rvzxq wkÿvµg i cvv¨cy¯Ík †evw© · rvzxq wkÿvµg i cvv¨cy¯Ík †evw© 69-70 gwzwsj...

RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 www.nctb.gov.bd †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K Kvh©Ki) welq: evsjv welq c~Y©gvb cÖ‡kœ b¤^i wefvRb gšÍe¨ evsjv 100 m„Rbkxj I iPbvg~jK As‡k 70 b¤^i Ges eûwbe©vPwb As‡k 30 b¤^i eivÏ _vK‡e| cÖwZwU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 10 Ges cÖwZwU eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 1| 2017 mv‡ji cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ b¤^i 150 Kwg‡q 2018 mv‡ji cixÿv †_‡K †gvU b¤^i 100 cÖ¯Íve Kiv n‡q‡Q| m„Rbkxj I iPbvg~jK Ask : M`¨ Ask †_‡K 3wU Ges KweZv Ask †_‡K 3wU K‡i †gvU 6wU m„Rbkxj cÖkœ _vK‡e| M`¨ Ask I KweZv Ask †_‡K 2wU K‡i †gvU 4wU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 10x4 = 40 mvivsk I mvigg© †_‡K 2wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h ‡Kv‡bv 1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 05 fve m¤úªmviY †_‡K 2wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h ‡Kv‡bv GKwU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 05 cÎ / `iLv¯Í †_‡K 2wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h ‡Kv‡bv GKwU cÖ‡kœi DËi K‡i‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 05 3wU wel‡qi g‡a¨ †h ‡Kv‡bv 1wU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 15| eûwbe©vPwb Ask : M`¨ Ask †_‡K 8wU, KweZv Ask †_‡K 8wU Ges e¨vKiY Ask †_‡K 14wU K‡i †gvU 30wU eûwbe©vPwb cÖkœ _vK‡e| me KqwU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| †gvU b¤^i 30

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Page 1: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000


†RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb

(2018 mvj †_‡K Kvh©Ki)

welq: evsjv

welq c~Y©gvb cÖ‡kœ b¤i wefvRb gšÍe¨

evsjv 100 m„Rbkxj I iPbvg~jK As‡k 70 b¤i Ges eûwbe©vPwb As‡k 30 b¤i eivÏ _vK‡e|

cÖwZwU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 10 Ges cÖwZwU eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi b¤^i 1|

2017 mv‡ji cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ b¤^i 150 Kwg‡q 2018 mv‡ji cixÿv †_‡K †gvU b¤^i 100 cÖ¯Íve Kiv n‡q‡Q| m„Rbkxj I iPbvg~jK Ask :

M`¨ Ask †_‡K 3wU Ges KweZv Ask †_‡K 3wU K‡i †gvU 6wU m„Rbkxj cÖkœ _vK‡e|

M`¨ Ask I KweZv Ask †_‡K 2wU K‡i †gvU 4wU m„Rbkxj cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| b¤i 10x4 = 40

mvivsk I mvigg© †_‡K 2wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h ‡Kv‡bv 1wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 05

fve m¤úªmviY †_‡K 2wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h ‡Kv‡bv GKwU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| b¤^i 05

cÎ / `iLv¯Í †_‡K 2wU cÖkœ _vK‡e| †h ‡Kv‡bv GKwU cÖ‡kœi DËi K‡i‡Z n‡e| b¤i 05

3wU wel‡qi g‡a¨ †h ‡Kv‡bv 1wU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki‡Z n‡e| b¤i 15|

eûwbe©vPwb Ask : M`¨ Ask †_‡K 8wU, KweZv Ask †_‡K 8wU Ges

e¨vKiY Ask †_‡K 14wU K‡i †gvU 30wU eûwbe©vPwb cÖkœ _vK‡e| me KqwU cÖ‡kœi DËi Ki‡Z n‡e| †gvU b¤^i 30

Page 2: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

†RGmwm cixÿvi cvV¨µg/wm‡jevm (2018 wLª: - 2020 wLª: ch©šÍ)

welq : evsjv

2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvq M`¨ As‡k 11wU, KweZv As‡k 13wU Ges mncvV As‡k 7wUmn †gvU 31wU Aa¨vq

mwbœ‡ewkZ wQj

2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi wm‡jevm ev cvV¨µg wn‡m‡e mvwnZ¨ KwYKv cvV¨cy¯ÍKwU †_‡K M`¨ As‡k 10wU, KweZv As‡k 10wUmn †gvU 20wU Aa¨vq‡K wbe©vwPZ

Kiv n‡jv

gšÍe¨ M‡o cÖvq 33% Kb‡U›U †jvW Kgv‡bv n‡q‡Q|


2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Aa¨vqmg~n 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ Aa¨vqmg~n cwieZ©‡bi ‡hŠw³KZv

µwgK M`¨ ‡jL‡Ki bvg µwgK M`¨ ‡jL‡Ki bvg

1| AwZw_i ¯§„wZ kirP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq 1| AwZw_i ¯§„wZ kirP›`ª P‡Ævcva¨vq

2| fve I KvR KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg 2| fve I KvR KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg

3| c‡o cvIqv wef‚wZf‚lY e‡›`¨vcva¨vq 3| c‡o cvIqv wef‚wZf‚lY e‡›`¨vcva¨vq

4| ‰ZjwP‡Îi f‚Z gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq 4| ‰ZjwP‡Îi f‚Z gvwbK e‡›`¨vcva¨vq

5| Gev‡ii msMÖvg ¯vaxbZvi


‡kL gywReyi ingvb 5| Gev‡ii msMÖvg ¯vaxbZvi


‡kL gywReyi ingvb

6| Avgv‡`i †jvKwkí Kvgiæj nvmvb 6| Avgv‡`i †jvKwkí Kvgiæj nvmvb

7| myLx gvbyl ggZvR D`&`xb Avng` 7| myLx gvbyl ggZvR D &`xb Avng`

8| wkíKjvi bvbv w`K gy Ívdv g‡bvqvi - - GKB ai‡bi wkLbdj Avgv‡`i †jvKwkí cÖe‡Ü i‡q‡Q|

9| gso–i c‡_ wecÖ`vk eo–qv 8| gso–i c‡_ wecÖ`vk eo–qv

10| evsjv beel© kvgmy¾vgvb Lvb 9| evsjv beel© kvgmy¾vgvb Lvb

১১। evsjv fvlvi Rb¥K_v ûgvqyb AvRv` 10| evsjv fvlvi Rb¥K_v ûgvqyb AvRv`


Page 3: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Aa¨vqmg~n 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ Aa¨vqmg~n cwieZ©‡bi ‡hŠw³KZv

µwgK KweZv ‡jL‡Ki bvg µwgK KweZv ‡jL‡Ki bvg 1| gvbeag© jvjb kvn& 1| gvbeag© jvjb kvn& 2| e½f‚wgi cÖwZ gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë 2| e½f‚wgi cÖwZ gvB‡Kj gaym~`b `Ë 3| `yB weNv Rwg iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi 3| `yB weNv Rwg iex›`ªbv_ VvKzi 4| cv‡Q †jv‡K wKQz e‡j Kvwgbx ivq 4| cv‡Q †jv‡K wKQz e‡j Kvwgbx ivq 5| cÖv_©bv Kvq‡Kvev` 5| cÖv_©bv Kvq‡Kvev` 6| evey‡ii gnË¡ Kvwj`vm ivq 6| evey‡ii gnË¡ Kvwj`vm ivq 7| bvix KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg 7| bvix KvRx bRiæj Bmjvg 8| Avevi Avwme wd‡i Rxebvb›` `vk 8| Avevi Avwme wd‡i Rxebvb›` `vk 9| iæcvB Rmxg D &`xb 9| iæcvB Rmxg D`&`xb 10| b`xi ¯^cœ eyׇ`e emy - - cÖK…wZ welqK Awfbœ wkLbdj Avevi

Avwme wd‡i KweZvq i‡q‡Q|

11| Rv‡Mv Z‡e AiY¨ Kb¨viv mywdqv Kvgvj - - cÖK…wZ welqK Awfbœ wkLbdj Avevi Avwme wd‡i KweZvq i‡q‡Q|

12| cÖv_©x myKvšÍ fÆvPvh© - - cÖv_©x KweZvwU wkLbdj wkÿvµg‡K AvswkK cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i|

13| GKz‡ki Mvb Ave`yj Mvd&dvi †PŠayix 10| GKz‡ki Mvb Ave`yj Mvd&dvi †PŠayix

Page 4: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

mncvV 2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Aa¨vqmg~n 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ Aa¨vqmg~n cwieZ©‡bi

‡hŠw³KZv mncvV (Avb›`cvV) Avb›`cv‡Vi Aa¨vq¸‡jv QvovB

mvwnZ¨ KwYKvi M`¨ I KweZv As‡ki cÖ¯ÍvweZ Aa¨vq¸‡jv

wkÿvµ‡g DwjøwLZ wkLbdj¸‡jvi c~Y© cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i|

1| wK‡kvi KvwR (Avie¨ Dcb¨vm Aej¤‡b) - - - 2| ivRKzgvi I wfLvixi †Q‡j gvK© †Uv‡qb - - - 3| iwebmb µz‡kv W¨vwb‡qi wW‡dv - - - 4| ‡mvnive †iv¯Íg g~j : gnvKwe Aveyj Kv‡mg

†di‡`Šmx iƒcvšÍi : ggZvRD``xb Avng`

- - -

5| gv‡P©›U Ae †fwbm DBwjqvg †k·wcqvi - - - 6| wicf¨vb DBsKj dLiæ¾vgvb †PŠayix - - - 7| mv‡o wZb nvZ Rwg g~j : †jf Zj¯Íq

iƒcvšÍi : cÖ‡dmi W. miKvi Ave`yj gvbœvb

- - -

Page 5: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

e¨vKiY Ask 2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvq 35wU cwi‡”Q` mwbœ‡ewkZ wQj 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi wm‡jevm ev

cvV¨µg wn‡m‡e 25wU cwi‡”Q` wbe©vwPZ Kiv n‡jv gšÍe¨

M‡o cÖvq 30% Kb‡U›U †jvW Kgv‡bv n‡q‡Q|

2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Aa¨vqmg~n 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ Aa¨vqmg~n

cwieZ©‡bi ‡hŠw³KZv

evsjv e¨vKiY Ask evsjv e¨vKiY Ask * 6ô, 7g I 8g †kÖwYi e¨vKiY As‡ki Rb¨ wkÿvµg Awfbœ| ev` cov Aa¨vq¸‡jv 6ô I 7g †kÖwY‡Z AšÍfz©³ i‡q‡Q|

1.1 fvlv 1.1 fvlv 1.2 gvZ…fvlv I ivóªfvlv 1.2 gvZ…fvlv I ivóªfvlv 1.3 mvay I PwjZ fvlvixwZi cv_©K¨ 1.3 mvay I PwjZ fvlvixwZi cv_©K¨ 2.1 aŸwb I eY© 2.1 aŸwb I eY© 2.2 g-djv I e-djvi D”PviY 2.2 g-djv I e-djvi D”PviY 3.1 mwÜ 3.1 mwÜ 3.2 wemM© mwÜ 3.2 wemM© mwÜ 4. kã I c` 4. kã I c` 4.1 wj½všÍ‡ii wbqg I D`vniY 4.1 wj½všÍ‡ii wbqg I D`vniY 4.2 eûePb MV‡bi wbqg I D`vniY - - 4.3 we‡k‡li †kÖwYwefvM - - 4.4 wb‡ ©kK me©bv‡gi iƒc - - 4.5 avZz I wµqvc` 4.5 avZz I wµqvc` 4.6 ‡gŠwjK I mvwaZ avZz 4.6 ‡gŠwjK I mvwaZ avZz 4.7 mKg©K I AKg©K wµqv - - 4.8 wµqvi Kvj 4.8 wµqvi Kvj

