rust preventative spray varnish verification and nozzle

The University of Akron The University of Akron IdeaExchange@UAkron IdeaExchange@UAkron Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects The Dr. Gary B. and Pamela S. Williams Honors College Winter 2021 Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Verification and Nozzle Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Verification and Nozzle Development Development Dakota Snyder The University of Akron, [email protected] Collin Whitely The University of Akron, [email protected] Stephen Patrick The University of Akron, [email protected] William McCullough The University of Akron, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Electro-Mechanical Systems Commons, and the Manufacturing Commons Please take a moment to share how this work helps you through this survey. Your feedback will be important as we plan further development of our repository. Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Snyder, Dakota; Whitely, Collin; Patrick, Stephen; and McCullough, William, "Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Verification and Nozzle Development" (2021). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1447. This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by The Dr. Gary B. and Pamela S. Williams Honors College at IdeaExchange@UAkron, the institutional repository of The University of Akron in Akron, Ohio, USA. It has been accepted for inclusion in Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects by an authorized administrator of IdeaExchange@UAkron. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected].

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The University of Akron The University of Akron

IdeaExchange@UAkron IdeaExchange@UAkron

Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects

The Dr. Gary B. and Pamela S. Williams Honors College

Winter 2021

Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Verification and Nozzle Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Verification and Nozzle

Development Development

Dakota Snyder The University of Akron, [email protected]

Collin Whitely The University of Akron, [email protected]

Stephen Patrick The University of Akron, [email protected]

William McCullough The University of Akron, [email protected]

Follow this and additional works at:

Part of the Electro-Mechanical Systems Commons, and the Manufacturing Commons

Please take a moment to share how this work helps you through this survey. Your feedback will

be important as we plan further development of our repository.

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Snyder, Dakota; Whitely, Collin; Patrick, Stephen; and McCullough, William, "Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Verification and Nozzle Development" (2021). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1447.

This Dissertation/Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by The Dr. Gary B. and Pamela S. Williams Honors College at IdeaExchange@UAkron, the institutional repository of The University of Akron in Akron, Ohio, USA. It has been accepted for inclusion in Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects by an authorized administrator of IdeaExchange@UAkron. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected].



3 December 2021

Collin Whitely

Dakota Snyder

Stephen Patrick

William McCullough

SD2 Final Report for 4600:471 Senior/Honor Design, Summer 2021

Honors Reader: Dr. Gopal Nadkarni

Honors Faculty Advisor: Dr. Yalin Dong

Honors Reader: Dr. Jennifer Lillard

Industrial Project Sponsor: Jeremy Silvidi




This report details the testing of five different corrosion preventatives to be used in an e-motor product

as well as the design of a self-contained, automated spray varnishing unit for Schaeffler Transmission.

Results from material testing showed that DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating deteriorated rapidly and did not

provide adequate corrosion resistance. The Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish did not

show any visible deterioration; however, it is out of safe operating temperature and therefore was not

selected as a viable option. The MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish performed better than

both DEI and Anti-Seize during testing, but due to being a brush-on only application, was not chosen as

the best option for this application. The results show that two of the five coatings tested had acceptable

performance; both the Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish and the Sprayon EL609

Green Insulating Varnish performed adequately. Further testing and analysis should be completed prior

to any final decisions on the best varnish for the application.

After this material selection occurred, the team started to focus on sprayer design. Due to

circumstances surrounding communication between the team and Schaeffler, the team decided to focus

specifically on designing a new nozzle on a off-the-shelf ready spray can for Sprayon to better optimize

material use and to try to improve upon the application of the material to a sample stator lamination.

The team researched and designed several iterations of nozzles and analyzed them by applying the

material to stator samples and analyzing them under three major criteria; application, coating thickness,

and the provided Saltwater Test from the material testing. Based on these criteria the team was able to

design 4 nozzles that passed testing, nozzles #2 (a replica of the manufacturer’s nozzle), #8 (a converging

elongated head nozzle with a circular exit), #10 (a continuously converging nozzle with an oval exit), and

#13 (a 15-degree flat fan nozzle). We also recommend these four nozzles to be considered as candidates

for future testing and further development to better improve coating quality and uniformity.



1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1

2. Material Selection................................................................................................................................ 2

2.1 Material Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish4 .................................................................. 2

2.1.2 Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish6............................................................... 2

2.1.3 Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish8 ........................................................................ 3

2.1.4 Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish10 ............................................................................... 3

2.1.5 DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating12 ................................................................................................ 3

2.2 Testing Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 4

2.2.1 Sample Preparation ................................................................................................................. 4

2.2.2 Test Procedure ........................................................................................................................ 5

2.2.3 Deviations ............................................................................................................................... 6

2.2.4 Materials Used in Saltwater Corrosion Test ............................................................................. 6

3. Material Testing Results....................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Preliminary Test Results ................................................................................................................. 7

3.2 Research and Ranking Considerations ............................................................................................ 8

3.2.1 Coating Research .................................................................................................................... 8

3.2.2 Coating Adhesion .................................................................................................................... 9

3.2.3 Coating Corrosion Performance ............................................................................................ 10

3.3 Additional Analysis and Observations ........................................................................................... 11

4. Material Selection Recommendations................................................................................................ 13

5. Nozzle Research and Design............................................................................................................... 14

5.1 Nozzle Design Research ............................................................................................................... 16

5.1.1 Flat Fan Shaped Orifice - Deflection ....................................................................................... 18

5.1.2 Flat Fan Shaped Orifice - Standard ......................................................................................... 18

5.1.3 Impingement Orifice – Mist/Fog Fan ..................................................................................... 18

5.1.4 Spiral Orifice- Hollow/Full Cone ............................................................................................. 19

5.1.5 Whirl – Axial .......................................................................................................................... 19

5.1.6 Whirl Tangential .................................................................................................................... 20

5.1.7 Siphon Fed ............................................................................................................................ 20


5.1.8 External Mix .......................................................................................................................... 20

5.1.9 Internal Mix .......................................................................................................................... 21

5.2 Manufacturing Process Selection ................................................................................................. 21

5.2.1 Printer................................................................................................................................... 21

5.3 Design .......................................................................................................................................... 22

5.3.1 Design Verification ................................................................................................................ 23

5.3.2 Iteration 1 Design Theory ...................................................................................................... 23

5.3.3 Iteration 1 Design Application ............................................................................................... 23

5.3.4 Iteration 2 Design Theory ...................................................................................................... 24

5.3.5 Iteration 2 Design Application ............................................................................................... 25

5.3.6 Iteration 3 Design Theory ...................................................................................................... 27

5.3.7 Iteration 3 Design Application ............................................................................................... 27

6. Nozzle Testing Procedure .................................................................................................................. 29

6.1 Material Application .................................................................................................................... 29

6.2 Saltwater Corrosion Testing ......................................................................................................... 30

6.3 Material Layer Thickness Testing* ................................................................................................ 31

6.4 Deviations .................................................................................................................................... 32

6.5 Materials Used for Nozzle Testing ................................................................................................ 32

6.5.1 Material Application .............................................................................................................. 32

6.5.2 Saltwater Corrosion Testing .................................................................................................. 32

6.5.3 Material Layer Thickness Testing ........................................................................................... 32

7. Nozzle Testing Results ....................................................................................................................... 33

7.1 Application .................................................................................................................................. 33

7.2 Thickness ..................................................................................................................................... 35

7.2.1 Baking Samples ......................................................................................................................... 37

7.3 Saltwater ..................................................................................................................................... 38

8. Discussion and Nozzle Selection Recommendations ........................................................................... 41

8.1 Nozzle Design Discussions ............................................................................................................ 41

8.2 Nozzle Application Discussion ...................................................................................................... 42

8.3 Nozzle Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 43

8.3.1 Nozzle Recommendation Explanations ...................................................................................... 43

9. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 45


9.1 Accomplishments......................................................................................................................... 45

9.2 Uncertainties ............................................................................................................................... 45

9.2.1 Material Selection and Testing .............................................................................................. 46

9.2.2 Nozzle Selection and Testing ................................................................................................. 46

9.3 Ethical Considerations .................................................................................................................. 47

9.4 Future Work ................................................................................................................................ 47

References ............................................................................................................................................ 48

Appendix A: Coating Thickness Instrument Information Sheet ............................................................... 51

Appendix B: Material Technical Data Sheets .......................................................................................... 52

MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish5 ........................................................................... 52

Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish7 ......................................................................... 54

Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish9 ................................................................................... 55

Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish11 ......................................................................................... 56

DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating13 .......................................................................................................... 58

Appendix C: Pictures of Sprayon Samples: Olympus Stereo Microscope ................................................. 59

Appendix D: Pictures of Material Testing Samples: ................................................................................ 64


1. Introduction Our team conducted research on rust preventative spray varnish for Schaeffler Transmission in Wooster.

Five materials were selected for this rust preventative analysis. The project is based on the concept of

varnishing electric steel stator lamination stack; they constitute a stator for an electric motor, known as

an e-motor, as shown in Figure 1. To maintain the safety of all end-users, e-motors have international

standards that they must meet. These standards are ISO 12103-11 and ISO 206532. The first pertains to

the Arizona Dust Test1 and the second defines the degree of

protection that the motors must have. The spec that

Schaeffler must meet is IP6K72. This means that the internal

protection must be dust tight and that the system must be

able to survive temporary immersion.

These stacks are epoxied together along all of the external

edges. These stacks must be varnished along the inside

diameter because they are exposed to the elements. They

cannot be epoxied as the electrical current needs a

medium(air) to travel through. The varnishes need to be of

the NEMA class F spec3. Class F means that the stacks will

have a maximum temperature of 155 ℃. In addition, the

maximum temperature rise is 105 ℃.

