roslee bin yahya - hand's book 1... · 2.0 background of politeknik port dickson...

________________________________________________________________________ 1 CIVIL Engineering Department POLYTECHNIC OF PORT DICKSON EDITORIAL COMMITTEES DIRECTOR Roslee Bin Yahya DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ACADEMIC) Left. Kol Bersekutu (PA) Yusma Binti Yusof HEAD OF CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Zainal Bin Ab. Rahman EDITORS Zaliha Binti Senin Fahanim Binti Abdul Rashid Nor Haslinawati Binti Mohd Saad

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Page 1: Roslee Bin Yahya - Hand's Book 1... · 2.0 Background of Politeknik Port Dickson ... In the Seventh Malaysian Plan, ... holistic and well-balanced TVET graduates with



CIVIL Engineering Department POLYTECHNIC OF PORT




Roslee Bin Yahya


Left. Kol Bersekutu (PA) Yusma Binti Yusof


Zainal Bin Ab. Rahman


Zaliha Binti Senin

Fahanim Binti Abdul Rashid Nor Haslinawati Binti Mohd Saad

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1.0 Foreword 3

2.0 Background of Politeknik Port Dickson & Department 4

3.0 Vission , Mission, Objective Quality and KPIs 5

4.0 Management Team 6

5.0 Polytechnic Port Dickson Advisors 7

6.0 Outcomes Based Education (OBE) 9

7.0 Polytechnic Systems Rules & Guidelines 11

7.1 Duration of Study 12

7.2 Course Registration 12

7.3 Adding / Withdrawl 12

7.4 Course Exemption 12

7.5 Deferment & Termination of Study 13

7.6 Evaluation System 13

7.7 Academic Advisor System (P.A) 14

8.0 Civil Engineering Department (JKA) 15

8.1 Academic Staff 15

8.2 Programme Diploma in Civil Engineering 31

8.3 Programme Of Diploma in Architecture 48

9.0 Academic Support Department 58

9.1 Department of Mathematic,Science And Computer (JMSK) 58

9.2 Department of General Studies (JPA) 58

9.3 Student Affairs Department(JHEP) 59

9.4 Liaison and Industrial Training Unit 59

9.5 Examination Unit 59

9.6 Hostel Unit 59

9.7 Training and Advance Education Unit 59

9.8 Instructional Development & Multimedia Unit 60

9.9 Quality Management Unit 60

9.10 Library Unit 60

9.11 Psychology And career Unit Unit 60

9.12 Sport & Co Curicular Unit 60

9.13 Information Technology Unit 60

9.14 Corporate Industrial Services & Employbility Unit 61

9.15 Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Unit 61

10.0 Contact Persons In Civil Engineering Department 61

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CIVIL Engineering Department POLYTECHNIC OF PORT



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh & Salam Satu Malaysia

All praises to Allah, the most Gracious, and with His Mercy, the Students’ Handbook for Port Dickson Polytechnic

students has been successfully published.

First and foremost, I would like to honor this opportunity to congratulate all new students for being accepted to pursue

their tertiary education in their selected courses in this polytechnic. I assure you that you are at the right place since

Port Dickson Polytechnic is the ultimate polytechnic where great technical and commercial career begins.

The Students’ Handbook is designed to orient you in the sometimes overwhelmingly academic and social world of Port

Dickson Polytechnic. It is meant to be a kind of user’s manual for the polytechnic, giving you an overview of the

options available to you and the resources that can help you make good choices. We believe your learning experience

will be more enjoyable and rewarding if you take the time to read through this book.

Beginning from June 2010, the polytechnic had implemented a new curriculum structure where all activities related to

teaching and learning are conducted based on the Outcome Based Education (OBE) concept. These improvements

are based on the practice and application oriented as that meets the Malaysian Qualification Agency’s requirement.

This handbook, hence, comprises of information related to academic requirements, curriculum structure, academic

advisory system, residential system, and many activities that take place outside the classroom. For the complete

college experience, I hope you will also explore our diverse programs, clubs, and organizations available to

complement your learning in the classroom.

Please take advantage of these resources and opportunities. Your experience at Port Dickson Polytechnic is what

you make of it, and I am confident you will make it a good one. With your membership to the polytechnic community

come many rights and responsibilities. This handbook outlines these rights and responsibilities, polytechnic policies

and procedures, and polytechnic resources.

Last but not least, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the committee members that are involved in the

publication of this handbook.

I wish you a happy, healthy, and fruitful year. Wassalam.

Roslee Bin Yahya Director Port Dickson Polytechnic

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Port Dickson Polytechnic (PPD) was built in 1990 on a 100 acre land in Si Rusa territory. It is the sixth polytechnic built

under Polytechnic Management Division, Technical Education Department, Malaysian Ministry of Education. The

building expenditure was fully sponsored by World Bank and was able to accomodate about 1200 full time students.

But, to fulfill the ever increasing demand workforce for career needs, the polytechnic is obligated to increase the

number of student intake to 5000 students by 2005.

In the Seventh Malaysian Plan, polytechnic was given a grant of RM 55 million to upgrade and improve all the

necessary facilities and buildings for future usage. After 22 years of existence, Port Dickson Polytechnic has been one

of the country’s notable higher education institutes in Malaysia. Started with only 120 students in 1990, the number of

students has increased to 5,933 students in various fields. With the help from all staffs, it has produced 27102

graduates to be injected in various job sectors in the country.

There are 6 academic departments in Port Dickson Polytechnic namely, Department of Civil Engineering, Department

of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Commerce, Department of

Mathematics, Science and Computer, and Department of General Studies. In the meantime, there are 12 diploma

courses in Port Dickson Polytechnic. They are Diploma in Civil Engineering, Diploma in Architecture, Diploma in

Electrical Engineering, Diploma in Electronic Engineering (Computer), Diploma in Electronic Engineering

(Communication), Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive), Diploma in

Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturer), Diploma in Mechatronic Engineering, Diploma in Accountancy, Diploma in

Marketing and Diploma in Secretarial Science. Niche area for Polytechic of Port Dickson is Architecture.

Department of Civil Engineering (JKA) was initiated in June 1990 with the help from only 9 staffs. It was

administered by Tuan Haji Mahmod bin Haji Basar as the first Head of Department with only 30 students. In the first

batch, students only enrolled Certificate of Civil Engineering (Manufacture). With proper plan, amount of classes, labs,

workshop and student intake constantly increased.

In January 2007, amount of lecturers exceeded 50 while students increased to 1129. It was then administered by Mrs.

Noor Hasnida binti Baharudin as Deputy Head of Department.Since 2007, continuous effort by JKA has made the

department as one of the effective and sophisticated training centre which is able to produce skilled technicians in civil

engineering and architecture. It is proven by the graduates' excellent achievement in the workforce; government and

private sector.

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To be a towering TVET institution globally.

Producing quality, holistic and well-balanced TVET graduates with entrepreneurship in order to fulfill the

needs of the nation.

Developing and sustaining smart partnerships with relevant parties locally and internationally.

To benefit society through education, research and innovation.

KPI I - Polytechnic of Malaysia is a leader in technical and vocational education at

regional level . KPI 2 - 85% of polytechnic graduates manage to obtain jobs employment which includes furthering

studies, in duration of six months after graduation. KPI 3 - 50 % of qualified SPM leavers, choose polytechnic as their first choice to

pursue their studies.

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iinn aa yyeeaarr




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Academic Excellence

Staff Excellence

Process Excellence

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Dr. Chee Ming Chan

( Senior Lecturer)

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam & Alam Sekitar,Universiti

Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja,Johor. DKA

Ir. Hj. Jamil Ibrahim.

(Jurutera Perunding JBI)

9, Tingkat 1, Jalan Bunga Raya 8, Senawang Business Centre,Taman Tasik Jaya,70400 Seremban, N. S


Dr. Zawawi bin Daud

(Ketua Jabatan)

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam & Alam Sekitar,Universiti

Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja,Johor. DKA

Ar. Nurakmal Goh Abdullah

Jabatan Seni Bina, Fakulti Kejuruteraan & Alam Bina,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM,Bangi, Selangor.


Y.M .Dr. Raja Nafida Raja Shahminan


Department Of Architecture, Fakulty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 UTM,Skudai, Johor.


Prof. Dr. Hashim Saim (Penolong Naib Canselor)

Pejabat Penolong Naib Canselor (Hubungan Industri Dan Masyarakat) , Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat , Johor .


Tn. Hj. Amran Mohd Zaid. Ketua Jabatan.

Jabatan Teknologi Elektrik, Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik, UTHM, 86400, Parit Raja,Batu Pahat , Johor


Prof. Madya Tan Kim See

Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektronik & Kejuruteraan Komputer, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya,76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka


En. Saiful Azmi Bin Hamzah (Pengarah Urusan)

Astana Digital Sdn Bhd 137A, Jalan SS8/1, Seksyen 8, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor .


Pn. Zaini Bte Hj. Sa'at (Koordinator Fakulti)

Pengurusan Dan Teknologi Pejabat, Pusat Pengajian Pengurusan Gunaan, Fakulti Pengurusan Perniagaan, UITM,Cawangan Melaka


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Pn. R. Irawati Ismail

Corporate Human Resource Department. Faber Group Berhad, 20th Floor Menara 2, Faber Towers, Jalan Desa Bahagia, Taman Desa, K.L


Prof Madya Shahariah Osman

(Ketua Pusat Pengajian)

Fakulti Pengurusan perniagaan Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka


En. Syahril Azmi Hj. Md. Isa (Dealer Operation Manager)

Proton Centre of Excellence, Km. 33.8,WestBound Shah Alam Expressway, 47600 Shah Alam,Selangor


Prof. Madya Dr. Yusri Yusof

Faculty of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia , 86400 Parit Raja , B. Pahat, Johor


En. Zainul Rashid bin Hj Shamsudin SKF (M) Sdn Bhd Mechanical & Maintenance Support Center, Services & Training Department


En. Kamaludin Abd. Rahman

(Pengurus )

Smart Corporate Group Sdn. Bhd. N0. 21- 2, Jalan Pantai Murni 6, 59200 Pantai Dalam, Kuala Lumpur


En. Hari Ramulu A/LMunusamy N0. 7-4 (2A) Block Suria B, Taman Bukit Pelangi, Jalan TBP2,Off Jalan Batu Tiga Lama,47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor


En. Rosli Darmawan No 118, Jalan TTJS 3/10, Taman Tuanku Jaafar, 71450 Sg Gadut, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan


En. Mohamad Khairulnizam Mohd


Block A-10-11, Prima Setapak Condominium. Off Jalan Genting Kelang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur


En. Periasamy A/L Periyasamy Emas Link Trading, 19, Jalan BP 5/6 Bandar Bukit Puchong, 47120 Puchong , Selangor.


En. Noor Azammi Abd Murat UniKl-Mfi, Section 14, Jalan Teras Jernang, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan


En. Jeefry Abdul (Pengurus)

BCit Control Engineering Sdn Bhd No. 6, Jalan 3H, Batu 13, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan.


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Outcme Based Education (OBE) is an education philosophy that focuses on the graduate outcomes after completing

an academic programme. It also focuses on empirical measurement on students’ performance. It is known as a

method of curriculum design and teaching that focuses on what students can actually do after they are taught. It does

not specify or require any particular style of teaching or learning. It is a student centered approach that focuses on

student’s learning. It starts with a clear picture of what you want the students to learn, why do you want them to learn,

how can you best make students learn it and how will you know what they have learnt. Thus, OBE involves the

restructuring of curriculum and assessment that reflects achievement of high learning order and mastery learning.