Page 6: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Aa¨vqmg~n 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji Rb¨ Aa¨vqmg~n cwieZ©‡bi ‡hŠw³KZv

5. kãMVb 5. kãMVb 5.1 aŸb¨vZ¥K kã, AbyKvi kã I kã ˆØZ 5.1 aŸb¨vZ¥K kã, AbyKvi kã I kã ˆØZ 5.2 kãMVb : cÖv_wgK aviYv - - 6. evK¨ 6. evK¨ 6.1 evK¨MV‡bi kZ© 6.1 evK¨MV‡bi kZ© 6.2 LÐevK¨, ¯^vaxb I Aaxb LÐevK¨ 6.2 LÐevK¨, ¯^vaxb I Aaxb LÐevK¨ 6.3 mij, RwUj I †hŠwMK ev‡K¨i MVb 6.3 mij, RwUj I †hŠwMK ev‡K¨i MVb 7. weivgwPý 7. weivgwPý 7.1 Kgv, †mwg‡Kvjb, †Kvjb I nvB‡d‡bi e¨envi 7.1 Kgv, †mwg‡Kvjb, †Kvjb I nvB‡d‡bi e¨envi 8. evbvb 8. evbvb 8.1 evbv‡bi K‡qKwU mvaviY wbqg 8.1 evbv‡bi K‡qKwU mvaviY wbqg 9. Awfavb - - 9.1 eY©vbyµg - - 9.2 f‚w³ I kxl© kã - - 10. kãv_© 10. kãv_© 10.1 GKB kã wewfbœ A‡_© cÖ‡qvM K‡i evK¨ iPbv - - 10.2 mgv_©K kã cÖ‡qv‡M evK¨ iPbv 10.2 mgv_©K kã cÖ‡qv‡M evK¨ iPbv 10.3 wecixZv_©K kã cÖ‡qv‡M evK¨ iPbv - - 10.4 evMaviv 10.4 evMaviv

Page 7: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wbwg©wZ Ask

wbwg©wZ As‡k 2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvq 7wU Aa¨vq mwbœ‡ewkZ wQj

2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi wm‡jevm ev cvV¨µg wn‡m‡e 5wU Aa¨vq wbe©vwPZ Kiv


gšÍe¨ M‡o cÖvq 33% Kb‡U›U †jvW Kgv‡bv


2017 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ Aa¨vqmg~n 2018, 2019, 2020 mv‡ji †RGmwm cixÿvi Rb¨ Aa¨vqmg~n

cwieZ©‡bi ‡hŠw³KZv

wbwg©wZ Ask wbwg©wZ Ask * 6ô, 7g I 8g †kÖwYi e¨vKiY As‡ki Rb¨ wkÿvµg Awfbœ| ev` cov Aa¨vq¸‡jv 6ô I 7g †kÖwY‡Z AšÍfz©³ i‡q‡Q|

1. Aby‡”Q` - - 2. Abyaveb - - 3. mvivsk 3. mvivsk 4. mvigg© 4. mvigg©

5. fvem¤úªmviY 5. fvem¤úªmviY

6. cÎ iPbv 6. cÎ iPbv

7. cÖeÜ iPbv 7. cÖeÜ iPbv

Page 8: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

bgybv cÖkœ

Rywbqi ¯‹zj mvwU©wd‡KU cixÿv welq : evsjv

K †mU c~Y©gvb Ñ 100 mgq Ñ 3 NÈv

[Wvb cv‡ki msL¨v cÖ‡kœi c~Y©gvb ÁvcK]

m„Rbkxj Ask (40 b¤i)


†h †Kv‡bv 2wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 10 × 2 = 20 1| we‡Kj‡ejv eÜz‡`i wb‡q dzUej †LjwQj mvwKe| nVvr Zviv †`‡L- gv‡Vi GKcÖv‡šÍ b`©gvq GKwU KzKziQvbv

nveyWzey Lv‡”Q, cÖvYcY †Póv Ki‡Q b ©gv †_‡K Dc‡i DVvi| mvwKeiv mevB wg‡j QvbvwU‡K Zz‡j cwi®‹vi K‡i| mvwKe

cig †¯œ‡n QvbvwU‡K GKwU ïK‡bv Kvc‡o Rwo‡q evwo‡Z wb‡q Av‡m| g„ZcÖvq KzKziQvbvwU †hb cÖvY wd‡i cvq| mvwKe Zvi bvg †`q Wb| wKš‘ evwoi Kv‡Ri †jvK Avqbvj wgqv QvbvwU‡K †L‡Z w`‡Z Ges cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z fxlY

wei³| gv‡S gv‡S Zvi B‡”Q nq- QvbvwU‡K ~‡i †Kv_vI †d‡j w`‡q Avm‡Z| AvR mvwKe wek^we`¨vj‡q co‡Q, Avi

Wb‡K g‡b nq Zv‡`i cwiev‡iiB GKRb| K. †`IN‡i †eov‡Z Avmv cxwoZ‡`i g‡a¨ Kv‡`i msL¨vB †ewk wQj? 1 L. ÔAvwZ‡_¨i gh©v`v j•NbÕ ej‡Z Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki Avqbvjwgqvi gva¨‡g ÔAwZw_i ¯§„wZÕ M‡íi †h w`KwUi Bw½Z †`Iqv n‡q‡Q Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. ÔDÏxc‡Ki mvwKe †hb ÔAwZw_i ¯§„wZÕ M‡íi †jL‡Ki Abyf~wZiB aviKÕ- gšÍe¨wU we‡kølY Ki| 4

2| ¯‹zj, K‡jR I wek¦we`¨vj‡q Aa¨qbKv‡j kviwgb Avjg me©Î †gavi ¯^vÿi †i‡L‡Qb| evev-gv †P‡qwQ‡jb †g‡q D”Pc`¯’ miKvwi Kg©KZ©v †nvK| wKš‘ †jLvcov †kl K‡i kviwgb MÖv‡gi mvaviY bvix‡`i wb‡q e¨wZµgx GK KvR

ïiæ Ki‡jb| wKQz bZzb Kvco Avi cyi‡bv kvwo-Kvco w`‡q †Kej muyB Avi myZvi KviæKv‡R m„wó Ki‡jb GK Ac~e©

wkí m¤¢vi| GB wkíB GLb kviwg‡bi a¨vb-Ávb| AvR Zvi Aax‡b cÖvq `yB kZ bvix KvR Ki‡Qb| †`‡k-we‡`‡k

mgvbfv‡e K`i Zvi ˆZix GB wk‡íi| wZwb e‡jb Ñ m~u‡Pi cÖwZwU †dvu‡o Avgvi evsjv gv‡qi myL-`ytL jywK‡q Av‡Q|

K. †gvMj ev`kvn‡`i wejv‡mi e ‘wUi bvg wK? 1 L. †jvKwk‡íi K_v ¯§iY K‡i Avgiv Me©‡eva Kwi †Kb? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki kviwgb Avj‡gi c`‡ÿc ÔAvgv‡`i †jvKwkíÕ cÖe‡Üi †h wkíKg©‡K wb‡ ©k K‡i Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. kviwg‡bi wkíwU Avgv‡`i †jvKwk‡íi GKwU LÐvsk gvÎ- cvV¨ cÖe‡Üi Av‡jv‡K gšÍe¨wUi mZ¨Zv hvPvB Ki| 4

3| GKB Awd‡m mgvb †eZ‡b PvKwi K‡ib Rbve kwdK I Rbve kv‡n`| A_P Rxebhvc‡b Df‡qi g‡a¨ A‡bK

cv_©K¨| kwdK mv‡ne Zvi DcvwR©Z A‡_© msmvi Pvjvb, †Q‡j †g‡qi †jLvcov,fiY-†cvlY Ges e„× gv‡qi wPwKrmv

Kivb| ZviciI my‡hvM †c‡j `wi`ª c_wkï‡`i mvnvh¨ K‡i Zv‡`i gy‡L nvwm †dvUvb| wKš‘ kv‡n` mv‡n‡ei G mKj Kv‡R mgq †bB| Aí mg‡q wZwb Mvwo wK‡b‡Qb, evwo evwb‡q‡Qb| Kw`b Av‡M gv`K we‡ivax Awfhv‡b AvBb-

k„•Ljv iÿvKvix evwnbx Zvi evwo †_‡K wecyj cwigvY gv`K`ªe¨mn Zv‡K AvUKK‡i|

K. ÔmyLx gvbylÕ bvwUKvi Kweiv‡Ri g‡Z †KvbwU Lye KwVb KvR? 1 L. †gvo‡ji g„Zz¨i e¨vcv‡i ingZ Lye DwØMœ wQj †Kb? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki Rbve kv‡n‡`i g‡a¨ ÔmyLx gvbylÕ bvwUKvi †h w`KwU dz‡U D‡V‡Q Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. DÏxc‡Ki kwdK mv‡ne ÔmyLx gvbylÕ bvwUKvi g~jmyi‡KB aviY K‡i Av‡QÑ gšÍe¨wUi †hŠw³KZv wePvi Ki| 4

Page 9: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K


†h †Kv‡bv 2wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 10 × 2 = 20 4| f~ga¨mvM‡ii c~e©cÖv‡šÍi †`k wdwjw¯Íb| cÖ_g wek^hy‡× gymwjg wLjvd‡Zi cZ‡bi ci wdwjw¯Íbmn †ewkifvM Avie

GjvKv e„‡Ub I d«v‡Ýi Aax‡b P‡j Av‡m| 1917 mv‡j ZrKvjxb e„wUk ciivóªgš¿x Av_©vi †Rgm evj‡dvi wdwjw¯Í‡b

GKwU Bûw` ivóª cÖwZôvi †NvlYv †`b| †m j‡ÿ¨ we‡k^i wewfbœ †`k †_‡K Bûw`‡`i‡K wdwjw¯Í‡b cybe©vmb Kiv ïiæ

nq| Av‡gwiKv, e„‡Ub, d«vÝmn kw³kvjx cwðgv we‡k^i mnvqZvq 1948 mv‡ji 15‡g wdwjw¯Í‡bi 55kZvsk f~wg

`Lj K‡i BmivBj bvgK ivóª cÖwZôv Kiv nq| Gici ïiæ nq wdwjw¯Íwb‡`i Ici BmivB‡ji AgvbweK AZ¨vPvi-

wbh©vZb I nZ¨vhÁ| 6jv‡Li †ewk Amnvq wdwjw¯Íwb‡K Zv‡`i gvZ…f~wg †_‡K weZvwoZ Kiv nq| †mB †_‡K AvRI

wdwjw¯Íwbiv wb‡R‡`i f~wgi AwaKvi wd‡i cvevi Avkvq i³ÿqx jovB-msMÖvg Pvwj‡q Avm‡Q|

K. cÖni Kx? 1 L. ÔwaK waK I‡i, kZ waK †Zv‡i wbjvR KzjUv f~wgÕ- PiYwUi Øviv Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q ? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki BmivBj ivóª cÖwZôvi ga¨ w`‡q Ô`yB weNv RwgÕ KweZvi †h w`KwU dz‡U D‡V‡Q Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. Ô`yB weNv RwgÕ KweZvi D‡cb‡K wK DÏxc‡Ki wdwjw¯Íwb‡`i cÖwZ”Qwe ejv hvq? †Zvgvi gZvgZ `vI| 4