This problem brings about two significant questions:

1. What varnish is the best?

2. What is the best way to varnish the steel?

To better address these questions, our group decided to follow guidance from Schaeffler and conduct

testing on samples of the lamination stacks. Information on the rationale behind material choices as well

as testing procedure and processes will be explained in detail under section 2: Material Selection.

Figure 1: Example of Lamination Stacks Used in e-motors


2. Material Selection After months of preparation for testing, our group was finally able to gather all of the resources needed

to conduct testing. These would range from gathering the needed materials and samples, finding much

technical and field expertise in the forms of advising, and a proper physical testing location. Even though

Schaeffler recommended using home ovens to complete the testing portion of this project, our group

and the many advisors that have contributed to this project could not stress enough the importance of

proper use and following best practice procedures when conducting research on these products.

Therefore, all testing and analysis was conducted in a supervised laboratory setting. All information on

materials and laboratory procedure will be explained in sections 2.1 and 2.2.

2.1 Material Analysis This section contains information for the materials used during the rust preventative spray varnish

verification. The reasons for the selection of each product, product descriptions, price of each material,

operating temperatures, and other important information are described below.

2.1.1 MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish4

The MG Chemical varnish (Figure 2) is a highly insulating coating with

low viscosity. It’s mainly used to protect industrial and electrical parts

against arc, corona, corrosion, and moisture. This material is applied by

brush and is not a spray varnish.

• Operating Temperature: 180 ℃ (Above Class F)

• Price/bottle: $14.52 (2 oz)

• Price/oz: $7.26

This material was selected because it is a brush-on varnish with an

operating temperature above the testing procedure requirement. This

material will provide a better understanding of the difference between

brush-on and spray-on applications of varnishes.

2.1.2 Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish6

The Seymour varnish (Figure 3) is an insulating material that is designed to protect against

deterioration caused by exposure to oil, moisture, acid, and alkali. This product is a spray-

on varnish.

• Operating Temperature: 155 ℃ (Class F)

• Price/can: $8.23 (16 oz)

• Price/oz: $0.51

This product was selected because its application is spray on and its operating

temperature is above the testing procedure requirement. We expect this

material to not deteriorate under our testing conditions and have little

corrosion form during the experiment.

Figure 2: MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish5

Figure 3: Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish7


2.1.3 Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish8

Anti-Seize Red insulating varnish (Figure 4 ) strongly adheres to metal and

other insulating components. The protective coating is used for many

different electrical and industrial applications. This product is a spray-on


• Operating Temperature: 121 ℃

• Price/can: $15.80 (16 oz)

• Price/oz: $0.99

This product is a spray-on varnish with an operating temperature that is

below our testing procedure requirement. This material will provide a

better understanding of how the operating temperature of a varnish

affects the results.

2.1.4 Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish10

Sprayon (Figure 5) is an insulating varnish that creates a hard, tough surface that is oil

resistant and waterproof. The product is used to insulate motor windings and electrical

components. This product is a spray-on varnish.

• Operating Temperature: 155 ℃ (Class F)

• Price/can: $12.27 (15.25 oz)

• Price/oz: $0.80

This product was selected because its application is spray-on and its operating

temperature is above the testing procedure requirement. We expect this

material to not deteriorate under our testing conditions and have little

corrosion form during the experiment.

2.1.5 DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating12

The High-Temp silicone coating (Figure 6) is used to protect hot surfaces from

abrasion, oil, and grime. This product is a spray-on silicone coating.

• Operating Temperature: 815 ℃

• Price/can: $11.27 (12 oz)

• Price/oz: $0.94

This is the only silicone coating that was selected. It will give us a better

understanding of the difference between varnishes and silicone coating.

Silicone coatings are used to withstand high temperatures, but not repetitive


Figure 4: Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish9

Figure 5: Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish11

Figure 6: DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating13


2.2 Testing Procedure To test the effectiveness of the rust preventive varnishes, samples are to be collected and subjected to

saltwater exposure representative of conditions it will have in Schaeffler products. After numerous

iterations of exposure, the samples are to be compared to determine the varnish most suitable for

production purposes. Table 1 represents all miscellaneous test information.

Table 1: Material Test Report Details

Test Description: Saltwater Rust Preventative Spray Varnish Comparison Test

Test Requester: Schaefer Group

Test Location: UA Corrosion Labs, ASEC 471

Tentative Start Date: 7/10/2021

Products Tested: MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish, Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib

Red Insulating Varnish, Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish, Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish, DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating

Sample Size: 5

Sample Size Rationale:

A sample size of 10 units shall be used for each material. The test is to be conducted for evaluation of surface / edge condition with an applied coated

material. Since this is a low-risk test for observation purposes, a sample size of 5 is used.

Objective To determine whether the above listed products will protect and adhere to a

sample of an eMotor stator lamination.

Test Type: Evaluation

2.2.1 Sample Preparation

1. Find Schaeffler provided eMotor samples. Make sure that there is enough material to provide

for 60 sample coupons in total.

2. Find a safe work area to spray samples with varnish, make sure that use of PPE such as gloves

and respirators is used during the spraying process. Caution, these products are harmful to

touch / consume. DO NOT breathe or touch material before curing. If material comes in

contact with skin, immediately wash exposed area, and consult Appendix B for chemical

information of material.

3. If needed, setup a small spray-booth using packing plastic to contain

material during application. See Figure 7.

4. Apply each material as directed by manufacturer onto the samples.

Ensure that 10 samples can be created from the provided parts.

5. Allow material to cure as directed by manufacturer.

6. Cut samples into 10 coupons, label containers for each material and segregate samples based on

material type.

7. This portion of the procedure is now complete.

Figure 7: Example Spray Booth


2.2.2 Test Procedure

1. Prepare Oven for test, ensure oven is clear of other materials, set to

140 C, instructed use as directed by manufacture. See Figure 8 for

pictures of oven used.

2. Prepare batches for test. Use a baking sheet with a liner to protect

oven from corrosion. Set samples on baking sheet in rows according

to their material. Record orientation of the tray and which samples

belong to which material. See Figure 9 for example setup.

3. Prepare 5% NaCl solution using deionized water for sample immersion.

4. Setup a timer, set to 10 Minutes. This test will run for 40 cycles.

5. For each cycle;

a) Quickly and fully submerge each sample in the saltwater solution for at least 1 second.

b) Place neatly back on tray.

c) Open oven and insert tray into oven. Start Timer.

d) Monitor the oven, open door at 141 C, close door at 140 C, reset heater at 138 C. Ensure

oven stays at 140 +-5 C.

e) After timer ends, reset timer and pull tray out of oven.

f) Take macro pictures of tray every 10 cycles.

g) Repeat steps a through f 40 times.

6. After last cycle, set tray on counter to cool for 10 minutes.

7. Turn off oven and clean off workspace(s).

8. Setup Olympus stereo microscope at 20x magnification (see

Figure 10) and analyze 1 sample of each material from each


9. Record observations.

10. The test is now complete.

Figure 8: Oven used in Experiment

Figure 9: Example Tray Layout

Figure 10: Olympus Microscope


2.2.3 Deviations

Each varnish had 10 samples with 5 in each set. The DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating (samples colored black

as seen in Figure 9) were limited to 7 total samples due to sample preparation issues at Schaeffler.

2.2.4 Materials Used in Saltwater Corrosion Test

• Varnished coupon-samples of eMotor Stator (materials listed above)

• Paper Towel

• Baking Sheet

• Oven that can hold 140 C

• Oven Mitts

• PPE; safety glasses, gloves, respirator.

• Olympus microscope

• 5% NaCl saltwater bath


3. Material Testing Results This section is an in-depth analysis of the research behind the chosen testing chemicals, the testing

methodology, and the ranking system. It also delves into the observations and analysis from the day of

testing and a second look at the samples.

3.1 Preliminary Test Results The results were analyzed on two separate occasions, July 10th,

and July 25th. Figure 11 shows the samples prior to testing. The

samples were split into two groups for testing, each handled by a

separate operator.

On July 10th, our team performed the varnish corrosion test. During this testing procedure, the team

recorded observations of what happened to the samples after each cycle of testing. The standard

samples look similar to Figure 12. They are not perfectly flat. The “notch” mentioned later is located in

the center of the sample.

Figure 12: Standard Uncoated Sample

When the parts were taken out of the oven, salt deposits

were noticed on the center of all the coating surfaces and

can be seen in Figure 13. These salt deposits were found

after each cycle.

Figure 11: Samples Prior to Testing

A: 10 Cycles B: 20 Cycles C: 30 Cycles

Figure 13: Samples During Testing


The first amount of visible rust was noticed on the

notches of the control samples, and this was

recorded after the 7th cycle. Degradation of the DEI

silicone coating was noticed throughout the testing,

as seen in Figure 14. The fibers seen are most likely

insulation from the furnace.

The anti-seize red insulating varnish (Figure 15),

which was the material that was above its operating

temperature, showed no visible breakdown during


The team performed an analysis of the samples on the day

of testing and the observations were recorded. Visible rust

was observed on the edges of all the samples. Coating loss

was evident on all the samples, as was the glossy sheen

finish. Overspray wasn’t noted prior to testing, but after

testing it was clearly visible that the samples had overspray.

A common observation was that most if not all the samples

had some level of visible corrosion on the center notches. The DEI silicone coating samples (Figure 14)

shared one characteristic, unlike the other varnishes. Their coating degraded significantly more than

others, and fibers from the oven seemed to have embedded themselves into the coating.

3.2 Research and Ranking Considerations To properly assess the sprays’ efficacy, we needed to narrow down the criteria upon which we were

going to judge them. After extensive research, the team determined that the two best criteria to use

were coating adhesion and the amount of corrosion found on the samples after the test. We used

objective methods to quantify and qualify coating performance in terms of adhesion and amount of


3.2.1 Coating Research

The following explains what constitutes effective rust preventatives as well as effective coatings.

