r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · department proposal the...

.• - .. . sSu c .. . ,....r.o!ras . . ..11E414SIFIED AND MINIM) FOR . - ( -, • ,.. A .• !*•4.. '14110 - . • *:: - .).'i;t:,,, .f , -, ' .,:... ...i,.....g. ..,:i.4,.....„: . i . ; . BY TIE CENTRAL INTRO IENCE AGENCY SELRz 1; . i t. i oRE: 2111 a Deesilmsv 194 I . J . .. t:10111011A=1: . X311 $11011 IllialtitABX OF Kra - . . ...:. Subjeet8 Oeetfal Intelliamee ig esoy. . ... . 1. There la a substantial area of agreement between the War Departeso4 p4ea an the Norwersaok plan as modified. tinder , both, them is to be a national Satelligoose authority, oneposal of the 5 411134411;1011 of State, 'War, oat the Arr,,, birdies the t itundlea of Oserdinating latellijunee aetivitiee of goveramental . -apaelee, Il adoklith, there is to be a elude exeestive•,' offieer anointed the antlwritr and removablikby vote of a majority of the members of the ' hatbarity. / a. Beyond this eareaa l of agreement, however, there is •a basis differenee in concept between the two plans. The War - D epartment plan eonterpintes an /gamey ander the supervision of the k atherity, laving serials operating itaations, in additioa . to eoordinatiair itamitions„, ant Dela( Independent of any regale* , . Govemeat depertnent... The Stat.Departnent plan dose not provide . foram Indepindentageneyinger the direction ef thekatbority; . , and eentemplatee that*. hathorltywill. caersise tie mordinating. .fametions throw* lateedeparhoestalessmitties, ,,,Underthe S tate.:Depatent plan, the orgamination would have no operating functions in the first inetmoei althea* the Authority might . anther's. the estanisheent of mortals operations of oemimat

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Page 1: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

.• - .. . sSu c.. . ,....r.o!ras.

. ..11E414SIFIED AND MINIM) FOR . - ( -, • ,.. A.• !*•4..'14110- . • *:: - .).'i;t:,,, .f ,-, ' .,:...


i • . ; .

BY TIE CENTRAL INTRO IENCE AGENCY SELRz 1; . it.i oRE: 2111 • • a Deesilmsv 194 I .J . ..

t:10111011A=1:.X311 $11011 IllialtitABX OF Kra - . .

...:. Subjeet8 Oeetfal Intelliamee igesoy. .... . • •

1. There la a substantial area of agreement between the

War Departeso4 p4ea an the Norwersaok plan as modified. tinder,

both, them is to be a national Satelligoose authority, oneposal

of the 5411134411;1011 of State, 'War, oat the Arr,,, birdies thet

itundlea of Oserdinating latellijunee aetivitiee of goveramental .

-apaelee, Iladoklith, there is to be a elude exeestive•,'

offieer anointed the antlwritr and removablikby vote of a majority

of the members of the 'hatbarity. •

/ a. Beyond this eareaal of agreement, however, there is •a

basis differenee in concept between the two plans. The War -

Department plan eonterpintes an /gamey ander the supervision of

the katherity, laving serials operating itaations, in additioa .

to eoordinatiair itamitions„, ant Dela( Independent of any regale* , .

Govemeat depertnent... The Stat.Departnent plan dose not provide .

foram Indepindentageneyinger the direction ef thekatbority; . ,

and eentemplatee that*. hathorltywill. caersise tie mordinating.

.fametions throw* lateedeparhoestalessmitties, ,,,Underthe

State.:Depatent plan, the orgamination would have no operating

functions in the first inetmoei althea* the Authority might .

anther's. the estanisheent of mortals operations of oemimat

Page 2: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

,..4 . .g.



so, • 0

• ":

basic diffeience in concept. The principal differences are •

thought to be as follows*

a. 21/trizaasts-in..hniatitana. The Tar Departilkont Pisa '_assigns to the oentamX organisation two definite operating,

responsibilities, subject to the right of the Authority

•.1/ Department hes prt.mary interest and responsibility.

3. Substantially all the differsnces between the '. ;•Departeent plea and the /far Department plan extend. fro gs this •,:;f,.


./ trite:seat where it determined that such operations could not be• ,7

iintisfastdrily oersted eat by the existing

agencries. Tina* there is to be no independent central *remise-

rf; lion- 7 Ander the State Department plan 'personnel are tab.

