rrittin nth jlli illin tt jijbsh 1 u · 2015. 6. 2. · the hawaiian gazette rniilisiied by henry...

THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE rniiLisiiED BY HENRY M. WHITNEY Every IVeduewdnj- - Morn In p. AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Fordu uiaerlbr. 3700 to $1000 srnlcb Include, postage, prepaid. OrrK-- n In the now Post Office Building Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I. ,n Only Child Tea-Parl- y. TMcrilw4tj Walt Whitman, In Anot Jndy't Magixin, VfBf Irt0 lr lth lit little fctnlths, tbere are eight of .bets there, bat there only one of n. fbs-- j nates it not easy to lure m fancy as If c rrc werv two or thr, I tfc. on tny Urthdsy, bat Joe Smith says it t(,'t bare been regalar , tcaae to a with only one And do te- - lt tatar-Wai- cream Jor, or be never brd of snch tblug under the sun. 1st Trrv bis aJ quite fall of - vkte. end J eee, waaiTt anybody tliere who could really drink except Towner sod me. t Clin can . pretend, end then It waabes the paint off tbrir lipc, m,a erbfttCfaerlee, the canary, drlnka Unt orth apeak lu if j tor be tales sacb very email tlpa. 1? iyt a kitchen chair Isn't a table; bat It pot four legs acl a top, ea It would bo If the back waut Here ; Xti due fjr Charles to parch on, and I hate to pat tb Prince of V1 to Iea ag.Unat It, because hi leg fair. to alt on nchair. TTuj , a iua!1 dull. J call bint the Prince of Wales be- - caitMtt tbeeUeateon, ywUe; la t ' taeu him fur tuf brother, and be was mother cait tra&xe X burn, ao of cuur he'a older than me. Th- - reel lire brother, bat I dont think he a old a the Prince of Wales. H . a perfect darling, though be whlaks everything over 1m -- joim near, and I tell him I don't know bat we L3eU do If we all bad tall. Hl tiau carta like mine in froot, and he's clipped like a lion oeUQd but no oue need be frightened, for he a good a good, Ax a t roaring like a real menagerie Hod, or eating peo-f- ., ap I don't believe be Wuuld If be could. lit & nit tea oat of the saacer after I've had mine oat of tt cap. n I'm eon to leave eome for him, bat If I let him tint be would drtuk it all up. TV W oJI GlmQJni gate me thl birthday, and the can ah gate ine the year before, i naven t many toys, bat 1 take great care oflhem, aud birthday I aball have moie and more.) Xm idea what a beantiful doll he la, ani'wben I l uer la the middle, abe can eqiiealc. I: fnchtened Tuaaer, for he didn't know that any of o cm be and I and CbarlM were able to apeak, tt ukro tier for my only sitter, fjr of coarse 1 way take at- 'iod if 1 cboae rtp oUed ber Cinderella, becaate I'm so fond of the story, ata becaaae the Cot real abort. C; fi lonely now there are so many of n; for, mnuns Ctnderella, there are five, fclt attd i and Towaer, and Charlea, aud the Prince of aim and three of ui are really alive; Itts m of at can speak, aodl'm sure thi Prince of Wale n ruttierful fjf bfa aixe; uu u.m(at leaat he's only got one thlnx) take off and .nJ, thoush he's nothing but Wood, he's got real lit eye. u la thret birthdays more there maybeai inany o aa the mitb, for fie and three make eight ; ibai m scTvn yean old then (aa old aa Joe), bnt I don't t. think too mu't of It, Its ao lone to wait. Aii a:ir ail. 1 don't know that I want any more of as ; u.aK Pd rather my kUter bad a chair Lj s and the neat year I should like a collar for T vaet if It wooldn't wear off bia hair. iu aaid be very nice If the Prince of Wales could be treMej Uke a for he'a got nnthlue ou bis at. terella' beautifully dressed, and Towaer look ,z aa If he'd cot a fur coat on when be begs. j a in perfectly aWurd. and that I can't lake & Po- - umnian In earnest for uy brother; tt wi thlok be really and truly knowa bow much and I love each Other. t. bis saying. Well, there's one thing aboot tot yoo. can alwaya have your own way.' Ait be say a, " Vihi can't jtoaalbly have fun tilth four when yon have to pretend what they say.' Bsi he says; I don't believe I aball ever enjoy a more than the one that we bad on that day. VARIETY. Tsci for tbe retinog Cheek wins in this world ejtciai. tt tbe cheek is dimpled aod rosy. t ireio perfumery irxs first imported into America & ' -- that is in the old Colorneial days. Tfie sleeves of new dresses fit tighter than ever. To Isacb o one's sleeve has bow become purely tneta- tLsneai A mechanic his labor will often discard, 1 tbe rate of his pay he dislikes; Cm a clock and its case is nocommonly hard V t.i continue to work though it striker. IThtt cord 11 it in which you can find knots that ztBsn lirioc erer tiod, and no tnaa living can un-t- e Acs Why, a cord of wood. A viaor n.an in Ohio recently opened a clothing tare a&d was sent to jail for it. Reason the cloth-tt- r (tare belonged to another man. I u terfectly natural that physicians generally ca.j bsre a greater horror of tbe sea than anybody tiie became they are more liable to see sickness. The eleiren case of nepotism on record is that of a Lnrp banker who hat just left J5.000.000 to his vrw besides making him residuary legatee of an ecu valued at over $12,000,000. tt.erlakers ehonld be careful of what they say. C:tcf them said to a sickly looking man who was latter bis place : "'Good mornlog. This is a nice bju take a ride." The sick man winced. A teacher after reading to her scholars a story of ipaircui child, asked them what generosity wai. sc.Usboy raiacd his hand and said, "I know; ff fivug to others what yon don't want yourself." A nor at the Brooklyn Navy Yard explained to stsnas landsman the other day how prise money H Cir.led "It is sifted through a ladder," he said: "Ist falls through goes to the officers ; what sticks, tinier, get." "S you are going to keep a school V said a udy to her aunt. "Well, for my part. KMrthando that, I would marry a widower with Wltiidren." "I should prefer that myself," was tie nf.j "but where Is the widower V "Uather, mother, here's Freddy teasing the baby, irte tint cry again. Freddy, and then mother will prt in, some sugar, and I'll take it away from him; es tell squall and mother will give him some more, 133 Jou can take that, and we'll both have some. Atttje and little King wero gathering wild flow-- aentie could not find many, and was going lata to the house, when King cried out gleefully auue, come over where lam; they're awful s here . just as thick as your head." Auntie IM. 'Seenes Royal Academy, Gallery No. I) Artful .aetjcuig the proximity of the refrerhment room): i. George, dear, I I feel so faint." More artful 'aba has been "served that way before") 'tis!, eh? It's this doosid unpleasant smell of ti'ry : lot's go on a bit." (Exeunt.) "Tin lave lost vonr habv. I hear." said one ren. Cea to another. "Yes, poor little thing I it was "ytve months old. We did all we could for it. "elal four doctors. Wittered its head and feet, put esar poulticet all over it, gavo it nine calomel Insert, leeched its temples, had it bind, and gavo -- sjnda or medicines, and jet, after a week' III' '".Itdied." A girl was a witness in a recent divorce suit, and a nortion of her evidence u'f "js: -- Father got mad because mother t.ea hj stcckeas. Mother picked up the stock. 1 hit father on tbe head with them, and it "l ai thon;h they were sticks of wood. Father "taieti a hot wheat cake down mother a tnroai, . ""Uier set the doe on fsther and twilUd th -- t tia to naia him bite harder." rriTTin tt a wt a tt a at n a rzijVTinn 1 nth JLli U illin JIJbSh 11 A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. VOL. XIII.-N- o. 46.1 BUSINESS NOTICES. S. V. CAB IXC. J. B. ATHCBTOR. J. p. COOKE. oastm: A: cooki;. SHIPPINQ AND COMMISSION HEECHAJJTS, IMPORTERS AND Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian lalauda. .... AGEXTS TOR The Union Inxorance Company of San Frandsco. The New England Untnal Ufa Inaurance ConiMny, ltoun. The Oregon Packet Line, iTbe Kohala Plantation, Dr. Jayue Son's Celebrated Tb Haikn Plautation, Mrdidnea. fWalaloa PUbtatlon, Tbceler A WiUon's Sewing Hamakua PlanUtloo. Machines, (ofijl ly) ' ISO. B. W4LVER, Z. B. BPALDIS'U. WH, O. IRWTX W 31 . G . I It VI . Ac C O . , Sugar Factors, Shipping; and Commission Merchants. AQKXTb TOR Naaleba PJantatlun. Hawaii. Make Pugar Han u I Ion, ManL MaVra Sugar rr., Kauai. West Maui PUuuUon. TJ.K.Vlda (Union MUla) HawaiL Urelg BlckneU (Fanning Ialand)Cocoaout Oib North Western Life Ins. Co. swlss Uoyd Marine Ins Co. CiZ Honolulu, u. I. ly - C 41U. K. r. KOBlKfuX. AM,i: Jc KOItlSSO.A. At BoLlnHuo'. Wliarf, Sealer, in Lumber and all kindj of Enilding Uateriali, Fainti, Oils, Kails, 4c, &c, 4c, AGESTS Or ICAOOXtkS UAIXACAIJk. KCLAMANU, KEKAULCOIII,- - SURY ELLnX, PAUAIII, FAIRY QCEES, UILAMA. IXAIII, 633 nonolplo. !Uw.lUn Itlandt. ly .11. S. OIaIiMtAII.11 A: C., IMPOETEP.S AND WHOLESALE BEALEKS In FMhlon.bl. Clotbltii;, Il.ti, Cans Dooli, Sliovs and rrcry ..rifty or Grntlrmrn. .nptrior Furnlitlilni; Goodit, Store In H.ke'f Block, Qu.n btre., ltoniilola. II. I. M'T-lr- l s. .iiA;.-jir- . uiianu Street, Xear Jtiiij; Street ZXPOaTEU AND ZEAX.R ZN General' Merchandise, Fancy Dry Goods, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, c &, '& 660 lyr IHLl.LIXJII.V.TI V CO.. IMPOETEES AND DEALEES IN HAEDWAEE Cutlery, Dry Goodi, Puinte and Oil and General XO.0S, King Street. Uonolnln. ly P. O. 1IAI.I. V S. IJtPOETEES ANS DEALEES IN HAEDWAEE Dry Gooda, Talnta, 011a and General MercLandite, CornerFortaud KincSta. JOIE.V T. IVAXiatlKHlfaP. IMPOETEE AND BEALEK IN GENERAL KERCH AND ISE. 626 Qneen Street, llonolulo, II. I. ly A. S. ClEQROaX. J0. B. SKITCIES a. n. c,i;;iiiii. 4c Co.. lxroxTERs Ann nEAieaa 15 Gron.orn.1 MoroIiaTi fllso, Comer Qoeeo and KaaLnnianu Street!, OtO ly Nnuanu St., and corner Fort and Hotel St, iiv.tiaa itieo'i'iii:ics, IMPORTERS ANB WHOLESALE SEALERS In Faahionable Clothing, Ilata. Caps, Boots, Shoes, and eterr variety of Gentlemen's Fornisblng Goods. Snow's Banding. Merchant Street. Honolulu. '633-l- y riii:o. 11. davii'.s. LiTE Jlltioa. Gkeex A Co.J IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, asd aoest ros Lloyd's and the Liverpool Cudenaritera, Bntlnh and Foreign .Mariue Insurance Company, and Northern A ssnranee Company. o6t ly DEALERS It. I". i:mi'.ics sc co.. IN BRY GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Fort St..aboveOdd Tellowa Hall. y un. iii'i'scui.Ai:;i:tt & co.. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu, Oaho. II. I. 0 ly J. G.DICKaOS ROBT. LEWEB8, C. M. COOKE LIin'GKS .V IICIfSO'. IEP0ETERS & DEALERS IH LUMBER. AndallkindaofBnlldingMaterlali.Fort Street, llonolnln lriLUVIC A: CO., Successors to Dowsett t Co., Corner Fort and Queen Street Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building (6tt-i- y Materials of every kind. HOI.I.i:S At CO.. Ship Chandler and Commission Merchants. ImportersandDeelersIn General MercnaudUe, Queen ;roet Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. 622 ly A. XV. PEIKCE Ac CO.. (Snccesaora to C. L. RiCBAsna L Co.,) Ship Chaadlera and General Commission Merchants. ALSO Agmti for the PtnOai Si It irbrla. 626 Uonoloin. Hawaiian Islands. ly C. BREWER & CO., H. 1. P. ) Vr. c joms. ja., V i J. D. II EE Witt. ) SHIPPING & COIilMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. II. 1IACKFCW) CO., GENERAL COMKISSION AGENTS, Queen Street, Honolulu, U. I. l W, L.OUEBX. 0BO.W AlACrABLASK. r. I. us... Itl'.O. ,UA'AKI.Aii at ... IMPOKTEBS AND COMMISSION MEBCHANXS, Qneen Street. Eobinson's Building, li. l. roa The rnnloa Bheep Company, The spencer riant-uo- n, 11110, Tbe Walkapn PlanUtion, The Kanioto Plantation, Molokal, The Olaagow and Honolulu Line of I'sckets. 634 Xim IaAttAIaVA STOKE. LA1IAINA, MAUI. Walter Murray Gibson, Propr. Fred H.Hayselden.Mana. cer (Ijite A. fc. Ceshurn Co.) ..a.- - iiivn a AS.HOKT- - Ai. itESTof aeneral Merchandise, Lumber, ana re- - crulu for d resseis. Honolulu, 6I ly Moroliant Tailor. S19 Kaahnmanu St., opposite Mr. 0. nhedes' ly BISHOP & CO., 33 A. 1ST DEC 33 B. , IIONOI.TJI.tJ, t t t HAWAIIAN ISI.ASDS, . ..DRAW EXCUANOE ON Tur OF CALIFORNIA. : : : : SIN FRANCISCO Sew York, aoentb Banch Store, S Rim Attn tana agents i Boston Paris, Auckland, TucnmrMTll RIM CORPORATION. : : : LONDON A3B TBEta BBABCBES IX Hone Kong, , Melbourne, Aod transact a General Banaine Pueineaa. S0 ly JO. B. OAT TJIKUJl Jt OAX, Stationers, News Dealers and Book binders. Tlonolulu. Also Stencil Cutties. En- - M'?'S: ... Convlnr. Promptly eiecnled ou rravius:.v....a.-i- -j t2l-- y reasonable terms. II. la. CHASE. pOUAITAnSCAPB PHOTO- - Cosmopolitan rhotosraphOaUery, 61 and06 uonoiuiu e.nnrrr KAKEB AND TRENCH POLISHES SMI So.76FortStreet,nouoInla.H.I. (IF HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, BUSINESS NOTIDKS. p. a. sciur.rr.K a; c. Importers & Commission Merchants jet4) Ilonololu, IIIin IaUndi Os E. 1'. AXASIS. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. Honolulu. II. I. UMy C S. BARTOW, Auctioneer. Saleroom oq Qoq Strrt, one duor from KMhuminn Cli ftrreU 'J .KII WOKTII, Auctioneer, and Sealer in General Uerehandiie 66 1IIL0. nAVMII. 3m ii. e. Mci.vrvicr. A: kktiii:k. GROCERY. PEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of Kinc and Fort streets, HONOLULU. K ly . b. ruru a. w. BUSK. ruin, .t itiiii. OEOCEEIES AND PEOVISION DEALEES FarallyOrocerjaDdFMd Store. Ml lyl 50 Fort Street, IIoloIoIq. T. CEAWFORD MACDOWELL, Attorney xt IF Coruer of Tort end King Streets, opposite . O. Hall bon. COO CHAM. X. OIII.ICK. HSTotvia?- - !EiaT3Xlo, AXI) Acrent to take Aekiiouleileineiiti Tor Xjilior 6.17 Interior tltliee. Ilontiliilu. ly KICIIAIcn P. BICKKimW. ATTORNEY ANB COUNSELOR AT LAW 1VUI attrnd tlie Termf of Conrti on the other litanrti. Money 10 lfD,l on Morteaeea of Freeholds Sk S3 Merchant street. 2 doom trom Dr. Stanf;enwald'a.C64 Sm VII-IAA.- 'I It. CASTIjP,. Attorney & Counsellor at Law : Notary Public. Ufflce on Merchant Street, t.o doora east of Fort fct,, Honolulu. 625 ly JlllO II. PATS, NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, I or the State of Califoi nla. Office at the Rank ofRUhopA Co., Kaahumauu Street, Hontdulu. o626 ly ;i:cii iticor. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTARY PDBLIC. And Agent fur taUne Acknowledffmenta of Intruments for the Ialand of Oahu. o629 No. S Kaahomana Street, llonolnlo, H. I. ly I'., a. HITCHCOCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII. 06MJ Bills Promptly Collected. ly J. 31. WIIIT.M'.Y, 31. !., !. S. Dental Rooms on Tort Street, 62.M Corner Hotel, over Mr. btrehz'a Urugtnre. ly DR. RODCERS, riiyslciivii fucxd KOIOVr.ll HIS ItKMDEXCK 1HOJI HAS lane to the snow iviuage. Hawaiian Hotel, entrance on Hole! Street, next door to the Theatre. Night Calls Promptly Attended To. OlUce. as formerly, at llr. K. atrehx' Drug Store, corner Fort and Hotel street. Honolulu, October 30. 1877. 60S ;IIA. S. Hl'lTICKllGlv, .11. Begs to enounce that he has returned from California, and intends toeetlle In Honolulu for the practice ,f his profealoo. All desiring Ills services will rind him at hi. residence on Jiuuann avenue, next door above the lower bridge. n626 ly r. ii PHYSICIAN 6.W 1S77. Ln.w, Surgoon, i:.m:n., AND SURGEON, WAILTJKO. MACI. 6m 'rici:nz, APOTHECABY AND DEUOOIST. a3ft Comer Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oaho. ca Keep, open every otlirtlny Kveiiltip. o C291y !IOI,I.ISTi:it .V CO., 'o. C8 Xmiauu Street, s : : I Honolulu, IHFnRttBS AB DEALERS lit Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. Manufacturers of Mineral Watfrs. &c mix HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. j STEAM KSOIMM. STOAB. JIII.I., S3J2 Uollers, Coolers, Iron, Brais and Lead Catlings Machinery of Every Description, itaT- - Made to Order. "S3 Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing JOB WORK eaecuted on tb. aliorteat police. 0C6O ly J. .nuio. BLACKSMITH & WHEELWRICHT, KOLOA, KAUAI. AU Island orders will be attended to with promptness and dispatch, on tbe mo.t reasonable terms. a. sr.i:i.Kr.."v co.. TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS, 'o. 5 Xnnnnu Street, Keep constantly on hand a fnll assortment of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copperware, Oalv'd Iron and Load Pino. India Bubber Bote, &c ' o66i tm XHOJlAiai I, A Cli, Successor to John Nelli. Machinist. Lock and Cun Smith Sewlne Machlnea repaired: Dealer io Oi.-3- a ApentfortheCelebratedFIlKEXCKaEWISOMACIlINl. 40. Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I. sMy X. J. It A KF.lt. Practical Architect and Builder, TM.. anJ anecldcallon, fun.Ubed at reasonsble terms Address Post Ofuce, Honolulu, 11. 1. til F Q-- . W. BROWN. Civil Engineer, MONTGOMERY SQUARE, HONOLULU, H. I. ROADS. TRAMWAYS, WATER WORKS and BKIIXJK3 COXSTUUCTEII. WATER COURSES ALTERED, MARSH LANDS DRAINED, OE'TRUCTIOSS REMOVED, AC, c. MAPS AND PROFILES Tltis Establishment closes at 12 m., oa Saturdays. 6Ii-ly- r j. ii. wiciir.. CABINET IVIAEHIja, Alakcn Street, One door below Hotel Street. vne.ttn e.r all l.rr!r.t!nn, made and repaired atrea, sonant, rate". Rest workniaoshlpauaranteed. a4l ly PHILADELPHIA BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! Corner Fort & Merchant Sts. THE UIMDERSICEND HAS JUST RECEIVED JP ox- - 3D. C. 3VT. U JL iH-OS- T THE HOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies1, Misses1 and Cliildren's Cuttom-Mad- Extra Fine and Medium Quality BOOtS C&3 SllOCS Erer offered in llonolnlu. CMSm IRA RICHARDSON BUSINESS NOTICES. CHRISTIAN GERTZ, lli;r.S T ANXOOtT. TO TI1K PCIILTC of Honolulu, that he ha. pttrchaed the arock nnrt businwor wii.liam ficm-EK- , Hotel StrtH-- next door to Rtivhi's Drug Ftore, and that In future the business will be carried on by him In the name premise. C. O. nolle! U a fair ahare of the public patronage, and promises hli patron, civility, attention and good qoaltty for their money. 23 ly CARPENTER AND JOINER TjWork loe Prmptlr"V M.op 00 Fort St.. Explauatle, opio4it Hooper' Ttarrel ractory o IT MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Purnltureof eTery Jencrlpthm. Foniltare in .r Dullding. Work simp at tbe oM etaod tMi Hotel Street, CM Order from theotherltlamla pntmptly attended to. ly DOMESTIC PRODUCE. KATJPAKUEA PLANTATION fil'CAIl xow oII IX niul rrtr SMle In quantities ault purchaaers k7 to Dy AFOXO 4 ACIIUCK. Pioneer Mill, Laliaina. CAMi-iirxi- . jt TiTiiTox, rnopiturronn. f fruear of superior quality, now coming In and for sale in quantities to suit by K ly II. 1IACKFEI.D A CO SPENCER PLANTATION. 1 and for ail. hy KH GREEN. MACFARUXE A CO,. AEenta. WAIKAPU PLANTATION, vrcw crop r sf.iAit yaw com.-.- '' in X 1 aad for i!e fjr hooie connmptioi only. I,y 634 GRKKN. M tCFAKLANi: A CO., Agents. PTJULOA RANCH TANNERY. doi,i; am)Suhh.i: iei:.vTin:i;, ta.m:i Go a aud hp Sklna. from ihe aboTe celehratut Taa- - neiy. cotiiUntly received hi.1 fr sale by M CKKK.V, MAL'FAKb.VNG & CO. SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins A.VIIIOI1 SAIX, C10XSTAXTI.VOX1IAXD Vnlmeia Tnnupry. J. P. Pnrlier, I"roj"r. lliio '.'annery, 1'. K. 1.31111111, tioprletor. Otl IV A. S. CLKailOUN t CO., Agents. HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS GREY & CO., aMaiiuracture ra and Dealers In ALL KINDS OF SOAPS, I.eleo, King Street, Honolulu. Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow wautetl. Orr.tr. aod IlllU leftatlra Boot aod Shoe Etore, will meet with prompt attention C2i ly iio.-oi.i;..i- i soap tvoitiis, BY W.J. RAWLINS. The Troprletor of t tie WorlCB Ii prepAreJ to mpply hit CQt.tAniem( and the pobllc In general a iib the best iionlltjol aellow Soup. oft Snap nhtayi on lianct. H19 2ht l Price Paid for Soap Greate. ly Walpuoio House. ftE& 1'IsC.Sl.VTLY I.OCATKI IX WAIA- - litSa LUA- Islftod of Uahu, llawallaa Itlauds, Is open LAjHtto IheTrtve-In- t public. Horses grained and fed with hny or pastured. Saddle Horses procured at short notice, on reasonable tern.. T13UMS Board and fsodglng, perday Slii it le Ma.h..... . . Loorl"(r pemuht. per week iccurdlng agreement. Tor further particulars apply the undersigned, the place. f 2 to to or oo 653 IJ tb. JKJIKUMJri. C. WALLER, Proprietor. King Street, 630!y Ilonnlulu. FAFtULY MARKET! Jitiicllon ofliolol Riid ITnlon Mrceta. C. n'ALLCR, Troprlctor. Choicest Msats from the Finest Herds Fish, Poultvy, Vegetables, &c, E Fnrnl(hC(I to Order. 00 &0 It. XTIIAS. TncMtlRj f. nml TImrslBy Yeal, Frldayw l'ivli. N nn 1 141 mb, (Unleas otherwise ordered. The Proprietor having leaned the neat and commodious VEGETABLE, FRUIT AND POULTRY MARKET, Adjoining- the Family Meat Market, will be prepared to promptly and aaUataetorily till orders for everything1 re- quisite to fnmlsh the tables with ail tbe Substantiate and Delicacies the country affords. Btrshlpiilnirniuipllnl " Short Xollee.-S- Meats, Ac, delivered to all parts of the city without ex. tra chant. 631 lyl O. WALLER. OIL BLACKINC.. A 3IA UFACT'UKEO G. S. PINKHAIV1 & CO. HILO, HAWAII. BOLLES Co., Agents, noNOLcxtr. 6I ly or V Vo- - & S fi fv' 'ONIMOVTG TIP v ;itv .ttAnKiyr, WH'1,1), PROPIlIirrilR. XCDAXD ST., OF CHAPLAIN' LANE. MEATS DEXsIVEHED! r All Orders Promptly Attended. INSURANCE NOTICES. r. a. soieaf.fi;r. AG EXT ofHremcn Oofird of Undervrrlters, Agent of Dreadeo RoarJ ftf UnJerrrlter, A gent of Vienna Board of Underwriter!. OUmaglnttnarancCon.panieariibin the (oriHctlon of the abote tloardi of Cnderwrltera, will hare to ! Certi- fied to by the above agent to tnake them valid. 63.1y UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF SAX FIIAXCISCO. ZbXo.X'lxi.o. IKCOEPOB ATED, 1806. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS (AI For the Hawaiian Islands. ly INSURANCE NOTICES. Itoston Roard of linderwrilers. (JESTS for tlic Hawaiian lalanili. 0U-l- y C. RRKHEKACO. Pliiladelplila Roard of Underwriters. 1 GUXTS for the Hairallan Ialamls, t. 6t5.1y C. nUEWF.I'. ,t CO. TIlAS'S-ATIiAXT- IC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OI' im i:i:i huilpim.m. .Mt:it- - Risu.H anj Furniture, on liberal terms, by II. IIACKFELD ,t CO., Atenu. May :0, U75. neiS-l- y CAI.JI'OIS.MA INSUP.ANCE COMPANY. r; asents hi," the JL alwve CuntmtiT, Iistb been authurlle,l to insnr. tlski on Cargo, Freight and Trensurc, from Honolulu to all aiti of Ihe worM, and vice vena. C3 ly II. IIACKFELD A CO. iiA.tiiuue.ii-9iici;.ii- i:' FIRE INSURANCE COMPAHY. Till: U.Ili:HSI;'F.I) having been Atrenls of iba abote Compauy. are prejwre,! to insure ritka arainit fire, on Stone and llrlck Merchandise atored therein. 01 the moat ftvorable terms. For particulars apple at tbe office ol 632 ly F. ASC1IAF.FF.R 4 CO. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HAMBURG. Bi:ii,I)im;s. .MintciiA.vnisE. Insured aaiist Fire on tbe most favorable terms. A. JAEGER. Asent for the HawalUn Islands. CIS ly NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OP IO.VDDV AX1 KDIMlUItGH. KSTABLISIIF.D 1S09. CAPITAL 2,000,000 Ai cuiimlatcil anil Iiiveateil Fuuil. ,838,118 TEIIIE UXDEItSlOSKD HAVE IIEE.V AP. a AGENTn tM the SauJ.ich Ialandi, and are authorized to n.tire agaio't liro upon livorable teima. Risks taKen In any part of thelalandaou Uoo,leu Buildings and merchandise stored therein. Dwelling lloues and Furn- iture, Timber. Coal', Ships In harbor with or without cargoes or nuder repair. 617 ly ED. lQFFfCllL,AKOKlt A CO tiii: Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. IIP VITEIlTIIUK. T UNUi:llS10Ni:O ore AUTHORIZED to insure On Cargo, Freight and Treasure From Honolulu to alt parts of the world, aud upon Counter), hy Spcuinl lrrxttls.iori ! On the niott favorable terms. 620-l- W. 0. IKWIN A CO Agenta for the Hawaiian latauds. Rhonlsh Westphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, or 31. tiljAIIHACII. ItUcalili I'rusiln. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, or a,v:iii:.v. (Aix.i.i-cii.Pi:i.i.i:- C'1,AUIS roil 1'AHTIflJI.Alt avi:u. VI.I. euitlned by Goods arrlvlns here, and Insured in tue above Companies, have to be made wilh the cog. niznnce of and certified to by the underaienett. In order to be valid. (GTt ly) J. C. CLADIT, Agent, LIVERPOOL and YoNDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets, $26,740,105,70 IATAIlI.ISIIi:l AX AI1KXVY IN HAVE ror the Hawaiian Islands, and the undersigned are prepared to write risks agaln9t FIRi: OX BUIUtlXGS, .UMIlCIIAMSi: AND lllVKLLIXGS On favorable terms. Dnelllux Itlaki n Slicelnl-Ity- . Detached (twelling, and contents intured fwr a reriod of three )ears, fr two piemiums in adrance. I.uvse-- a liriillipily tuljuvteil ami linklfk here. C5'J 61.1 11IMIOP ,t Co. PI KB 31 AX'S PUX1) INSURANCE COMPANY, OF BAN PBANCISCO, JI lro xx rl IVIarixio, I'aall Oi'liltal. Uolil. tVJOO.000. Illtellllis; ItllkNn faperliilily. Detached dwellings ami contents injured tor a period ot lures years, tor tuopre-mintn- in advance. Uy writing srdail lines on carefully selected rUks well di.tribnted, offers IXDEH.V1TY SKCO.VI) TO XOSB Losses Promptly Adjusted. BISHOP & CO., 620 ly Agents for th. HswsIIsn Islands. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Company, jiu.MAi'ur.r, wiscn.vM.t. V B K H T B , Sl7fOOOrOOO! rwinii most si I'ussii r. i.vsuiianc JL UOMPANV In the World. CHARTERED I N 195S. nas the advantage of Western Rates of Interest. Never lost a dollar of Its Securities and never falls to pay Its losses promptly. For particulars apply at the Omce of W.O.mWIN A CO., o6f 3 ly Agents for tbe Hawaiian Islands THE New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. 0FD0ST0V.MAS3. IXIMlIt IMIlt ATKI, 1835. 7ie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in toe Umtea mates. Policies limed on the most favorable Terms. Kxnmple or?Ton-rorfrlt- I1nn, INSURED AGE. So LIFE FLAN 1 Annual premium continnes Policy 2 years 3 days 2 Annual premium eootinuea Policy 4 years 12 days 3 Annual premium continnes Folicy 6 yesra 27 dsys 4 Aanoal premium continues Policy S years 46 dsys a Annual premlnm continues Policy 10 years 66 days AaSSSOtSat. s $13,000,000 ! Lcaes Pnlil throna;h llnnolnltt AKeEtcr, $49,000 I CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 663 FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ly SAfVI'L C. WILDER, Agent ror the IIanllBii Ialamla, OF THK Mutual Life Insurance Co. or XE1V YORK, Largost, Safest'and Most ECONOWIICflL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets (iS70)..$3OfOOOaOOO XjHj oasb:. Now is a Good Time to Insure None bnt Flrit-CIs- u Rttka Taken, CtUJa OFFICE WFT1T WILDER A Co IAVHOLE No. G70. INSURANCE NOTICES. Insurance Notice. fHIlK AGENT FOIt TI1K lllirrisll For-- A elxn Marine In.oranc Corainv. (LiiulteJV. h re clvJ iualrnctiop tu rtilnce the rtea tf lnaaraaca beta een HuBololo ami I'urti In tlte I'actfle, eoj l now pre laarrJ tj lu loHclf at the Kwrtt rtea, with aaicUI reJactkiD on rreltbt per iteameta. 11 tJJ. 11. UA -', ly f21 Aji.nt Drit I'ur. Uar. Iaa. Co., UmlteJ NEW ZEALAND INS. GO., FOB FIRE fc lUIlIXE IXSUJIAXCE. ESTABLISHED. Ui. Capital: 35,000,000 (OTlli unllmlte.1 lUblllty oftlliarehoMers.) SEKTOTWELL, PROTECT YOURSELF1" Shasspeare INSURilNCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Of erery description ot property may be effected with this Com puny at niuJerato rates. Merchandise, Goods and Freight Insured By steamers and aaniDtr Yeala, Lnaaes can be made pajabltu Ilonololu. CASTLK A COOKE. 610 iy Agents for lloncJnlo. FOREIGN NOTICES. RUPTURE. vsr. ya moiie jiktai. Tnrssuil i more SiilTri-Inarrr- tiin Iron lloopn orlStrel ,Sprlutrl pii:nci7a) Patent Magnetic Elastic Truss. Is worn with ease and comfort IIIHT A.It DAT, and will perform radical core, when all others fall. Header, If ruptured, THY ONK; yon will never regrstit. OCT eend for Illustrated Boole and Frlce List to Insnetlc i:in.tlc Trti.. t'o., 3Co. 600 Sacramento San Francico, California. ctar These Trussea are sent by mall to any part .f tbe world.-s- tt S83 ly HAZELTON PIANOS iii aa i Grand, Sguare and TJliright. BEST IN THE MARKET! PRICES LOWER Thnu nuy other rint.Claia rinnos. FULLY WARRANTED lo stand anv climate. Send for Catalogues and l'rlce List. C1IAS. M. K.VTON', Oeneral Agent, I 6m 133 Montgomery btreet, San Francisco, CaL R. J. TRUMBULL, i roner, XiiitKirter. MIioleHHle nml lie U II Denier In FLOWER, FIELD. TREE AND GARDEN SEE El D S FLOWEWXG PLANTS and BULBS, FRUITS and ORXAMEN'TAL THEES, Etc. FANCY WIRE DESIGNS. GAR- -. SYR- INGES, GARDEN HARDWARE, Com p rlil nff the most complete Stock Ever uirerel on the I'mcIHc Conat. lrlces Unatualljr Low, Trade l'rlce List oo application, My "MuMe to tlie Vegetable anJ Fluwer flariton will lx Brnifrtt Lu all CuUomtr. It ctnUln luat ructions ou tUe culture of Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trcu beeds. Alfalfa, etc. II. J. TlltTMIiri.I tii Cm 119 and 421 e fitreet, eui Francbtco THE OAKLAND BANK OF SAVINGS. OAKLAND, C.W.IlOltXIA. V. S. A. INCORPORATED, 167. AliTIIIiniZF.n CAI'ITAI. C'mill'l lmlil Iii ami Aueti, Juiry l.t. 1S77, .81,000.000 I KtlO.OOO f ,30!S,UOtl E. C. SES6I0NS, rruidtnt, C1IAS. ROHERTeJ, OukUr hibsxtobb: riCPessions, W. A. Aidrlch, A, W. iv.wman, Henry Rogers, W. E. Miller, Win. Fnuer. Y. w. Cameron, vr. II. Glascock. Depoalts from any poriloa of tbe Col ted State. Eoroi or the Hawaiian Inlands, may be teat by malt or exprcaa. in coin or currency, or Dy ara on aay box.nen or ban i- cing hooso. A pari book: wltb proper entries wltlbe returned for tbe aame. itemlttancea lo curren- cy will be credited In sold at curreut rates. Tbe algnalure of ibe depoeltor bould accompany tbe flrtt dtpoalt. Im posits can be made by any one, but can only be withdrawn by ibe altrnatnre ( tbe Party In wboae nani tbe acrouot la opened. Married womeit and minora can malta depoa- lts la tbelr own names, and may withdraw the aaroe, upon tbefr own receipt! , upon tbe same conditions aa other de- positors. No entrance fee or charge for bauk books. The securities for all loans made by tbla bank, are witbgreatcare by tlie Hoard or Director, aod con-sl- almost exrlnatvelv of flrat rlaia ntl Vrtm tar If h itjvTJirs jvnvjinTinnVO U..a-H'-acb SsLlaeSiacbes.... TMnleColataa.. HalfofrUaea..... UHainliiH aJvertUementa. ratea.fcaarEraar. ajeerlla.ts LealihB,o4a NOTICES. SCVEltAMCK, OXJIIKSIO.V rn.ixnsico. aEssva.wit.UABa. WILLIAMS. CHARD Shipping Comaiission MrrcbaaH, ROBERTON SYKES, COMMISSION MERCHANTS LlTerpool. ClOslKiimenU EVERETT, Foriranlin? Commission 3Irrrbant, CewatgaBeBta C0EB1TT HACLEAY. Shipping Commission .JlercuiaU, e,rvtlaai, SACSAltUTU HENRY CUMMINCS -- VVltOIiBSALM Fruit Produce Commission House KSTABLIMIID Wavblnst.is. irLlSCUt,rjL. ALSO. California Oregon Dairy Pnthca tvtaianaeam, PACIFIC IRON WORKS, FRANCtbCO, I!HATTI). Engines, Jioikrt, Maehintnj Description. rajuiafactnr..r BOOKS STATIONERY. Basis Business. FIUHTTo Manufactnr atJHilry .eOTerl.&OaTarletleeof BANCROFT ROBERT WILKES CO., MANUFACTURERS MASUFACTURrR'S IMPORrZRS Amorican, English Europoan JIANlTACTf Staple Goods Guaranteed INDIA RICE MILL, tllSSION FREB01T iuo;jiii.i. Improrementa, Hulling and Dressing Paddy UNCLEANED RICE. Faddy and Hulled Rice! Prompt Cartful Auction. CREESWOOD. COLLIS BUOH'NF.'S OHLOH -- 3tr3ST33 0EIOINAL OSLTIGESUISE THE CACTIuajCD CUmxlj.. lane securities CULOaVODTKa excluded. of being to security TkaOseer fir thereafter eonatat aadoubtedly mr.cn no. uui iartfe ana increasing upiiai nuu vtht;. uuu, liu jssji .Kit! WUtCU Can U3 WlUMirawQ by stockholders until all demands ol depositors have been paid In full, taken connection with a and coo- - serraU? e management, furnisher, to depositors goarao- lee 01 saieiy as w eu remunerauve dlTldend. Deposits can coder ordioary circumstancea be with- drawn, u a whole In pru hoot notice (Instead of six month V notice being rK.nlred as formerly) as specified In articles 3d and tth piloted co adit bona of agreement wltb depositor. Non resident depositors who wish lo withdraw their deposits, or portion thereof, aod desire to e the same tent to them by the Itaok, may do ao subject to the By.L&ws, by tending a proper order accom by pass book, with IitxUuctioni as to man- ner In which they desire tbe money to be remitted. Said remittance however will be at the expeose and of tbe depositor, orders for this purpose will be br the Cashier. Term deposits remaining three full calandar months, will be entitled todlTldenda of Interest. Baiddl? (dends art declared, and payable In January and of each year, and not called ror In one month, will be credited to the account aod bear Interest as deposit from date on which they were declared. No dlrldend computed on fractions of for fractions of months. Xnrldends declared by this Bank for the past and prertous trtcs, hare been at the rate of K per per annum for tbe present term and hereafter will not exceed 9 per cent. For fnrtber se printed coodlUons of agree- ment with depresltors wbkh will b eforwarded. to any ad- dress upon request, a copy of which Is also appended to each pass book. A Ueneral Banklnc lusluei Tram uicte. Onr exchange on New Tork, loodon, Fran it fort on the main. Berlin and Parts, for sale. Coilectloos made and proceeds remitted at current rates. -- v Space Measured la Neeiparetl IP. 11 Uaes-Slt- Kh M Uael laches..... t'Llaaa- -4 lecher... Quarter of CoieMB... Two.Tbird CArlaBta.. One Colnma.. ... . I I a Su t m I oo! t eeij l o s f il Istj n sen a sot i ti ttalllU oof s oof oe It a oat II wj Uw 9 co it eoi nt 14 Ob! 1. aes s so a H oof It set so t ne. s te Mi Bnaleess Cards when rerrt ewe year, aie alto.ed a diervaat ftc Ihee. rates wbarh are r traieMeai, when paW a ebarcW .avtly. X AI! firer. BdvertiBeBta aanat a. anoaapaBlr. wilh the pay .ben J.rd lB,rM a4l. wHI W t.a.m.r tbem. The glteB la la We ral. a remittaiMM lor Eaten Avertc.a ee acrtptlons aaay be Bad. by ft Sew et II. W. JI T. KC II A 31 T. so ntoxT miEEr. .t.f asjat r.atnraaa BLAN & CO, and 6TS Califurata Saw FrelMe. lj 1c CnKlmsa. recetTed aad aWpmeaU madp, awl ti folia t lafiwmatloa gitcn of prodttoe a4 47 maoafkaiUrt-- c viatketa. ly A. P. and 403 Front Street Cwrncr orclatxe SAN S f Pankaler atteatloa pai4 to Iaanl rroduc.. ly & and 13 end IS Front In 10 and 11 Fin! J O. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, 103 STXaXT- - atria t. Baak of BrttUh Colambla . tlaBJ.Oret First National (loU luak Sao rraa MeMra, ii. iiacsr.ia am Bisbep A Co., Ba.kera IlemW.l. Meara. Greeo, JItirUo.A Co HoriBI Oer Conaiznl..ata f lalanl Prodac. akllW. mm wbSeB) CASH ADTANCEd WILL RK3IADC tJ" K. & Co., and 1U. Ilnltery ht, ror e- Sear tie roal Office. SAN Splal Attention given to FmHs, Flener, routoes, fatoBB. rsultlT. tv. and HjQ anil star W. re.peetrully eollHt roar 3 art; all Goods - II. K. a CU. S. P." . SU ly DAN at LI ro EN IA. EstablUhetl In 1H3. Jt CO., Manufactur and oj' every rarticnlar attention paU to tb. AsTalAlt MILLS, VACUUM PAN'. e. Itefereaee In Honolulu E. JS ly. 12 '. Aaaxa, Eaaa. & Tho of Our all rWk. ran ! Joaa bera aa U aa eta(V4i tberebj direct! j tf Befit oar catteiaen ettraeltaa. aavl Ham aaj SKt OXIUTt. Iluy- - taml rll Bola ao a to tnaka It to the latere! ejtalM aa4 tm come to aa la jrtfrHC to teaclaV Eaat. fjT Vm tuaaafactnra aod tnpwrt eTery iitrlytlai af err. earrjiPK Ure itocae ef Taper. tCaTflof n aa4 BLaak IkMiftn of oar iran nana ISct are, Jaty SUtea, Nl Blans formm teplls St- - A. L. ot CO., oWMj !aa rraafaea Cal & . tt ACI3T3 AND KXrOKTECS Ut & It KM. Sapply to deaieea tb. largMt varkly s Oesenl MibIh diaacTed by any 0.1C IIOU3E IN THE WOULD. vry iLialer rboulil have a CataUgB. fpast tals lions, a. son. goods la evsvy B ar.aurpft! All Sold Toronto U and SO Tfran MoatreaJ, IH aftj Uctlll alrrtt; Looden, 60 Qta Tic tut la atrwet, E. Ci SbaOlekl Baavar Work a. Kew York, U Worth fitreet, and 9 BroaJarar. ttaviir COtUIER or t STS., S1.1 Ffllfl CISCO, CIL ripm: inhia having r5DF.it li 'gone Material la stow ta perfect con- dition for of AMD In th Best Pnealbl. Manner Th. me be IIULLIXU aad DRE&SINU PA OUT has been Iteducwl S3 ar mb Will Receive and WJt. L General Commission JlercLant aa4 rioyileter mt IalA IUcjMCL an ly. DR. J. OX IS THE ASP PUIIMC AIIE SOJinvT Ba&bdl tat.ia.aU frBat!; ai, - Ikat is. eonipoUtien ef CBtoaosvss la la.. I. Cheaalat, a .4 th. M1k1 nrofeMlon. Th. Uet la. . dWatnel and 1st rated hy Dr. 1. COLLIS CSOWSE (,s Anay UMiral Sua;) an4 so nauvod by bin, aaj It has teB4 all slteasst. at analyala Ly tb first Cheat tit, of tb. day. Tb. awetbW ami secret el IB preparsir aav. oarer let. saauiaB.4. marsltis : United gtat- - istAtH. Cnnntr and (lir . Ii obvlooa. tbaratbf a, tkat aartblae aoU sastr Eond. Ac All stocks other of ancrtalu or safe Dr. J. C0LLI8 ER0WS1? & fart- - tluctoatlng ralnes are carefnUy The policy J oaa ImlUtloa. the Bank, obtain Jlrit, absolute for re-- CAUTIOK W. P. Va4 Utod tkaS turn of the principal, a rate of lotereat Dr. Cot lis Browne was tb lateatawof Caksra-- uuusuiuij j s s vr r UI In careful a wit a panled the ibe risk niank furnlsliod July ir a dollars cent ; probably particulars own .. I , asa-i- ;trt.t. Mtaara. .. atrrat; Weat tho ta- or as or or ee K REMEDIAL USES AND ACTIO. Tbts laraloable remedy prodBcee qalet. rtfresalar tf rellarreapalo. calaistli. arttan, rrtteea tk faatc tfons, sod stlnaUtes bMltby aetleo tf ta aarrataaaia mt tmm body, wltbttol craatlag aay etbeae asateMat reewlu tb dm ef eplaf, OU aad yeaag aaay Uke It at all boars and tines when realist. Tbonaaai a eraooa ti Ita BtarTillooa goxl ffiVcts sad woftder fat earaa. auw ejedlcal men extol Its Tlrtaea saoat est aalag ti K great lasatlties In the fJlowlag diaM:a.CawIra, byv try, Diarrbcea, Cotlkca. Aatasaa, aanMtbia, Wbuopiag Ceagb Cranp Uyiterla, Ac EXTRACTS riOX MEDICAL 0PI5I0SS. The Bight Hon. Earl kaaaall coaeiaatcaUl l Ike Canege of PtiyikUoa, and J. T. Dateaport, that ka aa4 reeleaf too to the enact that tk wit ressedy ef aay eartico la Cholera aa CI I LORODTN t B Umott trm. It. Dr. Lowe, Medical MlMionary la ladia, ieorta (Dmu, IkMl that la nearly ceary caaa e Cholera which Dr J. COLLI A BR0WM73 C1ILOH0DT5E waa adaJaUUrtd. the patiaal reeoe ered. Extract front Medical Times. Jan. IX I Ck tefWya la preacrtbed by seoree af aetkodes aadlral prsetlUaaara, Ot coarse It woald met tbas be aUrslai.y pmpUe AU It 'apply a wsat sad fill a plaea- - ' EsUact iYota the Geaeral Baard ef Ifealth, laJni. a t Its efficacy la Cholera M ffo trMgfy are ve to ? lac M sfthe Immeaa. vsleeof this remedy, that aa caioat tt SwelUy urge tbe neceaaity of SaVrfrtiac It fa all raa. CADTIOK. N'ne geaaloe vltlwat ike words Dr. J. COLLIS BUOtTXE" on th Oeferassaat Suaapa. 0r Kheltalag attalical Ustlaaesy aevaipsalae each tWll. Sole UanalhctBrer J. T. DAVKS" 13. Great EamaniUlaVMSubai1- - BQUlaUsttlesat It. A feat WtU-S- . 1UJL, 5. L. U. U. In New Tork, W. ll. Kaunrux A a. Co.aa4Xa

