s tructured o bjective c linical e xamination soc e

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S tructured O bjective C linical E xamination SOC E Slide 2 S tructured O bjective C linical E xamination Slide 3 What is OSCE ? series of stations with tasks series of stations with tasks planned planned marking form marking form examiner examiner patient : SP patient : SP organization > examination organization > examination Slide 4 Why OSCE ? before OSCE (1975) before OSCE (1975) viva (oral), long case, short case viva (oral), long case, short case valid ? know how NOT show how know how NOT show how reliable ? different patients different patients different examiners different examiners Slide 5 Why OSCE ? more valid more valid show how more reliable more reliable same task | patient same examiner or same structured marking sheet Slide 6 Basic Structure 12348765 Slide 7 12348765 12435687 Slide 8 Basic Structure : Parallel 12348765 A B CD Slide 9 Basic Structure : Double 2 123 7654 Slide 10 How to start ? blueprint of the whole OSCE blueprint of the whole OSCE design the station design the station design the mark sheet design the mark sheet Slide 11 Blueprint reversed table of classification reversed table of classification Slide 12 Station & Marking learning by doing learning by doing 8 groups : name list 8 groups : name list 8 stations 8 stations 2(p) - 4(x) - 4(d) 2(p) - 4(x) - 4(d) signal signal materials & ID materials & ID task (flexible) task (flexible) lunch : 3rd floor lunch : 3rd floor Slide 13 Station Design station time 4-15 min. station time 4-15 min. total time < 2 hrs total time < 2 hrs focus task focus task examiner used : Y | N, who? examiner used : Y | N, who? pilot pilot Slide 14 Type of Stations static | written static | written practical : technique practical : technique clinical clinical Slide 15 Marking Sheet Design checklist checklist rating scale rating scale score score Slide 16 Checklist dichotomous : Yes | No dichotomous : Yes | No Pros Pros high objectivity high reliability easy to feedback Cons Cons only quantity check Slide 17 Checklist How to improve? How to improve? stem clear clear observable observable not too long not too long overall not too long not too long Slide 18 Rating Scale rating rating quality concern quality concern lower objectivity lower objectivity lower reliability Slide 19 Rating Scale How to improve? How to improve? 3-7 scale more clarification of each scale more raters rater training common errors of rating scale common errors of rating scale Slide 20 Rating Scale common errors common errors leniency error central tendency error halo effect logical error proximity error contrast error Slide 21 Examiner station developer station developer non station developer non station developer teacher not teacher other staff other staff SP SP participation => reliability participation => reliability Slide 22 Observation direct direct indirect indirect one-way mirror monitor video Slide 23 Getting Feedback: How? verbal verbal marked checklist & be the subject marked checklist & be the subject marked checklist & watch video marked checklist & watch video printed answer printed answer relevant papers relevant papers Slide 24 Getting Feedback : When? during the exam during the exam intra-station in another station stress? NB: too much information! after the exam after the exam end of all stations Slide 25 Setting an OSCE learning by doing | 8 groups learning by doing | 8 groups structured task | medical student V structured task | medical student V time time 7 min. test (without feedback) 5 min. test + 2 min. with feedback available tools : pls ask available tools : pls ask draft of test and marking sheet : ~ 4 p.m. draft of test and marking sheet : ~ 4 p.m. preparation 8 - 9 a.m. preparation 8 - 9 a.m. Slide 26 Minimal Passing Score criterion-referenced ( ) criterion-referenced ( ) holistic modified Angoff norm-referenced ( ) norm-referenced ( ) borderline method relative method Slide 27 Holistic Method medical schools faculty-wide pass mark medical schools faculty-wide pass mark e.g. 60% e.g. 60% Slide 28 Modified Angoff Method group of experts group of experts get the OSCE get the OSCE Think of a group of borderline candidates Think of a group of borderline candidates decide the passing score decide the passing score expert discussion is acceptable in original Angoff expert discussion is acceptable in original Angoff Slide 29 Minimal Passing Score criterion-referenced ( ) criterion-referenced ( ) holistic Modified Angoff norm-referenced ( ) norm-referenced ( ) borderline method relative method Slide 30 Borderline Method marking form : checklist + global rating marking form : checklist + global rating all categorized borderline students all categorized borderline students mean scores of borderline group mean scores of borderline group Slide 31 Borderline Method Mean borderline score = (72+70+80) / 3 = 74 Slide 32 Relative Method 1st method : Wijnen Mothod 1st method : Wijnen Mothod Passing mark = mean -1.96SE 2nd method 2nd method 60% of the 95th percentile rank score Slide 33 Minimal Passing Stations criterion-referenced criterion-referenced Slide 34 Staff & OSCE : Like emotional comfort emotional comfort validly assess validly assess consistent consistent Slide 35 Staff & OSCE : Dislike too compartmentalized too compartmentalized no opportunity to observe the complete patient evaluation of the student no opportunity to observe the complete patient evaluation of the student repetitive nature => boring repetitive nature => boring Slide 36 Students & OSCE fairer than other methods fairer than other methods less stressful less stressful unsure whether the important aspects tested unsure whether the important aspects tested Slide 37 Limitations of OSCE lengthy preparation lengthy preparation need more observational skill of the staff need more observational skill of the staff costly costly low inter-station correlation low inter-station correlation test security? test security? Slide 38 Whats next? evaluation => learning evaluation => learning summative => formative summative => formative Slide 39 Innovation senior student as SP and examiner in OSCE senior student as SP and examiner in OSCE study sheet listing Dx that might appear on the OSCEs study sheet listing Dx that might appear on the OSCEs add structured oral exam into OSCE add structured oral exam into OSCE GOSCE GOSCE Slide 40 GOSCE : Group OSCE Pros Pros economy mutual teaching mutual support opportunity to examine social skill Cons Cons lack of individual assessment different participants do different tasks Slide 41 Potential Use of GOSCE formative assessment formative assessment end-of-course assessment end-of-course assessment exploring interpersonal relationship exploring interpersonal relationship teaching method for short course teaching method for short course Slide 42 Re-using OSCE stations across rotation in the same academic year across rotation in the same academic year statistically OK from year to year from year to year statistically not OK Slide 43 Conclusion : OSCE What ? What ? stations + tasks + checklist Why ? Why ? more valid, more reliable How ? How ? How to organize? How to analyze?