room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010

Room 17 Sensor tap proposal Room 17 Sensor tap proposal Included in this proposal are Included in this proposal are relevant details from Room 14’s relevant details from Room 14’s water audit of 2009. water audit of 2009.

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Page 1: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010

Room 17 Sensor tap proposalRoom 17 Sensor tap proposal

Included in this proposal are Included in this proposal are relevant details from Room 14’s relevant details from Room 14’s

water audit of 2009.water audit of 2009.

Page 2: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010

2008/2009 Comparison2008/2009 Comparison

Cubic Metres used













ary 20



ary 20



ary 2



ary 2



ch 2



ch 2


April 2


April 2

















t 2008


t 2009



r 200




r 200



r 200



r 200



ber 2



ber 2


Monthly consumption







January 2008

January 2009

February 2008

February 2009

March 2008

March 2009

April 2008

April 2009

May 2008

May 2009

June 2008

June 2009

July 2008

July 2009

August 2008

August 2009

September 2008

September 2009

October 2008

October 2009

November 2008

November 2009

Page 3: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010

Statement about the year 2009Statement about the year 2009

We have only been able to compare 11 months. We have We have only been able to compare 11 months. We have found that we used 468 cubic metres less this year which is found that we used 468 cubic metres less this year which is a savings of around $1780. This is a great result. It is a savings of around $1780. This is a great result. It is possible that all those savings will have to go towards fixing possible that all those savings will have to go towards fixing the pool this December. The pool has developed a bulge in the pool this December. The pool has developed a bulge in the bottom which has resulted in a loss of water and the the bottom which has resulted in a loss of water and the pool having to be drained so it can be fixed. pool having to be drained so it can be fixed.

We will just have to do a great job next year with our We will just have to do a great job next year with our educating the children on how to turn the taps on and off educating the children on how to turn the taps on and off properly so that we can make up this loss.properly so that we can make up this loss.

The school had done a really great job of saving water up The school had done a really great job of saving water up until now.until now.

Page 4: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010


Metro Water did a Water Audit of the school Metro Water did a Water Audit of the school at the beginning of Term 3 and came up at the beginning of Term 3 and came up with several recommendations:with several recommendations:

Replacing all turn on taps with sensor tapsReplacing all turn on taps with sensor taps Adjusting the flow of the urinalsAdjusting the flow of the urinals Reusing our grey water for the gardensReusing our grey water for the gardens

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Room 14 decided this would be a great idea Room 14 decided this would be a great idea and Mrs Downey took the proposal to a staff and Mrs Downey took the proposal to a staff meeting to see what the rest of the staff meeting to see what the rest of the staff thought. Everyone thought it was a great thought. Everyone thought it was a great idea to replace the turn on taps with sensor idea to replace the turn on taps with sensor taps (according to the costings from Metro taps (according to the costings from Metro Water). We emailed several companies Water). We emailed several companies about the price and installation costs for about the price and installation costs for these taps. We had 1 reply.these taps. We had 1 reply.

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We can supply you the taps via Chester's Plumbing at the following We can supply you the taps via Chester's Plumbing at the following prices; prices;

ELECTRONIC TAPSELECTRONIC TAPSDelabie Delabie 442006442006 for single temperature water $1150.00ea+GST for single temperature water $1150.00ea+GSTDelabie Delabie 492006492006 for mixing water $1275.00ea+GST for mixing water $1275.00ea+GSTOrOrFranke Franke AQRE131AQRE131 for single temperature water $835.00ea+GST for single temperature water $835.00ea+GSTFranke Franke AQRE130AQRE130 for mixing water $980.00ea+GST for mixing water $980.00ea+GST

MECHANICAL TIMED DELAY TAPSMECHANICAL TIMED DELAY TAPSDelabie Delabie 740000740000 for single temperature water $330.00ea+GST for single temperature water $330.00ea+GSTDelabie Delabie 742000742000 for mixing water $535.00ea+GST for mixing water $535.00ea+GSTOrOrFranke Franke AQUA201AQUA201 for single temperature water $175.00ea+GST for single temperature water $175.00ea+GSTFranke Franke AQUA200AQUA200 for mixing water $330.00ea+GST for mixing water $330.00ea+GST

Depending on quantity we may have these ex stock here in Depending on quantity we may have these ex stock here in Auckland but in case we don't, please allow 2-3 weeks delivery.Auckland but in case we don't, please allow 2-3 weeks delivery.

Best regards, Best regards,

Andrew ChaneyAndrew ChaneyCompany RepresentativeCompany Representative

Page 7: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010

What Next?What Next?

Since the cost of these taps is too much with the cheapest Since the cost of these taps is too much with the cheapest being $175.00 plus GST plus installation we decided that being $175.00 plus GST plus installation we decided that all we can do at the moment is to educate each class about all we can do at the moment is to educate each class about water usage. water usage.

