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Product License All rights reserved. No part of Stop Depression may be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of Rubén Quintas. No part of Stop Depression may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the express written permission of Rubén Quintas. The author of this book is not intended to provide any medical advice. The purpose of the content is not to treat, diagnose, counsel or cure any disease. If the reader needs health care, a doctor must be consulted. The license of the "Stop Depression" book is merely for one person. The group distribution of Stop Depression can only be undertaken with the express written permission of Rubén Quintas. Signed by:

Rubén Quintas Author of Stop Depression

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ID: 1101318380583

© Rubén Quintas 2012 First Edition: January 2012 English Edition Website: Email: [email protected]

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INDEX: Foreword 4 Acknowledgements 12 Introduction 13 Manual Method Chapter 1 17 Chapter 2 21 Chapter 3 26 Chapter 4 30 Chapter 5 34 Chapter 6 38 Chapter 7 43 Chapter 8 48 Chapter 9 54 Chapter 10 59 Chapter 11 64 Automatic Method 68 Recommendations 70 Summary 73 PS 74

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Before you start reading my story and discover the "how" of my recovery, so you can overcome your depression through my experiences as I did, I would like to start at the beginning with a simple test to measure your present condition. The test has 17 questions, each of which you will have to choose the answer that best explains your present condition. In the box where it says PTN you will have to insert the number that accompanies the response chosen by you. Sum all numbers and check the result at the end of the test.


1) Depressed mood, sadness (melancholy), hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness: 0 – Absent. 1 - I express these feelings when someone asks me how I feel. 2 - I express these feelings spontaneously. 3 - I express these feelings in their nonverbal form (facial expression, posture, voice, tearfulness). 4 - I express these feelings spontaneously in their verbal and nonverbal form.


2) Guilt Feelings 0 – Absent. 1 - I blame myself and feel like I have disappointed everyone. 2 - I have guilt ideas or think about past errors or sinful deeds. 3 - I feel that my current illness is a punishment. 4 - I hear accusatory or denunciatory voices and/or experience threatening visual hallucinations.

3) Suicide 0 – Absent. 1 - I believe life is not worth living. 2 - I wish I was dead or have dying thoughts. 3 - I have suicide or threat thoughts. 4 - I had suicide attempts (any serious attempt).

4) Early Insomnia 0 – Absent. 1 - Sometimes I have difficulty sleeping, for example, for more than half an hour. 2 - I have difficulty sleeping every single night.

5) Intermediate Insomnia 0 – Absent. 1 - I am sleepless and restless or wake up several times during the night. 2 - I am awake at night. Any chance of getting out of bed is classified in two (except for evacuation reasons).

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6) Late Insomnia 0 – Absent. 1 - I wake up in early morning hours but go back to sleep afterwards. 2 - I cannot go back to sleep if I get out of bed.

7) Work and Activity 0 – Absent. 1 - I have incapacity, fatigue or weakness ideas and feelings (work, hobbies). 2 - I have lost interest in activity (decreased attention, indecision and vacillation). 3 - I have a decrease in actual time spent in activities or decrease in productivity. 4 - I have stopped working because of my present illness. I merely undertake small tasks or cannot do those same tasks without help.

8) Psychomotor Retardation (slowness of thought and speech, diminished concentration ability, decreased motor activity) 0 - Normal speech and thought. 1 - Slight retardation in speech. 2 - Obvious retardation in speech. 3 - Difficulty in expression. 4 - Inability to express.

9) Psychomotor Agitation 0 – Absent. 1 - I play with my fingers. 2 - I play with my hands, hair... 3 - I cannot sit still or remain sitting. 4 - I wring my hands, bite my nails, pull my hair and bite my lips.

10) Psychic Anxiety 0 – Absent. 1 - Subjective tension and irritability. 2 - Worrying about minor matters. 3 - Apprehensive attitude in expression or speech. 4 - Fears are easily expressed.

11) Somatic Anxiety (Concomitant physical signs of anxiety such as: Gastrointestinal: dry mouth, diarrhea, eructation etc.; Cardiovascular: palpitations, headaches; Respiratory: hyperventilation, suspiration; Increased urination frequency; Transpiration): 0 – Absent. 1 – Light. 2 – Moderate. 3 – Severe. 4 – Incapacitating.

12) Gastrointestinal Somatic Symptoms 0 – Absent. 1 - Loss of appetite but eating without any stimulation. Heavy feeling in the abdomen. 2 - Difficulty eating without much effort. Using intestinal laxatives or medication for gastrointestinal symptoms.