“a comprehensive approach to organizing and operating an education system that is focused in and defined by the successful demonstrations of learning sought from each student”.


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1. Knowledge

2. Practical Skills

3. Social skillsand responsibilities

4. Values, attitudes and professionalism

5. Communication, leadership and team skills

6. Problem solving and scientific skills

7. Information management and lifelong learning skills

8. Managerial and entrepreneurial skills

9. Marketability


1. Apply technical, mathematics, science and humanities knowledge using appropriate civil

engineering problems for individual personality development

2. Solve systematically well defined civil engineering problems using appropriate method and


3. Conduct investigation of well defined civil engineering problems

4. assist in designing solution for well defined civil engineering problems with appropriate

consideration for public safety, health and environment

5. demonstrate practical skills in utilizing civil engineering tools, equipment and machinery

6. communicate effectively with collegue communities and industries

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7. demonstrate awareness for society, safety, environment and cultural issues and the

consequent responsibilities of sustainable development

8. work independently in acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and recognised the need

for professional development and information system

9. demonstrate awareness in entrepreneurial skills

10. demonstrate understanding of professional ethics and responsibilities to the society

11. function effectively as individual and teams with the capabilty to be a leader.


Port Dickson Polytechnic Academic Year is divided into two regular semesters, namely June and Dec

semester. Each semester consists of 15 weeks of teaching and learning.

Semester System is flexible that allows students to determine and manage their own studies based on their

abilities and capabilities.

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Students must pass all required courses listed in the curriculum of the study programme. Students who fail

any courses must retake and pass that particular course without affecting other courses.

Port Dickson Polytechnic also offers a short semester between the academic years, usually in May. The

implementation of the short semester is in 7 weeks, including lectures and examinations. It is aimed at giving

an opportunity for students to complete their study earlier (less than 6 semesters) besides to cater for carry

courses. However, courses offered are subjected to the decision of the academic departments.

For short semester, the maximum total credit that is permitted is SIX (6) credits. Students are required to

register for each course taken according to the present registration procedures. Students, who register but

do not attend lectures and / or examination, will fail the course. In contrast, students are allowed to drop

courses within a specific time frame. (Refer to short semester academic calendar)

GPA and CGPA will be determined by the students’ performance. Students who fail a course taken three

times including during short semester will be expelled (refer in Arahan-Arahan Peperiksaan Dan Kaedah

Penilaian )

Examination results will be displayed within a specific period (according to calendar by Bahagian

Pentaksiran Dan Persijilan). Appeal for a review of any final examination grade can be done not later than

THREE (3) working days from official decision date announced.


The duration of study at the Diploma level takes a mimimum of 6 semesters or 3 years. Nevertheless,

period given for graduation allowed to a maximum of NINE (9) semesters.


The course of registration can be made within 14 days from the date of official registration date. It is done

manually or by online.

A minimum credit hour that is permitted is 12 credit hours and maximum credit hour is 18 credit hours.

Course registration done manually and online has to refer to the procedure that has been specified by Port

Dickson Polytechnic. Course registration need to be implemented in early semester within 14 days from the

starting date of academic session.


Students must register for all courses taken in each semester.

Any adding or withdrawal of the courses should be verified by the academic advisor and approved by Head

of Department not later than week 3 to 6 of the respective semester.

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Referring to MQA 10/85/03, the MQA has resolved several issues related to the transfer of credit for qualified students

of polytechnics and community colleges:

Graduates of polytechnic and community college are eligible for credit transfer (for 2 semesters). The

registration entry is at semester 3 of a diploma program in polytechnic.

For Industrial Training, graduates of polytechnic and community college who have graduated with a

certificate before December 2011 may use the experience gained in the workplace as one of the options for

Industrial Training. They are required to choose other subjects that are equivalent in credit values of the

Industrial Training.


A student can request for deferment or termination of study to Students’ Affair Department by completing

relevant forms.


Assessment of students in each semester is to meet the needs of the Malaysian Qualifications Framework

(MQF) and covers 9 Learning Domains of learning outcomes which are :-


LD 1 - Knowledge

LD 2 - Practical Skills

LD 3 - Communication Skills

LD 4 - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

LD 5 - Social Skills and Responsibilities

LD 6 - Continuous Learning and Information Management Skills

LD 7 - Management and Entrepreneurial Skills

LD 8 - Professionalism, Ethics and Moral

LD 9 - Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Based on the Examination Guide , the assessment is divided into two parts, namely :-

i. 100% continuous assessment (no final exams )

ii. courses with final examination

50% final exam

50% continuous assessment throughout the semester

For continuous assessment, evaluation of student achievement in a course is conducted continuously

throughout the semester through course work such as quizzes, tests, and other practical. A course outline

regarding the assessment is given to the students.

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Results of the evaluation for each semester will be categorized into:

i. ‘Kedudukan Lulus Penuh’ (LP)

For Final semester students who obtained ≥ 2.00 CGPA and meet the qualifying conditions

and will be awarded with a Diploma

ii. Keputusan Baik ‘ (KB):

Students who obtained CGPA ≥ 2.00

iii. ‘Kelulusan Bersyarat ‘(KS)

Students who obtained 1.60 ≤ CGPA < 2.00

iv. ‘ Kedudukan Gagal dan Diberhentikan(GB)’:

Students who:

obtained CGPA < 1.60

failed a course three times including a special examination

obtained KS three semesters consecutively

fail Industry Training for two semesters

have exceeded the maximum period of duration of study.

• Students may appeal the results of the evaluation or review of the script answer within fourteen (14) days

from the date of the official results. Refer to Instructions Examination And Assessment Guide.


• Every student is assigned an academic staff as an academic advisor. The objectives of the academic

advisory system are :

To guide and assist students in adapting themselves to the academic systems of the polytechnic

especially at the initial stage.

To advise students in solving academic related problems such as workload, selection of courses

and to explain the aim and purpose of the courses.

To identify and provide counceling to problematic students as well as to develop a balanced

character and positive attitude among students.

To act as link between students and department.

• With various services and facilities provided the department expects students to be responsible in their study

plan. The academic advisor should not be held responsible for the students ‘failure in completing their study

on time.

• The students are advised to consult their academic advisor for the following matters:

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To obtain information on the semester system and other matters related to their study, during the

first week of semester.

To obtain endorcement for registration or withdrawal of courses.

To seek advice and planning for their study particurlaly in terms of course selection, total number of

credits and duration of study.

• In addition, the students are required to meet the academic advisor every week to attend the ‘Inspirasi

Transformasi Diri (ITD)’ course for their future career development.

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Zuraidah Binti Ahmad

Qualification : PHD, Education Management, UKM , 2011

Master of Social Development, UMS, 1998

Bachelor of Civil& Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK, 1990

E-mail : [email protected]


: 2042



Norsilan Binti Wahiduddin

Qualification : Master of Environment Engineering, UKM,2004

Bachelor of Civil Engineering,UiTM,1989

Diploma in Civil Engineering, UiTM , 1986 E-mail : [email protected]


: 2042



Zainal bin Ab. Rahman

Qualification : Master of Engineering (Enviroment)., UKM, 2007

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTM, 1997 Diploma in Education, UTM, 1999

E-mail : [email protected]


: 8131



Azizah Binti Tukiman

Qualification : Master of Engineering (Transportation)., UKM, 2018

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTM, 2009

Diploma in Civil Engineering , UiTM 1999 E-mail : [email protected]


: 8131

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Noor Hasnida Binti Baharudin

Qualification : Master of Engineering (Enviromental), UKM, 2001

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering,USA,1987

Diploma in Education, UTM, 1991 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Amran Bin Ab Ghani

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM

Bachelor of Civil Engineering, UTM E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Amran Bin Asan

Qualification : PhD in Civil Engineering, UTHM

Master of Construction Management, UTM

Bachelor of Civil Engineering , UTM E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Fahrurrazi Bin Mahyun

Qualification : Master of Civil Engineering, UKM, 2011

Bachelor of Civil Engineering, UTHM, 2002

Diploma in Education, MPTKL, 1994

Diploma in Education, UTM, 1999

Certificate in Civil Engineering,POLIMAS,1989 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Noraziela bt Mokhtar

Qualification : Master of Civil Engineering,UKM, 2016

Bachelor of Civil & Environmental Engineering (Hons), UKM, 2001

Diploma in Education, MPTKL, 2002

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Mohd Hafiz Bin Husin

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM,2006 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Muhammad Iskandar Bin Abu Thohib

Qualification : Master of Engineering (Civil), UKM, 2011

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTM,2000

Diploma in Education, MPTKL, 2004 E-mail : [email protected]


: 2042



Mohammed Farid Bin Ishak

Qualification : Master of Engineering (KuiTTHO), 2003

Diploma in Education, MPTKL, 2007 E-mail : [email protected]


: 2042

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Asuralyzah bt Saleh

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTM

Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering (UTM)

Diploma in Land Survey (UTM) E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Masksedah Binti Kamaludin

Qualification : Master of Water engineering, UPM, 2013

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTM, 2001

Diploma in civil rngineering education ), MPTKL,2002

Diploma in civil engineering, UTM, 1999 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. :



Noorziawati Binti Mohd Sahap

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2003

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM, 2002 E-mail : [email protected] Ext :



Ruslawati Binti Abdul Wahab

Qualification : Master of Civil Engineering, UKM

Bachelor of Civil Engineering, UTM E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Nuratikah Binti Seman

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2005

Bachelor of Civil Engineering Hons, UTHM, 2004

E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Baharin Bin Ahmad

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTM, 1999

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTM, 1997

Certificate in Architecture, PPD, 1993 E-mail Ext.

: :

[email protected] 2042



Nawawi Bin Abdul. Jalil

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTM,2003

Diploma in Building, UiTM, 1987

Certificate in Education, IPDD, 1992 E-mail Ext.

: :

[email protected] 2042



Nora Binti Ismail

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), USM,2001

E-mail Ext.