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Post on 06-Mar-2021




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Page 1: rriTTin nth JLli illin tt JIJbSh 1 U · 2015. 6. 2. · THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE rniiLisiiED BY HENRY M. WHITNEY Every IVeduewdnj--Morn Inp.AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE IX ADVANCE


BY HENRY M. WHITNEYEvery IVeduewdnj-- Morn In p.


Fordu uiaerlbr. 3700 to $1000srnlcb Include, postage, prepaid.

OrrK--n In the now Post Office Building

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

,n Only Child Tea-Parl- y.

TMcrilw4tj Walt Whitman, In Anot Jndy'tMagixin,

VfBf Irt0 lr lth lit little fctnlths, tbere are eight of.bets there, bat there only one of n.

fbs-- j nates it not easy to lure m fancy as Ifc rrc werv two or thr,

I tfc. on tny Urthdsy, bat Joe Smith says it

t(,'t bare been regalar ,

tcaae to a with only one And do te- -

lt tatar-Wai- cream Jor, or be never

brd of snch tblug under the sun.

1st Trrv bis aJ quite fall of -

vkte. end J eee,waaiTt anybody tliere who could really drink

except Towner sod me.

t Clin can . pretend, end then It waabes the paint off

tbrir lipc,

m,a erbfttCfaerlee, the canary, drlnka Unt orth apeak lu if

j tor be tales sacb very email tlpa.1? iyt a kitchen chair Isn't a table; bat It pot four legs

acl a top, ea It would bo If the back waut Here ;

Xti due fjr Charles to parch on, and I hate to pattb Prince of V1 to Iea ag.Unat It, because hi leg

fair. to alt on nchair.TTuj , a iua!1 dull. J call bint the Prince of Wales be--

caitMtt tbeeUeateon, ywUe;la t ' taeu him fur tuf brother, and be was mother

cait tra&xe X burn, ao of cuur he'a older than me.

Th-- reel lire brother, bat I dont think he a old

a the Prince of Wales.

H . a perfect darling, though be whlaks everything over1m --joim near, and I tell him I don't know bat we

L3eU do If we all bad tall.Hl tiau carta like mine in froot, and he's clipped like a lion

oeUQd but no oue need be frightened, for he a good

a good,

Ax a t roaring like a real menagerie Hod, or eating peo-f- .,

ap I don't believe be Wuuld If be could.

lit & nit tea oat of the saacer after I've had mine oat oftt cap.

n I'm eon to leave eome for him, bat If I let himtint be would drtuk it all up.

TV W oJI GlmQJni gate me thl birthday, and thecan ah gate ine the year before,

i naven t many toys, bat 1 take great care oflhem, audbirthday I aball have moie and more.)

Xm idea what a beantiful doll he la, ani'wben Il uer la the middle, abe can eqiiealc.

I: fnchtened Tuaaer, for he didn't know that any ofo cm be and I and CbarlM were able to apeak,

tt ukro tier for my only sitter, fjr of coarse 1 way takeat- 'iod if 1 cboae

rtp oUed ber Cinderella, becaate I'm so fond of the story,ata becaaae the Cot real abort.

C; fi lonely now there are so many of n; for,

mnuns Ctnderella, there are five,

fclt attd i and Towaer, and Charlea, aud the Prince ofaim and three of ui are really alive;

Itts m of at can speak, aodl'm sure thi Prince of Walen ruttierful fjf bfa aixe;uu u.m(at leaat he's only got one thlnx) take off and

.nJ, thoush he's nothing but Wood, he's got reallit eye.

u la thret birthdays more there maybeai inanyo aa the mitb, for fie and three make eight ;

ibai m scTvn yean old then (aa old aa Joe), bnt I don'tt. think too mu't of It, Its ao lone to wait.

Aii a:ir ail. 1 don't know that I want any more of as ;

u.aK Pd rather my kUter bad a chairLj s and the neat year I should like a collar for

T vaet if It wooldn't wear off bia hair.iu aaid be very nice If the Prince of Wales could be

treMej Uke a for he'a got nnthlue ou bis

at. terella' beautifully dressed, and Towaer look,z aa If he'd cot a fur coat on when be begs.

j a in perfectly aWurd. and that I can't lake & Po--

umnian In earnest for uy brother;tt wi thlok be really and truly knowa bow much

and I love each Other.

t. bis saying. Well, there's one thing aboottot yoo. can alwaya have your own way.'

Ait be say a, " Vihi can't jtoaalbly have fun tilth fourwhen yon have to pretend what they say.'

Bsi he says; I don't believe I aball ever enjoy amore than the one that we bad on that day.

VARIETY.Tsci for tbe retinog Cheek wins in this world

ejtciai. tt tbe cheek is dimpled aod rosy.

t ireio perfumery irxs first imported into America& ' -- that is in the old Colorneial days.

Tfie sleeves of new dresses fit tighter than ever. ToIsacb o one's sleeve has bow become purely tneta-


A mechanic his labor will often discard,1 tbe rate of his pay he dislikes;

Cm a clock and its case is nocommonly hardV t.i continue to work though it striker.

IThtt cord 11 it in which you can find knots thatztBsn lirioc erer tiod, and no tnaa living can un-t- e

Acs Why, a cord of wood.

A viaor n.an in Ohio recently opened a clothingtare a&d was sent to jail for it. Reason the cloth-tt- r

(tare belonged to another man.

I u terfectly natural that physicians generallyca.j bsre a greater horror of tbe sea than anybody

tiie became they are more liable to see sickness.

The eleiren case of nepotism on record is that of aLnrp banker who hat just left J5.000.000 to his

vrw besides making him residuary legatee of anecu valued at over $12,000,000.

tt.erlakers ehonld be careful of what they say.C:tcf them said to a sickly looking man who was

latter bis place : "'Good mornlog. This is a nicebju take a ride." The sick man winced.

A teacher after reading to her scholars a story ofipaircui child, asked them what generosity wai.sc.Usboy raiacd his hand and said, "I know;

ff fivug to others what yon don't want yourself."

A nor at the Brooklyn Navy Yard explained to

stsnas landsman the other day how prise moneyH Cir.led "It is sifted through a ladder," he said:

"Ist falls through goes to the officers ; what sticks,tinier, get."

"S you are going to keep a school V said a

udy to her aunt. "Well, for my part.KMrthando that, I would marry a widower with

Wltiidren." "I should prefer that myself," wastie nf.j "but where Is the widower V

"Uather, mother, here's Freddy teasing the baby,irte tint cry again. Freddy, and then mother willprt in, some sugar, and I'll take it away from him;

es tell squall and mother will give him some more,133 Jou can take that, and we'll both have some.

Atttje and little King wero gathering wild flow--

aentie could not find many, and was goinglata to the house, when King cried out gleefully

auue, come over where lam; they're awfuls here . just as thick as your head." Auntie


'Seenes Royal Academy, Gallery No. I) Artful

.aetjcuig the proximity of the refrerhment room):i. George, dear, I I feel so faint." More artful

'aba has been "served that way before")'tis!, eh? It's this doosid unpleasant smell of

ti'ry : lot's go on a bit." (Exeunt.)"Tin lave lost vonr habv. I hear." said one ren.

Cea to another. "Yes, poor little thing I it was"ytve months old. We did all we could for it."elal four doctors. Wittered its head and feet, putesar poulticet all over it, gavo it nine calomelInsert, leeched its temples, had it bind, and gavo

-- sjnda or medicines, and jet, after a week' III'


girl was a witness in a recentdivorce suit, and a nortion of her evidence

u'f "js: -- Father got mad because mothert.ea hj stcckeas. Mother picked up the stock.

1 hit father on tbe head with them, and it"l ai thon;h they were sticks of wood. Father"taieti a hot wheat cake down mother a tnroai,

. ""Uier set the doe on fsther and twilUd th--t tia to naia him bite harder."

rriTTin tt a wt a tt a at n a rzijVTinn1 nth JLli U illin JIJbSh 1 1


VOL. XIII.-N-o. 46.1




Dealers in General Merchandise,No. 80 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian lalauda.

.... AGEXTS TORThe Union Inxorance Company of San Frandsco. The NewEngland Untnal Ufa Inaurance ConiMny, ltoun.The Oregon Packet Line, iTbe Kohala Plantation,Dr. Jayue Son's Celebrated Tb Haikn Plautation,

Mrdidnea. fWalaloa PUbtatlon,Tbceler A WiUon's Sewing Hamakua PlanUtloo.

Machines, (ofijl ly) '


W 31 . G . I It V I . Ac C O . ,Sugar Factors,

Shipping; and Commission Merchants.AQKXTb TOR

Naaleba PJantatlun. Hawaii.Make Pugar Han u I Ion, ManL MaVra Sugar rr., Kauai.West Maui PUuuUon. TJ.K.Vlda (Union MUla) HawaiL

Urelg BlckneU (Fanning Ialand)Cocoaout OibNorth Western Life Ins. Co. swlss Uoyd Marine Ins Co.

CiZ Honolulu, u. I. ly- C 41U. K. r. KOBlKfuX.

AM,i: Jc KOItlSSO.A.At BoLlnHuo'. Wliarf,

Sealer, in Lumber and all kindj of EnildingUateriali, Fainti, Oils, Kails, 4c, &c, 4c,






IXAIII,633 nonolplo. !Uw.lUn Itlandt. ly


In FMhlon.bl. Clotbltii;, Il.ti, Cans Dooli, Sliovs andrrcry ..rifty or Grntlrmrn. .nptrior Furnlitlilni; Goodit,Store In H.ke'f Block, Qu.n btre., ltoniilola. II. I.

