runyon pet ch 11

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  • 8/8/2019 Runyon Pet Ch 11


    B 1 (Official Form 1)( 1/08)


    Voluntary Petition

    Name of debtor (if individual, enter Last, First, Middle):

    Runyon, Floyd L.Name of Joint Debtor (Spouse)(Last, First, Middle)

    Runyon, Sharon A.

    All Other Names used by the Debtor in the last 8 years

    (include married, maiden, and trade names):

    Lee Runyon, F. Leroy Runyon, Leroy Runyon

    All Other Names used by the Joint Debtor in the last 8 years

    (include married, maiden, and trade names): Sherry Runyon

    Last four digits of Soc. Sec./Com plete EIN or other Tax ID No. (if more

    than one, state all): xxx-xx-4936Last four digits of Soc. Sec./Com plete EIN or other Tax ID No.. (if more

    than one, state all): xxx-xx-5806

    Street Address of Debtor (No. & Street, City, State, & Zip Code)

    1000 Hamilton DriveChambersburg PA 17202

    Street Address of Joint Debtor (No. & St., City, State & Zip Code)

    1000 Hamilton DriveChambersburg, PA 17202

    County of Residence or of the Principal Place of Business: Franklin County of Residence or of the Principal Place of Business: Franklin

    Mailing Address of Debtor (if different from street address):

    Mailing Address of Joint Debtor (if different from street address):

    Location of Principal Assets of Business Debtor (if different from street address above):

    Type of Debtor

    (Form of Organization)(Check one box)

    # Individual(Inc. joint debtors)]

    See Exhibit D on page 2 of this form

    G Corporation (Inc. LLC, LLP)

    G Partnership

    G Other: (If the debtor is not one ofthe above entities, check this box and

    provide the information requested below)

    State type of entity:

    Nature of Business

    (Check all applicable boxes)G Health Care Business

    G Single Asset Real Estate as

    defined in 11 U.S.C. 101 (51B)

    G Railroad

    G Stockbroker

    G Commodity Broker

    G Clearing Bank

    G Nonprofit Organization qualified

    under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)

    Chapter of Bankruptcy Code Under Whichthe Petition is filed (Check one box)

    GChapter 7 G Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a ForeignG Chapter 9 Main Proceeding

    O Chapter 11 GChapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign

    G Chapter 12 Nonmain Proceeding

    G Chapter 13

    Nature of Debts (Check one box)G Debts are primarily consumer O Debts are primarily

    Debts, defined in 11 U.S.C. business debts.

    101(8) as incurred by an

    individual primarily for a

    personal, family, or house-

    hold purpose.

    Filing Fee (Check one box)

    # Full Filing Fee attachedG Filing Fee to be paid in installments (Applicable to individuals only) Must

    attach signed application for the courts consideration certifying that the

    debtor is unable to pay fee except in installments. Rule 1006(e). See

    Official Form No. 3A.

    G Filing Fee waiver requested (Applicable to Chapter 7 individuals only).

    Must attach signed application for the courts consideration. See Official

    Form 3B.

    Chapter 11 DebtorsCheck one box:

    G Debtor is a small business as defined in 11 U.S.C. 101 (51D)O Debtor is Not a small business as defined in 11 U.S.C. 101(51D)

    Check if:

    G Debtor s aggregate noncontingent liquidated debts owed to insiders or

    affiliates are less than $2 m illion

    Check all applicable boxes:

    O A plan is be ing filed with this petition.

    O Acceptances of the plan were solicited prepetition from one or more

    classes of creditors, in accordance with 11 U.S.C. 1126(b).

    Statistical/Administrative Information (estimates only)

    G Debtor estimates that funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.

    # Debtor estimates that, after any exempt property is excluded and administrative expensespaid, there will be no funds available for distribution to unsecured creditors.


    Estimated Number of Creditors

    O G G G G G G G G G1,000- 5,001 10,001 25,001 50,0001- OVER

    1-49 50-99 100-199 200-999 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 100,000

    Estimated Assets

    G G G G O G G G

    $0 to $50,001 to $100,001 to $500,00 1 t o $1,000001 $10,000.001 50,000,001 More than$50,000 $1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $500,000 $1 mil l i on $10 m i l l io n To 50 million to 1 billion $1 billion

    Estimated Liabilities

    G G G G O G G G

    $0 to $50,001 to $100,001 to $500,00 1 t o $1,000001 $10,000.001 50,000,001 More than$50,000 $1 0 0 ,0 0 0 $500,000 $1 mil l i on $10 m i lli o n To 50 million to 1 billion $1 billion

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    Bl (Off ic ia lFor rn ) (1 i08)Voluntary etitionis paqe must be completedand filed n everycase

    Nameof Debtors:FloydL. Runyon& SharonA. Runon

    PriorBankruptcyCaseFiledWithin he ast8 Years ifmore han wo,attach dditionalheet.)LocationWhere filed.LocationWhere i led:

    CaseNumber:Case Number:

    Date iledDate lled

    Pending Bankruptcy Case Filed by any Spouse, Partner,or Affiliate of this Debtor (l f more han one, attachadditional heet)Nameof Debtor CaseNumber DateFrledDistrict: Relationship Judge:

    ExhibitA(T o be completedf th e Debtor s requiredo f i le periodic eports e.9,forms 10K an d '10Qwith the Securit ies nd ExchangeCommissionpursuanto Section 3or 15(d) f heSecurit ies xchange ctof 1934andis equestingelief nder hapter 1)

    Exhibit is attached ndmadea oart f hisoetit ion

    ExhibitB(T obe completedf Debtorsan ndividualwhose ebts reprimarilyonsumer ebts..1I, the attorneyor the petit ioneramed n the foregoing etit ion, eclarthat I have nformed he petitionerhat [he/she/they] ay proceedundechapter , 11 12,or 13 of it le11 United tatesCode, nd haveexplaineth e elief vailablender ach haoter.I furthercertify hat I have delivered o the debtor he notice equired ys342(b).

    , Attorneyor Debtors

    of mminent nd dent i f iablearmExhibi t C

    Does he debtorown or havepossession f any propertyha tposesor is alleged o posea threalto publichealthor safety?! Yes,and Exhib i t is at tached ndmadepartof h ispet i t ion.r N o

    Exhib i t D(T obe completed y every ndividualebtor. f a ointpetit ions iled, achspousemustcomplete ndattach separate xhibitD).

    I Exhibit completednd igned y hedebtorsattachedndmade part f hispetit ionlf his sa oint etit ion:

    ! Exhibit also ompletednd igned y he oint ebtorsattachedndmade nart f hrs ef tnnInformat ion egardinghe Debtor Venue:(Checknyapplicableox )

    Debtor as beendomiciled r has had a residence,rincipal laceof business, r principal ssets n this Distr ictor 180 days mmediateprecedinghe dateof hi spetit ion r or a longer ar t f such Sddays han nan yotheiDist i ict.There sa bankruptcyase oncerningebtois f f i l iate,eneral artner, rpartnershipendingn hisDistr ict.Debtors a debtor n a forerqn roceedinqnd has tsprincipallace f business r principalssetsn he United tatesn hi sDistr ict,r hasno principal laceof busine5s r assetsn the United tatesOLits a defendantn ah actrbn r proceeding[r na federal r state ourt in hi sDistr ict,r he nterestsf he part ies rl l e servedn reqardo he elief ouohtn hi sDistr ict.

    Statementby a DebtorWho Residesas a Tenantof ResidentialPropertyCheckall aDDlicableoxes.! L a n d l o r d h a s a j ud g m e n t a g a i n s tt h e d e b t o r f or p o s s e s s i o n of t h e d e b t o r ' s re s i d e n c e . ( l fb o x c h e c k e d ,c o m p l e t e t h e fo l l o w i nnt )

    n Debtor laims hat underapplicable onbankruptcyaw , hereare circumstancesnderwhich hedebtorwouldbe permittedocure he entiremonetary efault hatgave is e o'the udgmentor possession, fter he udgment or possessionruas ntered,anotr Debtorha s ncluded n thispetit ionhe depositwith he courtof any rent hatwouldbecome ue during he 30-dayperiodafter hefil inqof the oetit ion.n Debto"rertif ieisha the/shehas served he Landlord ith hi scertif ication11 U.S.C. 362(1)]

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    B 1 (Off icial or m1) (1/08) Paoe3Voluntarv etition(This Daqe must be comDleted and flled tn everv case I Name f DebtorsFlovd .Runvon Sharon . RunonSignaturesSignatures of Debtors (Joint)I declare nder enalty f perjuryhat he nformationrovidedn hi spetit ions trueand correct. lf th e petit ioners an indjvidualhosedebtsar e primarily onsumer ebtsand has chosen o file underchapter l I am awarehat mayproceednder hapter 11,12, r 13of t it le11 ,United tatesCode, nderstandhe relief vailablender

    each uchchapter, ndchooseoproceed nder hapter 1 .!f no attorneyepresentsean dno bankruptcyetit ionreparerignsth epetit ionlhave btainedhe ead henoticeequiredyg 3a2(b) ftheBankruptcyodeI requesteliefn accordanceit h hechapter f it le11 ,United tatesCodesfecif iedn hispetit ion. (Signature f ForeignRepresentat ive)

    Signature of A Foreign Representative of aRecognized Foreign ProceedingI declare nderpenalty f per.1uryha t he nformationrovidednthispetit ions rueand'correct,f iat am the oreiqn epresentatiof a deb tor na foreiqnmainproceedinq,nd hal am authorizeto il e hi spetit ion. certif led opyof hdordergrantingecognitiorsallacned.

    SharonA. Runon. ointDebtorDate Auoust 25-5. .r

    FloydL Runvon,Debtor -'

  • 8/8/2019 Runyon Pet Ch 11


    Form l , Exh ib i t 9 /01)if , to the bestof the debtorharm o thepublichealthor safety attach lltsExhrbrtC ta il)epetittanlUnitedStatesBankruptcy ourtMiddleDis t r ic t f Pennsy lvania

    ln re Floyd . RunyonSharon . Runyon CaseNo 1-09-bk-0Debtors

    Exh ib i t C" to Vo lun ta ry et i t ion1. lden t t f yndbr re f lyescr rbel l ea andpersona l roper t ywned y o r rnpossess ionf the deb to rha t , o thebesthedebtor ' s nowledge,oses r i s a l leqedo posea th rea t f imminent nd dent i f iab learm o thepub l ic ea l tsa fe tyat tach ddr t rona lhee ts fnecessary )


    2 Wi th espec to eachparce l f rear roper t y' t emof persona lroper t ydent i f iednques t ion descr ibehenatureloca t tonf the dangerousond i t ion hether nvr ronmenta lr o therwisehatposes r is a l legedo posea th reatmminentnd dent r f rab learm o puo 'c rea l t i rr sa fe tya t tach ddr t iona theets fnecessary t


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    I l l ( O l l l c i a l: o r n r. l : r l r r l r r t) r ( l l r ) S r

    t iNI I 'F.D . l \ l 'ESBANKRUPI 'CYC'OIJR-\ l i r i t i l c ) i s t r i c t 1 ' [ ) c n n s rr u n i i r

    I n re : I r loy 'c l. I l .ur t ron ( 'ascNo.Sha r on , \ . { r r r r r onI )cb to ls ( ' k t r ru t

    EXHIBIT ) - lN l ) l \ ; l l ) t , , \ t . ) t i t lToR's TATE\{ [ .NT'oF oN{ t , t . t , \ \ ( ' l iw lT l l( I t t t . , t )1 'c 'o \st i t , ING t{t iQti { t , . \ I , .N'Warning: 'ou nrust cal l lc o chcckruthful lv ncol ' thc ' ivc t i l tcnrcntscgar( l ing

    c r c d i t c o u n s c l i n gi s t c t lb c l r l u . l l ' r o r r canno td o s o , ' o u : l r c n o l c l i g i b l c o I ' i l c b a n l i r u p t c vcasc , nd t hc cou r t can r l i s l n i s s n v c i l s c o u d o f i l c . I f t h a t h l p p c l l s , ' o r r i l l l o s c h : t t c v c rI i l i n g ' c c o u p a i d .an t l r ou r c l ' c r l i t o r s i l l b c a b l c o r c s u l n c o l l c c t i o n c t i r t i c s : t ga ins ty o u . I f v o u r c a s c s t l s l n i s s c r lt n t l o r r l ' i l c : r no t hc r a n l i n r p t c \ c l r s c a t c l ' . o u l n a r ' l t crcqu i r cd to pav i t scconr l ' i l i ng ' cc : rn r l 'ou mav havc to ta l i c c r t l ' a s tcps o s lop crcd i to rs 'c o l l e c l i o n c t i r l i c s .

    l ' . v c t ' . tt t t l i v i t l t t t t ll t ' l t t r t rt r t r t ti l L l t i s . . r l t i h i t) . l l t t j o i t t tl ) ( l i l i o n t l i l L ' t l t r t l t . : l t r t t r . s t 't t t t t , s ' l' o n t l t l t ' l t ' t u t t li l t ' r t . t t ' l t t t r t r t t '' . t l t i h i t) ( ' l t c t ' k ) n ( ' o f l t c i t ' t . \ l ( t l ( ' n t ( t t l \r , ' l r t t rr r t t lt l l t t t ' l tt t t t . t ' l ' t c t Ls L ,s ' ' l t 'L .

