rules of nlrc

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  • 8/14/2019 RuLes of NLRC


    RULE I


    SECTION 1. TITLE OF THE RULES. -These Rules shall be known

    as the Rules of Proe!ure of the Nat"onal Labor Relat"ons Co##"ss"on.

    SECTION $. CONSTRUCTION. - These Rules shall be l"berall%onstrue! to arr% out the ob&et"'es of the Const"tut"on( the Labor Co!eof the Ph"l"))"nes an! other rele'ant le*"slat"ons( an! to ass"st the)art"es "n obta"n"n* &ust( e+)e!"t"ous an! "ne+)ens"'e settle#ent oflabor !"s)utes.

    SECTION ,. SUPPLETOR PPLICTION OF RULES OFCOURT. - In the absene of an% a))l"able )ro'"s"on "n these Rules( an!

    "n or!er to effetuate the ob&et"'es of the Labor Co!e( the )ert"nent)ro'"s"ons of the Re'"se! Rules of Court of the Ph"l"))"nes#a%( "n the"nterest of e+)e!"t"ous labor &ust"e an! whene'er )rat"able an!on'en"ent( be a))l"e! b% analo*% or "n a su))letor% harater an!effet.



    SECTION 1. /EFINITIONS. - The ter#s an! )hrases !ef"ne! "nrt"le $1$ of the Labor Co!e( as a#en!e!( shall be *"'en the sa#e#ean"n*s when use! here"n.han robles '"rtual law l"brar%

    s use! here"n( 0Re*"onal rb"trat"on ranh0 shall #ean an% of there*"onal arb"trat"on branhes( or sub-re*"onal branhes of theCo##"ss"on.



    SECTION 1. CO2PLINT. - 3a4 Co#)la"nt "s a )lea!"n* alle*"n*

    the ause or auses of at"on of o#)la"nant5)et"t"oner. The na#es ofres)on!ents #ust be state! "n the o#)la"nt. It shall be s"*ne! un!eroath b% the o#)la"nant5)et"t"oner( w"th a !elarat"on of non-foru#sho))"n*.
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    3b4 )art% ha'"n* #ore than one ause of at"on a*a"nst the other )art%(ar"s"n* out of the sa#e relat"onsh")( shall "nlu!e all of the# "n oneo#)la"nt or )et"t"on.

    For th"s )ur)ose( the o#)la"nt for# !ul% a))ro'e! b% the Co##"ss"onshall )referabl% be use! for e+)e!"en%.

    SECTION $. CPTION N/ TITLE. - In all ases f"le! w"th theCo##"ss"on or w"th an% of "ts Re*"onal rb"trat"on ranhes( the )art%"n"t"at"n* the at"on shall be alle! the "Complainant" or "Petitioner"(an! the o))os"n* )art% the "Respondent". The full na#es of all the real)art"es "n "nterest( whether natural or &ur"!"al )ersons or ent"t"esauthor"6e! b% law( shall be state! "n the a)t"on of the o#)la"nt or)et"t"on as well as "n the !e"s"ons( resolut"ons or or!ers.

    SECTION ,. ISSUNCE OF SU22ONS. - 7"th"n two 3$4 !a%s

    fro# ree")t of a ase( the Labor rb"ter shall "ssue the re8u"re!su##ons( attah"n* thereto a o)% of the o#)la"nt5)et"t"on an!su))ort"n* !ou#ents( "f an%. The su##ons( to*ether w"th a o)% of theo#)la"nt( shall s)e"f% the !ate( t"#e an! )lae of the on"l"at"on an!#e!"at"on onferene "n two 3$4 sett"n*s.