M'T-lr- l

s. .iiA;.-jir-.

uiianu Street, Xear Jtiiij; StreetZXPOaTEU AND ZEAX.R ZN

General' Merchandise, Fancy Dry Goods,Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,

Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, c &, '&660 lyr


Cutlery, Dry Goodi, Puinte and Oil and GeneralXO.0S, King Street. Uonolnln. ly

P. O. 1IAI.I. V S.IJtPOETEES ANS DEALEES IN HAEDWAEEDry Gooda, Talnta, 011a and General MercLandite,

CornerFortaud KincSta.


KERCH AND ISE.626 Qneen Street, llonolulo, II. I. ly


a. n. c,i;;iiiii. 4c Co..lxroxTERs Ann nEAieaa 15

Gron.orn.1 MoroIiaTi fllso,Comer Qoeeo and KaaLnnianu Street!,OtO ly Nnuanu St., and corner Fort and Hotel St,

iiv.tiaa itieo'i'iii:ics,IMPORTERS ANB WHOLESALE SEALERS

In Faahionable Clothing, Ilata. Caps, Boots, Shoes, andeterr variety of Gentlemen's Fornisblng Goods. Snow'sBanding. Merchant Street. Honolulu. '633-l- y

riii:o. 11. davii'.s.LiTE Jlltioa. Gkeex A Co.J


Lloyd's and the Liverpool Cudenaritera,Bntlnh and Foreign .Mariue Insurance Company, andNorthern A ssnranee Company. o6t ly

DEALERSIt. I". i:mi'.ics sc co..


Fort St..aboveOdd Tellowa Hall. y

un. iii'i'scui.Ai:;i:tt & co..IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS,

Honolulu, Oaho. II. I. 0 ly



AndallkindaofBnlldingMaterlali.Fort Street, llonolnln

lriLUVIC A: CO.,Successors to Dowsett t Co., Corner Fort and Queen Street

Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building(6tt-i-y Materials of every kind.

HOI.I.i:S At CO..Ship Chandler and Commission Merchants.

ImportersandDeelersIn General MercnaudUe, Queen ;roetHonolulu. Hawaiian Islands. 622 ly

A. XV. PEIKCE Ac CO..(Snccesaora to C. L. RiCBAsna L Co.,)

Ship Chaadlera and General Commission Merchants.ALSO Agmti for the PtnOai Si It irbrla.

626 Uonoloin. Hawaiian Islands. ly

C. BREWER & CO.,H. 1. P. )

Vr. c joms. ja., V

i J. D. II EE Witt. )

SHIPPING & COIilMISSION MERCHANTS,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.


Queen Street, Honolulu, U. I. l

W, L.OUEBX. 0BO.W AlACrABLASK. r. I. us...Itl'.O. ,UA'AKI.Aii at ...


Qneen Street.Eobinson's Building,

li. l.roa

The rnnloa Bheep Company,The spencer riant-uo- n, 11110,

Tbe Walkapn PlanUtion,The Kanioto Plantation, Molokal,

The Olaagow and Honolulu Line of I'sckets. 634


Walter Murray Gibson, Propr. Fred H.Hayselden.Mana.cer (Ijite A. fc. Ceshurn Co.)

..a.-- iiivn a AS.HOKT- -

Ai. itESTof aeneral Merchandise, Lumber, ana re--

crulu for d resseis.


6I ly

Moroliant Tailor.S19 Kaahnmanu St., opposite Mr. 0. nhedes' ly

BISHOP & CO.,33 A. 1ST DEC 33 B. ,



Sew York,




Attn tana agents i

Boston Paris, Auckland,TucnmrMTll RIM CORPORATION. : : : LONDON


Hone Kong, ,Melbourne,

Aod transact a General Banaine Pueineaa. S0 ly


TJIKUJl Jt OAX,Stationers, News Dealers and Book

binders.Tlonolulu. Also Stencil Cutties. En- -M'?'S: ... Convlnr. Promptly eiecnled ou

rravius:.v....a.-i- -j t2l-- y

reasonable terms.


Cosmopolitan rhotosraphOaUery, 61 and06



SMI So.76FortStreet,nouoInla.H.I. (IF


BUSINESS NOTIDKS.p. a. sciur.rr.K a; c.

Importers & Commission Merchantsjet4) Ilonololu, IIIin IaUndi Os

E. 1'. AXASIS.Auctioneer and Commission Merchant.

Honolulu. II. I. UMy

C S. BARTOW, Auctioneer.Saleroom oq Qoq Strrt, one duor from KMhuminn

Cli ftrreU 'J.KII WOKTII,

Auctioneer, and Sealer in General Uerehandiie66 1IIL0. nAVMII. 3m

ii. e. Mci.vrvicr. A: kktiii:k.GROCERY. PEED STORE and BAKERY,

Corner of Kinc and Fort streets,HONOLULU. K ly

. b. ruru a. w. BUSK.


FarallyOrocerjaDdFMd Store.Ml lyl 50 Fort Street, IIoloIoIq.


Coruer of Tort end King Streets, opposite. O. Hall bon. COO

CHAM. X. OIII.ICK.HSTotvia?-- !EiaT3Xlo,

AXI)Acrent to take Aekiiouleileineiiti Tor Xjilior

6.17 Interior tltliee. Ilontiliilu. ly


1VUI attrnd tlie Termf of Conrti on the other litanrti.Money 10 lfD,l on Morteaeea of Freeholds SkS3 Merchant street. 2 doom trom Dr. Stanf;enwald'a.C64 Sm

VII-IAA.- 'I It. CASTIjP,.Attorney & Counsellor at Law : Notary Public.Ufflce on Merchant Street, t.o doora east of Fort fct,,

Honolulu. 625 ly


I or the State of Califoi nla. Office at the Rank ofRUhopACo., Kaahumauu Street, Hontdulu. o626 ly



And Agent fur taUne Acknowledffmenta of Intruments forthe Ialand of Oahu.

o629 No. S Kaahomana Street, llonolnlo, H. I. ly


06MJ Bills Promptly Collected. ly

J. 31. WIIIT.M'.Y, 31. !., !. S.Dental Rooms on Tort Street,

62.M Corner Hotel, over Mr. btrehz'a Urugtnre. ly

DR. RODCERS,riiyslciivii fucxd

KOIOVr.ll HIS ItKMDEXCK 1HOJIHAS lane to the snow iviuage. Hawaiian Hotel,entrance on Hole! Street, next door to the Theatre.

Night Calls Promptly Attended To.OlUce. as formerly, at llr. K. atrehx' Drug Store, corner

Fort and Hotel street.Honolulu, October 30. 1877. 60S

;IIA. S. Hl'lTICKllGlv, .11.

Begs to enounce that he has returned from California,and intends toeetlle In Honolulu for the practice ,f hisprofealoo. All desiring Ills services will rind him at hi.residence on Jiuuann avenue, next door above the lowerbridge. n626 ly





i:.m:n.,AND SURGEON,



a3ft Comer Fort and Hotel Streets, Honolulu, Oaho.

ca Keep, open every otlirtlny Kveiiltip. o C291y

!IOI,I.ISTi:it .V CO.,'o. C8 Xmiauu Street, s : : I Honolulu,


Choice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff.

Manufacturers of Mineral Watfrs. &cmix


j STEAM KSOIMM. STOAB. JIII.I.,S3J2 Uollers, Coolers, Iron, Brais and Lead Catlings

Machinery of Every Description,itaT-- Made to Order. "S3

Particular attention paid to Ship's BlacksmithingJOB WORK eaecuted on tb. aliorteat police. 0C6O ly


KOLOA, KAUAI.AU Island orders will be attended to with promptness and

dispatch, on tbe mo.t reasonable terms.

a. sr.i:i.Kr.."v co..TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS,

'o. 5 Xnnnnu Street,Keep constantly on hand a fnll assortment of Tin, Sheet

Iron, and Copperware,

Oalv'd Iron and Load Pino. India Bubber Bote, &c' o66i tm

XHOJlAiai I, A Cli,Successor to John Nelli.

Machinist. Lock and Cun SmithSewlne Machlnea repaired: Dealer io Oi.-3- aApentfortheCelebratedFIlKEXCKaEWISOMACIlINl.40. Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I. sMy

X. J. ItA KF.lt.Practical Architect and Builder,

TM.. anJ anecldcallon, fun.Ubed at reasonsble termsAddress Post Ofuce, Honolulu, 11. 1. til F

Q--. W. BROWN.






Tltis Establishment closes at 12 m., oaSaturdays.

6Ii-ly- r

j. ii. wiciir..CABINET IVIAEHIja,

Alakcn Street,One door below Hotel Street.

vne.ttn e.r all l.rr!r.t!nn, made and repaired atrea,sonant, rate". Rest workniaoshlpauaranteed. a4l ly



Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.


JPox-- 3D. C. 3VT. U JL iH-OS- T


Ladies1, Misses1 and Cliildren'sCuttom-Mad- Extra Fine and Medium Quality

BOOtS C&3 SllOCSErer offered in llonolnlu.




lli;r.S T ANXOOtT. TO TI1KPCIILTC of Honolulu, that he ha. pttrchaedthe arock nnrt businwor wii.liam ficm-EK- ,

Hotel StrtH-- next door to Rtivhi's DrugFtore, and that In future the business will be carried on byhim In the name premise.

C. O. nolle! U a fair ahare of the public patronage, andpromises hli patron, civility, attention and good qoalttyfor their money. 23 ly


M.op 00 Fort St.. Explauatle, opio4it Hooper' Ttarrelractory o IT

MANUFACTURER, IMPORTER AND DEALERIn Purnltureof eTery Jencrlpthm. Foniltare in

.r Dullding. Work simp at tbe oM etaodtMi Hotel Street,

CM Order from theotherltlamla pntmptly attended to. ly



quantities ault purchaaersk7 to DyAFOXO 4 ACIIUCK.

Pioneer Mill, Laliaina.CAMi-iirxi-

. jt TiTiiTox, rnopiturronn.f fruear of superior quality, now coming In and

for sale in quantities to suit byK ly II. 1IACKFEI.D A CO

SPENCER PLANTATION.1 and for ail. hy


WAIKAPU PLANTATION,vrcw crop r sf.iAit yaw com.-.- '' inX 1 aad for i!e fjr hooie connmptioi only. I,y

634 GRKKN. M tCFAKLANi: A CO., Agents.

PTJULOA RANCH TANNERY.doi,i; am)Suhh.i: iei:.vTin:i;, ta.m:i

Go a aud hp Sklna. from ihe aboTe celehratut Taa- -neiy. cotiiUntly received hi.1 fr sale by


SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER,Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins

A.VIIIOI1 SAIX,C10XSTAXTI.VOX1IAXDVnlmeia Tnnupry. J. P. Pnrlier, I"roj"r.

lliio '.'annery, 1'. K. 1.31111111, tioprletor.Otl IV A. S. CLKailOUN t CO., Agents.


GREY & CO.,aMaiiuracture ra and Dealers In

ALL KINDS OF SOAPS,I.eleo, King Street, Honolulu.

Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow wautetl. Orr.tr. aod IlllUleftatlra Boot aod Shoe Etore, will meet withprompt attention C2i ly

iio.-oi.i;..i- i soap tvoitiis,BY W.J. RAWLINS.

The Troprletor of t tie WorlCB Ii prepAreJ to mpply hitCQt.tAniem( and the pobllc In general a iib the best iionlltjol

aellow Soup. oft Snap nhtayi on lianct.H19 2ht l Price Paid for Soap Greate. ly

Walpuoio House.ftE& 1'IsC.Sl.VTLY I.OCATKI IX WAIA- -litSa LUA- Islftod of Uahu, llawallaa Itlauds, Is openLAjHtto IheTrtve-In- t public.Horses grained and fed with hny or pastured.Saddle Horses procured at short notice, on reasonable

tern..T13UMS Board and fsodglng, perdaySlii it le Ma.h..... . .Loorl"(r pemuht.

per week iccurdlng agreement.Tor further particulars apply the undersigned,

the place.

f 2

toto or

oo653 I J tb. JKJIKUMJri.

C. WALLER, Proprietor.King Street, 630!y Ilonnlulu.

FAFtULY MARKET!Jitiicllon ofliolol Riid ITnlon Mrceta.

C. n'ALLCR, Troprlctor.

Choicest Msats from the Finest Herds

Fish, Poultvy, Vegetables, &c,

EFnrnl(hC(I to Order.



XTIIAS. TncMtlRj f. nml TImrslBy Yeal,

Frldayw l'ivli.N nn 1 141 mb,

(Unleas otherwise ordered.

The Proprietor having leaned the neat and commodious


Adjoining- the Family Meat Market, will be prepared topromptly and aaUataetorily till orders for everything1 re-

quisite to fnmlsh the tables with ail tbe Substantiate andDelicacies the country affords.

Btrshlpiilnirniuipllnl " Short Xollee.-S-

Meats, Ac, delivered to all parts of the city without ex.tra chant. 631 lyl O. WALLER.





BOLLES Co., Agents,


6I ly or

V Vo- -

& S


;itv .ttAnKiyr,WH'1,1), PROPIlIirrilR. XCDAXD ST.,


MEATS DEXsIVEHED!r All Orders Promptly Attended.


r. a. soieaf.fi;r.AG EXT ofHremcn Oofird of Undervrrlters,

Agent of Dreadeo RoarJ ftf UnJerrrlter,A gent of Vienna Board of Underwriter!.

OUmaglnttnarancCon.panieariibin the (oriHctlonof the abote tloardi of Cnderwrltera, will hare to ! Certi-fied to by the above agent to tnake them valid. 63.1y




CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS(AI For the Hawaiian Islands. ly


Itoston Roard of linderwrilers.(JESTS for tlic Hawaiian lalanili.


Pliiladelplila Roard of Underwriters.1 GUXTS for the Hairallan Ialamls,t. 6t5.1y C. nUEWF.I'. ,t CO.



im i:i:i huilpim.m. .Mt:it- -Risu.H anj Furniture, on liberal terms, byII. IIACKFELD ,t CO., Atenu.

May :0, U75. neiS-l- y


r; asents hi," theJL alwve CuntmtiT, Iistb been authurlle,l to insnr. tlskion Cargo, Freight and Trensurc, from Honoluluto all aiti of Ihe worM, and vice vena.


iiA.tiiuue.ii-9iici;.ii- i:'


Till: U.Ili:HSI;'F.I) having beenAtrenls of iba abote Compauy. are prejwre,!

to insure ritka arainit fire, on Stone and llrlckMerchandise atored therein. 01 the moat

ftvorable terms. For particulars apple at tbe office ol632 ly F. ASC1IAF.FF.R 4 CO.



Bi:ii,I)im;s. .MintciiA.vnisE.Insured aaiist Fire on tbe

most favorable terms.A. JAEGER. Asent for the HawalUn Islands.

CIS ly




CAPITAL 2,000,000Ai cuiimlatcil anil Iiiveateil Fuuil. ,838,118

TEIIIE UXDEItSlOSKD HAVE IIEE.V AP.a AGENTn tM the SauJ.ich Ialandi, and areauthorized to n.tire agaio't liro upon livorable teima.

Risks taKen In any part of thelalandaou Uoo,leu Buildingsand merchandise stored therein. Dwelling lloues and Furn-iture, Timber. Coal', Ships In harbor with or without cargoesor nuder repair. 617 ly ED. lQFFfCllL,AKOKlt A CO

tiii:Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co.


T UNUi:llS10Ni:O ore AUTHORIZEDto insure

On Cargo, Freight and TreasureFrom Honolulu to alt parts of the world,

aud upon

Counter), hy Spcuinl lrrxttls.iori !

On the niott favorable terms.


W. 0. IKWIN A COAgenta for the Hawaiian latauds.

Rhonlsh Westphallan LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

or 31. tiljAIIHACII. ItUcalili I'rusiln.

Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,Limited,

or a,v:iii:.v. (Aix.i.i-cii.Pi:i.i.i:-

C'1,AUIS roil 1'AHTIflJI.Alt avi:u.VI.I. euitlned by Goods arrlvlns here, and Insuredin tue above Companies, have to be made wilh the cog.niznnce of and certified to by the underaienett. In order tobe valid. (GTt ly) J. C. CLADIT, Agent,


INSURANCE CO.Assets, $26,740,105,70

IATAIlI.ISIIi:l AX AI1KXVY INHAVE ror the Hawaiian Islands, and theundersigned are prepared to write risks agaln9t


lllVKLLIXGSOn favorable terms. Dnelllux Itlaki n Slicelnl-Ity- .

Detached (twelling, and contents intured fwr a reriodof three )ears, fr two piemiums in adrance. I.uvse-- a

liriillipily tuljuvteil ami linklfk here.C5'J 61.1 11IMIOP ,t Co.



JI lro xx rl IVIarixio,I'aall Oi'liltal. Uolil. tVJOO.000.

Illtellllis; ItllkNn faperliilily. Detached dwellingsami contents injured tor a period ot lures years, tor tuopre-mintn-

in advance.Uy writing srdail lines on carefully selected rUks well

di.tribnted, offers

IXDEH.V1TY SKCO.VI) TO XOSBLosses Promptly Adjusted.

BISHOP & CO.,620 ly Agents for th. HswsIIsn Islands.


Mutual Life Insurance Company,jiu.MAi'ur.r, wiscn.vM.t.

V B K H T B , Sl7fOOOrOOO!rwinii most si I'ussii r. i.vsuiiancJL UOMPANV In the World.


nas the advantage of Western Rates of Interest. Neverlost a dollar of Its Securities and never falls to pay Itslosses promptly.

For particulars apply at the Omce ofW.O.mWIN A CO.,

o6f 3 ly Agents for tbe Hawaiian Islands


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.0FD0ST0V.MAS3.

IXIMlIt IMIlt ATKI, 1835.7ie Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in

toe Umtea mates.

Policies limed on the most favorable Terms.

Kxnmple or?Ton-rorfrlt- I1nn,INSURED AGE. So LIFE FLAN

1 Annual premium continnes Policy 2 years 3 days2 Annual premium eootinuea Policy 4 years 12 days3 Annual premium continnes Folicy 6 yesra 27 dsys4 Aanoal premium continues Policy S years 46 dsysa Annual premlnm continues Policy 10 years 66 days

AaSSSOtSat. s $13,000,000 !

Lcaes Pnlil throna;h llnnolnltt AKeEtcr,

$49,000 I


SAfVI'L C. WILDER,Agent ror the IIanllBii Ialamla,


Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Largost, Safest'and Most



Assets (iS70)..$3OfOOOaOOOXjHj oasb:.

Now is a Good Time to InsureNone bnt Flrit-CIs- u Rttka Taken,




Insurance Notice.fHIlK AGENT FOIt TI1K lllirrisll For-- A

elxn Marine In.oranc Corainv. (LiiulteJV. h reclvJ iualrnctiop tu rtilnce the rtea tf lnaaraacabeta een HuBololo ami I'urti In tlte I'actfle, eoj l now prelaarrJ tj lu loHclf at the Kwrtt rtea, with aaicUIreJactkiD on rreltbt per iteameta.

1 1 tJJ. 11. UA -',

ly f21 Aji.nt Drit I'ur. Uar. Iaa. Co., UmlteJ



Capital: 35,000,000(OTlli unllmlte.1 lUblllty oftlliarehoMers.)


INSURilNCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE.Of erery description ot property may be effected with thisCom puny at niuJerato rates.

Merchandise, Goods and Freight InsuredBy steamers and aaniDtr Yeala, Lnaaes can be made

pajabltu Ilonololu.CASTLK A COOKE.

610 iy Agents for lloncJnlo.


RUPTURE.vsr. ya moiie jiktai.Tnrssuil i more SiilTri-Inarrr- tiin

Iron lloopn orlStrel,Sprlutrl

pii:nci7a)Patent Magnetic Elastic

Truss.Is worn with ease and comfort IIIHT A.It DAT,and will perform radical core, when all others fall.

Header, If ruptured, THY ONK; yon will never regrstit.OCT eend for Illustrated Boole and Frlce List to

Insnetlc i:in.tlc Trti.. t'o.,3Co. 600 Sacramento San Francico, California.

ctar These Trussea are sent by mall to any part .f tbeworld.-s- tt S83 ly


iii aa i

Grand, Sguare and TJliright.


PRICES LOWERThnu nuy other rint.Claia rinnos.

FULLY WARRANTED lo stand anv climate. Sendfor Catalogues and l'rlce List.

C1IAS. M. K.VTON', Oeneral Agent,I 6m 133 Montgomery btreet, San Francisco, CaL

R. J. TRUMBULL,i roner, XiiitKirter. MIioleHHle nml lie U II

Denier In









Com p rlil nff the most complete Stock

Ever uirerel on the I'mcIHc Conat.

lrlces Unatualljr Low,

Trade l'rlce List oo application,My "MuMe to tlie Vegetable anJ Fluwer flariton will

lx Brnifrtt Lu all CuUomtr. It ctnUln luat ructions outUe culture of Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trcu beeds.Alfalfa, etc.

II. J. TlltTMIiri.Itii Cm 119 and 421 e fitreet, eui Francbtco




AliTIIIiniZF.n CAI'ITAI.C'mill'l lmlil Iii amiAueti, Juiry l.t. 1S77,

.81,000.000I KtlO.OOOf ,30!S,UOtl

E. C. SES6I0NS, rruidtnt, C1IAS. ROHERTeJ, OukUr

hibsxtobb:riCPessions, W. A. Aidrlch,A, W. iv.wman, Henry Rogers,W. E. Miller, Win. Fnuer.

Y. w. Cameron, vr. II. Glascock.

Depoalts from any poriloa of tbe Col ted State. Eoroior the Hawaiian Inlands, may be teat by malt or exprcaa.in coin or currency, or Dy ara on aay box.nen or ban i-cing hooso. A pari book: wltb proper entries wltlbe

returned for tbe aame. itemlttancea lo curren-cy will be credited In sold at curreut rates. Tbe algnalureof ibe depoeltor bould accompany tbe flrtt dtpoalt. Imposits can be made by any one, but can only be withdrawnby ibe altrnatnre ( tbe Party In wboae nani tbe acrouotla opened. Married womeit and minora can malta depoa-lts la tbelr own names, and may withdraw the aaroe, upontbefr own receipt! , upon tbe same conditions aa other de-positors. No entrance fee or charge for bauk books.

The securities for all loans made by tbla bank, arewitbgreatcare by tlie Hoard or Director, aod con-sl-

almost exrlnatvelv of flrat rlaia ntl Vrtm tar If h

itjvTJirs jvnvjinTinnVO













Shipping Comaiission MrrcbaaH,




EVERETT,Foriranlin? Commission 3Irrrbant,



Shipping Commission .JlercuiaU,e,rvtlaai,



Fruit Produce Commission HouseKSTABLIMIID


ALSO.California Oregon Dairy Pnthca




Engines, Jioikrt, MaehintnjDescription.



FIUHTTo Manufactnr






Amorican, English EuropoanJIANlTACTf

Staple Goods Guaranteed




Hulling and Dressing Paddy


Faddy and Hulled Rice!Prompt Cartful Auction.






lanesecurities CULOaVODTKa

excluded. ofbeing to security TkaOseer fir

thereafter eonatat aadoubtedlymr.cn no. uui iartfe ana increasing upiiainuu vtht;. uuu, liu jssji .Kit! WUtCU Can U3 WlUMirawQby stockholders until all demands ol depositors have beenpaid In full, taken connection with a and coo- -serraU? e management, furnisher, to depositors goarao-lee 01 saieiy as w eu remunerauve dlTldend.

Deposits can coder ordioary circumstancea be with-drawn, u a whole In pru hoot notice (Instead ofsix month V notice being rK.nlred as formerly) as specifiedIn articles 3d and tth piloted co adit bona of agreementwltb depositor. Non resident depositors who wish lowithdraw their deposits, or portion thereof, aod desireto e the same tent to them by the Itaok, may do aosubject to the By.L&ws, by tending a proper order accom

by pass book, with IitxUuctioni as to man-ner In which they desire tbe money to be remitted. Saidremittance however will be at the expeose and of tbedepositor, orders for this purpose will bebr the Cashier.

Term deposits remaining three full calandar months,will be entitled todlTldenda of Interest. Baiddl? (dends artdeclared, and payable In January and of each year,and not called ror In one month, will be credited to theaccount aod bear Interest as deposit from date on whichthey were declared. No dlrldend computed on fractions of

for fractions of months. Xnrldends declared bythis Bank for the past and prertous trtcs, hare been atthe rate of K per per annum for tbe present termand hereafter will not exceed 9 per cent.

For fnrtber se printed coodlUons of agree-ment with depresltors wbkh will b eforwarded. to any ad-dress upon request, a copy of which Is also appended toeach pass book.

A Ueneral Banklnc lusluei Tram uicte.Onr exchange on New Tork, loodon, Fran it fort on

the main. Berlin and Parts, for sale.Coilectloos made and proceeds remitted at current rates.

-- vSpace Measured la Neeiparetl


11 Uaes-Slt- Kh

M Uael laches.....

t'Llaaa- -4 lecher...Quarter of CoieMB...

Two.Tbird CArlaBta..One Colnma.. ... .

I I a Su t m

I oo! t eeij l o s fil Istj n sena sot i ti ttalllU

oof s oof oe It aoat II wj U w

9 co it eoi nt14 Ob! 1. aes s so aH oof It set so t ne.

s teMi Bnaleess Cards when rerrt ewe year, aie

alto.ed a diervaat ftc Ihee. rates wbarh are r traieMeai,when paW a ebarcW .avtly.

X AI! firer. BdvertiBeBta aanat a. anoaapaBlr.wilh the pay .ben J.rd lB,rM a4l. wHI W t.a.m.rtbem. The glteB la la We ral. aremittaiMM lor Eaten Avertc.a eeacrtptlons aaay be Bad. by ft Sew et

II. W.JI T. K C II A 31 T.

so ntoxT miEEr.

.t.fasjat r.atnraaa


and6TS Califurata Saw FrelMe. lj


CnKlmsa.recetTed aad aWpmeaU madp, awl ti

folia t lafiwmatloa gitcn of prodttoe a447 maoafkaiUrt-- c viatketa. ly

A. P.and

403 Front Street Cwrncr orclatxeSAN

Sf Pankaler atteatloa pai4 to Iaanlrroduc.. ly


and13 end IS Front In 10 and 11 Fin! J O.


atria t.Baak of BrttUh Colambla . tlaBJ.OretFirst National (loU luak Sao rraaMeMra, ii. iiacsr.ia am

Bisbep A Co., Ba.kera IlemW.l.Meara. Greeo, JItirUo.A Co HoriBI

Oer Conaiznl..ata f lalanl Prodac. akllW. mm wbSeB)


K. & Co.,


Ilnltery ht, ror e-

Sear tie roal Office. SAN

Splal Attention given to FmHs, Flener,routoes, fatoBB. rsultlT. tv.

and HjQ anilstar W. re.peetrully eollHt roar 3 art;

all Goods - II. K. a CU. S. P." . SU ly

DAN at LI ro EN IA.EstablUhetl In 1H3.

Jt CO.,Manufactur

and oj'every

rarticnlar attention paU to tb. AsTalAltMILLS, VACUUM PAN'. e.

Itefereaee In Honolulu E.JS ly.


'. Aaaxa, Eaaa.

&Tho of Our

all rWk.ran ! Joaa bera aa U aa eta(V4i

tberebj direct! j tfBefit oar catteiaen ettraeltaa.

aavl Hamaaj

SKt OXIUTt. Iluy- - taml rll Bolaao a to tnaka It to the latere! ejtalM aa4 tmcome to aa la jrtfrHC to teaclaV Eaat.

fjT Vm tuaaafactnra aod tnpwrt eTery iitrlytlai aferr. earrjiPK Ure itocae ef Taper. tCaTflof n aa4 BLaak

IkMiftn of oar iran nana ISct are, Jaty SUtea, NlBlans formm teplls St- -

A. L. ot CO.,oWMj !aa rraafaea Cal

&.tt ACI3T3


Sapply to deaieea tb. largMt varkly s Oesenl MibIhdiaacTed by any 0.1C IIOU3E IN THE WOULD.

vry iLialer rboulil have a CataUgB. fpast talslions, a. son. goods la evsvy B


All SoldToronto U and SO TfranMoatreaJ, IH aftj Uctlll alrrtt;Looden, 60 Qta Tic tut la atrwet, E. CiSbaOlekl Baavar Work a.Kew York, U Worth fitreet, and 9 BroaJarar.



t STS., S1.1 Ffllfl CISCO, CIL

ripm: inhia having r5DF.itli 'gone Material la stow ta perfect con-dition for


In th Best Pnealbl. Manner Th. me be IIULLIXUaad DRE&SINU PA OUT has been Iteducwl S3 ar mb

Will Receive andWJt. L

General Commission JlercLant aa4 rioyileter mt IalAIUcjMCL an ly.



