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P: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001 www.rightcare. com | Road Safety Options A cost curve to evaluate available counter measures in the state of Kerala M: 8547527272 L: 0471.2527272 SBC-23, Technopark, Kerala, INDIA 695581 www.deepaminfo.co m | DEEPAM Quality in everything we do

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  1. 1. DEEPAM Quality in everything we doRoad Safety Options A cost curve to evaluate available counter measures in the state of Kerala M: 8547527272 L: 0471.2527272 SBC-23, Technopark, Kerala, INDIA 695581|www.deepaminfo.comP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  2. 2. No.Causes for Road Accidents1.Not knowing or not adopting correct driving habits.2.Increasing number of New generation vehicles especially Two wheelers.3.Aggressive driving behaviour of Heavy vehicle driver especially Private Buses & Tipper Lorries.4.Drivers sleeping while driving especially Heavy vehicles after midnight due to fatigue.5.Over speeding.6.Bad condition of Roads and absence of different lanes.7.Driver ignorance of Road conditions, Road signs and the Environmental factors.8.Driver /Rider's ignorance or violation of Traffic Rules.9.Drunken Driving/Driving without seat belt.10.Driving without Helmet. Courtesy: http://keralapolice.orgDEEPAM Quality in everything we doP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  3. 3. Trend of Road Accidents since 2010 Member resources.Accidents Injuries & DeathDonec fringilla pharetra enim. Donec auctor ante ut dolor. Viavst amus leo libero, pret diumonec, cursus regret, lacinia nec, orci. Etiam quis magna in quam pulvinar faucibus. Etiam consta equat nunc at ligula. Donec fringilla pharetra enim. Donec auctor ante ut dolor. Viavst amus leo libero, pret diumonec, cursus regret, lacinia nec, orci. Etiam quis magna in quam pulvinar faucibus. Etiam consta equat nunc at ligula.5052 201348512 42056 4286201241915 36174 4145201141379 35216Speed Cameras.3950 201041473 35082 01000020000 Death30000 Injuries400005000060000AccidentsMotorists are extra cautious at these places and they slow down. Continuous checking of motor vehicles can curb mounting fatalities in the State, B.G. Sreedevi, Director, National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), saidCourtesy: http://keralapolice.orgP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  4. 4. Type of Vehicles involved in accidentTRIVANDRUM CITYFirst things first. Government officials often approach the problem with hypotheses on the measures they believe will work, but without all the facts to show whether these beliefs are correct. Absent these facts, it is difficult to compare the impact of countermeasures against one another. It does not help that vendors or others promoting a specific solution will all claim that their solution is best. Compounding this problem is the number of nongovernmental stakeholders that need to be involved in addressing road safety, including transportation providers, nongovernmental organizations, health care systems, insurance companies, automobile clubs, and car manufacturers60% of road accidents are caused by commercial vehicles.Commercial Vehicle23%Kbus Pbus45%Lorry11%Mini Auto9% 12%Courtesy: http://keralapolice.orgP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  5. 5. Cause of Road Accidents in 2012GREEN DRIVING Over Speeding. Most of the fatal accidents occur due to over speeding. It is a natural psyche of humans to excel. If given a chance man is sure to achieve infinity in speed. But when we are sharing the road with other users we will always remain behind some or other vehicle. Increase in speed multiplies the risk of accident and severity of injury during accident. Faster vehicles are more prone to accident than the slower one and the severity of accident will also be more in case of faster vehicles.Rash, Drunken & Other cause 21 6THRISSUR126458 27ERNAKULAM2215 54 5KOLLAMRed Light Jumping. 169995 69TRIVANDRUM1789 0500 Other10001500DrunkenRash20002500It is a common sight at road intersections that vehicles cross without caring for the light. The main motive behind Red light jumping is saving time. The common conception is that stopping at red signal is wastage of time and fuel. Studies have shown that traffic signals followed properly by all drivers saves time and commuters reach destination safely and timely. A red light jumper not only jeopardizes his life but also the safety of other road users.P: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  6. 6. Working Together on the Internet of Things (IOT)Working together on the telematics puzzle Government must involve all the stakeholdersthat would beBenefits all our members Working together on the telematics solutionneeded to implement any counter measures. By getting thiscan help in saving both the time of the publicinvolvement early with full transparency into the process andand of the government.allowing them to involve . Government will increase their reap withImplementing a continuous monitoring systemthis measure as this induces an increased sense of ownership tocan alone put a strict control on the rocketingthe proposed countermeasure and be more willing to collaborateroad accidents.P: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  7. 7. Proposed SolutionGREEN DRIVING Apart from real time tracking of all commercial vehicles: Centralized Speed Monitoring Geo Fence Alerts via Email Fuel Monitoring Driver Behavior Monitoring Rate of Acceleration Rate of Braking Rate of CorneringP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  8. 8. Financial Justification Cost CurveTechnology primarily used in fleet vehicles to make drivers aware of their behaviour (eg, green = safe; yellow = slightly hazardous; red = dangerous).ROADSAFETY IMPACTP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  9. 9. Financial Justification Cost CurveInformation, communication, a nd control campaign; costs for alcohol, dangerous driving, helmet use, and pedestrians reflect 2 safety campaigns each; for mobile phones, 3.ROADSAFETY IMPACTP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  10. 10. Financial Justification Cost CurveCosts on motorbike education reflect 2 safety campaigns; on speed lottery, 1; in the latter, drivers who obey speed limits are rewarded with a chance to win a lottery prize.ROADSAFETY IMPACTP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, NY 10001|www.rightcare.com
  11. 11. Thank youDEEPAM Quality in everything we doP: 555.123.4568 F: 555.123.4567 123 West Main Street, New York, M: 8547527272 L: 0471.2527272 NY 10001 SBC-23, Technopark, Kerala, INDIA 695581|www.rightcare.com|www.deepaminfo.com