Schaeffler needs the coating to be affordable and durable as it is a one-time application that cannot be

replaced. In addition, the coating needs to provide chemical resistance, heat resistance, close to zero

moisture permeability, and significant adhesion as it will be constantly attacked. Coatings protect

substrates through three basic mechanisms: barrier protection, chemical inhibition, and galvanic

(sacrificial) protection.14

Figure 14: Center and Edge images of two samples of DEI Silicone (x20 zoom)

Figure 15: Center and Edge images of two samples of Anti Seize (x20 zoom)


Barrier protection (Figure 16), which is the type of coatings in

this project, is the complete isolation of the substrate from the

environment.14 These coatings are non-porous layers that once

they are damaged, are no longer able to protect the substrate.15

Chemical inhibition (Figure

17) is the addition of inhibitive pigments to the coating. Inhibitive

coatings form a porous passive layer over the substrate that will

offer significantly reduced protection over time.15 Sacrificial

protection is coating the substrate with another metal.15

Sacrificial coatings (Figure 18) are still effective after wear but depend

on the amount used and the substance binding it to the substrate.15

Sacrificial coatings can be very expensive and will not be the most cost-

efficient solution. Barrier protection is preferred as it tends to be

cheaper, and its effective period has the potential to last longer than

the inhibitive coating.

3.2.2 Coating Adhesion

To accurately judge coating adhesion, we needed to examine multiple areas throughout the samples

using various methods. We examined the cut edges of the samples and compared them to the machined

edges using the Olympus Stereoscope. Second, we checked for bubbles, non-uniformity, and bare spots.

We performed a visual

inspection of the surface

area covered by the

varnishes. We checked the

coating for undercutting

wherever rust developed.

Figure 19 shows the control

samples with no protective

coating. Here we noticed

significant corrosion,

especially along stamped


Figure 19: Center (Top and Bottom) and Edge images of two Control Samples (x20 zoom)

Figure 18: Graphic Showing an Example of Galvanic Coating16

Figure 16: Graphic of Barrier Protective Coating16

Figure 17: Graphic of an Inhibitive Coating17


One of the most definitive methods of testing the coating

adhesion was through a knife test. The test is usually

performed by cutting two lines in an “x” shape at a 30-45

degree angle and then the coating is lifted away.18 A

standardized version of this test can be found in ASTM

D6677.19 During this test, we attempted to lift the

coating away from the substrate on multiple locations:

bare spots, rust developments, edges, and on the

unaffected varnish. It should be noted that this test is

extremely subjective and its value is directly related to

the operator’s experience. These results are all relative to

each other and have no baseline to compare to.

With that said, the DEI silicone coating performed the worst. The Anti-Seize coating performed the

worst out of all of the varnishes, but better than DEI. Seymour and MG Chemicals performed very

similarly during the knife test; however, the Seymour coating was more difficult to lift off which

indicates better adhesive strength (Figure 20). The Sprayon varnish performed the best (Figure 21).

3.2.3 Coating Corrosion Performance

After seeing the results of the adhesion test, the

team decided to move forward in the analysis

with the top three samples: Sprayon, Seymour,

and MG Chemicals. The other two coatings were

still inspected, just not considered as contenders.

We decided the best way to assess the coating

performance was through the center notch of the

samples, as they all seemed to be completely

coated. This area of the sample is more subjected

to rust because of cold working. It deforms the

grains and elongates them. Cold working creates

residual stress in the sample at this location,

making it more susceptible to stress-corrosion

cracking.14 We took one sample of each coating

from each testing group and examined the center

notches under the Olympus Stereoscope.

A base 20X magnification was used initially to

perform a visual inspection, but on the Sprayon and

Anti-Seize samples, there was some heterogeneity

noticed in the surface finish. To study this further, A

40X magnification was used to analyze this further.

Small corrosion “volcanoes” (Figure 22a) were seen

at this level on the Anti-Seize samples, and an

extremely rough surface was found on the Sprayon

samples (Figure 22b).

Figure 20: Center and Edge images of two samples of Seymour (x20 zoom)

Figure 21: Center and Edge images of two samples of Sprayon (x20 zoom)

Figure 22: x40 Zoom images of: A. Anti-Seize (red) and B. Sprayon (green)


The MG Chemicals samples (Figure 23) showed

less corrosion than the Sprayon and Seymour,

but only slightly. Due to its method of

application(brush) and lack of adhesion

compared to the Sprayon and Seymour, it was

not pursued as a viable option. The Sprayon

and the Seymour coatings were also very

similar in the amount of corrosion present, but

the team decided that the Sprayon showed less

overall corrosion among all the samples.

3.3 Additional Analysis and Observations Further analysis of the samples was completed on July 25th and aided in the final ranking of the

coatings. The control samples were examined first. The majority of the rust was found on the center

notch and edges of these samples. This was noted for further examination of the coated parts. The

topside of the notches showed a larger surface area of rust compared to the downside of the notches.

The topside of the notch is in the direction of the impression made by the stamping process. Refer to

Figure 19 for the orientation of the notches. On the controls’ surfaces, the visible rust formed in flow

lines. These flow lines formed along the cold working/machining.

The edges of the coatings were examined for undercutting and flaking of material. It should be noted

that there was no undercutting on any of the examined samples, but visible rust was observed on the

edges of each coating. Undercutting is the corrosive loss of adhesion between the coating and the

substrate, an indication of poor coating performance.20 No quantitative analysis could be made of the

corrosion on the edges, so no comparison could be made between the samples. The center notches of

the coated samples generally had the most visible rust. Two samples of each coating were examined for

rust on this area of the part. Each sample that we examined had a fair amount of cross-contamination

from the overspray of other coatings.

The DEI Silicone coating (Figure 14) deteriorated rapidly during testing. The DEI samples showed the

most corrosion relative to the other coatings. During the adhesion analysis, this coating was removed

the easiest. Due to its relatively poor adhesion and rapid deterioration, it was not selected to be in the

top 3 coatings.

The Anti-Seize coating, which was above operating temperature, did not show any visible signs of

deterioration. This does not mean that it did not break down; rather, we only saw it start to peel from

the edges (Figure 15). These samples showed random corrosion spotting throughout. Due to this coating

being out of operating temperature and having relatively poor adhesion, it was not selected to be in the

top 3 coatings.

Figure 23: Center and Edge images of two samples of MG Chemical (x20 zoom)


The MG Chemicals (Figure 23) coating displayed flaking around the edges, specifically on the corners.

This coating had the worst flaking out of all the coatings, but it was not as easily removed as the DEI or

the Anti-Seize during the adhesion test, granting it a spot in the top three.

The Seymour (Figure 20) and the Sprayon (Figure 21) coating samples seemed to be relatively similar in

their corrosion levels. However, the Sprayon coating was harder to remove during the adhesion test.

However, the Sprayon coating showed more overspray than other samples, as shown in Figure 21.

These two were selected to be in the top three, above the performance of the MG chemicals.


4. Material Selection Recommendations A barrier type coating was selected as the preferred method due to cost and effective period. With this

said, the chosen criteria to rank the coatings on are coating adhesion and coating performance. We

ranked the coatings using the above criteria. The rankings below are resultant of both the coating

adhesion and coating performance.

1. Sprayon

2. Seymour

3. MG Chemicals

4. Anti-Seize

5. DEI Silicone

The Sprayon, Seymour, and MG Chemicals varnishes all had acceptable performance and would meet

Schaeffler’s needs. The Anti-Seize varnish and the DEI Silicone coating did not perform adequately

enough to meet their needs. It should be noted that these rankings do not mean that Sprayon is the best

coating for this application, due to other considerations that will be addressed in the design phase of the

project. Further testing and analysis should be completed prior to any final decisions. These results are

simply what was seen in our experiment and should not be taken as fact.


5. Nozzle Research and Design

The outcome the design portion of the project is to

produce well-protected parts for Schaeffler motors. The

team has broken down this design into four categories: an

effective coating, an effective application system, quality

control, and project uncertainties. These have been

expanded upon in a visual mind map seen in Figures 24

through 28. The effective coating has already been

discussed. The rest of this report will focus on the effective

application system, specifically, an ideal nozzle design.

An effective coating needs to consider the application the coating is needed for, the coating type used,

the resulting coating characteristics, and the substrate characteristics. The application for Schaeffler is

corrosion prevention. The coating type for this project is a varnish (a form of barrier protection) as

opposed to silicone or paint. The varnish needs to be adhesive to perform adequately, as well as durable

to meet Schaeffler’s needs. The substrate is an E-Steel with the characteristics according to material NO

27-15 (DIN EN 10303: 2016-02).21

Figure 25: Mind Map – Effective Coating

Figure 24: Mind Map


The application system consists of

four main components: propulsion,

applicator, environment, and

automation. Each of these needs to

be conscious of cost as well as

safety. The propulsion system will

most likely be a form of safely

contained compressed gas, but the

decision is open for discussion. The

applicator will have to be able to

spray the varnish, as brushing is not

an option that will work in

Schaeffler’s fast-paced industrial

environment. The application system

needs to be self-contained, as well as

safe for employees (e.g., must have

some sort of HVAC). Finally, the

system needs to be automated and

easily able to be integrated into Schaeffler’s lines. Due to the team’s limited time, funding, lack of

communication from Schaeffler, and lack of extra resources, the effective application system will focus

solely on an ideal nozzle design.

Quality control is of the utmost importance for

Schaeffler as it reduces scrap, increases profits, and

ensures the overall safety of their products for their

customers. The system will need both an initial

inspection of the parts as well as the system

components. The parts should first be checked for

material defects and cleanliness. The system should be

checked for proper operating conditions both physically

and electronically. The parts post coating should be

checked for coating quality in terms of uniformity,

thickness, and coverage.

With all designs, some uncertainties will arise.