13) General Somatic Symptoms 0 – Absent. 1 - Heaviness in extremities, back or head. Back pain, headaches, and muscle pains. 2- Loss of energy, and fatigue. Any well-defined symptom is classified in two.

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14) Genital Symptoms (such as decreased libido and menstrual disorders) 0 – Absent. 1 – Light. 2 – Severe.

15) Hypochondria 0 – Absent. 1 – I am worried about myself (bodily speaking). 2 – I am worried about my health. 3 - I complaint frequently, and ask for help.

16) Weight Loss 0 - Weight loss of less than 500 grams in one week. 1 - Weight loss of more than 500 grams in one week. 2 - Weight loss of more than 1 kilogram in one week.

17) Introspection, Perspicacity: 0 - I realize that I am depressed and ill. 1 - I realize that I am ill but attribute its cause to poor nutrition, climate, overwork, virus, need for rest... 2 - I do not realize that I am ill.

After doing the test, I guess you will have mixed feelings. On one hand you will be concerned about your high score, and on the other, as the same happened to me, you will feel like you caught a long lost piece of the puzzle, and that is when you will realize that you are ill. The test places some questions about your emotional, mental and physical situation, which are absolutely crucial to determine the seriousness of your current condition. From now on you will become aware of what you must change in yourself in order to improve your life. I want you to be clear about one thing, what you are feeling right now will soon disappear, and you will start enjoying everything that life has to offer. Promise yourself that my story will not fall on deaf ears, and that you will truly follow my advice. Make an effort to read my story and believe it, because if you do so, I promise that you will be able to positively change your life. If you can believe that this method is your solution, you will overcome your depression.

0-7 Absent 8-12 Light

13-17 Moderate 18-29 Severe 30-52 Very severe


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Repeat after me:

This is my solution. I will change my life! I feel well!

I do not know what is your problem or the circumstances that originated your depression, but whatever they may be, I want you to know that you found what you were looking for, so it is safe to say that you have been rewarded for your many efforts. If you arrived at this point, I am going to assume that you have been through many doctors, medicines, therapies, etc., in your search for a solution. That is the first step, in other words, admitting you have a problem. I am glad for it, because it will be much easier for you to understand and practice the exercises that are throughout this book, which I will obviously explain.

YOU FOUND THE SOLUTION Let me tell you that you made the right decision. You bought this item most likely thinking it will be hopeless, but I am sure that we will find the path to the exit door. I am sure that it will happen, for I have experienced it firsthand with my personal experiences. I have built a number of easy exercises that have helped me overcome depression, and that will also happen to you, but you will have to make a serious effort to change your emotional state. Believe me when I say that the solution needed to end all of your problems is closer than you think. Actually it is within your reach, for you are the only person who can overcome your own illness. Healing is in your mind and in the pages of this book. I want you to experience the benefits that this book will provide, and learn to integrate your natural ability to overcome obstacles into your daily life, as well as to free yourself from uncomfortable situations. My intention is to share my experience, which is a beacon of hope to all people who feel depressed. I experience the fruit of this intention on a daily base, for I am always receiving letters and emails expressing gratitude for all that this book have brought to their lives. Nine years ago, when I turned 17 years old, my life fell apart completely. One afternoon, while I was at home with a friend talking about our stuff, my father had drawn up a plan to kill himself after a long depression, which he failed to overcome. He thought that by dying he would stop "bothering" all people in his life, and that they would achieve happiness by not having to endure such a person every day.

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Please answer my question: Is it not better to find a solution to start enjoying yourself and everything around you? Yes, of course. You may think that is not that easy, and that you have tried everything but still see no way out. I understand that, but you need to believe that your solution has finally arrived. After losing my father, all my life began to crumble before my eyes, and I did not know how to stop it. I lived with my mother and grandmother, although the latter was in a vegetative state. We had to feed her, change her diapers, bath her, etc., so you can imagine how my life was on a daily base. I had to be strong for my mother, or I am sure everything would be much worse for her. Therefore I have frequently endured my suffering, and suppressed my feelings, until one day when everything inside me exploded. I fell into a deep depression, and that was the worst time of my life. We usually resist and repress our feelings, rather than let them flow out. So when we have an anxiety attack or a negative feeling, we try to repress it in our minds and bodies in order to keep doing whatever we were doing. You will certainly have that same feeling again, and until you allow your body to completely experience it, you will not be able to handle it, for you do not know how it really feels. That is what happened to me. I used to repress my feelings. I wanted to cry but never let myself, so I had several anxiety attacks, which were very hard to deal with. When one of those happened, I felt dizziness, blurred vision, accelerated heart rate, and even heart palpitations and chest pain. Every single day was hell to me since I woke up in the morning. As a matter of fact, I had a hard time even when I was asleep. I had no desire to do anything, including the will to eat. I had a feeling like I was not in my body, but I could see it from outside. I was out of control, desperate, anxious, and even had nightmares, including the constant fear of going crazy or losing complete control over myself, feelings of suicide, symptoms of "flu", and distorted vision. I even started hearing noises and bells in my ears. I also had chills, headaches and even severe pain in my face and eyes. These were merely some of the symptoms I had. I say had because right now none of them are part of my daily life.

