russell simmons exposes abe foxman in jerusalem

Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 30 Russell Simmons Exposes Abe Foxman in Jerusalem By Tingba Muhammad Russell Simmons, the Hip-Hop mogul and friend of e Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, went to Jerusalem last month and told the Israelis, point-blank, that the leader of American Jews, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham “Bull” Foxman, is seen by Black people the same hated way that the ADL has always portrayed e Minister to Jews! Simmons quickly accentuated the point by tweeting his 1.8 million followers that Foxman “never met an African American leader he didn’t label an anti-Semite.” Simmons was pre- senting to the Israelis a perfect example of the concept from his Buddhist faith known as karma. Simmons’ boldness was a clear shot across the emasculated bow of Black and white “leadership” who seem content to live their “leadership” lives walking on AIPAC eggshells whilst ever gazing up- wards for ADL drones. Simmons has no such fears. He joins activist artists like Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, whose revulsion at the ongoing Israeli mistreatment of the Palestinians has reached the boiling point and over- ridden their fear of the “anti-Semitism” bullwhip of Abraham “Bull” Foxman. And like Birmingham’s notorious “public safety director” Eugene “Bull” Connor, Foxman immediately called out the fire hoses to try to beat back Simmons’ audacious truism. Arrogantly titled “What Russell Simmons Needs to Do,” Foxman’s haughty Huffington Post reply is steeped in the self-important bluster with which he tries to intimidate all his negro property. e fact that Foxman had to respond at all is a telling verification of Simmons’ biting truth. Not one Black, Afri- can American or negro has spoken up to defend the leader of American Jews—not a single politician, not a prominent figure from any civil rights organization, not even the spooks who sit by the door of the ADL’s Manhattan office. e dearth of a public outcry is positively deafening, and the Jewish voices are equally AWOL. A humiliated Foxman asked, “Where was his defense of this 100-year-old organization…?” He referred to “people in the audience who spoke to me aſter- wards,” but in the middle of Jerusalem this is hardly a vote of confidence for a Jewish leader who was publicly dressed down by a cursed son of Ham! But in his statement Foxman unwittingly reveals much that is wrong with Jewish leadership and why Blacks are openly cheering for Russell Simmons. Foxman’s response—when he recounts Simmons’ movements and meetings and finances— is like the white cop reaching for his nightstick. He wrote: “In 2007, Simmons appeared on stage with Farrakhan and made what organizers later described as a ‘significant charitable contribution’ to the Nation of Islam.” Foxman is confessing the reality of the extensive surveillance role the ADL has played since being caught by the FBI in the 1990s illegally spying on civil rights leaders and organizations. Indeed, it was discovered that the ADL was keeping files on 12,000 individuals and more than 950 groups. e NAACP, the NOI, Cong. Ron Dellums, and Pres. Nelson Mandela were among the many, many victims of ADL espionage. Clearly, the successor to J. Edgar Hoover’s ruthless COINTELPRO operation against Martin Luther King (which was managed by his Jewish assis- tant-director!) is still being run privately by the ADL under Abraham “Bull” Foxman, America’s keeper of the files on Black people—now including Russell Simmons. Do Jews wonder why Blacks see their leaders as rednecks with yarmulkes? (“...and spy not...” [Qur’an 49:12]) And Foxman resembles J. Edgar Hoover in another impor- tant way. For years Hoover—America’s top law enforcement officer between 1935-1972— denied that there was a Mafia at all, and instead targeted “commies” like Martin Luther King and the leaders of the civil rights movement. So too has Foxman targeted BLACK leaders while winking approvingly at the new Mafia of WHITE Gentile and JEWISH bankers who have thrown millions out of their homes, pushed jobs overseas, and put this country at the edge of total destruction. But Foxman is more sophisticated than his mentor. He targets not just any Black leader, as Hoover did, but only those lead- ers who step out of the “civil rights” box and focus on Black economic issues. Farrakhan Receives Key to the City in Benton Harbor, Michigan

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Russell Simmons Exposes Abe Foxman in Jerusalem, Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founders’ Slave-Owning History, Farrakhan to receive ‘Key to the City’ in Benton Harbor


Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 30

Russell Simmons Exposes Abe Foxman in Jerusalem By Tingba Muhammad

Russell Simmons, the Hip-Hop mogul and friend of The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan, went to Jerusalem last month and told the Israelis, point-blank, that the leader of American Jews, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham “Bull” Foxman, is seen by Black people the same hated way that the ADL has always portrayed The Minister to Jews! Simmons quickly accentuated the point by tweeting his 1.8 million followers that Foxman “never met an African American leader he didn’t label an anti-Semite.” Simmons was pre-senting to the Israelis a perfect example of the concept from his Buddhist faith known as karma. Simmons’ boldness was a clear shot across the emasculated bow of Black and white “leadership” who seem content to live their “leadership” lives walking on AIPAC eggshells whilst ever gazing up-wards for ADL drones.

Simmons has no such fears. He joins activist artists like Alice Walker and Toni Morrison, whose revulsion at the ongoing Israeli mistreatment of the Palestinians has reached the boiling point and over-ridden their fear of the “anti-Semitism” bullwhip of Abraham “Bull” Foxman. And like Birmingham’s notorious “public safety director” Eugene “Bull” Connor, Foxman immediately called out the fire hoses to try to beat back Simmons’ audacious truism. Arrogantly titled “What Russell Simmons Needs to Do,” Foxman’s haughty Huffington Post reply is steeped in the self-important bluster with which he tries to intimidate all his negro property.

The fact that Foxman had to respond at all is a telling verification of Simmons’ biting truth. Not one Black, Afri-can American or negro has spoken up to defend the leader of American Jews—not a single politician, not a prominent figure from any civil rights organization, not even the spooks who sit by the door of the ADL’s Manhattan office. The dearth of a public outcry is positively deafening, and the Jewish voices are equally AWOL. A humiliated Foxman asked, “Where was his defense of this 100-year-old organization…?” He referred to “people in the audience who spoke to me after-wards,” but in the middle of Jerusalem this is hardly a vote of

confidence for a Jewish leader who was publicly dressed down by a cursed son of Ham!

But in his statement Foxman unwittingly reveals much that is wrong with Jewish leadership and why Blacks are openly cheering for Russell Simmons. Foxman’s response—when he recounts Simmons’ movements and meetings and finances—is like the white cop reaching for his nightstick. He wrote: “In 2007, Simmons appeared on stage with Farrakhan and

made what organizers later described as a ‘significant charitable contribution’ to the Nation of Islam.” Foxman is confessing the reality of the extensive surveillance role the ADL has played since being caught by the FBI in the 1990s illegally spying on civil rights leaders and organizations. Indeed, it was discovered that the ADL was keeping files on 12,000 individuals and more than 950 groups. The NAACP, the NOI, Cong. Ron Dellums, and Pres. Nelson Mandela were among the many, many victims of ADL espionage. Clearly, the successor to J. Edgar Hoover’s ruthless COINTELPRO operation against Martin Luther King (which was managed by his Jewish assis-tant-director!) is still being run privately

by the ADL under Abraham “Bull” Foxman, America’s keeper of the files on Black people—now including Russell Simmons. Do Jews wonder why Blacks see their leaders as rednecks with yarmulkes? (“...and spy not...” [Qur’an 49:12])

And Foxman resembles J. Edgar Hoover in another impor-tant way. For years Hoover—America’s top law enforcement officer between 1935-1972— denied that there was a Mafia at all, and instead targeted “commies” like Martin Luther King and the leaders of the civil rights movement. So too has Foxman targeted BLACK leaders while winking approvingly at the new Mafia of WHITE Gentile and JEWISH bankers who have thrown millions out of their homes, pushed jobs overseas, and put this country at the edge of total destruction. But Foxman is more sophisticated than his mentor. He targets not just any Black leader, as Hoover did, but only those lead-ers who step out of the “civil rights” box and focus on Black economic issues.

