
Ms. Smith’s Rules …because I take learning seriously

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Rules

Ms. Smith’s Rules

…because I take learning seriously

Page 2: Rules

Show others respect.

Number 1

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Always say thank you when you are given something and do so in an appropriate manner.

Number 2

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When someone asks you a question in conversation, ask them one in return

Number 3

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Make eye contact.

Number 4

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Respond to adults using their title and last name.

Number 5

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Know others by name and greet them when it is appropriate.

Number 6

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Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.

Number 7

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Respect others’ comments, opinions, and ideas by listening.

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Do not show disrespect with body language.

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Act maturely

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When you win don’t brag; when you loose, don’t pout.

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Congratulate people when they do well.

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When homework is assigned, do not complain.

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Raise your hand and ask permission to speak. Do not call out.

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Do not leave your seat without permission.

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Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze.

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Always leave a place neater than it was when you found it.

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When you meet a new person, shake their hand and repeat their name.

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If someone drops something near you, pick it up.

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Hold the door for people behind you rather than letting it slam in their face.

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If someone bumps into you, say “excuse me” politely, even if it wasn’t your fault.

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If someone is giving you a problem, quietly let me know.

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Stand up for what you believe in, but do so maturely.

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Learn from your mistakes and move on.

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Be a good scholar.

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Always complete all of your homework.

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Be as organized as possible.

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Answer all written questions in complete sentences.

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Follow along when we read together in class.

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Take notes. Supplement what is written with your own thoughts.

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Participate in class discussions in an appropriate manner.

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If you will be turning work in, use pen.

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Use the proper heading for all assignments.

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A proper heading:

Name Color & Number Date Assignment

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When grading or critiquing another student’s paper, only use appropriate marks.

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Subject transitions will be swift and orderly.

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Follow specific classroom protocols.

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Call or e-mail me if you have a question about homework and leave a message. Once.

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How to leave a message

“Hello Ms. Smith. This is (insert your name here). I have a question about (what homework). If you can, please call me back at xxx-xxxx before (what time). Thanks!”

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Be a good citizen.

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Pay attention to your surroundings, family, school, community, state, country, and world.

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Have fun and enjoy life.

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Carpe Diem

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No matter the circumstances, always be honest.

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Be the best person you can be.

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Do not take things that do not belong to you.

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Stay on task. When asked the question, to be or not to be: be.

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Rules apply in and outside of school.

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Face forward when on a bus. Only speak to your seatmate.

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Enter buildings quietly.

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Always compliment the place we are visiting.

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When we return from a field trip, thank and shake the hand of each chaperone.

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When on an escalator, stand to the right and walk to the left.

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