We came up with the idea that the Senior classes could We came up with the idea that the Senior classes could teach their buddy class (junior school) how to turn the taps teach their buddy class (junior school) how to turn the taps on and off in the toilets and the classrooms. We also on and off in the toilets and the classrooms. We also thought maybe that we could run a competition for the best thought maybe that we could run a competition for the best signs for the classrooms and toilets to remind everyone signs for the classrooms and toilets to remind everyone about turning the taps off.about turning the taps off.

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Our DecisionsOur Decisions

At the beginning of 2010 Room 17 decided to pursue the At the beginning of 2010 Room 17 decided to pursue the idea of having sensor taps starting with the Junior idea of having sensor taps starting with the Junior School toilets.School toilets.

Mrs Downey sent off an email to several companies and Mrs Downey sent off an email to several companies and unexpectedly we received more than 1 reply this time.unexpectedly we received more than 1 reply this time.

Not all the replies had prices and there were no prices Not all the replies had prices and there were no prices given for installation as each plumber charges at given for installation as each plumber charges at different rates. Some plumbers may take longer than different rates. Some plumbers may take longer than others.others.

Page 9: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010 Further to my brief reply this morning as I was running out to an appointment, please find attached our Further to my brief reply this morning as I was running out to an appointment, please find attached our

catalogue and relative price catalogue and relative price list that would best suit your needs. I have actually had several emails from children doing water list that would best suit your needs. I have actually had several emails from children doing water

conservation projects and am always happy to answer their questionsconservation projects and am always happy to answer their questions and send them some information.and send them some information.

We have supplied taps to many schools including Raumati Beach, St Martins and Kaiapoi also currently We have supplied taps to many schools including Raumati Beach, St Martins and Kaiapoi also currently specified to go in Karanui,Southbrook and Hagley College. Sensor taps arespecified to go in Karanui,Southbrook and Hagley College. Sensor taps are

ideal for schools, they not only save up to 70% water but also the 'no touch' operation improves overall ideal for schools, they not only save up to 70% water but also the 'no touch' operation improves overall hygiene of the school environment.hygiene of the school environment.

If you look on page 3(of the attached catalogue), model ET2-10DC is the most common tap we install in If you look on page 3(of the attached catalogue), model ET2-10DC is the most common tap we install in schools and this is because: 1. it is a sturdy practical design for an average sized basin and 2. the schools and this is because: 1. it is a sturdy practical design for an average sized basin and 2. the cost. When Enviro-Tech first identified schools as an area that would benefit from having sensor cost. When Enviro-Tech first identified schools as an area that would benefit from having sensor taps installed, it was also identified that most brands available were just too expensive, and I can tell taps installed, it was also identified that most brands available were just too expensive, and I can tell you that some of the brands you see in shopping malls etc.. retail around $1200 + that some of the brands you see in shopping malls etc.. retail around $1200 + GST.

That is why Enviro-Tech has designed and priced this model especially for the tight budget constraints That is why Enviro-Tech has designed and priced this model especially for the tight budget constraints schools work with. The ET2-10DC is usually $495 + GST (about $557 including) if you require a schools work with. The ET2-10DC is usually $495 + GST (about $557 including) if you require a larger number and buy direct we can look at a suitable discount (allow up to 10%)larger number and buy direct we can look at a suitable discount (allow up to 10%)

For installation I couldn't give you a price because every plumber we have worked with has charged us For installation I couldn't give you a price because every plumber we have worked with has charged us differently and it depends on whether it is a retro-fit or new build as to what extra fittings they differently and it depends on whether it is a retro-fit or new build as to what extra fittings they need.The taps themselves however are straight forward for any qualified plumber and as an need.The taps themselves however are straight forward for any qualified plumber and as an example, I had a plumber install some in the Readings Gold Lounge this week he took out 4 existing example, I had a plumber install some in the Readings Gold Lounge this week he took out 4 existing taps and installed Enviro-Tech sensor taps in under 2 hours. Fitting was simple as there was a taps and installed Enviro-Tech sensor taps in under 2 hours. Fitting was simple as there was a vanity to conceal the battery box he put temperature valves(these can be supplied by us $45 + GST vanity to conceal the battery box he put temperature valves(these can be supplied by us $45 + GST each)in the pipe line of each tap and did require some extra pipes(this was because existing taps each)in the pipe line of each tap and did require some extra pipes(this was because existing taps were hot/cold mixer taps and the ET2-10DC is a single temperature where the temperature is set by were hot/cold mixer taps and the ET2-10DC is a single temperature where the temperature is set by a tempering valve at source or, as above a mixer placed in the line).a tempering valve at source or, as above a mixer placed in the line).

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To make this simple I have attached installation instructions for the tap so a plumber knows what they have to work with To make this simple I have attached installation instructions for the tap so a plumber knows what they have to work with and could give you a quote. Trust me for a plumber it all makes perfect sense.and could give you a quote. Trust me for a plumber it all makes perfect sense.