    I l . W i t h i n h c l l l 0 r l a r s l c f i r r c h c I' i l i n g l ' m 1 ' b a n k n r p tc v usc . I ' c cc i r c t l b r i c l i r t gf l ' o r la c rcd i tcounsc l inq gcnc \ upprovcd r thc [ ]n i t cc lS ta tcs n ls t ccor l - rank l t r l ' r t c rac lmin is t ra to rha toLr t l inc r lhc oppor tun i t i csbr a ra i lab lc r c r l i t ounsc l ins t t t l t ss is t cc lr tc l tpc r l i r rn t ing lc lu tc t lbur lgc t nu l r s is . n r l harc a cc r t i l l ca tc l 'o r r hc ugcr t c r l csc l i t r i r r ! .hcsc rv iccs ro r c lcc lo n rc . . l l l t r t l r t ( ' ( ) l ) . t ' o fl t t ' ' a r l i f i t t r l t ' t t t t l t t ' o1 l o f t t t n ' t l t ' h l c l t t r . t r t t t ' t t lt l t u tt laralopat l l t r t t t tgl t t( ( t .qL'( . t .

    t - l 2 . \ \ ' i t h rn l tc 180 lars bc l i r r c hc t i l ing o f n r r 'ban l in rp tcv c : r sc . t ' ccc i r c la b l ' i c l i r t gf l ' o r t r c red i tcounsc l ing scnc \ ppror cc lb r thc I In i t cc l la t cs rL ls t cc r ' ran l i r t t l ' r t c t

    ac lu r i n i s t r i t t o lh a to r r t l i r r c r li r c r pp r r l t L r r r i t i c si r ra r a i l a b l c r c t l i t o L u r s c l i u gn i l t s s i s t cc lt t c t tpc r lb rn t ing rc la tc r l r r r r l sc tn i r l r s is .b t r t r lo r ro tharc a cc r t i l l ca tc l 'on r l t c tgcncr lcsc r ib i r tgthc scrviccspror clct l o nrc. \ ot t nr t r . : t i lc t t 'o1t . tt f u tct ' t i l i t ' t r t t ' ont / l tc t t ,qt ' r t t ' . tl t ' .st ' r ib ir tgl tc, rc l ' t ' lc 'c,sl 'ot ' idt , t lo. t ( )u t t t t l t t ' r t1t .to ttt t . t l t ,hl t ' t '1t t t . r 'nt t ' t t lt l t t t t l t ' r r ' lo1t t ' t ll t rot t ,ql tl tL '( t ,qct t ( ' . \ 'no luler thun l5 dt t . t ' .s f l t ' r ' . t 'or t rtutkr 'ul) t ( ' . \ ' t 'u.s 'c.s i lad.

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    l l l ( O l l i c i u lr o r n r l : r l t r h r l) ) l t ) i i r ( , , n i I ' i rgc

    t l . Icc f t i l \ ' that rcqucst rcc l r toLursel ingefv iccs l 'ontinappr ' ( ) \ ' c ( llgcncv utu 'asLl l lablco obtain hcsct ' r ' iccsl r r l inghc i rc c la l 'siont hc intc r rut lc t \ l ' c ( l r . lcs t .nr l hcl b l l o u i r r g \ i g c l l tc i t ' c t t t t t s l r t r t ce \l c I i t l r c l n p ( ) l ' i t r rr i r i r c I r l ' 1 h e | t ' r l i t ( ) u l t se l i r r r :' t ' t 1 r r i | c l ] . l cn lso Icalt I l lc I l t [ ranl irLtptcr ' r \c l( ) \ \ f \ ' t tntnt t t t ' i :ar igantL' i t ' ( 'u ln. \ t ( t t t t ' t ' .st t ' r ' t , .f

    l f t ' ou r cc r t i l ' i ca l io l t s su t is l ' i r c lo r \ o thc cour t , 'o r rn r r r s t t i l l o l l t a in thc c rc t l i tc o u n s c l i n g b r i c f i n g i t h i n t h c l ' i r s t 3 0 t l a t s a f t c r v o u f i l c r o u r h : r n l i r u p t o c i r s c a n t lp r o m p t l y ' f i l ca c c r t i l ' i c a t c\ ' o n r h c a g c n n ' t h a t p r o v i d c d l r cc o u n s c l i n g ,o g c l l t u ' n ' i t hac o p l ' o f an ) dcb t n l : t n l r gcn r c l r ll l n r l c r c l o p c d h r o t r gh hc agcnc r . l i : r i l r u ' co l i rl f i l l l r c s cr cqu i r cmcn t s nav cs r r l t n r l i s r n i s s l l l ' r ' o t r r a s c .A n t c r t c n s i o r r l ' t l r c3 ( ) - r l l r l c a d l i n cc : t nbc g r an t c r lo n l r l i n ' c : r r r s cr n r l s i l n i t c d o a n r a r i r n r r n r l ' t 5 t l i r r s . \ ' o r r r cuscn l : t \ : r l sob c d i s m i s s c dl ' t l r cc o r n ' l s n o l s u t i s l ' i c r li t h r ou r r c i l s o n sr l r l ' i l i n g o r n ' b a l r l i n t pl c t ' c : t s elv i thou t i r s t r ccc iv inga u 'c r l i t co ru rsc l ing r ic l ing .

    l - l 4 . Ian l no t r cc lu i l c i lo rccc j r ca c rcc l i t ounsc l i r rgr r ic l ingbccur rsc l - f ( ' l t t ' t ' k l taupp l icub las l t t l t ' n t t ' t t l . Il . \ l t t s t h t ' r t t on t l t L t t t i t ' l. t t n to l i r t t to t ' t l t ' l t ' t ' t t t i t t t t l iont l l t t co t t r l- l I n c a p a c i t l .l ) c l i n c r l n I I I r . S . C ' .\ 109 ( hX- { ) asn r p a i l c r lr r r c i r son 1 ' n r c n l a li l l n c s s t ' n t c n t u ll c l r c i c n c r o . t so b c n c a p a b l c l ' r c i t l i z i r t gn t ln t l t l ' i n s ' l t t i o n l t lc l c c i s i o n si t h cspcc t o l l r l r n c i a l c s p o n s i b i l i t i c s .:

    i - l D i s a b i l i t r . l ) c l i n c t l n l l t 1 . S . C ' .\109 ( h ) ( - l ) ash r s i c a l l r n r p l i r c t l o t hccx t cn t lbc i t t gLurab lc .l i c l r cusonu l r lcl ' l i r l t . ( )pa l t i c ip i . l t cn a c rc r l i t o t tnsc l ins l ' i c l i l t g npcrs ( )n . y t c lcp l ronc . l l l r lo t rgh hc In lc rnc t . ) :- I , \ c t i rc r l i l i t u l r t l r r t r r r r n i l i t a r r on r t r a ton c

    i - l 5 . .1 'hc n i t cc lS t l r t csnrs lcc l l - r lnknrp tc r r ln r i r r i s tn r to rus lc t c t ' rn i t t cdl r i r t hc c l ' cc l i tc o u u s c l i n gc q u i r c n r c n tl ' 1 1 . S . ( \ l 0 ( ) ( l r ) ( - l ) r l o c so t p p l r i r r l r i s l i s t r i c t

    I cc r t i f . r 'un r lc r'pcna l t to l 'pu ' . iu r r t ha t thc in fo r rna t ionprov i r l c t labovc s l r t t c an t lco rcct .

    S r : l t r t t L t t ' er ' ) e l r t , r

    l ) a1c :8113 l2OO9'

    I I

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    t l l ( O l l l c r a l: o r r r . l : r l r r l r r l) ) l r ) f i r ( r ' r t l )agc

    : - l 3 . Iccr t i l \ that lcqLrcstrcc l i tounsel ingerv icesnrnranapl l r 'o \c( lgcnc\ Lt t 'asLutablco obtai l rhcsc l i ccs l r r r i r rshc l rc ( la\s l 'onrhc inrc n l r t lc r r r 'c ( lL lcs t .nr l hcf o l l o $ i n g r i g c n te | eun r s t i i l r ( ' \ ' \i l e I i t l t r ' n r l t ( ) r ' i l | rr i l i r c I r l ' l l r c ' r t ' r i i t ( \ i l n \ L ' l i r r r:' t ' t l t t i t ' c t t t c t t tso I can l le r r t r rank t 'L rp lc ri r sc ( ) \ \ l , \ t t t t tn t r t t: c ' ' r ' lg t ' / 1 /i t ' t ' t t t t t . s l t u t t t ' . st t ' t ' t ' .

    l f I ' ou r cc r t i l ' i ca t ion s sa t is l ' r c lo r ' \ o thc cour t , 'ou rnus ts t i l l ob ta in thc c rc t l i tcounsc l ing r ic f ing r r i t h in t l r c I ' i l ' s t 0 t lavsa f t c rvou l i l c vour ban l i rup tcv casc : tndprompt ly l i l c a cc r t i l j c l t c f ro rn thc agcncv ha t p rov i t l c r l hc counsc l ing , ogc t l t c ru i th acopy o f an1 'dcb t rnan i lgc rnc r r t lan r lc rc lopcr l h rough thc agcno. I ia i lu rc to l i r l l i l l t hcscrequ i remcntsmav rcs r r l t n < l i sn r iss : r lf vour casc .Anv c r t cns ion o l ' t hc 30- r la r lead l incc a n b c g r an t cdonh I ' o rc i l usc : u r t l s i n r i t cd o : r ma r i l n r r r n l ' 15 l u ' t s . ' o u l ' c i l s c l r a v l s ohc d ismisscd f t hc cou l ' t s no t s i r t i s l i c t l i t h I 'our rc2 lsonsor ' l ' i l i ngvo t r r ban l i ru ; r t cvcasclv i thou t i r s t r cce v ing a c rc r l i t co r rnsc l ing r ic l ing .

    i - l 4 . I anr n ( ) t cqLr i r cc lo r ccc i r ca c rcc l i t ounsc l in ! . r i c l lng rccuusc l " . ( ' l t t ' t ' k l t aup l t l i t ' uh la\ ' l ( t l ( t ) t L 'n l . ll \ l t t . s t ' t ( t ( (o tn l ) ( t t t i t ' d. tL t t t r t l io t t t t ' t l t ' l t ' t ' t tt i t t t t l io t tt t t l t t ' t r t t t t ' l .- - l I nca l r uc i t r .l ) c l l n c r i n I I i . S ' . r \ 109 ( h ) ( - l ) l sr r r p l r i l c r lr r r c l r so r t l ' n r c n t a li l l n css l r n r c r r t r r ll c l l ee r e s o r s o b c r i c a p l b l c l ' r c l l i z i r r ur r t t l t i r i ' i n l ' l t t i o r i l t l

    c l c c i s i o n si t l r c s p c c to l l n r r n c i l r Jc s p o n s i l r i l i t i c s .:t - 1 ) i s a b i l i t l . l ) c l i r r c t ln l l t ; . S . C . \1 0 9 ( h ) ( - { ) a sh r s i c l l l r r l p a i l c t lo h cc x t c n t l '

    bc ingunab lc . l t c r casonu l - r l cl ' l i r l t . o p i r r t i c ip i r t cr tu c rc t l i tco t tnsc l inLr l i c l i r t g l tpc rson . y ' t c lcphonc . l t h lo r rgh l r c n tcn tc t . ) :

    L ] lAc t i r c n r i l i t u l r t lL r tr n i r n r i l i t a r rconr t ra t oncl - - l . l ' hc ln i t c t l S tu tcs l 'L ls t ccl t raukrup tc l c ln r in is tn r to ru rs lc t c rn i incc lhat hc c rcc l i t

    c o u n s c l i n gc r l u i l c n r c n t1 ' I I l . S . ( \ 109 ( l r ) ( - l ) c l ocso l a p p l \ n t h i sc l i s t r i c t .I cc r t i t . r 'un r lc l 'pcna l t ro l 'pu ' . iu r r t ha t thc in l i r r rna t ionprov i t l c t l t l t ove s t ruc and

    corrcct .