    SECTION 9. PROHIITE/ PLE/IN:S N/ 2OTIONS. - Thefollow"n* )lea!"n*s( #ot"ons or )et"t"ons shall not be allowe! "n theases o'ere! b% these Rules;3a4 2ot"on to /"s#"ss the o#)la"nt e+e)t on the *roun! of lak of

    &ur"s!"t"on o'er the sub&et #atter( "#)ro)er 'enue( res a!&u!"ata()resr")t"on an! foru# sho))"n*4 !a%s fro# the !ate of f"rst not"e of the )ost#aster( ser'"e shall takeeffet after suh t"#e.

    SECTION B. PPERNCES. - n attorne% a))ear"n* for a )art% "s)resu#e! to be )ro)erl% author"6e! for that )ur)ose. Howe'er( he shall

    be re8u"re! to "n!"ate "n h"s )lea!"n*s h"s PTR an! IP nu#bers forthe urrent %ear.

    non-law%er #a% a))ear before the Co##"ss"on or an% Labor rb"teronl% "f;3a4 he re)resents h"#self as )art% to the ase. 2OTIONS FOR RECONSI/ERTION5PETITIONFOR RELIEF FRO2 =U/:2ENT. - No #ot"ons forreons"!erat"on5)et"t"on for rel"ef fro# &u!*#ent of an% !e"s"on(

    resolut"on or or!er of a Labor rb"ter shall be allowe!. Howe'er( whenone suh #ot"on for reons"!erat"on "s f"le!( "t shall be treate! as ana))eal )ro'"!e! that "t o#)l"es w"th the re8u"re#ents for )erfet"n* ana))eal. In the ase of a )et"t"on for rel"ef fro# &u!*#ent( the Labor

    rb"ter shall ele'ate the ase to the Co##"ss"on for !"s)os"t"on.

    SECTION 1@. RE?I?L5RE-OPENIN: OR RE-FILIN: OF/IS2ISSE/ CSE. - )art% #a% f"le a #ot"on to re'"'e or re-o)en aase !"s#"sse! w"thout )re&u!"e( w"th"n ten 314 alen!ar !a%s fro#ree")t of not"e of the or!er !"s#"ss"n* the sa#e< otherw"se( h"s onl%

    re#e!% shall be to re-f"le the ase "n the arb"trat"on branh of or"*"n.



    SECTION 1. PERIO/S OF PPEL. - /e"s"ons( resolut"ons oror!ers of the Labor rb"ter shall be f"nal an! e+eutor% unless a))eale!to the Co##"ss"on b% an% or both )art"es w"th"n ten 314 alen!ar !a%sfro# ree")t of suh !e"s"ons( resolut"ons or or!ers of the Labor rb"ter

    an! "n ase of a !e"s"on of the Re*"onal /"retor w"th"n f"'e 3>4 alen!ar!a%s fro# ree")t of suh !e"s"ons( resolut"ons( or or!ers. If the 1th or>th !a%( as the ase #a% be( falls on a Satur!a%( Sun!a% or a hol"!a%( thelast !a% to )erfet the a))eal shall be the ne+t work"n* !a%.

    SECTION $. :ROUN/S. - The a))eal #a% be enterta"ne! onl% onan% of the follow"n* *roun!s;

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    3a4 If there "s prima faciee'"!ene of abuse of !"sret"on on the)art of the Labor rb"ter or Re*"onal /"retor4 /"'"s"ons. Eah /"'"s"on shall ons"st of one #e#berfro# the )ubl" setor who shall at as the Pres"!"n* Co##"ss"oner an!one #e#ber eah fro# the workers an! e#)lo%ers setors( res)et"'el%.

    Of the f"'e 3>4 /"'"s"ons( the F"rst( Seon! an! Th"r! /"'"s"ons shall

    ha'e e+lus"'e terr"tor"al &ur"s!"t"on o'er a))eals of ases o#"n* fro#Lu6on< Fourth /"'"s"on( a))eale! ases fro# ?"sa%as Re*"on< an! theF"fth /"'"s"on( a))eale! ases fro# 2"n!anao "nlu!"n* those fro# the

    utono#ous Re*"on for 2usl"# 2"n!anao.