The important thing to note with the ET2-10DC is the battery box, in a school situation is best concealed if you look at The important thing to note with the ET2-10DC is the battery box, in a school situation is best concealed if you look at attached photos you can see at St Martins (which was a retro-fit) the battery boxes are exposed and it would be easy attached photos you can see at St Martins (which was a retro-fit) the battery boxes are exposed and it would be easy for the children to remove the batteries (they haven't figured that out yet and I keep my fingers crossed:)). The other for the children to remove the batteries (they haven't figured that out yet and I keep my fingers crossed:)). The other Photo is at Raumati Beach (was a new build) the Plumber has installed battery box in the wall cavity with a stainless Photo is at Raumati Beach (was a new build) the Plumber has installed battery box in the wall cavity with a stainless steal plate covering (we can supply these for around $30 + GST each).steal plate covering (we can supply these for around $30 + GST each).

Maintenance is straight forward, there is a filter in the valve box that ideally should be flushed out every year or so Maintenance is straight forward, there is a filter in the valve box that ideally should be flushed out every year or so (depending or usage). The batteries are lithium and should last 3 - 5 years (up to 400 000 cycles)and can be replaced (depending or usage). The batteries are lithium and should last 3 - 5 years (up to 400 000 cycles)and can be replaced inexpensively with any battery but we recommend lithium for longevity. Both procedures are simple, included in the inexpensively with any battery but we recommend lithium for longevity. Both procedures are simple, included in the instructions and could easily be done by school caretaker.instructions and could easily be done by school caretaker.

If you wish to avoid having a battery box altogether, you would need to install our model ET2-30.2DC (see attached) with If you wish to avoid having a battery box altogether, you would need to install our model ET2-30.2DC (see attached) with this model the batteries and mixer are all inside the tap. This however makes the dimensions of the tap quite large this model the batteries and mixer are all inside the tap. This however makes the dimensions of the tap quite large and they are more expensive at $695 + GST)and they are more expensive at $695 + GST)

Well I hope I haven't made this sound more complicated than it is, I have just tried to answer some commonly asked Well I hope I haven't made this sound more complicated than it is, I have just tried to answer some commonly asked questions. If you would like clarification on any of the above points please don't hesitate to call or email.questions. If you would like clarification on any of the above points please don't hesitate to call or email.

At the end of the day sensor taps will never be as cheep as ordinary mixers but with increased demand we we always try At the end of the day sensor taps will never be as cheep as ordinary mixers but with increased demand we we always try and make them as affordable as possible. The savings made to the environment and ongoing school budget do and make them as affordable as possible. The savings made to the environment and ongoing school budget do make sensor taps a worth while investment.make sensor taps a worth while investment.

Kindest RegardsKindest Regards

Cathy WilliamsCathy Williams

027 4429 456027 4429 456 [email protected]

> >

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ET2-10DCET2-10DC Automatic sensor Ta p ET 2-10DC ET2-10DC Battery operated Hygienic ‘no touch’ operation, a cost effective

option, suitable for schools, hospitals and public bathrooms. Features • Low energy consumption and lithium batteries allow for up to 200,000 cycles battery life • Up to 70% water savings • Three year guarantee • AS/NZS 3718:2005 • 6 Star water rating Technical parameters • Water pressure 0.05MPa-0.6MPa • Ambient temperature 1-55°C • Power supply DC6V • Power consumption static ≤0.5W(DC),

≤3W(AC) • Water inlet G½” • Detection range self-adjusting to

environment • IP54

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Hello Jan,Hello Jan, Thank you for your enquiry, please find the attached Zenith Washroom Brochure and Thank you for your enquiry, please find the attached Zenith Washroom Brochure and

information for our Zenith Sensor Taps and water saving Urinal flushing systems.information for our Zenith Sensor Taps and water saving Urinal flushing systems. Indicative pricing including gst for our Sensor Tap is $450 for the mains powered option Indicative pricing including gst for our Sensor Tap is $450 for the mains powered option

(42220NZ) and $420 for the battery powered option (42221NZ).(42220NZ) and $420 for the battery powered option (42221NZ). It’s difficult to estimate installation costs for the taps, however, we do have a service It’s difficult to estimate installation costs for the taps, however, we do have a service

provider who would be able to provide a quotation. If you could contact Dave from Cooke provider who would be able to provide a quotation. If you could contact Dave from Cooke plumbing in Penrose on 579 0841 he will be able to visit and provide an estimate for in Penrose on 579 0841 he will be able to visit and provide an estimate for you.

I hope this helps and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.I hope this helps and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Regards,Regards, Simon BarnettSimon Barnett National Sales ManagerNational Sales Manager Zenith Heaters Ltd.Zenith Heaters Ltd. Phone: 027 202 7799 Fax: 0800 559 055Phone: 027 202 7799 Fax: 0800 559 055

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Zenith Sensor Tap Deck Mount Models 42220NZ and 42221NZ Polished Chrome DR Brass

Plumbing hose, tap to control box, 750 mm

Connection cable, tap to first joint, 750 mm

Interconnection cable, 100 mm Plumbing hose, mains to control

box, 485 mm Power cable (240 volt AC) 1200 mm

Page 14: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010 Thank you for your inquiry regarding water saving taps. I'm sorry you didn't receive my email sent Thank you for your inquiry regarding water saving taps. I'm sorry you didn't receive my email sent

11th December 2009 but I've the below information for you. I can tell you that as a small NZ 11th December 2009 but I've the below information for you. I can tell you that as a small NZ company, we appreciate each and every inquiry from people such as yourself and have built our company, we appreciate each and every inquiry from people such as yourself and have built our reputation up over the past 40 years on being the best at what we do.reputation up over the past 40 years on being the best at what we do.

