ Long

John Love FamilyBarbara Mackey

Larry MannOlive MillsOur Military

Billie Ann NucklesNursing Home


Pastor Jimmy & Family

Jason ScearceCarlene Shelor

Shut-insMari Smith FamilySabrina StarlingMargie StroudRicci Stroud

The SickUnspoken Requests

Cory WeatherfordCullen Williams

Danny WoodsonOur Youth

23 Cheryl Richardson

25 Angel Gregory

28 Michelle Owen Piper Calhoun

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I am no longer my own, but thine.Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou

wilt.Put me to doing, put me to suffering.

Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,exalted for thee or brought low by thee.

Let me be full, let me be empty.Let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and heartily yield all thingsto thy pleasure and disposal.

And now, O glorious and blessed God,Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.And the covenant which I have made on earth,

let it be ratified in heaven.Amen.

"A Covenant Prayer in the Wesleyan Tradition" is used in the Covenant Renewal Service, often celebrated on New Year’s Eve

or Day. This version is on page 607 in the United Methodist hymnal.

Crystal Jenson

Stevie Jones

Bill Keith

Garland Keith

Harriet KeithTim Kemp

Darlene LeffelWJ Long

John Love FamilyBarbara Mackey

Larry MannOlive MillsOur Military

Billie Ann NucklesNursing Home


Pastor Jimmy & Family

Jason ScearceCarlene Shelor

Shut-insMari Smith FamilySabrina StarlingMargie StroudRicci Stroud

The SickUnspoken Requests

Cory WeatherfordCullen Williams

Danny WoodsonOur Youth

Circle of FriendsMonday January 8


Mount Olivet Youth Room

Sunday January 14The Youth invite the entire Church to join

us, and put a smile on the faces of our Nursing Home residents and Shut-Ins

through song!

Because of the snow in December, we had to postpone this tradition, but we have permission from the Nursing home to keep the Christmas spirit alive a little


Can’t sing? Don’t worry about it, they love seeing

everyone!Bring a bag lunch and plan on staying

after church.

We will leave at 1:00pm

We will arrive back to the church at

THANK YOU MOUNT OLIVET!!!!34 shoeboxes were delivered to the

Samaritan’s Purse Projectand

42 pairs of shoes were mailed to the Sole Hope Project.


Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!!

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Beyond New Year’s resolutions — make ‘faithful intentions’

New Year’s Resolutions have always been a very pass/fail sort of test for me. I set myself up to forgo chocolate and lo and behold, two weeks into the New Year, I find myself munching nonchalantly on fudge.

In the immortal words of comedian Steve Martin, “I forgot.” But worse, one slip up and I feel like I have failed. I can’t go back to “the day before the fudge” so what’s the point? My record is no longer perfect.

But that is the whole point from a spiritual perspective. We’re not perfect. But we are improving.Resolving to be more spiritual is not a hard date to keep or a hard bar to leap over. It’s a daily resetting of your mind and soul. It’s trying again when you “fail” and knowing that you can never fail if you’re trying.

It is…grace. Here a few ideas for growing spiritually and for spurring you to think of your own.

1. Count to 10Your mother was right — or, maybe it was my mother — but anyway, counting to 10 is an age-old axiom for a reason. Our first reactions to things may be influenced by how stressed we are at the moment, what

just happened in that meeting or where our blood sugar levels are hovering. Do you really want to snap at someone because you are mad at someone else? Especially, if it that someone else is yourself?

Taking a few seconds to think before speaking takes discipline and practice. But taking time to respond when you feel emotional is a spiritual exercise that will help you be more centered and more caring. Make

sure you eat first.

2. BreatheBut I am! Right? Breathing is an involuntary response of the body. One that happens regardless of

whether we’re aware of it. But breathing can become shallow or quick when we are anxious or stressed — and that is when we need oxygen the most.

There are over 30 verses in the Bible that mention breath and they seem to often be connected to or representative of Spirit, of God.