Ba&bdl tat.ia.aU frBat!; ai, - Ikat is.eonipoUtien ef CBtoaosvss la la.. I. Cheaalat, a .4 th.M1k1 nrofeMlon. Th. Uet la. . dWatneland 1st rated hy Dr. 1. COLLIS CSOWSE (,s Anay UMiralSua;) an4 so nauvod by bin, aaj It has teB4 all slteasst.at analyala Ly tb first Cheat tit, of tb. day. Tb. awetbWami secret el IB preparsir aav. oarer let. saauiaB.4.

marsltis : United gtat- - istAtH. Cnnntr and (lir . Ii obvlooa. tbaratbf a, tkat aartblae aoU sastrEond. Ac All stocks other of ancrtalu or safe Dr. J. C0LLI8 ER0WS1? & fart--tluctoatlng ralnes are carefnUy The policy J oaa ImlUtloa.the Bank, obtain Jlrit, absolute for re-- CAUTIOK W. P. Va4 Utod tkaSturn of the principal, a rate of lotereat Dr. Cot lis Browne was tb lateatawof Caksra--

uuusuiuij js s vr r UI

In carefula



panled the ibe

riskniank furnlsliod




cent ;probably




I ,



Mtaara. ..











REMEDIAL USES AND ACTIO.Tbts laraloable remedy prodBcee qalet. rtfresalar tfrellarreapalo. calaistli. arttan, rrtteea tk faatc

tfons, sod stlnaUtes bMltby aetleo tf ta aarrataaaia mt tmmbody, wltbttol craatlag aay etbeae asateMat reewlu

tb dm ef eplaf, OU aad yeaag aaay Uke It at allboars and tines when realist. Tbonaaai a eraooa

ti Ita BtarTillooa goxl ffiVcts sad woftder fat earaa. auwejedlcal men extol Its Tlrtaea saoat est aalag ti Kgreat lasatlties In the fJlowlag diaM:a.CawIra, byvtry, Diarrbcea, Cotlkca. Aatasaa, aanMtbia,

Wbuopiag Ceagb Cranp Uyiterla, AcEXTRACTS riOX MEDICAL 0PI5I0SS.

The Bight Hon. Earl kaaaall coaeiaatcaUl l Ike Canegeof PtiyikUoa, and J. T. Dateaport, that ka aa4 reeleaf

too to the enact that tk wit ressedy ef aay earticola Cholera aa CI I LORODTN t B Umott trm. It.

Dr. Lowe, Medical MlMionary la ladia, ieorta (Dmu, IkMlthat la nearly ceary caaa e Cholera which Dr J. COLLI ABR0WM73 C1ILOH0DT5E waa adaJaUUrtd. the patiaalreeoe ered.

Extract front Medical Times. Jan. IX I Ck tefWyala preacrtbed by seoree af aetkodes aadlral prsetlUaaara, Otcoarse It woald met tbas be aUrslai.y pmpUe AU It

'apply a wsat sad fill a plaea- - 'EsUact iYota the Geaeral Baard ef Ifealth, laJni. a t

Its efficacy la Cholera M ffo trMgfy are ve to ? lac M sftheImmeaa. vsleeof this remedy, that aa caioat tt SwelUyurge tbe neceaaity of SaVrfrtiac It fa all raa.

CADTIOK. N'ne geaaloe vltlwat ike words Dr. J.COLLIS BUOtTXE" on th Oeferassaat Suaapa. 0rKheltalag attalical Ustlaaesy aevaipsalae each tWll.

Sole UanalhctBrer J. T. DAVKS"13. Great EamaniUlaVMSubai1- -

BQUlaUsttlesat It.A feat

WtU-S- .

1UJL, 5. L. U. U.In New Tork, W. ll. Kaunrux A



Page 2: rriTTin nth JLli illin tt JIJbSh 1 U · 2015. 6. 2. · THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE rniiLisiiED BY HENRY M. WHITNEY Every IVeduewdnj--Morn Inp.AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE IX ADVANCE






hi ' I


tmr,n Htk aff SorwBVr, belnc th L.rtbiay

rifTft4"ftr ICtar. will knWmijM National

MWft Awoitwt Ottcet wfil e co-- l tn that Jy

a. 3rr SMITH, tbe Interior,

ttiiiar Oflw. JC7.

v tax WW wbaae- nrturn abOW liablSIUes

wt. tut wm hT Auett& trvm lher personal

if miiatwfliiitnifi1 ttirnnf at of to tbe Jut

4Af w wit.i. O. UKTB&. Httrar lttbHt Accounts

twBu Tmnrr. 3T Hb, 177.

,H?7. at Ito'rtocknoon,

AIM Bin Ha, Hx Let, idftnte la Ated? VValklkl.

eo c wrtiiHic ti ir acre, rst.ioooIWllil au, Ml- m , sSVHHMkw, and acre.

raii Botcanbeft4abyajp!rlncatj. orr smith.

"" UMstrr f the Interior.IMffwrCfl NvTenber ftta. HIT- - GO

HoUn.T. Jforember 5, HT7--

hftrmiUun a. to ItemI la Uia may obtain lit aame, on p- -

tn, r U c the Auetnorx It

tam an gzuta. at ibfeot&e-- A pPUt from AMeauneoltAware to toe ma mtx AaMvneats 6f specific prop- -

rvwVaiwetfrxLeanu!. J. O. CAltTEK.in ItefUtrar tS InbUo accounts.

3(k. S. . aTabofcan baa tWa day been JoJy appointedajt Xtrm to cravat Marriage Lieeoae. la the Diatrict of

Aku Uava. J. 3I0TT fell mi,'Minister of the Interior.

2stoor G2ice No, a, 1 &77- -

Qatar Boeaav Bxoia&-T- Xa Jnslioeeof the Supreme.

QaaUfcaTthfa-aU- j appaaataj ABlAa Cosa lo le ItoputyftvlLrWapremeCMn. Dated Ibis 24tb day of Oo- -

UrWr X. H. 177. By orCr of tbe Court.JNO. K. BARNARD,

Gt Ork Sopmue Court.

Scrunrt Ookt OeteWr Term, A. IX IST7. Notice Is

totrr1rrtttfU O. B. Calaaokana, aa Attoruey of theemttaf tbeQawaUaa Kteic4om.ba this dar been atrnclc

from tbcitiS cf prMXliiMMBcfaaid Ooorta, far crou mla- -

coa4aeta. aa Attoraer thereof. By order of the Court.JNJ. K. BA1LNABB, Oerfc.

HoMtali.rik Octobrr, 1C7. C&S It3(K fi. W. TTsucax Lm trai appolsted by the Board of

Stecattm. gehool A rent for the Blatnru of Kootaa andBaKalet, Itlaod mf CaaaL W. J AS. SMITH, SecT.

TVwaTWm Oace A&otatrf Tfate, Oct. 19, XIT7. tC7 St

XavLe 2k0tlrAIl Ooareyaacea aot othr lotrn-ataM awft be eampe4 befwre Uey axe praeuted at theItrmuj pace. oUet Utey lil bot be placed of reeavd. THOUAS BUOW',

TLecistrarof Convryancee.n i at at r OSee, XIofMfe&x. October 21, 1 577.

lUnfaUer of the iDterior.

OTICILKawattas orerameot Boads, in deoomlnalioD of 100,

fa a4 IUiW, bearicc Interevt of aeren per. htiw, paymMe Is not te- -t thaa tea yean, may be

Umia MwiaW aawwiBt. Oatn furtber notice, u appllca-th-

ad Ike HaaviCIaa TTraaory.JOHN il. KAPEXA,

Minuter of flhauce.ra Aoxat Z7, 1677. CCS

NOTICE."I f AdsJojhtralon, Exrcntort, and etbtrTros

Itfvuic tnul fond to tsrct, &r linfbf notified toatMiwtIiii ferrfsxait llMida of deuomiumtluns of (lot,

Ir jtmr, tt be fcaacd oa applirmrJon, to a Umtled extent.

1 (Hiwt,


eltepartarat,Anci!st5illnlulf r of noaore.

, 1S77. M

LitifLIccnri I?xiirtn In .Aoicm.

BEIAIL.-UAU- T.Wej?m.Qae

T anai r Llama i Maaaacea ireei.2 laa r liaaiii. f Nmaaii mod Hotel frtcUhMtlal Oa. Mnaas street.MlmnA Oat, JtercLaat treeu

Unz. Aehoet.yaaimMret.5 PH3Hrp,M KW aad Fort Sueeti,

AU a.v CaSM-Ku- a.M ' it Weataer. IVrt Mreet.

ar waiagaa. Nasaa Mreet,11 H E WiMiur. Xauaas street,II Htmc la. .VnH Mreet,II Je Hawa. Kkic Mreet,W UiaKJ,aa.Baal.oeo.S m OaSard, llauoaea Street,K Vaa Om. Uatma mm,

AMea & EiaMaaaB, Qaera fitreet,JIOLOKAI.

a AtiBaEppeae.JIAII.- Mfcialn, WihVn.


3a AEtaaJhpa,LaBpanoeLotf, llBo.3-l-U, nawi, 11M.

VnotJAUl7 J T vratetbaoae,Qaeen street,

ltrrrAiL sputrr.l.airi Ilaabr, Rojal Hotal,

vicTUAtisaAVrabam rfrundex, Xannatea btreet,

11 Apaa Uatol, fuoaaoa, It Do,

Siau V, Notunv street.



lCaalc. No 9) li Vale. So KllCkVai ICajKkrtk.. No I IS Kauuilkahaa. So MH K Jabar.os: 3 KamaltanaOa. So V7, 05

KJaDlwu. No K 3ut 2Ied.-.'y-

h r'-- . Ko a liiiii, Ko tog

1 nrjTCil.1- -H Sjlea, Waitapo. StaoLla Wuub AuM, Nuuana Mreet, lloaolola.

CAKE rXDDLISO.H Akaaa. SI 2faai Cneoog.a AuJook. m

Tut persona fcave been Commlsaloned asXembera r the Tax Appeal Board rur tlit year 1S77 :


IToaatela I" r Adants. A al .w. aod Waraae U C Vabl. Kaanaaoa.ralM" I" ADderaun, ft Kalaikawaba and

1 Kabaleniu.Koaatvtaa .Wanlnemallcal. J NaUL

JT, Cona- -


Edwaroa, rriatiuna.tun.

TC Fonjth. A ralLW r Moaaman, J Haole.

--.V L Clark, il Kapuie.MX Kabanaalote, Satnl KaaL

r K.oo' J KetniLSaalVipl, ApatL

HAWin..JPAlsMn, ERicnardwn.--S II KaalLOl, KapaHo.

CX Speocer, 1 Kaobane-- II GvDer. b Keknmano.-- II X Kabnln, II GremwcU.

G C WUliama, Z




J Wood. V K NaUpaxtaLf KKann&oiaoo, R 1' Kolfcaht,

Kxcal.--O T fhlpter. A K Jllka.

P 11 HoJ. (I It KoweU.- S Kiln. SW Wilcox.

A Kanaooont, It 1'uItLKalaanna. T7atrakeale, Kuno,


J. si. KAPENA, Minister or Finance.XWpt.of ITnaDce, Jovember 6, 1S77. efts lm

Avmhiiatino Time. An effort to deliver theAsalraUin Mail In London In the tbortest time onrecord. The tollowlnc UlDttrxu'on of energy andenterprise if ill be oMnlcrrtt to oar readers:

San Trxnrixcn. October lSltu A dliratch wasthree dsTs aeo recti d In this city by the Postmas-ter and the scents of tire faclSc Mail SteamshipCompany instructing tbem to hurry the dispatch ofthe EncUlu tnalta irom Anstrina vj iuc aicamauipAnsusus, to New York the moment she enterednort, and la anticipation of herarritsl arrangementsmrrr raxde lo have the mails forwarded Eastward.The Antttalia entered the Gate at about eight jes--terday mornlnr. aod me mails were jsnaeu at ten.Kr.iiren tbe Kn-li- sh msils were tint on board aspecial train, the conductor of Rhlcn had Instruc-tions ta hasten at lurhtniuc fpeed to Colfax to over-

take the overland train, which lett Oakland at sevenniu.t.' veaferrfav roorninr. and transfer the mallsto Uisl train, so that they mhjbt reach New TorkSI hours In advance of tbe time at which theywould reach there provided that they had been keptover to ro by this morning a train, a teiccrauiv.. mi ahead a Colfax for the rcmlsr train tomm ait there the arrival of the special. By the calculation tbe special train would ba e to make Irom 45

to SO miles an boar to make tbe meeting at Colfax,bat no doubts were bad in regard to making theconnection. The object aimed at U to hare theAsstraUan malls In Xew Tork to be pot aboard thesteamer Abvsalnla which leaves for Liverpool onWednesday next, and as Ihe Anstrsilsn steamer baamade her voyage SI boars less than tbe expectedtime, tbe delivery other malls In London Is expect-ed to be made In the ebon eat time on record.

Lstib. Tbe arrange oenla made yesterday fortbe special train with tbe Australian malls to over-

take the rcrular overland train that started ioilicDoroicc wen ao excellent that Instead of baring,as wss expected, to ran aa far as Colfax, tbe con-

nection was made at Sacramento, where tbe mallswere at once transferred. Provided that no delayoccurs on the trip, tbe mills will not fall to reachNew Totk In time lo be placed on board tbe Ca-

nardcr Abyssinia, which is to tall for Liverpoolnext Wednesday, October SJtb.- -




HENRY M. WIIITKEV.Wednesday. November u. is-- t.

Hw JlajCTty tlie Kins returned from Kauaiby til Marion Momlay afternoon.

Qufrv lloffAOEU Euua retumeil to town

en SalurJay aftenioon, accompanied by a con- -MdcraUe mounted retinue of both men andwomen.

The Committees having charge of the ar-

rangements for the celebration of His Ma

jesty's birthday iiave almost completed theirlabors. The festivities of the occasion willconsist chiefly of tho regatta in the morningand a dance in the evening at the HawaiianHotel. In oiiuthcr part of paper willbe found a list of entries for the regatta.

Ocn readers, particularly tho tax payingortion or them, will not fail to observe the

following notice from tho Registrar of PublicAccounts: "Xolic.. All tax payers whoso" returns show liabilities which have not been" deducted from their personal assets, may" obtain adjustment thereof at this office up to" the first day of December." Of course thisdoes not affect the question of incumbrances onreal estate; that matter is settled by tho recentdecision of the Supreme Court.

The effect of the action now proposed to bo

taken by the Finance Department will lie sim-

ply to put the matter of the offset to be allow-

ed agaiust personal assets, on the same groundit has always occupied previous to thisyear. In thus over-ruli- the recent action of tho Assessor in tho premises, the Exe-

cutive Department of the government havedone an act of justice to the tax payers, whichno one can be more ready to acknowledgethan ourselves.

Bv the bark Courier which arrived on Friday last we have San Francisco dates to Oct.21th. !

Tho reported Russian victory in Asia isconfirmed. Its exact proportions and import.anco we are "unable as yet to determine, ourinformation being mostly from Russian sources

There was no important change in the condition of tilings at the seat of war in Europe,

The seigo of Plevna still continues.The French elections, on,thc Hlh October,

resulted, as was expected, in an overwhelming triumph for the Republicans, who willhave a clear majority of considerably over ahundred in the new Legislative Assembly.

There has been a terrible colliery explosionat Uight Bluutyre, near Glasgow, accompaniedby great loss of life.

The special sessiou of Congress called byPresident Hayes, at Washington, opened Oct.15th. Tho House of Representatives organiz-

cd by the election of Randall, Democrat, asSpeaker ever Garfield, Republican, by 10 majority. Tho President s message was brief,being confined almost entirely to the subjectsthe special session was called to consider, andnot going into any discussion of general matters.

Thursday, November 29th, is ThanksgivingDay in tho United States.

llenry Meigs," the former California defaulter and fugitive and more recent South American Railroad magnate and millionaire, is dead

The Adcertiser is in error in stating thatwc, in our last number, "took up tho cudgels"in behalf of our correspondent who signedhimself . If our neighbor will take thetrouble to read again the last number of theGazette, ho will discover that there is noallusion of any kiud lherei:, either editorialor otherwise, to our correspondent orto anything contained in his letter. We willtake the liberty furthermore of stating thefact, that every lino of last week's editorialmatter, except tlicjioticc of His Majesty's do

parture for Kauai and the closing paragraphof tho article on the Tax Decision, was notonly written jbut actually in- - typo before thecommunication in question was received. YY o

would suggest that a paper.which is capableof making (honestly, no doubt,) such'gross

concerning a matter whichhappened hero in Honolulu, only last week,can hardly be considered very leltablo authority on events which took placo in Connecticut more than two hundred years age.

The Attorney e'Bii'ral on the XaxJJCClMlOU,

Wn only allude to tho subject of the tax lawthis week for tho purpose of pointing out whatseem to us to be certain fallacies in the communication of his Excellency tho AttorneyGeneral, which appeared in last week's Ga.

ZETTX.The first point on which wo would take

issue with his Excellency, is on his definitionof double taxation, which he defines as, taxingVie same person trice for the same property.The italics aro his own. We do not of coursedeny that taxing the same person twice forthe samo property is double taxation, but woalso assert, what wo think cannot bo fairlydenied, that taxing two different persons forthe same property, constitutes double taxationjust aa really as tho other. It should beremembered that our tax system is supposed to be based on the taxation of propertyand not of persons. The law undertakes totax property and that alone, and does notknow persons in the premises at all, except astho owners and holders of tho property, andas tho medium or channel through which theproperty itself is reached. If a man has property he is snpposed to be taxed for tho valueof that property, that is to say the property istaxed through him, and if ho has no property,the theory of our law is that ho pays no taxesThat this is the theory on which taxationproceeds, is proved by the fact that wheneverany person fails or refuses to pay taxes on hisproperty, the government does not undertaketo punish the man himself by imprisonment orotherwise, but it seizes the property and pro-

ceeds to sell so much thereof as may be required to satisfy tho claim. Tho only exceptions to the statement that our system is oneof taxing property rather than persons, isfound in the caso of certain minor imposts,snch as the poll tax, the road tax, etc., whichare levied nniformally on all men, regardlessof ihoir property. Now if our law contentplates iho taxing not of individuals but ofproperty, then .the taxation of the same pro

perty twice constitutes donble taxation. Andin practice it makes not the slightest differ

ence to A, B, and C, yrbo sre all taxpayers,

whether they aro taxed two or three timesover on their own property, or whether, inaddition to paying "once on their own, they

aro also requiied, in the capacity ofstock-Irolde- re,

mortgagees, etc., to pay on what be-

longs to their neighbors. Tho net result,both to the taxpayer and to tbe government,is in cither case precisely the same.

On the subject of shares in corporations,his Excellency says : " It is immaterial that" property in different forms may receive" taxation while in the ownership of different- -

persona who derive distinct benefits from itsuse." Wc admit that when property in

different forms, or in one form, is in tho ownership of different persons, it is perfectly pro-

per that all those persons, or, more correctlyspeaking, those person's interests, should betaxed ; but only on condition that they botaxed upon their several actual interests there-

in, and on condition furthermore that thewholo amount so taxed does not exceed thoactual value of the property. If the law, asexpounded by the Supreme Court, confined it-

self to such taxation, no one could object, butwc all know that such is not the case. It isuseless to lay down sound general proposi-

tions to which no one can reasonably object,and then try to make it appear that they areapplicable to a condition of things entirelydifferent. His Excellency tells us that "shares

are property in fact and by statute, mi:l are" not corporate property." We know per-fectly well the difference between shares in acorporation and property owned by a corporation. The shares are not eorporato property,it is true ; but they aro evidences of owner.ship in that property, and when you tax thewhole property of tho corporation and thentax the shares, which, as we have just said, arenothing hut an evidence of ownership therein,it is very much tho same, so far as the essentialequity of the case is concerned, as though youtaxed a man for the full value of his real cstate nnd then turned around and taxed him thosame amount on his title deeds. We confesswe aro very much surprised that the Attor-

ney General should have attempted to drawthe parallel he did between bank notes andstock in corporations, and to make the taxation of the former an argument for taxing thelatter. Surely a man of Mr. Hartwell's intelligcnce and a lawyer as well, cannot beignorant of the radical difference betweenbank notos and stock tho one an evidence ofownership in Oie corporation and the other anevidence of debt owed' by the corporation.The status of the stockholder in n bank andof the holder of the notes of tho bank, so farfrom being identical or even similar are inreality antagonistic, the parties in question,actually occupying to each other the relationof debtor and creditor.

We fail utterly to see any point or relevancyin the following quotation from his Excel- -lencey : " As well say that all the Bank of" England notes should be exempt from taxa--" tion in the hands of their unfortunate owner," because the Bank may be taxed for its cor.

" porato property or for tho basis ofthe notes," or that in case all the notes aro destroyed" there would J no loss of intrinsic value."What is the corporate property of a Bank ?

It is all the propcity of overy land owned by,or tho title of which is for the time bein,

vested in the said bank. It is, in other words,the entire bona fidi assets of that Bank, and ifMr. Hartwell means to assert that the corpor-

ate property of a Bank, that is to say the as-

sets of the Bank, are taxed in full without de-

ducting tke liabilities of the Bank to tho holdersof its notes, he asserts what is not true. Ifthat is not what he means, then his illustra.tion is wido of tho mark and illustrates no-

thing. Banks aro taxed on theircapital (some.times on their capital and surplus), and tho capital atid surplus represent the corporate proper-tjy that is to say the assets, over and ahore allliabilities except to- - stockholders, and thostockholders are but another nam'o for theBank itself. They are in fact owners of thecorporation, 'or wo may say tho corporationitself, and except by a fictiou of g,

aro not in reality creditors at all, and in thisrespect their position is exactly the same asstockholders in a plantation. Docs his Excellency know of auy civilized country wheroBanks aro taxed on their capital, that is toBay on thoir corporate property, over andabove their liabilities, and whero tho share-

holders are also taxed, on the. valuo of theirshares ? If so, ho knows a country wherea gross mjustico is done, and a countrymoreover with a system of taxation for cor-

porate property, precisely identical with thatwhich our Legislature, with tho endorsementof our Supremo Court, have bestowed on us,One more point .and wo havo dono. Docs thegentleman mean to suggest that in caso alltho notes of tho Bank of England were des-

troyed, there would bo any loss of intrinsicvalue ? If so, we desiro to take issue withhim most decidedly. Neither tho destructionof all the notes of a Bauk nor tho destructionof all the certificates of stork in a plantation.would involvo tho loss of a singlo dollar ofintrinsic valuo, beyond tho valuo of the paperthe notes and certificates were printed on, and

the actual cost of replacing them. Tho Attorney General of this Kingdom surely knows thodifference between an existing debt or obligation and tho rnero written or printed evidenceof that debt or obligation, and will ho undertake to hold that tbe destruction of the lattercancels or invalidates the former? If Mr.Hartwoll held Bishop & Co's note for-on- e

thousand dollars, would ho consider that theaccidental or even intentional destruction ofthat note cancelled Bishop & Co's obligationto pay the money ? What is the legal statusof the holder of Bank of England notes, or infact any other bank's notes ? They are sim

ply creditors of the Bank to tho amount of the

notes they hold. The Bank has receivedvaluo for the samo, and tho note is simply anacknowledgment of the obligation and a promise to pay, and even were every one of thenotes destroyed, tho position of the Bank asdebtor would remain unchanged, and both tholegal and moral obligation to pay would re-

main unafiected. It is true that it might beextremely difficult for the holder of tho notesto establish the fact of their ownership of thonotes and tho actual destruction of the same,but these facts being legally proven, theirclaim on the bank would be porfect. We pre-

sume no ono will undertake to claim that thevalidity of a debt is in any way affected bythe difficulty of proving it. And finally, evenwere we to admit tho immoral and illegal sug-

gestion, that the loss or destruction of the writ-

ten or printed evidence of a debt cancelled the

debt itself, even then there conld be no loss of

intrinsic value, for the debtor would in thatcaso be tho gainer by just so much as thecreditor had lost. There would be simply achange of ownership, a redistribution of pro-

perty and neither gain or loss of any intrinsicvalue whatever. We regret having beenobliged to give so much space to answering

these few points in his Excellency's letter,but the high sourco from which they proceed-

ed seemed to demaud a thoroughness of treat-

ment not warranted by the intrinsic weignt orimportance of the arguments themselves.

To fJte Editorof tht Hawaiian (jaxttte :Sir : Unity is strength, a truth which applies to

Governments as well as to other bodies. The bodyU never at war with itself. The head is never sgsiuttthe hands nor the hands against the bead. When

tae officers of any Government pursue a course whichis upposed to the best interest of the people there willbe elashieg. Tbe greatest desputlsm if the weakestGovernment. This Gorerninentsltbough tbe smallest

nd weakest amimg the nstions hsl stood like a rock

nthe ocean. It started with the motto which translated reads The strength of the Goternmeat is in

Justice" and hitherto it has tried to carry out thatprinciple in its practice. The people were poor but

they paid their taxes cheerfully because they were

ight nnd tbe Government mill. But now a new eradawns upon us I Our ship of state, which has beensailing in smooth waters is likely to meet with rough-

er seas. Mow shall we weather it? Let ns stick to

our motto and we shall he safe. Depart from it andwe shall te wrecked I

Tbe late decision of the Supreme Court looks like

a departure from this prioeiple. Tske a case which

has actually occurred. A sells a house lot to D, say

fir $6,000 and takes u mortgage for the wholo

amount, and the Government taxes A for his note,

nnd B for the privilege of owtng tbe money Can B,

obtain no redress iu Xho Courts of this kingdom for

this wrong?A law similar to this which was enacted by the

California Legislature was declared unconstitutionalby the Supreme Court (foil benci). and monev paid

under protest by the people, was returned to them

It is to be hoped, that for the honor of this kingdom

such will be tbe case here. D.

To tke Editorof tht Hawaiian Gazette:

DeanSia: Tbe communication ofllis Excellency

tbe Attorney General on the subject ofthe Tax Deci-

sion, in the last number ofthe Gazette, is to my mind,

chiefly noticeable for tbe conurmation it aMords oj

yoor remark that no one, 'either lawyer or Uyman,

could be found to come fjrward and endorse tbatdecision, or attempt to defend either tbe justice or

the expediency of the law as therein laid down." Ifany one could be expected to "endorse the decision1

aud the "Jaw aa therein laid down," surelv it isthe attoruey for the winning party : veteten he declines to gu further than to eudorse tbe good faith

the judges making tbedeeisiou, (which has not been

called in queslioul, and to remind us that something

can be said in favor of their view uf tho case.Let me quote bis own words : "while I do not vol-

unteer an opinion as to the Constitutionality of tbe

law, I detire to show tbat there arc two tides to tbe

question."Sorely the case must be a desperate one indeed.

whea eteu the attorney for the tucecssful party in a

suit, declines publicly and oier his own signature, to

endorse tbe correctness ofthe view he himself advo

cated in Court and in favor of which he has obtained

a decision. Mr. Alfred S. Hartwell declines to ex

press any opinion on a point which Jus lxcelleneyAttorney General Hartwell has already argutd before

tbe Court and won. Shakespeare perhaps had law

yers and their doings in bis mind when ho put intotKe mouth ofthe melancholy and meditative Jacques,

tbe well known words,'All the world's atgeAnd aU ttie nieu and women merely ptajers.Sndoaesaon in Alt time playi many parts."