    S is r t r t r t r c 1 ' c l r t o r '

    I)arc: 8l13l2oog

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    Certif icateumber: 1356-PAM-CC-007815343

    Cnnrrp'rcATEOn CoUNSELTNGI CERTIFYhaton Julv 7,2009 , a t 3 :5J o 'c lock PM EDTSharon lunyon rcccivcd romHurn rn i ngb i rdred i tCo r rnse l i ngnd Educa t i on ,nc .an agencyapprovcdpursuant o I I U.S.C.S 1l I to providecredit counseling n theMiddleDistrict f Pennsylvania , an individual [o r group] briefing hat compliedwith theprovisions f I I U.S.C.$$ 109(h) nd l I l .A debt rcpaymcntplan wasno tprepared If a debt epayment lan was prcpared, copy ofthc dcbt rcpaymcntplan is attachcd o this ccrtificate.

    This counscl ing cssion asconductcd y nternetnd elephone

    Date:Julv21.2009 By /s/PatriciaQueenName PatriciaQueenTitle CertilledCounselor

    * Individualswho wish to filc a bankruptcycaseunder itle 11 of thc United StatesBankruptcyCode arerequired to file with the United StatesBankruptcy Court a completedcertificate ofcounseling rom the nonprofit budgetand creditcounseling gency hat provided hc individualthe counseling ervi ces nd a copy of the debt epayment lan, f any, developed hrough hecred i t ounse l inggency .See1 l U.S.C. S 109(h) nd521(b) .

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    Official Form 6 - Statistical Summary (12/07)



    In re: Floyd L. Runyon

    Sharon A. Runyon

    Debtors Case No: 1-09-bk-0__


    Indicate as to each schedule whether that schedule is attached and state the number of pages in each. Report the totals from schedules A, B,

    D, E, F, G, H, I and J in the boxes provided. Add the amounts from Schedules A and B to determine the total amount of the debtor's asse

    Add the amounts from Schedules D, E, and F to determine the total amount of the debtor's liabilities. Individual debtors also must complete t

    Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data if they file a case under chapter 7, 11, or 13.




    A Real Property Yes 46$1,577,000.00

    B Personal Property Yes 18 $472,427.48

    C Property Claimed as Exempt Yes 2

    D Creditors Holding SecuredClaims

    Yes 43$2,005,563.13

    E Creditors Holding UnsecuredPriority Claims

    [Total of Claims on Schedule E]

    Yes 2$0.00

    F Creditors Holding UnsecuredNonpriority Claims

    Yes 2$94,595.89

    G Executory Contracts andUnexpired Leases

    Yes 1

    H Codebtors Yes 1

    I Current Income ofIndividual Debtors

    Yes 1$4,662.8

    J Current Expenditures ofIndividual Debtors

    Yes 1$3,693.0

    TOTAL 117 $2,049,427.48 $2,100,159.02

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    O l l i c i r l o r n r - S t r t i \ l r ( r l r i n r D r ; r f \t l r r - )UNITE,DMIDDLEIn rc: l r lo lc l - . lur t r nSlut lorr . [ { r rnr n

    [)c ttors

    ( - r r l rcn tMonth lv nconrc lnr r l l : o lnrI l . ( ) l t . I : o r n rl ( ' . l i n c 0 )

    S t a t c h c o l l o u


    l . r n c

    STATIST ICAL TJMMARY F CERTAINL IAB IL IT IESt l . S . ( ' . l 0 l ( t l ) . l l l i r r r : .c l t s c t n r l c t l l t p t c r r . I I . r r l l . l . r o r r l r u s t c l ) ( ) t ' ll l i r r l i r r r t r l t i o r rc t l r r c s t c t ir c l r r r

    ar rv n l i r ln ra l ion crc .T h i s i n f o r n r a t i o n s ' r l r t a t i s t i c l l l ) u t ' l ) o s c sr r l . r r r r r l o ' l l J i . S . ( ' . s 1 5 9 .S t t nu t t a r i z c h c l i r l l o w i n g r pc so l ' l i : r h i l i t i c s .r s t ' p o r l c r l r r hc Schc t l r r l c s .n r l o l l l ( l r c n r .

    l ' r ' n co l ' . i r r l l i l i t r \ r t to t rt[ ) t r t l c s l i cr t l r n o r l ) l r l i l l l i o r r sl i r r r l c l t c t ] r r l c t' l ' a r c sa n c l e r t a i n l h c r ) c b l sO r r c r l o ( i o r l n r r c n l l l I n i l( l i o n r S c h c d L r l c: )Cla i rnsb rDca t h r ) c rson i r lr r j r r r r\ h i l c ) c t r t o r ' \ \r s n t o r i c l r t c t i( l i r t r r r chcd t r l c: ) r i l r c t l r c ll i snL r t c t lr r r n t l r sn r r t c t i )St L r t l cn to anO b l i g u t i o n sl l o n rS c l r c t l r r l cr )[ ) o rncs t i c Suppo l t . S c I l r l i r t i o r r r \ r r r c e n r c nl . u r t l I ) i r o l c c I ) cc l ccO b l i g a t i o t t s o t I { c t r o t ' t c t ln S c l t c r i L r l crO b l i g a t i o n so l ) c n s i o n r I ' r . o l i t - s l l r l i n! .r n t l ) t l r c r 'S i n r i l u rO b l i g i t t i o r r sl l o n tS c h c t l t r l c) ' l 'ot t s0 .00S l a t c l t e o l l o r r n s :

    A re t l t uc ; r , ] r c t t . c rl l r r t n u l r u r l u l r '1 .

    l . ' l ' o t a ll l o n r c l r c r l r r l c) . t ' N S L ( ' t ' l l l . [ ) ' ( ) l t I O \ . I IANY" c0 lunr rl . l o t a l i o r n c h c c l L r l c: . r \ \ 1 O t \ I I r \ I I l . l l ) l oPI { lOI {' l Y" col r r r l r r 5000

    l . ' l ' o t a l l ' o r r c h c d r r l cr . " , \ \ l O t r \ I \ O I I \ I I I I I l ) l oI ' l l . l O I { l ' l ' \ ' .l : A N \ ' . c o l t r r r r n

    s00()4. ' l 'o ta ll i r r r r r c l rcdrr lc-5 .T ' o t a lo1 ' no r r -p l i o r i t rr nscc ru ' c r ll c l r ts r r r r 1 ' . r . l r n t l t s0 0 ( l

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    Case o. l -09-bk-0FloydL. RunyonSharon . Runyon

    SCHEDULE . REALPROPERTYFveonr c r l ironral elow istall realpropertyn which he debtor asany egal, quitable r future nterest,ncluding l l propeny wneoas a cotenant, ommunity roperty r nwhich he debtor asa l ifeestate. nciude ropertyn which he debtor olds ights nd powers xercrsableor hedebtorow nbenefit . f the debtor s married, tatewhether usband, ife,or bothow nproperty y placing n "H", W","J "or "C "on the column abeled usbanWife,Jointor Communrty.f thedebtor oldsno nterestn realproperty, r ite NONE" nder Descript ionnd Location f Property".Donot inc lude in teres t inexecutorycont rac tsandunexp i red leasesonth isschedule .is t theminScheduleG-ExecutoryCont rac tsUnexpiredLeasesl f an entity laims o havea lienor holda secured nterestn an yproperty, tate he amount f the secured laim. Se eSchedule .) f no entitclaims o holda securednterestn he property, r ite None"n he column abeled Amount f SecuredClaim."lf th edebtor s an ndividual r f a ointpetit ions f i led,state he amount f an yexemption laimed n he property nl y n Schedule - ProperClaimed s Exempt.



    Rcsidencc ocatcd l .| 000 Ianrr l ton) r ivcChanrbcrsburgA 11202I an t i l ton rvp.. .rankl in 'o.nrore i r l lydcscribcdnDccd look: 638 & Pagc. 2Instrunrontatcd. r /2 / l (r 9'I ax l)arccl : I l - l : 1 -1 2

    I) , \

    I lenta lPropcrt l C'c lcbratron.|0 .1 ) l l e l t i J r . : c i l l i u : c r ' r r r tI)uck NC 27949Atlantic I 'wp .DarcCo. NCntorc i r l lydcscribcdnD e e d B o o k5 l 8 P a g e 3 6 2Instrunlcntdatcd.8/ )/200-.1then ransl'crred[)ecdRook | 542 )agc.10Instrun)cnt atcd. /6/20().1' I ' a xPa rc e l 0 0 9 8 1 8 0 1 7

    l:ccsirrrp lc (enants \ thcc r ) t i r c t r c s

    I :ccsinrplc tcnants \ thrc n t l r e t l c s

    onlypurchase fferreceiveds value hown


    Appra isedor$1 2,000.00on 711612009


    $112.0 t t77

    $e16 . 356t

    l lcnta l )ropcrty Mallards .andingl10 9Duck l idgeVi l lagcCourrDuck NC 27949Atlantic ' l 'wp.,DarcCo..NCmore fully desoribednD c e d U o o k5 l 5 P a g c 3 3 9Instrurncnt atsd: / 9/2001Tax Parcel . 2 1 0098 80 1

    l iccsinrplc tcnarlts \ thecntiret icsAppraiscd br $ 225.000 0In Februan2005only purchase offerreceived s value shown

    600.000 $760.795.7

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    Re: FloydL. RunyonSharonA. Runyon

    C'ase o. -09-bk-0_l l l k n o r rn )


    VacantLo t( io ldenGates lstatcst .Jn i t l ' l ' ract80No r th7 5 ' o l ' t h cSo u th t l 0 'Na p lc s :1 .I 'arcclol landsituatednCo l l ic r 'oLrnty.rl -I)cscr ibcd nQuitc la inr )ccd lk -1791'age .106Ilrstrunrentatcd 1/ 8/05


    l i . l . I l r r n lon s ' . / :Ouncrslr ipin 5K rr ' / [ ]rothcr

    valucslatcdbr I)a ic & I luthI r r l l . c a l s t i i t crg c n ls\ i 1 hSun tcalt l (sceattachcdstatcnlcr)t





    Va o a n t .o t Co ra l i a b lc s l509 SI: | ( r r r rl crracc( 'apc ( 'ora l. i l . - . ] - . ]990I)arccl l ' landsituatcdnLcc C' -DescribcdnQuitc la inr )ced lk 1722 'agc 117Instrumentdated 4/08/05

    I:ccsinrplc tenants \ t l lccltt ct csl . i s t i n e r i c e rs c d s a lu c

    I;ccsinrplc tcnants \ thcc n t r r c t r c s

    J$ 2.500.00 $0.00

    Vacant Lot30(rFirstF l ight lLrnKi t ty I Iawk.Nt- 'I)arccl l ' landsituatcd n he'l'own ol' Kitty I Iarvk,Atlantic I ' rvp..)arc 'oLrntlmore ul ly dcscribednI)ccd []ook I 587 Pagc 75lnstrunrsntDatcd l/7/200.1T a x Pa rc e l 0 1 8 4 1 3 -0 1 8A Comparable Market Analysis wasdone on 712112009-See attached

    | 10.000 0 $186,323.0

    Total> 1,577,000.00(Report ls oon Summary f Schedules)

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    @tfxBrril,MADE tlw ^ -4_ dqotf,.*n thc yw ninetun lutdrd 444f si-rty-nine,Irtrrppn verne v. Mooney and Margaret E. Ir'iooney,his wife, of chanbersburg,R. D. /14, Fralklin County, pennsylvania, Grantors,i , i l : .