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. — Job 33:4And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,

“Receive the Holy Spirit. — John 20:22Mindful breathing is essential to our spiritual life because it connects our heads with our bodies and our bodies with our hearts. When I feel afraid or physically sick, I breathe 10 times as deeply and calmly as I

can and remind myself that it will be OK. And it is.

3. Think positive thoughtsI read that human beings think three or four negative thoughts to every positive one. My friends admit to

beating themselves up for their shortcomings or worrying to the point of distraction about the future.When things are going wrong, that’s the most difficult time to be positive — and sometimes you just have

to go to bed! But a steady stream of hopeful or reassuring thoughts can help bring us back to the truth that we are not alone.

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) or simply, “It’s going to be OK!” are better thoughts to think than, “I’ll never be able to do it!” Thinking on the true and good thing

(Philippians 4:8) is far better than allowing fear to overcome you. No matter how bad the situation is, remember you are loved beyond measure.

4. Love (and forgive) yourselfOne of my favorite Bible verses ever, but one that has taken years for me to comprehend is “love your

neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27, among others). What does that really mean? I struggled with thinking loving the self was, well, selfish. Now, as an adult, I understand that you cannot love and accept others if you do not love and accept yourself. You cannot express unconditional love if you do not first practice it

with yourself.There is a beautiful song by the Bluegrass band Mountain Heart that lists the writer’s transgressors and

his success in forgiving them. Notice the last line.I forgive my daddy for missing half my life,

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I forgive my momma for holding on too tight,I’ve forgiven friends, strangers, neighbors, family,

Everybody… everybody… but me.Holding on to guilt can impact relationships because it blocks the flow of communication, of love itself.

Practice grace — with yourself. You can’t truly live your life until you do.

5. Love one another (and forgive the ones you can’t forgive)Such a simple directive. Such a beautiful philosophy. Did He really mean the ones we disagree with, too?!

Learning to love in the manner Christ intended is more of a lifetime goal than an immediate accomplishment. The progress sneaks up on you over months, years, sort of like when I gave up the

perfection of Yoga Magazine and settled for “getting better.” Which is a nice verb phrase whose synonyms include “rejuvenate, restored and released.”

Forgiving people who have hurt us may well be the most difficult task we are asked to perform as Christians. But if you keep “carrying all that anger, it’ll eat you up inside,” as Don Henley sang. The

subtitle of the Rev. Adam Hamilton’s book on forgiveness is, “Finding Peace Through Letting Go,” and it means just that. And just know…it’s a process. Accept where you are with it.

6. Pray — right where you areI tend to agree with writer Anne Lamott that prayers are usually “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” or

“Help me! Help me! Help me!” But as I grew spiritually, I began to pray for other people when I myself was hurting. It’s been a powerful practice that has changed my perspective about what others go through

and how many blessings I actually have.A daily devotional, like the one offered at The Upper Room, a book of prayers from around the world, "A Bead and a Prayer," (as explained by United Methodist author, Kristen Vincent) and even crying, are all

ways you can connect with God.Pray. Pray in the way that works for you. If you haven’t in a while, if you don’t believe it works… then

pray that. God’s not afraid of your doubt. Praying is something you can do wherever you are.

7. Be grateful — and be joyfulI woke up one morning when all I wanted to do was cry, and I heard clearly in my head:This is the day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

So, I played “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, instead.Gratitude is a spiritual practice that will change your life. It’s not just that it shifts your focus from what

you don’t have to what you do have. It can lift your spirits in such a way that helps you cope when you are down.

Joy is an inside job but it can be inspired by external things. Music. Children. Nature. Art. Find them.

8. Think of the other fellowThat is what my mother used to say. “And you’ll feel better.” ?

When I was little, I thought doing things for others was about, well, others. It was the right and proper thing to do, but I wasn’t sure it was necessarily fun. But as an adult, I realized it did far more for me than

it ever did for anyone I ever helped.The Wesleyan tradition holds that faith and good works belong together. “We offer our lives back to God

through a life of service.”You cannot help someone else and not be changed yourself. Which may be the coolest paradox of “do

unto others as you would have done unto you.” Try it.You don’t have to master all spiritual practices this week or even this year. But you can earnestly strive to

be more spiritual at any point in time. It is an on-going practice. A resolution you can re-make daily.Happy New Year.