5| KuvPv KuvPv †iv` gvLv mKvj †ejv

AvKv‡k dvmvj AvR Av‡jvi †fjv|

Mv‡Q Mv‡Q wPK& wPK&

Av‡jv nv‡m wdK wdK

Pv‡j Pv‡j wSK wSK G †Kvb& †Ljv

KuvPv †mvbv †iv` gvLv mKvj †ejv|

K. ÔAvevi Avwme wd‡i. KweZvwU Kwei †Kvb Kve¨MÖš’ †_‡K †bIqv n‡q‡Q ? 1 L. ÔAvgv‡iB cv‡e Zzwg Bnv‡`i wf‡oÕ-PiYwUi Øviv Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q? eywS‡q †jL| 2 M. DÏxcKwU‡Z ÔAvevi Avwme wd‡iÕ KweZvi †h fv‡ei cÖwZdjb N‡U‡Q Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. ÔAvevi Avwme wd‡iÕ KweZvq cÖKvwkZ Kwei Abyf‚wZi GKwU LÐ wPÎ DÏxc‡K dz‡U D‡V‡Q-gšÍe¨wUi mv‡_ wK Zzwg GKgZ? g‡Zi c‡ÿ hyw³ `vI|


6| cÖvPxb MÖx‡mi †gwm‡Wvwbqvq wLª÷c~e© 356 A‡ã Rb¥MÖnY K‡ib BwZnv‡mi eûj Av‡jvwPZ GK bvg Av‡jKRvÛvi `¨v †MÖU| evev wØZxq wdwj‡ci g„Zz¨i ci gvÎ Kzwo eQi eq‡m Av‡jKRvÛvi wcZvi ’jvwfwl³ n‡q †gwm‡Wvwbqvi

wmsnvm‡b Av‡ivnb K‡ib| GiciB ïiæ nq Zuvi wek^ R‡qi †bkv| G‡K G‡K ejKvb, Gwkqv gvBbi, wmwiqv, wgki,

e¨vwejb Ges fvi‡Zi cvÄve mn eû mv¤ªvR¨ `Lj K‡ib| gvÎ 13 eQ‡ii kvmbKv‡j wZwb c„w_exi wØZxq m‡e©v”P

mv¤ªvR¨- cvim¨ mv¤ªvR¨ Rq K‡ib| Zuvi kvmbKv‡ji AwaKvsk mgq wZwb DËi-c~e© Avwd«Kv I cwðg Gwkqv Ry‡o

mvgwiK Awfhvb cwiPvjb K‡ib| 323 wLª÷c~e©v‡ã e¨vwejb kn‡i Zuvi g„Zz¨ nq|

K. ivRc_ †_‡K hyeKwU‡K DwV‡q eveyi Kx e‡jwQ‡jb? 1 L. Ôexi‡fvM¨v G emyav G K_v mevB KqÕ - ej‡Z Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q ? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki Av‡jKRvÛvi Ôevey‡ii gnË¡Õ KweZvi m¤ªvU eve‡ii mv‡_ †h w`K w`‡q mv „k¨c~Y© Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. Avi †Kvb ˆewkó¨ _vK‡j Av‡jKRvÛvi‡K m¤ªvU eve‡ii cÖwZiƒc ejv †h‡Zv e‡j Zzwg g‡b Ki| g‡Zi c‡ÿ hyw³ `vI|


Page 10: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wbwg©wZ Ask (30 b¤i)

7| †h †Kv‡bv 1wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 5 × 1 = 5 K. mvigg© †jL|

emygwZ, †Kb Zzwg GZB K…cYv?

KZ †LvuovLyuwo Kwi cvB km¨KYv|

w`‡Z hw` nq †` gv, cÖmbœ mnvm Ñ

†Kb G gv_vi Nvg cv‡q‡Z envm?

webv Pv‡l km¨ w`‡j wK Zvnv‡Z ÿwZ?

ïwbqv Clr nvwm Kb emygwZ,

Avgvi †MŠie Zv‡n mvgvb¨B ev‡o,

†Zvgvi †MŠie Zv‡n G‡Kev‡iB Qv‡o|

L. mvivsk †jL|

kÖg‡K kÖ×vi mv‡_ MÖnY Ki| Kvwj-a~jvi gv‡S, †iŠ ª-e„wó‡Z Kv‡Ri Wv‡K †b‡g hvI| evey n‡q Qvqvq, cvLvi Z‡j

_vKevi †Kv‡bv `iKvi †bB| G n‡”Q g„Zz¨i Av‡qvRb| Kv‡Ri wfZi Kzeyw×, KzgZje gvbewP‡Ë evmv euva‡Z cv‡i

bv| Kv‡R kix‡ii mvg_©¨ R‡b¥| ¯^v ’¨, kw³, Avb›`-ù~wZ© mKjB jvf nq| cwikÖ‡gi ci †h AeKvk jvf nq Zv

cig Avb‡›`i AeKvk| ZLb K…wÎg Av‡qvRb K‡i Avb›` Kivi cÖ‡qvRb nq bv| ïay wPšÍv K‡i gvbyl c~Y© Ávb jvf

Ki‡Z mg_© nq bv| gvbe mgv‡R gvby‡li mv‡_ Kv‡R, iv¯Ívq, KviLvbvq, gvby‡li m‡½ e¨env‡i gvbyl wb‡R‡K c~Y© K‡i|

8| †h †Kv‡bv 1wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 5 × 1 = 5

fvem¤úªmviY Ki : K. ¯^vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q, ¯^vaxbZv iÿv Kiv KwVb

L. Av‡jv e‡j,Ò AÜKvi, ZzB eo Kv‡jvÓ AÜKvi e‡j, ÒfvB, ZvB Zzwg Av‡jv|Ó

9| †h †Kv‡bv 1wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 5 × 1 = 5

K. g‡b Ki, †Zvgvi bvg †ivgvbv Avi †Zvgvi evÜexi bvg †mvnvbv| Zzwg MÖv‡g _vK Avi †m _v‡Kkn‡i| Gevi kx‡Zi

QywU‡Z MÖv‡g †eov‡Z G‡m wcVv LvIqvi Avgš¿Y Rvwb‡q Zv‡K GKwU cÎ †jL| L. g‡b Ki, Zzwg dzjZjv Av`k© D”P we`¨vjq, biwms`x Gi Aóg †kÖwYi GKRb QvÎ| cÖPÐgv_ve¨_vi Kvi‡Y PZz_©

NÈvi ci QzwU †P‡q cÖavb wkÿ‡Ki wbKU GKLvbv Av‡e`bcÎ †jL|

10| †h †Kv‡bv 1wU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki| 15 × 1 = 15

K. wbqgvbyewZ©Zv

L. Avgvi ¯‡cœi we`¨vjq

M. cwi‡ek `~lY I Zvi cÖwZKvi

Page 11: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

eûwbev©Pwb cÖkœ(30 b¤^i)

[ ªóe¨ : mieivnK…Z eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi DËic‡Î cÖ‡kœi µwgK b¤‡ii wecix‡Z mwVK Dˇii eY©wU‡Z wUK (√) wPý `vI| cÖ‡Z¨K cÖ‡kœi

gvb 1| mKvj cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|]

1| me‡P‡q †fv‡i I‡V †Kvb cvwL? K. k¨vgv L. eyjeywj M. kvwjK N. †`v‡qj

2| AÂj I Kvj‡f‡` †Kvb fvlvixwZi cwieZ©b nq bv? K. mvay fvlv L. PwjZ fvlv M. AvÂwjK fvlv N. cÖwgZ fvlv

3| Rjv½xi †XD‡q †fRv evsjv ej‡Z Kwe Kx †evSv‡Z †P‡q‡Qb ? K. Rj A½ L. b`xgvZ…K evsjv‡`k M. eb¨v KewjZ evsjv‡`k N. e‡½v‡cvmvM‡ii DcKz‡j evsjv‡`k Aew ’Z

4| k‡ãi †k‡l ¯ie‡Y©i c~Y©iƒc e‡m‡Q †KvbwU‡Z? K. eB L. evDj M. A‡bK N. GK

5| wb‡Pi †KvbwU cÖvqjyß †jvKwk‡íi cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i? K. Rvg`vwb kvwo L. bKwkKuv_v M.Lvw` Kvco N. †eZwkí

6| k‡ãi †k‡l ÔAvÕ cÖZ¨q †hv‡M MwVZ ¿xevPK kã †KvbwU? K. cyw¯ÍKv L. mijv M. MvwqKv N. bvwUKv

7| ÔGKz‡ki MvbÕ KweZvq Kv‡`i‡K ÔckyÕejv n‡q‡Q? K. Mywj el©YKvix‡`i L. cvwK¯Ívwb ˆmb¨‡`i M. Rvwjg‡`i N. NvZK‡`i

8| R‰bK kãwU mwÜi †Kvb wbq‡g c‡o| K. Av+G L. Av+H M. A+H N. A+G

9| ÔˆZj wP‡Îi f~ZÕ M‡íi b‡M‡bi gv‡S Afve i‡q‡Q- K. ev¯Íe eyw×i L. welq Áv‡bi M. ˆeÁvwbK gvbwmKZvi N. wePvi ÿgZvi

10| bvg k‡ãi c‡i Av-cÖZ¨q‡hv‡M †Kvb avZz MwVZ nq ? K. mvwaZ avZz L. evsjv avZy M. ms¯‹…Z avZz N. †gŠwjK avZz

11| ÔAv‡i G †h †g_‡ii †Q‡jÕ- K_vwU †K e‡jwQj? K. iYexi †PŠnvb L. we‡`wk cyiæl M. GKRb N. msMÖvg wms

12| cvwL k‡ãi mgv_©K kã †KvbwU ? K. bf L. LM M. Awn N. weRywi

Page 12: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wb‡Pi DÏxcKwU c‡o 13 I 14 b¤^i cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI: †Rwi‡bi we‡q‡Z bvbv Dcnvi mvgMÖxi g‡a¨ wcZ‡ji Kjwm I bKwkKuv_v†`‡L †KD †KD bvK wkUKvq| A_P †Rwi‡bi evev G Dcnvi mvgMÖx mM‡e© Zz‡j a‡i fxlY Avb›` cÖKvk K‡ib|

13| DÏxc‡K DwjøwLZ Dcnvi mvgMÖx‡Z cÖKvk cvqÑ i. †jvKR wk‡íi ii. †jvKR HwZ‡n¨i iii. †m‡K‡j gvbwmKZvi wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK?

K. i I ii L. i I iii M. ii I iii N. i, ii I iii

14| †Rwi‡b we‡q‡Z cÖvß Dcnvi mvgMÖx Avgv‡`i †jvKwkí cÖe‡Üi †Kvb †PZbv‡K aviY K‡i? K. †jvKR HwZn¨ cÖxwZ L. †jvKwk‡íi msiÿY M. †jvKwk‡íi cÖmvi N. †jvKwk‡íi we¯Ívi

15| †KvbwU LvuwU evsjv avZz? K. Uvb& L. nvm& M. ng& N. `„k&

16| m„wóKZ©vi Kv‡Q Kwe Kvq‡Kvev‡`i cÖv_©bv Kx? K. KiæYv L. AvZ¥kw³ M. m¤ú` N. myL

17| †Kv‡bv wKQzi ¯^vfvweK ev KvíwbK AbyK…wZ wewkó k‡ãi iƒc‡K Kx e‡j? K. kã‰ØZ L. wµqvc` M. aŸbvZ¡K kã N. mgv_©K kã

18| Ôkvj-myw›`-†eZ †hb IÕ- G ev‡K¨ †Kvb w`KwU Zz‡j aiv n‡q‡Q? K. i~‡ci eY©bv L. wewPÎ MyYvewj M. e¨w³Z¡‡eva N. cÖvK…wZK †mŠ›`h©

19| †h cÖwikÖg K‡i †mB myL jvf K‡i| D`vniYwU †Kvb LÐ ev‡K¨i Rb¨ cÖ‡hvR¨ K. ¯vaxb LÐ evK¨ L. we‡kl¨ ’vbxq LÐ evK¨ M. we‡klY ’vbxq Aaxb LÐ evK¨ N. wµqv we‡klY ¯’vbxq Aaxb LÐ evK¨