: :

[email protected] 2042

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Siti Balqis Binti Abdul Kadir

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2003

Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering , UTM, 2001 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Zulzana Binti Zulkarnain

Qualification : Bachelor of Education (Civil Engineering) Hons, OUM, 2006

Diploma in Quantity Surveying, UiTM, 1988

Certificate in Education, IPDA, 1993 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Zaliha Binti Senin

Qualification : Bachelor of Education (Civil Engineering) Hons, OUM, 2009

Diploma in Civil Engineering With Education, UTM, 2000

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Isha Baizura Binti Ismail

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2007

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM,2005 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Wan Asrul Asmi Bin Wan Ishak

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2008

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM, 2006

Diploma in Civil Engineering, UiTM, 2003 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Sivanandan A/L Balakrishnan

Qualification : PhD in Civil Engineering (RMIT Univ.), 2017

Master of Engineering (Civil), (UKM), 2010

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (UTM) 2002 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Marlya Binti Dahuri

Qualification : Master of Facilties And Maintenance Management,UM 2018

Bachelor of Science Construction, UTM 2010

Diploma in Civil Engineering With Education (Land Survey) UTHM,2003

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Nor Safizah Binti Ponachi

Qualification : Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering (Hons), UTM,2005

Diploma in Education, UPSI, 2009 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Mohd Firhan bin Anuar

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM, 2009 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Amilia Noorlin binti Md Jelani

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2008

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM, 2006

Diploma in Civil Engineering, PPD, 2001

Certificate in Civil engineering, PKB,2000 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Nur Rafidah Binti Mohamed

Qualification : Bachelor of Education (Civil Engineering) Hons, OUM, 2008

Diploma in Civil Engineering With Education, UTM, 2001

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Azween Irma Binti Zainal

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM, 2010

Diploma in Civil Engineering & education UTHM, 2002

E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042

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Siti Noraain Binti Harun

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UiTM, 2005

Diploma in Civil Engineering, UiTM, 2002 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Hanizatul Natasha Binti Hashim

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2008

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM,2006 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Mohamad Haizal Bin Ismail

Qualification : Bachelor of Education (Civil Engineering) Hons, OUM, 2008

Diploma in Civil Engineering With Education, UTM, 2001

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Jothy Rany A/P Latchmanan

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2007

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM,2006

Certificate in Civil Engineering, POLIMAS, 2000 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Umi Hani Binti Abdul Rahman

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocation Education, KuiTTHO, 2006

Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Construction) 2006

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Zanalizah Binti Jauhari

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering UTM, 2016

Diploma in Civil Engineering, UTM, 2004 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Siti Rahayu Binti Ab. Razak

Qualification : Bachelor of Education (Civil Engineering) Hons, OUM, 2009

Diploma in Civil Engineering With Education, UTM, 2001

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Haslienda Binti Mohd Iham @ Sham

Qualification : Master of Technical & Vocational Education, UTHM, 2004

Bachelor of Geoinformatic (Hons), UTM,2002 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042

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Herdawati binti Bohari

Qualification : Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons), UTHM, 2009

Diploma in Civil Engineering, UTHM, 2003 E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Nor Haniza Binti Mustafar Kamar

Qualification : Master of Highway and Transportation Engineering, UPM 2018

Bachelor of Civil Engineering UTHM, 2009

Diploma in Civil Engineering, Poli PD, 2005 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Noormala bt. Ramli

Qualification : Bachelor of Engineering Civil, UTM, 2016

Diploma in Civil Engineering with Education, UTHM, 2001

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Yusra Binti Saion

Qualification : Bachelor of Occupational safety and Health Management with Honours, OUM, 2017

Diploma in Civil Engineering with Education, Kuittho, 2003

Certificate of Civil Engineering, POLISAS, 1999 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Azmi Bin Abu Bakar

Qualification : Certificate of Education (Building Construction), MPTKL, 1990

Certificate of Civil Engineering, POLISAS, 1988 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Arifin Bin Harun

Qualification : Diploma in Valuation, UTM, 1985

Certificate of Education, IPDA, 1992 E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042



Aznul Rafizul Bin Ramli

Qualification : Diploma in Civil Engineering with Education, UTM, 2001

E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Mohd Rozaimi Bin Ibrahim

Qualification : Diploma in Civil Engineering with Education, UTM, 2002

E-mail : [email protected] Ext.

: 2042



Zul Rashidi Bin Hussin

Qualification : Diploma in Civil Engineering with Education, UTHM, 1997

E-mail : [email protected] Ext. : 2042

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Ruslinda Binti Abdullah

Qualification : Master of Planning (Urban Design) (Univ. Adelaide) 2012

Bachelor of Science Housing, Building & Planning (Architecture) USM

Diploma in Education (MPTKL) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2078



Dr. Hj. Isham Shah bin Hassan

Qualification : PhD in Education (Information Technology) (UKM) 2011

Master of Education (Information Technology) (UKM) 2003

Bachelor in Architecture (Univ. Texas) 1988 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 5568



Hamisah bt Hj. Hafni

Qualification : Bachelor of Architecture (Iowa State Univ.)

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Roslina Binti Muda

Qualification : BSc. in Architecture (The Ohio State Univ.)

Diploma in Education (MPIK) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042

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Norwira Bin Harun

Qualification : Master in Design/Multimedia (UiTM)

BSc. Art and Design (UiTM) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Dr. Zulkefle b. Ismail

Qualification : PhD in Environmental Design (IIUM)

MSc (Built Environment) (IIUM)

BSc. (Architecture) (USM)

Cert. Engineering (Construction) (PUO) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 5568



Shahrul Kamil bin Yunus

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (IIUM) 2006

Sijil Perguruan Teknikal (MPTKL) 1998

Diploma in Architecture (UTM) 1988

Cert. Architecture Politeknik (PUO) 1985 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 5568



Nik Hasnira binti Nik Pa

Qualification : Master in Education (UTM) 2002

Degree in Architecture (Hons). (UM) 2000 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042

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Isma Zaida bt Din

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (Hons) (UM) Dip. Edu Civil Engineering (MPTKL)

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Isma Zaida bt Din

Qualification : MSc. Env. Management (UKM)

Bachelor of Architecture (UiTM)

Diploma Architecture (Hons) (ITM)

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Norzalina bt Md Yusop

Qualification : Sarjana Pendidikan Teknikal (UTM) 2002

Bachelor of Art, Architecture, (Univ. Sheffield) 1999

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Siti Amirah bt Mohtaram

Qualification : MSc. (Housing) (USM)

B. Architecture (USM)

BSc. Housing, Building & Planning (Architecture)


Cert. of Architecture (POLISAS) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042

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Fahanim bt Abdul Rashid

Qualification : B. Architecture (USM)

BSc. Housing, Building & Planning (Architecture) (USM)

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Siti Fatimah Tuzzahrah Binti Hj Abd Latif

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (UKM) 2006

Diploma Education (UMS) 2009 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Nur Athirah Binti Ibrahim

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (USM) 2008

Diploma in Architecture (PPD) 2004

Cert. Architecture (PPD) 2002 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Nor Haslinawati Bt Mohd Saad

Qualification : MSc. Heritage (UiTM)

BSc. Architecture (UIAM) 2007 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042

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Badariah bt Daud

Qualification : MSc. Housing (USM)

BSc. Architecture (IIUM) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Rafidah Binti Suib

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (UKM) 2008

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext : 2078



Nornawar Laili Binti Nordin

Qualification : BSc. in Architectural Studies (UIAM) 2008 Postgraduate Dip. In Advanced Architecture

Design (UNIV. STRATHCLYDE) 2010 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Zarith Sofia binti Abu Zahri

Qualification : BSc. in Architectural Studies (Univ. Strathclyde) 2009

Postgraduate Dip. In Advanced Architecture Design (Univ. Strathclyde) 2010

Diploma Architecture (PUO) 2006

Cert. Architecture (PUO) 2004 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042

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Fakhriah binti Muhsin

Qualification : PhD Architecture (UKM)

MSc. Architecture (UTM)

BSc. Architecture (UIAM) 2007

Diploma Education (UTHM) 2008 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Mahanim bt Abdullah Sadali

Qualification : Postgraduate Dip. In Advanced Architecture Design (Univ. Strathclyde) 2010

B. Architectural Studies (Univ. Strathclyde)

BSc. Architecture (UiTM) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Noordiana bt Mohd Nordin

Qualification : MSc. Integrated Construction Project Management (UiTM)

BSc. Architecture (UKM) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Nur Hidayah bt Rosman

Qualification : B. Architecture (UTM)

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042

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Wan Nadirah Binti Abd Wahab

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (UTM) 2014

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Siti Nur Yusra Binti Yusof

Qualification : BSc. Architecture (UTM)

Diploma in Architecture.(PPD)

Certificate in Architecture (PUO) E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2042



Norliza binti Johan

Qualification : B. Sc (Architecture) (UTM)

Diploma in Education (Tech. Edu) (IPTHO) 2008

Diploma in Architecture (PPD) 2004

Certificate in Architecture (PPD) 2003 E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2078



Asmah binti Hj Jaafar

Qualification : Diploma in Architecture (UTM)

Special Certificate in Teaching (Vocational

and Polytechnic Education)

E-mail : [email protected]

Ext. : 2078

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Civil En



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This programme is designed to equip students with sound knowledge, skills and attitude and understanding of the environment, construction industries, construction designs and infrastructural development of civil engineering. The knowledge and skills acquired will be useful for success in future or current employment. Students will be exposed to soft skills, communication skills and team work so the graduates will communicate, interact and contribute effectively as team members.


The Diploma in Civil Engineering graduates in Polytechnics, Ministry of Higher Education will have knowledge, technical skills and altitute to adapt themselves with new technological changes and challenges in Civil Engineering Fields. PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEO)

1. Integrate civil engineering principles and develop critical thinking to solve problem in design works and technically competent in engineering fields

2. Display practical skills and communicate effectively in global work environment

3. Possess in lifelong learning, social responsibilities, entreprenaurship

4. Build leadership and teamwork skills, right altitude and professional ethics


After graduating with a Diploma in Civil Engineering, there are greater job opportunities for graduates to work in the construction field or in government sectors as follows :

1. Technical Assistant

2. Site Supervisor

3. Clerk Of Work

4. Assistant Engineer

5. Contractor

6. Health and Safety Officer

7. Research Assistant

8. Quality Control Assistant Engineer

9. Material Coordinator

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Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

12. Apply technical, mathematics, science and humanities knowledge using appropriate civil

engineering problems for individual personality development

13. Solve systematically well defined civil engineering problems using appropriate method and


14. Conduct investigation of well defined civil engineering problems

15. assist in designing solution for well defined civil engineering problems with appropriate

consideration for public safety, health and environment

16. demonstrate practical skills in utilizing civil engineering tools, equipment and machinery

17. communicate effectively with collegue communities and industries

18. demonstrate awareness for society, safety, environment and cultural issues and the

consequent responsibilities of sustainable development

19. work independently in acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and recognised the need

for professional development and information system

20. demonstrate awareness in entrepreneurial skills

21. demonstrate understanding of professional ethics and responsibilities to the society

22. function effectively as individual and teams with the capabilty to be a leader.