This story was first published on Dec. 31, 2014. *Laurens Glass is Website Manager for UMCOM.org at United Methodist Communcations.

She can be reached at [email protected] or 615.742.5405.

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Sunday Youth MeetingsAttention Parents and Youth: We need your kids and teens to come on Sundays from

3-5 to have fun and to learn about Jesus!! Our Leaders; Betsy Kent and Bill Kent for Senior youth (8th grade to College), Michelle Owen for Middle youth (6th and 7th grade),

and Dianne Harr & Mary Harr for Kids for Christ (K thru 5th grade) provide exciting lessons, fun games, and there is always FOOD!!

January 13 th – Youth Stew Youth please plan to be at this fundraiser.

We need baked goods donated, these can be homemade or store-bought.

January 14 th – Christmas Caroling The Entire Church is invited to put a smile on our

Nursing Home residents and Shut-Ins through song!Because of the snow in December, we had to postpone this tradition, but we have permission from the Nursing home to keep the Christmas spirit alive a

little longer. Can’t sing? Don’t worry about it, they love seeing everyone!

Bring a bag lunch and plan on staying after church.We will leave at 1:00pm

We will arrive back to the church at around 4:00pm for cookies and hot cocoa!!



Danville District Conference News

2018 Bible Reading challenge releasedBishop Sharma D. Lewis shared that her 2018 Bible reading challenge will be read chronologically (in

the order of events). Bishop Lewis will be sharing a video about the challenge soon. Information about the challenge and monthly readings are now on the conference website.

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1 2 3 4 56pm Girl Scouts


79am Meet & Greet9:30am Sunday School10:30am Worship2pm PPR Meeting3pm KFC/Youth

86pm SIP 6:30pm Circle of Friends

9 106pm SIP

116pm SIP

126pm Girl Scouts

13Stew/Bake Sale

149am Meet & Greet9:30am Sunday School10:30am Worship1pm Caroling

156pm SIP

167pm Roundtable Bible Study

176pm SIP

186pm SIP

196pm Girl Scouts


219am Meet & Greet9:30am Sunday School10:30am Worship3pm KFC/Youth

226pm SIP

237pm Roundtable Bible Study

246pm SIP

256pm SIP

26 27

289am Meet & Greet9:30am Sunday School10:30am Worship3pm KFC/Youth

296pm SIP

307pm Roundtable Bible Study

316pm SIP

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Mt Olivet Leadership 2018

Acolyte Coordinator: Bobbie Dillion

Administrative Council- Chairperson-Melanie Cockram Vice Chair- TBE Secretary- Bobbie Dillion Honorary Members - Elizabeth Gregory, Bea Ragle, Wilsie PayneMembers at Large- Joan Holley, Andy Mills, Terry Dillion, Stacey Moreau, Danny Cockram, Marty Eanes, JW Thomasson, Mike Hughes, Thadd Christian, Leslie Christian, Linda Thomasson, Annette Dodd, Nancy Edwards, Cheryl Cockram, Cheryl Richardson, Mark Shelton, Steve KentYouth Rep: TBAMembers: Ruth Dillion, Betsy Kent, Barbara Mackey, Tim Kemp, Lois Kent, Bill Kent, Mike Bennington, Vann Dillion, June Dillion, Kelsey Shelton, Dianne Harr. Young Adult Rep, Harvest Day Chairperson, Lyn Hill, and President of UMM, UMW, & Circle of Friends (All three to be elected)

