roswell park expansion · pand the existing sweet apple park for the ro-swell community....

Roswell Park Expansion Contact: High Hope Funding Committee 770-645-0225

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Page 1: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will

Roswell Park Expansion


High Hope Funding Committee


Page 2: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will


Sweet Apple


Page 3: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will

PURPOSE: Our community’s goal is to ex-pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will provide additional fields and a premier recreational facility for the Sweet Apple Elementary School, the #1 ranked school in Fulton County.

After approximately three years of planning, we have received approval and authorization from Roswell City Parks and Fulton County’s School Board to move forward with this com-munity project, but we need your help! Fulton County schools has no funding for this pro-ject . This is our opportunity to enhance our neighborhood and provide a better place for our children to play.

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: The Sweet Apple Fields project is budgeted for $250,000. The city of Roswell has generously given $100,000 towards this plan. The neighboring church, World Harvest, has pledged an addi-tional $50,000.

THE GOAL: Our goal is to raise the remaining $100,000 this summer! To achieve this goal, we are challenging every person who would like to better our schools and community to in-vest.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Leave your legacy for generations to come by purchasing a sponsor-ship with lifetime dedication for your support. Cash donations are also being accepted. All sponsorships and donations are tax deducti-ble. High Hope Community Development Cor-poration is donating the funding administration. 100% of the funding will be used for the Sweet Apple Fields Project.

Page 4: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will


May 13th

– Ground-Breaking

August 2nd

– Construction Begins

Page 5: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will


What is the purpose of th is project?

To expand the ex is t ing fac i l i ty for the Roswel l communi ty a t la rge.

Why are we expanding and what are we adding?

The current fac i l i ty inc ludes mul t ip le soccer/ lacrosse/footba l l f ie lds,

basebal l d iamonds, walk ing t rack w i th f i tness sta t ions, and both FCBOE

and Ci ty of Roswel l p laygrounds. The f ie lds are current ly be ing used to

capaci ty . Addi t iona l f ie lds w i l l a l low us to host spor t ing leagues and


This pro ject w i l l increase the va lue of a l l our property —communi ty , res-

ident ia l , and reta i l . I t w i l l p rov ide another reason for new people to

f ind our communi ty des i rab le .

Who wi l l use these f ie lds?

Our communi ty ’s school ch i ldren, communi ty spor ts leagues and any

person who en joys Roswel l Park.

Where are you adding the f ie lds?

The Sweet Apple E lementary School property between the bu i ld ings and

the ex is t ing f ie lds. Whi le the f ie lds wi l l be mainta ined by Roswel l Parks

& Recreat ions, the #1 ranked school in Fu l ton County w i l l a lso inc lude

a premier recreat iona l fac i l i ty for the i r s tudents.

When are you do ing th is project?

The requi red county and c i ty approva ls are in p lace. The ground -

breaking ceremony was he ld on May 13th. Const ruct ion is scheduled to

begin on August 2nd and should take about 3 months to complete .

How much wi l l this cost?

The pro ject w i l l cost $250,000.

Who is paying for th is project?

We al l are! Roswel l Parks & Recreat ion is prov id ing $100,000. Wor ld

Harvest Church is donat ing $50,000. We need Roswel l res idents and

corporate sponsors to fund the ba lance.

Who wi l l be mainta in ing the f ie lds?

The Ci ty o f Roswel l

Page 6: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will


2’ 6”


1’ 5 1/2”

1’ 5 1/2”




2’ 6”

2’ 6” 6’ 2’

Page 7: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will


Dave Rittenhouse

President of Wexford HOA Roswell, Ga

CFO of Spartacus Legal Foundation

Dave Rittenhouse has been an active leader in his community for many years. He and his wife of 35 years, Leigh have lived in their home in Roswell since 1993 where they raised their son Nathan. He is currently serving his third consecutive term as President of the Wexford Home Owners Association, which is the largest in Roswell. While serving in this capacity, he is active at Roswell City Hall and the State Capitol testifying on legislation that impacts Wexford and the City of Roswell. Dave is CFO of Spartacus Legal Foundation, a legal defense non-profit and is on the Board of several community organizations.