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Believe me when I tell you that if you can follow all my advice contained in this book, I am sure all the negative feelings you experience every day will gradually disappear, and if they return, you will know how to control them. Nothing used to flatter me. I just wanted to seek information about my symptoms, believing I had all diseases. I used to focus every single second of my life in my negative feelings, causing a severe negative mental state. I went to psychologists, psychiatrists, and even tried acupuncture, reflexology... Do these ring a bell? You have probably been to psychologists, psychiatrists, and tested any therapy that you thought could treat your symptoms and overcome your depression. However, if you arrived here, I am sure they did not resolve your problems. Doctors will prescribe a pill or therapy based on your comments, but we sometimes do not know what is happening to us. I believe doctors cannot know what your real feelings are in order to choose the exact pill or therapy to make them disappear. They do not know what your feelings are because they have not experienced your condition. Your condition does not require a pill or a bite cream, for we are talking about feelings, not a physical illness.


During these seven years I have experienced what is to have a depression with anxiety. In the end I managed to succeed because I came to understand my thoughts and feelings, which was when I started to use my own methods to overcome my depression and anxiety. I had good and bad times, but I could not understand why I took three pills a day (anxiolytics and antidepressants) at my age, and why I always had so many physical problems such as colds, gastroenteritis and several others. When our mind is in a bad condition, we tend to believe that everything bad in the world will happen to us.

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When I finally cured myself forever, I started to be able to control my mind. I know I do control it, because when I start to notice a negative thought, I now know how to stop it. I can tell you that since I cured myself, I never had the flu or gastroenteritis again, and I used to have each one all the time. Every single day I enjoy everything I do. I enjoy watching the sun, walking, watching television, eating (but not too much), thinking and much more. I have friends and family who were surprised by my change, because after about seven years of illness, back and forth to all kinds of doctors, I healed myself in three months! Throughout this book you will see parts of my diary that I wrote during that time, and you will see the feelings and words that I used to have in my mind. You will also find explanations about the feelings and thoughts I used to have due to my illness. You will know why I had depression, which was a discovery that fascinated me and will surely surprise you. Since I had no idea of what I was about to discover, I always thought it was the sadness caused by the death of my father, but the truth is that it was something that happened when I was in my mother's belly. In three months I stopped taking my three daily pills. However it was not an easy task, for my mind and body were highly addicted to them, so it was a bit painful, but I did it! When I went to the doctor and explained my symptoms, he only prescribed antidepressants and anxiolytics, and asked: "See how the pills treat you, and if you do not improve, come back and I will change them." The doctor did not ask how I feel, which is precisely what he must ask if he is going to cure my illness, right? Psychologists and doctors could explain the symptoms because they had studied or read it in books, but could not explain what was happening to me and why. They could not tell me the cause of my illness. They can naturally look like they understand how you feel, prescribe a treatment and comfort with soothing words, but unless they have experienced depression, they are not prepared to understand your experienced feelings. In this book you will surely see many phrases, words, feelings and sensations known to you, because I am the one writing them, a person who has spent seven years with depression and knows what it is like to experience those exact feelings.

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What you will not see is information such as types of depression, causes, or medical terms. I can only use my own words to describe what I lived, as well as exercises and tricks that I learned and used to overcome my depression and anxiety. When I was searching for information and reading books about depression and anxiety, most of them had nothing truly valuable. I ended up reading the same useless questions and answers over and over again: "What is depression?", "What are the types of depression?", "What are the causes of depression?" I have found some occasional advice, but never from a former depressive's point of view, merely from a medical standpoint. However in this book, as you might have guessed thus far, you will not find useless advice or information, for everything that I have wrote is based on my personal experiences as a former depressive. Above all I will tell you what you can use in your favor, and of course, the exercises and tricks that I have used to overcome my depression and anxiety, which is exactly what you want to know. I will share with you all the ways, advice, exercises and shortcuts that I have learned, so that you can be happy and overcome your depression and anxiety. Try to be as receptive as possible to everything I will tell you in every chapter. Life has given you an opportunity to change your destiny. You have received this opportunity because you have directly or indirectly searched for it, and best of all is that your wish has been fulfilled in the form of a book. However now it is up to you. If you accept this opportunity, I am sure you will succeed, for you just have to read everything in this book, and take action based on it!