Advocate Representative- Wendy Hall

Alter Beautification Coordinator: Ruth Dillion

Annual Conference Lay Delegate: Ruth Dillion; Alternate: Cheryl Richardson

Children's Church Coordinator: Dianne Harr Asst: Betsy Kent

Historians: Betsy Kent, Barbara Mackey

Church School: Co Superintendents- Tim Kemp & Bill Kent Secretary: Joan Holley, Asst:

Church Treasurer: Lois Kent Asst: Lyn Hill

Communication Coordinator: Bobbie Dillion

Communion Stewards: Brian & Vanessa Conner, Pastor

Senior Outreach Coordinator (XYZ): Lyn Hill, Ruth Dillion, Pastor

Congregational Care & Outreach Coordinators- Pastor, Glenn Dillion, Tim Kemp, Andy Mills, Carol Mills

Counter Coordinator- Lois Kent

District Conference Delegates- Glenn & Ruth Dillion, Pastor

District Disaster Relief Representatives: Brian Conner

Education Chairpersons: Cheryl Richardson, Lyn Hill, Pastor

Family Night Chairperson- Worship Committee

Finance Committee: Chairperson- Vann Dillion Members: Vann Dillion, Bill Kent (Trustees), Lois Kent, June Dillion (Financial Secretary), Glenn Dillion, Ruth Dillion, Lyn Hill (Treasurer Back up), Marjorie Blankenship (Auditor), Ann Astin (Auditor).

Financial Auditors: Marjorie Blankenship, Ann Astin

Financial Secretary- June Dillion

Greeter Coordinator: Bridget Kemp, Tim Kemp

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Harvest Day Chairperson: Coates ClassHarvest Day Chairpersons Cycle: 2018= Coates Class, 2019= Bill’s Class 2020= Circle of Friends 2021= Youth, 2022=UMM

Head Usher: Tim Kemp

Hospitality Coordinator- Carol Mills

Kitchen Coordinators: Cindy Eanes, Judy Tickle, Glenn Dillion, Carol Mills

Lay Leader: Glenn Dillion Asst: Tim Kemp

Lay Leadership Committee: Pastor Members; Through 2018- Bill Kent, Kelsey Shelton, 2019- Dianne Harr, Suzanne Moore, Tim Kemp, 2019: Mark Shelton, Mary Harr

Membership Secretary: Melanie Cockram

Music Ministries: Mike Bennington

Nursery Coordinators: Wendy Hall, Asst: Bridget Kemp

Pastor-Parish Committee: Chairperson- Kelsey Shelton, Vice Chair- Suzanne MooreMembers- Through 2018: Kelsey Shelton, Vanessa Conner, Dustin Cockram; 2019: Suzanne Moore, Angel Gregory; 2020: Judy Pena, Annette DoddAlways on the Committee- Pastor, Lay Leader, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference

Photo Coordinator: Jamie McBride

Presidents of UMM & Circle of Friends Elected by Ministry

Telephone (Ma Bells): Chairperson- Cheryl RichardsonMembers- Ruth Dillion, Harriett Keith, Joan Holley, June Dillion, Judy Tickle

Trustees: Chairperson- Bill KentMembers-Through 2017; Glenn Dillion, Marty Eanes, Mike Hughes; 2019 Mary Clark, William Hall; 2020 Bill Kent, Chuck Richardson, JW Thomasson.

Sisters in Praise Representatives: Dianne Harr, Kelsey Shelton, Melanie Cockram

VBS Coordinators: Stacey Moreau, Youth & KFC Directors

Church Mission Trip Coordinators: Betsy Kent, Pastor

Van Committee- Brian Conner

Worship Committee: Chairperson- Lyn Hill (Now plan’s Family Night)Members: Choir Director; Through 2018: Lyn Hill, Margie Blankenship, Ruth Dillion, Angel Gregory. Robin Woodson, Dianne Harr 2019: Stacey Moreau, Melanie Cockram, Jennifer Davis, Thadd Christian, Mary Harr

Senior Activities (XYZ): Lyn Hill, Ruth Dillion, & Pastor

Sign: Alicia Gregory

Youth: Senior: Betsy Kent, Bill Kent. Middle: TBA

Kids for Christ: Director: Dianne Harr Assistant: Mary Harr

Youth Council Members: Vanessa Conner, Stacey Moreau, Lyn Hill, Betsy Kent, Bobbie Dillion, Michelle Owen, Dianne Harr Youth Officers- Elected by Council.