-Ant lobed by the State, War and *art Departments, and the key

' piirsonnel, at each level, are to be officials of the State ..; •

Departnent. A combination of each details gives the State/ •, .

s. Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State .

to desentralise asy such operations to the extent domed, _

advisable. These operating fbast.tons are direct prosure-

meat of int...names by foreign oil:barge snd ocuster-.

espionage and the scoomplistment of the evaluation mai ,

synthesis of intelligence on a national lore/. The Ter .

Department plan, in this respect, %me based on 'the belief

that these two activities mast be centre/lied to be performed*

effectively. The assignment of these operating itatatiOne


Page 3: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

to the sonttal organisation vozt/d hat. the advent:go of

providing an instediato disposition for the 033 persosnel

nav in the War Department and in ties Slats Depertnent

and could posit then to continuo their operations. It_

has 'been thought that zasless thee* °potations aro

oentrallsod, the personnel Saks* over from 033 viii lour

interest and drop away from Government 'termite.

Xs. SoGormaok bee indicatod generally that be is

not idlling to woe to an inmediato centralisation of.

espionage and emonter-espienege imstivitiess or of ovalmation

and synthosis. ?his could leave the OSS porsonnal token over

by tit* state Department, prinartly the Desoarah and Analysis

Group, to cantinas as part of that Stato Deportment.


Under tho War Deaertment plan, this °hie ezecativt officer

would le a indspendent olvilian, not an official of anyof tit* throe topertments. Under the State Department .

plan, this official woad lso an Imployes of t.ho State

Dopertmont. Xr loGermack fools that the identification of-

this official vith tho State Department is necessary to

secure Stato Deportnent cooperation. note has boon sone


Page 4: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

opiate* la the War Depestaant • that the sire faster

night prevent °separation oa the :pa of the War and

1a17 Departments. There have been fbrther suggestions

in the Vas Dapaellsoat that, even if this official la

to be a Slats Department employee at the outset, the plea

should. penult that he be an employe* of any at the three

dapertneate, as the Satimer1W night determine to be

nest appropriate at the tine.

1. ktrIMOINSAIL.112111111:1Latzeracronal. trader the

War Department plan, personnel welt be /Wit direVtly

by the watralited ages. Nader the State Depertaant

plea, all personnel 'mad be 'employees of the State, War.

and Navy Depertaents . end wad be detailed. by Wee

departments to the I:Menai latelligreva AutharliT.Kr, NoSernsok believes that recruitment by the several

departments viLl be easier then *.mi eentralised aancl:

The War Department proweal for centralised preferment

of personnel we 'based as the belief that this weld

inseam their being responsible as& loyal. to the watral

money, rhich weld have the right to hire and fire and

weld hive the advantage of providing inaressed stability

of personael ant of effarifigal careers to persona late:sited

in hieeetevel intelligense,

Page 5: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

4. atraranama jearteurevikal notnarttl *Attire rervisma.

Tbe War Department plan Galls for the establishmest of a

National Zatalligease Turd emulating of the head of State

Demotment intelligence, the War Department 0-2, the

Assistant Chief of Air 3tatf-2, the %motor of Tavel

'Mollie:sem, and perhaps the Direst°, of the Tederal

31a1een of Investigation, to assist the chief enesutive

offleer of Os seatrellsed assue7,1* ha uctarultat )17as all Important desists= sad to provide the shame'

through visish the several &warble:Its might demand

geese from aad asehange tatalligenee with the esatrallsed

egenari. The purpose of this Board_wee to make the

chief iatelligenoe offieers of the severe/ departmeats

responsible for the off i44 operation of the ems. trails's&

agency, is .order to laser, adequate cooperation. The

State Department piss sails for the establisimmt

of 2 advisory groups, sae for intelligens* and the other

for security latelligenset the first to oonsifit of the

chief 1*UL/times offline* of the State, War, sad *ayDepartments, or their representatives, aad the seism& I.

omelet of the 'Mod' iatelligenee oiliest* of the Tar

Departneat and She Noy aspartssid; and representatives

from Treasury ant Tn. Although. the plane are somewhat

similar is this mopes', the War Department view has been


Page 6: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

of a Nati Intelligences Antbrrity oh osn lame

of the

intelligens' work

latelligeroe Authori

and thus permit.