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I am extremely grateful for all those who have crossed my life, for they led me here with their comments, advice and tips.

I want to thank and express my gratitude to the following people for all they have done for me:

My mother: For loving me and putting up with me when I was unbearable, and whose love and support has no limit. Thank you for everything and I am sorry for all those bad days. I know you are happy now because I am well, so all the effort was truly worth it. I love you mother.

Anita: For having all the patience in the world and for always being there for me. Very few women would endure what you have endured in all those difficult years. I also thank you for always understanding my illness and myself. Thank you for existing, especially for being part of my life. You are the best that ever happened to me. Luis and Antonina: Thank you both for your help and generous availability. You were like parents to me, and I will never forget you. In memory of my father, José, who I miss every day. His love is still in my live. I am not sure where you are or if you can see me, but I am sure that if you do, you will be proud of me for writing this book and for trying to help as many people who are suffering like you and me suffered, hoping they do not have an ending like yours. I love you father. Mr. Candido: I am sure you will say that you have done nothing. Actually I am the one who has done it, because without my will to live I would never have the strength to heal myself. Nonetheless, it was you who found the reason of my illness and removed it, and that led me to be what I am today. Thank you very much for helping me and for all those days we talked about our problems. Finally, to all my friends and other family members to whom I owe all my happiness.

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This method is very easy to do, but you have to follow a few guidelines:

- Read the book step by step. You have the solution for healing yourself in your hands, so do not despair, for you have found it, but now you have to put into practice everything you will learn with this book. Notwithstanding, in order to read the whole book and know my story, my exercises and my tips, you will need to make an effort. Read it slowly, assimilate the ideas I will give you, and do what I did to succeed as I have.

What counts is not what you know but what you do with what you know.

- Do all the exercises, one by one, and do not start one without ending and really knowing the previous one, because if you miss even one you will not succeed.

Because of a nail the horseshoe is lost;

Because of the horseshoe the horse is lost; Because of the horse the horseman is lost;

Because of the horseman the message is lost; Because the message the battle is lost;

Because of the battle the kingdom is lost.

- This will be a secret between you and me, so please do not share it. Believe me when I tell you that you must have confidence in yourself and in this book. I am sure it works, for I have experienced it firsthand, and soon so will you.

- Look no further for any treatment or advice to overcome your

depression, at least until you do all the exercises and check the results on yourself. There is no need to forget everything you have learned so far, and to compare this method with any other. In the end you will be able to make your own conclusions. The material provided in this book will be more valuable to you when you analyze it and apply it.

- Continue your normal life, even if it bothers you. Bear in mind

that you are going to do some exercises and tricks that will help you overcome your illness. So continue your life trusting you will be able to fully enjoy it very soon. Believe it.

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- If your friends or your family present you social opportunities such as going for a walk or watch a movie, say yes and enjoy each and every one as much as possible. Do not think on whether you should go or not, whether you feel bad or not going to that place or doing that thing. Just do it, period.

One of the things that you are going to get with this book is to balance the conscious with the subconscious. The conscious is the part of the mind where ideas are born, and through it you become aware of yourself and your environment. Consciousness in psychiatry can be defined as the knowledge that enables the interpretation of reality. It allows us to connect our external stimuli, in other words, our feelings with their associations, namely the reasons why feelings occur. You are aware that you feel depressed, sad and anxious because you have some negative feelings. The mind of a person is composed of experienced memories and situations. However, are we aware of what is going in our mind? From the time we are born and able to develop our senses, we have the ability to store memories and images in our mind. However we often do not remember even half of those memories. We know they feel somewhat familiar, but we cannot associate them with any exact moment of our lives.

There are some ideas or images created by the conscious that are important to you and are suppressed by the "inner self" to be sent to the unconscious. During the day we have many thoughts, some of which we are able to interpret and be aware of them, but others go unnoticed and are automatically passed to the subconscious. At the end of the day, if we stop to think about what happened to us, we will only remember what went through our consciousness, for the images that were recorded in our subconscious will be very difficult to access for us.

