round table “my favourite book” l.n.kozlova belovskaya secondary school belgorod district...

ROUND TABLE “MY FAVOURITE BOOK” L.N.Kozlova Belovskaya secondary school Belgorod district Belgorod region

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L.N.KozlovaBelovskaya secondary school

Belgorod district Belgorod region

Цели урока: 1. проверка сформированности навыков Цели урока: 1. проверка сформированности навыков говорения по теме говорения по теме “Reading.. Why not?”“Reading.. Why not?”

2. 2. проверка умения вести беседу в незнакомых проверка умения вести беседу в незнакомых ситуациях.ситуациях.

3. развитие навыков устной речи по изученной 3. развитие навыков устной речи по изученной теме.теме.

Оборудование: выставка книг, портреты писателей, Оборудование: выставка книг, портреты писателей, магнитная запись, компьютор.магнитная запись, компьютор.

Ход урокаХод урока

1. Приветствие.1. Приветствие. Good morning, my dear friends! Today we’ll speak Good morning, my dear friends! Today we’ll speak

about books, which play great role in your lives. about books, which play great role in your lives. We’ll speak about novels and poems, thrillers and We’ll speak about novels and poems, thrillers and detectives, adventures and horror books. Our guest is detectives, adventures and horror books. Our guest is a poetess L.N.Nezhentseva will help us to understand a poetess L.N.Nezhentseva will help us to understand the beauty of poetical lines. Let’s talk to her to know the beauty of poetical lines. Let’s talk to her to know as much as possible about her literary much as possible about her literary career.

Brainstorming. (L.N.Nezhentseva)Brainstorming. (L.N.Nezhentseva)

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you and speak Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you and speak about literature. Here you can see my books of poems, about literature. Here you can see my books of poems, which I’m very proud of. What would you like to know which I’m very proud of. What would you like to know about me and my poems?about me and my poems?

(ученики (ученики bebeдут беседу с гостьей)дут беседу с гостьей)

1. Excuse mе, what is your birthplace?2.When did you begin to write poems? 3.What was the first poem written by you ? 4. Was it difficult to write the first poem5. What was it devoted to?6. Can you recite your first poem?7. What helps you to write poems?8. What can you say about your parents?9. Are they proud of their daughter?10. Please, tell us about your school years Were they happy?11. What are your plans for the future?12. What is your favourite poem?13. Can you recite it?

14. What is your favourite book? What does it give you and how does it help you in your life?

15. Do you have any awards for your job?

16. Have you ever met famous writers of our country?

Excuse me, I like your poem "Mother" very much. Can I recite it? (Ученики читают стихи Л.Н.Неженцевой.)

Teacher: Children, what did you learn about life and Teacher: Children, what did you learn about life and work of our guest? Speak about her biography in work of our guest? Speak about her biography in groupsgroups..

Who is your favourite hero in this book?Who is your favourite hero in this book? What does this book teach you?What does this book teach you? What period of history is described in the book?What period of history is described in the book? Where is the story set?Where is the story set? What new information does the book give?What new information does the book give? What did you feel reading this book?What did you feel reading this book? Was it the best book of the writer?Was it the best book of the writer? How long did it take you to read the book?How long did it take you to read the book? Was it the perfect way to spend free time?Was it the perfect way to spend free time?

Would you recommend us to read the book?Would you recommend us to read the book?

My favourite book is "Gone with the wind" by Margaret My favourite book is "Gone with the wind" by Margaret MitchellMitchell..