ladle the oriaalaattan

being created

diriotives to the sting

that its plan tends to make the chief intell.tgenme officers

of the War, $tate and Navy Depertmeate more directly

concerned 4th and responsible for support of the =Mona

orsaajzimon. Xr; McCormack has indicated that he le

willing to let the War awl Navy Department views oontro/

on this natter,-

There are a amber of other features of the State

Department plan with which the ler Department is in earomalat,

and there are a umber of asedtaitisa that acoulA Prontahlr

be resolved. Nor example, there haa been opposition in the

War Department to the proposal that ommeittees shell be the:.7

primary aeons by whisk the National Intelligeree Authority

carries out its ftnotiona. AN a further exempla there has

been disagreement with the State Doper:Went definition of

It is believed. Itywaver, thatintalliganas and aaaater43010311‘.°0•• these matters are not of waffled=

4. The prinalpal argoments in fsartir":11=titlevar" alinfalltaratT

Nieto Departnent proposal, with snob modifications as•

nay be obtained by negotiation, are a* fol./Owe:

that alum will permit the prompt

on the basis of szporisnoe.

Page 7: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

b. Sinew legislation mill be required idthia a

year if as independent *PIM'is to 1.$40 sstsblisalsly as.

contemplated /Jr the War Deparbsent plan„ it is advisable •

to homy some fora of national authority established as

promptly as possible in Order to gala as Inch experience

as possible Were submitting legislation.

a. The $tate Department propooal mill probably' allow

a national authority to get endorser with lees pub/laity

'and eentroversy in the press thea mould boa invelved in

the establishment of as independent adsasr.. • ,--daseptenee of the State Department plaa maid -

avoit a oontroverny 'betimes the State Department as the

one bavd sad the War and Saw Deportment* oath. other bend.

Ishii* would rendre referentss to the President for


a, Mr, SoSerswok or some other State Department official

le Is b.tires the job of shier onssoutive officer of the

lational Intanitowse Authority,. it noT Ul k PreflorShl•

to permit his to !tattles, at least at the &Meet, ender

the type of orpnimat.ten vhick he favors rather than one

*sweet on his ar the War sad Iry Departments. !hie elm

alley the clear fining of responsibility la the omit of

the vamoose or failure of the organisation during the

preliminary Awes.


Page 8: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

If it is dealdet to accept the State Department proposal

in prinelpie, there are certain concessions which should be

obtained. These commissions are as follows

A. The statement of !Nineties* of the NationalIntelligence Authority should be amended to provide that

synthesis and evaluation oa a national level and direst

procurement of intelligenoe by foreign espionege ea& waster-

sepiesage are reeogaised as Amities* of the National

Intelligens' Authority, subject to the rig,* of the

Authority to direct that any of such operations should

decentralised if that cows* appears more teppropriate at

any tine. This aatialment will provide the National

Int.Uigsoos aulasoritr with substantially the same mission

as that contemplated try the Tar Department plan, If the

missies is clearly defined, it Is believed that the

organisation will evolve eventually into the type best

fitted to the aosemplichment of the mission.

/a. A provision *Would be inserted la the X•Ceirmeic

plan to the effect that the execlativ* soeretasy) mita],

madder the advisability of legislation establish/nil an

tindependent Central Intelligence Agenoy under the direction

of the Authority, with an independent budget, and sha3.1

make recommendations thereon to the Authority'. Tide will

prevent the War and Navy Department, from being Toroolo' owl

on the matter of organisation and will permit the organisation

Page 9: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest


at. I-A

to be restudied and develope%: in the light of experience.4 Assuaa-.

lag that, a decisi.0 is matte to proceed aa the basis of theCi

liXormacX proposal it is believed tat these Lo4conce55ions:

should be souaht as Tit.h..1 matters, but that the War Depart:cent, • •_

• :

• _

111132. els (Page 9)

, "r %.1-4•:;SI

' • r'.

• .

• . •

...; '' ..,,, .-..:.-A. .

. , .. .

.. , . ,..,..,?,,,,:..•Pg.-.: '''‘...."'"P..■ Le , ; •:. :-7 '.:_.:. :,.... • i., "... •: ) . • *... ' .... -•::...1,:: ,..? !.. --, • .•.;JI -:..:4*J.-.•• .1:5t . ' 1; 4‘.0.34., •"..*,!;:-..`'

AL. Paricraph 12 of the rcCormack_propoisid, delLtINg.i• • :; . •:.'-. - : " ' '2.-2 •■• .- :.::: t,..71 -...ri:).. ..-...'.•;.; i.,....N...:2 -.7r,r. ...;:•„4.4 . ..4,Li • hae ,. ..

with Advisory- arCtrps, shoul*i be modified to provide that,: . - .......- ..;:: . ..< ..-:

there shoal be only ono such . op vlich shall hsave.• - ::.. .-:,_ ..... .._., -... .-...:J• f,.-.".... ......:J /, Cs.: :

generally the composition an& fazultions of' the rational• _f falt .4: AL.Z. tqf

Intelligence Board as cro.tlined.in therfar Departmentplan?.'4.. • • • _ .••••

This aodification is thought necessary to insureNhit' •!, • ....•445:W.4. • -

the chiefs of the intelligence agencies of the several'; . • ;.):.f"

departments mill actively support the Authority.

