rpdir-p18 qc for ct web

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  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web



    18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 2


    Quality control tests

    CT accuracy, uniformity, linearity. an noise,

    !o" an #i$# contrast resolution

    %-axis sensiti&ity

    'li$nment, ta(le top tra&el accuracy

    )antry tilt measurement


  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic 1: Quality Control

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web



    18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +

    P'ysical $arameters o& CT image

    ma$e uality

    ay (e expresse in terms of p#ysical parameters suc#as uniformity, linearity, noise, spatial resolution, lo"

    contrast resolution

    ma$e uality epens on t#e tec#nical c#aracteristics oft#e CT scanner, t#e exposure factors use an ima$e

    &ie"in$ conitions.

    Quality may (e assesse (y uantitati&e measurementusin$ test p#antoms, an (y t#e appearance of artifacts.

    easurements s#oul (e conucte re$ularly

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web



    18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /

    Scanner $er&ormance# tec'nical

    $arameters (I)

    Test P#antoms: Test p#antoms of a stanarize #uman s#ape

    or test o(0ects of a particular s#ape, size an

    structure, are use for t#e purposes ofcali(ration an e&aluation of t#e performancesof CT scanners

    P#antoms s#oul allo" for e&aluation of CT

    num(er uniformity noise spatial resolutionslice t#icness ose positionin$ of ta(le top

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web



    18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 3

    Scanner $er&ormance# tec'nical

    $arameters (II)CT 4um(er 'ccuracy

    CT num(er epens on tu(e &olta$e, filtration, o(0ect t#icness

    CT num(er of "ater is (y efinition eual to 5

    easure CT num(er s#oul (e 6 7 + 9 in t#e central O

    CT 4um(er !inearity T#e linear relations#ip (et"een t#e calculate CT num(er an t#e linear

    attenuation coefficient of eac# element of t#e o(0ect

    *e&iations from linearity s#oul (e 6 7 / 9

    CT 4um(er 9niformity T#e CT num(er of eac# pixel in t#e ima$e of an #omo$eneous o(0ect

    s#oul (e t#e same o&er t#e ima$e area

    T#e ifference in t#e CT num(er (et"een a perip#eral an a centralre$ion of an #omo$eneous test o(0ect s#oul (e 6 8 9

    *ifferences are lar$ely ue to (eam #arenin$

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner ;

    4oise T#e local statistical fluctuation

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 8

    Scanner $er&ormance# tec'nical

    $arameters (IV)

    @patial esolution

    T#e #i$# contrast resolutionetermines t#e minimumsize of etails &isualize in t#e plane of t#e slice "it# a

    contrast A15>.

    t is affecte (y:

    t#e reconstruction al$orit#m

    t#e etector "it#

    t#e effecti&e slice t#icness

    t#e o(0ect to etector istance

    t#e x-ray tu(e focal spot size

    t#e matrix size.

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner B

    Scanner $er&ormance# tec'nical

    $arameters (V)

    @patial esolution

    T#e lo" contrast resolutionetermines t#e sizeof etail t#at can (e &isi(ly reprouce "#en

    t#ere is only a small ifference in ensity relati&eto t#e surrounin$ area

    !o" contrast resolution is limite (y noise.

    T#e perception t#res#ol in relation to contrast anetail size can (e etermine (y creatin$ contrast-

    etail cur&e.

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 15

    Scanner $er&ormance# tec'nical

    $arameters (VI)

    @lice T#icness

    T#e slice t#icness is etermine int#e center of t#e fiel of &ie" as t#e

    istance (et"een t#e t"o points on

    t#e sensiti&ity profile alon$ t#e axis

    of rotation at "#ic# response #as

    fallen to /5>.

    T#e use of post-patient collimationto reuce t#e "it# of t#e ima$e

    slice leas to &ery si$nificant

    increasesin t#e patient ose

    Positionin$ of couc#

    T#e accuracy of positionin$ of t#epatient couc# is e&aluate (y

    mo&in$ t#e loae couc# a efine

    istance an mo&in$ it (ac to t#e

    start position

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 11

    Minim*m re+*irements# CT scanner (I)

    ma$e noiseT#e @tanar *e&iation of CT num(ers in t#e central /55mm2O for a "ater or tissue eui&alent p#antom s#oulnot e&iate more t#an 25> from t#e (aseline.