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* The Pastor and Lay Leader serve on all committees except the Trustees.



Please call Tim Kemp if you are unable to carry out any of your duties.

Thank you for volunteering to participate in this ministry.

Tim Kemp

(434) 710 4042 (Home)(434) 429 9659 (Mobile)














Cheryl Richardson

Dustin Cockram

Bill Kent

Marty Eanes


William Hall

Steve Kent

Mark Shelton

Andy Mills


Greg Vest

Robin Woodson

Tim Kemp

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2018 Counters

Chuck R. Cheryl Steve J.W. Bridget Bill

Linda Vann Andy Lyn William Joan

January07 Chuck, Linda14 Cheryl, Bridget21 Vann, Andy28 Steve, Lyn

February 04 J.W., William 11 Joan, Bill 18 Chuck, Linda25 Cheryl, Bridget

March04 Vann, Andy 11 Steve, Lyn18 J.W., William25 Joan, Bill

April01 Chuck, Linda 08 Cheryl, Bridget15 Vann, Andy22 Steve, Lyn29 J.W., William

May06 Joan, Bill 13 Chuck, Linda20 Cheryl, Bridget27 Vann, Andy

June03 Steve, Lyn 10 J.W., William

17 Joan, Bill 24 Chuck, Linda

July01 Cheryl, Bridget 08 Vann, Andy15 Steve, Lyn22 J.W., William29 Joan, Bill

August05 Chuck, Linda 12 Cheryl, Bridget19 Vann, Andy26 Steve, Lyn

September02 J.W., William 09 Joan, Bill16 Chuck, Linda23 Cheryl, Bridget30 Vann, Andy

October07 Steve, Lyn14 J.W., William21 Joan, Bill 28 Chuck, Linda

November04 Cheryl, Bridget 11 Vann, Andy

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18 Steve, Lyn25 J.W., William

December02 Joan, Bill 09 Chuck, Linda16 Cheryl, Bridget23 Vann, Andy30 Steve, Lyn

Kid’s Corner 2018

January 07- Julia KentJanuary 14- Thadd ChristianJanuary 21-Alicia GregoryJanuary 28-Dianne Harr

February 4-Pastor JimmyFebruary 11- Julia KentFebruary 18- Thadd ChristianFebruary 25-Alicia Gregory

March 4-Dianne HarrMarch 11-Pastor JimmyMarch 18- Julia KentMarch 25-Thadd Christian

April 1- Alicia GregoryApril 8-Dianne HarrApril 15-Pastor JimmyApril 22-Julia KentApril 29- Thadd Christian

May 6-Alicia GregoryMay 13-Dianne HarrMay 20-Pastor JimmyMay 27-Julia Kent

June 3- Thadd ChristianJune 10- Alicia Gregory June 17-Dianne HarrJune 24-Pastor Jimmy

July 1-Julia KentJuly 8-Thadd ChristianJuly 15-Alicia GregoryJuly 22-Dianne HarrJuly 29-Pastor Jimmy

August 5- Alicia GregoryAugust 12-Julia KentAugust 19- Thadd ChristianAugust 26- Dianne Harr

September 2-Pastor JimmySeptember 9-Julia KentSeptember 16-Thadd ChristianSeptember 23-Dianne HarrSeptember 30-Pastor Jimmy

October 7- Julia KentOctober 14-Thadd ChristianOctober 21-Dianne HarrOctober 28-Pastor Jimmy

November 4-Julia KentNovember 11-Thadd ChristianNovember 18-Dianne HarrNovember 25- Pastor Jimmy

December 2-Julia KentDecember 9-Thadd ChristianDecember 16-Pastor JimmyDecember 23-Alicia GregoryDecember 30- Julia Kent

