rps k40 - hanging

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  • 7/28/2019 Rps k40 - HANGING



    Is a form of death by suspending the body with a ligatureround the neck the constricting force being the weight ofthe body (or a part of the body weight)

    Symptoms :

    - loss of power and subjective sensations- loss of conseiousness

    Cause of death

    a. Asphyxia by pressing the neck that fore up epiglotis and

    the the root of tongue agamist the posterior wall ofpharynx and occludes air passages

    b. Venous congestion by compression of jugular veins

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    c. Combined Asphyxia and Venous Congestion

    d. Cerebral Ischaemia (anoxia) results from pressure on

    the large arteries which prevent blood from going to thebram

    e. Shock, occurs from pressure on the vagus nerves or

    carotid sinuses

    f. Fracture or dislocation of the cervical vertebrae whichcompresses or locorates spinal cord.

    Post Mortem Appearance

    1. External appearance :

    - Ligature- Stretched and eloggated of the neck

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    - Head is always inclined to the side opposite to the

    knot and the arms of the loop of ligature

    - Face is usually pale and placid- Patechial haemorhages under the conjunctiva

    and neck

    - Pupils are usually dilated

    - Tongue is drawn in or caught between the teeth orprotruded and bitten

    - Saliva after found dribbling out of an angle of the

    month down on the chin and chest

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    2. Internal Appearance :

    Subcutaneous tissue under the ligature mark is usually dry,

    white and glistening

    Muscles of the neck are likely to be ruptured only when

    considerable violance has been used

    The miner and middle coats of the carotid arteries may be

    found locorated

    Fracture or dislocation of the upper cervical vertebrae with

    compression or laceration of the spinal cord

  • 7/28/2019 Rps k40 - HANGING



    Is a violent form of death which results from constricting

    the neck by mean : of a ligature or by any other means

    without suspending the body

    It is called throttling when constriction is produced by

    the pressure of the finger and palms upper the throat

    SymptomsIf the windpipe is comprossed so suddenly, the

    individual is rendered powerless to call for assistance,

    becomes insensible and may die instantly

    If the windpipe is not completely closed, the facebecomes eyanosed, bleeding from mouth, nostrils and

    ears, the hands are clenched and convulsions precede

    delayed death

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    Cause of death :a. Asphyxia (anoxic hypoxia)

    b. Cerebral isehaemia or venous congestionc. Combined asphyxia and venous congestiond. Shock due to reflex cardiac arrest

    Post Mortem Appearance1. External appearance

    a. Appearances on the neck

    - Ligature mark :Multiple of the ligature twisted several timesobligue of the vistim has been dragged by a cordthe base of the mark usually pale with reddish and

    ecehymosed margin

    - marks of pressure by the thmub and the fingertips- bruise in the middle of the front of the neck if a stickor a foot is used

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    b. Appearances due to asphyxiaFace is puffy and eyanosed and marked with petechiacEyes are prominent and openConjunctiva are congested and pupils are dilatedThe lips are blueBloody foam escapes from the mouth and nostrilsThe tongue is aften swallow, bruised, protruding and dark

    in colour

    2. Internal appearance

    Extravasation of the blood into the subcutaneous tissuesunder the ligature mark or finger marks

    Larynx and trachea are congested and contains trothymucus

    Cartilages of the larynx or the rings of trachea may befractured

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    1. Mostly suicidal2. Face : Usually pale and

    prechine rase

    3.Saliva : dribling out ofmouth down on the chin andchest

    4.Nock : Strecthed andelongated in fresh bodies

    5.Bleeding from nose, mouthand cars very rare

    6.External sign of asphyxiausually not well marked

    Mostly Homicidal 1

    Face : Congested and 2

    marked with plechiae

    Saliva : no such dribling 3

    Neck : net so 4

    Bleeding from nose, mouth 5and ours maybe found

    External signs of asphyxia, 6

    very well marked (minimal

    if death due to vasovagal and

    carotid sinus effect)

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    7. Ligature mark : obligue, noncontinuous placed high upin the neck between chin

    and larynose

    8. Abrasions and ecchymosesround about the edges of the

    ligature mark : rare9. Subeutaneous tissues under

    the mark : white, hard and


    10.Injury to the museles of theneck : rare

    11.Corolid arteries : internalcoats ruptured in violens

    casses of a long drop

    Ligature mark : horizontal 7

    or transverse continous,round the neck, below the


    Common 8

    Ecchymosed 9

    Common 10

    Corotid arteries, internal 11

    Coats ordinarily ruptured

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    12.Fracture of the learyna andtreachen very rare and thattoo in judicial hanging

    13.Fracture discolation of thecorvical vertabrae :

    common in judicialhanging

    14.Seratches, abrasions andbruises on the fase, neck

    and other parts of the body

    usually not present

    15.No evidance of sexualassuale

    16.Emphysomartous bullet onthe surface of the longs :not present

    Often found also tyoidbene 12

    Rare 13

    Usually present 14

    Sometimes evidones of 15

    several assnult

    May be present 16