rules of composition k.brett


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Post on 17-Nov-2014



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This gives basic rules of how to create a good photograph; leading lines; framing; balance; rule of thirds and simplicity - all crutial guidelines in photography.


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Kathryn Brett

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Keeping the photograph simple is a way of avoiding distractions to your main subject. This affect can be gained my getting close to the object so the background becomes blurred. When trying to create a simple photo it is important to notice lines because they sometimes lead your eyes away from the main object.

This photo taken by Dustin Diaz is made simple by the plain background; it is also the only other object in view.

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This is an image of a cup of coffee which I took; there are no distractions in this picture and I have got up close with the camera. This picture demonstrates the rule of leading lines (lines on the table leading you either side to the main subject) as well as simplicity.


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Rule of Thirds

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Where the lines intersect your main subject should be placed or along the lines - to add more depth to your photo making them look more interesting. The rule of thirds is when the frame is divided into three horizontal and vertical segments and your subject is placed along the intersections. This effect of placing the subject near the edges is that it stops an object looking lost in an open space.

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This image that I took demonstrates the rule of thirds, as the main subject is positioned in the top right-hand corner where two lines intersect - this is shown in the small image to the left . This rule stops the image looking flat and dull.

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Leading Lines

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Leading Lines

Leading Lines

Leading lines are used to attract your eyes to the image and direct you to the main subject. Many things can be good leading lines such as; rivers, fences, branches, bridges, roads etc. They draw a viewers eye through a photograph.

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This is a photograph I took that demonstrates leading lines, as the fence panels direct you to the main subject; the bushes around him also act as natural framing.



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Balancing out the main subject in your photo stops it appearing lop-sided. Every focus in your image carries a weight and this must be balanced out with something else in order for the viewer to respect the emphasis of the subject. There are two different kinds of balance symmetrical (formal) and asymmetrical. When an photo is asymmetrical the weight off one subject is greater than the other. There is another form of balance (light) where there is contrast between light and dark.

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As there is a main subject in the foreground, without the person in the background it would result in a lopsided picture. This photograph demonstrates this rule because there are subjects on either side balancing out the weight.

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Framing is when you use your surrounding to border your main subject, this draws your eyes to it. This technique creates an interesting photograph and also emphasises the focus point. In the picture below the frame is positioned in the foreground and the focus is on the background.

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This image demonstrates framing within the rules of composition, as the natural surrounding of the trees is a frame that edges the main subject and draws your eyes into the focus point.

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MY IMAGE This image was taken at school, I used the advantage of the huge trees to frame

my main subject; the trunks on either side and the branches above act as a natural frame that draws you into the focus point.

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Extension Images

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SimplicityI took a second set of images; you are not

distracted from the main subject because the pictures aren’t cluttered by a busy


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Rule of ThirdsThis picture is taken slightly off centre which adds a bit more interest to it; the lines on the ceiling also act as leading lines.

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Leading Lines

In the next couple of pictures I tried to focus more on where the lines lead to as in recent pictures I included lines in my image but they didn’t lead to the main subject.

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I focused on the balance of the subjects in the picture making sure that the image wasn’t lop-sided. There are three focus points this makes the picture more even as the weight isn’t all on one side.

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FramingThe books in the shelf frame the main subject and also act as leading lines

as they draw you to the focus point. I also think that there is good contrast between light and dark. I cropped it to follow the rule of thirds.