Material defects are a real possibility when it

comes to both the substrate and the coatings. The

environment in the design will be controlled but

may not be in Schaeffler’s plant. As for automation,

coding bugs can prove to be aggravating and

problematic. Costing factors such as supply and

demand are subject to market change and are

therefore out of the design’s feasible control.

Figure 26: Mind Map – Effective Application System

Figure 28: Mind Map – Uncertainties

Figure 27: Mind Map – Quality Control


Due to a lack of input and communication from the Schaeffler team, we were unable to coordinate the

development of a final assembly system. Instead of developing a system that might not work in

Schaeffler’s setting, our team decided to focus on a key aspect of manufacturing the final product: The

application of the rust preventative to the stator surface. This mainly entails the ability of an operator to

use the shelf-available spray can versions of the material product. Our team decided to pursue a design

application that will work homogeneously within the constraints of the available spray can product.

After studying the available spray can products, specifically, Sprayon, we found that the spray nozzle

could be easily removed from the propellant assembly. This would allow our team to begin research on

and designing new nozzles to better optimize the end result of applying the material to the available

stator samples.

5.1 Nozzle Design Research The basic function of an aerosol can is one fluid stored under high pressure is used to propel another

fluid out of a can. One of the fluids, the propellant, boils well below room temperature, and the other,

the product, boils at a much higher temperature. Displayed in Figure 29 there are two ways to configure

an aerosol system:

1. The product is a liquid poured into a sealed can, and then a gaseous propellant is pumped in through

the valve system.

2. The propellant is a liquefied gas. This means that the propellant will take liquid form when it is highly

compressed, even if it is kept well above its boiling point.

An aerosol can is designed to have a

curved bottom; the reasons for this is

to give the can greater structural integrity

and make it easier to use up all the


Eight functional parts go into the design of

a nozzle/valve system in an aerosol can,

which is shown in Figure 30. When the

liquid flows through the nozzle, the

propellant rapidly expands into gas. This

action helps to atomize the product,

forming an extremely fine spray.22

Figure 29: Example Cross Section of a Spray Can23


The valve system in an aerosol can operates

on the principle of applying a pressure

difference to the environment; a visual

representation can be seen in Figure 31.

When the actuator is pressed, it depresses

the stem. This interrupts the sealing action of

the gasket and exposes the stem orifice to

the pressurized flow of product, thus opening

the valve. When the actuator is released, the

spring returns the stem to the sealed

position, closing the valve.24

These systems revolve around the fundamental

theories of fluid mechanics. The team researched

Bernoulli’s equation (Figure 32), the continuity equation

(𝐴1𝑉1 = 𝐴2𝑉2), and one-dimensional incompressible

flow to better understand how fluid flow is affected in

this system. Bernoulli’s equation demonstrates how the

velocity, area, and pressure of the system are related.

The necessary assumptions are steady 1D flow,

constant density, and no loss to friction.25 The

continuity equation is represented by the conservation

of mass with a constant density for incompressible, one-dimensional flow.

The team researched spray patterns to better understand how nozzle design affects them. There are

two main categories of nozzle designs: hydraulic nozzles and air atomizing nozzles

Within those two categories you can find the following spray patterns shown in Figure 33:

Figure 33: Spray Patterns: Flat Fan, Mist/Fog Fan, Full Cone, Hollow Cone, Straight Jet27

Figure 30: Example Spray Can Nozzle Assembly24

Figure 31: Actuation of a Spray Can Nozzle26

Figure 32: Bernoulli's Equation25


5.1.1 Flat Fan Shaped Orifice - Deflection

The deflection design of a shaped orifice nozzle forms a deflected flat fan. The flat fan patterned formed

is high impact and has coarse droplets, shown in Figure 34.27

Figure 34: Deflection Nozzle27

5.1.2 Flat Fan Shaped Orifice - Standard

The standard design of a shaped orifice nozzle produces fan patterns. Under certain design constraints

these nozzles can form a fog or high impact jet. Figure 35 displays a standard fan nozzle with its

respective spray pattern.27

Figure 35: Fan Nozzle27

5.1.3 Impingement Orifice – Mist/Fog Fan

Impingement designs produce fog patterns that are typically less prone to clogging compared to other

mist/fog nozzles. See Figure 36 for a standard nozzle and its respective spray pattern.27


Figure 36: Fog Nozzle27

5.1.4 Spiral Orifice- Hollow/Full Cone

Spiral designs can produce either a hollow or full cone pattern, shown in Figure 37. These nozzles are

clog resistant and produce smaller droplets compared to other nozzles with similar flow rates.27

Figure 37: Spiral Nozzle27

5.1.5 Whirl – Axial

Axial designs of whirl nozzles form hollow and full cone patterns. An even distribution of fluid across the

cone is maintained by these nozzles; reference Figure 38.27

Figure 38: Whirl Nozzle27


5.1.6 Whirl Tangential

A tangential design of a whirl nozzle produces both hollow and full cone patterns (Figure 39). The spray

pattern is at a 90⁰ to the original fluid flow.27

Figure 39: Whirl Tangential Nozzle27

5.1.7 Siphon Fed

Siphon fed nozzle designs produce a fan or cone pattern. This nozzle operates at the lowest flow rate of

all the designs. Figure 40 is an example of a standard siphon fed nozzle.27

5.1.8 External Mix

External mix nozzle designs produce narrow full cone and fan patterns. The external mixing aids in

atomizing viscous flow. Figure 41 is an example of a standard external mix nozzle.27

Figure 41: External Mix Nozzle27

Figure 40: Siphon Fed Nozzle27


5.1.9 Internal Mix

Internal mix nozzle designs produce hollow cone, narrow and wide full cone, fan and deflect fan

patterns. This design in the most common and versatile air atomizing nozzle. Reference Figure 42 for

two different standard internal mix nozzles.27

Figure 42: Internal Mix Nozzle27

5.2 Manufacturing Process Selection As the team moved to the manufacturing phase of the project, we were faced with one daunting issue.

How were we going to properly fabricate such small, intricate parts? The team decided on additive

manufacturing as subtractive manufacturing methods would not be able to meet the size specifications

needed for the proper construction of the nozzles. There are seven 3D printing methods defined by

ASTM F2792-12A under Committee 42: Vat Photopolymerization (VPP), Powder Bed Fusion (PBF),

Material Jetting (MJ), Binder Jetting (BJ), Sheet Lamination (SL), Material Extrusion (MEX), and Directed

Energy Deposition (DED).28 VPP is the process of curing photopolymer-based resins using UV light. There

are two methods of curing, projection and scanning. Projection is curing an entire layer at a time by

shining the pattern on the resin at once. Scanning is tracing the pattern in each layer. The VPP printing

method provides the ability to print in micrometers and nanometers while maintaining structural

integrity and high-quality surface finish. Stereolithography (SLA) is the term for the scanning form of VPP

printing. SLA prints require post-processing measures to ensure the quality of the prints. The first step is

to rinse and soak the print in a solvent (isopropyl alcohol is commonly used) to remove any extra

uncured resin. Following the cleaning, the supports will need to be snipped away from the main print.

Lastly, the print can be cured in a UV light chamber to fully harden the finalized print. The team chose to

3D print the nozzle designs using the Form 2 Desktop 3D Stereolithography Printer.

5.2.1 Printer

The Form 2 is a stereolithography printer that uses a 250 mW power, 140 micron spotsize, 405 nm

wavelength violet laser to cure photopolymer-based resins. It is capable of printing in 25, 50, and 100

microns for its layer thickness (axial resolution). The Form 2 uses a sliding peel process with a wiper to

level the resin in between layer printing.29 The resin used was the Formlabs Clear Resin FLGPCL04.30,31

Figure 43 shows the Form 2 printer used as well as one of the team members removing the printed

nozzles from the substrate. For a physical visualization of the Form 2, see Figure 44.


Figure 43: Formlabs Form 2 and Clear Resin FLGPCL04

5.3 Design Nozzle designs followed an iterative process. Different exit hole shapes and sizes were modeled and

printed to observe and conclude a cause-and-effect relationship between design and spray pattern. This

was done in 3 separate iterations focusing on different nozzle designs.

Figure 44: Formlabs Form 2 Subcomponents29


5.3.1 Design Verification

To legitimatize the team’s findings,

we needed to verify their

manufacturing method. The best way

to prove that the nozzle designs were

comparable was to reproduce

Sprayon’s stock nozzle. The team

used a software that measures

microscopic images based on known

distances. After obtaining the

measurements (Figure 45), the team

modeled the stock nozzle replica and

printed it using the Form 2. Both the

stock nozzle and the replica were

tested during each set of testing to

establish a control.

5.3.2 Iteration 1 Design Theory

The first iteration of nozzle design attempted various sizes and shapes of exit holes. These designs

include one nozzle intended to copy the manufacturer’s nozzle dimensions, two rectangular openings

intended to spray a flat pattern, two circular openings intended to spray a cone pattern, and a spiral

opening intended to spray a spiral pattern.

5.3.3 Iteration 1 Design Application

The spray used in application was Sprayon EL

601. This red colored spray is not seen in later

tests as it was ordered incorrectly but was the

only available spray at the time. The correct

spray, Sprayon EL 609, was used for following

iterations. All spraying was done 6 to 8 inches

away from the cardboard as specified in

application by Sprayon.

The results can be seen in Figure 46. The

pattern labeled yellow tip in all iterations

refers to the pattern made by the nozzle

provided by the manufacturer. Images of the

Figure 45: Measurements of the Sprayon Nozzle

Figure 46: Iteration 1 Results


nozzle tip models can be seen in Table 2. Cone #1 and Cone #2 with a circular exit hole resulted in cone

spray patterns. Larger exit holes as seen with Cone #2 atomize less and drip significantly. Cone #1 had

slight dripping. Flat #1 and Flat #2 with rectangular openings both clogged when used and sprayed in

sporadic spurts. The spiral nozzle tip sprayed in two directions. To the right it sprayed onto the carboard

in an elongated pattern. To the left it sprayed in a fine mist at a right angle away from the cardboard.