    3!4. Hea!8uarters( ranhes an! Pro'"n"al E+tens"on Un"ts. - s)ro'"!e! b% law( the Co##"ss"on an! "ts F"rst( Seon! an! Th"r!/"'"s"ons shall ha'e the"r #a"n off"e "n the Nat"onal Ca)"tal Re*"on(an! the Fourth an! F"fth /"'"s"ons "n the "t"es of Cebu an! Ca*a%an!e Oro( res)et"'el%.

    SECTION ,. THE CHIR2N. - The Cha"r#an shall )res"!e o'erall sess"ons of the Co##"ss"on en anc. He "s the Pres"!"n*Co##"ss"oner of the F"rst /"'"s"on. In ase of the effet"'e absene or"na)a"t% of the Cha"r#an( the Pres"!"n* Co##"ss"oner of the Seon!/"'"s"on shall be the t"n* Cha"r#an.

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    The Cha"r#an( a"!e! b% the E+eut"'e Clerk of the Co##"ss"on( shallha'e a!#"n"strat"'e su)er'"s"on o'er the Co##"ss"on an! "ts Re*"onalranhes an! all "ts )ersonnel "nlu!"n* the E+eut"'e Labor rb"tersan! Labor rb"ters.

    SECTION 9. SESSION EN BANC5GUORU2 N/ ?OTE. - 3a4Co##"ss"on en anc. - The Cha"r#an shall all the Co##"ss"on to asess"on en ancat least tw"e a %ear( )referabl% f"rst week of =une an!f"rst week of /ee#ber to !el"berate on an! !e"!e an% #atter before "t.Howe'er( a #a&or"t% of all the #e#bers of the Co##"ss"on #a% all as)e"al en ban sess"on to !"suss an! !e"!e on ur*ent an! '"tal #atters

    wh"h nee! "##e!"ate at"on.

    3b4 Guoru#. - The )resene of a #a&or"t% of all the #e#bers of theCo##"ss"on shall be neessar% to onst"tute a 8uoru#. The 'ote or

    onurrene of the #a&or"t% of the #e#bers onst"tut"n* a 8uoru# shallbe the !e"s"on or resolut"on of the Co##"ss"on en anc.

    34 /"'"s"on. - The )resene of at least two 3$4 Co##"ss"oners of a/"'"s"on shall onst"tute a 8uoru#. The onurrene of two 3$4Co##"ss"oners of a /"'"s"on shall be neessar% for the )ronoune#entof a &u!*#ent or resolut"on.

    7hene'er the re8u"re! #e#bersh") "n a /"'"s"on "s not o#)lete an!the onurrene of two 3$4 Co##"ss"oners to arr"'e at a &u!*#ent or

    resolut"on annot be obta"ne!( the Cha"r#an shall !es"*nate suhnu#ber of a!!"t"onal Co##"ss"oners fro# the other /"'"s"ons as #a%

    be neessar% fro# the sa#e setor.

    3!4 Role of Cha"r#an "n the /"'"s"on. - The Cha"r#an of theCo##"ss"on #a% on'ene an! )res"!e o'er the sess"on of an% /"'"s"onto ons"!er an% ase )en!"n* before "t an! )art"")ate "n "ts!el"berat"ons( "f "n h"s &u!*#ent( h"s )resene there"n w"ll best ser'e the"nterests of labor &ust"e. He shall not howe'er( )art"")ate "n the 'ot"n*

    b% the /"'"s"on( e+e)t when he "s at"n* as Pres"!"n* Co##"ss"oner of

    the /"'"s"on "n the absene of the re*ular Pres"!"n* Co##"ss"oner.

    SECTION >. CONSULTTION. - The onlus"ons of a /"'"s"on onan% ase5#atter sub#"tte! to "t for !e"s"on shall be reahe! "nonsultat"on before the ase "s ass"*ne! to a #e#ber for the wr"t"n* ofthe o)"n"on. It shall be #an!ator% for the /"'"s"on to #eet for the)ur)ose of the onsultat"on or!a"ne! here"n.