Farrakhan Receives Key to the City in

Benton Harbor, Michigan

Ever since 1909, when Jewish money was raised to “help” Blacks, they have demanded that it be used specifically for “non-economic” activism. Jews were primarily merchants and traders that had grown rich exploiting Black populations in the South and in the Northern ghettoes. And so the first president of the NAACP, Joel Spingarn, wanted to ensure that Black progress would NEVER mean Black economic compe-tition. So he made sure that the “Black agenda” would focus entirely on “politics” and “integration”—and not on Black business development. This is why The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad made it clear in Point #9 that “the offer of inte-gration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their ‘friends.’” He knew that the Jewish strategy for their own success was ALMOST ENTIRELY ECONOMIC! While they were building Jewish businesses, Jewish banks, Jewish hospitals, private Jewish schools, and Jewish commu-nity centers, they were financing the civil rights movement to lead Blacks in the OPPOSITE direction. It was later revealed that—just as with Foxman’s ADL today—Spingarn was a paid spy for the United States Army! He had “a small unit of un-dercover agents” who opened 100,000 pieces of mail a week, using his position as NAACP leader to spy on Black people! Mr. Muhammad could not have been more accurate.

And this is why Russell Simmons is of special interest to Foxman and the ADL. Simmons is an economically focused Hip-Hop entrepreneur who has used his ample resources and positive notoriety to try to make a real difference in a world of extreme conflict. In the last year, he has become a powerful celebrity presence in the OCCUPY WALL STREET move-ment, which is dedicated to extensive reform of the financial gangsterism that has infested the world banking systems.

And this is only one of several issues Bro. Russell has taken on to promote economic justice. In 2011, when the giant home improvement company Lowe’s bowed to Jewish pres-sure and withdrew its ads from the show All-American Mus-lim, Simmons stepped in and promised to pay the Learning Channel for any revenue lost. In 2012, Simmons supported the re-election campaign of Ohio congressman Dennis Ku-cinich, a man who has called for the Federal Reserve System to be taken from the private bankers and put under the con-trol of the U.S. Treasury. On last MLK Day (January 16), a co-alition of Black churches teamed with Occupy Wall Street to hold demonstrations at all 13 Federal Reserve Banks; a month later the Occupy Wall Street movement organized aggressive anti-bank actions in over 70 cities across the country.

Clearly, Russell Simmons is off the plantation, and has the potential of awakening his youthful constituency to the full extent of their economic slavery. Most threatening is that he appears to have listened to and acted upon the words of his friend The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, whose crystal-clear admonition of May 16, 2006, seems to have mo-tivated this glorious new activism. He said: “…the people who

really exercise power [are] the head of the Federal Reserve, bankers, heads of multinational corporations, neo-conserva-tives and Zionists that control the government. If you do not meet with these people, then whatever promise you receive from figureheads cannot be fulfilled without their approval. The sooner you recognize your impotence, you will understand that you have to go somewhere else to get the power to deal with the real powers that control govern-ment.”

As soon as the Occupy movement targeted America’s real power brokers, MSNBC’s Martin Bashir was dispatched to confront Simmons over—of all things—its “anti-Sem-itism.” “There’s been some reporting that anti-Semitism has begun to emerge and—” Simmons sniffed out the ruse and interrupted, “Where’d you get that from—Bill O’Reilly or somebody?” Bashir would not ask Simmons about America’s vast unemployment, home foreclosures, the decimated middle class, lavish banker salaries and bonuses—but pressed Simmons on some-thing he has never ever been involved with—anti-Semitism! Is there any doubt about who fed Bashir this “Bull”?

“Bull” Foxman followed up with a March media attack on Bro. Russell for his relation-ship with the world’s foremost truth-teller, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Foxman called him “blind,” “terribly hypocritical, sad,” and “damaging.” This appeared to have come totally out of the blue. But those who know the real history of Foxman’s people also know that Simmons’ work threatens that greedy cabal that finances the ADL.

The rude bludgeon of “anti-Semitism” is the main weapon used by White Jewish leaders to shut the mouths of warriors for justice like Russell Simmons. But, as Bro. Russell told them in Jerusalem, that unrighteous tactic has been neutral-ized by an invincible truth and a divine truth teller that, by Allah’s grace, is here to stay.


Eugene “Bull” Con-nor, Abraham “Bull” Foxman, Joel Spingarn


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Getting to KNOW your GovernmentSeven Countries in Five Years

There are documents that reveal that the so-called Arab Spring started not in the Muslim world, but from plans in the United States to take over the Middle East and its natural resources for the Western world. But their “Arab Spring” is not going the way they originally intended, and it has now turned into a harsh winter. And this is to say to America that even though you plan, there is a Planner over and above your plans that fulfills the scripture that says you will lay a trap and get caught in it; you will dig a ditch for others, but you will fall in it yourself.