Lastly, the nozzle intended to be a copy of the yellow nozzle failed to print correctly and would be

attempted again in Iteration 2. All but three nozzles were clogged after use and needed to be cleaned to

be used again.

5.3.4 Iteration 2 Design Theory

In Iteration 1, the nozzles that showed desirable

atomization were the yellow nozzle from the

manufacturer and Cone #1. From this, Iteration 2

expanded on changing the exit hole shape of the

yellow tip while maintaining a similar size. One

rectangular exit was made intended to make a flat

spray pattern. Another was made with a square exit to

observe its effect.

Other nozzles had the head elongated to increase the

distance traveled through the exit hole size. One design

kept the same hole size of the yellow nozzle, one with

a larger rectangular exit hole, and two that converged

in a funnel for the length of the head. One converged

to a circular opening that was the same size as the

yellow nozzle and the other converged to a small

square exit hole. Table 2 shows the nozzle models and

their respective cross sections.

Table 2: Iteration 1 Nozzle Cross Section

Design Name: Model View

Cone #1

Cone #2

Flat #1

Flat #2



5.3.5 Iteration 2 Design Application

Figure 47: Iteration 2 Results

Sprayon EL 609 was used during application. Spraying was performed at both between 6 to 8 inches

away and 10 to 12 inches away in each pattern grouping. This was done to check for differences when

using nozzles with elongated heads.

All nozzles sprayed cone shaped patterns with variations, shown in Figure 47. The copy of the yellow tip

performed similarly, as expected. The rectangular exit hole sprayed a cone shaped pattern with a tail

end pointing downward. Most of the spray exited the end with no influence from the tip. This would

indicate that nozzles intending to spray a flat pattern would need to be redesigned in Iteration 3. The

square spray tip resulted in a cone pattern with distinct rounded corners.

The elongated heads were sprayed from 10 to 12 inches away and 6 to 8 inches away in each grouping.

Those that were sprayed closer showed visual dripping. All patterns sprayed in a cone pattern with no

notable variation. Converging the exit hole through the elongated head did not produce a visually

different result when compared to nozzles that did not converge. Figure 48 shows the nozzles after

testing; Table 3 displays the nozzle models and their cross sections.

Figure 48: No Clogging Iteration 2


Table 3: Iteration 2 Nozzle Cross Section

Design Name Model View

Copy of Original Nozzle (yellow tip


Square Nozzle

(Square tip spray)


Rectangle (Flat Spray Tip)

Long Head,

Circular (Long head, Circle Tip)

Long Head,

Rectangle (Long head, Flat spray


Long Head, Converging Circle (Funnel, Circle tip)

Long Head, Converging

Square (Funnel, Square tip)

Note: No nozzles clogged after use. Verified with 0.4mm needle


5.3.6 Iteration 3 Design Theory

Design for Iteration 3 focused on creating a flat spray pattern and a deflection nozzle design. Converging

the exit hole was also attempted for a circular and oval shaped exit. Adjustments to the flat spray

nozzles were done in different angle increments for the angled cut in the nozzle head. This cut caused

the spray to hit its slope and deflect in a manner to create a flat spray pattern. Similarly, deflection

nozzles were designed with a sloped surface for the spray to deflect in a desired direction.

5.3.7 Iteration 3 Design Application

Sprayon EL 609 was used during application. Spraying

was done 6 to 8 inches away from the cardboard.

deflection nozzles were oriented so that they spray to

the left of where the can is aimed. These spots ae

shown in Figure 49.

The continuously converging circle nozzle tip and the

oval counterpart both resulted in a cone spray

pattern. The oval nozzle applied thicker and had small

amounts of dripping.

The 45-degree, 20-degree, and 15-degree flats all

made a flat spray pattern as intended. The 45-degree

pattern was the widest and the 15 degree was the


The results for Iteration 3 are shown in Figure 51.

Deflection nozzles deflected as intended. The short

and long tips sprayed in a crescent shape to the left

of the position sprayed. The short nozzle with a

concave surface formed a wider crescent shape with

a mirrored orientation compared to the other

deflection tips. None of the nozzles in Iteration 3

clogged after initial testing, proved in Figure 50. Table

4 contains images of the nozzle models and their

cross sections.

Figure 51: Iteration 3 Results

Figure 49: Iteration 3 Deflection Nozzles

Figure 50: Iteration 3 No Clogging


Table 4: Iteration 3 Nozzle Cross Section

Design Name: Model View

Continuously Converging Circle

Continuously Converging Oval

45 Degree Flat

20 Degree Flat

15 Degree Flat

Short Deflection Tip

Short Concave Deflection Tip

Long Deflection Tip

Note: No clogging occurred after testing.


6. Nozzle Testing Procedure To test the effectiveness of the nozzles, samples are to be created from the varying designed nozzles and subjected to saltwater exposure representative of conditions it will have in Schaeffler products. After numerous iterations of exposure, the samples are to be compared to determine the varnish most suitable for production purposes. Different methods for testing spray pattern, material adhesion, and coverage on the sample will also be conducted. Table 5 represents all miscellaneous test information. The sample size for this round of testing is limited due to the amount of stator samples left-over from the first rounds of testing.

6.1 Material Application 1. Find Schaeffler-provided eMotor samples.

Make sure that there is enough material to

provide for 32 sample coupons in total.

2. Find a safe and regulated work area to spray

samples with varnish, make sure that use of

PPE such as gloves and respirators is used

during the spraying process. Caution, these

products are harmful to touch / consume.

DO NOT breathe or touch material before

curing. If material comes in contact with

skin, immediately wash exposed area and

consult Appendix B for chemical information

of material.

3. Setup a spray booth in a controlled

environment shown in Figure 52 and Figure

Table 5: Nozzle Test Report Details

Test Description: Sprayon Nozzle Research and Design Comparison Test

Test Requester: Schaefer Group

Test Location: UA Corrosion Labs, ASEC 471

Tentative Start Date: 11/13/2021

Products Tested: Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating, 3D Printed Nozzles

Sample Size: 2

Sample Size Rationale: A sample size of 2 units shall be used for each Nozzle. The test is to be conducted for evaluation of surface, edge, and adhesion conditions with an applied coated

material. Nozzle spray patterns will also be analyzed.

Objective To determine whether the above listed nozzles will protect and adhere to a

sample of an eMotor stator lamination, not compromising protection and/or reducing material loss during application.

Test Type: Evaluation

Lab Conditions: 72 °F

Figure 52: Nozzle Experimental Setup

Figure 53: Sample Part Being Sprayed


53; in this case, a fume hood was used. Ensure that the Sprayon material is applied within a

range of 70°F-90°F10.

Refer to Appendix B for further manufacturer information.

4. Degrease and clean intended samples. Ensure samples are dried before material application.

5. For each Nozzle, spray material onto two sample coupons.

Ensure a distance of 8-in is used between the part and the spray

can. Ensure that all parts are oriented in a similar fashion when

material is applied. Figure 53 is an example of coating


6. Label nozzles (Figure 54) and take note of spray pattern,

amount of spray passes used, and any unusual events. Separate

parts based off of the nozzle used to apply material. See Table 6

for nozzle identification.

7. Allow material to dry on sample for 15 seconds before handling.

8. Analyze samples under a microscope once the material has


9. This portion of the procedure is now complete.

6.2 Saltwater Corrosion Testing Refer to the test procedure in section 2.2.2. Use same experimental setup to test stator samples with

Sprayon material. Make note to capture surface images of samples under a microscope before and after

testing them.

Table 6: Nozzle Identification and Description

ID # Description ID # Description

1 Original Nozzle 9 Continuously Converging Circle

2 Copy of Original Nozzle 10 Continuously Converging Oval

3 Square Nozzle 11 45 Degree Flat

4 Funneled Rectangle 12 20 Degree Flat

5 Long Head, Circular 13 15 Degree Flat

6 Long Head, Rectangle 14 Short Deflection Tip

7 Long Head, Converging Square 15 Short Concave Deflecting Tip

8 Long Head, Converging Circle 16 Long Deflection Tip

Figure 54: Nozzle Identification


6.3 Material Layer Thickness Testing* 1. Turn on DeFelsko PosiTector Using the Coating Thickness Instrument SN: 343599. 2. Place Intended sample to be measured coating side up on clean, flat work surface. 3. Place Coating Thickness Instrument probe onto desired location of piece to be measured. 4. Press probe into piece and press outer collar onto piece. 5. Take 10 measurements of the coating thickness of the material and average them. 6. Repeat until desired number of samples are measured. 7. This portion of the procedure is now complete.

Figures 55 and 56 display the DeFelsko PosiTector with Coating Thickness Instrument and it being used by a team member to measure sample thickness. *Thickness testing is conducted in accordance with ASTM Standard E376-19, “Standard Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic Field or Eddy Current (Electromagnetic) Testing Methods”.32

Figure 55: DeFelsko PosiTector with Coating Thickness Instrument

Figure 56: DeFelsko PosiTector in Use


6.4 Deviations Most of the testing procedures were followed as previously discussed. However, there were a few minor

deviations during testing. First, after the parts were sprayed, they were handled only a few seconds

after being sprayed. Per directions from Sprayon, they should have been partly cured before being

handled.33 The oven used for the saltwater testing was inconsistent with holding a temperature of 140

C°, and sometimes approached the high safe temperature of 155 C°. The last nozzle breaking during

installation into the spray can was also unintended.