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    ert"f"at"on to th"s effet s"*ne! b% the Pres"!"n* Co##"ss"onerof the /"'"s"on shall be "ssue! an! a o)% thereof attahe! to the reor!of the ase an! ser'e! u)on the )art"es.

    SECTION @. /ISSENTIN: OPINION. - Shoul! an% #e#ber

    "n!"ate h"s "ntent"on to wr"te a !"ssent"n* o)"n"on( he #a% f"le the sa#ew"th"n the )er"o! )resr"be! for !e"!"n* or resol'"n* the a))eal. EECUTION OF CERTIFIE/ CSE. - TheCo##"ss"on shall "ssue an or!er of e+eut"on u)on #ot"on of the )art"esan! u)on ree")t of entr% of &u!*#ent.

    RULE X


    SECTION 1. /IRECT CONTE2PT. - The Cha"r#an orCo##"ss"oner5s or an% Labor rb"ter #a% su##ar"l% a!&u!*e *u"lt% of

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    !"ret onte#)t an% )erson o##"tt"n* an% at of #"sbeha'"or "n the)resene of or so near the Cha"r#an or an% Co##"ss"oner or Labor

    rb"ter as to obstrut or "nterru)t the )roee!"n*s before the sa#e("nlu!"n* !"sres)et towar! sa"! off""als( offens"'e ats towar! others(or refusal to be sworn or to answer as a w"tness or to subsr"be to an

    aff"!a'"t or !e)os"t"on when lawfull% re8u"re! to !o so. If the offense "so##"tte! a*a"nst the Co##"ss"on or an% #e#ber thereof( the sa#eshall be )un"she! b% a f"ne not e+ee!"n* f"'e hun!re! )esos 3P>.4or "#)r"son#ent not e+ee!"n* f"'e 3>4 !a%s( or both< an!( "f the offense"s o##"tte! a*a"nst an% Labor rb"ter( the sa#e shall be )un"she! b% af"ne not e+ee!"n* one hun!re! )esos 3P1.4 or "#)r"son#ent note+ee!"n* one 314 !a%( or both.

    n% )erson a!&u!*e! *u"lt% of !"ret onte#)t b% a Labor rb"ter #a%(w"th"n a )er"o! of f"'e 3>4 alen!ar !a%s fro# not"e of the &u!*#ent(

    a))eal the sa#e to the Co##"ss"on an! the e+eut"on of sa"! &u!*#entshall be sus)en!e! )en!"n* resolut"on of the a))eal u)on the f"l"n* b%sa"! )erson of a bon! on on!"t"on that he w"ll ab"!e b% an! )erfor# the

    &u!*#ent shoul! the a))eal be !e"!e! a*a"nst h"#. &u!*#ent of theCo##"ss"on on !"ret onte#)t shall be "##e!"atel% e+eutor% an!"na))ealable.

    SECTION $. IN/IRECT CONTE2PT. - The Co##"ss"on or an%Labor rb"ter #a% also "te an% )erson for "n!"ret onte#)t u)on thefollow"n* *roun!s;

    3a4 2"sbeha'"our of an e#)lo%ee or an% off"er "n the )erfor#ane of h"soff""al !ut"es or "n h"s off""al transat"on. RECEPTION OF E?I/ENCE< /ELE:TION. - Theree)t"on of e'"!ene for the a))l"at"on of a wr"t of "n&unt"on #a% be!ele*ate! b% the Co##"ss"on to an% of "ts Labor rb"ters who shallon!ut suh hear"n*s "n suh )laes as he #a% !eter#"ne to beaess"ble to the )art"es an! the"r w"tnesses( an! shall thereafter sub#"th"s re)ort5reo##en!at"on to the Co##"ss"on w"th"n f"fteen 31>4 !a%sfro# suh !ele*at"on.