Four-star US Army Gen. Wesley Clark said that ten years before 9/11 Paul Wolfowitz, the NEOCON architect of Bush’s War on Iraq, told him (Clark) of their plans to “clean out” the Middle East and take over those Muslim re-gimes. Just days after 9/11 Clark was shown a Pentagon memo that describes how they planned “to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and then Iran—five years and seven countries.”

They call this plan the “The Greater Middle East Project,” but for the public and the media they are call-ing it “The ARAB SPRING.” It has been revealed by

journalist and historian F. William Engdahl that some of the “protest” leaders were trained to be “instigators” in Belgrade, Serbia, by activists of Canvas (the Center for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies) and Otpor (a youth movement that played a significant role ousting the former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic). All of this is financed by the US State De-partment.

He says that the ultimate goal of the US is to take the resources of Africa and Middle East under military control in order to block economic growth in China and Russia, thus taking the whole of Eur-asia under control.

They want the vast wealth and they want to “militarize the oil sources in such places as Libya and the so-called Repub-lic of South Sudan, that are directly stra-tegic to China’s future economic growth,” says Engdahl.

“This is all about controlling Eurasia, something Zbignew Brzezinski talked about back in 1997” in his famous book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.

And the results are already there: in Egypt and Tunisia the democracy has already brought a weak economy; while Libya, the country with the high-est living standards in all of Africa before the NATO bombings, today is in ruins.

Why Did Our ‘Best Friends’ Sell Us?



Muslims CLEARED of 9/11 Attacks

“The AFRICOM [the Pentagon’s Africa com-mand] is co-ordinating the scene,” F. William Eng-dahl says, mentioning that “interestingly enough [AFRICOM] was created just after 2006 China’s Africa diplomacy, when 40 heads of African na-tions were invited to Beijing and enormous deals were signed on oil exploration, building hospitals and infrastructure—anything the IMF did not do in Africa over the last 30 years.”

“For the ‘Gods of Money’ of Wall Street, the only chance of survival and keeping [the] dollar now is finding new areas of loot. The Arab Spring is directed at grabbing and privatizing the vast wealth of the Arab world,” Engdahl concludes.

Engdahl warns that the US is building more and more bases around the world, such as 17 new, mostly Air Force, bases in Afghanistan to be ready for the new war with China or probably Russia.


Zbigniew Brzezinski

“[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the le-thality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose con-trol over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physi-cally kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million peo-ple than to control one million people.”



Trymaine Lee, Black Voices News

A little more than a year after the conservative-led state board of educa-tion in Texas approved massive changes to its school textbooks to put slavery in a more positive light, a group of Tea Party activists in Tennessee has renewed its push to whitewash school textbooks. The group is seeking to remove refer-ences to slavery and mentions of the country’s founders being slave owners.

According to reports, Hal Rounds, the Fayette County attorney and spokesman for the group, said during a recent news conference that there has been “an awful lot of made-up criticism about, for instance, the founders intruding on the Indians or having slaves or being hypocrites in one way or another.”

“The thing we need to focus on about the founders is that, given the social structure of their time, they were revolu-tionaries who brought liberty into a world where it hadn’t existed, to everybody—not all equally instantly—and it was their progress that we need to look at,” Rounds said, accord-ing to The Commercial Appeal.

During the news conference more than two dozen Tea Party activists handed out material that said, “Neglect and out-right ill will have distorted the teaching of the history and character of the United States. We seek to compel the teach-ing of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government.”

And that further teaching would also include that “the Constitution created a Republic, not a Democracy.”

The group demanded, as they had in January of last year, that Tennessee lawmakers change state laws governing school curricula. The group called for textbook selection criteria to include: “No portrayal of minority experience in the history which actually occurred shall obscure the experience or contri-butions of the Founding Fathers, or the majority of citizens, including those who reached positions of leadership.”

The latest push comes a year after the Texas Board of Education approved revisions to its social studies curriculum that would put a conservative twist on history through revised textbooks and teaching standards.