6.5 Materials Used for Nozzle Testing

6.5.1 Material Application

• Sprayon EL609 PPE; safety glasses, gloves

• Spray Booth

• Fume Hood

• 8-inch spacer

• Sample Divider

• Controlled Curing Environment

• Olympus microscope

6.5.2 Saltwater Corrosion Testing

• Varnished coupon-samples of eMotor Stator (Sprayon)

• Paper Towel

• Baking Sheet

• Oven that can hold 140 C°

• Oven Mitts

• PPE; safety glasses, gloves

• Olympus microscope

• 5% NaCl saltwater bath

6.5.3 Material Layer Thickness Testing

• DeFelsko PosiTector Using the Coating Thickness Instrument SN: 343599

• Varnished coupon-samples of eMotor Stator (Sprayon)

• Olympus microscope

• PPE; safety glasses, gloves

• Provided Coating Thickness Calibration Board


7. Nozzle Testing Results After running multiple tests, the team started a discussion on how to interpret the results of the

experiment. In total, the team had three major concerns to analyze. These include nozzle performance

during application, material coating thickness, and the comparative saltwater test. To better narrow

down the results, the application performance, and coating thickness will be examined.

The results of each test will be explained in the further detailing sections, along with an interesting phenomenon observed during the thickness testing.

7.1 Application The criteria for a nozzle to have unacceptable application testing is if it clogs, has a non-uniform spray

pattern, or is not optimized for an 8-in spray distance. If any of these occur, it would interfere with the

application of material. Clogging directly inhibits spray from leaving the nozzle. Non-uniformity in spray

pattern is when portions of the pattern have material apply much thicker than other sections. This

usually causes dripping in sections of the pattern that receive more particles and other sections receive

less. Nozzles are acceptable if they can coat the sample at a distance of 8 inches optimally which means

that a few passes of the spraying should be sufficient. All nozzles are acceptable in this regard except for

Nozzles #3, 4, 14, and 16. A visual assessment of these nozzle application can be seen below in Table 7.

Nozzles #3 and 4 were considered unacceptable due to non-uniform spray patterns. Nozzle #3 had an

irregular cone pattern with rounded corners forming a square like shape. Spray applied thicker near

these rounded corners and caused dripping. Unless the object being sprayed was within the center of

the square shape, it would receive an uneven amount of material. Nozzle #4 sprayed a cone pattern

with a tail. The tail is a vertical line extending below the circle formed from the cone pattern due to the

rectangular exit hole shape.

Nozzle #14 was the short deflection tip. It deflected material away from the direction the can was aimed

as intended, however it creates a large spray pattern. At 8 inches from the part, only a small portion of

particles applied to the surface. 7 passes of the can were needed to apply enough material to cover the

part while other nozzles only needed 2 to 3 passes. This nozzle was considered unacceptable because it

is not optimized for an 8-in spray distance.

Nozzle #16 was considered unacceptable due to clogging. After attempting to make it functional, parts

of the nozzle broke off making it non-functional. All nozzles should be considered when analyzing data

with the other testing results.


Table 7: Nozzle Application Observations

Sample Description Number of Passes

Intended Spray Pattern

Actual Spray Pattern

Clogging Uniform

Spray Pattern

1 Original Nozzle

2 Cone Cone No Yes

2 Copy of Original Nozzle

2 Cone Cone No Yes

3 Square Nozzle

2 Experimental Irregular

Cone No No

4 Funneled Rectangle

2 Flat Cone with tail No No

5 Long Head,

Circular 2 Cone Cone No Yes

6 Long Head, Rectangle

2 Cone Cone No Yes

7 Long Head, Converging

Square 2 Experimental Cone No Yes

8 Long Head, Converging

Circle 2 Cone Cone No Yes

9 Continuously Converging

Circle 2 Cone Cone No Yes

10 Continuously Converging

Oval 2 Experimental Cone No Yes

11 45 Degree Flat 2 Flat Flat No Yes

12 20 Degree Flat 3 Flat Flat No Yes

13 15 Degree Flat 3 Flat Flat No Yes

14 Short

Deflection Tip 7 Deflection Deflection No Yes

15 Short Concave Deflecting Tip

2 Deflection Deflection No Yes

16 Long

Deflection Tip N/A Deflection N/A Yes N/A


7.2 Thickness To ensure DeFelsko PosiTector’s accuracy, the team used a calibration board of various materials with

predefined thicknesses (shown in Figure 57). This calibration board came from the manufacturer. The

instrument seemed to be reading a bit low compared to the calibrated thicknesses. Table 8 shows the

expected calibration values and the measured values. Due to the consistently low readings during the

calibration, the team decided to correct the values. These corrected values were determined by adding

the average percent error (3.2%) to every measured value.

Figure 57: Calibration Card for DeFelsko PosiTector

Table 8: DeFelsko PosiTector Calibration

Expected (μm)

Measurement 1 (μm)

Measurement 2 (μm)

Measurement 3 (μm)

Measurement 4 (μm)

Average (μm)

125 118 120 122 118 119.5

250 240 240 240 240 240

500 496 492 494 494 494

The thickness test was attempted on the samples after a curing period of 7 days (manufacturer

recommended). The material scraped off when the coating thickness measuring instrument made

contact with the samples. To ensure the

material was completely cured, the

samples were baked in an oven at 140° C

for two hours. The samples being baked in

the separate furnace is shown in Figure 58.

Following this baking, the material did not

scrape off during the second attempt. Both

the tops and bottoms were baked at 140°

C; however, the bottoms were subjected to

the saltwater test.

Figure 58: Furnace Used in Thickness Testing


To have a baseline measurement for comparison following the second saltwater test, the team

measured the thickness of the SD1 saltwater test samples. There are no measurements of their

thicknesses prior to the original saltwater test. These measurements (Table 9) show that the average

thickness is approximately 43.5 microns, and the calibrated average thickness (Table 10) is 44.85

microns. This is about 202% thicker than the bottoms’ average and 255% thicker than the tops’ average.

The bottoms before calibration (Table 11) averaged 21.49 microns thick, and the tops before calibration

averaged 17.05 microns thick. The average calibrated thickness (Table 12) for the bottoms is 22.18

microns, and the average calibrated thickness for the tops is 17.56 microns. The calibrated tables are

color coded according to the specification provided by Sprayon, the rust preventative manufacturer.

Green is within specification, and red is out of specification. The recommended dry film thickness is 1 mil

(25.4 microns).33 It should be noted that sample 16 does not have test values as the nozzle failed to

spray the sample and broke during sample preparation.

Table 10: Calibrated Thicknesses from 1st Round of Material Testing

Sample # Average (μm)

1 52.2192

2 38.8032

3 40.3512

4 43.1376

5 40.764

6 44.376

7 42.9312

8 41.3832

9 47.0592

10 57.4824

Table 9: Sample Thicknesses from 1st Round of Material Testing

Sample Average (μm)

1 50.6

2 37.6

3 39.1

4 41.8

5 39.5

6 43

7 41.6

8 40.1

9 45.6

10 55.7


7.2.1 Baking Samples As stated previously, the samples were baked at 140° C to ensure a full cure. The samples prior to this

baking displayed consistent pitting and lack of material coverage. The material scraped away without

any intentionally applied force during the thickness testing as well. Seen in Figures 59 through 61, there

is a visible difference between pre-bake and post-bake samples. Images were taken at both the center

and the edges of the samples. The post-bake samples exhibit much less pitting and much more material

coverage. Even some of the largest pits completely closed (Figure 61). The coatings did not scrape off

unintentionally after baking either.

Figure 59: Sample 1 Edge Pre-Bake vs Post-Bake

Table 11: Uncalibrated Thicknesses

Bottoms Tops

Sample Average (μm) Sample Average (μm)

1 12.7 1 23.7

2 26.3 2 19.9

3 23.9 3 17.9

4 27.75 4 24.75

5 28.25 5 16

6 5.5 6 36

7 15.75 7 13

8 19.5 8 14.25

9 25.75 9 16.25

10 24.75 10 13.75

11 24.25 11 15.5

12 16.5 12 6.75

13 23.25 13 9.25

14 22.25 14 13

15 26 15 15.75

Table 12: Calibrated Thicknesses

Bottoms Calibrated Tops Calibrated

Sample Average (μm) Sample Average (μm)

1 13.1064 1 24.4584

2 27.1416 2 20.5368

3 24.6648 3 18.4728

4 28.638 4 25.542

5 29.154 5 16.512

6 5.676 6 37.152

7 16.254 7 13.416

8 20.124 8 14.706

9 26.574 9 16.77

10 25.542 10 14.19

11 25.026 11 15.996

12 17.028 12 6.966

13 23.994 13 9.546

14 22.962 14 13.416

15 26.832 15 15.75


Figure 60: Sample 3 Center Hole Pre-Bake vs Post-Bake

Figure 61: Sample 11 Center Hole Pre-Bake vs Post-Bake

7.3 Saltwater A second saltwater test was performed on November 13, 2021, with a goal of determining how the

different nozzle designs spray patterns hold up against the specification given to the team by Schaeffler.

The sample numbers correlate with the identification of nozzle numbers in Table 7. Visual analysis was

performed on the center notch, edge, and the surface of all the tested samples. A weight system was

created to add in this analysis. This system can be found in Table 13. A visual analysis of the rust

prevention performance for each sample is shown in Table 14. The team decided the most important

aspect of the visual analysis was the non-uniformities in each area. As seen in Table 15 each sample was

given an average score to create a comparison. The scores highlighted in red are considered poor, the

score highlight in yellow are sufficient but not ideal, and the scores highlighted in green are good. To see

magnified pictures of the samples, please review Appendix C. The compiled results from each analysis

are shown in Table 16.