    _ _ F:..LeRoy Ruryon and Sharon A. Ruryon, his r,life, of Chambersburg,R. D. 1tr, Franklin County, pennsylvania, Grantees,

    fiitnrerrl$ TIwt in cowidsaion ol ane Thousand 91,000.00)-Dollars, in lwnd piil" tlw twipt wlweol is tlereby rcknowldgd, tlw sidgrar*ordo lweby gr&t @d aom)ey in fee sirnple n nid gtrqthe sflt[ the fol]owing described reaL estate lying ard being situate in ilamiltonTownship, Franklin county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as foll-ows:

    BrGruNn'lG at a point along Harnilton Drive at the northoastern cornerof l,ot );o. 16 on draft horeinafter mentioned; thence along Lot No. 36 ondraft hereinafter rnentioned south ll degrees 51 rn:inutes west 183.69 feetto an iron pin; thence along Lots Nos. 16, jl and 38 on draft herej.nafternentioned, lJorth 53 degrees 39 minutes West 290.44 feet to an existing ironpin; thence along Lot No. J9A on draft hereinafter rnentioned South 3j degreesJ1 minutes \Iest 268.92 feet to an iron pin; thence al-ong lands of Roy yeagersouth 4/ degrees 16 rainutes JJ seconds East 100.!6 feet to a:r existing ironpin; thence along lands of Roy Yeager and lands of Eugene Baker North 35degrees 15 rninutes lB soconds East, )OZ.OJ feet to "n uxi"ti.rg iron pin;thence along lands of Eugene Baker North ll degrees J1 minutes last 1BJfeet to a point along Harnilton Drive; thence along llamil.ton Drive lJorth 52degrees 24 minutes hbst 20 feet to a point along Harnilton Drive at tirenortheastern corner of lot No. 16 on draftr hereinafter mentioned, the placeof beginning._ Being Tract, No. 1 on survey and draft made,Yay 22., 1969 by Anorood,

    Being part of the sane real estate that Gladgrs L. Holtzappel and GeorgeE. .,Jenger,Executrlx and Executor of the last r.lil] and testarnent of JohnMcPhersonSlockslager, doceased, by deed dated July II , 7960. racorded inFranklin County, Pa. Doed Rocords, Deed Book YoL. 533, page JJO, conveyedto ljerne Y. Mooney and l4argaret E. Mooney, his uife, Grantors herein.The uithin real estete is conveyed subject to the follordng restrictionsand conditions which shal1 be binding upon ihe grantees, their heirs, assignsan d devisees, an d may be onforced in 1a w or a court of eo.uity, viz:1. Tho uithin real estate shaLl be used for residential purposes on1y.2. A.IL buildings on xithin real estete shaf-l be set back fifty (50)feet fron the centsr of l{amilton Diive.l. No livestock or poultry of any kind shall be kept on ary of these lots4. No breeding or training kennels for anirnals sha11 be kept ormaintained.

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    5. Residence within a garage, trailer, outbuilding or tenporary strucis prohibited.b. No outside toilets shal1 be erected or maintained.?. llo outside fuel oi1 tanks *rall be erected or maintained exceptunderground or r,rithin the building.

    . -B- No dwell ing house sha1l be erected at a cost of less than $10,000.00based on construct ion costs for the year 1960.9- rtfter excavating and construction is started on a. home al l outsidegrading must be conpleted ',r ithin eighteen.(18) months.

    i ,liI

    i r

    ..)t RE'l" |t r-'' ' 4 'h/o-r/t*/^rr //ux--t, nno i i I ;i :ie:tAmount * tQ receivod * / tt 'L . , . , . . -T.Ef)on Decds Rescl l t isn I9 ( { . . . . .Ydrzz/...Yhnz.**-uol*ah.x:rt

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    j ;

    Arli ttrc said gr6!'rif,rcuill u&To'nt generally 31re ropertylraebt conaeyd.

    In rnttnrss ruhrrrcf llrlid gxnrtorsfra ve llereunto set their hondsqndsect s, the atd yw fbst aboae utritten-

    Sealed. and. delhterd' in thepresenne ol{-41/* P. /*.A*+(4..

    SBcpiuri on the ilnyol tlw ibte of tlrc within or loregoing Deed,ol th'eabouenamed.grdntees. !4". yi-t4+n $9?!'iq!.e9.9qq'.19Tqtiptt. tt .f.uli :

    State l Pennsyhtanin, Lrr.C o u n t yl . . . . . . . l r q 1 k } i l . . . . . .^ /?441O n t h i s . . 4 . . : : : : . . . . d t Yo 1 . .belore e,?.Iglqry. !r.i:. 11.'." .".+9.!

    "gy:,lkgb#",m^f?iHal;;{f"F{;#'H"gytl;fuX3fi"i!'i;33";HH3';lE'act md deed., und

    tly commksbn uPiresI rnaintain r1v office

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    Commonwulth ol Pr;lrltWhrailfla,

    A,rrorilrt in thc ollice lor Reording of Dda in qd to1 1!*.,:Cswrrq ol. FrankLln. . . in Ded Booh . . . . .6??. . . nag{.. :. 9^y. .. . .' - ' . ' : -ilthrrsg my HandedSqlol Office, lrir .. .;.ifgVb,.....,ilury oldune Anno Domini. 19 69 ' . . ' . ' : - 1 ; - - '


    q ) ( n I I f ) E

  • 8/8/2019 Runyon Pet Ch 11


    Summarvppraisaleport UniformResidentialppraisalKeferea lstate

    Page ot 6

    t0rnr 00 1 'TOTALfo fWind0ws"ppraisal0llwarya amod nc. i-8O0-ALA|VI0DE

    lF eNo .BUNY0N0091 aoe 1

    UnllOfmHesl0ent lalAppfatsalHepOft Fire#UNyoN200eo O r ' 1 r r o ,

    l:orr9:er/4- O\'/nrrPLrblicecordUNYON..LEORY/SHARONC0unlyRANKLTNI Legales cpl,o- EED OOK AGE39-62l\e ighborhoodam e HAMBERSBURG Ivlao eference fcns r rsr)cclparl . ] 0wner lcnar V:rant Spnc AssersmertsIA PU O HO A N/ A per car permonthrr0perlyHig'rlsppraed . F,e t-ptc Leaschold Otherdescre)ssignmentyp Purchaserafsactn Rfinanceransac|on ' 0therdscnbe)ERSONALCNdET/CI ien IUNYON.F. LEORY/SHARON Address1000HAlviLTONR cHaveeniB lp.c- t t t tnls neuoiecljopenyurreflly rsa 0r raslbeenlfered0r a n hewelve0nlhsnor0h llecle atel his pprarsal? yes ;.1N0Rtportrtrtortrr(r)trdff iRopERry rs uotcuRRerutLyorreReooRsnLenroHns totBEEN OFFERED FOR SALE WITH IN THE PASTTWELVEN4ONTHS. AT ASOURCESARF OWNFR AND MRISI dd Il j aa not nalyzche ontracl0r aleor he ublecturchaseransaclion.xp ]nhe esrlts1he naltlsst rreonlractor aterwh vhe nalvsisGffiiPENOTMEO.HESUBJECTSNOTCURRENTLYNDER GREEN/ENTFSALE.SSllgqqryg! !1\ 0ale liof1llclN/A ls he f0peftyeer heOwnerfpub fecord? yes ilo oju soriit(s) nnls ln c rc a n y l l n a fc a la s s s la n c c ( l ( ] a n c h a rq c s .s a c c o n c c s s o n si l l 0 rd o wn p a y me n ta s s is la n c ec . ) l o b e p a id b y a fy p a r l y 0 fb e h a l l0 l t h e b 0 r r0 v /c r?0 s N0I Y9!.IES4llqt0l!.Ld0llarm0u,:'rlnd cscrq hqllc$lq ! pa , N/ A THEsuBJECT s NoT cURRENTLy NDER GREETVTNTFSALENote: acend he acialompositionf he eighborhoodre ot ppraisalaclors,Neiqhborhoodharacteristics 0ne-Unitousinorends 0ne-Unitousino PresentandUse%Location Urban .. lSuburba!BultUp (]ver75%.. .25.7596 Buli l Pf0pcrlyaluc! llqlqsln! .

    . . StaU -. Dc cning pRtCE AGEGCeDv"JoeranOuppi, Snonaqe ' ' lnBatance 0*r S,,pdyTl0O-Of Oiif Onc-Unil - 402-,1 ni t 0Growlh l lqpid . t ,9 lqb lc SowNci0hb0rh00dBolndaricsoUNDARtESAREI[]'4ql!ST,l!! qlllcr: ts' : :.-o tts blq 6lldl l ZFORTLOUDONTO THE WEST, FAYETTEVILLE O 31 9 Low jFjtqn 60 fu4!]li-family 0commcrcial ?TH E EAST.SHIPPENSBURG O THE NO8TH, AN D GREENCASTLE O THE SOUTH. 180 pred. 30 0ther 58 ',/t!cl!!!q!!!!,O,ecql!!slttE QlqJEcrNEtcHBoRHooDoNsrsrsMATNLyF sTNGLEAN,,1rLyWELLTNGSNo ssunnRor-lH'oeoyFARI\4LAND.AND WOODLAND. DTSTANCE O At\ ,4ENtTtESTC . S AppROXtMATELy N/tLES


    Utilities Public otherdescribe) Public otherdescfibe) 0ff-si temprovementsType public privateWalcrlectricity WELL SITtroI ,,IACADAMlqs ryqNE Sanary 9y91 Arly \o\EFEMASpcci;LloodHqqrl4rca!c-s , No tE[,4Afo0rilonc FENTA[4ap#216sjC)g2gjjAr e he til itiesnd ff-sc mprOvemcnlsyp a fOr l'rc arkcl rea? . . . ye s ,\ 0 l1N0. scr e tE[,]A,!]pDalc /1 /90Vc s . ttlo tiVes otcflbcLehele.a!)/lMqe rlle on dons rgxternalactOrseasemcnls envrr0nmenlal0ndrlronsnd scscl c ?NO ADVERSEEASEMENT9,ENCROACHMENTS. NVIRONI\ IENTAL ONDITIONS. ANDUSES.ETC.WERE OBSERVED. THE PRIVATERIGHTOF WAY DOES NOT AFFECTVALUE

    Generalescription Foundation escriplion materials/conditionnterior matetials/conditionUnrts qrtg 0n9r4L!!AccC!jy!!11 Concreteab Crawlpacc FoUndaIiOnWaIIS CBL/AVERAGE IOOTS CPITL/WD/GOOD# of Storics 1fWSj. !q S.prx.rEnrl|)a Exis lno Prooosed l . lndef0onsl. tul Eascmcnl Par ta asemcntBasem(]f lrqa. i 524 sq.l lBascrnNflnsh 75 or

    Exleorwals BRTCK/Atut\4/A!!cRoofurlace SHryq!,ryGlepGullersDOwnsfi0UsLU\,4/ALU/AVG/VAIIS DWL/PNL/AVG!l[:[q!! WQQQIAYEBAGE]AIh IOOI CARPET/AVGl jest0nst y ) Bt LEVEL 0r1s c ftry,Ex Sunro rmo ! d o u y p D H L \ C . S D t C D JdI | l a ScOIILE/AVERAGEYcdr uill 196 C :v ]enct l lnleslalron 5t0rm asn lns ll eo N s t t At F D /c oo t- ) ; arSloraoe NoneElleclive (le frs Dampncss Setllcrncnl Scleens SoREENS/GOoD Dr cwav # olCars 2N0netttc leaIIIq FWA HWBB { -o ^ t le . w0 Oc c lo v e ( \ ) Drlvewar/Surlacc MACADAM/ Droo ta St as 0ther FIe I E LE CT RI C F if eo ac e( s) # Fcnce Garaqe # ol Cars 3 CARlrl Floor_ Scrtl lfldivrdraCoo l!

    . Ccn l rd lrr on donngUthl

    Pa l rDcckPo o . .