20| fviZxq Avh© fvlvq ¯Íi KqwU ? K. 3wU L. 4wU M. 5wU N. 6wU

21| evwo ev iv¯Ívi bv‡gi c‡i †Kvb wPý e‡m? K. nvB‡db L. Kgv M. `uvwo N. †jvc wPý

Page 13: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wb‡Pi DÏxcKwU c‡o 22 I 23 b¤^i cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI|

cÖxwZjZv Iqv‡Ï`vi BD‡ivwcqvb K¬v‡e mdj AvµgY †k‡l wd‡i hvw”Q‡jb| NvZ‡Ki Mywj‡Z AvnZ n‡j wZwb AvZ¥nZ¨v K‡ib| cÖxwZjZv‡`i Ae`v‡b GK mgq weªwUk kvmb †_‡K ¯^vaxb nq G †`k|

22| DÏxc‡Ki fv‡ei cÖwZdjb †`Lv hvq wb‡Pi †Kvb ev‡K¨? K. KZ bvix w`j wmuw_i wmu yi †jLv bvB Zvi cv‡k L. †e`bvi hyM, gvby‡li hyM, mv‡g¨i hyM AvwR M. †Kvb Kv‡j GKv nqwb‡Kv Rqx cyiæ‡li Zievwi N. †cÖiYv w`‡q‡Q, kw³ w`‡q‡Q weRq-jÿèx bvix

23| D³ ev‡K¨ cÖwZdwjZ w`KwU n‡jv- i. bvixi gh©v`v ii. bvixi Ae`vb iii. bvixi AwaKvi

wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? K. i L. i I i i M. i I iii N. i, ii I iii

24| †Kvb RvZxq k‡ã ÔlÓ e¨eüZ nq bv? K. †`wk L. Zrmg M. Z™¢e N. Aa©Zrmg

25| ÔmyLx gvbylÕ bvwUKvi Av‡jv‡K cÖK…Z myLx gvbyl †K? K. A‡bK m¤ú‡`i gvwjK L. e¨vcK ÿgZvi AwaKvix M. AvwZ¥Kfv‡e Z…ß e¨w³ N. mvaviY RxebvPvix

26| k‡ãi cÖvY - wb‡Pi †KvbwU? K. eY© L. aŸwb M. A_© N. Aÿi

27| Ôjyw½, kvU© I ewg© †KvU©, gv_vi ewg© Uzwc, cv‡q yB wd‡Zi gReyZ m¨v‡Ûj ewg©‡`i RvZxq †cvkvK| D³ ev‡K¨ dz‡U IVv w`KwU n‡jv-

i. ewg©‡`i HwZn¨ ii. ewg©‡`i ms¯‹…wZ iii. ewg©‡`i †cvkv‡Ki eY©bv

wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? K. i L. i I i i M. i I iii N. i, ii I iii

28| wb‡Pi †Kvb evbvbwU ï×? K. wLªóvã L. †`kx M. jvB‡eªix N. ZiæwY

29| †Kvb FZz‡Z bevbœ Drme nq? K. MÖx®§ L. el©v M. kir N. †ngšÍ

30| fvlvq Ggb wKQz kã ev evK¨vsk _v‡K, hv mvaviY A‡_©i evB‡i wewkó A_© cÖKvk K‡i _v‡KÑGme kã ev evK¨vsk‡K Kx e‡j?

K. mgv_©K kã L. cÖePb M. evMaviv N. Lbvi ePb

Page 14: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

bgybv cÖkœ

Rywbqi ¯‹zj mvwU©wd‡KU cixÿv welq : evsjv

L †mU c~Y©gvb Ñ 100 mgq Ñ 3 NÈv

[Wvb cv‡ki msL¨v cÖ‡kœi c~Y©gvb ÁvcK]

m„Rbkxj Ask (40 b¤i)


†h †Kv‡bv 2wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 10 × 2 = 20 1| HwZn¨evnx dzjcyi D”P we`¨vj‡qi Aóg †kÖwYi wkÿv_©x kvnvbv Zvi we`¨vj‡qi mybvg wb‡q Me© K‡i| wKš‘ †kÖwYKÿ Acwi®‹vi-Acwi”Qbœ _vKvi e¨vcviwU Zv‡K fxlY cxov †`q| welqwU †kÖwYwkÿK‡K Rvbv‡j wZwb cwi®‹vi -cwi”QbœZvi cÖ‡qvRbxqZvi Ici DÏxcbvg~jK GK e³…Zv K‡ib Ges QzwUi ci mevB‡K _vK‡Z e‡jb| Pig D‡ËRbv wb‡q mevB A‡cÿv K‡i, wKš‘ m¨v‡ii †`Lv †bB| †LuvR wb‡q Rvbv †Mj- wZwb evmvq P‡j †M‡Qb| kvnvbv gg©vnZ nq Ges welqwU wb‡q fve‡Z _v‡K| ciw`b cwiKíbvgvwdK †kÖwYi wkÿv_©x‡`i‡K †m K‡qKwU `‡j fvM K‡i Ges QzwUi ci cvjvµ‡g GK GKwU `j †kÖwYKÿwU cwi®‹vi Ki‡Z ïiæ K‡i| Zviv †kÖwYK‡ÿi †`Iqv‡j wewfbœ gbxlxi Qwe Uvwb‡q †`q| d‡j †kÖwYKÿwU AvKl©Yxq I cv‡Vi Dc‡hvMx n‡q I‡V| we`¨vjq KZ©„cÿ kvnvbv‡`i‡K fxlY cÖksmv K‡ib Ges cyi®‹v‡ii e¨e¯’v K‡ib| K. Ô`kP‡µ fMevb f~ZÕ K_vwUi A_© Kx ? 1 L. Ôfve I KvRÕ cÖe‡Ü Ôcy®úwenxb †mŠifÕ ej‡Z Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q ? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki †kÖwYwkÿ‡Ki g‡a¨ Ôfve I KvRÓ cÖe‡Üi †h w`KwU cÖwZdwjZ n‡q‡Q Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. †kÖwYwkÿK bb, kvnvbvB KvRx bRiæj Bmjv‡gi Kvw•ÿZ e¨w³Z¡- Ôfve I KvRÕ cÖe‡Üi Av‡jv‡K gšÍe¨wUi h_v_©Zv hvPvB Ki|


2| MÖx‡®§i QzwU‡Z MÖv‡g bvbvevwo †eov‡Z wM‡qwQj mywg| ˆn ˆP-Avb‡›` mgq fv‡jvB KvUwQj Zvi| GiB g‡a¨GKw`b mywgi eogvgvi †g‡q †mvnvbv K‡jR †_‡K wd‡i AÁvb n‡q hvq| evwoi mevB Zv‡K wb‡q e¨ Í n‡qc‡o| †KD gv_vq cvwb Xv‡j, †KD nvZ-cv‡qi Zvjy‡Z mwilvi †Zj gvwjk K‡i| mywgi bvwb e‡jb- Ô†mvnvbviDc‡i wR‡bi AvQi nB‡Q, ZvovZvwo Svoduy‡Ki e¨e ’v Ki|Õ Ae¯’v †`‡L mywg mevi D‡Ï‡k¨ e‡j- ÔcÖPÐ Mi‡g Ges bv †L‡q _vKvi Kvi‡Y †mvnvbv Avcy Amy¯’ n‡q‡Q| Svo-duyK bq Zv‡K Wv³vi †`Lv‡bvi e¨e ’v Ki‡Z n‡e|ÕWv³vi †`Lv‡bv‡Z †mvnvbv my¯’ n‡q I‡V|

K. gvgvi ˆZjwP‡Îi Kv‡Q wM‡q b‡Mb Aù~U ¯‡i Kx e‡jwQj ? 1 L. b‡M‡bi †Kb g‡b n‡qwQj †h †m cvMj n‡q‡Q? eywS‡q †jL| 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki mywg ÔˆZjwP‡Îi f~ZÕ M‡íi Kvi cÖwZwbwaZ¡ K‡i e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 M. mywgi bvwb‡K wK b‡M‡bi cÖwZ”Qwe ejv hvq? ÔˆZjwP‡Îi f~ZÕ M‡íi Av‡jv‡K †Zvgvi gZvgZ `vI| 4

3| Ask-1 : `wi`ª K…lK Imgv‡bi Uvbv-†cv‡o‡bi msmvi n‡jI AvR‡Ki w`bUvi Rb¨ †m weMZ K‡qKw`b a‡iB cÖ ‘wZ wb‡”Q| bZzb Rvgv Kvco evwb‡q‡Q, Kó K‡i †ek wKQy UvKvI Rwg‡q‡Q| gbUv Zvi †ek dzidz‡i|KviY ZvjyK`vi mv‡ne †h AvR Zvi mv‡_ my›`i K‡i K_v ej‡eb, †LvuR-Lei †b‡eb Ges cvb-mycywi I wgwógy‡L Avc¨vqb Ki‡eb| Ask-2 : MÖx‡®§i QzwU‡Z `v`yevwo †M‡Q Avexi| we‡Kj‡ejv `v yi mv‡_ MÖv‡gi evRv‡i †h‡q †`‡L- †`vKvbcvU me iwOb KvM‡R mvRv‡bv, Avc¨vq‡bi Rb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi wgwó ivLv n‡q‡Q, gvB‡K Mvb evR‡Q| †`vKv‡b XzK‡ZB mevB Lye LvwZi-hZœ Ki‡jv| fxlY fv‡jv jvMj Avex‡ii|

K. evsjvi K…lK cwiev‡ii cÖvPxb AvÂwjK gv½wjK AbyôvbwUi bvg Kx? 1 L. evOvwj RvwZmËv MV‡bi mv‡_ evsjv beel© D`hvcb Kxfv‡e RwoZ wQj Zv eywS‡q †jL| 2 M. Ask-1 Gi Imgvb Ôevsjv beel©Õ cÖe‡Üi †Kvb Drm‡e †hvM w`‡qwQj Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. Avex‡ii †`Lv DrmewU evsjv bee‡l©i cÖavb me©Rbxb Drm‡ei GKwU Drme gvÎ- gšÍe¨wU g~j¨vqb Ki| 4

Page 15: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K


†h †Kv‡bv 2wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 10 × 2 = 20

4| be`¤úwZ Avãyj evix I mvwgbv †PŠayixi msmv‡i cici `yB Kb¨v mšÍvb Rb¥ †bq| GRb¨ Zv‡`i `yR‡biB

fxlY gb Lvivc| Zv‡`i g‡Z- †g‡qiv †Zv c‡ii N‡i P‡j hv‡e| es‡ki evwZ †`Iqvi †Zv Avi †KD _vK‡e bv|

Ae‡k‡l cy‡Îi Avkvq Z…Zxq mšÍvb †bIqvi wm×všÍ wb‡jb Zviv| GeviI n‡jv Kb¨v mšÍvb| g‡bi yt‡L †g‡qi

bvg ivL‡jb Ô†gNjvÕ| KviY Zv‡`i Rxe‡b bvwK Nb-Kv‡jv †g‡Ni AÜKvi wb‡q G‡m‡Q †g‡qwU| G NUbv Rvbvi

ci evix mv‡n‡ei GK eÜz ej‡jb- ÒNb-Kv‡jv †gN †_‡K Siv e„wó‡ZB mviv c„w_ex mykxZj nq Ges Rxeb I

cÖK…wZ‡Z cÖv‡Yi ¯ú›`b Rv‡M| Kv‡RB †gN Qvov e„wói Avkv Kiv †evKvgx|Ó

K. hy‡Mi ag© Kx ? 1 L. Kwei †Pv‡L cyiæl-igYx †Kvb †f`v‡f` †bB †Kb? 2 M. DÏxc‡Ki be`¤úwZi gvbwmKZvq ÔbvixÕ KweZvi †h w`KwU cÖwZdwjZ n‡q‡Q Zv e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. evix mv‡n‡ei eÜzi e³‡e¨- KvRx bRiæj Bmjv‡gi Abyf~wZ h_v_©fv‡e cÖwZwjZ n‡q‡Q wK? †Zvgvi g‡Zi c‡ÿ hyw³ `vI|