Sometimes we dream about things that we cannot explain. While dreaming our mind is no longer controlled by the conscious and we enter in a subconscious world where we live with the ideas and images contained within our mind, namely the subconscious. It is quite possible to dream of things we do not understand. Moreover, everything we dream and impact us often tends to be caused by the subconscious, which is where we generally store our feelings and memories. Even if we make a serious effort to think on what we dreamt, we cannot possibly remember, because those are images and ideas that are contained within our subconscious, and because

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we did not stop to interpret them, now it is impossible for us to remember them.

The "inner self" is the consciousness. As you can probably see, now you are wondering things yourself. Consider the "inner self" as the person that talks to you and responds to your questions. So today you will try to be the "inner self", meaning the one that dominates your "outer self". The purpose is for you to handle your feelings through your thoughts.

The subconscious plays tricks and always affects the conscious, so if you are not well, it sure is for some idea, thought, desire, or experience that you did not interpret and solved in your conscious, and is now within your subconscious hurting you.

The subconscious mind does not think or reason. It acts instinctively in response to all the images that it has. So we have to change those images in order to control our thoughts and feelings. If we want to overcome depression, the subconscious must be able to continually repeat the image of our desire. We have to work on this process on a daily base until we are able to transfer into our subconscious mind the clear and precise image of our desire. Throughout the book you will see exercises that are essential to achieve this.


- Make your mind learn how to manage your thoughts through your feelings. You will be able to get back to the real world where you used to live.

- Have no need to seek answers elsewhere, for you will be the

one that will find them, and you will often give those answers to other people.

- Want to enjoy every single day in a world that was unknown to

you until just now. You will want to go out, as well as see, do and discover things that used to make you feel bad.

- Get out of your current state and have no more setbacks. You

will know how to say no to any negativity.

- Feel all the sensations and feelings that you used to feel. Fear, loneliness, sadness and frustration will disappear forever and replaced by positive feelings, for you will train your mind to do so.

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- Stop talking and thinking about what you think caused your present state. You will learn how to deal with memories and to never associate a negative feeling with a memory. You will learn how to have thoughts with no negative feelings, in other words, you will learn to control what you think.

Stop Depression is a book written from the heart. I will show you how to:

• Think for yourself, and feel and do what your inner self asks you to;

• Believe in your dreams and strive to fulfill them without fear of failure;

• Never be afraid to change, and to view every opportunity as a way to improve yourself and experience new things;

• Rely on yourself and connect with your long lost feelings of happiness;

• Be able to be yourself through your own choices, and to write your own destiny.

Reading a book is one thing, but involve yourself in it is quite another. What will you do? I recommend you to read the book thinking that you will change your life. If you really effort yourself, you will be able to truly change your life for the better. Bear in mind that this book has reached your hands, so perhaps it is destined to help you overcome your personal problems. However, believing this book will help you is not enough. You have to apply its knowledge. Remember that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. You will get practical ideas which you can apply to your daily life and make a radical change in your condition. Put yourself in my position. Imagine you are me. For a moment, as you read the book, let yourself be influenced by my way of thinking. If you read a book on "how to be rich" and the author is a rich person, it is only fair to assume that the author is telling the truth. Therefore, absorbing their thinking will help you think like a rich person and actually get rich. The same logic applies to this book. If you follow my way of thinking, you will cure your depression as I did.

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SATURDAY: "I got up feeling listless. I just wanted to throw myself in bed and just sleep. In the end I went to the beach, but I had no desire to talk. When I am with people I am quiet and do not want to relate to anyone." SUNDAY: "Today I was at the beach. I went for a walk and it made me feel better. However I am not the same. I feel no pleasure in doing the things I do, and I have no enthusiasm for anything. I am very tired and disoriented." MONDAY: "I have performed my daily tasks (work, eat) without much effort. I have a sensation of emptiness. Nothing I do is done with joy, I just do it. I do not have so many negative thoughts, yet my mind does not let me think with clarity." TUESDAY: "Little by little I find myself feeling better. It seems that the pieces of the puzzle fit together, which truly improves my mental stability. I go about my daily life without thinking if I am well or not, or if this or that. That feeling is gradually disappearing." WEDNESDAY: "Today I felt better. Sometimes I feel restless for no good reason, as if I was on alert for something already happened or for something that was going to happen. When I get up in the morning I wish it was night to go back to bed and rest. It seems that I have difficulty doing things." THURSDAY: "I feel tired. Sometimes I do not know exactly what my role in life is. I often end up wondering what the meaning of my existence is. Perhaps I am bored or exhausted by my routine. I also feel like I am living my life at a very fast pace. I guess I will gradually get better." FRIDAY: "Tomorrow I have a wedding. Right now I do not want to go. At night I just want to sleep. I wish time could pass faster without me being awake, just to see if I would get better somehow. Sometimes I have a feeling of nervousness, like wanting to close my eyes and sleep until it passes." SATURDAY: "I got up feeling very nervous and quite anxious. Sometimes I feel afraid to go crazy or not be able to control moments of anxiety such as the one I felt this morning. Then I went to the wedding feeling more or less normal. I was distracted but I have a headache."