    P0rclr RONT0ther

    qto'l # ql0qq. At l Del. 8u tinishcd Hcalcr lAppliancesP RelrgeralorRangeioven Dshwashr Drsposa l,4icrowaveWasher,,Dr\ieftherdescribe)Frnishedre a bove rade 0nlains: 5 R00ms 3 Bedr00ms j Bath(s)Addtrcrdelu,es spet'd 'rc.gyf ( enl lem5 t( GARAGE DOOR OpEr!tRSOcscribehe ofdi1i0nf he ropcrlync dingecdedsp as dcterrat0ncno\/alonscmodsQ. lc.). pHyStCAL EpRECIATIONOMI\,4ENSURATEWITH AGE AND CONDITIONOF SUBJECT. NO FUNCTIONAL R EXTERNALNADEOUACIESWERE OBSERVED. NO NEEDEDREPAIRSre . , ] ryEEE ETERVED. HEOWNERS AVE EPLACEDHEWINDOWS,NDHAVEREPLACEDHEKITCHEN.IVING OOMANDALLWAY FLOORSWITH TILEAND WOOD, THE ROOF WAS RFPI ACFD IN JI ] I 2OOqA r t h c r e a n y p h y s i C a ] d c l c c | c e s 0 | a d V C r S c c 0 n dt | 0 t S l h a l a f f c C t t h c i V a b t y S 0 L n d n e S S 0 r s 1 | Uc 1 U I a i n l c q r i t V 0 1 1 h e 0 r 0 0 V ?NQfHYSICAT DEFICIENCIES R ADVERSECONDITIONSWERE OBSERVED,

    Doeslheproper lygenefa l lyc0n lorm10 lhene lghb0rhOod( lunct ional l r ty lye .cond l l ion .use,c0nsl r lc l0n .e lc)? Ves N0 l fN0 dscr ibeTHE NEIGHBORHOODN REGARDSTO FUNCTIONALUTIL ITY, TYLE,CONDITION, SE CONSTRUCTION. TC .

    FreddieMac orm 0 i,4arch00 5 Fannie\4aeorm1 04N/arch005

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    FihNoiLrNYoXoo9l aocZ

    Page of 6F0rrn 04 TOTALorWindov/s"pprarsaloltwarey amodenc . l -800,ALAiVlODt

    Uniform esidential SAIR Fi le RUNYON2009T h e re a re 0 c o mp a ra b le p ro p e ( le s c u r re n l l y o f fe re d lo rs a eth e s | lb je c ln e ig h b o rh o o d ra n g in g in p r i c e l ro ms1 7 .0 0 0 l0 $ 3 1 9 .9 0 0T h e r e a r e 8 c o m p a r a b e s a l e s i n t h e s u b l e c l n e g h b o r h O 0 d w i t h n l h p a s t t w e l v e m o n l h s r a n 0 n 0s a l e r c e f f o m s 9 0 , 5 0 0 l 0 $ 3 0 5 . 0 0 0ITAIURE SUBJECI CI]I\4PARABLEALE 1 COI\,IPARABLEALE 2 coIIpnnIeITALE 3Address IOOOHAI\4ILTON R 2447 WARN,I PRING RDC H A M B E R S B U R G , P A 1 7 2 A 2 C H A M B E R S B I J R G 1733ELIZABETH OURTCHAN,lBERSBURG 1648HAN4ILTON ILLSDRIVECHAMBFRSBIRGProximitvoSublect I 0 4 m l e s 7.61mr lesSale r e S N/ A S 1 7 0 o ( s t80.00( $ 184,90CSale riceicr0ssiv. rea S sit.ll. 126.49 0 174.08 q.11 S 139.02 o. l lDalaource(s) EXTERTORNSpECTtON EXTERIOR NSPECTION EXTERIOR NSPECTIONVer i l ica tnS0urce(s) COURTHOUSE/N4R|S ] O URTHOUSE/I\,4RIS COI J RTHOIJ SF /MRISVALUEDJUSTI\IENTS DESCRIPTIONESCRIPI ION{.1 Ad stmenl 0ESCRIPTION+(- )SAdruslmen l DESCRIPTION +r - lSA d r r s l m e n lSalesrFinancq 0Conccssions C O S E T L E R U BO F H A . o 7 q i s F t I F R s t t R - 6 , 5 U 00 F H A . lDale l Sale/Time aDgna 3n 8/1 /08 272 ) t6 to9 55 5Loca l ion SUBURBAV G SUBURBAV G SUBURBAVG JTJBIJRB VG 0easehold/Feeimpie -_ Fe e S mpte . FE E StN/pLE F E E S I M P L E O F E E S I M P L E 0Sl le 2 .01AC .47AC + 2 . 5 0 037 AC 2,500 28AC 2.500VIEW AVERAGE AVERAGE AVERAGF AVERAGE 0De sn Styrr/ Bt - -EVtL B L tVtL BILEVEL B I L E V E LOUaI i IvOlConsl rUcl ion BRK/ALIJM/AV BRK/VIN/AVG BRKA/IN/AVG RRk n / tN t /a \ /nAclual oc 40 7 -5.00c o i 7 -s,00cCondrtion GOOD GOOD 3 0 0 D GOODAbove rade To h Bdrms-l00n LoLnl 5 3Grossrv qArca 1.524BalhsTola BdrmsBaths1 6 T a T - - -3 00 c Iota Bd.msBahs Iolal BdrmsBalhsi r I 3 1 5 - 1 5 O r 7 4 2 3.000s(].lt. 1 344 s0.11 +4,500 '1.034sq.n 1 2 .2 5 ( 1 33 0sa.11 +4.850EasemcnlFnshed 1.524 q.Fr. FULLROOmSCIOWTade PART INiSH PART IN]SH F U LPART INISH 0 F U L LPART FINISH 0t lLrc l io ra l t v AVFRAGF srMi l aR SIN4ILAR 0 SIMILAR

    lea l t lq 00 i q I 4 cA BB cA O HP/CA O HP /CNugqy " ii nr t rn-. typtcAl srMtLAR O SII\4,LAR S I M I L A RGarage/Carport 2 CAR/1BLT N 2 CARBLT N +7.OAO CAR BLT N +7 000 2 C A R B L I N 7 00(Porch/Paliol0cck poRcHES S|N.4ILAR SIIUILAR SIIVlILAR 2.000IREPLACE 1 1 0 c NNNtr N O N E

    NelAdluslment(Tola) + S 7 s 1 2 . 4 5 '185 CAdjustedale r e Nc lArll. 4 19, ;ol Comparablcs Gross dt 135 9b 177.000

    Ntr l dj 6. 9%Grossdt 19.5 192.45

    N d A d j . 10 %Gross di. 167 7" s 1 8 6 5 (

    0t 0 drd 0l esearchhe ale r ransferist0ryf he ubtectropertvnd om0arableales.f n0t. xo in


    did ., did ql gygqllLq !!lcs ! C!,!9jq!rq!uq!(ylgrlltql!99 or 1o he ]lleclrveal c !!pfalsalcouRTHousE EcoRQS0 , , 1 r . J - 0 t r n v " J l d n ! l l r . l \ d . 0 " r T \ ' " ( o ' f t r , , " l n a ra o " v . ( l 0 l - n 7 . , r p 0 ' 0 t n c u d t . 0 ' . d l . 0 l ' - . , O m p d 4 o l n \ a l n

    DATASOUTCC(S)OURTIIOUSERECORDSITE]\I SUBJIC] COI\IPARA8LEAL E1 COI\,IPARABLIAL E2 COI\']PABAELEALE3DalelPrior a /Transfer 6t2t69 \O PRIORDATE NO PRIORDATE NO PRIORDATEPrce lPri0r alciranslcr $1.200 \o PRro R R |CE iN OPRT ORRICE N O P R I O RP R I C EDAIAOUTCEIS) ICOURTHOUSE COURTHOUSE COURTHOUSE COURTHOUSEEffedive ate l Dala Ourceis) 7/ 16/09 .Anal\/sisl prior ale r ransfcrstor\/ l hcsubtcctf00crl\ird c0rrDarl1 /13/qL FJlqros L7l16/09ablcales NOPR]OR ALES R TRANSFERSF THFSIJB,JFCTITHIN HF



    Indicaledalue VSales OmparonADDroach 'j82.000Indicatedaluey:Sales omparisonpproach t gz ooo Cost pproachifdeveloped)190 884 Incomepproachifdeveloped)N/ Ll\ ,4osToNSIDERATTONASBEENGTVENOTH ESALES OVpenrSOn ppnOACCONSIDERATION.HE NCOME PPROACHSNO TUTILIZEDUETO LACKOFRENTALSNTHIS \ ,4ARKET.Thls ppraisalsmad as s subjcclocomplctroner lansnd pecillcalionsn he as 01 hyp0thetrcal0nditionha the mprovementsave eenIo l l o w i rq re q u r re d in s p e c l0 n b a s e d o n th e e x t ra o fd ln a ry a s s l rmp t io n lh a l l h e c o n d t io n o rd e f i c ie n c y d o e s n o le q u r re a l te ra t iOn 0 r re p a f :Op ERSONAL p ROp ERT y ISINCLUDED N THIS REPORTBased.oncompleteisualnsp.ectionl he nteriornd xteriorreas l hesubjectroperty,efinedcope l work, tatementf assumptionsnd imitingconditions,ndappraiser'sertification,y our) pinion f hemarketalue,s lefined,f {he eal ropeityhat s hesubjectf his eilorts$ 1 2,000 ,as l 7 16t09 , whichs thedate f nsoeclionnd heetfectiveate f hisaooraisal.

    Freddie\4ac orm 0 March 005 Fannie\4aeorm 004March 005

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    Uniform es

    Paqe of 6Form100i- 'T0TALl0rWndov/spprasaloftwarebyalamode.c. 1-800-ALAI\,100E

    lF i lqNo.UNY0N0091 aoe 31


    provrdecleuatenrormatnornccnirei're r ,,,oi;,;i;lnt;Tr;ry.@fffi,lllttiiEo$fr#@{ Fannieae)Supporl0r he nrnronl s evauc slrmmarvfc0mr)arablcnd ae 0r 01hef elhods0r rslimat0s 1c /a el S TF vAl tJF wAS oBTA|NFn FRoMCOI\,4PARABLE ALES

    isiMntro ntpnoouirrorun I nrpLncrvtrurosltw oprr'rror,rrs|TrnLur S i'o {)ot)SOUrcc)f OSt ala I\,IARSHALL ND SWIFT COST HANDBooK DWELLING 1 s24 S0.F1. tS 8541 =S 13 016 sl u a l r t v d l tn q r om r Os l p tv e AV C [" ' , p o d ]o 1 0 \ t d d td o 05 r 5 2 4 S o F I , ! S ) 7 1 4 1 1 c t4C0 mmc n ts 0 n C0 s tAp p ro a c h (q ro s s lv n q a rc a c a c u a to n se p re c ta l0 n .e l c l P ORCH i REP L ACE s 2.820GROSS LIVINGAREA CALCULATIONSWERE TAKEN FROMTH E laraqearporl 728 sqn. @s 22.94 =$ 16,700APPRAISER'S \4EASUREMENTSND COURTHOUSERECORDS. A T0la l slma lc tC0sl -Ncw =$ 190.879SKETCHADDENDUN/ S ATTACHED oq 5 Physr ,' I i - - ' ron" l [4p t"aDqgqctalon 6.9eli I -QL 69.ee5)De0recialcd0st 1 morovcn]cnts =$ 1)o nR4

    As-rs' alle f S e morovcmcnls S I o 0ooEstimatcdemaininqc0n0rnrcrl e HU D ndVA0rrlyl 38 YeaISNDICATEDALUEYCOSI PPROACH = $ 1 9 0 , 8 8 4INC0MEPPBoACH0VALUEnot equired y FannieMae)slmated iv l0n lhy l \ ,4 l r le lcf t N/ A X GrossRcnt' i lu |phcr N/ A -S N lA Indrca lcdVa lucbVlnconrcADproachSumrnaryf nqql!!THISMARKET IOr ]a IKeIeI Iand RIr ,4 ) THE INcoME APPROACH1SNo T UTIL IZEDDUE To LAcK oF RENTALS N