As NZ's leading supplier to our market for timed delay taps, we have a large range available for you As NZ's leading supplier to our market for timed delay taps, we have a large range available for you to choose from that will save a large volume of water compared to conventional taps. Conventional to choose from that will save a large volume of water compared to conventional taps. Conventional taps as it seems you've recently learned in your 'Water Usage' project use a lot of water which for the taps as it seems you've recently learned in your 'Water Usage' project use a lot of water which for the most part is wasted. As a school this of course is a cost also wasted when the money is better spent most part is wasted. As a school this of course is a cost also wasted when the money is better spent elsewhere.elsewhere.

We have the Delabie brand of taps for schools & all places where high usage, low maintenance and We have the Delabie brand of taps for schools & all places where high usage, low maintenance and water savings are major issues, so depending on what age group will be using the taps, that will water savings are major issues, so depending on what age group will be using the taps, that will determine what model I recommend. I'm presuming you have hot & cold taps in each basin? or do determine what model I recommend. I'm presuming you have hot & cold taps in each basin? or do you have a hot or cold tap in each basin? or do you have a mixer tap in each basin? you have a hot or cold tap in each basin? or do you have a mixer tap in each basin?

How many taps do you have in each row of basins?How many taps do you have in each row of basins? Is there power available where you want to install these new taps?Is there power available where you want to install these new taps? For example, the Delabie Tempomatic 3 is a tap that is designed to replace existing taps where no For example, the Delabie Tempomatic 3 is a tap that is designed to replace existing taps where no

power is available. This can be either a mixer tap or mono-temp tap. These are approximately power is available. This can be either a mixer tap or mono-temp tap. These are approximately $1500 each.$1500 each.

If electronic is too expensive, then our Delabie Temposoft is a mechanical tap which still shut off If electronic is too expensive, then our Delabie Temposoft is a mechanical tap which still shut off automatically but you press to activate unlike the electronic that turn on by sensing movement. You'll automatically but you press to activate unlike the electronic that turn on by sensing movement. You'll have possibly seen our electronic taps in a local Westfield mall or the mechanical type in your local have possibly seen our electronic taps in a local Westfield mall or the mechanical type in your local library. The Temposoft will deliver 4 liters per minute through a restricting outlet and as the tap is library. The Temposoft will deliver 4 liters per minute through a restricting outlet and as the tap is timed delay, it shuts itself off automatically after 15 seconds, so in fact the consumption of water in timed delay, it shuts itself off automatically after 15 seconds, so in fact the consumption of water in one press is just 1 liter of water. This can be further reduced to 1.9 liters per minute which would one press is just 1 liter of water. This can be further reduced to 1.9 liters per minute which would then reflect the highest star rating according to WELS (water efficient labeling system) however your then reflect the highest star rating according to WELS (water efficient labeling system) however your water pressure ideally needs to be 300-400kpa for these to perform at their best. water pressure ideally needs to be 300-400kpa for these to perform at their best.

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The Tempomatic deliver the same volume of water but because they only operate while The Tempomatic deliver the same volume of water but because they only operate while sensing movement, they generally don't run as long. The bigger advantage with sensing movement, they generally don't run as long. The bigger advantage with electronic taps is that they are completely touch free, meaning transferring of germs is electronic taps is that they are completely touch free, meaning transferring of germs is eliminated I can send you the link to Delanie's website Either go to Google and look up eliminated I can send you the link to Delanie's website Either go to Google and look up Delabie or MacDonald green which is a new website of ours showing these taps and Delabie or MacDonald green which is a new website of ours showing these taps and what water savings they can offer. Or reply to my message so your inbox security allows what water savings they can offer. Or reply to my message so your inbox security allows me to then reply with some links for to then reply with some links for you.

We do not sell these taps directly to the end user however I can suggest you contact Stu We do not sell these taps directly to the end user however I can suggest you contact Stu at Chester's New Lynn on 827 1653. Let him know you've been recommended by myself at Chester's New Lynn on 827 1653. Let him know you've been recommended by myself and I'm sure you'll get the best available offer. For installing, Stu can also recommend and I'm sure you'll get the best available offer. For installing, Stu can also recommend someone in your area but I do know you have Complete Plumbing and IPL Plumbing as someone in your area but I do know you have Complete Plumbing and IPL Plumbing as local plumbers. If you are simply replacing taps from the existing to the new timed delay local plumbers. If you are simply replacing taps from the existing to the new timed delay taps, it would be a straight forward process and I don't expect it would take long at all. taps, it would be a straight forward process and I don't expect it would take long at all.