Table 13: Visual Key

Quality Weight

None 1

Minimal 2

Moderate 3

Severe 4


Table 14: Saltwater Test Visual Analysis

Sample Center Notch Edge

Flaking/Peeling Rust Undercut Rust Undercut

1 Moderate Minimal None Moderate Minimal

2 Minimal Minimal None Moderate None

3 Minimal Minimal None Minimal None

4 Moderate Moderate None Minimal None

5 Severe Severe None Minimal Moderate

6 Moderate None None None None

7 Severe Severe None Minimal None

8 Severe Severe None None None

9 Minimal Moderate Severe None None

10 Minimal Minimal None None None

11 Minimal Moderate None Minimal None

12 Severe Severe Moderate Minimal None

13 Severe Severe None None None

14 Severe Severe Severe Minimal Minimal

15 Moderate Severe None None None

Table 15: Non-Uniformity Visual Analysis Post-Saltwater Test

Sample Center Notch Edge Surface Scores

Non-Uniformity Non-Uniformity Non-Uniformity Total Average

1 Minimal Lack of Material Severe Lack of Material Severe Lack of Material 10 3.33

2 Minimal Pitting Minimal Pitting Minimal Pitting 6 2

3 Minimal Lack of Material None Moderate Cracking 6 2

4 Moderate Cracking None Moderate Pitting 7 2.33

5 Minimal Lack of Material Severe Pitting Moderate Cracking 9 3

6 Severe Globbing/Lack of

Material Minimal Pitting Severe Cracking/Pitting 10 3.33

7 Minimal Lack of Material Moderate Lack of

Material Moderate Cracking 8 2.67

8 Minimal Lack of Material None Minimal Globbing 5 1.67

9 Minimal Lack of Material Moderate Pitting Moderate Cracking 8 2.67

10 None None Moderate Cracking 5 1.67

11 None None Severe Cracking 6 2

12 Moderate lack of Material Minimal Pitting Moderate Cracking 8 2.67

13 Moderate Cracking None Minimal Lack of

Material 6 2

14 Severe Lack of Material Minimal Lack of Material Minimal Cracking 8 2.67

15 Moderate Lack of Material Severe Pitting Minimal lack of Material 9 3


Table 16: Compiled Results

Sample Application

Test Thickness Test

(Bottom Pieces) Post Saltwater

Test Scores

Average (μm) Total Average

1 Acceptable 13.1064 10 3.33

2 Acceptable 27.1416 6 2

3 Not

Acceptable 24.6648 6 2

4 Not

Acceptable 28.638 7 2.33

5 Acceptable 29.154 9 3

6 Acceptable 5.676 10 3.33

7 Acceptable 16.254 8 2.67

8 Acceptable 20.124 5 1.67

9 Acceptable 26.574 8 2.67

10 Acceptable 25.542 5 1.67

11 Acceptable 25.026 6 2

12 Acceptable 17.028 8 2.67

13 Acceptable 23.994 6 2

14 Not

Acceptable 22.962 8 2.67

15 Acceptable 26.832 9 3

16 Not

Acceptable N/A N/A N/A


8. Discussion and Nozzle Selection Recommendations

8.1 Nozzle Design Discussions Cone spray patterns are the most common type of nozzles tested in the team’s experiment. A cone

pattern is caused be a small opening that is large enough to allow spray consistently through and

atomizes particles, but not too large as to cause a failure in atomization. Iteration 1 is a decent example

of nozzles failing to atomize the spray. Nozzle “Cone #2” from Iteration 1 had a circular exit hole too

large to atomize and resulted in thick dripping. The nozzles “Flat #1” and “Flat #2” from Iteration 1,

although originally intended to spray a flat pattern, clogged due to the exit hole being too small. The

best atomization occurred with the original yellow nozzle provided with the can with an exit diameter of

300 µm. “Cone #1” with a diameter of 500µm performed like the yellow nozzle with slight dripping,

indicating the original had an optimized size for atomization.

In Iteration 2, the team saw more influence on the cone patterns, stemming from the nozzle design.

Nozzle #3 created a cone pattern with rounded corners that appear to form a square. This occurred due

to the nozzle end limiting the full cone pattern by the right corners of the square deflecting small

amounts of particles, causing the crude square shape. The crude corners tend to drip and glob as they

are receiving more material than the center of the spray pattern. This does not happen to all square

shaped exit holes as also seen in the Nozzle #7 in Iteration 2. The team believes that Nozzle #7 does not

follow the square spray trend as it is essentially the same size as the yellow tip exit. The only difference

is the nozzle is squared off; however, the exit is so small that it overcomes the increased drag. Sharp

edges seen in the square/rectangular nozzles increase drag on the fluid, thus decreasing exit velocity.

This decrease in exit velocity lowers the pressure and results in a poorly atomized spray.

Converging nozzles would ideally cause a more concentrated spray compared to those that are not

converging. Spray patterns of converging nozzles in Iterations 2 and 3 did not appear different to the

naked eye. The differences were made clear upon microscopic inspection. This will be elaborated on in

Section 8.2.

Flat spray patterns occur when particles exiting the nozzle are deflected from two slopes that redirect

the spray to contact the desired surface in a line. Iterations 1 and 2 did not contain a nozzle of this

design and the fan attempts failed to produce a flat spray pattern. In Iteration 3, the nozzle heads were

elongated to allow enough room for an angled cut. This created two slopes for the spray to deflect

against. Results from the iteration show that smaller angles cause tighter flat patterns and larger angles

cause wider flat patterns. The 45-degree nozzle produced a wide spray pattern, and the 15-degree

produced a long thin spray pattern.

Deflection sprays occur when particles contact a sloped surface and divert from the original direction.

This happens when a sloped surface is added to the end of a nozzle. Flat slopes and concave deflection

surfaces were compared. Increasing the length of the slope creates a smaller pattern but maintains the

crescent shape. The increased length makes the smaller pattern because the spray deflects at a distance

further from the exit hole. The shape and size of the pattern is determined by the slope of deflection

and how the particles exiting the nozzle interact with it.


8.2 Nozzle Application Discussion The team performed a microscopic inspection of the test samples at both their center notches and their

edges. These images are in Appendix C. These images were scrutinized by the entire team and ranked in

accordance with the previously used system from Section 7.3. Their observations are recorded in Table

17. Pitting was the only condition considered as these images were taken pre-saltwater testing and the

team felt that it was the best indication of nozzle performance. It should be noted that the pitting is

believed to stem from both a chemical issue with the propellant/solvent mix and the atomization of the

spray from the nozzle. Rectangular nozzles (#4,6) performed insufficiently in terms of coating uniformity.

The deflections (#14,15) performed better than the rectangular nozzle but were still not ideal.

Converging nozzles (#7,8,9,10) performed sufficiently in terms of uniformity. Nozzles #11 through 13

were sufficient but not preferred based on uniformity. Nozzles #1 through 3 and Nozzle #5 performed

sufficiently, but not ideally. This analysis is based on the sample pieces as wholes, instead of just at their

centers or edges.

Table 17: Nozzle Application Analysis

Sample Observation Pre-Bake Observation Post-Bake

1 Moderate Pitting Minimal Pitting

2 Moderate Pitting Minimal Pitting

3 Moderate Pitting Minimal Pitting

4 Severe Pitting Severe Pitting

5 Moderate Pitting None

6 Severe Pitting Severe Pitting

7 None None

8 Minimal Pitting None

9 Minimal Pitting None

10 Minimal Pitting Minimal Pitting

11 Severe Pitting Minimal Pitting

12 Minimal Pitting Minimal Pitting

13 Minimal Pitting None

14 Moderate Pitting Moderate Pitting

15 Moderate Pitting Minimal Pitting

16 N/A N/A


8.3 Nozzle Recommendations The team combined all the analysis preformed to decide how to rank these nozzles. Three categories

were made to rank all the nozzles tested. The results from these rankings can be found in Table 18. The

nozzles highlighted in red are insufficient, the nozzles highlighted in yellow are sufficient but not ideal,

and the nozzles highlighted in green are recommended.

Table 18: Nozzle Final Assessment

ID # Description ID # Description

1 Original Nozzle 9 Continuously Converging Circle

2 Copy of Original Nozzle 10 Continuously Converging Oval

3 Square Nozzle 11 45 Degree Flat

4 Funneled Rectangle 12 20 Degree Flat

5 Long Head, Circular 13 15 Degree Flat

6 Long Head, Rectangle 14 Short Deflection Tip

7 Long Head, Converging Square 15 Short Concave Deflecting Tip

8 Long Head, Converging Circle 16 Long Deflection Tip

8.3.1 Nozzle Recommendation Explanations Below are the explanations behind each nozzle rating based on the team’s myriad of scoring techniques

as well as previously unsaid reasons.

Nozzles #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14, 15, and 16 are labeled as “insufficient”. Despite Nozzle #1 being the yellow

stock nozzle that came from the manufacturer, it did not perform adequately. This is believed to be the

case since it was used for all nozzle testing, from design phase to the final saltwater sample application.

The team believes that it accumulated residual material buildup and wore the nozzle material down

from being loaded and unloaded into the housing unit. Nozzle #3, despite performing adequately in the

Non-Uniformity Visual Analysis Post-Saltwater Test (Table 15), it is labeled insufficient as the spray

uniformity during design phase proved to be unfit as previously stated in Section 8.1. Nozzles #4 and 6

are insufficient due to their extreme surface non-uniformity (Table 17). Nozzle #5 is insufficient due to

scoring a 3 in the Non-Uniformity Visual Analysis Post-Saltwater Test (Table 15). Nozzles #14, and 15 are

insufficient as they did not perform adequately during application testing nor the non-uniformity

analysis (Table 16). Nozzle #16 failed from the start as it clogged, thus proving the nozzle to be


Nozzles #7, 9, 11, and 12 are labeled as “sufficient but not recommended for this application”. As stated

in Section 8.1, Nozzle #7 is a square exit. It meets the criteria to make the sufficient label, but due to its

shape, is not ideal for this application. Any possible excess dripping and rounded corners are not

acceptable, which are both possible outcomes of a square exit. Nozzle #9 falls under this category as it

scored a 2.67 (Table 15) which means it trends towards moderate/severe non-uniformities. Nozzle #11

exhibited severe pitting, seen during the Nozzle Application Analysis (Table 17). Nozzle 12 scored 2.67

during the Non-Uniformity Visual Analysis Post-Saltwater Test (Table 15), which is not ideal.