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DUB1012 Pengajian Malaysia 1 0 2 2

DUE1012 Communicative English 1 1 0 2 2

DRB1XX0 Asas Unit Beruniform 0 2 0 0

Common Core

DUW1012 Occupational, Safety & Health 2 0 0 2

DBM1013 Engineering Mathematics 1 2 0 2 3

DBS1012 Engineering Science 2 1 0 2

Discipline Core

DCC1012 Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Drafting 0 4 0 2

DCC1023 Civil Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3

DCC1032 Plumbing and Carpentary Workshop 0 3 0 2

TOTAL 25 18



DUA2012 Sains, Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Dalam Islam* 1 0 2 2

DUB2012 Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia** 1 0 2

DRS2XX1 Sukan 0 2 0 1

DRB2XX1 Unit Beruniform 1 0 2 0

Common Core DBM2013 Engineering Mathematics 2 2 0 2 3

Discipline Core

DCC2042 Brickworks and Concrete Laboratory 0 3 0 2

DCC2052 Introduction to Industrialised Building System (IBS) 1 2 0 2

DCC2063 Mechanics Of Civil Engineering Structures 3 0 1 3

DCC2073 Contract and Estimating 3 0 1 3

DCC2082 Engineering Survey 1 1 2 0 2

TOTAL 26 18



DUE3012 Communicative English 2 1 0 2 2

DRK3XX2 Kelab/ Persatuan 0 4 0

DRB3XX2 Unit Beruniform 2 0 4 0 2

Discipline Core

DCC3093 Engineering Survey 2 2 3 0 3

DCC3103 Geotechnical Engineering 3 0 1 3

DCC3113 Highway and Traffic Engineering 3 0 1 3

DCC3122 Geotechnical and Highway Laboratory 0 3 0 2

DCC3132 Statistics 2 0 0 2

TOTAL 25 17


DUT40110 Industrial Training 0 10 0 10

10 10

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Compulsory DUE5012 Communicative English 3 1 0 2 2

Common Core DPB2012 Entrepreneurship 2 1 0 2

Discipline Core

DCC5143 Fluid Mechanics 3 0 1 3

DCC5152 Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering 2 0 0 2

DCC5163 Theory of Structures 3 0 1 3

DCC5172 Structure, Hydraulics and Water Quality Laboratory

0 3 0 2

DCC5183 Project Management and Practices 3 0 1 3

DCC5191 Civil Engineering Project 1 1 0 1 1

TOTAL 25 18


Compulsory DUA6022 Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam 1 0 2 2

Discipline Core DCC6203 Civil Engineering Project 2 1 5 0 3

DCC6213 Hydraulics and Hydrology 3 0 1 3


DCC6223 Reinforced Concrete Design 3 0 1 3

DCC6232 Environmental Pollution & Control 2 0 0


DCC6242 Basic Building Services 2 0 0

DCC6252 Introduction to Green Construction 2 0 0

DCC6262 Steel Structural Design 1 2 0

DCC6272 Introduction to Civil Engineering Software 1 2 0

DBC2012 Computer Application 1 2 0

DUF1XX2 foreign Language 1 0 2

TOTAL 25 15

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8.2.6 DESCRIPTIONS OF COURSES DUB1012 Pengajian Malaysia

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DUE1012 Communicative English 1

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DRB1XX0 Asas Unit Beruniform

memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Menunjukkan kemahiran khusus yang dipelajari. (P2 : LD2) 2. Melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti berdasarkan penguasaan kemahiran yang dipelajari. (A2 : LD4, LD9)

DUW1012 Occupational, Safety & Health

ENGINEERING DRAWING AND COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING covers drafting principles in plane geometry, orthographic projection, auxiliary views, sectioning and introduction to computer and CAD. This course emphasizes practical skills and knowledge in manual drawing an engineering drawing and creating 2D engineering drawings using basic features in constructing an engineering drawing using CAD.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. Construct civil engineering drawing using correct principle. (P3, PLO5 ) 2. Builds 2D engineering drawing precisely using CAD application. (P3, PLO5) 3. Complete engineering drawing correctly by manual and CAD application. (P4, PLO5)

DBM1013 Engineering Mathematics 1

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DBS1012 Engineering Science

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DCC1012 Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Drafting

ENGINEERING DRAWING AND COMPUTER AIDED DRAFTING covers drafting principles in plane geometry, orthographic projection, auxiliary views, sectioning and introduction to computer and CAD. This course emphasizes practical skills and knowledge in manual drawing of a single storey building and creating 2D engineering drawings using basic features in constructing an engineering drawing using CAD.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply the correct principle to produce civil engineering drawing. (C3, PLO1 )

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2. construct 2D engineering drawing precisely using CAD application. (P3, PLO5) 3. complete engineering drawing correctly by manual and CAD application. (P4, PLO5)

DCC1023 Civil Engineering Materials

Civil Engineering Materials course is designed for comprehension of construction materials in civil engineering. It will emphasizes on types and function of cement, the function of aggregates in concrete, water, admixtures, properties of fresh and hardened concrete, concrete mix design, and manufacturing concrete on site. This course also focused on the properties of timber, types and characteristics of brick and concrete block, steel and non-steel, the types and function of building finishes materials and the introduction to building elements.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. explain the properties and behavior of different types of civil engineering materials.(C2,PLO1) 2. relate suitable material for building elements and finishes. (C3,PLO2) 3. demonstrate good communication skills in oral presentation individually or in groups, on assigned topics within a stipulated time frame.(A3,PLO6)

DCC1032 Plumbing and Carpentary Workshop

PLUMBING AND CARPENTRY WORKSHOP covers the student a safety basic practical works of concepts and principles regarding plumbing works and carpentry. This course emphasizes the related materials and produce simple projects for the community.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. perform plumbing and carpentry workshop work using proper tools with appropriate safety awareness. (P4, PLO5) 2. participate actively to complete practical/project for the community. (A2, PLO7) 3. demonstrate ability to lead and work in a team to complete assigned task within given time. (A3, PLO11)

DUA2012 Sains, Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan Dalam Islam*

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DUB2012 Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia**

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DRS2XX1 Sukan

memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar akan dapat : 1. Mempamerkan kompetensi kemahiran khusus yang dipelajari. (P2: LD2) 2. Melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti berdasarkan penguasaan kemahiran yang dipelajari. (A2: LD4, LD9)

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DRB2XX1 Unit Beruniform 1

memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Menunjukkan kemahiran khusus yang dipelajari. (P2 : LD2) 2. Melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti berdasarkan penguasaan kemahiran yang dipelajari. (A2 : LD4, LD9)

DBM2013 Engineering Mathematics 2

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DCC2042 Brickworks and Concrete Laboratory

BRICKWORKS AND CONCRETE LABORATORY covers the student a safety basic practical works of concepts and principles regarding brickworks and concrete works. This course emphasizes the related brick laying and standard testing of concrete. This course also includes practical works in brickworks and concrete works in producing a small scale project for the community

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. perform brickworks and concrete works & standard testing of concrete with appropriate safety awareness. (P4, PLO5) 2. participate actively to complete project for the community. (A2, PLO7) 3. demonstrate ability to work in team to complete assigned tasks during practical works. (A3, PLO11)

DCC2052 Introduction to Industrialised Building System (IBS)

INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIALISED BUILDING SYSTEM (IBS) covers basic concept of IBS concept and components used in the construction industries. Students will learn various forms of creative precast panels and panel production at precast yard erection on site. The students will also be exposed to the concept of modular coordination and buildability of designs.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. apply the concept of Industrialised Building System (IBS) including the concepts of precast panel in the system .(C3,PLO1) 2. complete the calculations on IBS Score and modular coordination precisely for a building structure. (P4, PLO5) 3. demonstrate good communication skills in individually /group presentation on assigned topic within a stipulated time frame. (A3, PLO6)

DCC2063 Mechanics Of Civil Engineering Structures

MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES covers knowledge of facts and basic principles of types of forces, strength of materials and behavior of loaded structures. This course provides exposure to loaded structures on direct and shear stresses, slope and deflection. The domination of cognitive domain that brings intellectual force and student thinking from the lower to the higher level which include knowledge level and understanding level to application level in solving problems that involve calculations. In this approach all concepts learned can be correlated with structural behavior in everyday life.

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Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. understand generally the fundamental knowledge and principles of structure mechanics in determinate structure.( C2, PLO1) 2. solve problem systematically in determinate structure using analysis correlated with structure behavior.( C3, PLO2) 3. demonstrate efficiently continuous learning and information management skill while engaging in independent acquisition of new knowledge.( A3, PLO8)

DCC2073 Contract and Estimating

CONTRACT AND ESTIMATING is a study of construction industry in general, tender procedure, contract procedure, preliminary estimating method, build-up rate and quantity measurement. The module emphasis on contract condition and to provide exposure to the students regarding the procedures and standard practice in the construction field based on Standard Form of Contract (P.W.D. Form 203/ 203A).

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. understand the concept on construction industry, tender procedure, contract procedure and terms of contract in Malaysia. (C2, PLO1) 2. solve problems systematically for preliminary estimating method and quantity measurement in relation to project estimation . (C3, PLO2) 3. adopt the responsibilities and professional ethic based on Standard Form of Contract ( P.W.D Form 203/203A) efficiently. (A2, PLO10) 4. adhere effectively the value of entrepreneurial skills through quantity measurement and build- up rate in relation to Public Work Department practice. (A3, PLO9)

DCC2082 Engineering Survey 1

ENGINEERING SURVEYING 1 covers the knowledge on basic principles of levelling, compass survey and theodolite traverse survey. This course emphasizes the basic distance measurement, bearing and angle in order to get the shape of terrain and the position on the field. It also gives knowledge and practical skills to students in operating and handling survey instruments and working procedures to perform engineering survey works, booking, calculation and plotting.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. apply correctly the principles, methods, usage and procedures related to surveying work. (C3, PLO1) 2. conduct approriate techniques and principles in fieldwork according to Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia requirements. (P4, PLO5) 3. demonstrate positive leadership and team work by contributing actively in groups during fieldwork that yield valid results. (A3, PLO11)

DUE3012 Communicative English 2

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DRK3XX2 Kelab/ Persatuan

memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif

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Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar akan dapat : 1. Mempamerkan kompentensi kemahiran khusus yang dipelajari. (P3: LD2) 2. Mengorganisasikan aktiviti berdasarkan kemahiran-kemahiran yang dipelajari. (A3: LD4, LD9)

DRB3XX2 Unit Beruniform 2

memfokuskan kepada penguasaan pengetahuan dan kemahiran khusus secara holistik bagi mengukuhkan pembentukan kemahiran insaniah pelajar yang positif.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Di akhir kursus ini, pelajar akan dapat : 1. Mempamerkan kompetensi kemahiran khusus yang dipelajari. (P2 : LD2) 2. Melaksanakan aktiviti-aktiviti berdasarkan penguasaan kemahiran yang dipelajari. (A2 : LD4, LD9)

DCC3093 Engineering Survey 2

ENGINEERING SURVEY 2 covers the knowledge and understanding about control survey, detail survey, data collection or acquisition, calculation and plotting of survey works. The course emphasis on the method used to carry out surveying works especially data collection or acquisition to produce plan based on the scope of work. It also gives exposure to the need for accurate data to be used for other surveying work.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply knowledge of principles, methods, usage and produce surveying related work. (C3, PLO1) 2. carry out the appropriate technique and principle in field work according to Department of Survey and Mapping requirements. (P2, PLO5) 3. demonstrate positive leadership and team work by contributing actively in group during field work that yield valid results. (A3, PLO11)

DCC3103 Geotechnical Engineering

GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING covers basic knowledge of the process of soils and rock formation and the characteristics of soil. It also covers soil improvement works include compaction, shear strength, seepage, slope stability, lateral earth pressure and foundation.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

At the end of this course, students should be able to; 1. explain clearly engineering properties of soils applied in civil engineering works. (C3, PLO1) 2. analyze geotechnical engineering problem using appropriate method and formulae in determination of safe and stable earthworks and geotechnical structures. (C4, PLO3) 3. demonstrate good writing and communication skills in case study, on assigned topic. (A3, PLO6)

DCC3113 Highway and Traffic Engineering

HIGHWAY AND TRAFFIC ENIGINEERING is a study on history of highway construction and the organization involved in Malaysia. This course also provides the students with the knowledge regarding the method and design involved in traffic engineering. This course emphasizes on introduction to highway and traffic, transportation planning, pavement materials, construction of flexible pavement, construction of rigid pavement, traffic control equipment and road furniture, flexible pavement design, junction design, traffic management and highway maintenance.