Ask-1 gv‡qi fvlvq K_v ejv‡Z ¯^vaxb Avkvq c_ Pjv‡Z,

nvwm gy‡L hviv w`‡q †Mj cÖvY, †mB ¯§„wZ wb‡q †M‡q hvB Mvb|

Ask-2 fvB‡qi ey‡Ki i‡³ AvwR‡K

i³ gkvj R¡‡j w`‡K w`‡K| msMÖvgx AvR gnv RbZv K‡É Zv‡`i be eviZv, knx` fvB‡qi ¯§i‡Y|

K. Ô.............Zey †Zviv cvi cvwe?Õ PiYwUi k~b¨ ’v‡b Kx em‡e? 1 L. ÔGgb mgq So Gj GK, So Gj ÿ¨vcv ey‡bvÕ ej‡Z Kwe Kx eywS‡q‡Qb? 2 M. Ask-1 ÔGKz‡ki MvbÕ KweZvi †h fv‡ei mv‡_ m½wZc~Y© Zv e¨vL¨v Ki? 3 N. Ask-2 G cÖKvwkZ †PZbvB ÔGKz‡ki MvbÕ KweZvi g~j †PZbv- gšÍe¨wU g~j¨vqb Ki| 4 6| Rv‡Zi bv‡g e¾vwZ me, RvZ RvwjqvZ †Lj‡Qv Ryqv Quy‡jB †Zvi RvZ hv‡e? RvZ bq †Zv †Q‡ji nv‡Zi †gvqv|

nuy‡Kvi Rj Avi fv‡Zi nuvwo fvewj G‡ZB RvwZi Rvb ZvB‡Zv †eKze GK RvwZ‡i Kiwj †Zviv GKk Lvb|

K. Rj‡K KLb K~cRj ejv nq? 1 L. ÔmvZ evRv‡iÕ RvZ weKv‡bv ej‡Z Kx †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q? 2 M. KweZvs‡k Ôgvbeag©Õ KweZvi †Kvb fvewU dz‡U D‡V‡Q? e¨vL¨v Ki| 3 N. D³ fve m¤ú‡K© jvjb kvnÕi AwfgZ Kx? Ôgvbeag©Õ KweZvi Av‡jv‡K we‡kølY Ki| 4

Page 16: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wbwg©wZ Ask (30 b¤^i)

7. †h †Kv‡bv 1wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 5 × 1 = 5

K. mvigg© †jL : eûw`b a‡i eû †µvk `~‡i eû e¨q Kwi eû †`k Ny‡i

†`wL‡Z wMqvwQ ce©Zgvjv, †`wL‡Z wMqvwQ wmÜz| †`Lv nq bvB Pÿz †gwjqv Ni nB‡Z ïay `yB cv †dwjqv, GKwU av‡bi kx‡li Ici GKwU wkwki we› y|

L. mvivsk †jL :

cÖK…Z Áv‡bi ¯ú„nv bv _vK‡j wkÿv e¨_©Zvq ch©ewmZ nq| ZLb cixÿvq cvkUvB eo nq Ges cvV¨cy¯Í‡Ki c„ôvq Ávb mxgve× _v‡K| G Kvi‡YB cixÿvq cvk Kiv †jv‡Ki Afve †bB Avgv‡`i †`‡k; wKš‘ Afve Av‡Q Ávbxi| †mLv‡b Ávb wbe©vwmZ Rxebhvcb K‡i| GKwU ¯^vaxb RvwZ wn‡m‡e RM‡Zi ey‡K Aÿq Avmb jvf Ki‡Z n‡j Áv‡bi cÖwZ ZiæY mgvR‡K AbycÖvwYZ Ki‡Z n‡e| mnRjvf AvcvZZ my‡Li n‡jI cwiYv‡g Kj¨vY enb K‡i bv| cixÿv cv‡ki †gvn †_‡K gy³ bv n‡j ZiæY mgv‡Ri mvg‡b KL‡bvB Áv‡bi w`MšÍ D‡b¥vwPZ n‡e bv|

8. †h †Kv‡bv 1wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 5 × 1 = 5

fvem¤úªmviY Ki: K. ¯vaxbZv AR©‡bi †P‡q ¯vaxbZv iÿv Kiv KwVb| L. bvbvb †`‡ki bvbvb fvlv webv ¯‡`kx fvlv wg‡U wK Avkv?

9. †h †Kv‡bv 1wU cª‡kœi DËi `vI| 5 × 1 = 5

K. g‡b Ki, †Zvgvi bvg ivRb,Zzwg ewikv‡j _vK| Avi †Zvgvi eÜzi bvg mygb, †m w`bvRcy‡i _v‡K| †Zvgvi Rxe‡bi j‡ÿ¨i K_v Rvwb‡q Zv‡K GKwU cÎ †jL|

L. g‡b Ki, Zzwg avbwmuwo Av`k© D”P we`¨vjq, gaycyi,h‡kvi †_‡K G eQi †RGmwm cixÿvq EËxY© n‡qQ| cÖksmvcÎ †P‡q cÖavb wkÿ‡Ki wbKU GKwU Av‡e`bcÎ iPbv Ki| 10. †h †Kv‡bv 1wU wel‡q cÖeÜ iPbv Ki| 15 × 1 = 15

K. wkÿ‡Ki gh©v`v L. ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡b Z_¨ I †hvMv‡hvM cÖhyw³ M. Avgv‡`i MÖvg

Page 17: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

eûwbe©vPwb Ask (30 b¤i)

[ ªóe¨ : mieivnK…Z eûwbe©vPwb cÖ‡kœi DËic‡Î cÖ‡kœi µwgK b¤‡ii wecix‡Z mwVK Dˇii eY©wU‡Z wUK (√) wPý `vI| cÖ‡Z¨K cÖ‡kœi gvb 1| mKvj cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e|]

1| 6 `dv Av‡›`vj‡bi wgwQ‡j KZ Zvwi‡L Mywj Kiv nq? K. 6 Ryb, 1966 L. 7 Ryb, 1966 M. 8 Ryb, 1966 N. 9 Ryb, 1966

2| GKvwaK k‡ãi mgš‡q A‡_©i avivevwnKZvq Kx ˆZwi nq? K. aŸwb L. kã M. evK¨ N. fvlv

3| ÔgvwUi `LjB LvwU Rq bq ey‡S‡Q weRqx exiÕ-G Dcjwäi ci eveyi Kx c`‡ÿc †bb? K. kÎæ `gb L. mykvmb M. Rb‡mev N. QÙ‡ekaviY

4| Kvb fvlvixwZ AcwieZ©bxq? K. mvayfvlv L. PwjZ fvlv M. AvÂwjK fvlv N. K_¨fvlv

5| MÖvgxY bvix‡`i Av‡e‡Mi mv‡_ me©vwaK m¤ú„³ †jvKwkí n‡”Q- K. bKwk Kuv_v L. kxZj cvwU M. Kvc‡oi ˆZix cyZzj N. Rvg`vwb kvwo

6| mw܇Z aŸwbi wgjb KZ iK‡gi? K. `yB L. wZb M. Pvi N. cuvP

7| wb‡Pi †KvbwU bee‡l©i AvÂwjK Drme? K. ˆemvwe L. †gjv M. cyY¨vý N. nvjLvZv

8| Ôc&+AÕ= e, mwÜi GB wbq‡gi h_v_© D`vniY †KvbwU? K. cveK L. cweÎ M. myešÍ N. ceb

9| Ôc‡o cvIqvÕ M‡í wK‡kvi‡`i AvPi‡Y duy‡U IVv w`KwU n‡jv- i. HK¨‡PZbv ii.DbœZ gvbweKZv‡eva iii.Zxÿè we‡ePbv‡eva

wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? K. i I ii L. i Iiii M. ii Iiii N. i, ii Iiii

10| †KvbwU Dfqwj½evPK kã? K. ivRv L. evOvwj M. PÂj N. cvPK

11| ÔcÖv_©bvÕ KweZvwU †Kvb Kve¨MÖš’ †_‡K msKwjZ? K. AkÖægvjv L. wkegw›`i M. Awgqaviv N. gniig kixd

12| ÔDnvÕ kãwUi PwjZ iƒc †KvbwU ? K. Bnv L. G M. I N. hv

Page 18: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wb‡Pi DÏxcKwU c‡o 13 I 14 b¤i cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI| iwg‡Ri AšÍnxb PvIqv| `wi`ª‡`i Rb¨ cÖvß mvnv‡h¨i wmsnfvMB wZwb AvZ¥mvr K‡ib| ZviciI wZwb AZ…ß| nVvr ü`‡iv‡M AvµvšÍ n‡q iwgR GLb g„Zz¨i mv‡_ jovB Ki‡Q| GLb mevB ej‡Q - GUv Zvi `xN©w`‡bi cv‡ci dj|

13| DÏxc‡Ki iwg‡Ri mv‡_ ÔmyLx gvbylÕ bvwUKvi †Kvb PwiÎ Zzjbxq? K. nvmy L. KweivR M. ingvb N. †gvoj

14| Giƒc Zzjbvi KviY n‡jv, wZwb- i. ciab AcniYKvix ii.ˆbwZK Av`k© weewR©Z e¨w³ iii.wb`©q I gvbe‡cÖg k~b¨ AvZ¥vi AwaKvix

wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? K. i L. i I ii M. ii I iii N. i, ii Iiii

15| ÔRqx ewjebv G †`‡n iwn‡Z cÖvYÕ, G e³‡e¨ dz‡U IVv w`KwU n‡jvÑ K. †`k‡cÖg L. †µva M. cÖwZ‡kva¯ú„nv N. exiZ¡

16| wb‡Pi †Kvb kãwU‡Z ÔAÕ Gi mse„Ë D”PviY jÿ Kiv hvq ? K. AR L. g„M M. ÿY N. Ni

17| cÖvPxb fviZxq Avh©fvlv †KvbwU? i.ˆew`K ii.ms¯‹…Z iii.cÖvK…Z

wb‡Pi †KvbwU mwVK? K. i L. i I i i M. i I iii N. i, ii I iii

18| k‡ãi AbyKi‡Y ev weKv‡i †hme k‡ãi m„wó nq, Zv‡K Kx e‡j ? K. aŸb¨vZ¥K kã L. wØiæ³kã M. kã‰ØZ N. AbyKvi kã

19| Ôe½f~wgi cÖwZÕ KweZvq Kwei wgbwZ wb‡Pi †Kvb ev‡K¨ dz‡U D‡V‡Q? K. gaynxb K‡iv bv †Mv Ze gbt‡KvKb‡` L. wKš‘ hw` ivL g‡b bvwn, gv, Wwi kg‡b; M. dzwU †hb ¯§„wZ R‡j/gvb‡m, gv, h_v d‡j N. fzj †`vl, MyY, ai/Agi Kwiqv ei

20| m‡¤^va‡bi c‡i AvaywbKKv‡j †Kvb wPý e‡m? K. `uvwo L. Kgv M. †Kvjb N. †mwg‡Kvjb

21| ÔGB evsjvqÑ wn›`y-gymjgvb, evOvwj, A-evOvwj hviv Av‡Q Zviv Avgv‡`i fvBÕ-G e³‡e¨ duz‡U DVv w`KwU n‡jv-

K. †`k‡cÖg L. gvbweKZv‡eva M. HK¨‡PZbv N. Amv¤úª`vwqK †PZbv

22| we‡klYevPK ÔAvwjÕ cÖZ¨qhy³ k‡ã B-Kvi n‡e| GB wbq‡gi D`vniY †KvbwU? K. †bcvwj L. evOvwj M. muvIZvwj N. ˆPZvwj