/Usti This amendment is addti at the suggestion ofaeneral arcuneLl, "ha considers it vitally .necessary.

The Secretary of ar inform :. McCormack that the ';ar

Lep-.rtneat rill accept the State :1'apartient proposal

subj ect to tae tro asecarlsents specified in paragraph

Page 10: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

••••• ■21. • ' - • As

• • -L'14

• •aik. •••1 ••■•'3t.C-

r '7 ItEb T1

• .*• •


..1.4., is,31:,,v. , .,.11...,., ,.. ,.,,,,..........,,,.,._:,..,:eecrvi-mztic...:ciii02•:•..: t.7,41i.7-r.,..;•1"-41,9-etrii• erm-A ei•-e‘./fa,,„sp-avur.._14......,•.,-. •....-.;-!:Ailttt,?•ze..-.'`.:---; 'I : .'. '....-4,'-"•--..:-.

. • ... - .-------",441-• '. • i • 0,15.:......-", ...

-.4,.......: .t . t ----'1

- ..-..-`t;•':=-'-.7.--1,i;-:11-'.'17::.t3"..,..." .' :I .' .*: - ' '; ... ' --7S?443' ,it.,•,-5.§1.‘--'nf..Ithir-5.41-g-Z:frt4.1:1;sX..."'1.0ayd-.• o•t ersicis:*ca' till proceed.--.....t.p..=.-1-,-..-....! .•;3.4.,-1,--„,..t-:•,,r ;;,-.11,•`-'-,4„--,...c -,..,;4- ,-;41-rs.,1.(4. 1 L,54.."44. 141 Li :4:**64'....:::,"1.1. 4%.-:-.' "r . ;;01. , ;op •••• , ,• • . .„-.4.1....cit.4. :- - - .•,.. • •e. -0-..,.- .,:. - _ %,;,.. -,p,, , s •..61,74,- '..l,..'..0-1; ...1,-,?...,e4. . 0,:",4,. ...i ...`• . • • It.4!..• -1 ;.'1,-

- ..:NtiCatiztaZiettro-Pin-S-alp:it is believed:-tiat"thii:Sig•t't.,:o4"cancessianS:rt4. -r . "- • '', . • . ...} • '

ould: be sou‘ht as vital':matters blit:, that"the• War Department : - '''',•,.;.-:-4$!:1-:•-•

zfmin, afford Itei'aCCept , -tei • State' II epartment. :proposal at''the ''''' - • - ' '1".. 4 . : ;.,

, . . •■,J., . ,... • ••,./...1...

'.. .1-7`'..): V;.'I' :--•,' r ': .. Pc.m .;, -4 '2,‘• ...'.i..',. 4 i -4 '

.4.0, - .t. •

-. -outset in all 'hither reapt,cti:j-P4;,_--....• •

X'•. .... :•!,---; ;:. ...4.i...4,-;;;•:•'. • 1. - .


g. -.1.... • - -_, ,,_'--...... ....•'"4:4..il• .

... ,..0 .;:. ' Th a Stattl ',Eillpartallt propOaaL-1....even.. Ii.i.T.Me .,'C 012C64113-01128k11.1 ; :::. 77: f 4. 1.,:,...

- ..-• . • • ' , - ..-.: - -. - - . :- • ' , :.;.-- .. •,.., -,::: , : .7'y. A'', i••• ■•:: • .,,:.,, ;...,-.. •-...

-•-, -''• . i - - 1*:-,t. 7, -.-- .....,--),...,)=.... - •,.:•?.,,••-

: the. Steteermartment on all the principal:difterettaeri,*;iifer- ;i t.',' ...;*,;?',..,7-7.;:- • .

- : -- 1 : . ' ,-';''''',.;•,:,:" '' .'. , -.1.e.:::.:71;.:!Ct4";.'''';', : ::z •-'7•1:::=-1-•''''.;- ..4:,::--.1'41:1:":::• - l''' -..""4-'::

ed.to'-in paragrapfa. y.aLvve p Will still oQ'qr•-:.•-.- ; ,,

• War-Depar tment . plans -- pas ti Cularly- In the ...natter', of:: 1.1ulepiti. •k`.:;;,,, ,v, ,e;v.4";"4-

. .. .,.., , . • • .1 :-..,- . ,.:. • -. 1), • .*•':.L,..1. A; ‘•,, . *.j.,,,,...