    PRoJECTNFoRMATIoN0RPUDsifapplicable)th e evelo0efiblli ldefcOnlrO1 heH0meowncrsss0c tlonHOA)? Yes Na Unilv0e(sl Del ached Atlached' l r o v i d e l ' 1 e ' o l r o w n q i n ' o , r d l i o - 1 0 ' P U D S O N L Y" U ' d c v n ' o p r b . t i l d . ' r r - f o n l 0 ' 0 ' l - c F 0 A a ^ 0 l r c 5 L 0 t ' r t 0 0 p C ' T . Vd ' d f l a { r . d d w L l r q J n t l

    eqalName l ProtcclTotalumberfohases Tola !mber1 ns Tota rmbflunitsoldTolalumbcrlunitscnlcd Tola urnberlunlsor alc Dalaource(s)Washe roieclrealedv he 0nversr01 x lino uiLdino(s)lo PUD? Yes No lYesda leo lconvrs ionD0eshe roleclonlainnymulli-dweq nits? YES No Dala ourceArcthcn i tsc0mm0ncmenls n r lecr0a lon lacr I l rcsomplc lc? Ycs \0 l ' \0 d , . , I bp h. ( ta l l s 0' r0 mp l . l ro -

    Are he omm0nlementsascd0 0i bv hcH0mc()wnersss0c li0n? Ycs N0 i Ycs descnbchc enlalcrms nd 0tr0nsDescflbe0mm0nlernenlsnd ccreali0nalaci trs

    Freddie acForm 0 r,4arch005 Fannie ae orm 004 Varch00 5

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    Uniform esidentialppraisal eport Fiu#UNyoN00eThis epoftor m s designedo report n appraisalf a one-unitropertyr a one-unitroperty it han accessorynit ;including unit n a plannedni tdevelopmentPUD). his epod orm s not designedo report n appraisalf amanufacturedom eor a unit n a condominiumr cooperativeroject.Thisappraisaleports subjecto the ollowingcope f work, nlendedse, ntendedser, ef init ionl market alue,statementf assumptionsnd imit ingondit ions.ndcert if icat ions.odil icat ions,ddit ions,r delet ionso the nten0eouse, ntendedser, ef init ionf market alue, r assumptionsnd imit ingondit ionsreno tpermitted.heappraiser ayexpandhe scope { work o include nyaddit ionalesearchr analysisecessaryased n he complexityf thisappraisalassignment.odif icat ionsr delet ionso thecert if icat jonsrealsono tpermrtted.owever,ddit ionalert if icat ionsha tdono tconstitute ateriallterat ionso thisappraisaleport,uc has hose ecluiredy awor those elatedo theappraiser'scontrnuingducationr membershipn an appraisalrganization,repermitted.SCOPE FW0RK: Th escope f w0rk or hisappraisals definedy thecomplexityl thisappraisalssignmentnd hereport ingequirementsf this appraisaleportorm, nc ding he ollowingefinit ionf market alue, tatementfassumptionsnd imit ingondit ions.ndcert ifcat ions.heappraiserust, t a minimum:1) perform completeisualinspectionf the nteriorndexteriorreas f thesubject roperty,2) nspectheneighb0rhood,3) nspectach f thec0mparableales ro mat east hestreet,4) research,erify, ndanalyzeat a rom eliableublic nd/or rivateources,an d 5) report isor heranalysis,pinions,ndconclusionsn thisappraisaleport.INTENDEDSE : The ntendedseof thisappraisalep0rts for he ender/client0 evaluatehe propertyhat s thesubject f thisappraisalor a m0rtqageinanceransaction.INTENDEDSER:The ntendedser f hisappraisaleports the ender/client.DEFINITI0NFMARKET ALUE: fre mostprobablericewhicha propertyhould r ing n a competit ivend openmarket nder l l condit ionsequisiteo a fairsale, hebuyer ndseller, achacting rudently,nowledgeablyndassumingth eprice s no taffectedy undue t imulus.mplicitn thisdefinit ions theconsummationf a sale s of a specif iedate ndth epassing f t it le ro msellero buyer nder ondit ionshereby:1) buyer ndseller re ypically ot ivated;2) bothpafi ies rewell nlormedr welladvised,ndeach ctrngn whathe or sheconsrdersisor herow nbest nterest;3) areasonableime s allowedor exposuren heopenmarket;4) payments maden erms f cash n U. S. dollars r n termsof f inancialrrangementsomparablehereto;nd 5) he price epresentshe n0rmal onsiderat ionor the propertyol dunaffectedy special r creativeinancingr sales oncessions*rantedy anyone ssociatedith he sale.*Adlustmentsto thecomparablesus tbe rnadeor special r creativeinancingr sales oncessions.0adjustmentsrenecessaryor those ostswhich renornrallyai d y sellers s a result f tradit ionr aw n a market rea;hese osts rereadily dentif iableince he seller ay s hese osts n vif iually l l salesransactions.pecial r creativeinancingadjustmentsan be made o the comparableropedyy comparisons0 linancingerms f lered y a third artynstitut ionallenderhat s notalreadynvolvedn thepropertyr transaction.nyadjustmenthould ot be calculatedn a mechanicaldoilaror dollar os tot the inancingr c0ncessionut hedollar mount f anyadjustmenthould pproximatehe market 'sreactiono the inancingr concessionsased n the appraiser'sudgment.STATEMENTF ASSUMPTI0NSNDLIMITINGONDITI0NS:heappraiser'senil icat ionn this reportssubjecto the ollowingssumptionsnd imit ing ondit ions.1. Theappraiseril l notbe responsibleor mattersf a legal atureha taffect itherhe propertyeing ppraisedr the it leto it , exceptor informationha the or shebecameware f duringhe esearchnvolvedn performinghi sappraisal.heappraaserssufireshat he it le s good ndmarketablendwill not ender nyopinionsbouthe it le.2. Theappraiserasprovidsd sketchn thisappraasalepod 0 show he approxinrateimensionsl the amprovernents.Thesketchs includednly o assisthe readern visualizinghe propenynd understandinghe appraiser'seterminationof tssize.3. The appraiser as examinedhe avai lablelood maps hat are provided y the Federal mergencyManagement gency(o r other data sources) nd has noted n th is appraisaleportwhether ny port i0n f the sulr ject i te is located n anidenti f ied pecia lF loodHazardArea .Because he appraisers not a surveyor, e or she makes no quarantees,xpressorimplied, egarding his determination.4. Theappraiseril lno tgive estimonyr appearn court ecausee or shemade n appraisall thepropertyn question,unless pecifrcrrangementso do so have ee nmade eforehand.r as otherwiseequiredy law.5. Theappratserasnotedn thisappraisalep0ft nyadverseondit ionssuch s neededepairs,eteriorat ion,hepresencef hazardousastes,oxic ubstances,tc.) bserveduringhe nspectionf the subject ropertyr thathe orsh e lecame ware f duringhe researchnvolvedn pedorminghe appraisal.nless therwisetatedn thisappraisalreport,he appraiserasno knowledgef any hidden r unapparenthysicalef icienciesr adverseondit ionsf th eproperlysuch s, butnot imitedo, neededepairs,eteriorat ion,he presencef hazardousastes,oxicsubstances,adverse nvir0nmentalondit ions,tc.) hatwouldmakehe property ss vauable, ndhas assumedhat here re no suchcondit ionsnd makes 0 guaranteesr warranties,xpressr implied.heappraiseril lnot be responsibleor a ny suchcondit ionsha tdo exist r for anyengineeringr test inqha tmight e requiredo discover hetheruc hcondit ionsxist.Becausehe appraisers not an expertn th e ieldof environmentalazards,hi sappraisaleportmustno tbe consideredsan environmentalssessmentt the pr0perty.6. Th eappraiserasbased is or herappraisaepon ndvaluationon c sionor an appraisalhat s subjecto satisfactorycomplet jon,epairs,r alterat ionsn the assumptionhat hecomplet ion,epairs,r alterat ionsf the subject roperty il lbe Deformedn a Drofessionalanner.


    Page o f 6

    Form 01 TOTALor Wlndo\,/s'pp aisalofware ya amod. c. 1 8OO-ALAIVI0DE

    Freddie\4ac orm 0 \,4arch005 Fannie ae orm 004March 005

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    UniformesidentialppraisallFie 0RUNYoNoogTrre7sl

    File# UNYON00 9APPRAISER'S ERTIFICATI0N: he Appraiserertr f ies nd agreeshat:.1. I have,at a minimum. eveloped nd reportedhis appraisaln accordance i th he scopeof work requirementstated nth is appraisal epofi .2. I pertormed complete isual nspection f the inter ior nd exter ior reaso{ the sublect roperty. reportedhe condit ionof the improvementsn factual. pec i l ic erms. ideft i f ied nd reportedhe physical e l ic iencieshat could affect hel ivab i l i ty , oundness, r structura ntegrity f the property.3. I performed hi s appraisaln accordance ith the requirementsf the UntformStandards l Professional ppraisalPractice hat were adopted nd pr0mulgated y the Appraisal tandards oardof The Appraisal oundationnd thar were Inplace at the t ime this appraisaleportwa s prepared.4. I developed y opin ion f the market a lueof the realpropertyha t s the subject f th is rep0nbasedon the salescomparlson pproach o value. have adequate omparable arketdata o develop re lrable ales comparison pproachfor th is appraisal ss ignment. funher ce(i ly that I consi deredhe cost and ncomeapproacheso valuebut d id not developthem, unlessotherwise ndicatedin th is report.5. I i f ied, nalyzed, nd reporled n any current greementor sale or the sublectproperty, ny offer ing orsale of the subject ropertyn the twelvemonthsprior o the effect ive ateof th is appraisal,nd he priorsalesof the subiectproperty or a minimumof threeyearsprior o the ef lect ive ateof th i s appraisal, n lessotherwisendtcatedn th is report.6. I researched,er i f ied, naiyzed, nd repoded n the priorsalesof the comparable a les or a mlnimum f on e year pr iort0 the date of sale 0f the comparable ale,unlessotherwisendicatedn this report.7. I selected nd usedc0nrparableales hatare ocati0naliy ,hysical ly ,nd unctr0nallyhe mosts imi la ro the sublect roperty.B. I haveno t usedcomparableales hatwere he result { combining land alewith hecontract urchase r iceol a home hatha s beenbuil tor wil l be bui l t n the and.9. I have eported dlustmentso the comparabieales hat ef lect he rnarket 'seacti0n0 the dif ferencesetween he subjectproperty nd the comparable ales.10 . I ver i f ied,ro t r a d is interestedource, l l n lormationn his report hatwa s provided y part ies ho havea ftnancia lnterestnthe sale or f inancing f the sublect roperty.11. I have knowledqe nd experiencen apprais inghis type of propedy n th is rnarket rea.12. I atn awareof, and haveaccess o, he necessary nd approprrateublic nd pnvate ata ources, uc has mult ip leist ingservlces,ax assessmentecords, ub l ic and ecords nd other uchdatasources or the area n which hs propeny s located.13 . I obta ined he inf0rmation, st imates. nd 0pin i0ns urnished y otherpaniesan d expresserln th is appraisal eport ronrre l iable ources hat I bel ieve 0 be true and correct.14 | have aken nto considerationhe factors hat havean impacton valuewrth espect o the subject e ighborhood,ubjectproperty, nd the proximtty t the subject roperty o adversenfluencesn the development1 my opin ion l market a lue.havenoted n th is appraisaleportany adverse 0ndit i0nssuchas , but not imited o, needed epairs, et er iorat ion,hepresence f hazardous astes, oxi c substances,dverse nvironmentalondit ions, tc.) observed ur ing he inspection f thesubjectproperty r that I becameawareof during he researchnvolvedn performinghis appraisal. haveconsideredheseadverse ondit ionsn m y analysis f the pr0perty alue, nd have eport ed n he elfectof th e condit ions n the valuean dmarketabi l i ty t the subjectproperty.15. I havenot knowinqly i thheld ny s igni l icantnlormationro m his appraisaleport nd, o the best of my knowledge, l ls tatements nd informati0nn this appraisalep0rtar e true and correct.16. I stated n th is appraisalepodmy own personal, nbiased, nd professi0nalnalysis, p in ions, nd conclusions, h ichar esubject n ly o the assumptionsnd imi t ing ondit ionsn thisappraisalepoft.17. I haveno present r prospectiventerestn the propertyhat s the subject f th is repon, nd haveno present rprospective ersonai nterestr b iaswith respecto the part ic ipantsn the ransaction.d id n0t base,either art ia l ly rcomplete ly, y analysis nd/or p in i 0n f market aue in th is appraisaleport n the race, o1or,e l ig ion, ex,age,marita lstatus, andicap,amil ia l tatus, r national r ig in f e ither he prospectivewnersor occupants f the subject ropeny r o l thepresent wnersor occupants l the propert iesn th e vic in ity l the sublect roperty r on any otherbasisprohib ited y law.18. My employment nd/or ompensationor performinghis appraisaLr any .futureor antic ipatedppraisals as notcondil ioned n any agreement r understanding,n t ten0r otherwise,ha t I would repon or present nalysis upport ing)predeterminedpecif ic a lue,a predetermined in imurn alue,a rangeor d irect ionn value,a value hat avors he causeofan y party,or the atta inment l a specif ic esuit r occurrence f a speci l i c ubsequent vent suchas approval f a pendingmortgage oanapplicat ion).19. I personally repared l l conclusi0ns nd opin ions bout he realestate hat were se t fonh in th is appraisaleport. l Ire l iedon s ignif icantea l propedy ppraisal ss istancerom any indiv idual r i ndiv idualsn the pedormance l th is appraisalor the preparationf th is appraisaleport, havenamedsuch ndiv idual(s)nd disclosedhe specif ic asksperformedn thisappraisaleport. ceft i fy hat any indiv idualo named s quali f iedo perform he tasks. haveno t authorized nyone o makea change o any i tem n th is appraisaleport; herefore, ny changemade o t h is appraisal sunauthorizednd I wi l l take noresponsib i l i tyo r i t .20. I identi t iedhe lender/cent n th is appraisaleporlwho is the ndiv idua, rganization,r agent or the organizationha tordered ndwil l eceivehi sappraisaleport.