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As you can see I had very abrupt changes, for one day I was good and in the next I was really bad. What characterizes depression is that state of not knowing what is really going on with yourself, because if you break your arm, you know it hurts because you have a broken arm. However when you suffer the symptoms of depression, you do not know how to explain them, because they do not seem real. Another circumstance that happened to me was that I just wanted to sleep. Besides wanting to sleep all the time, I did not want to be awake, for I did not want to suffer those terrible feelings which were always so frustrating and impossible to control. So when I was asleep I was more relaxed, but I will tell you one thing that now I understand due to my experience: When you are sleeping your brain is connected to your subconscious thoughts. I know you may be wondering why I brought that subject. However it is very important. Especially because now you have negative thoughts, which are out of your reach and control, and you let your brain work with those same thoughts. Therefore, with that in mind, do you not think that its end result will be negative? It is like building a construction with faulty raw materials. So do you not think that sooner or later the construction will collapse? Well, that is precisely what we do when we are sleeping and having those negative thoughts in our mind. In this book I will show you how to change those negative thoughts into positive ones. The purpose is to let your brain be controlled by positive thoughts, and to have a conscience much more calm and relaxed. In this book you will know the power of our thoughts. In fact I can assure you that your life is the product of your thoughts. Another thing I did, and now I realize it was very bad for me, was always thinking in the past and in the future, but never in the present. If you stop for a moment and think: "Where do I go from here?", surely your inner voice will tell you: "You are going too fast and not enjoying your life!" I know there are times when your life is difficult, and enjoying life in those times is very hard. However I am not talking about enjoying, I am talking about living, feeling, whether good or bad. In the past I never really felt or focused myself on my present feelings, for I was always turning to the past, always wondering: "Why am I here?", "What have I done to deserve this?", "What is my purpose in life?", and of course in the future, wondering: "How will I be tomorrow?", "Will I ever be what I was before?".

Page 19: Rubén Quintas Stop Depression · out. So when we have an anxiety attack or a negative feeling, we try to repress it in our minds and bodies in order to keep doing whatever we were

Rubén Quintas Stop Depression ©

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You must abandon your problems of the past and future. Do you remember that feeling when you were on vacation? That feeling of enjoying the present without watching the clock? That moment when you are in touch with your presence is what you must seek, as well as stop asking the questions: "What if this?", "What if that?" At the end you will achieve control over your mind, so when you see that you are starting to escape, you will be able to quickly get back to the present. This way you will be able to fully experience your feelings, whether positive or negative, for you will really notice that they are just that, feelings, and when they end, you will understand and see that they are not at all dangerous and harmful. Afterwards, when they come back, you will know to act in order to deal with them in a positive way. Is there any scientific proof of what I am saying? Practice what I am saying and you will be your own proof.

Page 20: Rubén Quintas Stop Depression · out. So when we have an anxiety attack or a negative feeling, we try to repress it in our minds and bodies in order to keep doing whatever we were

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CHAPTER 1: EXERCISE If you are interested in having the first of the 11 exercises contained within this book and buying the book, then please use the download link below.

You will quickly and effectively change your life with Stop Depression!

Grab this unique, effective and rapid method to help you overcome your depression for only $49.95. Stop Depression includes:

• The book: You will discover the method to quickly and effectively overcome your depression. You will notice changes in yourself from the first day and forever, GUARANTEED!

• Four (4) audio tracks: These tools are part of my method, and since they were very useful to me, I want to share them with you. They will make you even more successful in your recovery.

• Free Consultations: If you have questions or need to clarify certain aspects of the book, please send me an email at any time and I will personally reply to it.

• Money Back Guarantee: I am sure that Stop Depression will work for you, and that is one of the reasons why the money back guarantee is provided.