    CT num(er &alues

    T#e e&iation in t#e CT num(er &alues for "ater or tissueeui&alent material an materials of ifferent ensitiess#oul 67 25 9 or />.

    CT num(er uniformity

    T#e @* of t#e CT num(er o&er a /55 mm2

    re$ion ofinterest for "ater or tissue eui&alent material at t#e centeran at t#e perip#ery of p#antom s#oul &ary (y less t#an1./> of t#e (aseline

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 12

    Minim*m re+*irements# CT scanner


    Compute tomo$rap#y ose inex

    from t#e (aseline.

    rraiate slice t#icness

    T#e D of t#e ose profile s#oul not iffer more t#an 7 25> from(aseline.

    i$# contrast resolution from (aseline.

    !o" contrast resolution

    Polystyrene pins of 5.E/ cm iameter inserte in a uniform (oy "ater

    p#antom s#oul (e &isi(le in t#e ima$e.

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic 2: 4oise

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 1+

    Imaging $er&ormance (Noise)

    4oise is assesse usin$ cylinricalp#antoms, "#ic# are eit#er fille "it# "ateror mae of a tissue eui&alent material

    Once an axial ima$e of t#e p#antom #as

    (een acuire, noise is measures as t#e

    stanar e&iation in CT num(er in a re$ionof interest

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 1/

    e$ion ofe$ion ofinterestinterest

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 13

    Imaging $er&ormance (Noise)

    4oise &alues are $i&en in manufacturersFspecifications are uote for a specific p#antom

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 1;

    Imaging $er&ormance (Noise)

    Gaseline noise &alues s#oul (e o(tainefor se&eralscan protocols t#at "ill (e useclinically, usin$ t#e routine QC noise


    To ensure t#at noise fi$ures are (ot#

    accurate an representati&e, it is essential tofin t#e mean &alue from se&eral scans

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic E: CT uniformity an linearity

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 1B

    CT n*m,er *ni&ormity

    CT num(er uniformity can (e assesse at t#esame time as measurin$ noise, (y placin$ fouraitional O

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 25

    'xial ima$e of'xial ima$e of

    a #omo$enousa #omo$enous


    CT n*m,er *ni&ormity

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 21

    CT n*m,er *ni&ormity

    CT num(er linearity is assesse usin$ ap#antom containin$ inserts of a num(er ofifferent materials

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 22

    CT n*m,er *ni&ormity

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic +: !o" an #i$# contrast resolution

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 2+

    Lo- contrast resol*tion

    !o" contrast resolution

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 2/

    TypicalTypicalima$e of t#eima$e of t#e

    Catp#an !CCatp#an !C


    Lo- contrast resol*tion

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 23

    S$atial resol*tion ('ig' contrast)

    T#ere exist t"o (roa cate$ories of measurin$tec#niues : analysis of t#e point sprea function, usually (y

    calculation of t#e moulation transfer function

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 2;

    S$atial resol*tion ('ig' contrast)

    T#e num(er of linepairs per cm 0ust&isi(le in t#e ima$e isapproximately

    eui&alent to t#e 2>&alue of t#e T

    T#is result can t#en (ecompare "it# t#e 2>

    T, as uote in t#emanufacturerFsspecifications

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic /: %-axis sensiti&ity

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 2B

    ./Sensitiity (Imaged slice -idt')

    'xial measurements

    P#antoms use for axial measurements may containt#in metal plates, "ires or arrays of air #oles, incline atan an$le to t#e ima$e plane

    anufacturers s#oul (e a(le to supply an appropriatep#antom or, alternati&ely, t#e Catp#an contains an insertsuita(le for t#is test

    4ote:to o(tain meanin$ful measurements, t#e t#icnessof t#e plates, "ires or #oles cannot (e $reater t#an t#e

    nominal slice "it# concerne. T#is may createpro(lems for t#e su(-millimetre slice "it#s offere onmulti-slice scanners.

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E5

    ./Sensitiity (Imaged slice -idt')

    'xial measurements

    P#antoms manufacturers may uote t#e tolerancefor eac# nominal slice "it# settin$ in t#eirspecification ocumentation

    %-sensiti&ity measurements in axial moe can (euse to c#ec t#at ima$e slice "it#s are "it#int#e tolerances $i&en

    T#is can also (e use in con0unction "it# irraiateslice "it# measurements to assess t#e accuracy ofpost patient collimation an to calculate t#e$eometric efficiency for t#e scanner

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E1

    Plan &ie" of a test o(0ect use to measure ima$e

    slice "it#s for axial scans

    ./Sensitiity (Imaged slice -idt')

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic 3: 'li$nment

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner EE

    Alignment o& indicating lig'ts -it'

    scan0 coronal and sagittal $lanes

    @e&eral met#os can(e use to perform

    t#ese tests

    T#e tec#niuesescri(e #ere are

    strai$#tfor"ar to

    implement an reuire

    minimal testeuipment.