Course Learning

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Outcome (CLO) At the end of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply the fundamentals concepts and principles of highway and traffic engineering and related act in Malaysia.(C3, PLO1) 2. design solutions and planning of transportation for well-defined highway and traffic, problems with appropriate consideration for public safety, society and environment.(C5, PLO4) 3. demonstrate good communication skills in group or individual. (A3, PLO6)

DCC3122 Geotechnical and Highway Laboratory

GEOTECHNICAL AND HIGHWAY LABORATORY cover knowledge for practical skills through the experiments carried out based on the concept and theories. The courses emphasize on experimental procedures, result analysis and the understanding of its relation to the theory. It consists of Geotechnical and Highway Engineeringlaboratory which is the core to the civil engineering field

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply well defined concept and principles in Geotechnical and Highway Engineering.(C3, PLO1) 2. conduct the laboratory experiments in the field of Geotechnical and Highway Engineering using standard procedure and equipment. (P4, PLO5) 3. demonstrate ability to lead and work in team to complete assigned tasks during practical work.(A3, PLO11)

DCC3132 Statistics

STATISTICS covers the fundamental statistical concepts. The course shall expose students on the basic concept of statistics that covers data collection methods and presentation of data, numerical description measures, probability, correlation, regression and application of statistical software.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. apply the fundamental concept of statistics by using statistical techniques. (C3,PLO1) 2. solve the problems of statistical matters by using statistical techniques and software. (C4,PLO2) 3. demonstrate the skills related on knowledge of statistical concepts through teamwork tasks. (A3,PLO11)

DUT40110 Industrial Training

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DUE5012 Communicative English 3

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DPB2012 Entrepreneurship

ENTREPRENEURSHIP focuses the principles and concept of entrepreneurship. This course concentrates on the systematic methods of getting business ideas. This course also prepares students on conducting online business using social media marketing. It also emphasizes a preparation of business plan and developing their entrepreneurial skills.

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Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain clearly the concept of entrepreneurship and process of developing an effective business.(C2, LD1)

2. Prepare completely a business plan according to standard format. (P2,LD2)

3. Build the online business presence using the social media marketing. (P3,LD2) (A4, LD7)

DCC5143 Fluid Mechanics

FLUID MECHANICS covers the behaviour and characteristics of engineering fluids and their application in hydrostatic and dynamic fluids. This course involves discussion on fluid properties, fluid static, fluid flow concept and basic equations, moving fluid forces, dimensional analysis, flow in closed conduits and pipe network, stability and buoyancy and momentum equations.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. relate good understanding on physical properties and characteristics behaviour of fluids and system parameters in engineering fluids problem. (C3, PLO1) 2. apply appropriate fluid flow concept to determine parameters that act in hydrostatic device and act on immersed surface. (C3,PLO2) 3. demonstrate good writing and communication skills in delivering ideas and concept to solve hydrodynamics issues.(A3, PLO6)

DCC5152 Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering

WATER SUPPLY & WASTE WATER ENGINEERING is a study of water resources, water characteristics, usage and demand of water supply, raw water treatment process and water distribution system. This course also includes the information on the process in sewage treatment plant, sludge treatment and disposal. It also emphasize on the parameter of drinking water and effluent from sewage treatment plant.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. explain clearly the water resources, water demand and usage, raw water treatment process and related constituents.(C3,PLO1) 2. discuss critically waste water treatment process and related constituents, treatment and disposal of sludge and effluent.(C4,PLO2) 3. seek new information in completing the assignment related to water supply and waste water treatment process. (A3,PLO8)

DCC5163 Theory of Structures

THEORY OF STRUCTURE covers basic knowledge of facts and principles in calculate the reactions, bending moments and shear forces for statically indeterminate beams and portal frame using the slope deflection method and moment distribution method. It also includes basic principles in calculation the forces in truss members using the equilibrium joint method and section method for the statically determinate and using unit load method for the statically indeterminate trusses.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply appropriate method and formulae in calculation of statically indeterminate beams and portal frame.( C3, PLO1)

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2. solve existing internal forces in statically determinate and statically indeterminate trusses. (C3, PLO2) 3. analyse the displacement for statically determinate trusses and influence lines for statically determinate beams. (C4, PLO4)

DCC5172 Structure, Hydraulics and Water Quality Laboratory

STRUCTURE, HYDRAULICS & WATER QUALITY LABORATORY covers knowledge in the form of practical through the experiments which are carried out based on the concepts and the theories learned in the class. The emphasis of the course is on the method of conducting experiments, analysis and understanding its relationship with the theories learned. It comprises of three civil engineering laboratories. The structure, hydraulic and water quality laboratory which are the core of the civil engineering field.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply well defined concept in structure, hydraulics and water quality engineering. (C3, PLO1) 2. conduct the laboratory experiments in structure, hydraulics and water quality engineering using standard procedure and equipment. (P4, PLO5) 3. demonstrate ability to lead and work in team to complete assigned tasks during practical work. (A3, PLO11)

DCC5183 Project Management and Practices

PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND PRACTICES is a study on the basic knowledge and understanding of project management. This course also cover the information of the duty of a technician and assistant engineer, concepts of planning, scheduling, construction monitoring and quality assurance in project management. The application of green technology and Microsoft Project for planning and scheduling, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, and the functions of various types of critical path method will be exposed to the students.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. discover correctly the principles and concepts of construction practices and project management. (C3, PLO1) 2. infer briefly the environmental friendly materials and sustainable construction management. (C4, PLO4) 3. adopt the values of entrepreneurial skill in project management. (A3, PLO9)

DCC5191 Civil Engineering Project 1

CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT 1 covers knowledge and display practice skills in civil engineering. The student also exposed in communication skills, group works, work planning, decision making, recommendation and creativity using available facilities.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. produce preliminary project report based on knowledge and information in civil engineering study according to format given. (C3,PLO1) 2. demonstrate competency in written and oral communication skills in group.(A3,PLO6) 3. adopt values of learning and continuing professional development related to technology advancement in civil engineering based on research topic. (A3,PLO8)

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DUA6022 Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DCC6203 Civil Engineering Project 2

CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT 2 covers knowledge and skills in civil engineering practices. The student also exposed in communication skills, group works, work planning, decision making, recommendation and gain creativity by using related facilities to a design of a system. This course also covers conducting experiments in the laboratory/workshop, field works, academic researches, designing product or method of civil engineering related fields. The student will learn the method to analyze data, prepare presentation and report writing.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. solve the research question by organizing and/or collectingdata from laboratory experiment, field works, industries, government agencies or communities based on research methodology.(C4,PLO2) 2. organize the collected information/data to achieve the objectives of the project based on research finding.(C5, PLO4) 3. demonstrate competency in written and oral communication skills.(A4, PLO6) 4. display the originality of completed project report using standard format given based on knowledge and information in civil engineering studies. (A5, PLO10)

DCC6213 Hydraulics and Hydrology

HYDRAULICS AND HYDROLOGY covers the fundamental of hydraulics principlesapplied in pumps and open channels. It also covers constituents of hydrology for solving related problems. This course also emphasis on rainfall data analysis, stream flow measurementand the usage of Urban Storm Water Management Manual for solving related engineering problems.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply appropriately the constituents of pumpsand open channel flow concept applied in hydraulics problem.(C3, PLO1) 2. analyze the physical characteristics, distribution and circulation on water above and below earth surface.(C4, PLO3) 3. demonstratecontinuous learning and information management skill while solve hydraulic problems andcarrying out a case study on a drainage system using Urban Storm Water Management Manual.( A3, PLO8)

DCC6223 Reinforced Concrete Design

REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN covers concepts and methods of design for reinforced concrete structures comprising beam, slab and column. This course emphasizes on knowledge and practice of producing double storey reinforced concrete building design starting from the layout plan, action&analysis, structural design and detailing according to Eurocode 2 (EC2).

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply the concept and principle of Eurocode 2(EC2) Standard in designing reinforced concrete structure. (C3, PLO1) 2. construct a safe design calculation detail of structure members for double storey reinforced concrete

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building according to EC2.(C4, PLO3) 3. possess effective communication skills through presentation of design project with suitable aid. (A5, PLO6)

DCC6232 Environmental Pollution & Control

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AND CONTROL is a study on types and effects of communicable and non-communicable diseases to public health. It also emphasize on the control and monitoring of pollution from water, air and noise and the effectsto general health and environment. It also covers the knowledge onmanagement of municipal solid waste and hazardous waste. The students are prepared with the Environmental Quality Act 1974 as the guidelines and procedures in managing environmental pollution.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. discover related knowledge of public health, environmental pollutionand waste management

appropriately.(C3, PLO1) 2. relate properly the concepts and techniques to control and monitor the environmental pollution

according to the standard requirement. (C4, PLO3) 3. adapt the Environmental Quality Act 1974 in relation to the real-based problems of environmental

pollution with respect to professionalism, ethics and moral effectively.(A4, PLO8)

DCC6242 Basic Building Services

BASIC BUILDING SERVICES is a study on the basic concepts and the principles of the systems in a building. The course emphasizes on the electrical installation system, fire prevention system, building transportation system, air conditioning system, maintenance works, and the demolition works.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. identify the building services systems and the safety procedures, rules and regulations by the authority.(C4, PLO1) 2. investigate the procedure/process on the building services, maintenance and demolition works of a building.(C4, PLO3) 3. demonstrate good communication skills in group oral presentation, on assigned topic within a stipulated time frame.(A3, PLO6)

DCC6252 Introduction to Green Construction

INTRODUCTION TO GREEN CONSTRUCTION is designed for comprehension of green building technologies and sustainability. The main topics to be covered include concept of green technologies, energy conservation, green building practices and sustainable construction.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. relate good practices in green technology and energy conservation on the surrounding environment.(C3, PLO1) 2. investigate an appropriate comprehension of green assessment to embrace sustainable development and construction. (C4,PLO3) 3. integrate good ethics and professionalism in issues associated with energy conservation, green practices and sustainability. (A4,PLO10) Version

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DCC6262 Steel Structural Design

STEEL STRUCTURE DESIGN covers fundamental concepts and basic principles required for design of steel structure including beam, column, roof truss and connections. This course enable student to develop understanding a basic knowledge related to the theoretical background for the design of steel structures and the practical expertise to translate this background knowledge into successfully performing actual design calculations according to Eurocode 3 (EC3) for a single storey steel building.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. apply the fundamental knowledge and principle of steel structure members and connection design in combined loading cases or certain structure arrangement using Eurocodes 3 (EC3). (C3, PLO1) 2. accomplish design calculation for structure members and connection of single storey building to ensure safety and utility of the structure according to EC3. (C4, PLO4) 3. practice effective communication skills to deliver an oral/written presentation of design project with suitable visual support. (A5, PLO 6)

DCC6272 Introduction to Civil Engineering Software

CIVIL ENGINEERING SOFTWARE is a study of civil engineering software especially on project management. This course covers design software related to project management , surveying, geotechnical engineering, structural, traffic and highway engineering. It will emphasize on estimating planning factors such as costing, scheduling and resourcing besides designing civil engineering structure in various field. This course also enables students to perform a variety of designs and related functions in a working environment using software.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to; 1. apply techniques in designing using selective civil engineering software correctly. (C3, PLO1) 2. analyze civil engineering problems using selective computer software systematically. (C4, PLO3) 3. manipulate various data analysis techniques using selective civil engineering software correctly.(P4, PLO5)