I think she was very talented You see, to write a novel of such I think she was very talented You see, to write a novel of such kind is fantastic! H. Wales wrote : "I'm afraid, the book is written kind is fantastic! H. Wales wrote : "I'm afraid, the book is written better than any other respectful classic." M . Mitchell was an better than any other respectful classic." M . Mitchell was an unknown housewife but after the publication of the novel unknown housewife but after the publication of the novel became the most outstanding writer of the world She was born became the most outstanding writer of the world She was born in 1900, her school years were not successful but at mat time in 1900, her school years were not successful but at mat time she began to write plays for the school theatre. It is known that she began to write plays for the school theatre. It is known that she had been writing the novel "Gone with the wind“ from 1926 she had been writing the novel "Gone with the wind“ from 1926 to 1936. Her main character Scarlet O'Hara is unique. There is no to 1936. Her main character Scarlet O'Hara is unique. There is no such lively character in American literature as she. She such lively character in American literature as she. She conquered not only America but the whole world She conquered not only America but the whole world She was an was an unusual author America of that period of time She had a lot of unusual author America of that period of time She had a lot of difficulties in her life, but she coped with them. She loved, difficulties in her life, but she coped with them. She loved, betrayed, fought and won, was loved and hated and alt these for betrayed, fought and won, was loved and hated and alt these for the sake of her family, her country-seat. The writer could show the sake of her family, her country-seat. The writer could show the power of Scarlett's character in her weakness. She had a the power of Scarlett's character in her weakness. She had a strong will to save the house and the family and she did strong will to save the house and the family and she did everything for that purpose. I respect such people and I love everything for that purpose. I respect such people and I love beautiful girls. The book has a happy end Having overcome all beautiful girls. The book has a happy end Having overcome all the problems she understood herself and her love for Rat There the problems she understood herself and her love for Rat There are a lot of love episodes in the book which make it interesting are a lot of love episodes in the book which make it interesting to read I think it is the perfect way to relax and to learn more to read I think it is the perfect way to relax and to learn more about the history of America . To my mind it's the book for every about the history of America . To my mind it's the book for every girl to read to understand women's character and to learn about girl to read to understand women's character and to learn about their treatment to men.their treatment to men.

22 projectproject My favourite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe My favourite book is "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. D. Defoe

was born in 1660, he was a great master of realistic detail. The was born in 1660, he was a great master of realistic detail. The novel Robinson Crusoe" was written in 1719. the novel is praise to novel Robinson Crusoe" was written in 1719. the novel is praise to human labor and the triumph of man over nature. Defoe shows the human labor and the triumph of man over nature. Defoe shows the development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an development of his hero. At the beginning of the story we see an inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a inexperienced youth, a rather frivolous boy, who then becomes a strong-willed man.strong-willed man.

Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait is his optimism His Robinson Crusoe's most characteristic trait is his optimism His guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to guiding principle in life become "never say die" and "in trouble to be troubled is to have your troubles doubled". He had confidence be troubled is to have your troubles doubled". He had confidence in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man in himself and in man. He believed it was within the power of man to overcome all the difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker to overcome all the difficulties. Crusoe was an enthusiastic worker and always hoped for the best And I think it's his hope for the best and always hoped for the best And I think it's his hope for the best helped him to live and to survive on the uninhabited island He helped him to live and to survive on the uninhabited island He found everything useful for life and began to build a new life. He found everything useful for life and began to build a new life. He was strong, brave, quick-witted and cheerful man.was strong, brave, quick-witted and cheerful man.

Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to Defoe is a writer of the Enlightenment. He teaches people how to live, he tries to teach what's good and what's badlive, he tries to teach what's good and what's bad

His novel "Robinson Crusoe" is not only a work of fiction, an His novel "Robinson Crusoe" is not only a work of fiction, an account of adventures, a biography and an educational pamphlet. account of adventures, a biography and an educational pamphlet. It is a study of man, a great work showing man in relation to It is a study of man, a great work showing man in relation to nature and civilization as well as in relation to labour and private nature and civilization as well as in relation to labour and private property. I would recommend this book for those who are fond of property. I would recommend this book for those who are fond of fiction and for whiners complaining life. We should live for life and fiction and for whiners complaining life. We should live for life and love and overcome and overcome difficulties.

The book "The Lord of the Rings" is considered to be the champion of fantasy novels. Sometimes it is called the

greatest book of the 2&h century. It was published in 1954. This trilogy is more than 1000pages and it was translated

into 25 languages.The author of the book, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was

born in 1892 in South Africa and grew up in a village near Birmingham. He took part in the First World War. Then he

became a professor of English at Oxford University.It was while he was correcting exam papers that Tolkien

wrote down a strange sentence that started: "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit... "

Obviously, creative writing was more interesting than correcting papers, because Tolkien went on to transform

this sentence into a full novel called "The Hobbit", published in 1938. The main characters of this book later

appeared in "The Lord of the Rings"

Tolkien hated technology, he longed for England before the invention of engines (he died

in 1973). He loved ancient myths andfor his books he borrowed characters from Anglo- Saxon, Scandinavian and other European

mythology. Ht created his own world inhabited by wizards, elves dwarves, goblins and certainly

hobbits.Hobbits are Tolkien's own invention. The world

is a combination of Homo and rabbit. Hobbits are rather short creatures with furry legs. They are

peaceful, home-loving race, fond of their gardens and their cosy underground homes. The main

character of "The Hobbit"is Bilbo Baggins.