    SECTION @. OCULR INSPECTION. - The Cha"r#an( an%

    Co##"ss"oner( Labor rb"ter or the"r !ul% author"6e! re)resentat"'e5s(#a% at an% t"#e !ur"n* work"n* hours( on!ut an oular "ns)et"on onan% establ"sh#ent( bu"l!"n*( sh") or 'essel( )lae or )re#"ses( "nlu!"n*an% work( #ater"al( "#)le#ent( #ah"ner%( a))l"ane or an% ob&etthere"n( an! ask an% e#)lo%ee( laborer( or an% )erson( as the ase #a%

    be( for an% "nfor#at"on or !ata onern"n* an% #atter or 8uest"onrelat"'e to the ob&et of the )et"t"on.

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    The oular "ns)et"on re)orts shall be sub#"tte! to thea))ro)r"ate /"'"s"on w"th"n twent%-four 3$94 hours fro# the on!utthereof.

    SECTION A. CSH ON/. - No te#)orar% restra"n"n* or!er or

    te#)orar% "n&unt"on shall be "ssue! e+e)t on on!"t"on that )et"t"onershall f"rst f"le an un!ertak"n* to answer for the !a#a*es an! )ost a ash

    bon! "n the a#ount not less than th"rt% thousan! )esos 3P,(.4 oras #a% be !eter#"ne! b% the Co##"ss"on( to reo#)ense thoseen&o"ne! for an% loss( e+)ense or !a#a*e ause! b% the "#)ro'"!ent orerroneous "ssuane of suh or!er or "n&unt"on( "nlu!"n* all reasonableosts( to*ether w"th a reasonable attorne%Ds fee( an! e+)ense of !efensea*a"nst the or!er or a*a"nst the *rant"n* of an% "n&unt"'e rel"ef sou*ht"n the sa#e )roee!"n* an! subse8uentl% !en"e! b% the Co##"ss"on.

    SECTION B. EFFECTI?IT OF THE TE2PORRRESTRININ: OR/ER. - te#)orar% restra"n"n* or!er shall beeffet"'e for no lon*er than twent% 3$4 !a%s an! shall beo#e 'o"! atthe e+)"rat"on of sa"! twent% 3$4 !a%s. /ur"n* the sa"! )er"o!( the)art"es shall be re8u"re! to )resent e'"!ene to substant"ate the"rres)et"'e )os"t"ons "n the #a"n )et"t"on.

    SECTION . EFFECTS OF /EFINCE. - The or!er or resolut"onen&o"n"n* the )erfor#ane of "lle*al ats shall be "##e!"atel% e+eutor%"n aor!ane w"th the ter#s thereof. Non-o#)l"ane w"th suh or!er

    or resolut"on( the Co##"ss"on shall "#)ose suh sant"ons an! shall"ssue suh or!ers as #a% be neessar% to "#)le#ent the sa"! Or!er orResolut"on( "nlu!"n* the enl"st#ent of law enfore#ent a*en"es ha'"n*

    &ur"s!"t"on o'er the area for the )ur)ose of enfor"n* the sa#e.

    SECTION 1. OR/INR RE2E/ IN L7 OR IN EGUIT. -Noth"n* "n th"s Rule shall !e)r"'e an% )art% ha'"n* a la"# or ause ofat"on un!er or u)on suh un!ertak"n* fro# elet"n* to )ursue h"sor!"nar% re#e!% b% su"t at law or "n e8u"t%.



    SECTION 1. SEL OF THE CO22ISSION. - The seal of theNat"onal Labor Relat"ons Co##"ss"on shall be of stan!ar! s"6e( "rular(

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    3e4 Co##"ss"on Calen!ar52"nutes ook. - He shall )re)are theCo##"ss"on5/"'"s"on alen!ars of sess"ons( atten! suh sess"ons)ersonall% an! "##e!"atel% )re)are the 2"nutes thereof. For th"s)ur)ose( he shall kee) a 2"nutes ook