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E+

    Agreement ,et-een internal and

    e1ternal scan $lane lig'ts

    9se an en&elope-"rappe film

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E/

    Co/incidence o& internal scan $lane

    lig'ts and scan $lane

    Pin prics are mae in a piece of t#erapy&erification film

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E3

    Co/incidence o& internal scan $lane

    lig'ts and scan $lane

    or multi-slice scanners, pin prics

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E;



    Pin $ric2s made in

    &ilm at $osition o&

    scan $lane lig't

    3/ray ,eam


    Co/incidence o& internal scan $lane

    lig'ts and scan $lane

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner E8

    Coronal and Sagital $lane lig'ts

    ' lon$, t#in o(0ect, "it# a #i$# CT num(er relati&e toair, suc# as t#e NleaF in a pencil or a strai$#tenepaper clip, can (e use as a marer to perform t#istest

    T#e marer is supporte a(o&e t#e patient ta(le anali$ne, usin$ t#e inicatin$ li$#ts, so t#at it ispositione at t#e isocentre, parallel to t#e z-axis anperpenicular to t#e scan plane

    f inicatin$ li$#ts are accurately ali$ne to t#e coronal

    an sa$ital planes, t#e marer s#oul appear as a otat exactly x 5, y 5 on t#e axial ima$e.

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic ;: Ta(le tra&el accuracy

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +5

    Ta,le trael acc*racy

    ' ruler or tape measure place alon$sie t#e ta(le,can (e use to c#ec t#at t#e amount of ta(le

    mo&ement inicate on t#e $antry a$rees "it# t#e

    actual istance mo&e.

    ' loa of approximately ;5- 85 $ s#oul (eplace on t#e ta(le in orer to simulate t#e "ei$#t

    of a patient.

    T#e test s#oul (e performe t"ice: (y ri&in$ t#eta(le top (ot# a"ay from an to"ars t#e $antry.

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +1

    Assessment o& distance indicator acc*racy

    Ta,le trael acc*racy

    A i l i i

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +2

    A1ial scan incrementation acc*racy

    erification of incrementation accuracy (et"eensuccessi&e axial slices can (e ac#ie&e (y placin$

    t#erapy &erification film on t#e couc#

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +E

    Ta,le trael acc*racy &or 'elical scans

    n #elical scannin$, it is not sufficient to use a simplemec#anical test (ecause t#e istance ima$e epens oncouc# spee an scanner soft"are

    One met#o of assessin$ istance accuracy is to use an

    acrylic test o(0ect containin$ t"o small raio-opauemarers, separate (y a fixe istance

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner ++

    Co*c' trael acc*racy &or 'elical


  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic 8: )antry tilt measurement

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

    G t Tilt

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +3

    Gantry Tilt

    T#e accuracy of isplaye $antry tilt can (eassesse (y supportin$ t#erapy &erification

    film at t#e $antry en of t#e patient ta(le

    T#e film must (e #el &ertically

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +;

    Gantry Tilt

    T#ree axial exposures are mae usin$ t#e samefilm:

    one for t#e maximum superior $antry tilt,

    one for t#e maximum inferior $antry tilt

    one at 5 $antry tilt

    T#e t#ree scan planes s#oul t#en (e &isi(le ont#e e&elope film

    T#e an$les Jan -(et"een scan planes atmaximum tilt relati&e to t#at at 5 tilt s#oul eual

    tilt an$les isplaye on t#e $antry.