It appears to me that tbo gentleman in question bss

undertaken to play one part too many. In the char

acter of attorney for tne assessor against the tax-

payers, be fairly brought down the bouse I beg

pardon, I mean tbo Court but when he appeals to

the larger audience of tbo general public in the role

of an apologist for the view of the law and the Con

stitution heretofore advocated by tbe Attorney Gen

eral, he comes very near being a failure. Such atleast is tbe view of a Lxtuas


Tax Appeals.MiiTirn in iiriEi.i:v 4;ivi:.n that iiiiH Ikurd of at ApiiOt will fit m MONDAY 3d tlaj of

DECEMBElt next, between the hours of A. ST. andP. AI- ut tbe I'ot ice Court Koom In Honolulu, Oahn, tonear ail pais mai may ots utkiu iruui mc iimuwithe District or Honolulu. Oabu. W. C, JONES.

Police Justice nt ex officio rresident of the Boardof Tax Appeals.

Honolulu, Novernier 7. U" 6"Q 3t

GLEAM'S SULPHUR SOAPIt the 1,catling- !tcmuIy

For Diseases, Injuries, and Morbid Con-

ditions of the Skin,

RExnrits the t:oMPixxrov fairrr M"OTLi. Cores Rheumatism and Gout. In.Burcs all the remedial advantages of Sulphur Ratht.

Clotbl.tff and Ted Unen. lieu, edict Dandruff andprevents Premature GrayneR an4 Lrtm of the Hair.

There are wretched Imitation ot this standard article Inthe market. Use no Sulphur Soap except Glenn's.

HILL'SHair and Whisker Dye !

AS RED AS THE X' I.A 31 1. OF AnAIR or White as the dead mass on & Floridahemlock, ran be changed to Glorious Itrown or LustrousRlack by single' application of HUra Instantaneous Hairand irhlsker Dye.

C70 2m I- - McIXEKlVY.

A New Hymn and Tunc BookShortly Exiectctl from loiidoii,



19 I


BY PHILLIP PHILLIPS,Anthor of the Sloglns Pilgrim, &c c--

iESlOXED FOR REVIVAL JIEr.TINC.S.Y. C Associations. Monday Schools. Praise,

Meetings, Family Worship, c, AcThis new Staging Book, which has lately been pnblhhed

In London, couslsits of 33) pages and has. In It about 300or ui

Most Popular Hymns and Tunes.Its small stta, & by S Inches, makes It a handy and conve-nient volume. It is destined to prove one of the moatpopular byoin and tune oooes ever pubiisned

Onler R reel veil by"C76 II. 31. WHITNEY,

NEW COOPS.from via Sydney.

SELECT IXVOICK OP SCOTCHAVERY stationery aod Books, including12 fall qparto Cabinet Albums.12 ditto ditto Scrap A Ibnms,12 superior Mertscopes. assorted,6 French Jewel Keleldescopes,1 Walnut Graphoscope,Cassell's Family Bibles, 000 Illustrations, in Various

bindings,rrayer Books, Testaments, and rocket Bibles.Heavy border Mourning Envelopes and raper.Postage Stamp Alhams, the best published,Glilottsteel Pens.

Also, Eeceived from Hew York,That Lass o Loft'iies.iilsd Oeccher'a Housekeeper and Health-keepe- r

The illnUter'a Wooing.A Slaver Adventure on Sea and Land.Wells Every Man Ilia Own Lawyer.IlaswelTs Pocket Engineer's Boot.Ladles Fancy Work and Household Elegancies.Bnusy't Life and Labors, fay Arthur Helps,Common Sense in the Household.Hold tbe Fort, beaotlfutiy Illustrated,In Doors and Out. Adirondack Tales.His Young Wife. Wren. Hsxel.Heads and Tales. Slooala,Plymouth Collection, Hymns and Tunes,Webster's Unabridged and Pocket Dictionaries.Peep of Day Series. Lme upon Line. &Tbe Heritage of Longdate.Tbe Wooing O't. llalpb WUton's Weird.Mark Twain's bcrap Book. Beading without Fears.Bryant Stratum's g and Blanks.


rapctcrlc Boxes and New Stationery,V

J Jnst ArrlVed nU

em 2m For Ssrie by II. M. "mxiTXET



the sn.ExniD steamship



On or about Tuesday. Dec. 4th.




On or Nov. 15th,Vor Frtljlit and Passage, plj" to

659 3m II. IIACICFED A f O.. A(tent8.

its- - Coot! for alif oment Dfr ttenraer can now be BtoredIn the Btannr' warehouse fre of ttornce.

Regular Packet for Hilo & Kaupakuea.

The Clipper Schooner

IhaleakalaiFor Prelglit Or rasMffe. apply to6B9 tm A nOBINSON. ARfntS.







about 1877.

Established 1840.

Sailings Every Week,l'OK LiriiltlMOl,:

From Xew York etery Wednesday,

From Boston every Saturday,


RATES OF PASSAGE:,vtu, 8iuo ami Slat), Void,

Accordtug to Accommodation.


Ntcerairo 828 Currency.

Good accommodations can always be secured on appti?catloa to

WILLIAMS, BLASCHAltr) Co ,an Francisco.

JASS. ALEXANDER,93 btute bt., Boston,

C a. KltANCKLVN,4 liow Hog (Jrecn, New York.

Votlcs to rassens.rs from Australia, New Zraland andHonolulu. The Cunard IJne afloids more tlian usual fa-

cilities to through pnwtigera from c ports, thefreqarncr of lta sJitti'I precluding all possibility or delayIn New York.

Good accommodations olwai s reserved.O. O. VIIANCKLYN,

641 ly 4 Bowling Green, New York.


3 C. Brewer & Co. Agents, Jtlit l cili drancci nude on itilpmtntt ltjr litis line.



fcfR. C. Brewer & Co.-Age- nts. JfiSjgfjyr farorablettirRDgenienU can nUnyi b.made fontorge and ihlproent of Oil. Bore, Wool. Illdeanndother Merchandise to Nevr Bedford, Chiton, New Yotk andtherKutern rorti. AdTancecniade.CJMv C. BKEWEll t CO.

Sometlilngr Iew.Irish Potatoes, from Puget Sound.

VM. EOT OF Stll'EHIOR l3ALirY,ASH )Yldby Island, per Hark Uamden.

Also, a Few Boxes Fiue Apples,Selected and in fine order, from tho same place,

'Saw Isnntllnr unit for Sale by6C9 UOLLES A CO.

Tax Collector's Notice,District of Honolulu, Oahu, 1877


notified that the undersign! will commencethe collection of Taxes for Uns current ar, at h't officetn Marine SI reel, Almil, on TilUltbDAY. 1st of NOVKMBEi; pnixlmo, and in conformity with Section 50-- of theCivil Code, all persons liable to taxation are required touuike payment uf the same,

On or before ttieSOtli ilnynf A'ocmbcr,IS77GKOv II. LUCE, Tnx Collector, Honolulu.

Tax Ofllce, J9th October, 1877 r,fiS

Marshal's Sale.VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECFTIOVBY nut of the Supremo Court , In favor of Mokulo-hu-

plaintiff, against F. s. Kelkl, defendant, foe the sumef$4tro, I have levied upon and shlll expose foraale,

n the premises, at 12 o'clock noon, on Wednesday, theIStb dy of November, 1877, all hit rlicht, title and InterestIn a certain piece of Und, situated In Kalta, WalUM, Oibu.containing 3S.1tj3 cere, and nioio particularly described IniUal Patent No. 311 ti. Also, at the same time and place,all the right, title and Interest of said defendant In oneWooden House, situated ou the lot next adjoining theabove, mile said Judgment. Interest and costs be pre-viously ssatlsfled. W. C FA11KK, MarshaL

Honolulu, October 23, 1970. 66S 3t


the Supreme Cnurt In favor uf J, G. Dlckeoil,for one hundred and thirty-eigh- t dollars, against S.Apana, defendant, I have levied upon and nball expose forsale on the 3d day of October. A. D. 1S77, ut 12 noon, onthe premises, at KauioJlillL all the right, title and Interestor toe saiu a. Apana in ana to one wooden House, andtbe Lease of the Land ou which sai.l house is situated,which lias S years longer to run, unless said Judgment, Interest ana costs oe previously satisnea.

W. C. PARKE, Marshal.Honolulu, August 29, 1$77. 659 4tThe above sale has been postponed until Monday Dc- -

ceuioer am, i4,, w. u. 1'AiiHf.,G6J Marshal.


Xxxs-- t R.eceivedA Large Addition to their Stock of


Large Hubs, Spokes. Felloes and Axles

All ortlie very Beat.FKAZCR'K AXI.C (lltEASi: FORAMII. Wagons and Drava. Tnls Axle Grease IS 8U.

PERIO R to anything of trm kind ever offered In this mar-ket. It took tbe FIIWT 1'ltIZi: at the CentennialExhibition.

Tubular Iron Ox Bows!Oil Cloths, Enamelled Huclc, Leather, Lfntnir Cloth,

Varnishes, paints, light and heavy Springs,Poles and Shaft. eb. Oak, and Hickory Plant,

Ilatan Moulding. Horse Oboes, Cheap.

The Best Cumberland Goal !




by the Hon. U.McUryde, Jnd&e 1th Judicial Circuit,,to sell the property of 1. Kaakaha, deceased, as

ioiiowb ;1 Share In Wsinlht (TuL1 Share In Haeua Hoi,1 bhare In Moloaa, Hul.Half or Knleana In Hanalel.X Frame Dwelling: House In Hanalel.1 Thatched House In Hanalel.

C. HKRTKL1TANN6W 6t Administrator of the Estate of D. Kankaha.

Manufacturing Jeweler I

Wotio o .BMnr.tisio.r.n. roKJtxitir withThe fcctart, bege to Inform cltlxens of Honolulu and

tbe public generally, that be has taken the store on FortStreet oppusltt Odd Fellows Hall, (formerly occupied byTbos.Tannatr,) where be will give special attention to tbamanufacturing and repairing of all klndacf Jewelry.

Particular attention given to fthell and Kukul Wcrk.sasT" wulgnarantseasMsfactiontnailtlswork.

820 12m " WM. It. WESKER- -

Startling RevelatidHfOn tho 12th of last month, two of tho leading Dry Goods Merchants of fL

Francisco tvero detected in the act of

Passing Whole Cargoes of Merchandise under Fraudulent Invoice

Their Goods wero seized, and Sheriff Noonan offered them for sale.Tho Sau Francisco Market is glutted at present, and our offer of

42 Cents on the Dollar!Was Readily Accepted. The Consequence is that tbe



DRESS GOODS.Hudfon CheckGlengiry Plaid iUrucaded StriperSttipcd Camel HairPlain ditto dittoEinprcu. alt wool..H...H...Black Alpaca

Hats.10 Doien Felt, st ......10 ' "10 "10 .

& Dosen Extra Fine, nt10 " Slravr Hats, at10 ' Slravr Hats, Ladies', at .2 " Eugene, it

1VEIS CELLAWBOTJS.French Corsets...... -Fancy Shawl? -12 yards CalicoS pairs Balbrlfrsjail Hose..............I dnten linen lianaKercoieis........Ladles' White SkirtsMosquito Net............ -


,... per jard 25cper jard 23eier jard 25c

per jnrd 33c........per jard 40a

per yard 60sper yard 25c

.S 0 75... 1 00

. 1 M... 1 50... S 00. 1 00

0. 0 25


at.. at


. per pirce


0 751 001 001 001 000 750 75

COURT OF TIIK IIAWAII.USUIMtU.HU Iu Probite. In the matter of the Estatof JACINTO UEAZ, late of Honolulu, deceased, intestate.At Chambers, befora the Hon. A. F. JudJ, Orderornc-tle-e

of petition for aJlnwanc1 uf accounts, discharge, andfinal distribution of propertr.

n itenillnir- - add Ftllnir the Petition and accounts of M .C. Parke, Administrator of the estate of Jacinto Dear, lateof Honolulu, deceased, wherein he asks to.be allowed115 72, nndcnarpM mimetrnitn lifts nu.i brs mmtbe same n ay be examined and approved, and that a finalorder may be made or distribution of the property remain-in- ?

In his hands to the peron thereto entitled, and dis-

charging him and hU suretlei from all furthera such.

It Is Ordered; That TUESDAY, she day of Decem-ber, 1877, at 10 0'i.lock A. before the said Justice, atChambers, In tbe tjotirt uouie, at Honolulu, te ana taesame hereby Is appointed as the time ami place for hear-ing said petltlod and accounts, and tbat all persons maythen and there appear and show cause. If any they have,why the Fame should not be granted, and may presentevidence as to who are entitled to theuaidi-roperty- . Andthat this Order, in the English and Hawaiian tangaage-b- e

published Iu the Hawaiian Gazette aud Knotoa, newspapers printed ana puonsneu in iionuiuiu, iur meH-cc&stv-

week previous to the time therein appointed forsaid hearing. - A. Flit NCI 3 JlWD.

Justice of the Supreme Court,Attest: JNO. E. ItATtNARU,

Clerk of tbe Supreme Court.Dated Honolulu, 13tfa November, 1977. 070 3t



The Cinleraleiietl linn

Just Received from San Francisco !


Large and Handsome Assortment

PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODSSuch as Frames, Velvet Cases, Union Cues, dtc



Printed in Porcelain,Portraits in Alba Plates,

.4 Style never before Introduced in Honolulu.

And Also begs to say that he Is prepared to take Phatographs from Lockets, and produce a Picture 17x20. a sizewhich will be remembered by Honolulu people some year- -ago, niaue oyjar. ecu.

Erery facility win be found at his Establishment

To take any and all kinds of PicturesAMed by the elements and the advantages of human Ingenulty and enterprise. Give him a Call.


Preserved Meats.riMl!; ITSDliRSIUXEII AUC I'llEI' turns.S to furnlab to the trade In quantities to suit, &. su

perior article or

Hawaiian Preserved MeatsComprising

Dried. Smoked,

OTHER STYLES OF PRESERVED BEEF,Prepared by a new scientific process by AC. ECKAHT,

at his Factory In Watmea, HaualL6S9 2m F. A. 8CHAKVKR. A Co.


Eor Lease at Auction.

AY, NO V. 29th. 1877,AT KOON,

At the Court House, In WMIukn, on the Island of Maol,will sell at Auction,

The Lease, ofthe Sea FisheriesBelonging to

The Ahnpuaa of Waiebn, Iiland of Uaui,For tile Term of Five Years,

Beglnnlns on the first dar of Decemner next.rurchaser to pay the rent semfannnallv In advanc,

ana all uses payable on acconntof the said Fisheries dorIne the said term. E. a HALL,

Trustees of tbt lAnalUo Itate.0o8 6t T. V. EVEItKTT, Aoc"r.

To Let,AM COnSIOIIIOlSlIOt'RE,MA repair, one mile from town, la Pano Valley,

or on furnished. A largo pasture can behad with the house, If desired.

Apply on the premises to66 lm MRS. CAPT. LONG.



And Kaalaea,Xn Samait.ua, IVtzvuJL.

These Lands together are

Well Adapted for a Sugar Plantation.They are well wooded and watered. Fnlt nartlctilaraon application to667 201 W. F. ALLEN.

For Sale or To Let,CHOICE IOT OF LAND A TOCRM R0OMKD COtTAOE. beantlfutly altuated on JnddStreet. Large Tank on the premises. ALSO,

300 Acrts of Splendid Orailnc ljind.At Walkele, oahn.

AW? ni E. T. O'HALLOEAN.ess


Soacltor, 31 fort Street.

CLOTHING.Alpaca and Linen Coats, alTweed Suits, heavy, at...Ulack Frock Coats, atBine Sauk Costs, at ...Cottonade Pants, at..... ...Linen V ests. St..Linen Dusters, atHunting Suits, atm.HW

Shoes.10 Dosen Gents' Slippers, it- -10 Ladies Slippers. at....10 ' Ladies' Buckle Ties, at10 " Ladic"' Iiosetta Ties, al10 Foxed Shoes, at ..SO " Children's Button Kid, a- t-10 " Children's Ankle Tics, at20 " Ladies' Elastio Side, at

French Kid dotes..-- ..French Kid Gsnntlets.Pino. .White Grenadine .Blue Sttipe...Figured Lawns.....Dress Linens


tlM- Wet11 HSitIll


-- Mil

:tniaini atsiin

it 111at lit

-- st 13at lita inat iast ia

42UIRU1: COURT OF TIIK UAWAIUXISLANDS. OcUsber Term, A. D. 177. Oafta.

KAMAKA 0t). LlbetUut tor divorce, vs. KAAUA5U(CLtbeliee.

In the above entitled libel for divorce, it Is new artknlthat a decree of divorce from tbe bond of nutriamjfcientered in fator of the said Kamaka, atwtLuit-- ik. nwof tbe adultery of the said Kaahauul, hbeUee, to U matfeabsolute after tbe expiration of &U uiutbs from rh. rw..

vf this decree, upon compliance with the terau tam

Aud tb libeltant Is ordered l publish aa ianu4urof this order In the IlawaiUu Uaxette, aM aewiptaerknown as the Koodoa and Ke Au Okoa, for six ineamnweeks, .the first publication to be within oMnoua&Mine uaie or wia orutrr, mai aii pertena miereotea haj,within six months, show cause why sold decree sboaU ntbe made absolute. Uy tbe Coorc

JNO- - . OA UNA CD,Clerk ot the supreme Coart

Honolulu. 23d October, 1977.

I hereby certify thai the fort going Is a trae aad btMcopy of the original decree nisi nude In the abovvffsti&cause, w hlch said original deciee Is now on flic hi tae HullOffice of the Supreme Cuurt ofthe Hawaiian Iudv

As witotbs my bana tms uih oar or October, A, a. 1X7.

JNO E. BIKSABU,MS fit Clerk of the SOpiemt Own.

Ci;iREjit:O islands

COURT OF TIIK 1I4UMI111In Probate. Inland ol Oahs. Hawiika

I Stan 'Is. as. In tbe matter of tbe Estate of JL'LCs Tin,late of Uuuolulu, deceuSed. Order appointing tto IProbate of Will and directing pabUcatlua of the time

A document purporting to be the last will aidtrtUatatof Jnles Yxet, of Houuluiu, deceased having fm Ut OHdjyofOctober IS77, been prvnted to said KrooaUCBan.and a pet.tiou fur the probate thereof, and fvr tat imataof letters testameotary to Alexandre AndreCorulot.M.Ing been filed by AL Andre Cortdot,

llUhcrcby Ordered, That TUESDAY, the ?9ta day ifNOVKMllEIC 1977. at 10 o'clock . il. of said da;, at ftCourt Itooin of said Court, at AldoUnt Uaie, Uoootola.Hand tbe same Is, hereby appelated tbe ihu for ptfrkcsaid will &&d hearing said application nben am! wfcmuyperson interested may appear and coutet the aud VS,and the granting of letters testamentary.

Itis further Ordered, That notice thereof btgimlrpublication, for three auccesstve weeks. In the bmiuUaxette, a newapoier printed and published la BoaokXaforesaid.

And it w further Ordered, ThatciUtiousbefanrtbOSJbscribing witnesses to said 3VIU,iuid to tlMfatutrfaitestator tu apier ami cxwteat tb probate- ut sudlfertbe time appointed.

Hated Honolulu, October lith. 1877.

A. ritANCIS JCDD,Justice of the Sopreaa Oct

Attett : A. ROSA. Deputy Clerk ON


dlctal District. HawalhuMsiands. itatt IX

GEO. A. LATH HOP, lite of Wailnlta Maul.dcra4On reading and films the petition of .V U frptaMs!

Maiawaovasklnz that letters or administration k awlLt Wm. O. bmit h on tbe Estate of Geo. A. LathN?, 1drcrasrd iottUte, of Waliuku, Maol, n. I.

II is Ordered, That WEDNE9D.VY. thJirtdyf1977, at 9 o'clock A. M., at tb Court Hmk.

Wallnku. be. appointed as, the tlm aod piuc for bcaJBC

said petlUon and any ejections that may be oSmi ilw

to : and all persons lnteresied in the said Estats. a SfiS

of kin, creditors, Ac, are hereby notified ta aitr4ABK. IX) UNA N DEE.

area it Judge, td Judicial DUUfct, H.L

Lahalna, Oct, 13, Ia77. i"

CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IIAWUIUlSLAKIM. Third Judicial Blslrlrt. la rrH

Island of Hawaii, llawallau Islanda. In IhenutfMrafflfKaute of JOHN KuKl-l- dMvaaed.

A document purporting to ba th. laataUaadtesnaeot John Kuse, deceased, having been presvoHd allrubateCuurt.andapeUtiotiforU. Prolt laerrstsatfor the Issuance of leltera teatemenUry to Jas.

been tiled by bun.It la hereby Ordered. That Tular. the ltlSaiJ

cember, A. 1 lsn.at 10 "'clock A. il. ef saUcar.alMCourt Itoom of said Court, at Kapaau, North KoSaU,awail, be, and the same It hereby appulated tSsttMproving aaid will and hearing sid appucanoa wbsa sa

where any person Interested may appear and ceelflsa.aid will, and the granting of Utters uatamentarv.

It Is ruriuer Ordered, That notice thereof be ft"""publcatlon, for three successive .eeks,latheHswiaUaxette, a newspaper printed and pobllahd to Una.

C.JIAKL12 FKEOEniCK HslJ.JusUce of the Circuit Court. 2d Judicial ttsmtt-

Dated North Kchsla, II,wail, OcU 20, 1C7. ""LCOIIIT OF THE IIAWAIlU

ttlKCMT Iu Prohale. In lb. Esuu of O".ltALEMANU, of Uamakua, Hawaii, deceased, taa

Before Mr. Justlc. Hsrt. .On reading and tiling the petition cf Joseph "IIaaakua,allegiig that O. W. IX Ualeinana.ii'WB

liaw.U, died lotesute at Ilamakua, on the SI'March, A. D. IS77, and praying that letters cf XtolOBrMoil Issue, to l F. anford,of Ilamakua. HawilL

It Is Ordered. That TUESDAY, th. sthdavaf M;BER, A D. IS?I, at 10 o'clock: A. M , he and er

pointed ror hearing said petition before Iheaa4wIn tbe Court Koom of this Coort, at Waunea, H

which time and placo all persona concerned nay sn

and show caose. If any they liave.wbyaaldpeCtWsaanot be granted, and that this order be potaa "JTEugllsh language for three snccesain wetSs la OS"waiiau Gazette newspaper In Honolulo.

CUAltLES FUEDEIUCIi. 1121.Circuit Jodie, id Judicial OC

Dated Kohala, UawaU. Oct a. IST7.

COUItT OP TIIK "i!!!CIUCl'IT Third JudlcUl District. Is O'FTioflh JitatorKliIILV(tAofSormKoSala,h'"

On reading and Wing the petition of Jaa.HTsJtJfmlnfctrator of the EaleUof Kealoha (t). Uts "rjhala. Hawaii, deceased, praying for an order d .tain real propertr belonjlng u. said s'ata.aMforth certain legal reasons why snch real propenj-- be

sold. j tIt Is Ordered. That aU persons Interested fati d

tate appear before this Court on TUESDAY. uDCCKMUEIt. A. IX 1577. at 10 o"cloct A X. " rjf.Court House, North Kohala, Hawaii, then. ufZ7&snow cause why an order should not be graalM

saleoauch Estate.And It Is further Ordered. That W7wr"aillpublished at least three snocemlve weens VDrt

day of hearing In th. Hawaiian Gazette nr"PW"' r- -

llshed In Honolulu.CI1AKLF.S FRANCIS BJSVkcrA

arcnit Judge. 11 JHated North Kohala, Uawau. Oct. a. 1CT

rniaic couht-i-- v EQcrrr-i-- i.SiwmaUT.Trnsteeof tbeEsUle of ""f'J'rg.deceased, vs. W. nnehasa Wood andwue.""Hutchison, retitlon for foreclosure.

Supreme Court, Hawaiian Islands. TuaTo W. c Parke. Esq , Marshal of the JJsSJa

orhlsDeputy-Oreetlo- g! lYou RrtmnmWHl. hv order ot las al7vrFrancis JuddWcstlca of the Supreme Coon,

OiaocelJor, u anmnsos W. Plneha Wood. uand F.W. Hutchison, of Ilonolulo.defeiiiana- l

,appear before him, the aforesaid Justice, at r!rTjcathe Coort Uooss, lo the dry of Honolsls. a,&son Trldsy, the lib day or November 071111 lA. SI. to show cause why the prayer JytrCartwrlght, Trustee of the estat. ofceased, complainant, should not be eTreo.the tenor of his bill of complaint hereto """"j --orl

And have yon then there this writ, wrtayour proceedings thereon. icr''5Witness the Uonorable A Franch 'YU-i-l. . Supreme Court, at HonolaU, tM

July, A. D. 1S77. CXBAlLrl!13.jjf(t &" ,

I hereby certify that the foregoing oe pfCoor"orlglnsl sommons filed in Ih. supreme

dom. . sssaIn witness whereof I have Wreunto '

p. a. seal, this 3d day 0,i3'TA Tillis.

Marine Signal Cards I

At Less thin Half CflJt- -

SEW MABBE ,SXZTHE published by !be SrfjJpublic espenrt.can now ba u"tJiati-,'- llowprtcecf Kenl.Ueult andJf s"JJMjte"Isfled wlti that. Hr Kalaaana SJ,!manniUit. For ranher parttrulari, "ZLff 0a&-c-n


Page 3: rriTTin nth JLli illin tt JIJbSh 1 U · 2015. 6. 2. · THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE rniiLisiiED BY HENRY M. WHITNEY Every IVeduewdnj--Morn Inp.AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE IX ADVANCE

ttiiei ot th 21ooa for the Month of Hot., 1877.Prtprtd by dpt. DanitI Smith Jlariwrmatler.


ynr MoonT!,jflrtQ Barte- r-


--10 1S.8 T U- 1 18.0

-- 11 31--

04.7 M fern.,c bl Sets 20.7 r u-- i. fit 8 11.0 M Sou ,,.,, 5 170 I'm., u" 14 -- Sou Sets.. U.s r

--j' Kes 6 u sun sets--.a 110 r u

rio.KOLCLU. November ii, 1x77.

fttr far f treigu arriTaU to report for tlie )at week,tcbiMir Knoy, UUckl.k, from 8n Fraiiciaeo, tU

XUx Courier, Ahlbojn. from aii FroncUco, wltli

yAt1 ntili, U IIackfM k Co. ; acbuouar M. JL

Jj(1 Mri. from Port Ludlow, to Til Fmtcr; Urk Col--

j, A.JlDaWV- - .ctW Tt TattlU. loaded with, fi:i to here leaAlag. lornddttloa ty lb abort iLt eeLr

iwSyi"J, Irow San Francisco, lisa arriTtd at1.15 prtrta 1 tut Mine La, been th buk

rits 1UUdw, for Pil Tmwim4.w a Mcepiwrn in u ft tbip or war Peokocola, tbe

v i( nJ the 5JkI1 tStenoier Aiulralta are the oaljaown low o their way from Sn Francisco

, By the Am trails due bers w- xyiwi recrirvaJrlcesuT Additiwbal depaturee. In

j j . ier 00a aarmr we Lore Ivo Hoe additions tujr ,g HeeL

t ai baler, tha FarmwonL, la reported lost In tber wn baee no particular.c uXt7rcrop of tbe Lbalna noUtioa bsi'SAtnetodurbj WJlliaai, Blaacbard t Co.

r?a ,fce from our UtMt fifu ulviree :5,, - --mw spring Dnt wool. 30 tor. ,wi5uwae; uie oil quiet t 10 Cc ; winter

ac w.uc; prmOirqaiett lOSctulIOe, wioteru to IUc ; bide 3Jc u 23c

AUKIVLO.n' EuUfufcca, Uiim, from Kulitt&.u - uaji jit n Luaiow.u ,i Cwui ir, AUbva. 16 days Iruai Frucbcu.

. UteTuWe, Kuftbl.Irwo liuloktl,ulumba, JohoKin, 2J from Tbitt

? hpimbL Clark. Irmu tiaua.i - fkuoy from IHlo.

tut MoU RejitoU. front KahoIaLNttl Urrrtll, UatfivM. from Lalain.

- a ikekauluubi, MaMbl, fruui HsnaUI. ICmQjL

- Urtwut Krft&puub faun Kuiu tod Waime.,..jt VaHele, Kalauao, I row AlallLo.

beabl, Kaafoa, for IIIIo.MU Morris. Kaalubanat, for ilolokal.TaiiaLt. fur HDiako,

U lu lk CJu, HublnaMi, fur Port Gamble.PoevJutlii. Clarke, fur IUm.CeSanlnufaL MaUibl, for llanaleb

- Uauookawal, Kalw!, furKawJUwIlLNettie Hen ill, lUttleU, for L&liAina.