DBC2012 Computer Application

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

DUF1XX2 foreign Language

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

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Civil En



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8.3 PROGRAMME OF DIPLOMA IN ARCHITECTURE 8.3.1 PROGRAMME SYNOPSIS The three year Diploma in Architecture program will provide the graduates with the needed skills and knowledge to function effectively in the architectural industry with the possibility of pursuing architectural degree. The students would therefore undergo a programme that would provide them with appropriate technological and design skills crucially needed by the industry. The knowledge and skills being provided will enable them to contribute responsibly to the quality of the built environment and to the general advancement of architecture within a career within the building design industry. The programme will also develop an understanding of the professional practice of architecture including the development and implementation of team skills through the teaching of architectural design through studio-based projects. The projects involve the application and integration of the knowledge and skills acquired from supporting courses in technology, environment, cultural context, communication, management practice and law. 8.3.2 PROGRAMME AIMS The programme aims to enable its graduates to be able to continuously adapt to changes within the building design industry. They are able to do this as they posses the required knowledge, skills and attitude to further enhance their social economic functions. The knowledge and technical skills acquired will enable the students to further blend into the architectural business environment as they are able to appreciate the purpose of architecture and therefore assist architects with their duties. Their knowledge and skills will also enable them to further expand their social-economic capacities and further fulfill their ambition within the architectural domain. The programme also aims to create adaptive graduates whom are able to use as their communication and entrepreneurial skills to meet future challenges. By encouraging and motivating the graduates to appreciate cultural and ecological concerns, it is also the programme’s aspiration to create a healthy and fulfilling future for the society. 8.3.3 JOB PROSPECTS This programme provides the knowledge and skills in Architecture that can be applied to broad range of career. The knowledge and skills that the students acquire from the programme will enable them to participate in the job market as Assistant Architect. 8.3.4 PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES (PLO) Upon completion of the programme, students should be able to: 1. Possess and apply architectural knowledge to produce architectural design that satisfies technical and

regulatory requirements, cultural context and aesthetics. 2. Demonstrate technical skills appropriate to the architectural design solutions. 3. Use various communication methods and representational media to convey design ideas and proposals

effectively. 4. Critically analyse problems in a given conditions to formulate strategies for architectural solutions . 5. Recognise the different culture and its implication of the diversity to architectural styles and characters 6. Independently gather, sift and organize materials from various sources (including library, electronic and online

resources) and apply relevant information in architectural coursework 7. Enhance entrepreneurial skill and self motivation for career development 8. Appreciate the professionalism practices in architecture 9. Manage and appraise their works whether working independently and collaboratively

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Semester Code Courses Clasification Pre-

Requisite Credit Hour

Semester 1

DUB1012 Pengajian Malaysia Compulsory 2.0

DUE1012 Communicative English 1 Compulsory 2.0

DRB1XX0 Asas Unit Beruniform Compulsory 0

DUW1012 Occupational Safety & Health Common Core 2.0

DBM1032 Elementary Mathematics Common Core 2.0

DCA1012 Principle in Design Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA1042 Building Construction and materials 1 Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA1113 Architecture Graphics Presentation Dicipline Core 3.0

DCA1212 Architectural Drafting Dicipline Core 2.0

Total 17.0

Semester 2

DUA2012 Sains Teknologi Dan Kejuruteraan Dalam Islam * Compulsory 2.0

DUB2012 Nilai Masyarakat Malaysia ** Compulsory 2.0

DRB2XX1 Unit Beruniform 1 Compulsory DRB1XX0 1.0

DRS2XX1 Sukan Compulsory 1.0

DCA2024 Design 1 Dicipline Core DCA1012 4.0

DCA2033 Working Drawing 1 Dicipline Core 3.0

DCA2052 Building Services 1 Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA2072 CADD Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA2102 Basic EngineeringSurvey Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA2142 Building Construction and Materials 2 Dicipline Core 2.0

Total 18.0

Semester 3

DUE3012 Communicative English 2 Compalsory DUE1012 2.0

DRB3XX2 Unit Beruniform 2 Compalsory DRB2XX1 2.0

DRK3XX2 Kelab/Persatuan Compulsory 2.0

DCA3062 History of Asian Architecture Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA3083 Architectural Structure Dicipline Core 3.0

DCA3092 Site Practice Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA3124 Design 2 Dicipline Core DCA2024 4.0

DCA3133 Working drawing 2 Dicipline Core DCA2033 3.0

Total 18.0

semester 4 DUT40110 Industrial Training Compulsory 10.0

Total 10.0

Semester 5

DUE5012 Communicative English 3 Compulsory DUE3012 2.0

DCA5152 Building Services 2 Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA5172 3 D modeling & Animation Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA5182 Environmental Science Dicipline Core 2.0

DCA5226 Design 3 Dicipline Core DCA3124 6.0

DCA5242 Carpentry Lab *** Elective 2.0

DCA5252 Landscape Design *** Elective 2.0

DCA5262 History of Architecture *** Elective 2.0

Total 16.0

Semester 6

DUA6032 Tamadun Islam Compulsory 2.0

DPB2012 Entrepreneurship Common Core 2.0

DCA6163 Measured Drawing Dicipline Core 3.0

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* For muslim students ** For non-muslim students

*** Choose either one

Two choices for the Co-corrucolum as below :

1. DRB1XX0 : DRB2XX1 : DRB3XX2

2. DRS2XX1 : DRK3XX2



PENDIDIKAN ISLAM menghuraikan Islam sebagai cara hidup yang merangkumi konsep syahadah, syariat dan akhlak dalam membentuk sikap bertanggungjawab terhadap Allah SWT, manusia dan alam.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. menerangkan Islam sebagai al-Din. (C2) 2. menunjuk cara perlaksanaan ibadah solat dalam Islam dan bacaan surah pilihan. (P2, A2) 3. membincangkan isu-isu kontemporari berkaitan syariat Islam. (C3)


ASAS PENDIDIKAN MORAL memberi pengetahuan tentang Asas, Konsep dan Teori Moral. Kursus ini juga menerangkan nilai agama dalam kehidupan individu serta isu-isu sosial yang berlaku di Politeknik.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. menyatakan konsep Pendidikan Moral. (C1) 2. menjelaskan nilai agama dalam kehidupan individu. (C2, A1) 3. membincangkan isu-isu sosial Politeknik. (C3, A3)


COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 1 focuses on speaking skills for students to develop the ability to communicate effectively and confidently. It is designed to provide students with useful expressions that can be used in a variety of social interactions and situations. It also provides students with an opportunity to initiate and participate in group discussions.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. use appropriate communication skills and registers for social interactions. (C3,A2) 2. listen to selected conversations/speeches and respond appropriately and accurately. (C2,A2) 3. provide feedback to current issues / topics of interest in written form . (C4,A2) 4. apply dictionary skills correctly to check meanings and usage of words.(C3, A2) 5. apply organisational strategies and communicate confidently using effective delivery

techniques, graphics and visual support. (C3,A2)


KOKURIKULUM 1 menekankan kepada kemahiran asas yang meliputi aktiviti berkawad, pertolongan cemas, pencegahan kebakaran, protokol dan etiket sosial dan juga pengurusan diri dan jati diri.

Course Learning 1. menjelaskan asas kemahiran kendiri individu yang berketerampilan. (C2)

DCA6237 Design 4 Dicipline Core 7.0

DCA6192 Digital Imaging *** Elective 2.0

DCA6202 Architecture Communication *** Elective 2.0

DCA5262 History of architecture *** Elective 2.0

Total 16.0


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Outcome (CLO) 2. mempraktikkan kemahiran-kemahiran yang dipelajari. (P2) 3. mempamerkan semangat muhibbah dan integrasi nasional melalui aktiviti-aktiviti yang

dilaksanakan. (A2)


ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 1 exposes students to algebra, standard form, index and logarithm, geometry and measurement as well as coordinates geometry and graph, theoretically and practically. This course also explains the basic concept of trigonometry and its functions in solving problems.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify the basic concept of Basic Algebra, Standard Form, Index and Logarithm, Trigonometry, Geometry and Measurement, and Coordinate Geometry and Graph. (C1)

2. Apply the concept and suitable method of Basic Algebra, Standard Form, Index and Logarithm, Trigonometry, Geometry and Measurement, and Coordinate Geometry and Graph. (C3, P1)

3. Solve the related mathematical problems by using suitable steps in Trigonometry, and Geometry and Measurement. (A2)


COMPUTER APPLICATION provides knowledge and skills to students relating to various types of computer systems and its application especially pertaining to hardware and software. This course also exposes students to different packages of software applications for word processor, spreadsheet, project management, presentation and internet. The students will also have opportunity to manipulate and create a variety of techniques and styles to produce documents, spreadsheets, charts and presentations. This course emphasizes on the practical aspects of using computer applications.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify basic of computer system. (C1) 2. Use internet to search appropriate data and produce simple web page. (P3) 3. Produce documents using word processor, spreadsheet, project management, presentation and

multimedia software. (P3)


BASIC DESIGN provides a foundation in two and three dimensional composition. The students are introduced to the architectural use of basic design elements, principles and organization. In addition, students are introduced to vocabulary and conventions. Emphasis is placed on the development of creative problem solving skills, the exploration of both abstract and formal analysis, visual literacy, craftsmanship and oral presentation skills.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Creatively design 2D and 3D composition through visual aid.(C3) 2. Produce complete set of architectural design presentation using manual graphic tools.(P1) 3. Work collaboratively to describe human dimensions in architectural design. (A2)


ARCHITECTURE DRAFTING course provides knowledge and drafting skills to produce 2D and 3D architectural drawing manually.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Apply appropriate materials and tools to produce architectural drawing manually (C3) 2. Produce a complete set of 2D and 3D architectural drawing of simple structure to show

competence in drafting skills (P4) 3. Adopt accuracy, consistency and precision in drafting skills. (A3)


ARHITECTURAL GRAPHICS PRESENTATION provides knowledge on medium and tools, typography, basic free hand sketching, architectural drawing language and techniques (2D and 3D drawings), and understanding the components of architectural presentation drawings.

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Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Apply suitable medium and tools, materials, typography, and drawing methods for architectural presentation (C3)

2. Produce a complete set of architectural presentation drawings to specific requirements (P3) 3. Express individual creativity and personality through acquired graphics presentation skills



MATERIALS FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION emphasizes on the knowledge and understanding of different materials used in building construction.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify common materials used in building construction in Malaysia. (C1) 2. Discuss effectively the use of materials in building construction (C2) 3. Work collaboratively to appraise materials selection in certain buildings (A2)


SAINS TEKNOLOGI DAN KEJURUTERAAN DALAM ISLAM membincangkan konsep sains teknologi dan kejuruteraan dalam Islam serta impaknya, pencapaian tamadun Islam, prinsip serta peranan syariah dan etika Islam, peranan Kaedah Fiqh serta aplikasinya.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. menjelaskan konsep sains, teknologi dan kejuruteraan dari perspektif Islam. (C2) 2. menerangkan al-Qur’an dan al-Hadis sebagai sumber sains, teknologi dan kejuruteraan.