Nozzles #2, 8, 10, and 13 were ranked “recommended” by the team. These nozzles were put into this

category based off their quality performances in all the analyses performed by the team. The nozzles

performed well under the Nozzle Observation Assessment (Table 7) and showed no irregularities during


the application process. The nozzles scored 2, 1.67, 1.67, and 2 respectively for the Non-Uniformity

Visual Analysis Post-Saltwater Test (Table 15), which were determined by the team to be high-quality

scores. These nozzles also showed sufficient results during the Nozzle Application Analysis (Table 17).

The team did more visual comparisons between these four nozzles and decided that #8 and #10

performed the best out of all the nozzles selected. It is interesting that Nozzle #2 performed so well

compared to Nozzle #1. This nozzle was supposed to be an exact replica of #1, so based off the

assumption stated previously #1 would be labeled as recommended if it hadn’t been used so much prior

to these analyses.


9. Conclusions

9.1 Accomplishments After two semesters, more than 400 collective hours per member, the team delivered a detailed report

and presentation regarding the best rust preventative varnish for Schaeffler’s E-motor stator lamination

stack and an ideal nozzle design to be used with Sprayon’s aerosol can. The team tested 5 different

varnishes: MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish, Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating

Varnish, Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish, Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish, and DEI

HI-TEMP Silicone Coating. A saltwater test was conducted according to Schaeffler’s guidelines to test

each coating. They were ranked according to coating adhesion and performance. A knife test was used

for ranking adhesion and a thorough microscopic analysis was conducted for rust prevention. Out of

these coatings, Sprayon El609 Green Insulating Varnish ranked the best and was used in further testing.

Moving forward with this varnish, the team set out to design an ideal nozzle for Schaeffler’s application

needs. They ran through three iterations of various nozzle types, all manufactured using additive

manufacturing methods. They 3D printed the nozzles using the Form 2, an SLA printer. The team had to

refresh themselves on fluid dynamics and learn corrosion science as well during this project. At first,

nozzle design was trial and error, but over the iterations, the team came to understand the relationships

presented to them through Bernoulli’s equation, the continuity equation, and other fluid dynamic

concepts. Once the team tested all the nozzles, they performed extensive visual analysis and another

saltwater test to validate their findings. The team ranked their nozzle designs and narrowed down their

findings to four final nozzles. The team deepened their understanding of the fluid dynamics, corrosion

prevention, and additive manufacturing methods. Most importantly, they created a start for future

students to use in the field of ideal nozzle design and rust prevention.

9.2 Uncertainties After all experimentation was done, there were a few observations made that could help improve the

experimental design of the tests, and the evidence of the results. First observation was majorly

constricted by access to materials. The second round of tests only used a sample size of 2. In most cases

this is unacceptable, but in regard to the constraints of resources and time that the team had, it was the

only sample size that was available. It would be highly recommended to increase the sample size for

each nozzle to 10 to provide for a better analysis and avoid any extreme deviant behavior during testing.

Other uncontrolled variables include the angle at which the spray can was held at during application.

Although the distance from the component was controlled in the second experiment, the angle in

regard to the position of the part was not controlled. The furnace used in both saltwater experiments

was also unideal for the application, as it was not intended to hold a low operational temperature

around 140 degrees Celsius. These uncertainties combined with human error could cause deviations in

the experimental results.


9.2.1 Material Selection and Testing

After finishing our testing, we realized that many things could have been done in a more consistent,

cleaner fashion. These changes would have provided a more academically suited testing environment.

Starting with our test samples, at the time of application we had sprayed the metal outside. We did not

provide ample space for individual sample spraying, instead, sprayed in batches. In addition, there was

cross-contamination between the sample coatings, and the metal laminations could have been cleaned

before spraying. Our champion, Jeremy Silvidi, led the team during the sample preparation, not allowing

for much room to converse. Following the coating application, he took the samples and cut them in

order to protect company knowledge -- another issue. Samples should have been cut prior to coating

application to ensure proper edge coating. The samples need to have a controlled environment for

future coating applications to ensure correct adhesion. The samples in this test did not have a humidity

controller or even a temperature controller, possibly preventing proper curing of the coatings.

Furthermore, there was no “proper coating” guideline. Simply, we sprayed the samples without concern

for even application. For future testing, we would need to develop an agreed-upon, design-tested

application method. With our current testing method, the samples are being coated on the flat side

rather than the edge, per Jeremy’s instructions. The real laminations will be stacked, and the ID will be

coated. We cannot assume that the same results seen on the flat will apply to what we will see on the ID

edges. Individual sample identification could have also been useful during testing, instead of keeping the

same order as a quasi-identity. An etching of sorts might have worked for our needs. Beyond our sample

preparation, we did not have a controlled furnace. The furnace used for testing was designed for

metallurgical work and thus fluctuated in temperature by +/- 5°C.

9.2.2 Nozzle Selection and Testing

During the CAD design and 3D printing phase, uncertainties arose from the measurements of the

manufacturer nozzle. This is due to both human error and inaccuracy/imprecision of the instruments

used. The possibility of error during the SLA printing should also be considered. The test samples were

not sprayed at the exact same angle every time, providing another source of uncertainty towards the

nozzle testing results. The samples did not have enough time to cure prior to moving them out of the

spraying booth, possibly skewing the results. The oven used in the second saltwater test is the same as

the first, providing the same temperature regulation issue. The instrument used in the thickness test did

not read 100% accurately, providing another source of uncertainty towards the results. The sample size

of the nozzle testing was limited to 2 samples per nozzle, and only 1 per nozzle for the second saltwater

test. Ideally, the sample size would exceed 30 per nozzle as to be able to use a Z distribution instead of a

T distribution.


9.3 Ethical Considerations Prior to any scientific progress, the health of the individual and the land must be considered. These tests

require any operator to wear the correct PPE: goggles, latex/nitrile gloves, a mask, or possibly a

respirator if within a confined space during coating application. These chemicals listed, or others chosen

for this corrosion prevention cause are carcinogenic and hazardous to one’s health. Safety data sheets

for all chemicals should be read and complied with. In addition to personal hazards, these chemicals

pose a risk to the health of the nearby environment if not disposed of properly. All hazardous wastes

should be handled and disposed of properly according to the local/state/federal regulations. For this

test, the Ohio Revised Code Chapter 373434 and the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 40 -

Chapter 1 -Subchapter 1 - Part 26135 should be followed.

9.4 Future Work If students were to continue work from the conclusion provided in this report, a few subjects should be

investigated further. These subjects include conducting a similar test that accounts for the listed

uncertainties and has a larger sample size. Students could create experiments to measure the flow rate

of the particles exiting the nozzle based on nozzle design that could increase the understanding of the

nozzle designs influence in application. Another is to conduct tests on other rust preventatives and how

their coatings are affected by post-baking and attempt the baking process at various temperatures to

find potential optimization for post-bake coatings.



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3. “NEMA Insulation Classes.” Engineering ToolBox,


4. MG Chemicals. 4228 Red Insulating Varnish Safety Data Sheet, MG Chemicals, 2020.

5. “Red Insulating Varnish.” One Company...Many Solutions, 28 June 2021,


6. Seymour of Sycamore. Red Insulating Varnish Safety Data Sheet, Seymour of Sycamore, 2021.

7. “TOOL CRIB® RED INSULATING VARNISH.” Seymour of Sycamore, 22 Apr. 2020,

8. A.S.T. Industries, Inc. Red Insulating Varnish Safety Data Sheet, A.S.T. Industries, 2017.


10. Sprayon Products Group. Safety Data Sheet SC0609000, Sprayon Products Group, 2021.

11. “EL609 Green Insulating Varnish.” Sprayon, 21 July 2018,


12. Design Engineering, Inc. HT-Silicone-Coating-Black SDS, Design Engineering, Inc., 2015.

13. “Hi-Temp Silicone Coating Spray - Black.” Design Engineering, Inc,


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17. “Coating Principles.” Coating Principles,

18. “Test Methods for Coating Adhesion: Resources: DeFelsko.” DeFelsko Inspection Instruments,

19. ASTM D6677-18, Standard Test Method for Evaluating Adhesion by Knife, ASTM International, West

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24. “Aerosol Technology.” The Aerosol Can – How an Aerosol Can Works,

25. Munson, Bruce R. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Wiley, 2013.


27. “Spray Nozzles.” Spray Nozzles for All Industries and Applications, https://www.spray-

28. “ASTM Standard F2792 - 12A, Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing Technologies.”

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29. “Form 2 Desktop Stereolithography 3D Printer.” FormLabs,

30. “Clear Resin TDS.” FormLabs, https://formlabs

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32. Standard E376-19, Standard Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy

Current (Electromagnetic) Testing Methods.” ASTM International - Standards Worldwide,

33. EL609 Product Data Sheet. 2010,


34. “Rules and Laws Governing Hazardous Waste.” Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Rules,


35. “Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.” Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (ECFR),


Appendix A: Coating Thickness Instrument Information Sheet


Appendix B: Material Technical Data Sheets

MG Chemicals 4228-55ML Red Insulating Varnish5



Seymour 620-1525 Tool Crib Red Insulating Varnish7


Anti-Seize Technology Red Insulating Varnish9


Sprayon EL609 Green Insulating Varnish11



DEI HI-TEMP Silicone Coating13


Appendix C: Pictures of Sprayon Samples: Olympus Stereo Microscope Sample Pre-Bake Post-Bake Post-Saltwater Test Saltwater Test






















Appendix D: Pictures of Material Testing Samples:






ol S

















r 62