Brenda Orlans

Director of Hope Roswell

Brenda Orlans is a long time resident of the City of Roswell. Her husband, Jerry Orlans, has been serving as a Councilman for the City of Roswell for over 25 years. She is the director of Hope Roswell, a network of churches from a wide variety of denominations, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, working together to serve the community through Word & Deed ministry.

Sarah Ippolito

Secretary on the Sweet Apple Elementary PTO

Sara Ippolito is a longtime Roswell resident and mother of 3. She currently has 2 children at Sweet Apple Elementary and 1 at Elkins Pointe Middle School. Sara is serving her 3rd term as Secretary on the Sweet Apple Elementary PTO Board where she will continue on next year as co-Director of Educational Enrichment. In addition to serving at the school, Sara is also in her 4th year of managing the neighboring Edenwilde Swim Team. As local business owners, Sara and her husband do what they can to support the Strategic Goal of the City of Roswell. She is excited about what the Sweet Apple Fields project will do to enrich the lives of not only the students at Sweet Apple Elementary, but also the local community.

Christine Beldowicz

President of the Sweet Apple Elementary PTO

Christine Beldowicz is currently the President of the Sweet Apple Elementary Parent Teacher Organization. Before that, she was a Co-Director of Fundraising and Membership. Christine has also served as Welcome Committee Chair for the Crabapple Lake/Park Community. She is married with 2 children who both attend Sweet Apple Elementary. She believes the Sweet Apple Fields project will be beneficial to all Roswell residents as it will provide a safe and beautiful green space for recreational and sport activities.

Andy Allison

Principal at Sweet Apple Elementary

Guest for Sweet Apple Fields Project, not a board member

Andy Allison is originally from Buffalo, New York, he received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Science and Master of Arts Degree in Education from Canisius College. He has been active in the public school system for nearly 20 years. During his career, Andy has been the Assistant Principal of Alpharetta Elementary School, Assistant Principal of Northwestern Middle School and has currently held his current position as the Principal at Sweet Apple Elementary for three years. He is the proud father to two amazing and beautiful children, Ansley (4) and Evan (2).

Last year under his direction, Sweet Apple Elementary was recognized as the number one school for overall performance in the Fulton County School System.

Page 8: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will


Sponsorship Price Quantity Extended Price

Legacy Sponsors

Brick (4"x8") $250

Paver (12"x24") $1,000

Tree $1,500

Bench $5,000

Flag - Plaque $15,000

Flag - Complete $60,000

Cash Donation


First Name Last Name Credit Card # CVV Exp. Date

Signature: Date:

Please make checks payable to High Hope CDC


High Hope CDC – Sweet Apple Fields Project – 275 Hardscrabble Rd, Roswell, GA 30075 –

Page 9: Roswell Park Expansion · pand the existing Sweet Apple Park for the Ro-swell community. Landscaping the property between the existing park and Sweet Apple Elementary School will



Donor (Individual or Business):__________________________________________________

Physical Address:____________________________________________________________

Email Address:______________________________________________________________

Phone Number:_____________________________________________________________

We are so grateful for your generous donation and contribution toward the Sweet Apple

Fields project. Community partnerships are the key to successfully addressing and alleviating

pressing matters and shared needs in our city.

Your gift in the amount of $_________________ is recognized as a tax deductible, charitable

donation through the IRS. Please save this letter for your records and enjoy the additional

benefit of your giving!

High Hope Community Development Corporation

275 Hardscrabble Road

Roswell, GA 30075

EIN# 58-2495872


Please visit the High Hope website below to learn more about our involvement in the commu-nity as well as other volunteer and giving opportunities.

____________________________________ _________________________ Name of High Hope Entity Representative Date *Note for High Hope representative: please make a copy or take a photo of the completed form and turn it in to program administration.

High Hope CDC – Sweet Apple Fields Project – 275 Hardscrabble Rd, Roswell, GA 30075 –