    Page of 6Form 04 'IOTALlo fWndov/s'ppraasoftwareya amodenc 1.800,A1A[,100t

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    21. The ender/clientaydiscioser distr ibutehi sappraisaleporto: heborrower,nOtherender t the equestf theborrower;he mortgageer its successorsndassigns; 0rtgagensurers,overnmentp0nsorednterprises;thersecondary arket anicipants;at acollect ionr report ingervrces;rofessionalppraisalrganizations,ny depanment,agency,r instrumentalityf theUnited tates;ndan ystate,he Distr ictf Columbia,r otherurisdict ions;ithout avingoobtainhe appraiser'sr supervisoryppraiser'sif applicable)0nsent.uch onsent ustbe 0btainedeforehr sappraisalreport aybe disclosedr distr ibuted0an yother arty including,ut not imited0, hepublichroughdvert ising,ublicre la t ions ,ews, a les , r o ther ed ia) .22. I am awareha tan ydisc sure r distr ibut ionf hisappraisaleport y meor he ender/clientaybesubiecto cenainlawsand egulat ions.urther,am also ubjecto theprovisi0nsf theUnilorm tandardsf Professional00raisalract icethatpertaino disclosurer distr ibut iony me.23. Theborrower,nother nder t h e equestf heborrower,hemortgageer ts sriccessorsndassigns, ortgaqeinsurers,overnmentp0nsorednterprises,ndother econdaryarket art icipantsay elyon hi sappraisaleport s partof anymortgageinanceransacti0nhat nvolvesnyon e r more l these arlies.24 . lf thisappraisaleport as ransmitteds an "electronicecord"ontainingy electronicignature,"s hoseerms redefinedn applicableederalnd/or tateaw s exciudingudio nd ideo ecordings),r a lacsimileransmissionf thisappraisalepott ontainingcopyor representat ionf my signature,he appraisaleport hall e as ef lect ive,nlorceablendvalid s if a paper ersion f thisappraisaleport eredeliveredontainingy originalan dwrit ten ignature.25. Any ntentionalr negligent isrepresentat ion(s)ontainedn thisappraisalep0d ray esultn civil iabil i tynozorcriminal enalt iesncluding,ut not imte d o, f ineor imprisonmentr bothunderhe provisionsf Tit le 8, United tatesCode, ect ion 001 et seq., r similar tate aws.SUPERVIS0RYPPRAISER'SERTIFICATI0N:heSupervisoryppraiserert if iesndagreeshat:1. I direct lyupervisedheappraiseror hi sappraisalssignment.ave eadheappraisaleporl,nd gree ith heappraiser'sanalysis,pinions,tatements,onc si0ns, nd he appraiser'sert if icat ion.2. I acceptull esponsibil i tyor hecontentsl thisappraisaleportncluding,utnot irnitedo, heappraiser'snalysls,pinions,statements,0nclusions,nd he a00raiser'sert if icat i0n3. Theappraiserdentif iedn hisappraisaleporls either sub-contractorr anemp yee l th esupervisoryppraiseror heappraisalirm), s qualif iedo performhi sappraisaand s acceplableo performhi sappraisalnderheapplicabletateaw .4. Thisappraisaleport ompIes ith heUniform tandardsf Professionalppraisalract iceha twere doptedndpromulgatedy theAppraisaltandardsoard f TheAppraisaloundationnd hatwere n place t the ime hrsappraisalreponwa s prepare0.5. lf thisappraisaieport as ransmitteds an "electronrcrecord" ontaininqy"electrontcignature,"s hoseerms redefinedn applicableederal nd/or tateaw s excludingudio nd ideo ecordings),r a facsimileransmissionf thisappraisalepoft ontainingcopy r representat ionf mysignature,heappraasaleport hall eas effect ive,nforceablendvalid s if a paper ersion l thisappraisaleport er e eliveredontainingy originalan dwrit ten ignalure.

    APPRAISER SUPERVISORYPPRAISERONLYFREOUIRED)Srgnaturo SrqrralurcNAme IESHAKEEFER, APPRAISER SS STANT Name SHAROND KEEFER APPRAISERCompany ame Company am eCompany-Address 8915SVYE_rWAIE88p Company ddress 8:ll5 SIIEEIWAIEB RQFoRr LoupoN PA 17224 FQgMlQQryfA 1Z?Telephone umber (717) 4 -462- Te ephone umber lzrz; 34e-22j2[ma i lAd d re s s L rn a r l d d re s sDate f Signaturend Report Ju! l r .?Qqs -- _ Date f Signature July 7, 0Q9Eff ctiveDateof Appraisal 7t909 StateCertilication 8!1!9!!!State enifcat ion _ 0r Sla te rcenseor State rcense Sta l r toor Other descrit le)_ State _ Expirat ionate l Cert i f icat ionr L icense 6130111Sta te PAExoirat ion ate l Cer t i f ica t ionr L icense SUBJECTROPERTYA D D R E S SF ROp ERT yAp p RAtSED Did o t n s p e c tu b ie c t ro p e r t yDid nspect xter ior f sublect ropenyro mstreet00 0HAMILoN DR Date l InspectionCHAI\ , IBtRSBURG,A' 7202AppRAISED ALUEOFSUBJECTROpERTyS 182 00 ' Did nspectnter ior ndexter ior f sublect ropenyLENDER/CLIENT Date f nspection 7116109Name OON4PARABLEAtESCompanyName Bur'JIQf,l,I.!EQ8Y llA&oNCompany ddress 1000HAMILTONRCHAMBERSBURGA Didnot nSpectxter ior f comparableales romstreet17202 ,, , '. Did nspect xter ior f comparableales romstreelEmail ddress Date f nspection 2008-2009

    tFileoI uruYoNoostPaot#61UniformResidentialppraisal eport Fire#UNyoN200e

    Page ol 6F 0 rm1 0 0 . i ' IOT AL fo rW n d o wsp p ra s a ls 0 l t { a fe b y arn o d ec 1 -8 0 0 -AL A[4 0 0 E

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    N/ AAddfess 1000HAMILTONDR

    ty CHAMBERSBURG Couf ly RANKLN Slalr PA l p L a d e 1 7 2 0 2RUNYON.,LEORY/SHARON

    LFe N!-zuNIQN200gLPaqZ


    *Apparenlisdelineds hatwhichsvisible,bvious,videntrmanifesto he ppraiser,Thsunversa lEnvi ronmcntaddendumis l0 rusewi thanyreasta leapprasa.n ly lhesla tementswhichhavebeencheckedbytheappra iserappVl0 l le

    T h is a d d e n d u mre p 0 r t s lh e re s u l l s o f lh c a p p ra is e rs ro u tn es p e c t l0 n 0 ia n dq u re s a b 0 u t lh e s u b je c tp r0 p e r l y a n d r t s s u f f0 u n d in !a r ala s 0 s la te s wh a ta s s u mp l io n swc Ie ma d e a b 0 U l1 l ]Ce Xs te n c e (0 rn 0 n c XS lc n Cc )0 {a |y h a z a rd 0 |s s b s 1 a n c 0 s a n d l0 rd C l r

    environmenlal0nd0ns n raroundhc ropcrlyhat 0uidcgatcl y fl{]cllssaltynd a e.UHINKIN IJ A IT H

    _ D r n k i n g W a t c r i s s u p p i c d l 0h c s u b i c c tf o m a m u n c p aa l e r s u p p y ! ! h r c h i s c o n s d e r e d s a l e . H o w e v e l l h e O n l y w a y l 0 b e a b s 0 l u l e ] y c e r l a i n t h a t t h e w a l e rpubishedlandardss 0havcl esled l a dischar0eoints.walef.c0nlainn nacceptableca dcvc s 0 havf cslcd 1 discharqe0nl s

    X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionhat heresanadequateupply fsafe,ad-lreerinking ater.Commcnts

    SANTARYWAS]I]]LSJOAI.X S a n t a r y W a s l c r s r c m o v c d l f o m l h c p r O p e r t y b y a m u n i c p ae w r s y s l c m .

    _ S a n t a r y W a s l c s d i s p o s e d 0 ly a s c p l c s y s l e m 0 r o l h e r s a n i t a r y o n s t c w a s t e d r s p 0 s ay s t e mh c 0 n y w a y l 0 d e l e r m r n eh a t l h es p 0 s a ly s l c ma d c q u a l c a n d i nq00dw0rkinqonditions o have Inspecledya qtal ed nspecl0r.^ The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbasedn he ssumptionhal heSanitary astesdisposedtbya municipalewer ranadequateroperlyermittedlternaletreatmentystemngood ondition.Comn'rents


    propertyha twO u neqativelyl leclls salcly nd auc .X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionhat he ubiectroprlys ree l Soil ontaminants.0ommcnls

    ASBESTOSX All rpart l hc mprovcmcntscreonslruclcrlelore979 hensbcstosas commonudinq aterl. hc nly ay0bc crta halhe ropertys rcc l1r blend 0f-lriabAsbcsl0s1o avcrfspcclcdndcstedyaqualrcdsbsstosnspcctorIhc rn r0vemer'rlsereonslrutcd llc1 79N0 pparet riabAs esl0sas bser\redexcepts eporledC mmenlse w).X The aluestimatedn his ppraisalsbasedn he ssumptionha theresno ncontainedriablesbestosrotherazardoussbestosaterialn he roperty.


    X Thcrcere0 plalel]teaklnqlu0rcsccnlqh l allaslsapacors r ransl0fmersnywhl]rn rnafbyhe r0pertyexccpls ep0atedC0mnrcnlselow)LThere was o pparoftsrb 0rd0cunrntedv eacenown0 lre ppracr lsorl rqroundwatecontanrinaln rom CBsnywhcrcn hc fopcrlycxccptas eportednCommentselow)X The aluestimatedn his ppraisalsbasedn he ssumptionha therere o nconlainedCB sn rnearbyhe roperty.


    X Th c ppraisersno laware l anyRad0nestsmade n h ubleclroperty h n hcpasl 2 monlhscxcepls sportednCommcntsclow).LThe appraisers no1 ware f any nd at n hat heoc awater !p p eshave ee no!nd 0 have levaledvels fRadonr Ra d m.X Th e pprarsersno laware l any carbyr0perlrcsexcepls cp0rled CommenlselovJ)ha twere r currentlyre sed 0r ranium h0riumr ad m extracti0n

    of phospha icrocssrn0.X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionhat heRadonevelsatorbelow PAecommendedevels.