Thank you once again for your inquiry and please don't hesitate to contact me for any Thank you once again for your inquiry and please don't hesitate to contact me for any further assistance.further assistance.

Best regards, Best regards,

Andrew ChaneyAndrew ChaneyCompany RepresentativeCompany Representative

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Hi JanHi Jan AV0175 normally retails for $660 but for you we could give a special AV0175 normally retails for $660 but for you we could give a special

price of $491.65 per set.price of $491.65 per set. Please use quote 2101106IA for this job when ordering through Grove Please use quote 2101106IA for this job when ordering through Grove

Mitre 10 Onehunga.Mitre 10 Onehunga. Kind regards,Kind regards, Imran AliImran Ali | Brand Manager | | Brand Manager | [email protected] | Skype: foreno2 | | Skype: foreno2 |

DDI: +64 9 470 2013 | M: +64 21 0272 9581DDI: +64 9 470 2013 | M: +64 21 0272 9581 Foreno Tapware (NZ) Ltd - Watermark Certified TapmakersForeno Tapware (NZ) Ltd - Watermark Certified Tapmakers | | | A: 5 Hewlett Street, Port Whangarei, Whangarei | A: 5 Hewlett Street, Port Whangarei, Whangarei 0110, New Zealand | T: +64 9 470 2090 | F: +64 9 470 20110110, New Zealand | T: +64 9 470 2090 | F: +64 9 470 2011

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Hi Jan,Hi Jan, Just a quick note to confirm we are due to test up Just a quick note to confirm we are due to test up

the wall-mtd sensor sets this week and Imran will the wall-mtd sensor sets this week and Imran will be in touch with details in touch with details soon.

Kind Regards,Kind Regards, Geoff J PearsonGeoff J Pearson Geoff PearsonGeoff Pearson | Managing Director | | Managing Director | [email protected] | Skype: | Skype:

foreno19 | M: +64 27 493 8696 +64 27 493 8696 | T: +64 9 foreno19 | M: +64 27 493 8696 +64 27 493 8696 | T: +64 9 470 2090 +64 9 470 2090 | F: +64 9 470 2011470 2090 +64 9 470 2090 | F: +64 9 470 2011

Foreno Tapware (NZ) Ltd - Watermark Certified TapmakersForeno Tapware (NZ) Ltd - Watermark Certified Tapmakers | | | A: 5 Hewlett Street, Port Whangarei, Whangarei | A: 5 Hewlett Street, Port Whangarei, Whangarei 0110, New Zealand0110, New Zealand

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Andy Gray QuoteAndy Gray Quote

Hi Jan here is the quote for the sensor taps.Hi Jan here is the quote for the sensor taps. Quote 1 Boys toilet block.Quote 1 Boys toilet block. Isolate water and remove sink taps.Isolate water and remove sink taps. Install new 4 x Sensor spouts Install new 4 x Sensor spouts as supplied by youas supplied by you.. Connect up water and test.Connect up water and test. Quoted price is $ 355.00 + GSTQuoted price is $ 355.00 + GST The same price applied for the girls toilet block as well.The same price applied for the girls toilet block as well. Hope this helps you.Hope this helps you. PS The sensor spouts are not available for a couple of months. You will need to keep in PS The sensor spouts are not available for a couple of months. You will need to keep in

contact with the team at Foreno, (Geoff Pearson is the man to contact).contact with the team at Foreno, (Geoff Pearson is the man to contact). Andy Gray PH 0276006232Andy Gray PH 0276006232

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Hi Jan,Hi Jan, Many Thanks your message. Yes, working on the Many Thanks your message. Yes, working on the

possibility of supplying a sensor tap that will be possibility of supplying a sensor tap that will be easier to fit to the wall, overcoming the need to easier to fit to the wall, overcoming the need to restructure your existing pipe work.restructure your existing pipe work.

Should have the model available by July 12. Will Should have the model available by July 12. Will be in touch soon,be in touch soon,

Kind RgdsKind Rgds Geoff J Pearson, Managing DirectorGeoff J Pearson, Managing Director Foreno Tapware (NZ) Ltd - Watermark Certified Foreno Tapware (NZ) Ltd - Watermark Certified


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More news 29/7/10More news 29/7/10

Many Thanks Jan,Many Thanks Jan, About a week away with all info – supply About a week away with all info – supply

availability 3 days after that.availability 3 days after that. Will be in touch,Will be in touch, CheersCheers GeoffGeoff

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QuoteQuote Attention: Jan Downey Re: TapsAttention: Jan Downey Re: Taps Dear Madam,Dear Madam, We submit the following quotations,We submit the following quotations, Option 1 – Mechanical taps $858-98+GST Option 1 – Mechanical taps $858-98+GST We have allowed for,We have allowed for, Presto 704 Lever operated time flow taps We have not allowed for, Any building work Presto 704 Lever operated time flow taps We have not allowed for, Any building work

required Any thermo blending valves or hot water source (if required)required Any thermo blending valves or hot water source (if required) Option 2 – Sensor time flow taps $2,644-14+GSTOption 2 – Sensor time flow taps $2,644-14+GST We have allowed for,We have allowed for, Zenith sensor taps We have not allowed for, Any building work requiredAny thermo Zenith sensor taps We have not allowed for, Any building work requiredAny thermo

blending valves or hot water source (if required)blending valves or hot water source (if required) Please note these quotations are for a single toilet block i.e. 2 xs taps only.Please note these quotations are for a single toilet block i.e. 2 xs taps only. If we can be of any further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us.If we can be of any further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us. Kind RegardsKind Regards