The Texas revisions include the exploration of the positive aspects of American slavery, lifting the stature of Jefferson S. Davis to that of Abraham Lincoln, and amendments to teach the value of the separation of church and state were voted down by the conserva-tive cadre. Among other controversial amendments that have been approved is the study of the “unintended conse-

quences” of affirmative action.The board approved more than 100

amendments affecting social stud-ies, economics and history classes for Texas’s 4.8 million students.

The influence of the amended text-books will likely reach far beyond the state of Texas. The state is one of the largest purchasers of textbooks, and many other states adopt Texas’s books and standards.

The curriculum changes were pushed through by a majority bloc of conserva-tive Republicans on the Texas school board, who have said the changes were

made to add balance to what they believe was a left-leaning and already-skewed reflection of American history.

“There is some method to the mad-ness besides vindicating white privi-lege and making white students feel as though they are superior and privileged and that that it is the natural order of things,” Gary Bledsoe, president of the Texas State NAACP, told The Crisis magazine last year about this time. “The agenda being pushed and the ultimate impact intended is to make young people automatically identify with one political party.”

A number of groups, including the NAACP, the Texas League of United Latin American Citizens and the Texas As-sociation of Black Personnel in Higher Education, have joined forces to beat back the measures, which they said would have a negative impact on minority children.

The groups sought a federal review of the state’s public education and have raised claims that the Texas State Board of Education has vio-lated federal civil rights laws. In a formal complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Education, the groups charge that the new curriculum was devised to “discriminate.”

The measures went as far as to replace instances of the trans-Atlantic slave trade with “Atlantic triangular trade.”

“It is going to be extremely psycho-logically harmful to African-American young people because they are margin-alized in the curriculum,” Bledsoe said. “It will require them to be taught things such as the benevolence of slavery and the problems with affirmative action rather than the good and the bad.”

“They voted down a motion that requires students to be taught about the terrorism brought about by the Ku Klux Klan and what they did to ethnic and racial minorities, but they turn around and pass a provision that requires the teaching of the violence of the Black Panther Party.”

Tea Party Groups In Tennessee Demand Textbooks Overlook U.S. Founders’ Slave-Owning History

Slave counts from the book HOW WHITE FOLKS GOT SO RICH

“We’re coming in the streets to show our young people love. We have to take our

teaching and our example to our people.”

Ashahed M. Muhammad, Assistant Editor

BENTON HARBOR, Mich.--The Benton Harbor City Commission recently voted to present the Honor-able Minister Louis Farrakhan with the key to the city during his upcoming appearance scheduled for July 27.

Minister Farrakhan is to speak at the Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church on the subject: “Nazareth! Can Any Good Come From There?” The event is free and open to the public.

According to Student Minister Marcus Mu-hammad, also a Benton Harbor Commissioner, some expressed outrage at the decision to honor the Minister.

“The vote to honor the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as an honorary citizen and present him with a key to the City of Benton Harbor has been confront-ed with mixed feelings and controversy,” said Mr. Mu-hammad, adding that the Benton Harbor City Clerk’s office was flooded with phone calls--mostly from other municipalities-- and even faxes expressing displeasure.

The Minister last spoke in Benton Harbor at Lake Michigan College June 5, 2009 in defense of local NAACP President, Reverend Edward Pinkney, who at the time was under house arrest related to charges that many in the community believe were in retaliation for his outspoken activism.

Mr. Muhammad said despite the negativity, a com-mittee consisting of com-munity activists, spiri-tual leaders, and political leaders from the city have worked hard, aggressively promoting the Minister’s upcoming appearance us-ing radio, television, print media, and social media

to publicize the event.“A grassroots approach and working with communi-

ty leaders has produced a very positive synergy, energy, and excitement in the community for his arrival,” he added.

(Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church is located at 1105 E. Main Street, Benton Harbor, Michigan. Doors open at 6PM and the program begins at 7PM. The event is free and open to the public.)

Farrakhan to receive ‘Key to the City’ in Benton Harbor


“The economic plight of the Black people of this land has so long been neglected by so-called leaders that even our own people have forgotten it’s basic importance.

“Our economic posi-tion remains at the bot-tom of the ladder be-cause of this ineffective leadership and because so many of our people ignore the basic rules of a healthy economic life. We fail to develop self-lead-ership in economics.”