    A t & & t tilt

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner +8

    Assessment o& acc*racy o& gantry tilt

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency

    Part !"# O$timi%ation o& $rotection in CTscanner

    Topic B: *osimetry

    IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interentional Radiology

    D i t CTDI i i

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /5

    Dosimetry / CTDI in air

    T#e Compute Tomo$rap#y *ose nex

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /1



    Dosimetry / CTDI in air

    Dosimetry CTDI in air

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /2

    Dosimetry / CTDI in air

    t is important to measure t#e CT* in airuner t#e follo"in$ conitions D#en

    commissionin$ a CT scanner:

    or all (eam s#apin$ filters or all nominal slice "it#s

    or all clinical settin$s

    or a ran$e of scan times or a ran$e of m' settin$s

    Dosimetry CTDI in air

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /E

    Dosimetry / CTDI in air

    Dosimetry CTDI in air

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /+

    Dosimetry / CTDI in air

    Dosimetry CTDI in air ('elical)

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner //

    'xial slice positions'xial slice positions

    elical scan

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /3

    Dosimetry / CTDI in Acrylic P'antoms

    T#e (oy p#antom is place on t#e patient ta(lean t#e #ea p#antom is supporte in t#e #ea


    P#antoms are ali$ne an centre at t#e scanisocentre

    T#e ion c#am(er is inserte into eit#er t#e centralor one of t#e perip#eral #oles of t#e p#antom

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /;

    Dosimetry / CTDI in Acrylic P'antoms

    *ose measurements at t#e center are use tocalculate t#e central CT*

    Perip#eral CT* is measure in at least four

    positions aroun t#e p#antom, so as to ac#ie&e atrue a&era$e

    4ote:f $antry rotation is initiate from ifferent

    an$ular positions for successi&e scans it may (e

    necessary to tae a num(er of measurements ateac# position in orer to $et a representati&e mean


    Dosimetry / CTDI in Pers$e1

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /8

    4ead $'antom4ead $'antom5ody $'antom5ody $'antom (or ann*l*s(or ann*l*s

    to &it oer 'ead $'antom)to &it oer 'ead $'antom)

    Insert to $l*g 'olesInsert to $l*g 'oles

    Dosimetry / CTDI in Pers$e1


    Dosimetry / CTDI in Pers$e1

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner /B

    Central an perip#eral CT*Fs are use tocalculate "ei$#te CT*, CT*":


    s can (e compare a$ainst ia$nosticreference le&els for stanar scan


    Dosimetry / CTDI in Pers$e1


    )( CTDI32+CTDI31C1=CTDI p100,c100,wn

    E1am$le o& CTDI Val*es &or some CT

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 35

    E1am$le o& CTDI Val*es &or some CT

    *nitsMODEL 6V 7AD S nCDTI (mGy8mAs)

    Air -eig'ted4ead 5ody


    !:: ;

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 31

    Dose Pro&iles (Irradiated slice -idt')

    easurement of irraiate slice "it#s, for allnominal slice "it#settin$s, pro&ies a irect testof pre-patient (eam collimationan allo"s$eometric efficiencies to (e calculate for t#e

    scanner )eometric efficiency

    Dose Pro&iles (Irradiated slice -idt')

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 32

    Dose Pro&iles (Irradiated slice -idt')

    irst met#o : expose t#erapy &erification film, supporte inair at t#e isocentre, at eac# of t#e slice "it# settin$s

    Once e&elope, optical ensity profiles may (e plotteusin$ a i$itizer or t#e "it# measure usin$ a ruler

    To pro&ie an accurate ose profile, a cali(ration cur&e can(e applie to con&ert optical ensity profiles into ose

    profiles, from "#ic# irraiate slice "it#s

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    IAEA 18: Optimization of protection in CT scanner 3E

    Meas*rement o&Meas*rement o&irradiated sliceirradiated slice

    -idt's &or a range-idt's &or a range

    o& nominal sliceo& nominal slice

    -idt' settings-idt' settings

    Dose Pro&iles (Irradiated slice -idt')

    9*ality control $rogram

  • 7/26/2019 Rpdir-p18 Qc for Ct Web


    9*ality control $rogram

    E1am$le o& a +*ality control $rogram &or a CT *nit#

    Gaseline 7 25>1 yGi$# contrast resolution

    A 7 25> or 1 mm1 yGma$e slice t#icness

    A 7 25> or 1 mm1 yGrraiate slice t#icness

    Gaseline 7 25>1 y'CT*

    A 7 1./>1 yGCT num(er uniformity

    Dater: 7 15 9

    Ot#er materials 7 25 9

    Rmore scansKparameters


    1 IR



    CT num(er &alues

    Gaseline 7 25>

    Rmore scansKparameters


    1 yR



    ma$e noise

    emeial le&elPriorityreuency!e&el ofexpertise

    P#ysical parameter