In "The Lord of the Rings"Bilbo's nephew, Frodo Baggins is given a dangerous task. He must destroy the magic ring which gives its owner great power. The Ring was made by

Sauron the Dark Lord, but then it was lost and found by Bilbo who didn't know about its magic

power. If the Ring falls into the hands of Sauron, he and his dark forces will rule the

world. So Frodo has to take the Ring to Mordor, the Dark Lord's own territory and throw it into

the fires of Mount Doom.The book was an immediate success.

Tolkien's magic world caught readers' imagination. For almost fifty years people are not only reading his books - many try to live in

this world.

Tolkien sold the film rights to "The Lord of the Tolkien sold the film rights to "The Lord of the Rings" in 1969for 10,000 pounds. He didn't Rings" in 1969for 10,000 pounds. He didn't really believe that a film would ever be made. really believe that a film would ever be made. But he was wrong. True, it took filmmakers 50 But he was wrong. True, it took filmmakers 50 years to take the job of bringing the book to a years to take the job of bringing the book to a big screen. A cartoon version was made, but big screen. A cartoon version was made, but nobody took the risk to make a live-action film. nobody took the risk to make a live-action film. But finally the thing that Tolkien hated so much - But finally the thing that Tolkien hated so much - technology - helped. With modern computer technology - helped. With modern computer effects it became possible to create a realistic effects it became possible to create a realistic and exact interpretation of the book .1 am sure and exact interpretation of the book .1 am sure it's the book everybody should read and the film it's the book everybody should read and the film for everyone to watch..for everyone to watch..

William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare

project 4.project 4. "William Shakespeare And His Sonnets"."William Shakespeare And His Sonnets". I don't know why but I like Shakespeare's poetry most I don't know why but I like Shakespeare's poetry most

of all. I value him as one of the greatest poets of the of all. I value him as one of the greatest poets of the world. We know little about him and the information is world. We know little about him and the information is contradictory. We know that he was born on the 23d of contradictory. We know that he was born on the 23d of April in 1564 in the town of Stratford-on-Avon. His April in 1564 in the town of Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a merchant and had several houses in father was a merchant and had several houses in Stratford. His mother. Mary Arden, was a farmer's Stratford. His mother. Mary Arden, was a farmer's daughter. In his childhood William went to Stratford daughter. In his childhood William went to Stratford Grammar School where he learned to read, write and Grammar School where he learned to read, write and speak Latin. When William was 18 he married Anne speak Latin. When William was 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a farmer's daughter, who was 8 years older Hathaway, a farmer's daughter, who was 8 years older then William. When he was 21 he went to London. then William. When he was 21 he went to London. Later he became an actor and began to write plays. Later he became an actor and began to write plays. He wrote 37 plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, He wrote 37 plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, historical dramas. His most famous plays are historical dramas. His most famous plays are "Hamlet", "King Lear", "Othello", "Macbeth", "Twelfth "Hamlet", "King Lear", "Othello", "Macbeth", "Twelfth Night", "Much Ado About Nothing", "Romeo and Night", "Much Ado About Nothing", "Romeo and Juliet" and so on. Most of Iris plays were not published Juliet" and so on. Most of Iris plays were not published in his life-time. The last days of his life he spent with in his life-time. The last days of his life he spent with his family in Stratford. He died on the 23d of April in his family in Stratford. He died on the 23d of April in 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford.1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford.

Besides plays, Shakespeare wrote 154 Besides plays, Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets. There are 3 main characters in sonnets. There are 3 main characters in the sonnets: the Poet, his Friend and the the sonnets: the Poet, his Friend and the Dark Lady. The first 125 sonnets are Dark Lady. The first 125 sonnets are devoted to his Friend; the rest -to the devoted to his Friend; the rest -to the Lady. A well-known poet Marshak Lady. A well-known poet Marshak translated the sonnets into Russian. translated the sonnets into Russian. Marshak said: "Each sonnet is like a Marshak said: "Each sonnet is like a piece of music; each sonnet is important piece of music; each sonnet is important not only from the point of view of the not only from the point of view of the meaning but from that of the melody. meaning but from that of the melody. The sonnets are not museum pieces; The sonnets are not museum pieces; they still, after all these centuries, they still, after all these centuries, express human emotions which are as express human emotions which are as fresh as ever."fresh as ever."