If we can be of any further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us.If we can be of any further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact us. Kind RegardsKind Regards Dave TregurthaDave Tregurtha Contract SupervisorContract Supervisor Cooke Plumbing Company LimitedCooke Plumbing Company Limited

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Wall Mounted Taps!!Wall Mounted Taps!!

Hi JanHi Jan We now have received the 4 sensor wall spouts. We now have received the 4 sensor wall spouts.

All are tested and ready to send. You could All are tested and ready to send. You could purchase from Grove Mitre 10 Onehunga, contact purchase from Grove Mitre 10 Onehunga, contact person is Michael Busch. Your buy price is person is Michael Busch. Your buy price is $539.50 per set. Please use this quote number $539.50 per set. Please use this quote number 2102508IA when ordering.2102508IA when ordering.

Any questions please let me know.Any questions please let me know. Kind regards,Kind regards, ImranImran

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Hi ImranHi Imran Thanks you so much for the email. I presume a set is just one tap?Thanks you so much for the email. I presume a set is just one tap? Thanks againThanks again JanJan

Hi JanHi Jan Yes that is correct. It includes all the fittings needed, the Yes that is correct. It includes all the fittings needed, the

sensor, taps, control box, battery case and batterys.sensor, taps, control box, battery case and batterys. RgdsRgds ImranImran

Page 24: Room 17 sensor tap proposal 2010

Environmental Education Fund Application by Environmental Education Fund Application by Uzair, Ray & AbhinUzair, Ray & Abhin

– Environmental Education Action FundEnvironmental Education Action Fund WWF-New ZealandWWF-New Zealand P O Box 6237P O Box 6237 WellingtonWellington RE: Application for funding for Onehunga Primary SchoolRE: Application for funding for Onehunga Primary School Tena KoeTena Koe Please find below our application for the Environmental Education Action FundPlease find below our application for the Environmental Education Action Fund Part One: Covering PagePart One: Covering Page Organisation: Onehunga Primary SchoolOrganisation: Onehunga Primary School Contact Person: Mrs Jan Downey, Room 17 TeacherContact Person: Mrs Jan Downey, Room 17 Teacher Address: 122 Arthur Street, Onehunga, AucklandAddress: 122 Arthur Street, Onehunga, Auckland Phone: (09) 6366256Phone: (09) 6366256 Fax: (09) 6366269Fax: (09) 6366269 Email: Email: [email protected] Project title and brief descriptionProject title and brief description ““Room 17 Water Project” (as part of our Enviro Schools programme)Room 17 Water Project” (as part of our Enviro Schools programme) The Water Project was based on a need in the school to reduce water wastage. The Water Project was based on a need in the school to reduce water wastage. This project was started in 2009 with a comparison of water usage (monthly) with 2008 usage. It This project was started in 2009 with a comparison of water usage (monthly) with 2008 usage. It

included a series of observations of water tap usage done each term. This was all done by the included a series of observations of water tap usage done each term. This was all done by the students in class.students in class.

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At the end of 2009 the children showed that with a little education the amount of waste At the end of 2009 the children showed that with a little education the amount of waste water could be reduced. (we saved 468 cubic metres of water at a saving of $1780).water could be reduced. (we saved 468 cubic metres of water at a saving of $1780).

As a group the children made a decision to investigate sensor taps as an alternative to As a group the children made a decision to investigate sensor taps as an alternative to our present ‘turn on’ taps, beginning with the Junior School toilets. our present ‘turn on’ taps, beginning with the Junior School toilets.

The children sent out emails to several companies and received replies from most who The children sent out emails to several companies and received replies from most who have supplied us with pictures and quotes.have supplied us with pictures and quotes.

Amount requested and what forAmount requested and what for The cost is to supply 4 sensor taps for the Junior School toilet block plus the cost of The cost is to supply 4 sensor taps for the Junior School toilet block plus the cost of

installation.installation. Total - $2700.Total - $2700. Legal Structure (evidence of IRD charitable statusLegal Structure (evidence of IRD charitable status N/AN/A Details of previous applications to WWFDetails of previous applications to WWF N/AN/A Part Two: Project DetailsPart Two: Project Details Section One: Environmental Education SignificanceSection One: Environmental Education Significance 1. What is the environmental issue that the project aims to address and how was it 1. What is the environmental issue that the project aims to address and how was it

identified?identified? Water wastage is a major environmental issue. We are trying to reduce the water waste Water wastage is a major environmental issue. We are trying to reduce the water waste

in our school community by becoming more aware of the impacts of waste. Our tap in our school community by becoming more aware of the impacts of waste. Our tap observations last year gave usobservations last year gave us