Ei"- -' tiiTOianol AnUo'i, Woeka.

t Ward, Kingli t ur cU- Dexter.As c Uaaentl llaruej. Tripp.

aan Turner, Newell.Ut Hnr AblUrt), dUcbarglog.

At wU JuIjokiu, fjr ba Fraucisco.

wnuiu.j tinnier "hltnr.

f V Alleu, Ulllej.4L llilioa, llamblla.

m, Uklcbov









ip li

rraileco Per Citjr of New York, Not. 6 J M5 ww. L C Oweo wife aud cUIU. 0 Mil!, Dr Wj tieace. A Unna, MIm Otartuati aud ietbe, J B

I r , wiK Mr B F Joeselru, J Walfcrr. G Dickie.a UecbliUM li utuoiid. U Ada vaa WIb-- -

Van Winkle. J J Yatea, F R llellia. J O Otade,r j .,, UreSI Webater. W W Tarlor. K Hillman.

I LiMrc CMlu&Uaun, IlCaaolaud, Ah bltuGamble, per bark Camden, Not 11 Cfcpt Iaac

it-- c;. li WrettawldatiRbter.

r m



v f


v.i IraudaCO. per Cathie 11 ajward, Oct 19 WUjj ctckdDt, iSOOfirrLrteka, 5 brla fireclar. SSO

U fret laoiber, 443 potJ, iOU ahinglea I ancar

! - uiClow. per It Foeter, Not E ft roogh- - i.nj;lre.

3 rraDcieco, per bark Goarlar. Noe fi 24 pVjtc "' pkpa Rrocerlec, 1S30 ptpi feed, 138 Jikgj

iS pkj bard ware, StXlkec ;wder, I&4 pkgiC, 10 pkQt bouta aod abovj, C87 pkes bnild-.- ii

pks crcKer7 aod glauware, 6 :; buoka.ji 3 piece furniture, W pke ateam enene. 33- tnaterial, U phtjji wecbUer, 1U0 K W jKuts,


i:.iokts.j dtf of Sew Ywk. Nor. 0: 1017

i 10 bx betel leareo. 6tj00 II. coffee, 4 c prl-- a

photo jruuda, C4974 lbs. puddj, I Lx plant,jlrioe 11WM1L aucar, Lbxrpecle, 2k yam

.ti aicicii:i.TCS-- JACKSOX In 3Iakaao.Oct 19. br Her J

if t .am H Couimint to Mitt CUrUaa J action, all

iii:i.C ;ZL- A) Liverpool, Z3 mile frtn fydoer. N 8 W on

-J- S cjwiDDtka. Catt BenI Corree. 3 seAri,I cf Uui Jh'.q, wbere be waa fur xunj j Pan eoraed,

aj t.ae trade.l:;rrrs At Knt. Molott.Oct "7. of llnsrerlnr III- -

aearlr 2 ntootbe coatlnnanee, ilr John R berU,M1 1, .ii if birtb, atxt for tbe but 10 yeaxa a resident of

ataa ila teavre a wile to inOuroAtl' iom.

iitsr CaxTKACT for Sl'oak. We learn tbat Mr.zr.z bas aotd to Me&fcTB WillUme, BUncbard

i eatire ucxt jear crop of aacar from tbePUtilioo. We were unable to learn tue

j;r'rs ol the terms of talc beyond tbe fact thatiMtprsu a Terr good oue, better probably than

iikcretsfcre beco obtained In auj eimilar transactTUt uranemeDt does not go into operation

1Ct Crt of Jtncftry, Mr. Turton's present

f 3 enendinj to that time. By the terms ofJlr. Torton bis tbe right to reserve

iMiftHSic-o-fiL The entire

"33probabIj exceed 2,000 tons, or 4,000,000i of s uin

-- ;re I one noticeable iict In connectionislauttd' and tomewbai acrimonlona dl- -

I at-- i L:ch has been going on In tbla community-- ic;time put, on tbe aubject of Sonday law

BLI-t- u Tirious parties who nave come forward' t In print and otherwise, their duap- -- cf tic present law and their dislike for lta

s. scarcely one has thus far taken tbe trou.(he law itself, to point oot the part or

Itt titr&irto which they object, ortomakeatsiaiieor practical snpcesuoo lowaros ua

:;2t A brlcfitem In last Saturday's Adxt san;eUos tbc insertion of two words In

I- - -- i cfine present Act, is 60 far as we are" u: only exception to the fact above noted

"ali we hare recently had occasion to- w tbe subject of the lax law, are sufficient

:ti we are no bcllcrera In legislatlre ln- -J as4 if our Sunday law is unjust or oppress- -

t -- ard any portion of our people, or If it lnter--""acsMrillr and harshly with tbe rights, or

I"3 tit rentable comfort and enjoyment ofI do not regard Sonday as a religious day

" not care to keep It aa such, we are readylict being shown, to In any

1' JaoTcmeot lor securing Its amendment,

I -- kSvss we can only say tbat the law In qne-s-

I " ctrcr lnteriered In any way with anythingtodoou Sunday and we have no Idea

l ctcr i;L It is but reasonable to ask thatf 4 afe OFtnofL tA tln nrritpnt law and who

Ores arcrieved thereby, abould point outI ! ait H U they object to and state clearly

what It Is thev want. Tbe wholeif He Uw Is contained lu Section 2, which for--Iranian of those who may never have tak-

--'tratbiet,, Investigate the matter for them-

pdut lu fulL It is as follows : " Section'Si Lird's day la taboo. All worldly bns- l-

' Buemcnts aod recreations are forbiddenaod whoeTer Ahali keep open bis

Ky warehouse or workshop, or shslt dotnwtrof bueiness, labor or work except' aks ol nemsily and charity, or be presentJ "f-ln- g, public amusement, ahowor entere:t,orUke part in any game, sport or play

J Lord's Day. thai! be pnnhhed by a fine-- "etdiog ten dolUra." Now if any one who

to sajiieit In the way of Improvement"'eUw; whether It be In the shape of an

.--"est, alteration, addition, 6nbtractton, snb- -

3 r even total repeal, will send ns their pro- -

eSoitelr set forth In wrilinsr. we willC'Tclbrm f.t. I....rli It. nrlnllniT the

f e columns of the GiZEni. We believeh, and full discussion. Who Is ready- m with n ou tbat basis.

trrx. nimiu of. the Skin,I J UJeasts, etc.

oxes of the week.The Mall Steamer AnttrtlU will be due here

with Stn Francisco dates to Nov. 7.

Tbe tmhlp SU Paul arrlTtd at Bsn Fran-cisco. October 18, and would be fitted out at oncefor Honolrin, as an IntermedUte boat.

Two fine large pbotorraphs of tbe PioneerMill, Lahalna, can be seen In the window of Mr.Whlmej's books tore.

ST W'e bear that the W. H. Almy was enpag--to remain in San Francisco until Oct, 9ih. If shesailed oo that date she is now 16 dys out, and dre'at any time.

EST TbeU. S.FrijalePensacolaifla'gHihlpoflbcPacific Squadron, was to have wiled from San Fran-dse-

for this port on Nor. 1st. She may be ex-

pected here at any hour.

The American bark Columbo which putInto this port on Saturday last, was loaded withcoal, and leaking badly. The seamen have filed aprotest with tbe U. S. Consul against be I- n- oblig-ed to proceed on the voyage, staling It as theiropinion that In tbe event of the vessel encounter-ing bad weather, they wonld all go to tbe bottom.

IUnrj to Heat. Mr. Keld'a new schi.Capt. Blacklock, arrived here Sunday noon, havingmade the passage from Hllo In tweutyftinr hours.II any one thinks be can beattlut, he Is welcometo try. The schooner Kate Lee once made tbepgc from IIUo to Honolulu In twenty-on- enoun the fastest time ever made by any of ourcoasting fleet.

ST" The schooner Cissle Hayward arrived atLahalna on Wednedav last, 19 oays from San Fran-cisco. She will discharge ber carro of lumber,building material, and sugar mill machinery at n's

Landing, four miles from Lahalna. Wc under-stand that tbe new sugar mill for Messrs Miltnti tArmstrong, at Olualu, will be erected and ready tocommence grinding cane In January next. Thereare 100 acres to be taken off at the first crop.

Hawaiian Hotel. By the bark Courier, fromSan Francisco, Mr. Herbert of tbe Hawaiian Hotelhas received certain machinery essential to theworking of tbe hotel gas works, which was re-

fused transportation by the last stcetner on accountof the rush of freight. The gas works will be putIn foil operation lor the first time on the occasionof the dance on Friday evening. In hooorofllisMajesty? birthday. Tbe hotel will not be regu-

larly opened forthe reception of guests until afterthe latter event. m .w.

MoosLiGliTCONCEitTSTUls Week. The band willplay In Emma Square onTuur&day and Saturdayevenings of this week. The usual Saturday after-noon concert will consequently be omitted. Tbcfollowing Is tbe programme for Thursday evening:1 Overture, Opera, Emma of Autloch Uercdanto2 flnind March. Opera, Heroic new bchnbert3 K eolation and Prayer, Opera, Moses. ...... ...... Itualnl

nam, ipnn: riowera, new . ... MSelection, Opera, Tb Barber of Neville ,

6 Fantasia, fctjrien Sound. Cornet aolo...7 IleceCharactertiUqae.Alrdela Princess8 Galop, Pleaaorea of Matrimony, new ....



Another Addition to ocr Coasting Fleet.Tbe above Is getting to be a regular beading amongour "Notes of tbe Week.' We have now to reportthe arrival of the Mary . Foster in IS days fromCape Flattery and 22 da s from Port Ludlow. ThisIstest addition to our Inter-Islan- fleet Is a beautyand will well repay examination by any one Inter-

ested In such matters. Her cabin accommodationsare particularly fine for a vessel of her sire. Herhot day's run on the voyage down from tbe coast,was 252 miles. She will run regularly ou the routebetween Honolulu and Kau.

Extesdiso Kino Street. Tbe jury of tax payers who were selected to examine and report on theproposed extension of King street to KaptolaolP.irk, have performed tbe duty assigned tbcm andmade their report to the Minister of the Interior.Tbe jury recommended that the road be built according to the route surveyed by Mr. Emerson, andthat tbe work be proceeded with tts soon as possible. The distance to be traversed Is only about amile and a half and as the ground Is nearly level, wcsee no reason why lbepropo-c- Improvement shouldnot be pushed forward' to speedy completion. Wetrust tbat such may be tbe case: A city providedwith a public park and without any decent roadforgetting there, is something which borders on theridiculous.

Ssleoftiie .Mart Belle Roberts. By recentadvices from Ssn FraucUco we learu tltat.tbe abovenamed vessel has been sold at auction by theUnited States Marshal to satisfy claims of II. Hack-fel- d

& Co. and others. She wss bonirbt by MessrsC. Merrill Co, for the sum of five thousand

dollars. Tbe amount dne Messrs Uackleld 4&.C0..

alone, bclug over four thousand dollars, It Is notlikely that there nlll be more than enough to sat-

isfy tbat claim and perhaps the seamen's wages,

alter deducting tbc costs of court and the Mar-

shal's tecs. It is tbe intention of Messrs Merrill

i Co. to place the vessel under the Hawaiian flagand her the ' Kalakaua." She will pro-

ceed from San Francisco to Pnget Sound for a loadof lumber, and tbence to- - Australia, stopping atHonolulu on tbc way to obtain her new register.

The New Propeller roa the Lieelice'. By

the arrival of the Australia, which Is due here to-

morrow, Mr. Wilder expects to receive the new

propeller for bis steamer. In case tbe article Inquestion arrives as expected, Mr. W. hopes to be

abietobavclt adjusted by Monday or Tuesday ofnext week. In which case tbc LIkcIike will start on

her regular trip to windward, making tbe circuit ofHawaii. If It Is not found practicable to have tbenew propeller la place by Tuesday afternoon, tbetrip to windward will be postponed notil the weekafter. The laying np of the steamer has been a

matter of universal regret, not only on account ofits being a scrlons public misfortune but' also be

cause of both the trouble and loss incurred by Mr.

Wilder, who has the hearty sympathy of tbe entirebusiness and traveling public io Ibis mlsbsp. Theenergy, enterprise and public spirit displaced by

him In the matter of iutcr-lsla- steam navigation

would seem to deserve better luck than has thuslar attended his undertaking. Wc trust that with

the replacing of the broken screw, the chapter ofaccidents lo the LIkelikc win be closed, and matshe and her owner may cuter upon a career of uniform prosperity and 6uccesa.

TEstries tor the Keoatti. The following is a

list of the entries for the regatta on Friday ucxt,

The prospects are excellent for a flue day's entertainment for all who take an Interest lu aquatic

sPn,: o

Jni! Amerirsn. tons. J. Fisher: PumpkinSeed, Hawaiian, IK tons, W. F. Williams; Pn'i..Visit- ra.,1 hnrilrr irtii hint H tOUS. . La. nil

cox::Kelilaloba, White bureee blue k,2l tons. Boat, T Its. ....J T I llrnrsia.tt t rClub: Henrietta, aicu wuuc ii-- s.uw.i.jsAmateur 6 Oak Gio Race.

..... nt


Minnie Barns, Hawaiian, H. Cornwall; Pa, White

Pa . 1.1HU, 1JUCK ana wuiic, unu wt ,.11. m... r. wiunn: Plolanl. Blue and white.His Majesty: Alilolanl, White and blue. His Ma- -

Puskanwahi. Kean ; Kakaako, Kanakoki;N. N. Kekua- -

6.0XBES Gio Bice.Minnie Burns,' Hawaiian, H. Cornwell; Llllu,

t r iinminli' Plolanl. BIdc and bite. His JIaje'sty; Aliiolani, White and blue. His Majesty.

Amateur a Uabed boat bki.Eureka, Bed. John Oat and Fred Oat Honolulu,

Blue, C Wilson.SrxoLE Sccix Race.

Ralndeer. Red, Geo. Tyler.

1 Oabed Boat Race.t n.tr.ti.n 11. Cornwell: Llllu,

BlacW nod wbltV Llllu Boat Crew; Honolnln, Blue,

C. Wilson ; Aiuoiani.Tub Race.

Sea Bird. L. A. Thurston ; Fly

Ing &u&aVRoss; Blubber Hunter, John Lncas.2 Oared Boat Race.

..rfr.nF.arle. White, W. H. J. Wahlneaua;Honolnln, Blue, a Wilson.

Whalesoat Race.white. LH'.u Boat Crew; True

BlWue&l-o- ;; Milton. WB- -son; TUIaulanl, Blue ana .uut,

- iiiroe Race.


. THn.und white. His Majesty; Keli- l-nauauc.",

aloha, White burgee blae. fc.

Retokt or the U. "S. TBEitcnr Commission ox

tbi Kecipeociit Triiit. We have been shown

a letter from Mr. Severance the Hawaiian Consul

In San Francisco, to a friend In Honolulu, dated

October 20: b, from which we make the following

extract: "The Treasury Commission has made a

" report lo Washington, confirming and endorsingIn the highest terms tbe operation of tbc treaty

" on tbe coast. In Increased exports aod general

"business." It will be remembered tbst at tbetime the Commission eru pursuing their investi-gations io San Francisco, we pnbllabctLcoplons ex-

tracts from the evidence given before tbem andrasde the same the subject of extended editorialremarks. Wc feci tbat to the exertions or thefrieuds of Hawaii In San Francisco, In putting be-

fore tbe Commission tbe tacts bearing on the case,wc owe In great measure, the favorable results'above recorded.

Doctor TisdiLE gives special attention to thetreatmeut of the Ejc and Ejr.

Style mid Faklnonk.We invite tbe attention uf our lady readers ta the

following seofibTe remarks from tbe Paris ' Kernede la Mu.lf," for October :

A new play Is a great attraction for rooit people ;but those who wish to see a ptiy nnder the uioitfavorable autpiees, shoald defer doing so nntil theauthor bal made the neeetsary alterations aod theactors are thoroughly imbued with tbe charactersthey reprefeot.

It ii the same with new fashions. A wile womanalways takes care never to be the first to adopt a newstyle of toilet. She begins by studying it on herneighbor, fiodiug out its weak potota and its adran.tages ; and then, when the dressmsker has hsd suCQ.

eient practice in making up similar costumes, shegives her certain blots, which alooe a woman of theworld can give, and thus, out of a mere novelty,often io tbe worst taste, results a toilete, not only tbetype of good taste, but suitable to tho wearer's styleof beauty.

Tbe above lines are dedieated to those ladies whofaoey tbat if their dress be not eccentric they are notfashionable; ou the eoutrsry, true good taste admitsof nothing startling in the way of cut or color.

It is an admitted fact tbat the "Pariaie&ne" il thebest dresser in tbe world ; when I say "l'aril ienne,"I me an the " graode dame," and not those outrsge-ou- s

dresses that one meets on the raee oourse or inpublic walks ; the toilets worn by these are whatwe call ber. "toilets lapsgeuses," acaiast whioh Ihave so often warned my readers.

Many of our subscribers ask us what will be wornduring tho coming Winter? My answer Is, that as

yet there is but little if any modification in thecuts, and moreover, I see no likelihood of a

sudden chaoge; tbe present styles are so varied andallow of such scope for the display of taste, that oneesn as readily make up an Autumn or Winter cos-

tume as a Spring tgilet. Oue thing certain, how.ever, is that shopkeepers, dressmakers, etc., willrival with each other to find oot some mode of faeilUfating commerce, by tbe introduction of dear trim-

mings and costly materials.

War News.We publish this morning the following dispatches1

received by tbe City of Nc-- r York and the Courier.lu A Hi A.

London, October ICth. A UaisiaiToS cUl dispatchstates that the Russian captured tbe heights of

compelling tbe defender! to retreat upon Kara.They attacked Mount Arolias, cutting tbe TurkUharmy io two. When retreating the Turk wero de-

feated with eoorinous lot.Another part ofMouktar Pasha's army waa jo r--

rounded and had to surrender with the loss of sevenPasha's and 32 cuds, and an itumente quantity otwar material.

London. October 17th. There has been a greatRuffian victory In Asia. Tbe co!umn of GeneralDaxaretT outflanked tbe Turks, and General Heine- -

man attacked anil carried Mount Arolias cattiugMoukhUr Paaha army lu two.

Monktar Pasha retreated toward Kara, bat waapuraued and routed, loning enormous numbers killed,and a thousand prisoners, including several Pashas.

Three Turkiab divisions were surrounded and ur- -rendered. with thirty guns and immense quantities ofwar material.

Tbe Russian losses were not large.

It will bo remembered that in tbe dispatch published in oar last, Monktar Pasha only owns to tbe lossof 800 men and tbe capture of one and a half regiments.

At IMcrno.London, October 14tb. XewtpapercorrespondenU

has been ordered to leave the Russian positions at1'Ieviia.

Cbefket Paiba has entered Plevna with further reinforcements.

General Gourko, with tbe Imperial Guard, bosbeen sent to tbe rurkien rear.

It is reported that 15,000 Roa man ions have died ofdisease in tbe last twenty days.

London, October 17th. Tbe bridge over thoat Nieopolis has been carried away by the rising

in the Danube.

London, October 18tb. General Tuddleben pro-poses to starve the Turks In Plevna. It is reportedthat the bcticced ariny is thoroughly emaciated.Turkish prisoners declare that the condition of tbogarruon is deplorable. Many ot tue omcers are wil-

ling to earreoder, but Osuiau Pasha resists.

Tbe Russians are gradually closing the westernoutlets.

Attempts ftt Hcdlatlou.Rumors of mediation between tbebelligerants have

been revived. Austria and fcocland are creditedwith baviuir taken the initiative. Confirmation ofthe rumor is found in tbc Sultan's pacific assurancesIn Sir StrAfiord No rib cole's and Lord Salisbury'sspeeches aod in Von Ueust s visit to Ijord Derby,Tbe Press considers the inferences fallacious'.

letter per Courier.TiSi?, October 19th. The Russians moved on Kars

yesterday. Siege material has left Alexandrople forKara. Ismail rasai's army retired into iurh.ua ter-ritory, followed by Terghkassofi". The Russian gar-

rison of Ardaban and tho Kioo corps hare been or-

dered to in the general advance.

Poredin, October 19th. Tbe Cxar, addressing theGeneral Staff on Wednesday, declared tbat he andall tbe members of the Imperial taaiily would re-

main with tie army, to share in tbe labor and for-

tunes of the war and witness tbe deeds of tbe sol-

diers. He concluded: "I niyseir will eare for thewants of the army, and if necessary, all Russia will,as once before, take up arms."

Tifiis, October lfith. A column has been sentsouthward to keep the road from Kara to Eieroum.Large reinforcements left last night tojaiu MouktarPasha. It is also stated tbat reinforcement startedfrom Batouin.

London, October 22d. Eighteen thousand men,aod fifty cannon wero Captured by tbe Russians intheir recent victory over Mouktar Pasha.

Turkish reports that a part of their army holdingout in a fortified position on Aiadja Dagh are un-


Tbe Russian loss in carrying Aladja Dagh isreported at 1,441 kilted aod wuadded. Tbe

losses ou the other ports of the battle field are not

stated.London, October 23d. A correspondent telegraphs

from Ragusa tbat the inhabitants of Wassowieh dis-

trict Montenegro, numbering 11,000, are strickenwith fauine.

lvtest.Bouktnr PasIifiOecnpylnirnStronsPosllIon

lu Armenia.London, October 23d. An Erzeroom dispatch,

dated Tuesday, contains tbe following: MouktarPasha is safe. He occupies a strong position atTeoickoi west of the Sagbanlo Dagh. Ismail Pasha'sretreat and Junction with Monktar Pasha are serious-

ly menaeed.

MUSIC.Just Arrived, Per Steamer.

171ADIXU.OAX.I.AD. HYSALUECJir.AWIntroducing the popular

Oh, yes, we all will be dar," by II. MehdenlWe Are Happy, Darling Mother, Sob and Chorus, by

Jas. J. Daynea.UtUe Eyellda, Wet with Weeping. Sodr.Chimes of Silver and Gold, for piano, by Jean Paul,gbe'a Just a Sweet Bouquet. Sons and Dance.Wnen he's Absent, I'm Alone, bonj and Cnorus. Music

by Jas. J. Daynea.Don't make a 3foUe. iSchottlsche.Don't He to a Man you Don't Know. Song and Chorus,font of the Brook, by Jean rauLFanchoa Polka, by IL J. Wldmer, Ktc Ktc, Etc

6M For sale at II. M. WIIirNKY'S,




COal Tar.Forfcale fay BOU.ES A CO,

Cenerarporeign News,FRAXCE.

Tbe Frneh Election's 31 1 Repabllcnuit nnd3IO CouservaiiTrs tntmu

12:40 P. M. Complete returns, exeept the cilo- -nies, show that 314 Republicans and 210 Conserva-

tives have been elected. Fourteen second ballotsill be necessarv. The Conservatives retain 142

seats of tbe 153 held by tbem In t'ae late Chamber.The Republicans retain 2S7 seats of th 363 whovoted the order of the day censuriog the dissolutionof tbe Chambers.

Paris. October 23d. The Monitenr (semiofficial)says : At the cosine of this morning's council. President Mac Malum plainly informed De Broglie andFourtun tbat tbe idea ot Juoiitertei cnanges conidnot be entertained at tbe present moment.

Lesdinr Ameriean.residents of Paris metal theAmerican Lecation and decided to cive General Grant a splendid Subscription banquet on Saturday, rire nundred guests, mciouieg lajie oavebeen invited. Minlstc Xuyes informed the meetingthat President MaoMahun would not be present attbe dinner at tbe Legation, but wuuld be present atthe subfeuent reception. General Grant will prob-ably viit President MscMabon on Taerday. Oo

Wednesday, President MaoMahou will give a dinnerat the Palace Eijteo to General Grant and the Ame-

rican Legation.

ortbe Uiidgt.Vienna, October 23d. Tbe Austrian bud pet for

18TS. rrrsented in the Reicbsrath shows adeficit of 20,000,000 florins, against 37.00.000 for1S77. The Minister of Finance said be hoped anequilibrium would be established before 1SS0.

SPAIN.Religious Toleration.

Madrid, Oetuber 23d. It is announced that a Ministerial circular will shortly be issued, stating tbattbe spirit of the Constitution favors a large and com-prehensive toleration of dissenting religions.

CUM ANY.Berlin, Ootober 23d. A deficit of 15,000,000 marks

is auticipated in the German exchequer.

Cl'BA.Capture- - of the luaursrcnt President nnd

Havana, October 23d. A Spanish column nearHoleuin, commanded by Colonel Mosaviejo, has captured the President of tbe Cuban Republic, ThomasEstrada, tbe Secretary of tbe Cuban Chamber, andseveral other members of that body.

;ui:at it kit a in.Another Colliery DlanMer.

London, October 22d. An explorlon has occurredin a colliery at Hight Blaotj re, near Glasgow. Fiurhundred men were iu tbe mine and a large numberare killed.

Glaaeow, October 22d 2. P. M. The specialtrain sent to briug tbe injured by the colliery explo-sion to tbe Glasgow Infirmary, has returned. Noone has been gut nut alive. Twenty dead bodieshave been recovered. It is feared the entirehundred in tbe colliery when the explosion occurred,perished.

Washington, Oct. 15tb. In accordance with theProclamation of President II ayes, the two Housesof Congress met in special sesblon ay at noon.In tbe Senate the oath uf office was administeredto the following new Senators: Stanley Mathews,of Ohio, In place ot John Sherman, resigned; J. I.Csitneron, uf Pennsylvania, In place of SimeonCameron, reslcued; and D. H. Armstrong, of

appointed in placuuf L. V. Bogy, deceased.Thu Houe of Representatives met ut 12 o'clock,and were as usual CAlled to order by the Clerk ofthe former Hou&e. After the calling ol the roll.tbe House proceeded to onrauize bv the election ofSamurl J. RUndall, Democrat,- - as Speaker, uvcr J.A. Garfield, Republican, by a vote of 144 lo 129.

New York, October 22d. A Glasgow dispatehsays : Intense excitement prevails over the collieryexplosion. Exploring parties are eodeavoring to getat the minors, but have little hone of rescuing any.Tbe b'lt'oni of tbe pit is said to be full of dead bodies.


ATToaannav at law.Officforer Mr. Whitney's Book Sttfe. formerly occupied

by Jndze Anitin. Uonolnlo, II. I. C70

Attorney and Solicitor,la authorized to lend from $300 to $10 OOO, on Mortgsg

ot at lowest rates or Interest.gy Agents in London, and to all imrts of A a it rail.

Office on Fort Strut, fo.iposite BIr. Ira RIcliardoashtore) Honolulu. 070 3ms

AFOXG & AJltIJCI4?.Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers

in lienerai mercnanaiseAnd Clilna Ooodi, In the Store,

K Inland Nouaiin Streets.



SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH,Shop on Judd Wharf, foot Nanana Street, next to

Old Custom House, llooololu, Ii. I. fCA HitIA QE REPAIRING DONE.

TIa conptantly 5u hand aud for tale, a good assortment oftue Uet Uar iron.


of tbe

All ordersfrom the other Islands will be carefully attendedIt. All work In my line executed with dispatch and guaranteed, oo.u iy

Persons Advertised For.mi) PATKICIE II LAKE FOKHBKbY OF

B Bal Una moon . Waterford, Ireland, son of AndrewKinks Kuaatrf. nt Waterford. Ireland, and brother of Andrew make, late of Parramatta. In the British Colony ofNew Boutb Wales, or If deceased, to his Widow or Children, if any, their heirs, executor or administrator rearwctlvelv.