    Keeler eal staleF0fm 9F 'T0TAL10 rWlndows'appraisaollwarV amod nc. l-8[)0-ALA[,40DE

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    { . - Theresno pparenlsib 0rdocumcnledvrdcnccn0wn0 he ppraiscrlany lSTsn he rOperlyor ny n0wnlslolcalse 1he roperlyhal ouldike haveadJSTs.x Thcrcreas eportedCommenlse w )-There are 00afenlgns 1 STsxislq ow f n he as tn he |]blectroperty.l s ecornmendedhat n nspectn yaqualifdUS Tnspectore btainedo

    d e te rmn e th ec a lo n 0 'a n y USTs tOq e th e fw lh th e rc o n d l0 n a n d p rO0 e . ' e q s t ra | 0 nth y a re a c lv e :a n dth e y a re a c l , v e0 d c lc fmn e wh e lh e r lh e y wc reaeacl ated accordanccrt n 0uld ld!strV fact es

    ^ Th evalueestimated n his appfaisal s basedon he assumptionha tany unctioning ST S re no t eaking nd areproperly egistered nd hatany abandoned S TS refree rom contamination nd wereDroorlv rained,i l ledand sealed.


    X Thcre re 0appalcnl azardousaslc rlcs n hc rbl 0cl fopcrlyr carbyhe ubjcclrOpcrty(]xcpl s cp0rlcd Commcnlsl0w) azard0usaslc il csearchbya l ranedervr0 fmen lanqneefmayde lermne l fa t lhere0f0rmore f lazardousWasleS les0nOrn lhearea0 l lhesrb lec lp rOper lyL The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumplionhat here re oHazardousaste ites nor nearbyhe ubjectropertyhat egativelyffecthevalue r safety l heproperty.


    X Al 0r parl l hc mprovemcnlscl c Onstructcdclctc 98 2whenIREA{)arn s!a1r0n,fasa conrnronui inomalcflal he n way 0 bcccna hal hcp'Operlyf e 1 IREAorma chyde0 ave ns0ecledy qu a ei UBEAormaehydespctofTh0 mprovemcntscr c 0nslructcdller 982. 0apparcnlRE A0rma ehydcnalerlswerc bscrvcdcxccpls cp0ncdn C0mmentscl0w).X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionha theresno ignilicantJFFInsulationrothef REAofmaldhydeaterialn h eproperty


    LEAD AINTX A 0 rparl 1he n rovcmentscrc Onstnrclcdelor 80 hcncad a twa acommonuld ! malcr Thcrcsn0 pparcnlisbl0 rknownoc mcntcd0vrdcncclpcclq 0r lakrnQearJa l0n lrc 100rsas0T c n!s cxccpts 0porlcdnC0mmcntsclOw)hc rly ay 0 c crlainha lhc ropcrlyis ree lsurlacersubsurfaceead al rs 0haveinspcctcdy quale dnspector.Thc rprovcmcntscrc onstructcdflcr 980.o pparcnlcad al was bssrvcdcxcepls eporlednCOmmenls0l0w).X The aluestimatedn his ppraisalsbasedn he ssumptiofha theresno laklngrpeelingead ainln he ropny,

    CommenlsAI R OLLUTION

    X T h 0 r c a r e n 0 a p p a r e n l s i q n s 0 t A i rP o l ! l 0 n a l t h c l r m e 0 l t h c r n s p e c l o n f O r w e r ea n y r e p o r l e d ( e x c e p l a s r c p O d c dC 0 m m c n t s b c l o w )h c 0 n y w a y t o b e c c d a nthatlr ca rs fcc0JOollution 0 ha\ret|"sled.X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionhat hepropedys fee l AirPollution.Commcnts

    X T h c s i l c d 0 0 s n o l c o n l a n a n y a p p a r c n l W c l l a n d s i F 0 0 d P a i n s ( e x c c p l a s r c p o r l c d r n C 0 m m c n l s b c l o w ) . T h c 0 f l y w r y l 0 t j c c c r t a f l h a l t h c s l cl r c c 0 l W c l a n 0 s iFlO0dainss t0 havel nspcctcdya qrai edenv onmentarofesst0na.X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionhat hefe re oWetlands/Floodlainsn heproperlyexcepts eportednCommentslow).


    . UREAOhMA


    Ra d ti0n Eleclf0magnelicadiali0nLrqh l o ll onWasle ea l

    _ Acid M eOrainaqe




    _ Aq r ulturaollution_ GeologalHazardsNearbyazardousropcrlylnlcctiorsvledicalaslcs_ 0lhersChcmicall0raqe Sloraller!ms Prpelese1c.)

    X The alue stimatedn his ppraisalsbased n he ssumptionhat here re oMiscellaneousnvironmentalazardsexcepthose eportedbove)ha twouldnegativelytfect hevalue l heproprty.

    When ny l he nvironmentalssumptionsad en his ddndumre ot orrect,he stimatedaluen his ppraisalay ot e alid.

    Form9F T0TAL0rWindo\|sppfaal Ofllvareya . 1-800-ALAI\40DECase 1:09-bk-06565-MDF Doc 1 Filed 08/26/09 Entered 08/26/09 09:20:44 Desc

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    BuildingSketch Page 1)FRANKLIN Sla le PA




    FofmKT.BSk l 'T0TALfo rWndows'00rarsaoltwaretl amode c. 1-800-ALAI\,400ECase 1:09-bk-06565-MDF Doc 1 Filed 08/26/09 Entered 08/26/09 09:20:44 Desc

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    lF el!!-IliM0I{2009 ls'#l!lSubjectPhotoPageBorrowerlclent/A

    lOOO AN/ILTON RC| IL IHAMBERSBURG C0untv RANKLN Sta le A ln}o l )e 17202Lcnder UNYON..LEORY

    SubjectFrontlOOO AI\4 ILTON RSa sPr e N/AGrossrvrnqrea 1 .524Total ooms 5JotaBedrooms 3[o1aBathrooms 1L{ ]ca l IOn SUBURBAV GVICW AVERAGEs c 2.01 AC.(]ra y BRK/ALUM/AV



    FormICPlXR 'T0TALfo rWindowsoDraal oflwaretl amode c. 1-800-ALAIVI0DECase 1:09-bk-06565-MDF Doc 1 Filed 08/26/09 Entered 08/26/09 09:20:44 Desc

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    lF i le o.RUNYON0091 aoe 1 1Gomparable hotoPage

    Address00 0HAI\4ILTONRCi lv CHAMBERSBURG Cl ] ln lv RANKLN Sta lcpA Codc 17202RUNYON.F. LEOR

    Comparable2447WARN,4 PRINGRDProx oSubjeclSa lc f c 170.000cfoss v nqArca 1 ,344IolalBooms 6Tolal cdroorns 3TolaBathfooms 2I O T a I O n S U B U R B V GVCW AVERAGES e .47AC()ualily BRK/V|N/AVGAoc 7

    Gomparable1733ELIZABETH OURTPfox.o Sublect 3.04 mi esSa Pricc 1 0.000G r o s s L v n 0 A r ( r a0 3 4TolaRooms 6Iola Bcdrooms 3TolaEalhroonrs 1 5L0ca lOI SUBURBAV GVCW AVERAGES r .37 AC0ualily BRK/VIN/AVGArt i r 14

    Comparable1648HAMILTONHILLSDRIVEPfox10Sriblocl 7.61 rlr esSa Pr 184,900Grossrvrnqrca 1 .330Tolal oonrs 7Tolal edfooms 4Tolal alhrooms 2Loca l ron SUBURBAV GVCW AVERAGES1C .28AC0! a ly BRK/VIN/AVGAlc 7

    FormICPIXR TOTALorWindows"a!0raisaloltwarev amode.c. 1-800-ALAI\40DECase 1:09-bk-06565-MDF Doc 1 Filed 08/26/09 Entered 08/26/09 09:20:44 Desc

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    File o.RUNYON00 9Page12I N V O I C T I D A T E I R E F E R E N C ERUNYON009 | 7116109



    Keeferea lstateForm N I0IAL orWindows'Doraisaloftwareva amode,n - 1 800-ALA[40E

    D E S C R ] P T I O N A14OUNTl OOO AMILTON R 150.00

    ************pAlDBy cusToMER************

    NE T DU EWITHIN30 DAYSOF ABOVE DATE Late eesubtotal $ 150.00

    $ToTALl$ ooo

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    D A R EC O U N T Y

    , - : - i i rrr1..-J).^IJ -. I . . ' t ' - \' \g. l5llt.," .Eix-/ /RIAL EST AT ET RAI {SF ERAX fti*ffi#'HJ:6ilDEEDE 0o o Id : Attg6gf#E#l#,::,J:clo.0eL T 5ooc.og lffifilffififi filffifif||'i!ffi,,*,

    North "rolinffi"rr"nty D""d -This nstrumenlreparedy: vandeventerBlack LLp F'ileNo . 100610003ATEriefdescriptionor the ndex Lot I 7, Duck Ridge VillageThisDeedmadelhis9t h Oryof4gg:$=-=-*Enterinappropriateb|ock}oieachparty:l{ame,address,cffi33#:j].1]$l"ffil'?:.H:3'T;1ltrdesignationrantor ndGrantees usedherein hall nclude ll parties,heirheirs, uicessors noassigniandsniti inciuoe tngutar,plural,masculine,emininer neuter s equired ycontext$;s1l6p' I' I.EASAN'l' VIEW, LLC

    a North CarolinaLimited Liability Company

    Grantee: uNvoN I,ARKING. LC. a1000Harnilton rrvcChambcrsburg,h l72llNorth CarolinaLimited Liability Company

    J ansfer f Ownership: ranror,orin ee simple,he Properly escribed elow:

    valuable onsderation aidby Grantee,he receipt f which s hereby cknowtedged,onveyso GranteeProperty. ity t ouckropeny. city f DuckTownshipf Atlantic North arolinaltlantlc , County of DarcThisproperlywas acquired y Grantorby an instrumenlecordedn Book 1495495 _, Page 24-_ Dare _CountyA map howinghepropertys recordedn Plat Cabinet Ij. Slides 76 1 &.762 Dare CountyThe egaldescription f he Propertysllcing Lo t No . l7 as morc particularlyshown on map or piat captioned DUCK RIDGE vll-t.n GE LOl s I 'I.HRO{.JCH| 7.DUCK' ATI-A Nl lC IOWNSHIP, DARE COLN'I'Y, NOR'IH CAROLINA" dated /9103prepared y SeaboardSurveying&Pfanning, nc. and recorded n PIatCabinetD, Slides76 1 and762 in thc officc of the Public Registryof DareCounty.NorrhCarol ina.

    Conlinued on Page 2After recordinq mail to ;Vande-venter lack LLP

    Kittv llawk. NC 2'1949

    TaxLo lNo .Parceldentifier o. 00981801VerifiedBy -=.__--- County,ontt"

    .-'----oay; ..-_----_=-20_By

    Form55-601 2002 y Jameswilliams& co., Inc.www.Jameswilliams.compaqeCase 1:09-bk-06565-MDF Doc 1 Filed 08/26/09 Entered 08/26/09 09:20:44 Desc

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    | fi fil fi fifi fi lffififl';,'iffi;,,,.Continuedfrom Page I

    IO HAVEANDTO HOLD he saidProperly nd all privilegasndappurtenancesrights) elongingo Grantee,n fee simpte.Promlsosby Grantor:Granlorpromisescovenanls) ithGrantee, hatGrantorhas ille to lhe Propertyn feesimple; as he right o conveynetitle n fee simple; hat he itle s ma*etabb and ree andclear of all liensand encumbrances i.e.mortgages nd udgments), nd Grantorwillwanantanddefend he itleagainsthe awfulclaimsof all persons,except or the ollowing xceptons:- -Restrictive covenants, eservations, etrictions, easements, ight ofway agreementsand any other reservationsapplicable thereto ofrecord in Dare County Regisu-y.All zoning ordinancesand other land regulations applicable thereto.Ad Valorem axes.

    Signafufes: Grantoras uly xecutedhe oregoingnslrument,sof heday nd earirslwrifienbove.lndividual

    ._ (Seal)Sharlng Plan (Seal)


    401 (k )

    SEAL.STAMPSTATEOF INDiVIDUALCOUNTYOF1, a NotaryPublicof the Countyand Stateaforesaid, ertify hatGrantorpersonally amebeforeme his day and acknowledgedhe execution f the oregoingnslrumenlWitnessmy handand official tampor ssal, his _ day ofMy Commission xpires:


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    Main Document Page 33 of 58

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