(C2) 3. membincangkan prinsip syariah dan etika Islam dalam bidang sains, teknologi dan

kejuruteraan. (A2, P2, C3)



PENDIDIKAN MORAL merupakan lanjutan daripada kursus Asas Pendidikan Moral. Pelajar diberi kefahaman secara mendalam tentang nilai-nilai masyarakat Malaysia dan peranan individu dalam hidup bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Kursus ini juga menerangkan cabaran dan isu moral dalam mewujudkan masyarakat Malaysia yang harmoni, beretika dan profesional.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. menerangkan nilai-nilai masyarakat Malaysia. (C2, A2) 2. membincangkan peranan manusia dalam kehidupan masyarakat dan negara. (C2, A2) 3. membincangkan cabaran dan isu moral dalam masyarakat masa kini. (C3, A3)


Prasyarat: AR101 KOKURIKULUM 1

KOKURIKULUM 2 memfokuskan kepada penyediaan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang boleh dijalankan di dalam dan di luar bilik kuliah bagi perkembangan mental, minat, bakat, jasmani, rohani dan pembentukan nilai-nilai estetika serta sosial yang positif.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. menunjukkan semangat muhibah, perpaduan, interaksi dan integrasi nasional selaras dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan.

2. mengaplikasikan kemahiran asas yang telah dipelajari berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman melalui aktiviti kokurikulum.

3. menggunakan kaedah-kaedah pengurusan organisasi secara menyeluruh 4. menjana daya pemikiran yang kreatif, kritis dan mengamalkan sikap berdaya saing serta

berketerampilan. 5. merumus sesuatu maklumat dan situasi berdasarkan pengetahuan atau pengalaman serta

membina daya kepimpinan yang berkesan.

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SOFT SKILLS provides exposure and experience for personality development, communication skills, management, leadership, writing and appreciation of professional ethics. This course develops proactive spirit and attitude in students thus giving confidence to become excellent and charismatic individuals.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. use effective communication skills in various verbal and non-verbal forms of communication at the workplace. (C3),(A2)

2. practice leadership skills and management skills in conducting a group project. (C3), (A3) 3. differentiate the types of formal letters and reports correctly. (C2),(A2)


DESIGN 1 course provides an understanding to the basic process of architectural design. The course consists of application and manipulation of basic design elements and principles to produce architectural design. In comply with the practice of vocabulary and design conventions, the site study and site analysis is introduced in relation to the spatial arrangement. The course emphasizes the development of creative problem solving skills, the exploration of both abstract and formal analysis, visual literacy, craftsmanship, technical skills and verbal presentation skills.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Design space that response appropriately to project’s brief with understanding of basic architectural design and technical requirements(P2)

2. Communicate development of design ideas through appropriate presentation techniques (C4) 3. Conduct site analysis collaboratively according to project’s brief (A2) 4. Present design project through presentation drawings, models and verbal communication



CADD provides knowledge to produce two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) architectural drawings using CADD software. The course equips the students with CADD commands to set up paper, draw, dimensioning, shading, plotting and produce architectural drawings.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify the importance of CADD in architectural studies (C1) 2. Produce architectural drawing using drawing tools and other related CADD commands (P2) 3. Adopt accuracy, consistency and precision in operating CADD software (A3)


INTRODUCTION TO HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE provides primary knowledge regarding to architectural definitions and factors influence the architecture style. The course emphasizes the evolution of architecture from Antiquity age to Classicism.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify the evolution of architectural history according to chronological order.(C1) 2. Explain briefly the factors that influenced various periods of human civilization (C3) 3. Discuss the architectural characteristic of the selected architects/ buildings.(C4)


BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND WORKING DRAWING 1 course offers basic knowledge on building components: foundation, floor, wall, staircase and roof. This course also emphasizes skills and knowledge to produce working drawings which comply with the Uniform Building by Law (UBBL) requirements.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify specifically building components from formwork, foundation, floor, wall, staircase and roof (C1)

2. Explain suitable methods of construction for each building components.(C2) 3. Produce a complete set of working drawing for concrete structure building comply to

Uniform Building by Laws (UBBL 1984).(P3)

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BUILDING SERVICES 1 course provides knowledge on cold and hot water supply, sanitary system and fittings in domestic building. The course emphasizes on the soil and waste system, drainage system, sewage treatment plant and refuse disposal in building.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain the components building services systems used in buildings (C2) 2. Discuss the systems used in different types of buildings (C4) 3. Work in group to analyze the building systems used in selected buildings according to

Uniform Building By Laws (UBBL 1984) (A2)


TAMADUN ISLAM diperkenalkan untuk mendedahkan para pelajar terhadap konsep asas dan prinsip Tamadun Islam. Kursus ini juga membincangkan secara terperinci perkembangan Tamadun Islam bermula dari Zaman Rasulullah SAW sehingga kini merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, politik, ekonomi, sosial, sains teknologi dan kejuruteraan.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. menerangkan konsep tamadun Islam. (C2) 2. menjelaskan pemikiran tamadun Islam sejak Zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW sehingga kini. (C2) 3. mengenal pasti sumbangan tamadun Islam dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, ekonomi, politik,

sains teknologi dan kejuruteraan terhadap perkembangan pemikiran tamadun manusia pada masa kini. (C2)

4. membincangkan isu-isu tamadun dan kesannya terhadap manusia. (C3, P2, A2)



COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 2 emphasises the skills needed to describe products and services as well as processes and procedures. It focuses on the skills to give and respond to instructions. The course will also enable students to make and reply to enquiries and complaints in their future workplace.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. describe products and services clearly and confidently. (C1,A2) 2. present an oral presentation on processes and procedures using appropriate language

devices and suitable visual aids. (C3,A2) 3. listen and respond to enquiries using appropriate language.(C3,A2) 4. make and respond to different types of complaints using appropriate language.(C3,A2)


OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 1 is designed to impart understanding of the basic of safety and health in workplace setting. This course presents aspects of occupational safety and health, which are essential for employees to practise safe and healthy environment, resulting in less hazards at the workplace. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of regulations, OSH management, accident prevention and occupational First-Aid methods.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Describe the OSH regulations and compliance and how it will create safe working environment. (C1)

2. Identify hazards, risks and safe work practices in order to maintain healthy and safe work environment. (C1)

3. Perform communication skills in a team to respond for an accident action at workplace. (A1)


DESIGN 2 course emphasizes the knowledge of design ideas in architecture to produce building designs. The content of the course focuses on the process of design based on the requirement of site analysis, internal and external space organization, user needs, function, spatial hierarchy, form, architectural terminology, aesthetic and technical

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Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Conduct site analysis collaboratively in response to project’s brief.(C4) 2. Design a habitat and a public building that response appropriately to project’s brief with

understanding of technical and architectural design requirements.(P4) 3. Communicate development of design ideas through appropriate presentation techniques.(C5) 4. Present design project through presentation drawings, models and verbal communication.(A3)


3D MODELLING AND ANIMATION course expands the knowledge on Computer Aided Design (CAD) in architecture. The course equips the students with CADD commands to model and to produce computer generated 3D visualization.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Recognize the importance and advantages of 3D modeling and animation in architectural presentation. (C1)

2. Produce an effective still rendered images of 3D architectural computer generated models. (P4)

3. Produce an effective animation of 3D architectural computer generated models.(P4)


SITE PRACTICE course provides knowledge regarding organization and scope of works on the construction site. This course also emphasizes on site preparation and supervision, skills and knowledge in brickworks and concrete tests

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain briefly preliminary stages of construction, site layout and temporary structures that are commonly use on site.(C2)

2. Explain precisely site supervisor’s roles in contract document certification and site possession based on their respective regulation. (C3)

3. Estimate roughly building construction cost for small scale project (C4) 4. Describe organization structure, roles and responsibilities of site personnel and construction

teams on site. (A3)


BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND WORKING DRAWING 2 course provides knowledge on timber and steel construction. This course also emphasizes skills and knowledge to produce working drawings which comply with the Uniform Building by Law (UBBL) requirements.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain briefly the concept of IBS (Industrialised Building System). (C2) 2. Discuss the appropriate construction of timber and steel for buildings/ structure. (A2) 3. produce a complete set of working drawing for timber and steel construction comply to

Uniform Building by Laws (UBBL 1984).(P4)


BUILDING SERVICES 2 course covers the design of electrical and mechanical equipment for buildings and housing schemes in association with the national by-laws governing such installations, including the physical infrastructure of electrical supply, ventilation, air-condition, communication and fire prevention.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain building services systems of electrical supply, ventilation, air conditioning and fire prevention systems specifically for buildings. (C2)

2. discuss the systems used in different types of buildings (C4) 3. discuss in group actively the use of the building services systems appropriate to building

design according to Uniform Building By Laws (UBBL 1984)(A2)


ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES 1 provides knowledge on structural concepts used in building design. This course introduces framework structural system, funicular structural system and shell structural system.

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Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify specifically the characteristics of forces, strength of materials, and structural behavior subjected to loading. (C1)

2. Describe suitable structural concepts used in building designs. (C2) 3. Compare various types of structure used in the construction industries. (C4)


Prerequisite: AS101 SOFT SKILLS

INDUSTRIAL TRAINING covers the basic knowledge and skills of the internship which will be undergone during the fourth semester of the Diploma program. This course gives exposure and experience to students in terms of technology literacy, effective communication, development of human capital, policies, procedures and regulations, professional perspective and reporting. This course will build enthusiasm and proactive attitude in students and hence boost their confidence to become excellent trainees.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. apply the technology studied. 2. practice effective communication. 3. demonstrate the development of human capital. 4. professionally comply with policies, procedures and rules of the organization. 5. produce report.



COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH 3 aims to develop the skills necessary to carry out a mini project as well as job hunting skills. Students will learn to present ideas through the use of graphs and charts. Students will learn the process of job hunting which includes job search strategies and making enquiries. They will also learn to write resumes and cover letters. The students will develop skills to introduce themselves, highlight their strengths and abilities, present ideas, express opinions and respond appropriately during job interviews.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. present a mini project using appropriate visual aids. (C4,A2) 2. write a resume and cover letter using appropriate language.(C3,A2) 3. respond to interview questions using appropriate language when applying for jobs.(C3,A2)



OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 2 is designed to impart understanding of the self-regulatory concepts and explain the requirements and provisions under the OSHA. This course presents the responsibilities of workers in implementing and complying to safe and healthy approaches at work. Understanding of notifications of accidents, dangerous occurrence, poisoning and diseases and liability for offences will be imparted upon students. This course will also provide an understanding of the key issues in workplace ergonomics and guide the students gradually into this multi-disciplinary science.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain briefly the occupational safety and health ordinance and act in Malaysia. [C2] 2. Identify the basic causes of incidents, hazards and preventive safe work practices. [C4] 3. Adapt the appropriate equipment and tools to create safe working environment. [P4] 4. Adhere to the safety procedures in respective fields. [A4]


DESIGN 3 course expands the understanding of architectural design process. In addition to the knowledge and skills attained in Design 2, the course continues to emphasize on Uniform Building by Laws (UBBL), basic principles of site planning and façade treatment.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Design public and community building with intermediate level of competence in architectural theory, concept and technical requirements.(P4)

2. Communicate development of design ideas through appropriate presentation techniques.(C5) 3. Respond appropriately in a group to the project’s brief based on site analysis and case

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studies.(A3) 4. Converse design project through verbal communication, 2D and 3D presentations.(A3)


ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE course offers basic knowledge of factors in environmental friendly design aspects. It consists of four topics; thermal comfort, ventilation, lighting and acoustic. The course provides general idea of thermal factors, air ventilation principles, combine-usage of natural and artificial lighting and the acoustic consideration into the design process in built environment. The students will be exposed to those topics for the understanding of design concern in certain type of climate and conditions.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Explain terminologies and environmental design principles apply to building design in tropical climate (C2)