In accordance with directions civen by the Will of tboabove naimed Andrew Blake, deceased, the Executorsthereof, viz: Tho Honorable Joan Hiaxland, Vincent w a-

noitrocht CJlblln. aadThnniM Cadell. Kaqulren. of Kydney,in the Colony aforesaid, have directed this advertisementti t pubasneu ror tne purpose r a scofenny me aaiu1'AT HICK IILAK If atill ait re, or If dead, his Widow orChildren or their representatives, wbo linv interests un-

der tbe "Will of the aald Andrew Blate. deceased.Any information respectlnc the said PATltlUK BLAKR

bla Widow or Children, or tbIr represenUttves, will bethankfully received by the undersigned,

ALLEN', llHWDKN A AI.LEN",Solicitors for thu Estate of the late Andrew Blake,

Dated this 1st day of September. 670 3t lam

mflaja1aftfftiijl- -

Friday, November 16, 1877

PKOGKA.1IME OF1. Sallbont Itnce. Start at 10 a. m.. from the foot

of Fort Street; course out the on the lee side uf sparand be I Luova to lewardor a lioat anchored of! V alaialtack around tbe nnie, thence to leeward of a boat oft thelee side of the harbor, tct aronud tbe same, thence to theleeward of beil buoy, tact aronnd tbe same, andretntn tostarling point. Keeping on tne lee siae oi me apur ouoy anaii. (ha rhauneL Time allowance at Urtlnc. minute to a too difference In tonnage. First prize S75; secondprUe$3; entrance lee J.

3. Amalenr (itf; Rnce. Conrnr, fromthe can buoy In the harbor, out tbe channel aronnd the parbuoy, keeping It on the port side, and back through channelw place ot (waning, rirsipnxeidu, accuu4 iriac .w , entrance lee tXM.

3. Callow Race For canoes not over thirty feet Inlength. Cotine from tbe can buoy In the harbor to andaround the first can buoy on the Waiaiai side of the pastace,sad back to the itarting poioU First prize secondprize ID ; third prizes.

4. tSlff Race. Coarse, same as tbe Amateur uig usee. im pnieeau; secona prizeentrance lee fz.o.

S. Amiiteur Boat Race. Comie, sameas the canoe race, keeping the buoy oo the port side whilerounding. Firit prize S3); second prize (10; entrance fee11.60.

C. Snliniuinic Race. Coarse to be designated attbe urn by tbe starter. ir?t prize f to; second prize so.

7, Single Senll Race. Course from th Ught- -uonee to can buoy In tne harbor, tint prize flu: secondprize 5; entrance fee 1.

S. oarcd llont Rnce, Course, same as theflic Races. First prize (25; second prize SIS; entrancefee 2.

0. Tnb Bace. Cmine from tbe stern mkal of itesmers wharf, to aisd tonch the coo bnoy In tba harbor. Firstprize f 5; second prize $2.

10. Ront Race. Conrse. same u theAmateur Boat Race. First prize f20; second prize

1Q; eotnaoce rr f 50.11. AVhalebont Raee. Coarse, same aa

tue nig KacfS. First prizafW; ssccud prize ZU;

eoiraace lee exou.12. Amateur Single Seal! Rnce. Cotine, tains

as the other Smgts iscoll Race. First pnze 10J secoedpnzesa; entrance fee si.

13. Rrxr Race. Course, same as tbe Giguaces. I'rtz fj; entrance fee


Cotrles to be made with J. W Robertson, Esq. on or be--iiwe Mooaiay tne iziu ay or Aovemoer, entries win ciose ato p. in. oo toe

Sail Boats lo be entered by same colors and tonnage.ItOw Boats to be entered bv name and colors.ConttwUtors for each race wilt be assembled by bugle call.A pUtot shot wilt be the signal fx starting lu alt races

except me sail dobi race.All Row Boats to coirv Coxswains.Soil Boats to b in position at a quarter before 10 a. m.

TaTta Captain A. MeTatyre.Jidoes Capt Bsbeock and Cspt. JQo. Brown.Vuti&t Capt. D. Smith.



Notice.HT TEMPOKART ABSEXCKDriUN Klnrdom, my brother. M r. OSCA II UN N A.

Ulact for me under Power orAttorner.in alt businessmatters connected with the liana Plantation.

a. uriA- -llonolnlu, November S, 1177. It

For Sale.SThe Imported " Horse Wonder,"

A Sure Foul

Tins HOUSE, AND SOME SF HIS COLTS,be seen at Kualoa Kaocn." Apply to

9 lm C. II. JUDD.


aod U KELI1PIO. Uuirdlans ofO W. MACV, Jr., a minor, defendants

By virt ne of a decree Issuing nut of the Supreme Courtof Law and Fqotty of the Hawaiian Islnnda, lu faor oftne above named plain utr, ror Uiasumor KI,2S, I snail

On Saturday, the 1st day of December, 1877At i o'clock noon.

On the premises, expose for sale all tbe rlcht, title andInterest of tbe said defendants, tn and to all and singularthe mortsaa-e- premises sot rortn-nn- d d Mermen in theruortiT&cffof complainant In this cause set forth and de-

scribed as fallows, vlx:

Tho Premises in Kapalama,Opposite the Reform School,

Belnc the same as are described lu Itoyal Patent No. 100,and bouuded as folio si.Beginning at the west comer, from which point Punchbowl survey fttatloa bears H 7l9 K K (mac) and X catepoatat Keform Khuot N 62 W (mag), thence tbe boundaryruns in 4v ti,. zn.i feet oionfr jvuauna;N W1 W, 'Xi feet along Kuiuna;X 41 W.317 feel t bank of small auwai:8 i W, U6 2 feet alone small auwsl;S 36 K, 161 9 fet along Kuauiia;S 49 W, 74 51 feet along Kuauna;8 4l9 K. 411 5 feet to point of bvginntog. and cotiUInln-a- n

area of 2 acres.ivgetner wun oil tne njnts, pnvueges ana appnrte-nAuc-

thereto belonging or thereon sltuattd, nntrsi saidjudgment. Interest, coms and commissions be previouslys&u.uea.

Tbe above offers a line oppt.rtonIty to any one wlsbtneKalo tJind ; the sane, with th exception of the bouselot. having an uudispottd water right.

The terms of the sole are Cash, and the deed at tbeof purchaser.

w. ix I a u k k, Marsnai.I H. purvey and deeds can be seen at the Marshal's

Offlce.Honolulu, Novembers, 13.7, 669 4t


mtses, Nos, MS and 150Nouanu Avenue. Applyto J II. WOOD, Nunanu. or E. A. Wllhamj, 64Fort street. 663 2m

Adminictrator's Notice.BKEV APPOINTED TKSTPO.BrAVIXO of tbe Ksute of Abo

of It Ho, deceased, all persons owing said Estate will pleaseniaKe to me, ana an navingciaims are rcquraieuto send them In Immediately - SEVERANCE,

Temrorary Administrator Jsute or Ann.IIUo, October 6th, H77. C3 lm

'1 1. TINDALK, M. 1 -- ,Homeopathist,

naca and reddenCe i nil til further notice, at the Ua- -

wtiian IIotI 03c hours from S to 0 JU M , y to 3 p. U.,and SJ. to eTentngs.

DIL TISDALE has derated a conslderaUe of the timednrlric twenty yrars to the trettmentol dtje of the Noseand Throat, tnclpieut Consumption, ArxeCtlouS ot tno sciuneynand bUtlder, and tbe die peculiar to wotueoHe is nrSTidmt with a cum pie ta set of the SI Mem Inaira- -

nients and Apparatus the treatment of ibee mstadlex.r, n. ranicuiar aiieniioa sifan io tue irvaiiueni ti

children.UonolQlo, Oct.. 1577. 667






atlon are rotaincd in tho highest degree,

through its granular form, producing a

continued Sparkling Effervescence, and

preserving tho flavor as a palatable Salino


It is very valuable to Travelers,

Especially in Tropical Climates,

Aa its properties are retained forany langth

of time unimpaired.

much esteemed and highly valuable

preparation will not fail to effectually


Or Indigestion, Bilious Affection, Head-ach- o,

Heartburn, Acidity of the Stomach,

Costiveness, Nausea or Vomiting, Affec-

tions of tho Liver, tc, itc.

A Mild but Efficient Aperient.


A. M'WAYNE,emtta :Honotulu Drug Store.

New Stationery Goods.


ITOTOI3RAPIIS AND STEREOSCOPICVIEWS cf Island and Foreign Scenery, ror sale by

11. 31. nuii.EiisA 71 1 L V DIRLES-- Of all Sizes, withBooks, Ac For sale by u. 31.

A LI. T1IK IaATE XOVKLS.-Ov- er 1000 Vol.3a. nmes, American and English imbllcations. For

Sale by II. M. WlUTflEY.









AIRC1III.O S GOLD PEXH The Drat frmanufactured. For sale Dr II. r. WMTJiEY.

HSIVW-In- o, Three anil roarPOCKET Irorr, Fearl aad Tortoise ttceU Uan.dies, uesiin toe siaiaec or sale by


IICTURKS AND PICriRE FRAMES Ofall sixes, salted for tne noujars. For aue or

n. M.

HIOTOr.It.MMI Far CnblneUand Cards. For sale br If. M. w HITNKY.

ITOCnAPII AND STAMPL Over 100 dloereDl Elxes aad strles.

n. M.

f.AXK BOOKS ilnm Books,Labor noocs, uunes, 4c For sale or

n. m.

2CIIOOI. or all Sizes, with SlateJ l'encns. ror deny- u. u. wumcx.








OODES TOOTHPICKS-I- n paekitees ofon. aouar, za ana io cent eacn. ror sale or


BX FRAXCISCO IMPKRS-A- ll the IjteK3 Dally and Wetttlr, FjurUsb, German and Fre neb Papera. lor sale oy ji. au w iiiinrjx.ar EAD PENCIMi tVlth Penrtt Unards andma Kuoner ueiaa, crrstusQ&Dar, ate. rorasienren . n, it. wuitxev.


lty K. r. ADAMS.


WEDNESDAY, : : : N0VS14th7At hnlr-pxs- t O A. 31.. nt Salflrooni,

lmMvH.n.nlmt Pin. White Pntlnns.Assortmi-ii-t Brown Cottons, Fancj Prints.

Wool Shirts, Under Sclrta, Men's docks,Msnlla Rope, Silk Jlandkercblels. Dottuns,Urabtfllas, Fine Sosps, Linen Drills. Sjmrs,

- . . - II ... 1) . W.ttlnt. PnwrEnvelopes, Pulloeome's Pomades, Butchers' Enlresanuone, etc., etc., etc

Fancy Goods, Clothing, Crockery.ALSO

FRESH GROCERIES!Ssrdines, Star llama. Crackers, Com Meal,Tobacco. Re Fruits, Deroc'a Oil. Pain Killer.McMurra5'a Ojsters, Golden Gate Peaches,Prars, Prunes, Candles, Yeast P.iwdcr,Salmon, Lnbsler, Petit Pois. Clgirs.Curu Starch, Silt. Pepper. Mustard,Condensed Milk. Ollti j. Sweet Oil,Bruwn Snar, Green Corn, Euglisli Jams.Ketchup, etc, etc, etc


One Cook stovo. One Corn MillALSO

40 Boxes Fresh Apples.E. a. ADAMS, Aiict'r.


Ex Ilui-i-ie- t Carllou.

NOV. 14th,WEDNESDAY, - - -

At It a.m. nt Sale room, wilt be aold.

40 Chests of Fine TeaSO lbs each, 2 papers to the lb.

IS Cheats Fine Tea, SO lbs each, 3 papers to tbo lb..e brand.

40 Boxes Fine Tea, SO lbs each, 0 papers to tbc lb.

50 Doz. Best Silk Handkerchiefs,assorted colora.

23 Cases f lb papers China Tobacco In Bond.

Pieces China Silk assorted colors. .Silk Shirts and Pants.Linen Shirts and Pants.China Slippers.

Cases of China Ware,Curiosities, Fans,

TEKMS $200 or nnder, cash; Over 1300, threemouths; Over $100, four months, approvedpaper.

E. P. ADAMS, Anct'r.


4 or

REAL ESTATEBy order i.f Mrs. Jane K. Hlnbrand,Trutea of Helen

n.l Mirrl ilillrbrand. under the wni of ArttmosIlUhop, decked, and of Ker. Sereno B. HUbop, Kaecu-t-

or tuM Wilt, (he being also duardian of tbe property .fsaid Helen L. and Marj K. and under the authority andpursuant to the orders of the Honorable L. McOuIly, Justice or tne supremo vouri, auung in rruoi.

i shall Sell at Public Auction, at Xoon

Saturday, 24th November, 1877,At my Sales Koom, In Honolulu,

ALL THOSE PREMISES,Situate. lu Muimiu Valley,

In aard Honolulu, formerly tne residence of the aatd Artemas Blsboo,

With all the Buildings Thereon,Containing; m bout Acreo,

And bounded as follows, via: That piece or parcel ofLand, part of tbe Land la Kawananakoa In Nuuanu,Oaba, known aad described by survey aa follows, namely:Ueclunluc at tbe south corner of the lot oo lloadat lUjaictloa wllb the Knleana of Kahawall.aod ruanlnctheuce:



44? W, HZ Hots along boundary wait of Kabawalt,

N .80 E, 400

S 33 E, 810g 210 30 V, 15J

S 170 SO" W, :stli a' vr, to

To the place of beginning





Kuoann ltoail,

Ileeil. at Expeuao of Pnreuaser.AWREU S. HARTWELL, Solicitor.


E. T. ADAMS, Anctloneer.


ON THURSDAY. N0VEMBEE 22A) IS o'clock noon, at Sales Room,

VIII be Sold,


Pr. Itooae,

In Bond, fox ExportThroo Cases Containing


E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer.


REAL ESTATEBy order or Iter. Sereno E. Bishop. Ooardlanof the

Property of Helen L. illiUbraad aod Mary E. HiUebrand.actios; under tbe authority and pursuant io tbo orders ofthe 11 Ou. I jicwuuy Jusuce oi til oupreuict iuik,tiog oa a Court of Probate, I ahall sell at Pabllc Auction,

On Saturday, November 24, 1877At my Soles Soom, lu Honolulu, all


Bltaated atSabebuna, la Ilonolulu,

Containing about 56-1- 00 of an Acre,

And bonnded and described as In deed from lUcbanl Arm.strung- to Artemas BlsobP. dated the Sttn day of Feoraarr,A. D. 1SV- - aud recorded In tbe Registry ct Deeds, la Ho--nolala, la hook ?. oa page sa.

Deeds at Expense or Pnrebnser.

ALFRED S. HABTWZLL, Solicitor.E. P. ADAMS. Auctioneer.

Notice.All PERSOXS


Sliootins Oeilrtlo03 TUE LANDS OF

Makalianaloa and Pcpekeo !

-- 3

Ira the or JIlIo,

October II, 1ST7.

Saloon Pilot.Bread.


X CASES AND QUARTER. IlectlTftlirorsslaBT

(17 BO LIES Co.



District JIanitll.




Ily-C- . S. JURTOW.

Room Silos sr

ON THUBSDAY, - - NOV. 15th,At i a. m-- wsa b. sm": ; jjj

A Full Asst. of icrchandlse,. courmstNo jfe

nnr uoods, lioninav. hath. lAST'or-rcBrri'BE- .

ic, it. .

C. S. BARTOW, Aset'r.


Covering Boilers, Steam Pipes

Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel.


as) Anat,

Tho Clipper Ship

Hertfordshire7 and 'Glencoe'WOW OS TTIE 'WAT


OMpecdTety; or brtnctnc


Our Consignment,

Which will Lib Offered for Sale to Arrite



For particidars future AdtertUement.


jf. nT Onr Qlaxsoir TeaaeU U. oltrual trery Urtsmootba witb the Urerptol Llae. tHaa ctrmo? aalptwafrequent opportaoitJea to order caods. aad to keep up afresh mud eieady supply.

aw Special rales of freight wtH b ared upon withMonolata shipper, by our I tne of TesMlSL

A tents for the QUmcow Line, Messra OPO. ORAY,

MACTAKL.VXE dt Co., 4 WeU EeBt Street, GUrrwAcenu for tbo Lrerpool tXar, Measr. J0II HAY t

Co., SSBrunawlck birtet, UTcrpoof, and II LdeabaStreet. London, 9Z


Stock of illercliandisc




AKD DRIQ W. n. MEYER;From Sat Francuaj.

Amy Turnor.QftnnilU'JCT-- UCDFOKD MAXIaV... I f Q r c.rdze. autj .laea. fiom a tbread to sxr In.1 --J Colls 'taal Rop, asat'd aiara, fTonl ft lbrc.il to I V

ISnlford Wbal. Un..New llrittord Cuttina S'aUs.Sio ttew IMferd A.a Oara, aml'd a!as. from. 18 fl lo E ftujn Bomou Hpirtu TarpeutlM.II.ir laurels Melalie rami, imwmt s arniaa.Cases S lb Lobsters. .



Cms Cton Faciei clamCsks Ooatoo hums;, lint

Case. LacroU Hweet Cls, rFcaa.

Cases 1 gallon Jar title rkfcM.CabfoU W '"--

Barrels fl lb. bags Dairy Halt. astturnttl'a aiaorlng Kaxracta:, II doa VaaLU. ...

- 21 dozen Lemon. CjV12 deaea - sntreis.

230 Cnae. Pratt's RitdLnt VII.Ca..e

All tbe above wUl b sold at tb, lowest prices. ftOXEnUSDRED BOLTS COTTOXDUCK



llostou Catrtl'Tf sleheaw

Aaaosted uumbera, Unax 1 to 1LBOLZsE k CO.

Por Barkontlno Una.100 Coses eitra Cube Snsor.

l'or tale byU lb Cases tor bnaiy.taaev

tt CO

Por City of Sydney.Cases of Table rrutt, - " v

Cases or iiartiet ar,Caaet of Maacat Orap.

Caaea Piawbea, Ac ACases S lb tins Corned Beef.

Caaea z ir tin Mor-car-i itaoo.Coses 2 lb tins TorBed Jfutton.

Coses 4 lb tins Corned Beef.Caaea Sotoled IVefTfl-acue-

Cooes i lb UaaCbicsxo) Lord.Casks XUatem IToms. M

Uarrtla and tr Uds, Extra Mess HfT. .0;rutUD to order.

For Bale bj BOT.T.tJi t CO..

Per W. H. Moyor.110 Bales beat California Oot Hoy. J -

SUrer SkSa Oulou In canes.For sole by JSOLLTa A CO.

By othor Arrivals.110 Bbla Golden Gat Extra Family and Bakers Hxtra Flow

BUpernn tiour.10 Lb bacs Cons Meal.

10 Lb tioxs Wheat Ural.19 Lb bogs Oatmeal,

10 Lb baas Crocked WteaL Atr. AcCases Saloon Pilot Bread.

Caae crocxers, Cases ruot Krea--t ,Coaet Median Biraul.

Tor aola by BOLLEi A CO.

Limo. Limo.Just recelTed from Roa Franclaco,





E. O. HAZiL & SON.



aviso ji'st Rccravrj from pttts- -

A Supply of these. Pickets,We tak. pleasure In oTerlnr tbera to tbt psbOo aa tb.moat

ORXAXESTAL. A2H DURABLEAnd at tbe aam time tbe cheapest material f wblea totalld a ieru. A teocm aruuW of tbe shore matertol eaa tya

seta on uuaaq Arenue, about half a esu frum to.It paalres two pickets ta a toot of ttacUg, aad tbey castbe pat up In a Tsiiety ef way.

For farther particulars loo air ofMl lm x. O. HALL A &OX,

Real Estate for Sale or Lease..SEVERAL TEST SUUKABIJB



Located in dijferent parts of the CVfv,. -- n, j.THtb Gardens, and erery eaaat ttTn?-- Oeerperfect order. ninIr.or Aftfo!Mtwt Vrftt.

IP tf II COO St" J.Ti'DAVKJtr-ortT- .

tX BMeltSt, EUmAhA mTJi llswOMJLiSnoiID k semtswa A C.aa4J.a

LlCHKUFirFor bie br


Page 4: rriTTin nth JLli illin tt JIJbSh 1 U · 2015. 6. 2. · THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE rniiLisiiED BY HENRY M. WHITNEY Every IVeduewdnj--Morn Inp.AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM PAYABLE IX ADVANCE

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Steamer find. Sctll Vessel,From San Francisco, New York and England.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.33te Genuine Improved Paris Plow with Rolling Coultor.

Molino Plows, heavy nnd liglit Cast Steel,Eaglo No. 2, and XI Steel and XO Steel Plows,

Plows, Steel, 80

lytftilirt. O, Vdn ill Oi Ban. 11.1) mud S in.: Hoc. TUkei. Fhoxels. Spades. Ool and Perthes,pa asAAse Juattaeks. Pick Aim. Crew liars. Iron and Sleel, Cane Knne.. Aaes. Hatchets. Adict, 1c.HM'iIi.NhM; Out 6. 7. S i Wrought Sails. 2 to 4 inch ; Fiimhing Ni!l, IS. S. lOd ; Cooper'sHrnM, t lk.SH.u4 II black. Centrireral Cloth. 10. II and 11 Inch ; UalranlieJ Wire Clotu, 1 t . o aiein.M a&t It ts.; Babbit .M.tsJ, Wit American, 0 and No. 1 ; Canal Wheelbarrows ; Hoop Iron, 3,2,1 and 1J

izth ; Ale, Hal, Oa. Sledre, Adse and Hot lUndlei,


HawVaea'i Betted and IUw Unseal Oil, llubbuck'l l'ure Lead and White Zinc. Faint, a Large

Atftnartt f 1'aints In Oil in 1 and 2 lb tini ; Copal Damar and Bright Varniih ; Valentine's Cell Ailt'dCarriare Yarimhea.

DOWNER'S, DEVOE'S, AND PRATT'S KEROSENE OIL,Direct from the Manufacturer!.

Crvetas. Matches, nincbam Dockets, Comet and Japan Tea, Golden Gate and Oregon Flour : Paint,5 toe. Hot, Store aad Stcoeil Urn be ; Blacking, Whiting, Borax, Alum, Saltpetre, Carb. Soda,

Creim Tartar, Camphor. Soap; A Nice Auortment of l'UKC EogHih Spicei ; Golden Gate Jama and TableFrvU.



DBX OOBS TJX TA1IIE3XT!Arakeag Denimt, Tick, DrilU and Bleacbed Cotton j Utlci Lang J on Milli Amnikeag and Perkins Fine0nnf BeftHofflUh Prints, Horn Blankets. 100 inch Sheeting. Finest Linen Sheeting. 100 in. wide:rWiw fattw mod Linen. Uoiilan Iiaper and Crash, Victoria Lawn, Eilcna and Cambric, andGotten J Woo, Waterproof, AH Linen and Union Lin eo Pant Staff ; Fineit, Medium and Common 4

4 71 All Wool FlacneL

A Large Assortment of Stationery.AenU for Jayoe's PateLt Medicines, a full line ; Giant Powder Co., Willcox i Gibbi', and Singer Sewing

Machine Co.; Elsie's Steamp Pumpr, bed in the marketAsbestos Steam Packing, Saperior to any other in tbemtrket; Aibejtoi Cement and Boiler Covering;

UR IU. 1. 1 in, 1, U and 2 in ; IK Packing. MC, 316 and inch.

Also, Three Fine Pianos, from a Celebrated Boston Manufactory,M1M, Iti; HOLD CIICA1.


Can Purnisli (lie Singer Now Family Sewing Machine!Equal to any other Double Thread Machine, for

Singer Tailor Manufacturing Machine, for $55!JllHwfar tire Superiority of the SIXOEK MACHINES, their tales number MORE than all the ri

is the world, pat tegether. Alto, on hand.

The Wilcox & .Automatic Machine.Tbe easiest nsnh;. implert and only coiteleis Machine, the Ladies' favorite. Tor $50. CS( 2m C7C

C. BREWER & CO.rri:K


American Bark Amy TurnerA W. 5Pm,T. Master,

The Following AssortmentOF

VIERCHANDiSE.mxim;iTNs steam i'Ai,Two anadred and thirty-liv- e tons Cumberland Coal,

tests More Cual,Kztra 7iberd so Feet Sew Bedford Whale Beats,

Oafc.Ial., one to four Inches.

Cs. Boston Card Matches"RADIANT" KEROSENE OIL,

KCOS CVT NAILS. Zd to 40d,KtS Cut plkM, 4, & and Inches,

Naval Stores and Ship Chandlery,

WTtalnrtdti Fitch, American Tar, Rosin,K pirlu TurpntlDr. Cotton Dock, No, 1 to 10.I Uveas DoAl. Manila'lUpe, awwt'd 9 liiM to 4 H Inch.Cuuiac Falls, WhaJe Uae, Aast'd Oars 10 fL to 30 feet,

PLANTATION STORESILeather Ileltlnic, Ilobber Hose,

Centrifugal Linings, liubber TacLlnc,

Paris UPlo-w-- s

fkle IIU1 llawa. Ekcle Hows,OX CAKTS, OX TIIUIX

riaCK Wlltli XO. 5 AM) O,

DRY GOODS.Amosieaf Ienlxas,iaeacludCottonal44, M, 10-- 114SlajmakrtV Denims,

LamEdoo, Waterford," Honest Width." Crown

Iterbam ltlnta. H In, ; fi tratford Cambric t8 In.ilerrlmae rrlnts. 90 la.; Aatorted iTints, 2S in.Kaieitrbocker IMnts, Hamilton ITintsIhumeU Huff ITints,

FAIRBANKS' SCALES,Assorted Sires, on Wheels.

GROCERIESOamSaGreen IVax, Orwn Corn (La Croix Brand),Tomato Ktrlrliap, I'otled iltits, Lobster, Tomatoes,bausace Mfata, Cora btarch,tiUerUos, Lf cUoa and 1 gallon Jars ;Hairr ball In bhla.

Provisions.UWs. Am. Meas Beef, Am. xtra Prime 1'orL,

tianr barrels Clear fork.

pt1 7" ax2.3L Oilslit bbla, nneral ralnta, Boiled Unseed OH, 5 gL Una

V"1" Varnlhli, Umu arnun.

Iron and Metals,Iron Hw. i toI tnj UalcanUed rilH'. U to IJi In.liabULl aieul, holder, Aitat'd Bar Iton,ruUQd&4UAreHoop iron, , 7,ltncn.lH tncu.Yellow Metal. 10 oi. to a oz.; bheath Nalla, IK, W,

HARDWARE,M qnare and Hound Itolnted Shovels, Charroal Irons,JUitccts, Dlact I'.h'els.



Are riaodlea, fUrrrl Bmurs, roldlne Clothes Horses,V2ieeIuartowB, Canal Barroirs.

EASTERN PINE BARRELS AND SHOOKSpoVea and Hnbs, assorted size ; Hide Poison,'esta Trunks, rarer Bacs.

FUK1VITUIIE!DI&loC Chairs, Wood Seat Chairs.Cottac CLambcr eta, Hlaclw WInut Sideboard.


McMurray's Fresh Oysters,One and two pound cans

An Asst. of Knowles' Steam Pumpslumbers two to eeren.


A tTrtl.SelPCIrd Atsortincint or SADDLES,ol is Celebrated .linker.

BCIlXCrrS Lemon and Vanlla Extracts,Burnett's Cocoalne, Kallston and Tolleta.



C BltraXK .V CO.

Pacific Eubber Paint Company's

PAINTS!ins abticix is ion saix by

BOLLES & Co.lite ibe reeni. 'zaoraloK vent ao eiovaa vaa expectttl, to ran josar celebrated, and 1S comics;cecUon was made at Stcra0 hare clren It a trial hlfhlyvcre at occc Lransferred. rroTj jTe , general assort-occs-

on tile trip, the nails willed will keepop the assortTietrTollc Intlocto be placed omt Ueahortest notice,narder Abjwinla, which it to BtU BOLLES A Co,

text Wedne4ij. October Cstb.- -

Jloliuo Horse Cast No. 40 .t





Sark-lllatti- MaclcaT.a "

2Tow 23txo

Prom Portland, Oregon,-- nOXSISTING O- F-


Cases of Fresh Pilot Bread,

Spaulding Sugar Cored Hams,

Sacs of Bran,Saclts of Oats,

Sacks of Potatnef,

168 Bbls. No. I Col. River Salmon,

0 Half bble. Ditto.

Cases Spauldiogi Best Lard, In 10 lb tins.Cases 2 lb tin Salmon,

Ca-- 1 lb tin Ditto,

Cases Boast Beef and Mutton, In 2 lb tins.

Boxes of Dried Herrings.Boxes of Dried Apples,

Cases 2 lb tin Ojiten,C bests Best Japan Tea,

100,000 Cedar Shingles,100,0(10 Cedar Posts,Boxes California Soap,

Beit Corn Drooms,

Best Cedar Fails and Bnebets,


Best Bourbon Whiskey,Etc, Etc, Etc.