Page 19: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

wb‡Pi DÏxcKwU c‡o 23 I 24b¤^i cÖ‡kœi DËi `vI| Rwg`vi Rbv`©b †Nv‡li KvQ †_‡K my‡` UvKv avi †bb cÖvwšÍK Pvwl Mdzi| Livq ci ci Pvi eQi †Kv‡bv dmj bv nIqvq Mdzi †m FY †kva Ki‡Z cv‡ibwb| GBmy‡hv‡M Rwg`vi evey wbjvg †W‡K Mdz‡ii wf‡U gvwU `Lj K‡i †bq|

23| DÏxc‡Ki Rwg`vi Pwi‡Îi mv‡_ wb‡Pi †KvbwU mv „k¨c~Y© PwiÎ? K. Beªvwng †jvw` L. ivRv M. ev`kv evei N. KweivR

24| D³ PvwiwÎK ˆewk‡ó¨i cÖwZdjb N‡U‡Q wb‡Pi †Kvb ev‡K¨? K. †c‡j `yB we‡N cÖ‡¯’ I w`‡N mgvb nB‡e Uvbv L. Kwn‡jb †k‡l µ~invwm †n‡m, Av”Qv, †m †`Lv hv‡e M. Kwij wWwµ, mKjB wewµ wg_¨v †`bvi L‡Z N. kywb weeiY †µv‡a wZwb Kb, gvwiqv Kwie Lyb

25| ÔKv‡jv Avi a‡jv evwn‡i †Kej/†fZ‡i meviB mgvb ivOv|Õ G e³‡e¨i mg_©b cvIqv hvq wb‡Pi †Kvb ev‡K¨? K. †KD gvjv, †KD Zmwe Mjvq/ZvB‡Z RvZ wfbœ ejvq L. RMr †e‡o †R‡Zi K_v/†jv‡K †MŠie K‡i h_v-Z_v M. hvIqv wKsev Avmvi †ejvq/†R‡Zi wPý iq Kvi †i| N. jvjb †m †R‡Zi dvZv/ wewK‡q‡Q mvZ evRv‡i

26| A‡_©i AnsKvi- †evSv‡Z †Kvb evMavivwU cÖ‡hvR¨? K. Zvgvi wel L. UvKvi Mig M. AvgovMvwQ Kiv N. e¨v‡Oi Avaywj

27| ÔAvevi Avwme wd‡iÕ KweZvq Kwei †Kvb †PZbvi cÖKvk N‡U‡Q? K. ¯‡`kcÖxwZ L. cybR©‡b¥ wek¦vm M. †mŠ›`‡h©i eY©bv N. cÖvK…wZK ˆewPΨ

28| fwel¨r Kv‡ji AbyÁv cÖKvkK evK¨ †KvbwU? K. eo nI, eyS‡Z cvi‡e L. Av‡`k Kiæb, Rvnuvcbv M. A¼Uv eywS‡q †`‡eb? N. wg_¨v K_v e‡jv bv

29| †Kvb kãwUi †Kej cyiælevPK iƒcB n‡q _v‡K? K. weØvb L. †KvwKj M. KweivR N. AiY¨

30| †hŠwMK ev‡K¨i D`vniY †KvbwU? K. RM‡Z Am¤¢e e‡j wKQz †bB L. `ytL Ges wec` GKmv‡_ Av‡m M. hw`I †jvKwU abx, ZeyI †m K…cY N. Zvi eqm n‡jI ey× nqwb

Page 20: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K


National Curriculum and Textbook Board 69-70, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000


Revised Marks Distribution for JSC/JDC Examination from2018

Subject: English Total marks 100

Part A: Seen part (20)

Test item Item-wise marks Reading (MCQ) 7 (1X7) Gap filling (without clues) 5 Short answer questions 8 (2X4)

Part B: Unseen part (25) Test item Item-wise marks Information transfer (1 text) 5 True/False 5 Cloze test with clues 5 (.5X10) Cloze test without clues 5 (01X5) Matching 5

Part C: Grammar (25)

Test item Item-wise marks Speech 5 Punctuation 5 Use of Articles 5 Changing sentences 5 (Voice, Sentences, Interrogative, Affirmative,Negative, Exclamatory) Suffixes and Prefixes 5

Part D: Writing (30)

Test item Item-wise marks Dialogue 10 Paragraph 10 Formal/Informal e-mail 10 For load minimising the following chapters will be excluded from the syllabus:

English for Today based paper 1: Unit 3, Unit 4, and Unit 8

Grammar and composition based paper 2 Grammar items: Degree of comparison, gerund and participle, modals, linking words Summary writing, completing story

Page 21: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

Page 1 of 16


Sample question for JSC examination

Full marks: 100

Time: 3 hours

Marks for individual items are mentioned next to the test items.

A: Seen part

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.

Bangladeshi cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many spices. We have delicious and

appetizing food, snacks and sweets.

Boiled rice is our staple food. It is served with a variety of vegetables, curry, lentil soup, fish and

meat. Fish is our main source of protein. Fishes are now cultivated in ponds. Also we have fresh-

water fishes in the lakes and rivers. More than 40 types of fishes are common. Some of them are

carp, rui, katla, magur (catfish), chingri (prawn or shrimp). Shutki or dried fishes are popular.

Hilsha is very popular among the people of Bangladesh.

Panta-ilish is a traditional platter of Panta bhat. It is steamed rice soaked in water and served

with a fried hilsha slice, often together with dried fish, pickles, lentil soup, green chilies and onion.

It is a popular dish on the Pohela Boishakh.

The people of Bangladesh are very fond of sweets. Almost all Bangladeshi women prepare some

traditional sweets. Pitha, a type of sweets made from rice flour, sugar, syrup, molasses and

sometimes milk, is a traditional food loved by the entire population. During winter Pitha Utsab,

meaning pitha festival, is organized by different groups of people.

Sweets are distributed among close relatives when there is good news like births, weddings,

promotions, etc.

Sweets of Bangladesh are mostly milk-based. The common ones are roshgolla, sandesh,

rasamalai, gulap jamun and cham-cham. There are hundreds of different varieties of sweet

preparations. Sweets are therefore an important part of the day-to-day life of Bangladeshi


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Page 2 of 16

1. Choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the

corresponding number of the answers in your answer script. 1x7=7

i) The word ‘cuisine’ in line 1 of the text means-

a) a style of cooking

b) a special kind of food

c) cooking spicy dishes

d) a combination of different dishes

ii) The words ‘appetizing food’ in line 1 of the text mean-

a) expensive food

b) food that makes you feel hungry

c) food that is cooked with spices

d) food that has good nutritional value

iii) The word ‘platter’ in line 8 of the text means-

a) a large plate to serve food

b) a meal served on a large plate

c) a dish with a variety of food items on it

d) all of the above

iv) The main source of protein for Bangladeshi people is-

a) boiled rice

b) lentil soup

c) fish

d) meat

v) Panta bhat is usually served with-

a) dried fish

b) green chili and onion

c) hilsha

d) all of the above

vi) Panta-ilish is eaten with much festivity

a) throughout the year

b) to the wedding guests

c) on a special day

d) in winter

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vii) A popular food item in winter is

a) lentil soup

b) pitha

c) panta bhat

d) dried fish

Answers: i) a, ii) b, iii) d, iv) c, v) d, vi) c, vii) b

2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the above text. 2x4 = 8

a) Name four fresh water fishes.

b) How is panta bhat prepared?

c) Name four milk-based sweets.

d) Where are most of the fish cultivated?

3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with appropriate words to make it a meaningful one. 1x5 = 5 In a plane, oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of a lack of

oxygen, an oxygen mask will automatically (a) __________ in front of you. Pull the mask

towards you and (b) ___________ it firmly over your nose and mouth. Secure the elastic band

behind your head, and breathe normally. If you are travelling with a child or someone who

requires (c) __________ , secure your mask on first, and then help the other person. Keep your

mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you to (d) __________ it. In the event of an (e)

___________ please assume the bracing position.

Answers: (a) appear (b) place/put (c) assistance/help/support (d)remove (e) emergency

B: Unseen part

Read the following text and answer questions 4 and 5.

Meera is a singer with a great zeal for folk songs. She is a dancer too. She enjoys dancing with

folk songs. She performs at national events and also represents our culture in different countries.

Besides singing she also studies Computer Science in a university in China. Manosh and Rudro are

also two promising folk singers of our time. Manosh passed the S.S.C examination in 2018 when

Rudro was a student of class eight. Manosh won the Star Voice Singing competition in 2012 in

the folk song category. Rudro won that award in 2015 in the same category. He performed in the

Boishakhi open concert at Dhaka University campus in 2016. Both Manosh and Rudro love folk

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Page 4 of 16

songs because it appeals to our root culture. They believe that folk music can reach the heart of

our common people easily. In 2018 Manosh successfully released his first album titled ‘Mon


4. Complete the table below. Write no more than three words and/or numbers for each

answer. 1X5=5

Who? What? When/where?

Meera studies Computer Science in a university in (1) …………………

Meera (2) …………………… in foreign countries

(3) ……………… was awarded Star Voice Singing


in 2012

Rudro appeared in the Boisakhi concert at (4) ………………………….... in 2016

Manosh released his maiden album (5) in ………………………………………

Answers: (1) China (2) represents our culture (3) Manosh (4) Dhaka University campus (5) 2018

5. Read the passage again and write, whether the statements are true or false. Give correct

answers, if the statement is false. 1x5=5

a) Meera enjoys singing folk songs.

b) Meera performs at both national and international levels.

c) Manosh and Rudro won two different awards.

d) The first album of Manosh was released in the same year when he passed the S.S.C.


e) The common people of our country love folk songs.


a) False. Meera enjoys dancing with folk songs.

b) True

c) False. Manosh and Rudro won the same award.

d) True

e) True

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6. Read the text below and fill-in the gaps using the clues given in the boxes. There are more

words than necessary. One word can be used once only. ½ X10=5

the off as namely this finances

length cost country width roads touch

The Padma Multipurpose Bridge is a mega project in the construction history of Bangladesh. This

will connect three districts (a) _________, Munshiganj, Shariatpur and Madaripur. With (b)

__________ connectivity 21 districts of (c) _________ south-western part of the (d) ________

will come under direct (e) _________ with the capital as well (f) _________ the whole country.

It’s total (g) _________ is 6.15 kms. and (h) ________ is 18.1 meters. It will (i) ________ 3.6

billion USD. Bangladesh government (j) _________ this huge project.

Answers: (a) namely (b) this (c) the (d) country (e) touch (f) as (g) length (h) width (i) cost (j)


7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using suitable words to make it a meaningful text.


The sun is the source of all energies. All the living beings (a) _________ sunlight directly or

indirectly for their (b) __________ on this earth. Sunlight (c) _________ white as we see it with

our naked eyes but the actual (d) _____________ of sunlight is green. Now, we are going to

explain why sunlight looks white (e) __________ it is originally green.

Answers: (a) use (b) existence (c) looks (d) colour (e) though

8. Match the part of sentences from columns A and B to make five complete sentences. 1x5=5

Column A Column B

a. One day a fisherman

b. Suddenly he saw

c. His wife was very happy

d. The fisherman asked his wife to keep

e. But instead of doing so she

i. to see the coins as the fisherman returned


ii. began to boast of it before all the friends

iii. a bag full of gold coins in his net

iv. cast his net in the river

v. the find of gold coins a secret

Answers: a. iv, b. iii, c. i, d. v, e. ii

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C: Grammar part

9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable

suffix, prefix or both. ½ x10= 5

Altaf Mahmud is a musician, (a) _________ (culture) activist and a (b) _________ (free) fighter

of Bangladesh. He took part in the historic Language (c) _________ (move) of 1952. He is the (d)

_________ (compose) of the famous song “Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano”. He wrote that

immortal song to honour the language martyrs of 1952. The songs composed and sung by Altaf

Mahmud were great source of (e) (inspire) to the people who protested against the (f)

_________ (brutal) of Pakistani Government. Altaf Mahmud was very (g) (support) to

those who fought for Bangladesh in the Liberation of 1971. He created a camp inside his house

to provide (h) __________ (accommodate) to them. His (i) ___________ (patriot) songs were

then broadcast from Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendro. He was awarded the Ekushey Padak for his

(j) ____ ( contribute) to Bengali culture and the War of Liberation.