2. Use portable equipment to observe the indoor environmental performance in selected buildings (P2)

3. Promote environmental awareness on sustainable building design.(A3)


ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES 2 course provides knowledge regarding the ability and moment, characteristics of structural parts, ability and balance, stress force and bending moment, analysis of 2D determinate structure.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Identify the appropriate structures analysis in the application of building construction. (C1) 2. Identify shear force and bending moment for simply supported beam. (C4) 3. Demonstrate critical thinking regarding to problems solving. (A4)

CA 503 Digital Imaging

DIGITAL IMAGING course provides knowledge regarding the use of digital camera, scanner and computer graphic application in producing images.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. state precisely the computer graphic software used in producing images. (C1) 2. use digital camera and scanner as images input devices successfully. (P2) 3. Produce effective images using computer graphic application, scanner and digital

camera. (P4)


DESIGN 4 courses expands the understanding of architectural design process. In addition to the knowledge and skills attained in DESIGN 3, the course continues to emphasize on medium span building in urban context and precedent study.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Design commercial and tourism building in an urban setting with intermediate level of competence in architectural theory, concept and technical requirements (P4)

2. Communicate development of design ideas through appropriate presentation techniques (C5) 3. Respond appropriately in a group, to the project’s brief based on site analysis and precedent

studies.(A3) 4. Converse design project through verbal, 2D and 3D presentations (A3)


MEASURED DRAWING course caters primary knowledge regarding Malaysia architecture. The course emphasizes on measuring, recording and documenting building in form of drawings, report and multimedia presentation of selected building with architectural value.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. Discuss with confidence the factors influencing Malaysia heritage architecture (A2) 2. Describe thoroughly building function, concept , characteristics, style, structures, materials,

constructions , decorations and ornamentations of residential , religious and colonial buildings (C4)

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3. Apply methods and techniques to measure accurately, record and document building with architectural value in the form of measured drawing (P3)

4. Produce proper documents consist set of drawings and report (P4)


ARCHITECTURAL COMMUNICATION provides knowledge regarding the importance of oral presentation in the architectural profession and the management of small organizations. The emphasis of the module is on programs that may expand a student’s skills in terms of oral presentation, management and producing an evaluation on the programs carried out.

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. discuss briefly the importance of oral presentations in the architectural profession. (C2) 2. explain briefly a suitable management skills for a small organization. (C2) 3. prepare effective proposal and report for selected activities.(P2) 4. organize a specific programs that may expand the student’s skills in terms of oral

presentation ,management and soft skill. (A4)


LANDSCAPE DESIGN provides knowledge on both theoretical and practical aspects in landscape basic design. The course explains softscape and hardscape character in developing the design ideas

Course Learning Outcome (CLO)

1. discuss fundamental functions of landscape design, elements and principles. (C2) 2. design an appropriate landscape for small area. (P3) 3. produce basic presentation drawings based on a designed landscape.(P4)


1. Bilik Kuliah B14, B15 B25, B26, D25, D26, D27, D28, E19, E20, E21, E22, E23, E24, F1, F2 2. Dewan Kuliah 5 3. Makmal Ukur 4. Makmal Fotogrametri 5. Makmal Jalan Raya 6. Makmal Geoteknik 7. Makmal Struktur 8. Makmal Konkrit 9. Makmal Hidraulik 10. Makmal Tanah 11. Bengkel Kayu 12. Bengkel Paip 13. Bengkel Bata 14. Studio Senibina 1, 2, 3 dan 4 15. Studio Awam 1 dan 2 16. Studio Multimedia 17. Bilik Tayang 18. Bilik Pembentangan JKA 19. Galeri Senibina 20. Bilik Model



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Department of Mathematics, Science and Computer (JMSK) which was formly known as Mathematicsand science Unit was built since 1993. In June 2002, JMSK has moved to a new building which has computer labs facilities and a server room for campus Information Network System Polytechnic Port Dickson.

JMSK plays important role in coordinating the teaching of Mathematics in Engineering, Technical Science & Computer Application for all departments.JMSK is also responsible to manage all classrooms, science lab and computer lab so that the usage among department is coordinated. 9.2 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL STUDIES (JPA) Department of General Studies (JPA) is divided into two units which are English Unit and Islamic Studies Unit.Both units have their own responsibilities. English Unit is responsible in Technical English subject for Technical stream students and Commerce for commerce stream students.While Islamic Studies Unit is responsible in three subjects which are Islamic Studies, Islamic Civilisation and Moral Education for Muslims and Non Muslims. 9.3 STUDENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT (JHEP) The Students’ Affair Department plays a very important role in the administrative and managing the activities of students’ affairs in Politeknik Port Dickson. The department is headed by the Head of Students’ Affairs Department. The role of this department includes the intake and registration of students for every semester, data storage, students’ record and the discipline of students. Apart from that, the department is also helping the students to manage their loan and scholarship application. It also functions to control and helps to organise and monitor the students’ activities in Politeknik Port Dickson. The motto of The Students’ Affairs Department is ‘Courteous, Efficient and Effective’. The department consists of three units namely; the Intake and Data Unit, the Welfare and Discipline Unit and starting August 2009, the Graduates and Alumni Unit was introduced under the department. 9.4 LIAISON AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING UNIT Main task for Liaison and Industrial Training Unit is to administer students’ industrial training program and connect with firms and departments about students’ practical training. The objective of this unit is to organise and manage training placement application, recognise suitable placement, training supervise and industrial training assessment during the training. Till now, there are more that 2,200 companies around the country listed in Liaison and Industrial Training Unit. As one of the requirements in the polytechnic system, students have to enroll industrial attachment. Duration of the training is 20 weeks where students are spread to all firms and departments all over the country. Politeknik Port Dickson will ensure the students get appropriate training placement, close to their home and which is beneficial to them. 9.5 EXAMINATION UNIT Examination Unit Politeknik Port Dickson is responsible to handle all affairs related to examination. Among main activities carried out by Examination Unit are :

i. preparing examination paper ii. administer final examination iii. handling certification and student achievement award iv. enforcement of assessment rules v. administration

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9.6 HOSTEL UNIT Politeknik Port Dickson (PPD) provides various facilities for the students who study here. Among the facilities provided is accommodation in PPD hostels. PPD hostels can only accommodate students over 3,000 people. PPD hostels only have the capacity to accommodate 1,580 which 692 places for male students (7 blocks) and 888 places for female students (9 blocks). Others have to rent around the campus. 9.7 TRAINING AND ADVANCE EDUCATION UNIT The Training and Advanced Education Unit is established in 1994. The Unit is managed by two Training and Advanced Education officer and one clerk. The management of all activities will be helped by six officers from each academic department and one from the Administrative Department. The Unit is responsible to administer, to organise and to execute varities of staff training programmes to identify and to improve the competency of each staff. 9.8 INSTRUCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT & MULTIMEDIA UNIT Unit for Instructional Development and Multimedia (UIDM) functions as a supporting unit in providing teaching and learning aids. Beside that, UIDM also provides audio, video, photo and graphics facilities for the PPD staffs to enable them to conduct curricular activities as well as other official programmes within or outside the campus. 9.9 QUALITY MANAGEMENT UNIT Politeknik Port Dickson implementing Quality Management System for Semi-Professional Training Grant process at certificate and diploma in engineering and commerce to meet the vision and mission of the establishment of polytechnics and national requirements based on ISO Standard 9001: 2000 which is now upgraded to MS ISO Standard 9001: 2008. 9.10 LIBRARY UNIT Library Unit started at the same time Politeknik Port Dickson was built which was in the year 1990. It started its operation on 1991. Services Offered are:

i) Borrowable collection ii) Limited borrowable collection iii) Reference book collection iv) Magazines and paper collection v) Examination questions collection vi) Internet terminal vii) CD ROM collection viii) Resource centre (for students’ activities) ix) Photostat centre (under supervision of Koperasi PPD Berhad) x) Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

9.11 PSYCHOLOGY AND CAREER UNIT The Psychology and Career unit provides facilities where students are encouraged to maximise their potential. The unit also aims to nurture good mental health among the students of PPD. The Psychology

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9.12 SPORT & CO-CURRICULAR UNIT Main function of Sport and Co-Curricular Unit is to administer and manage all non academic activities for the whole semester including Polibridged activity which onvolves all first semester students. The unit also manages co-curriculum activities for second semester students.Polibridged and co-curriculam is students’ compulsory course. 9.13 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT The Information Technology (ICT) Unit is responsible for all the ICT services in Politeknik Port Dickson.The unit is in charge of maintaining and handling all the computers in Politeknik Port Dickson in terms of the technical and configuration aspect. Every lab is supplied with networking services. Log in and saving data facilities are prepared in domain child.

Politeknik Port Dickson is also among the pioneer polytechnics which used a system called the Polytechnic Management Information System (PMIS) which started its operation in July 2004. The use of the system helps the lecturers in Politeknik Port Dickson in managing the students’ registration,course registration,assessment and examination result. 9.14 CORPORATE INDUSTRIAL SERVICES & EMPLOYBILITY UNIT CISEC Unit was established in July 2010 to support a transformation agenda that increase the employment rates among graduates of polytechnics. Therefore, CISEC will mediate the polytechnics and the industry and also will coordinate professional development and graduate programme. 9.15 RESEARCH, INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP UNIT Research, innovation & Entreprenuership Unit,Politeknik Port Dickson was established in line with the thrust of the Third Strategic Plan Department of polytechnic,which implement policies and develop research,innovation and entrepreneurship.The activities to inculcate the culture of innovation among staff and students,conducting research,the establishment club entrepreneurs and cultivating research and published scientific literature is among the responsibilities that must be performed by this unit.

With the tag line “Inovasi Pencetus Minda Kreatif” , all plans are made for the purpose of driving the direction of the program as well as research and innovation in the PPD and provide an opportunity for the officers to carry out the duties and responsibilities better and more effective.


Head of Civil Engineering Department

Zainal Bin Abd. Rahman

E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Programme

Diploma in Civil Engineering

Azizah Binti Tukiman

E-mail: [email protected]

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Head of Programme

Diploma in Architecture

Ruslinda Bt Abdullah

E-mail: [email protected]

Examination Coordinator

Jothy Rany a/p Latchmanan

E-mail: [email protected]

Industrial Training Coordinator

Mohamad Haizal Bin Ismail

E-mail: [email protected]

Student Affair Coordinator

Shahrul Kamil bin Hj Yunus

E-mail: [email protected]

Student Advisor Coordinator

Herdawati Binti Bohari

E-mail: [email protected]

Testimonial / Synopsis Coordinator

Puan Rohani Binti Mohd Noor

E-mail: [email protected]

Scholarship Coordinator (Student Affair Unit)

Nor Haslinawati Binti Mohd Saad

E-mail: [email protected]

Student Employbility Coordinator

Zulzana Binti Zulzaknain

E-mail: [email protected]

Physocology & Career Guidance Coordinator

Norsilan Binti wahinuddin

E-mail: [email protected]

Civil Engineering Club Advisor

Herdawati Binti Bohari

E-mail: [email protected]

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Mailing Address:

Head of Department

Department of Civil Engineering,

Polytechnic Port Dickson

Km 14, Jalan Pantai,

71050 Si Rusa,

Negeri Sembilan

Tel: 06-662 2042

Fax: 06-662 2026