In sonnets Shakespeare wrote about love; love to the friend and to In sonnets Shakespeare wrote about love; love to the friend and to the woman; he wrote about friendship as a great feeling, he wrote the woman; he wrote about friendship as a great feeling, he wrote about real life he saw around him. I am sure, his works will never about real life he saw around him. I am sure, his works will never die, they will live for centuries. Now I'd like to recite my favourite die, they will live for centuries. Now I'd like to recite my favourite poem, Shakespeare's sonnet, which was sung by Alla Pugacheva. poem, Shakespeare's sonnet, which was sung by Alla Pugacheva. Sonnet 90.Sonnet 90.

Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now; Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now; Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross, Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross, Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow, And do not drAnd do not drорор in for an after - loss; in for an after - loss; Ah, do not, when my heart hath' scaped this sorrow, Ah, do not, when my heart hath' scaped this sorrow, Come in the rearward of a conquer’ d woe;Come in the rearward of a conquer’ d woe; Give not a windy night a rainyGive not a windy night a rainy morrow, morrow, To linger out a purposed overthrow.To linger out a purposed overthrow.

If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,

When other petty griefs have done their spite, When other petty griefs have done their spite,

But in the onset come; so shall I taste But in the onset come; so shall I taste

At first the very worst of fortune's might,At first the very worst of fortune's might,

And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,

Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.Compared with loss of thee will not seem so.

(один из учеников переводит сонет на русский (один из учеников переводит сонет на русский язык)язык)

Уж еслиУж если ты разлюбишь, - так теперь, ты разлюбишь, - так теперь, Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре. Теперь, когда весь мир со мной в раздоре. Будь самой горькой из моих потерь,Будь самой горькой из моих потерь, Но только не последней каплей горя.Но только не последней каплей горя. И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь, И если скорбь дано мне превозмочь, Не наноси удара из засады.Не наноси удара из засады. Пусть бурная не разрешится ночь Пусть бурная не разрешится ночь

Дождливым утром-утром без отрадыДождливым утром-утром без отрады..

Оставь меня, но не в последний миг, Когда Оставь меня, но не в последний миг, Когда от мелких бед я ослабею. от мелких бед я ослабею.

Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг, Оставь сейчас, чтоб сразу я постиг, Что это горе всех невзгод больнее,Что это горе всех невзгод больнее, Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда-Что нет невзгод, а есть одна беда- Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.Твоей любви лишиться навсегда.

5 Project.5 Project. "Vitaliy Bukhanov and His Poetry ""Vitaliy Bukhanov and His Poetry " I like my native poet V. Bukhanov's poetry. He was I like my native poet V. Bukhanov's poetry. He was

born on June 13, 1926 in the village Belovskoye born on June 13, 1926 in the village Belovskoye near Belgorod. He went to school in the village near Belgorod. He went to school in the village Yastrebovo when he finished the Yastrebovo when he finished the 7*' 7*' form. In 1941 form. In 1941 the Great Patriotic war began. The father went to the Great Patriotic war began. The father went to the front and Vitaliy didn't want to stay on the the front and Vitaliy didn't want to stay on the occupied territory. He could get through the front occupied territory. He could get through the front line. He returned to Belgorod after the liberation line. He returned to Belgorod after the liberation of the area. He began working as a teacher of of the area. He began working as a teacher of physical culture at a local school. In autumn of physical culture at a local school. In autumn of 1944 he started serving in the Red army. He served 1944 he started serving in the Red army. He served in Byelorussia, Poland and had a lot of friends. in Byelorussia, Poland and had a lot of friends. After the victory of Russia over the Germany After the victory of Russia over the Germany V.Bukhanov continued serving in the army. He was V.Bukhanov continued serving in the army. He was in Adzharia and on the island Sakhalin. In 1948 he in Adzharia and on the island Sakhalin. In 1948 he was demobilized to Belgorod where he started was demobilized to Belgorod where he started working as a teacher in school 35. There he working as a teacher in school 35. There he organized a literary club and began writing poems. organized a literary club and began writing poems. Soon he entered Kharkov Literary university which Soon he entered Kharkov Literary university which he graduated in 1955. Then he worked inhe graduated in 1955. Then he worked in the the newspaper "Belgorodskma Pravda", was the editor newspaper "Belgorodskma Pravda", was the editor of Kursk regional publishing house.of Kursk regional publishing house.