Answers: (a) cultural (b) freedom (c) movement (d) composer (e) inspiration (f) brutality

(g) supportive (h) accommodation (i) patriotic (j) contribution

10. Fill-in the gaps in the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x)

where no article is used. ½ x10=5

Friendship is one of (a) _____ most precious gifts of life. (b)_____ person who has true friends in

life is lucky enough. Friendship makes (c) _______ life thrilling. It is indeed, (d) _____ asset in life.

True friendship is (e)______ feeling of love, sharing and caring. (f)_____ true friends stand by us

when we are in trouble. Lasting friendship is indeed, (g) ______ blessing. However, it is better to

have friends of (h)______ same age group and mentality. In short, friendship is (i)______

essential condition for (j)______ happy life.

Answers: (a) the (b) a (c) x (d) an (e) a (f) x (g) a (h) the (i) an (j) a


11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. 1x5= 5

(a) Sylhet is one of the most beautiful districts of Bangladesh. (Make it a comparative sentence).

(b) In the 14th century, Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal conquered Sylhet. (Make it a passive sentence). (c)

It was declared as a division by the government in 1995. (Make it an active sentence). (d) The

vast green tea gardens attract many tourists. (Make it an interrogative sentence). (e) The climate

of this place is very fine. (Make it an exclamatory sentence).

Answer: (a) Sylhet is more beautiful than most other districts of Bangladesh. (b) Sylhet was

conquered by Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal in the 14th century. (c) The government declared it as a

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Page 7 of 16

division in 1995. (d) Do the vast green tea gardens attract many tourists? (e) How fine the climate

of this place is!

12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech: 5

“It’s so unusual! It’s a cold night, but I feel warm now,” the Prince said. “It happens when I do

something good to help someone,” he added. The Queen smiled to look at his son and said “Good

night” “Good night” The Prince also smiled and said to his mom.

Answer: The Prince wondered at the unusual feature of the night because he felt warm even at

that time of the cold night. He remarked that it (unusual behavior of the night) happens when he

does something good to help someone. The Queen smiled to look at his son and wished him good

night. The Prince also smiled at her mom as he said her good night.

13. Use capital letters and punctuation marks as needed in the following passage. ½ X10=5

one day Neela went to see bela her elder sister bela she found her very depressed there Neela

asked what happens darling

Answer: One day Neela went to see Bela, her elder sister. She found her very depressed there.

Neela asked, “What happens, darling? “

D: Writing part

14. Suppose you are Rabid and you are in a restaurant with your sister. Make a dialogue

between you and the waiter before ordering your meal. 10

Answer (sample only):

Waiter Can I help you?

Rabid A table for two please.

Waiter You can take this table, sir.

Rabid Thanks, this is a nice corner table.

Waiter Are you ready to order?

Rabid Yes, we'll have the cashew nut salad, a Thai soup and a serve of fried rice

with chili chicken.

Waiter Anything to drink?

Rabid Just water for me and a lemonade for my sister, please.

Waiter Is that all, sir?

Rabid Yes, I think, that’s all for now. Thank you.

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Page 8 of 16

15. A social organisation in your locality is hiring some volunteers for a fund raising event.

Write an email to the coordinator of that organisation to be a volunteer for the event. The

email can be sent to [email protected]. In your email, you should 10

write a subject line

use proper salutation/greetings

give a brief introduction of you

express your interest for the role of a volunteer

mention why you are interested to work as a volunteer

write a closing remark, your name, address and phone

Sample answer

To: [email protected] Subject: Interested to be a volunteer Dear sir/madam, I am a student of class eight at ABC Boys High School, Pabna. I have seen your advertisement about hiring volunteers for your charity event. I am really interested to work as a volunteer for that event. I always look for opportunities to help the poor and helpless people in our society. Moreover, I enjoy working with like-minded people in a team. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanking you, Mohamad Zaif 123, …… Road, Pabna

16. Write a paragraph of 250 words on the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear families.

Your writing should address the following questions: 10

What is a nuclear family?

What are the advantages of a nuclear family?

What are the disadvantages of a nuclear family?

What kind of family do you prefer, why?


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Sample question for JSC examination

Full marks: 100

Time: 3 hours

Marks for individual items are mentioned next to the test items.

A: Seen part

Read the text and answer questions 1 and 2.

Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain Rashid Akbar speaking. First I’d like to welcome

everyone on Flight BG 88. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 10058.40 feet at airspeed of

643.7376 km per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our

side we are expecting to land in Bangkok approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The

weather in Bangkok is clear and sunny. The temperature is 32 degrees Celsius for this afternoon.

If the weather is good, we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will

be coming around in about twenty minute’s time to offer you a light snack and drinks. The inflight

movie will begin shortly after that. I’ll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until

then, sit back, and enjoy the flight.

1. Now choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the

corresponding number of the answers in your answer script. 1x7=7

i) What is the job of Rashid Akbar?

a) Cabin Crew

b) Announcer

c) Pilot

d) An army officer

ii) The word cruise means-

a) moving ahead

b) moving fast

c) travelling at a steady speed

d) None of the above

iii) The word “tailwind” means-

a) wind blowing from behind a moving vehicle

b) wind coming from front

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c) the wind that blows around the tail

d) the wind that propels the tail

iv) What is the objective of the announcer?

a) to call everyone’s attention

b) to warn the passengers

c) to begin a communication

d) to give necessary information

v) When can the passengers get the view of the city?

a) within fifteen minutes

b) as the fight comes down

c) all through the flight in the sky

d) immediately after the announcement

vi) Passengers will be treated with some light refreshment within

a) 15 minutes

b) 20 minutes

c) 25 minutes

d) 32 minutes

vii) Where is the temperature 32 degree Celsius?

a) inside the plane

b) outside the plane

c) Bangkok

d) In departure city


i) c ii) a iii) a iv) d v) b vi) b vii) c

2. Answer the following questions from your reading of the text above. 2x 4 = 8

a) Where is the flight now?

b) What destination is the flight bound for?

c) When will the in-flight movie begin?

d) Why did the announcer describe the weather?

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3. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with contextually appropriate words 1X5=5

River gypsies are an ethnic group of people in Bangladesh. They are known as beday to (a)

__________ people. The (b) __________ have their own lifestyle and (c) ………………... . They live

in groups and do not (d) __________ any land. Therefore, they live a nomadic life, (e)

__________ from one place to another.

Answers: (a) local (b) gypsies (c) culture (d) own/have

(d)travelling/moving/roaming/shifting (e) roam/move/travel

B: Unseen part

Read the following text and answer questions 4 and 5.

The current world population roughly calculated by the United Nations is 7.5 billion as of

September 2017. Six of the seven continents of the Earth are permanently resided on a large

scale. Asia is the most populous continent, with its 4.54 billion inhabitants accounting for 60% of

the world population. China and India are world's most populated countries. They together have

about 37% of the world's population. Africa is the second most populated continent, with around

1.28 billion people and it is 16% of the world's population. The population of Europe is 742 million

which is 10% of the world's population as of 2018, while 651 million live in the Latin America and

Caribbean regions and it is 9% of the world’s population. Northern America primarily consisting

of the United States and Canada has a population of around 363 million which is 5% and Oceania

is the least-populated region with about 41 million inhabitants which is 0.5% of world population

although it is not permanently resided by any fixed population. Antarctica has also a small and

varied international population based mainly in polar science station.

4. Complete the grid below with appropriate information. 1X5-5

Continent/ Country Population % of world population

Asia 4.5 billion i)………………………….

Africa ii)……………………… 16%

iii) ……………………………….. 742 million 10%

U.S.A and Canada iv)…………………………. 5%

Oceania 41 million v)………………………..

Answers: i) 60% ii) 1.28 billion iii) Europe iv) 363 million v) 0.5%

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Page 12 of 16

5. Read the passage again and write, whether the statements are true or false. Give correct

answers, if the statement is false. 1x5=5

a) Asia has the largest population among all the seven continents.

b) Africa is in the third position in case of the number of population.

c) The number of population in Europe is the same as in Asia.

d) The United States and Canada are the North American countries.

e) In Oceania and Antarctica, the number of population rises and falls.


a) True

b) False. Africa is in the second position in case of the number of population.

c) False The number of population in Europe is less than that of Asia.

d) True

e) True

6. Read the text below and fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words

than necessary. ½ X10=5

connectivity remains cannot without among

Pandora for education strange made dimension

Mobile phone is a wonderful invention of modern science. It has added a new (a) __________ to

our everyday life. People (b) __________ think of a single moment (c) __________ a mobile

phone. It has (d) __________ life easier by increasing our (e) __________. No doubt the world

now (f) __________ in our pocket through this (g) __________ device. It is really a (h)

__________ box which can be used (i) __________ different purposes like entertainment to (j)



(a) dimension (b) cannot (c) without (d) made (e) connectivity (f) remains (g) strange (h) Pandora

(i) for (j) education

7. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with words that are appropriate. 1X5=5

The world is changing every day. People are constantly moving to different (a) __________ for

different reasons. So people need (b) __________ journey. People also need speed. Wheels

(c)__________ made it possible. This is why, (d)__________ of wheels is so important to



(a) destinations (b) comfortable (c) have (d) invention (e) us.

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8. Match the part of sentences from columns A and B to make five complete sentences. Colum

B has one more options than required. 1x5=5

Column A Column B

a. Once upon a time there was a king

b. He was extremely

c. Being afraid of riding horse he

d. Naturally, his soldiers and


e. At last, they went to a magician

and requested him

i. went everywhere on foot.

ii. to invent some kind of seat that

could move by itself.

iii. who was known as Prudence.

iv. cautious and very nervous as well.

v. had to walk on foot too.

vi. To go home.


a. iii b. iv c. i d. v e. ii

C: Grammar part

9. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable

suffix, prefix or both. ½ x10=5

Visa, the global payment solutions (a) __________ (provide) will introduce (b)

__________(contact) cards in Bangladesh this year. These cards do not have (c)

__________(paid) system and allow customers to make (d) __________(pay) simply by waving

the card near the point of sales machine. It needs no (e) __________ (insert) of the card into the

machine. The cards provide customers with improved and (f) __________(speed) transaction. It

will be (g) __________(fast) and offer increased protection from card fraud than (h)

__________(tradition) cards. Such payment solution will add (i) __________(secure) to card

service (j) __________(significant).


a) provider b) contactless c) prepaid d) payment e) insertion

f) speedy g) faster h) traditional i) security j) significantly

10. Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles (a, an or the). Put a cross (x)

for zero article. ½ x10=5

(a)______ violent storm hit Netrokona district last week. The storm blew at (b)_____ speed of

150 km per hour. It hit 12 villages and demolished almost all (c)______ houses of those villages.

It caused (d)______ severe damage. All (e)_____ the electric poles were blew up and as a result

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Page 14 of 16

there was a power-cut. People had to remain in darkness for over (f)______ week. It was

(g)______ unbearable situation for them. (h)_____ poor suffered (i)_______ lot. It was really

(j)_______ terrible storm.

Answers: (a) a (b) a (c) the (d) x (e) the (f) a (g) an (h) the (i) a (j) a

11. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. 1x5=5

(a) Dhaka was founded by the Mughals in the 17th century. (Make it an active sentence). (b) The

Mughals governed the region during the early modern period. (Make it an interrogative

sentence). (c) The Mughals constructed many buildings here. (Make it a passive sentence). (d)

Ahsan Manjil is one of the attractive buildings. (Make it an exclamatory sentence). (e) Nila is yet

to visit Dhaka (make it a negative sentence in terms of sentence construction).