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07-Jan Ann Astin & Bessie Carter14-Jan Mary & Corbyn Adkins21-Jan Jim & Marjorie Blankenship28-Jan Aprel & Melissa Bolt

04-Feb The Christian Family11-Feb Mary Clark & Marty Eanes18-Feb Dustin & Cheryl Cockram25-Feb The Conner Family

04-Mar The Davis Family11-Mar June Dillion & Shirley Paterson18-Mar Bobbie & Mylie Dillion25-Mar Alicia & Angel Gregory

01-Apr Vann & Terry Dillion08-Apr The Durham Family15-Apr William & Wendy Hall22-Apr Dianne & Mary Harr29-Apr The Hill Family

06-May Joan & Herbert Holley13-May Mike Hughes & Nancy Edwards20-May Charles & Sandra Hylton27-May Tim & Bridget Kemp

03-Jun Bill & Betsy Kent10-Jun Steve & Julia Kent

17-Jun The Lahti Family24-Jun The McBride Family

01-Jul Andy & Carol Mills08-Jul Suzanne Moore & Stacey Moreau

01-Jul Andy & Carol Mills08-Jul Suzanne Moore & Stacey Moreau15-Jul Michelle & Samantha Owen22-Jul Judy Pena & Judy Tickle29-Jul Chuck & Cheryl Richardson

05-Aug The Shelton Family12-Aug J.W. & Linda Thomasson19-Aug The Vest Family26-Aug Danny & Robin Woodson

02-Sep Ann Astin & Bessie Carter09-Sep Mary & Corbyn Adkins16-Sep Jim & Marjorie Blankenship23-Sep Aprel & Melissa Bolt30-Sep The Christian Family

07-Oct Mary Clark & Marty Eanes14-Oct Dustin & Cheryl Cockram21-Oct The Conner Family28-Oct The Davis Family

04-Nov June Dillion & Shirley Paterson11-Nov Bobbie & Mylie Dillion18-Nov Alicia & Angel Gregory25-Nov Vann & Terry Dillion

02-Dec The Durham Family09-Dec William & Wendy Hall

2018 Greeters

January 07- Julia KentJanuary 14- Thadd ChristianJanuary 21-Alicia GregoryJanuary 28-Dianne Harr

February 4-Pastor JimmyFebruary 11- Julia KentFebruary 18- Thadd ChristianFebruary 25-Alicia Gregory

March 4-Dianne HarrMarch 11-Pastor JimmyMarch 18- Julia KentMarch 25-Thadd Christian

April 1- Alicia GregoryApril 8-Dianne HarrApril 15-Pastor JimmyApril 22-Julia KentApril 29- Thadd Christian

May 6-Alicia GregoryMay 13-Dianne HarrMay 20-Pastor JimmyMay 27-Julia Kent

June 3- Thadd ChristianJune 10- Alicia Gregory June 17-Dianne HarrJune 24-Pastor Jimmy

July 1-Julia KentJuly 8-Thadd ChristianJuly 15-Alicia GregoryJuly 22-Dianne HarrJuly 29-Pastor Jimmy

August 5- Alicia GregoryAugust 12-Julia KentAugust 19- Thadd ChristianAugust 26- Dianne Harr

September 2-Pastor JimmySeptember 9-Julia KentSeptember 16-Thadd ChristianSeptember 23-Dianne HarrSeptember 30-Pastor Jimmy

October 7- Julia KentOctober 14-Thadd ChristianOctober 21-Dianne HarrOctober 28-Pastor Jimmy

November 4-Julia KentNovember 11-Thadd ChristianNovember 18-Dianne HarrNovember 25- Pastor Jimmy

December 2-Julia KentDecember 9-Thadd ChristianDecember 16-Pastor JimmyDecember 23-Alicia GregoryDecember 30- Julia Kent

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16-Dec Dianne & Mary Harr23-Dec The Hill Family30-Dec Joan & Herbert Holley