The Best in the MarketATLANTIC.



iiv ai.i. iAivrr.i toPiioxoiimi:dSuperior to any Lead Imported

In this market, vitbmore coverlns capacity anddura-blllt- x

than any ether. FOR SALE BV6S2 lm WILDES Jt CO.

FLORIDA WATER.Murray & Lanman's Florida Water !

rfTIIlS CELEDIt TED FLO It A I. ITJirrMEJL has been a favorite with the fashionable world Inall parts of the Globe for nearly half h century, turvatxxngin tUIieaa and durability pf its odor, the finest Kaa DnCologne or other rerfamrs that have been hitherto

into these Iklands. Mcbrat t Lanman's FloridaWatrlsnnsurpassed as an Extract for the Handkerchief, and Is also superior tn any perfame ever used forUathing. CUanir the TulX and Swttening tSt BrtaVt, Italso allays the Irritation caused by ordinary trvptions, andremoves Tun, FrtckUt, rimpttt r BkJdfi from Vu face,back and ami. It relieves narrow Juadache and Imparts aClow of freshness and vtcor, however usl and Is a mostgenue anu snmniaunc odor.


Sole Asent for the nanallan Islands..V, B. Tradt ruvviitd at Xanufccturtri Prictt.Beware of spurious Imitations, and see that each bottle

bears the genum Trade SIabe, McB&ATt Las man'stUOXlVk n AT ICR. 643 If


Aiiit) u suit. ueceiTea per "ueuuFor Sale br BOLLES t CO.

PER KA MOI.1 CASE Or BL'TIG-I1- I, White nnd Bine,S. rorSsletjy BOLLES & CO.






Nuprciup Court of tin- - IIavnllnn !ImiiN, October 'IVriu, lh7J, In1(41 II CO.

n. A. iriDE-VA- rs. LOXOAEA, et al

Juii and McCally, J.J.Opinion of this Court by Mc'JuIly, J.

The case wos hoard by tbu Justices or thCircuit Court of the Secoml Judicial Circuit,June Term. 1677, tho jury being waived, and

judjmcnl rendtred for plaiuliO'.Cask. Too defendants had contracted as la-

borers with tho " own of Wnihee Plantation,"kIio nem Messrs-llarr- aud Wiilcniann ; s

first Rellinc his interest in the plantationto the (ihintifT, who subsequently sold il with ureservation of his homestead and a few acres, tothird parties, and gave auolher party a power ofattorney to employ the laborers under subsist-ing contracts. The delendauls refused to servethe attorney or under dim.

A. S. Uartwell for plaintiff;I. The Circuit Court five a general judgment

for the plaintiff, but in its opinioa slated that itshould only be enforced on the plaintiff's land.The defendant hiving brought the case up here,this Court nill give uch judgment M as to lawand practice shall appjitun," Civ. Code, eecliou839. l'owell on appellate I'roc. p. 311, J75.

II. The question now assumes u mo-fol- aspeel, viz., is not Ihe judgineut in case of NollA-- Co., a precedent calling for a judgment forIbis nuintm without limit as to Ins ownershipof land, notwithstanding the reasoning of theChief Justice in that case; and. secondly, if thisca?e is not governed by that precedent, will notthis Court bud good cause to remove Ibe limitation on the judgment ot the Circuit Court.

(A.) The reasons or opinion ot the Courtform no part of the record, but the judgment hasforce as resadjndicala in all parallel cites.

13 .Mass. 50, Freeman's judgments, p. 55 70,12 Wh. 117; C Wall. 149. 8 lb. 317.

The ruld of Slave ilxisis is bjsed on rightsand on public policy, and this has no essential features differing Iroin the Xolt case. 1(vein's Comm. 47C.

In the Xott case, although there was an agree-ment tu work for assigns in case ol sale of theplantation, the record ehos that no sale hadbeen made, but only an agreement to sell, sothai the clause in thai contract calliog for laborfor assigus is quite immaterial. It was there-fore unnecessary tit decide, and in fuel was notdecided in fsvor of Xolt & Co's assigns, fjr therewere none, but it was decided thai Hutchinson,as Xott & Co's attorney, fur ins on sole use,and without uny conlrol of the labor or interestin il ou the pari of Xoll & Co. could enforce Ibecontract.

Widemann's contract binds the defendant " toperfoim such labor lor tne owners of the WaiheePlantation as they (he) ehatl direct," and - loobey all lawful commands of them (or H. A.W )their (his) agents and overseers." lint the deeduf sale and tlie power of attorney show thai theplaintiff is directly interested in the result of thedefendant's labor, and nothing shows lhat he hasparted with the control of it. How can theplaiuliff's remedy agaiust the defendant be affect-ed then by his of land ?

I'lie decision in the Xolt case shows that itrtould be legitimate to agree eveu to work furone's assigns. This agreement was lo work forthe owners of the plantation generally, aud loobey the lawful orders of their ugonts. Theyhad a right to select their own agents, and didnot agree lo remain The contractis uot claimed lo be annulled by the sale, whythen is ihe order to work not as legal and there-fore enforceable now as ever ? The consequencesof declaring the peoal remedy lost by partingwith ownership of land have been fully arguedin Ibe case vs. Ivulapu.

(H.) liut if there were nu reason for decidingthis case for the plaintiff on the ground of precedent, in a parallel case, there is nothing re-

quiring the Court in any aspect of the case tulimit the labor to the plaiuliff's land. Tho largeadvances to the laborers, and not the change ofoverseers, are the reason lor relusai to labor, andno decision should be made, unless clearly required by law, lo encourage such attempts atIraud.

BY THE COURT:The Court below in giving judgment say "that

the defendants cm be held to labor for II. A.Widemanu, notwithstanding he may have dis-posed of his interosl in the Waihee PlantationIn this case the laborer is asked to perform laborin the service of II. A. Widemann, his originalemployer, that is on his land, in employment inthe results of which he is interested. ... Ifthe plaintiff furnishes legitimate employment fordefendants in his own service, and complies withall the terms of the coulract. the defendants areunder the laws of this Kingdom, still bound bytheir agreement, ana to rvluse is willul desertionpunishable by law."

From the judgment thus limited to be an obligation to labor in the service of Widemannblrictlv. the defendants "apoeal." But the connpel for the plaintiff now comes in and asks thisCourt, by force of the decision in Xotl & Co,vs. Kaaahele, decided since the judgment of theCircuit Court was given, to give the plaintiffjudgment lor me services ol uelendnnU, underany agents or altornies he may appoiut. and inthe service 'of other parlies than himself. Although the defendants term these proceedingsan " appeal," we must treat them as exceptions onmatters of law, for we have no statute provisionlor an appoal Irom the Circuit to the supremeCourt. In our practice exceptions are taken upfrom the ratings of the Circuit Court. This wasfully considered in The King vs. i'aakaola, 3rdn aw. nep. p. ju. as tne piainlitl iook no exceplious, how far can he take advantage of thedefendants having excepted, to ask for n betterjudgment than be obtained in tne Court below ?

Wo are cited to section bJ9 of the Civil Code,When judgment shall have been rendered

any case in which exceptions have been allowedtho judgment may be vacated by the full Courtwithout any writ of error in like manner as if ilhad been entered by mistake) and thereuponsuch farther proceedings shall be had in the caseas lo law and justice shall appertain. I bisprovision must be in view of tho context. Itprovides generally for tho (tens to be takenwhen exceptions to rulings of a Justice al nisiprius are sustained as for instance, that the verdict shall be set aside and a new trial ordered,but it does not place the case before the Courtin the position ol an appealed case betore an Ap-pellate Court, with jurisdiction to try it de novo,lo this case, the defendants' four exceptionsbrieny stated are (1) that tne labor contractswere terminated by plaintiffs selling the WaiheePlantation, (2) that the defendants contractedwith the firm or Horns nnd idemann and (3)not with either individual, (4) and that the defendants have now no recourse against Widemann for of wages or other violations of the contract. If in any of these there issubstantial ground or error in the judgment olthe Circuit court it will be set aside, lbplaintiff is here to support the judgment againstthe exceptions taken to it, but be cannot in ourview, take judgment de novo in this Court.

The first three points taken by the Counselbelow (Halstead) are directly covered by thecase ol The Owners or the Waihee Plantationv. Kalapu, 3rd Ilann. Hep. p. 660, which decided that on the dissolution ol ihe partnershipthe contracts held in favor of Widemann, andthis carries the fourth point that contracts beingmutual, the defendants can hold Widemann loperformance of his part.

Following tho rule of law to consider onlywhat is sot tortb in the exceptions, there wouldbe nothing further in this case, the exceptionsbeing overruled, than to affirm the judgment.But we deem it right to go on to consider thenew ground taken before cs. as above referred to,that the Court might in view of the decision inXott & Co. t. Kanahele adjudge the defendantsto be bound to serve whomsoever idemannmight constitute his attorney, without referenceto the work being lor Widemann.

There was considerable argument as to theauthority of the decision in that case as a precedent, bat we are fully agreed that it stands in

the same position in this respect as other decl-eio-

raid by a majoiity of the members of theCourt, nnd we further adopt the vlows of plain-

tiffs counsel that ihe authority of it case rotatesto what it decided in it, nnd not the reasoningsby which the result is reached; bat Mi resultcannot be separated from the facts in questionon which the decision It made, il cannot tnero-for- e

be claimed lhat Xott v. Kunahclo maintainstho proposition that a contract laborer can becompelled to serve any other person to whom

tho master may give a power or attorney, for Itii stated at the fact in the case that Kanabolu'acontract cuntained an Ingredient different from

any contained In ordinal? contracts, an extra-

ordinary clause to the etlecl thai llui defendantin case ot the transfer of the Waiuhinu Planta-

tion will work for the persons to whom such

plantation shall be . and on this basis

tho Court say, there is in this case no attemptto orado the law ur to make the contract to

any form which wat not contemplated upon

its very face, nnd which the deleiulanl did notfully understand at the time of signing the con-

tract.There is in the contracts of tho defendants no

clause of liko nature to tho above, which theymoy bo required lo execute. They contuiu t!io

ordinary proviiion that the laborer "will obey nillawful commands or the said party or the first

part, his ugenl or overseers'The plaintiff claims that this require service

for any person whom the master may make his

agent or attorney for ihe purpose of ui.ing theservants' labor. We cannot take this to be thelair intendment or the words -- His agent or over

seers." In view or the context, they refer o

such persons as may bo placed in charge or theproperly or, and delegaled to overlook und di-

rect the labor which is done Tor the master who

makes the contract. It is a stipulation consid-

ered necessary to avoid difficulty about bound

servants obeying ihe representatives or ihe mus-

ter when he is not present in person. The oiliercouslruction would muke un ordinary labor con

tract assignable to any person, and without limi-

tation. Thedoclrino of The Owners of Wui- -

hoe Plantation v. Kalapu expresrly contravenesil, and Xolt v. Kanahele only enforces a certainspecial and limited contract, und is not, in ourview, inconsistent with the rormer caso. Thedecision of Ihe Circuit Court appears to us to be

in conformity with the law, with the iwo deci-

sions cited, and with i lie renns of the contract.It is n effect this, lhat Ihe delendanls are

held by their contracts to work lor Mr. ide-

mann. in his absence obeying the orders and di

rections oi the person or persons who are incharge ol Ins properly and labor.

The ludgment ol tne uircun iiouu is umrmeu.Hon. A. S. Hartwell for plaintiff.K. Preston Tor defendants.Honolulu, Xov. 2, 1877.

tiprontc Court oftlic lliivmliau !liiuilw. October I erui, 19.77.

BEIiXAItD and HAI.UOy r.J?;l IIViT, el al.

Judd, J.


This is an action of .Tort, in which damagesare claimed ur deteudauts ror their causing plain- -

11 a garden lo be overtljwed wiin water backedup by defendant's dam. I lie jury returned averdict of SlflUO. the full amount claimed, whichthe Court is usked tu set aside as being exces- -

ive. .I recognize a distinction between actions for

mjuries lo persons und those for injuries lo pro- -

rty. In the lornier class ol cases, il circum- -tances of ageiavalion exisl there is no nxud

rule of compensation, and the jury are authorizedto give vindictive damages. Courts are loath lodisturb such verdicts.

In trespasser to property, however, unlessspecial misconduct or aggravation appear, thereis a bxed standard by winch the damages can becomputed, which is, actual compensation lo thepally injured.

I he Uourl in tins caso charged the lury thaithis was the principle on which their verdictshould be based, and this was not excepted toby the defendant's counsel. They cannot there-fore now claim in order to justify this verdict,that this case came in a class between Ihose inwhich vindictive damages can be claimed andthose where no evil motive is complained of.Exemplaiy or vindictive damages were notclaimed by the plaiuliff's.

Aclual compeuatiou for the loss and injurysustained was all they asked for, aud this utouecould they recover.

1 be lory had very little exact testimony belorethem ; but the evidence of Mr. Peirce was, thatn his opinion the value of Ihe place was illumined one nan oy reason ol this injury, uoionei

Jones testifies, lhat he thought it would cost2000 to bnugsuch a garden into existence in

the condition thai it was before the floodinglook place.

lo apply the rule or compensation to this, tinportion ol the testimony most favorable to thelaintiu, inejary would not be authorised to nud

a verdict for more than S1000.I'll e urea submerged bore a small proportion

to the rest of the garden, much less than onehair. The plaintiff Uaimon says thai it cost himtlOUU. spent in dnblels, to prepare, plant audcultivate the whole garden.

I am aware that the jury were allowed to consider what the injury, in addition to the value oltrees etc. destroyed, was to the residence or theplaintiffs by reason ol Ihe swampy and misasina-tic condition ol the garden luduced by the overflow, but it seems to me that this was all considered and summed up by .Mr. Peirce when hetestified lhat "the value ot the placo was diminished one hair."

A verdict for Si 000 conld have been sustained on ibe evidence, Ihoucb in many opinion alesser sum than this would have compensatedthe plaintiffs fully, any sum over this is clearlyexcessive.

If the plaintiffs elect to reduce the verdict to$1,000, they may have judgment for thai amount

tney lo maKe their election not later mantwenty days before the next term und notify theclerk of the same. Otherwise a new trial willbe ordered. A. Francis Jcdo,Justice Supreme Court, presiding ut Oct. Term

A. a. Hartwell lor Ihe plainlihs, tv. nestonand C. lirown lor defendants.

Honolulu, Nov. 1, 1877.

lionet-o- f tlic Kviullns: I'nblic.An important fact has been settled by the

experience ot the isoston 1'ublic Library,as set forth in the last annual report of lhat institution. It is that hooks may be lent in largenumbers for popular reading with a loss whichreally amounts to nothing. For instance theHoxbury branch, which has lent 146,829 volumesduring Ibe last year has not lost a book. Thesix branches which have together circulated 893,202 volumes have lost in the same time only tenbooks. The great central library, with a areolalion ol :4i..iyU volumes, has lost only 119. This,however, shows not only bonesiy on the part ofthe borrowers, but great watchfulness on that ofthe aiaoagers. Books wicb are not returned within a fixed time by Ibo borrowers are demandedby a policeman detailed ror the business, eo thatalmost the only loss is of those volumes which arecarried on by lakers who leave the cily. I heregulations strictly enforced save the libraryfrom the losses to which it would otherwiso boexposed.

Clar"it Opinion ot tlic Jupancse.President Clark, of the Massachusetts State

Agricultural College, who has just returned fromJapan, gave his impressions of that country tothe people ol Amherst on aunday evening.Among other things he said : HThe Japaneseare a peoplo able and willing to do right. I neversaw a quarrel in Japan, and never saw nor beardof a Japanese student in America or Japan ac-

cused of immorality. I selected from a thousandyoung men the students for the college there,und never knew one or them lhat would willinzlvoffend his teachers. The Japanese will walk up-

right like men and become Christians. I havegreat faith in a people that hive such aspirations,They have great capacity for usefulness in theconversion of the world, and are the men of altothers to be missionaries in China. Until lastyear Shintoism has been the State religion since600 years before Christ. It is a sort of naturalreligion, and they worship the iun Ood. and thisreligion, heathenism, or whatever it is, has madeJapan what it is. Since 600 years before Christwhen the first Mikado reigned, they have allbeen rrom the same family. Of all heathen religioi s Shintoism is the least objectionable, and ifever become a heathen i snau be a sninioist.

Ilnolncfj, i:ntcrprlc.The traveller Barents who Tint Vicksburg

haro a new and Improved way of gelling; lThe othor day when one rapped at a

door it was opened but an Inch or two, and thowoman called out:

"Don't want anythlngl" ."Madam," called the agout, "von have li

ter t" ...Yes," wat the answer j and tho door opoueu

n liltle more. , . ."And you" have not heard from her lately i"Xo.""Then you don't know that thai she '

The woman opened wide the door und excited- -

Ir?J;,"l!. , ..I...,,."What is III vt nai lias nappenu tu iter i

'"Then you haven'l heard ?""Xo no is Lucy dead?'"Your sister, madam is not dead, but, but '

"Hat wh ill" she wildly Inquired, as ho slopped up beside her.

"Your slsier, madam," he replied, unlockinghis vali-- "nurchused five boxes of this superb"magical bluing of me. und eunielly entreat you

lo try ul least one box price iiiieen ceuis.She didn't appreciate his inck, and as ho

passed through the gale she glanced down ut herleol. and then al his coat tail, and sighed: Oh, Iwish 1 weighed ton.

Sluly nt Home.We find in the August number ol tho Allan

tir- - Mnnthlv two or three columns devoted to on

explanation ofibe methods adopted by lhe"Sluy-nl.hoi- n

Society." This society is completelydisassociated rrom all educational lusuiuiions,and cannot in any organic form be connectedwith them, while H offers many opportunities toteacheie. which some are using. The purpose is

to induce girls to form tho habit of devotingsome part of every day to study of u systematicand thorough kind. To carry out this purposecourses ot readiog und plans or work are arrang-

ed. Troin which the pupil members may selettone or more, according to their taste and leisure.Aid is given Ihein rrom time to time, throughdirection and advice, and a meeting is held oncea year, where the students may meet the manag-

ers. The coun-e- open to students are history,natural scienco (including botany, physical geog

raphy, zoology, geology, mineralogy ood astronomy), art, German. French and bnglish litera-

ture. Tho first year there were 45 sludeuts, thesecond year 82 the third year 296. and last year576. The corps or managers includes a chair-ma-

secretary, treasurer, six heads of depart-

ments, and 28 members. The headquarters areat Boston, aud there is olso a bureau or manog-e- r

in Calirornia, and an agency in Louisiana.(Exchange.)

fWe codv the foreircing for the purpose of

asking if some similar arrangement might not befouud to work well among ourselves. We com-

mend the idea to the consideration of those in

our community who feel nu interest in the men-

tal improvement or our young people.!

A.W. PEIRCE & CO.,Agent Tor

H'l'I.OA SALT, llllAMt'N IIOMI1 1U.S.

llyaiifl'a Itoiiib lattices.15 ry Perry Urol)' Inln Killer, .

OIL, OIL, OILStrained Sperm Oil,

E JV Till: CASK Oil UALLOX, IN Q.UAX- -olv lines lo sun, at iae lowest rules.

ATX),olnr nnd Wlilrii-- i OH, Mmrli OH,

tor &aie oyos j iy

Wire Rope, Wire Seizing.k SlJIllIh !STIII.A'1. sis iy

l'allltA. Yf. VEIItcK A

A. W. 1'hIItCK A

Hay, Hay.tifkrw n.vT.rs cai.ii oh.ma hay,

Vf II- - JIKYKlt, or Superior Qualllr, ror sale by2t A. V. PKIItCE CO.

Anchors and Chains.t Nt'llOHS FIIOM 40 I.IIS. 2200 I.ItS,


veiling uiurr ainvuis.


Oil. Oil.

Tor Kale Iiy

ex w.JLVF


l45CHAINS, from 1 to I Inches.

A. W. 1'EICltF. Ol.

Cotton and Hemp Duck.ri, v.wtiis ooTTo.v nrcii,

V. U. J v (ijiwleiice)No. tu 10. lust received,e& n, ami

S.OOO yas wooaoury uoiion Hues, an nonioers.S.ouO yds Hemp Duck, Long Flax aad Merchant Navy,

all numbers.Also, Cotton Havens, Cotton Hemp 1 wine, Ac., Ac

For bale by lyj A. w. A CO.

i.i. siii"iArt hale by




Best Ash Oars.l.Y, 6 frect to 22 feet lniiu.6IS 1 A. W. I'EIUCK A CO.

Manila and Hemp Cordage.t COII.SMAMI.A AMI 111:511" CORD.

Xi y J age, a full assortment, all sizes.1616 !




Tar, Pitch, &c.4 DIKIIIC'AX AMI NUKIllMI TAIt, WIL- -

nilngton I"ltcb. Oakum, Ac. Noal Stores. Ac6IS lyJ A. V. I'EIKCE A CO.

A Very Full AssortmentOP



Also, Whale Boats and Boat Stock


Ami Wtinllllir Hear.

I6is a. tv. pi.iuci; .t co

Truth is Mighty and will Prevail.tub iixii:n.sm.Er is xor theSole Aeent or the Walthnmor anr other American

4a Wateh Co.. but Is prepared tu sell all Watcbes,these of American manufacture, on the

lowest possible terms. To prove this, hs only asks thepuoue to price bis aloclc before purcbasln; elsewhere.

V :il t;li;nn Watches.A SPECIALTY.

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry cleaned and repaired, andwarranted. Charges reasonable

Watch Crylil Iime-etei- or 25 Oats.navlng seenred the services of a s Jeweler, Iam now prepared to manufacture all kinds or

Gold Jewelry, Setts, Chains, Lockets,Bracelets, Rings, Guff and Collar Buttons,

Aloha and Seal Rings, Etc., Etc.Kukui Nut Jewelry in any Desired Style.

Shells mounted In Gold or bllrer to salt Customers.Diamond aspeetalty.All orjers will receive prompt attentloo. Highest

price for old Gold or silver.

(13 lyOfllce 17 Jlcrelinnt street.


3r w GoodsBnrlc Cornier mid sefar, TV. II. 3Xeyer.

ITUtOM 8 ANFlour,

Fit AXClsco.-4JoI.l- en Cnte Ex7Golden Gate Bakers' Extra Floor,

superfine Floor, Ca es Bread.Cases Crackers. Assorted, via :

Poda, Oyster, Wafer, Milk, Fancy. Ac, Ac

Bales Oat Hay, Lime, Rubber Paint,An assortment of Bubbcr ralots In all Shades and Colors

For sale low by CIS BOLLES A C-O-

PER b'k R. C. Wylie from Bremen24 IRON STOCK ANCnORS, elies from 60 up to JSOO Iba.SMALL CHAIN', la quantities to salt, sixes X Inch to

of an Inch.CIIAIN CABLES, 1, 1 1 JJ, and 1 1

Inch. For sale low by8" BOLLES A CO.


Ship Chandlery and Ship, Stores :

For Bale by






lao liayn from llrcmrii.



Inglish, Gorman and French



Cottons. Linens, Woolene, and Silk.

Cloths ami Cashmeres, Shirts, Toweln,

Shawls, Clothing, Hdkfs, Hosiery, Uibbona,

Cutlery, Sheet Zinc, Tin Plates, Sheet Load,

Corrugated Roofing, Fence Wire, Hoop Iron,

Centrifugal Linings, Leather Bolting,

Burlaps, I. H. anil Flax Packing.



Toys, Painta and Oils.

Stationery, Printing and Wrapping Paper.


Powder and Shot.

Yellow Jietal Sheathing and Nails.

Portland Cement.

Stockholm and Coal Tar.


Tallow and Molasses Containers.

Wines, Ales, and Spirits


For Sale by



WILDER CO.Importers and Dealers in


or All HINDS.




wm-- m





also, orv ECIVIA Most Complete Stock of

DRY REDWOOD!Scantling ; Plank, surfaced and rough,Boards, surfaced and ; Battens,Pickets, Rustic, lattice, Clapboards,






BOLTS. SCREWS. EtcPaint and Whitewash Brushes 1







Of Eastorn and California Mako.FOR SALE IX QUANTITIES TO SUIT,


PRlOBSieM 3m 174


-- 3u JtJ JB O -

io toss nnaisTEB,


HAS A H R I V i? t. .



Assortment of GiCoroprlilni a Urge Ai.irtm.st ,f


Shirts, Clothing,

Broad Cloth;



Steel Ploughs and Coulters!

l!g?M and IIilIli,


Oilcloth, Velvet Bars,


Blood Wolfe Co's Ale,

Comat Ale,

Pi; Sift

Oilmen's Stores,

Wines and Spirits, AitoM,


Champagne Red. Bar Claret?







FROM W. & A. 8'0IiL







SvaporatoraWeston's Centrifugal

11. jDAVIES684 3tn 075


THE THALBERGT1IK wnth&sloaben U of a rood vwfd ?3

Piano, to meet tbU want the Thlbnc Fiuwtawduced Into this market had the pUonr!oU rk)confldentlr solicited. Toes are m3KTAxn.iitn.

Full Seven Octave Solid Iron mOVEItSTnl'NO Bass Canted leri Roa4rjl

nets. Serpantlne Mouldings and Double stawwi Iwood Cases combined with CLEAU-la- J

IlU'lIXI'.S.Sof TOXE. UEACTYofta!""the


Most Celebrated Make!

menu wlib confidence a ecn is Italy weitmp -thwa Inarm men t will tw Urcelr flltd 3LUUVCUU, i'tXUU IIIUIHTlliruH aa trm ns i .

for such purposes and aUo to Cleixjniea frftW'thfctr rjullltfs.

It may be usked how It b possible to iapp!7Warranted PIAXOatahontOQehairtMpnwrWcharged. The answer U plain. Tbrs arsssl";Ronms to keep op, no grand MosleHalTtDM11"noexpenslvetraTell!nsttntstopsr TbtPMai3i

Mottoes of the Thaibeix Hano are

A Piano for cerj iafysmall rnoriTs

lMth Zarrje Sales, ai


'Gainst Dear on Credit.

Tlin special polnta of adrantan af Uua IMJ31 E.N T AltKSEASO.VKO MATLBULW"woramansmp. uotiorm qnauiy. tBu.su.""0fT0neand3IOlt:ilATK PBIl'K.

lined from II. X SIZL THE USUAL JUent of tie TnalWrs ht ti. E




or ine neavm oi in. ld i nxuDcrx rv -at the cash price of



Eat the slxe of tbe Instrument Is lncres 2mm iiuf'inmi uca ci. whas beQ added, malting without exnptira aIraMlva, rt1 Kal .nA InalrtlniMI til IN WW- -' ' . " "7 . .7 I .7.7 uaa

li. rarues reaiaiua on any oi -- n v . -have Photographs of thes Instrutaeats rarTZ-- a


.......... .vp-nT-- r. nr.rp'

ommooR photograph

best qoaJtr. Commanicatioaa seat tawsOffice will recelre promp attention. , rii

Labor Contracts.0vi)cn.si(i.cn 1ATEJ?iThe by competent Icl "H1'.!-- .

reference to eiuteraai.rTM -In this kingdom,

Blank Forrai of Labor Contra

Suitable for all cases, which tbr woaW mm 'rfcto those deslrlns to employ ensnts, Z.Tuifance t t tney are to ooir tonus w-- r.A.In every particular with the laws r

Atenutin ihm oihr Iott wfil & fanblanks at liberal rates for riTtS30

TT K?i It X

C8aAcents to take ickowlfd-mes- ts

Lbor, District of Kona, Island of 03- -

Honolulu, Maysta, Hi.

Pocket Knives and QoldFe

Tne riXEST .vvsonT.icjiT",,,.In andPeocnca 41'

patterns, eser seen In uoan .strong Box's KalTes,al

S33 lm



AXI tirSMlEATSCITIZEXS meads a J, atltcordlallTlnTlted t attend "'"Zu'CIIUBCir, where HerrlceJ art "rltZ,wno mar be pleased to arirw- -

Prajer MeeUnr at TS 0 O


it:Er. .a, ril, IIILASO,Joekermhj"gVaW."J,Vlnesar or world-wid- e celeDrttr"!' is'JZsWater. Florida Water. Eaf d 5SU,,gfGljcerln. for tbe Hair. "'Tlf'other soaps. Violet and reiti. Teeth; 4c H. Sltraad. 2,lcornhlll, London, soia " - -

Stdsteied trade mark-- aa herajtw