. At that time he published many poems. His best-. At that time he published many poems. His best-known poems are: "Severskiy Donets "(published in known poems are: "Severskiy Donets "(published in Kharkov in 19570, "Steep Coasts "(published in Kharkov in 19570, "Steep Coasts "(published in Kursk in 1958), "Steppe Flowers "(published in Kursk in 1958), "Steppe Flowers "(published in Belgorod in 1960), "Green Sails "(Voronezh, 1967), Belgorod in 1960), "Green Sails "(Voronezh, 1967), "The Sparkle of Russia "(Moscow, 1967) and many "The Sparkle of Russia "(Moscow, 1967) and many others.others.V.Bukhanov was a true son of his Motherland. He V.Bukhanov was a true son of his Motherland. He greatly loved his native village, his people, the greatly loved his native village, his people, the countryside and nature. And he put this love into his countryside and nature. And he put this love into his poems. He devoted his poems to his parents, his poems. He devoted his poems to his parents, his friends, his favourite school teacher E.N. friends, his favourite school teacher E.N. Semyonova, the beauty of his native countryside.Semyonova, the beauty of his native countryside.

When I'm bored or tired I take a book of V.Bukhanov and When I'm bored or tired I take a book of V.Bukhanov and read his poems. You can believe me, they make me feel read his poems. You can believe me, they make me feel happy and cheerful, able to solve everyday problems and happy and cheerful, able to solve everyday problems and to escape mistakes in my life. I recommend everybody to to escape mistakes in my life. I recommend everybody to take V.Bukhanov's poems and to read them. I am sure you take V.Bukhanov's poems and to read them. I am sure you won't regret. There are a lot of his poems7 funs. Thai is won't regret. There are a lot of his poems7 funs. Thai is wiry every year on June 16, schoolchildren and inhabitants wiry every year on June 16, schoolchildren and inhabitants of our village go to his old small house where he was born of our village go to his old small house where he was born and spent his childhood and recite poems, speak about him and spent his childhood and recite poems, speak about him and have meetings. Everybody carries flowers and go there and have meetings. Everybody carries flowers and go there as to a date. We call him "the sparkle of our village, the as to a date. We call him "the sparkle of our village, the sparkle of Russia ". I think he will always live in the hearts sparkle of Russia ". I think he will always live in the hearts of our people.of our people.

Teacher: Well, we've listened to some projects. Which was Teacher: Well, we've listened to some projects. Which was the most successful? Let's check it I'd like you to make up the most successful? Let's check it I'd like you to make up dialogues between a librarian and a reader. Good afternoon.dialogues between a librarian and a reader. Good afternoon.-- Good afternoon. Can I help you?Good afternoon. Can I help you?Yes, please. I can 't make my choice. What have you to Yes, please. I can 't make my choice. What have you to offer? What kind of books do you like?offer? What kind of books do you like?-- You see, we've got a Round Table lesson about You see, we've got a Round Table lesson about books and was interested of W.Shakespeare's sonnets. books and was interested of W.Shakespeare's sonnets. Have you got anything by him?Have you got anything by him?Certainly. We've got some books, but I'd recommend you to Certainly. We've got some books, but I'd recommend you to read about his life and creative work first You'll read it from read about his life and creative work first You'll read it from cover to cover, I'm sure. Thank you. And can you give me cover to cover, I'm sure. Thank you. And can you give me something from his poetry?something from his poetry?-- Here is a book of sonnets. It is a great success. It ran Here is a book of sonnets. It is a great success. It ran into five editions. Thank you for the books. Good bye.into five editions. Thank you for the books. Good bye.

Teacher: So, our lesson is up. 1 Teacher: So, our lesson is up. 1 hope, it was useful for you and you hope, it was useful for you and you '11 be interested in books from our '11 be interested in books from our library. And now write the name of library. And now write the name of the writer whose book you 'd like to the writer whose book you 'd like to read (read (ученикиученики пишутпишут имяимя автораавтора нана листочкелисточке бумагибумаги).).