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the knowledge that many of the children in the Junior School found it difficult to turn off taps.the knowledge that many of the children in the Junior School found it difficult to turn off taps. 2. What are the learning outcomes for the project and how will you know when they has been 2. What are the learning outcomes for the project and how will you know when they has been

achieved?achieved? Principle objectivesPrinciple objectives To raise awareness within the school and on to the wider community of the water waste at present To raise awareness within the school and on to the wider community of the water waste at present

and what can be done to combat this.and what can be done to combat this. The project enables learners to take action for the environment by learning about water and wasteThe project enables learners to take action for the environment by learning about water and waste The school will save money and this will be available for other necessary purchases to benefit the The school will save money and this will be available for other necessary purchases to benefit the

children.children. 3. How does the project enable learners to take action for the environment?3. How does the project enable learners to take action for the environment? 1. Students in the whole school will become ‘water efficient’ at 1. Students in the whole school will become ‘water efficient’ at school and at and at home. 2. Students will become aware of the environmental impacts of2. Students will become aware of the environmental impacts of not being ‘water efficient’.not being ‘water efficient’. 3. Only one class is involved in the development of this project3. Only one class is involved in the development of this project but the whole school will be aware of the need to turn taps off.but the whole school will be aware of the need to turn taps off. 4. Schools only: How is the project integrated throughout the school? Eg. How many classes 4. Schools only: How is the project integrated throughout the school? Eg. How many classes

are involved? How does it influence school operations?are involved? How does it influence school operations? As previously stated only one class is involved in this particular project but this effects the whole As previously stated only one class is involved in this particular project but this effects the whole

school for our Green Gold award from Enviro Schools. Every class in the school has an school for our Green Gold award from Enviro Schools. Every class in the school has an environmental project so as a school we are aware of all the other projects not just our own. Our environmental project so as a school we are aware of all the other projects not just our own. Our project is designed to save money for the school that could be better spent on other necessities for project is designed to save money for the school that could be better spent on other necessities for classrooms.classrooms.

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5. Sustainable organic gardening projects only: How does the project promote the concept of 5. Sustainable organic gardening projects only: How does the project promote the concept of healthy food, healthy planet, healthy people?healthy food, healthy planet, healthy people?

N/AN/A Section Two: Project ManagementSection Two: Project Management 6. Describe the planning process used. How are decisions made and by who? Schools only: 6. Describe the planning process used. How are decisions made and by who? Schools only:

How are the guidelines for Environmental Education in New Zealand Schools used?How are the guidelines for Environmental Education in New Zealand Schools used? The first step was to decide on a project. We decided to look at water usage in the school.The first step was to decide on a project. We decided to look at water usage in the school. The children spent a year doing comparisons of 2008-2009 water usage across the school.The children spent a year doing comparisons of 2008-2009 water usage across the school. The children gave up lunchtimes and playtimes for a week each term to observe the rest of the The children gave up lunchtimes and playtimes for a week each term to observe the rest of the

school using the water using the water taps. At the end of the year the children put together a power point presentation which included data At the end of the year the children put together a power point presentation which included data

comparison, tables, graphs and statements for each as well as term by term conclusionscomparison, tables, graphs and statements for each as well as term by term conclusions At the end of the year all projects were presented to the whole school and to the parents of our At the end of the year all projects were presented to the whole school and to the parents of our

children as well as visitors from other schools.children as well as visitors from other schools. Our school at present is working towards a Green Gold Enviro Schools award and this is just one Our school at present is working towards a Green Gold Enviro Schools award and this is just one

part of the work.part of the work. Our work was initially presented to the staff for agreement to have sensor taps in 2009. Our work was initially presented to the staff for agreement to have sensor taps in 2009. Our presentation has recently been presented to the Board of Trustees who made the suggestion Our presentation has recently been presented to the Board of Trustees who made the suggestion

that we apply for funding for the taps. that we apply for funding for the taps. We have got quotes from plumbers for the installation of the taps. They have come from our local We have got quotes from plumbers for the installation of the taps. They have come from our local Mrs Namrata Ghardiyar is in charge of our Enviro Schools Projects. Mrs Jan Downey is our class Mrs Namrata Ghardiyar is in charge of our Enviro Schools Projects. Mrs Jan Downey is our class

Teacher. Abhin Gupta, Ray Santiago and Uzair Kalim are the children responsible from Room 17 Teacher. Abhin Gupta, Ray Santiago and Uzair Kalim are the children responsible from Room 17 who made this application. who made this application.

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Abhin, Ray and Uzair , along with children from last year who have now moved to Abhin, Ray and Uzair , along with children from last year who have now moved to intermediate, were responsible for the Power Point presentations in 2009 and 2010.intermediate, were responsible for the Power Point presentations in 2009 and 2010.