, da a rock thence f exi.stini; Governmental, departments and in • the -.:,./ 4,;--t- •,t4.'̂.-.•4r.t.i:4?.P '-'• • • • • •... ,/,-....e,;•.:.-.-.,„....114......,.., ,....,---L

. -. _'...-,:i'',.*:... • .. • ,, .:-,:.--. - .. •-: .... ; -4 ., • ! - -%', '-!, - -- : -,- . ..-0.:5.. .. 7,1 ; .S.40....-,.-. ,...

-: : natter ofprocurement'end control cf . -personnel.-..." In determining",. _ ;..,,, ;•,_-„,::.•••

:. _.

whether to accept tie tcGormack p1= 2 ..11....:1 concession&j. or to•-;,-;;,,•-..7.;;',::• . ,-. • :-. ..- st....-,,

• ...•

• : - ••-• . ..

.iasist u,n acceptance a thewar,. .D..epiertae,• .n.t.....p.IP-11.• 1, the etb.itu.- . . • ,

of the ?levyshoul.: be cc....1.sidered.. 47.ite Navy"':"Departmenti i.-:.-41Z. -4.4-;•-..;44-;"-g-I'.. ... !..:;.".--• - ' .:. q

• _

-*- -.- - - - !;•`••;-•"'": - - - ":,:••••••••'..".;;;•,,,:,-.;;;...*:-.: -.'' the

opin_icn that the War and Navy Depart t$'shotild insist--trpozz '•••=11.1.-fJ1f7c,:,.'". ' . . - ". -.; " •:?••••••:.,.:10... 5.;.,'itn?...;'":?••-;-•.

'''''..(4Ce ; 1',. •the Tar D 6 patent plan and that .tadr;matt ‘et. ihOU.Li . be carried• -...- _?,.±:".:.-...,,,,•

• a •:..t fr. 5.1:4 • :

.°,1:?!.. ..... ".: ' ....-. `....:',..,;.-. :-... ".. : •

" to the president. If the 'far Lepartaiet is to adopt "-.a4

Te,--. .......---?.:. • '-• ' .- .,---. ..t.--• •‘.41.....---„,f ..-:,---,---,;:1-, '-

en; attitude its ant-Ica s should he:fcarefully coordinStecl iiittt-; • • •.;;-3,'7 - - ..'..:„7: ,- , '...±-•1'-:;!! VP- -4-47. C.- •" ',....,,,..,. ..„... . , .

•.. ..,, .,.e Na

c4:••• •

....- tcir".,../....:1...1

- • • 1. ., :-..,...,..... ,f, .....,. ...f;!....t...f:...• I., • ;-• •,, TO.* •:" . . . .. ;., ...:t .

7 • . Th2 reco....-,mendatihn of the "committee is aS•followsi.,.:,.,........„,, • •. .. ,......; . ..a„ r.'..-Z;•:;;;!..:-.....',.% '; ' • .,. , . ." ; • • ., ..- :.: . •,•-r.',..*: 4,..;„"

Tha ty SUbl OC t to azreent . by . the NaVY" fiePartsients... . - . • -,-,•-• , N - . . -

The Secret;.....--j- of ;lax inform `44...r: ticCormack- that tho 1;ir''',2

D07.rtae1t mill accept the"St.::te Lfspartmtnit:-Sproposel'",.

subject to the t-zo r_mentiv..nts sr-,ecified. in pitragre.pki -',._"',.• 4


a A Z..

Page 11: r.o!ras. .• !•4..14110- . -, ' .,: i,g,:i.4,„:. • :: - .).i · Department proposal the flavor of a project in which the State . ... omelet of the Mod iatelligenee oiliest

above; and that if Mr. MCCormank refuses to make

such concessions, the deoretar, of War aid the

Secretary of the Wavy JOla in submitting the War .

Dopertaint plan directly to the President for his.

approval, after notifying the State Department that

such option is to be taken. This recommendation

is made la the interest of reaching an agreement

. although the Committee believes the War Departmont

plan is preferable to the plan proposed by the

State Department, even with the concessions specified.


That the Secretary of Sex join with the Secretary

of the Wavy in submitting the War Departaent plan

directly to the President for his approval, after

notifying the Slate Departaent that such action is

to be Wm. -