Answer: (a) The Mughals founded it in the 17th century. (b) Did the Mughals govern the region

during the early modern period? (c) Many buildings were constructed here by the Mughals. (d)

What an attractive building the Ahsan Manjil is! (e) Nila did not visit Dhaka yet.

12. Rewrite the following passage changing the form of speech: 5

Sakina said to Himel, “How are you? I went to your house yesterday but you were not there.” “I

went to a shop,” said Himel, “I had to buy some dresses for my sister.”

Answer: Sakina asked Himel how he was. She told him that she had gone to his house the

previous day but he was not there. Himel replied that he had gone to a shop and added that he

had to buy some dresses for his sister.

13. Use capital letters and punctuation marks as needed in the following passage. .5X10=5

daniel defoe the writer of robinson crusoe was born in london in 1660 defoe started to write

when he was a young man the idea for writing the great story came from the story of alexander

selkirk when he was at the age of 59

Answer: Daniel Defoe, the writer of Robinson Crusoe was born in London in 1660. Defoe started

to write when he was a young man. The idea for writing the great story came from the story of

Alexander Selkirk when he was at the age of 59.

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D: Writing part

14. Suppose you are Samiya and chatting with your cousin, Subarno. Make a dialogue with

him/her about folk songs. 10

Key (This is just an example.)

Samiya Ah, you are listening to music!

Subarno Oh, yes. You know Samiya, I’m so fond of music.

Samiya I know. But I’m not sure what type of music you like.

Subarno To be honest, I like Bangla folk music.

Samiya Great. Please tell me about the folk songs. I know little about it.

Subarno Ok, the folk songs are the traditional songs of Bangladesh. It is sung by the

common people of the country. It is simple in terms of theme, tunes, lyric or

melody. Polligiti, bhatiyali, lolongiti are some of our popular folk songs.

Samiya Can you tell me about some famous folk singers?

Subarno Sure, Hason Raja, Abbasuddin, Abdul Alim, or recent Momtaj Begum, Firoj

Shai, Dilruba Khan are some famous folk singers. You must listen to them.

Samiya Ok. I’ll.

15. You have invited some of your friends to a get together at your place. Unfortunately, you

are unable to hold the event as you have fallen sick. Write an email to one of your invited

friends telling that the event is postponed now. You may send the email to

[email protected]. In your email, you should 10

write a subject line

use proper salutation/greetings

tell that the event is postponed

give reasons for the postponement

regret for the unfortunate situation

write a closing remark

write your name

Page 36: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

Page 16 of 16

Sample answer

To: [email protected]

Subject: Get together postponed

Hello X,

Hope you are doing well. I am passing horrible time as I have been fighting a nasty viral flu

since last week. That means we are not going to get together this weekend. I am

extremely sorry for cancelling the event.

I hope you will understand my situation. We may think about a new date when I come


Please pray for my recovery.

Best regards,


16. Write a paragraph on your favourite movie/TV programme. You have to write what the

movie/programme is about, why you like it, and what your learning is from this


Page 37: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv


K…wlwkÿv, Mvn©¯’¨weÁvb, Aviwe, ms¯‹…Z I cvwj welqmg~n †RGmwm cixÿvq Ges K…wlwkÿv, Mvn©¯’¨weÁvb, DÏ©y I dvwm© welqmg~n †RwWwm cixÿvq AšÍfz©³ bv K‡i avivevwnK g~j¨vq‡bi gva¨‡g eyw×e„wËK, g‡bv‡cwkR I Av‡eMxq †ÿ‡Î wkÿv_©xi gvb hvPvB :


c~Y©gvb - 100

ZË¡xq : 60

e¨envwiK : 40

ZË¡xq Ask - 60

†kÖwY Afxÿv : 40 evwoi KvR : 20

Kgc‡ÿ 6wU †kÖwY Afxÿv wb‡Z n‡e| m‡e©v”P b¤i cÖvß 4wU we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwU †kÖwY Afxÿv 10 b¤‡ii n‡e| wkÿv eQ‡i Kgc‡ÿ 4wU evwoi KvR g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e| m‡e©v”P b¤i cÖvß 2wU Kv‡Ri b¤i we‡ePbv

Ki‡Z n‡e|

e¨envwiK Ask - 40

†kÖwYi KvR : 40

(K…wl cÖhyw³i e¨envi, exR wbe©vPb I msiÿY, K…wlRvZ `ªe¨vw` msMÖn, exRe c‡bi Dc‡hvMx gvwU cÖ ‘ZKiY, K…wlRvZ ªe¨vw` msMÖn I evQvB, cwje¨vM Pviv ˆZwi I ebvq‡bi bKkv ˆZwi)

wkÿv eQ‡i Kgc‡ÿ 6wU e¨envwiK KvR m¤úv`b Ki‡Z n‡e| m‡ev©”P b¤i cÖvß 4wU e¨envwiK Kv‡Ri b¤i we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwU e¨envwiK KvR 10 b¤‡ii n‡e|

Page 38: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv


welq: Mvn©¯’¨ weÁvb

c~Y©gvb - 100

ZË¡xq : 60

e¨envwiK : 40

ZË¡xq Ask - 60

†kÖwY Afxÿv : 40 evwoi KvR : 20

Kgc‡ÿ 6wU †kÖwY Afxÿv wb‡Z n‡e| m‡e©v”P b¤i cÖvß 4wU we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwU †kÖwY Afxÿv 10 b¤‡ii n‡e|

wkÿv eQ‡i Kgc‡ÿ 4wU evwoi KvR g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e| m‡e©v”P b¤icÖvß 2wU Kv‡Ri b¤i we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e|

e¨envwiK Ask - 40

†kÖwYi KvR : 40 wkÿv eQ‡i Kgc‡ÿ 6wU K‡i e¨envwiK KvR m¤úv`b Ki‡Z n‡e| m‡ev©”P b¤i cÖvß 4wU e¨envwiK Kv‡Ri b¤i we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwU e¨envwiK KvR 10 b¤‡ii n‡e|

Page 39: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv


welq: Aviwe/ms¯‹„Z/cvwj/DÏy©/dvwm©

†h ‡Kv‡bv fvlvq `ÿZv AR©b †kvbv, ejv, cov I †jLv G PviwU `ÿZvi Dci wbf©i K‡i| G‡ÿ‡Î `ÿZvmg~n AwR©Z n‡jv wKbv †m m¤ú‡K© wbwðZ n‡Z †kvbv, ejv, cov I †jLvi `ÿZv wb‡P ewY©Z Kvh©©µg I b¤i Abyhvqx g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e|


Kvh©µg b¤i

†kÖwYi KvR 20

evwoi KvR 20

†kÖwY Afxÿv 60

†gvU 100

†kªwYi KvR g~j¨vqb K‡i cÖavbZ †kvbv, ejv I covi `ÿZv g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e †kÖwYi Kv‡Ri gva¨‡g †jLvi `ÿZvI g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e|

evwoi KvR g~j¨vqb K‡i cÖavbZ †jLv I covi `ÿZv g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e| †kÖwYi KvR, evwoi KvR I †kÖwY Afxÿvi gva¨‡g wkÿv_©x‡`i †jLvi `ÿZv g~jvqb Ki‡Z n‡e| cÖwZwU †kªwY Afxÿvi Rb¨ 10 b¤i eivÏ Ki‡Z n‡e| wkÿv eQ‡i Kgc‡ÿ 8wU †kªwY Afxÿv g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e m‡ev©”P b¤icÖvß 6wU †kÖwY

Afxÿvi b¤i we‡ePbv Ki‡Z n‡e|

K…wlwkÿv, Mvn©¯’¨ weÁvb, Aviwe, ms¯‹…Z, cvwj, DÏy© I dvwm© Gme welqmg~n A_©¨vr avivevwnK g~j¨vq‡bi AvIZvfz³ welqmg~‡ni g~j¨vqb (†kÖwYi KvR, evwoi KvR, †kÖwY Afxÿv) welq wkÿK wel‡qi Rb¨ K¬vm iæwU‡b wba©vwiZ mg‡q avivevwnKfv‡e †kÖwYK‡ÿB m¤úv`b Ki‡eb|

avivevwnK g~j¨vq‡b iwelqmg~‡ni g~j¨vqb †Kv‡bvfv‡eB †K› ªxqfv‡e AbywôZ mvgwqK I evwl©K cixÿvi wjwLZ cixÿvi mv‡_ †bIqv hv‡e bv|

Page 40: RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© · RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv 1000 †RGmwm/‡RwWwm cixÿvi b¤^i wefvRb (2018 mvj †_‡K

RvZxq wkÿvµg I cvV¨cy¯ÍK †evW© 69-70 gwZwSj evwYwR¨K GjvKv, XvKv


wkÿv_x©i AvPiY I g~j¨‡ev‡ai (Av‡eMxq wkLbdj) avivevwnK g~j¨vqb wb‡`©kK I †iKW© msiÿY QK

wb‡ ©kbv : Q‡K DwjøwLZ `kwU wb‡ ©k‡Ki Av‡jv‡K wkÿv_©xi AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z n‡e| G‡ÿ‡Î GKRb wkÿv_x© cÖwZwU wb‡ ©k‡Ki Rb¨ 3 (AwZ DËg) ev 2 (fv‡jv) ev 1 (AMÖMwZ cÖ‡qvRb) †c‡Z cv‡i| 10wU wb‡ ©k‡Ki Rb¨ GKRb wkÿv_x© m‡ev©”P 30 b¤i Ges me©wb¤œ 10 b¤^i †c‡Z cv‡i| wkÿv_©xi AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva g~j¨vq‡b Pvi ¯Í‡ii c„_K gZvgZ wb‡Pi QK Abyhvqx cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e :

lô I mßg †kÖwY‡Z 1g I 2q mvgwqK Aóg †kÖwY‡Z 1g mvgwqK cixÿvmn †gvU 5 evi †iKW© msiÿY Ki‡Z n‡e| 5 ev‡ii cÖvß b¤‡ii Mo b¤i †ev‡W©i wb‡ ©kbv

Abyhvqx wkÿv‡evW©mg~‡n †cÖiY Ki‡Z n‡e| wkÿv‡evW©mg~n †RGmwm I mggv‡bi cixÿvi b¤^i c‡Îi mv‡_ we`¨vjq KZ©„K †cÖwiZ kvixwiK wkÿv, ¯v¯’¨weÁvb I

†Ljvayjv, Pviæ I KviæKjv Ges Kg© I RxebgyLx wkÿv welqmg~‡ni avivevwnK g~j¨vq‡bi b¤i D‡jøL K‡i P~ovšÍ djvdj cÖKvk Ki‡e| Z‡e avivevwnK g~j¨vq‡b cÖvß

G welq¸‡jvi b¤i wkÿv_©xi †MÖW wba©vi‡Y cÖ‡hvR¨ n‡e bv| weqq¸‡jvi cÖvß b¤^i wkÿv_©xi we‡kl †hvM¨Zv wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e|

wkÿv_x©i AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva g~j¨vqb gZvgZ cÖwZôvb KZ©„K cÖ`Ë cÖksmvc‡Î Aek¨B D‡jøL Ki‡Z n‡e|

cÖwZ mvgwqK †k‡l wkÿv_x©i AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva g~j¨vqb gZvgZ Aek¨B AwffveKMY‡K †`Lv‡Z n‡e|

mvgwqK cixÿv cÖvß b¤i


†ivj b¤i

wkÿv_©xi bvg

wbqgvbyewZ©Zv †`k‡cÖg mZZv †bZ…Z¡ k„•Ljv mn‡hvwMZv mwµq AskMÖnY mwnòzZv m‡PZbZv mgqvbyewZ©Zv

1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q 1g 2q




b¤‡ii mxgv wkÿv_x©i AvPiY I g~j¨‡eva g~j¨vqb gZvgZ

26-30 AwZ DËg

21-25 DËg

16-20 fv‡jv

10-15 AMÖMwZ cª‡qvRb