7. Describe how the project will be funded. What is the overall budget of the 7. Describe how the project will be funded. What is the overall budget of the project? What other funds have been raised? Has money come from the school project? What other funds have been raised? Has money come from the school budget? Is further funding required? How will this be secured? How will the project budget? Is further funding required? How will this be secured? How will the project be financially viable over the long term?be financially viable over the long term?

The entire sensor taps project to replace the Junior School toilet taps will be funded by The entire sensor taps project to replace the Junior School toilet taps will be funded by WWF. The budget is the total we have applied for. We have not raised funds for this WWF. The budget is the total we have applied for. We have not raised funds for this specific project and money has not come from the school budget. Further funding will be specific project and money has not come from the school budget. Further funding will be required for sensor taps to be fitted into all toilet blocks in the future. required for sensor taps to be fitted into all toilet blocks in the future.

8. Describe the project’s overall timeframe. Include background planning, current 8. Describe the project’s overall timeframe. Include background planning, current status and future directions.status and future directions.

Ideally we would like the whole school to have sensor taps by the end of 2011. For this Ideally we would like the whole school to have sensor taps by the end of 2011. For this particular project we would like to get the first of the sensor taps installed by the end of particular project we would like to get the first of the sensor taps installed by the end of this year. We want to provide a healthy environment for the children at Onehunga this year. We want to provide a healthy environment for the children at Onehunga Primary School and feel this is a necessary step on the way to the education of the Primary School and feel this is a necessary step on the way to the education of the children.children.

9.Who are the key people involved? Describe their skills and experience relevant to 9.Who are the key people involved? Describe their skills and experience relevant to the project.the project.

Mrs Mavis Moodie is the School Principal. Mrs Namrata Ghardiyar is in charge of our Mrs Mavis Moodie is the School Principal. Mrs Namrata Ghardiyar is in charge of our Enviro Schools Projects. Mrs Ghadiyar has provided guidance. Mrs Jan Downey is our Enviro Schools Projects. Mrs Ghadiyar has provided guidance. Mrs Jan Downey is our class Teacher. Abhin Gupta, Ray Santiago and Uzair Kalim are the children responsible class Teacher. Abhin Gupta, Ray Santiago and Uzair Kalim are the children responsible from Room 17 who made this application. from Room 17 who made this application.

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Section three : wider supportSection three : wider support 10. How have tangata whenua been consulted and/or involved?10. How have tangata whenua been consulted and/or involved? In 2009, the whole school, parents, members of the Board of Trustees and visitors from other schools In 2009, the whole school, parents, members of the Board of Trustees and visitors from other schools

were invited to view every class project.were invited to view every class project. 11. What other support has been secured for the project? Eg. voluntary labour, donated 11. What other support has been secured for the project? Eg. voluntary labour, donated

materials, partnerships.materials, partnerships. Our plumbing quotes have come from local plumbers – Andy Gray Plumbing and Cookes Plumbing Our plumbing quotes have come from local plumbers – Andy Gray Plumbing and Cookes Plumbing

Services.Services. Geoff Person, Managing Director and Imran Ali, Brand Manger for Foreno Tapware have managed to Geoff Person, Managing Director and Imran Ali, Brand Manger for Foreno Tapware have managed to

get a discounted price for the Sensor Taps at our local hardware merchant – Grove Mitre 10.get a discounted price for the Sensor Taps at our local hardware merchant – Grove Mitre 10. Geoff Pearson has been instrumental in keeping us appraised of the fact that there were new wall Geoff Pearson has been instrumental in keeping us appraised of the fact that there were new wall

mounted taps in the pipeline and they are now here.mounted taps in the pipeline and they are now here. Part Three ; Additional InformationPart Three ; Additional Information Names and details of two referees who are familiar with the projectNames and details of two referees who are familiar with the project Referee 1Referee 1 School Principal Mrs Mavis MoodieSchool Principal Mrs Mavis Moodie Phone: (09) 6366256Phone: (09) 6366256 Email: Email: [email protected] Referee 2Referee 2 Class Teacher Mrs Jan DowneyClass Teacher Mrs Jan Downey Phone: (09) 6366256Phone: (09) 6366256 Email: Email: [email protected]

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Schools only: Planning documents that demonstrate how the project will be Schools only: Planning documents that demonstrate how the project will be integrated with classroom programmes and how it reflects the aims, concepts and integrated with classroom programmes and how it reflects the aims, concepts and dimensions of environmental education as outlined in Guidelines for dimensions of environmental education as outlined in Guidelines for Environmental Education for New Zealand Schools.Environmental Education for New Zealand Schools.

Attached is our strategic plan which includes our enviro strategic goal to continue Attached is our strategic plan which includes our enviro strategic goal to continue our journey towards green-gold status. The final goal relates to class projects of our journey towards green-gold status. The final goal relates to class projects of which R17’s water project is referred to in this application.which R17’s water project is referred to in this application.

The power point is included to show the extent of the project to date.The power point is included to show the extent of the project to date.


Abhin Gupta Ray Santiago Uzair KalimAbhin Gupta Ray Santiago Uzair Kalim

Mrs Jan Downey Mrs Mavis MoodieMrs Jan Downey Mrs Mavis Moodie