roofing magazine full - boral roof · which feature actual shake roofing. “the product is steel,...

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Page 1: Roofing Magazine FULL - Boral Roof · which feature actual shake roofing. “The product is steel, so it’s sturdy but also looks nice and fits right into the neighborhood aesthetic,”

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More Government & Municipal Projects




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Î DETAILSFFFFFFFFlllllllaasssssshhhhhhhiiiiiiinnnnggggg IIIInsstttttttaaaaaaallllllllllaaaaattion Best PPPPPPPrrrracctices

+Ridley Township MarinaLandmark

Page 2: Roofing Magazine FULL - Boral Roof · which feature actual shake roofing. “The product is steel, so it’s sturdy but also looks nice and fits right into the neighborhood aesthetic,”

TEMPERATURES IN SOUTHERN California soar during summer months. Homeowners in the region typically rely on traditional air conditioning units along with electric fans for air circula-tion to moderate indoor temperatures and keep their residences comfortable. Though these techniques help, they obviously increase energy consumption and bills.

The Vus, a professional couple in Santa Ana, California, were one household beholden to these exces-sive energy costs. The couple pur-chased their single-story California ranch style abode in 2014. After a few years of occupancy, their consistently high electricity bills prompted an in-vestigation to determine the cause. The couple discovered the primary culprit: excessive use of air conditioning.

The couple’s research also surprised

Southern California Couple Keeps Cool With New Roof System


them when they found a secondary cause for their soaring energy bills. After a thorough review, the Vus re-alized that the energy consumption they attributed to their air condition-er was also directly linked to a poor-ly performing roof. The existing, aged asphalt shingle direct deck roof was

susceptible to reaching extremely hot temperatures in peak summer months, and its resistance to heat transfer was extremely poor.

The decision was then made to in-stall a new roof system to combat the heat and exorbitant energy costs accrued during Southern California’s hotter months.

“Knowing that our energy bills weren’t going to resolve themselves, as well as the fact that we were near-ing the expiration date of our asphalt roof anyhow, we made the decision to completely re-roof our home with

California Dreamin’


78 Roof ing I N O V E M B E R . D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9

The roof sysstetetetetemmmm fefefefefeatures Boral’s MetalSeal self-adhddhdhdhdhererererrere inininininnggggg unununununderlaymentand d above-sheathtt ing g gg veveveveveentntntntntilililiilatatatatatioioioioioion.n.nn

Page 3: Roofing Magazine FULL - Boral Roof · which feature actual shake roofing. “The product is steel, so it’s sturdy but also looks nice and fits right into the neighborhood aesthetic,”

allowing roofers to stack panels on it during installation, saving numerous time-consuming trips up and down to load product.

“For many reasons, we were able to reduce the expense and safety risk of our installation with the use of this un-derlayment,” adds Vu. “It also provides great protection from wind and water.”

The Vus’ cool roof system takes ad-vantage of above-sheathing ventila-tion. Elevated battens provide both a thermal barrier and ventilation. Hot air rises and creates a natural convection effect. This allows the heated air to be exhausted through ventilation, leading to continuous airflow across the roof deck. The result is a cooler attic and interiors.

“We are pleasantly surprised at how effective the system is in creating a cooler living space inside our home,” says Vu.

Curb appeal and energy efficien-cy aside, the cool roof system is also designed to offer protection from storms and severe climate events. The roof system offers Class-4 Hail Impact Resistance, a Hurricane Wind Performance Rating and a Class A Fire Rating. The above-sheathing ventila-tion also enables above-deck insula-tion and airflow that prevents ice dams (even though that condition is less likely to occur in Southern California).

The Vus have been pleased with their new cool roof system, not only because it increases their comfort and looks nice, but because the lower costs have been quite noticeable.

“On average, we are saving almost $60 per month on our energy bills,” Vu notes. “These savings make a real difference for us and we couldn’t be happier.”

a high-performance system,” says Christopher Vu.

A LIGHTWEIGHT COOL ROOFAfter researching their roofing options, the Vus sought a lightweight dura-ble solution that would prevent heat transfer, offer a longer lifespan than asphalt and, of course, dramatically reduce their monthly electricity bill. After rigorous research, they selected the Boral Steel Cool Roof System, se-lecting Boral Steel PINE-CREST Shake, a stone coated steel material. The new roof was installed by Western Roofing Systems of Anaheim, California.

The cool roof system is comprised of a series of components that work in concert to keep the home warmer in winter and cooler in summer, reducing overall energy consumption. The result is optimized energy efficiency.

The lightweight stone coated steel roofing panel is manufactured from Galvalume steel and is coated with stone granules applied to the steel with an acrylic polymer adhesive. The material offers a cost-effective solu-tion whose lighter weight poses no structural load issues. With an aes-thetic that mimics traditional shake, the roof complements adjacent homes in the Vus’ neighborhood, many of which feature actual shake roofing.

“The product is steel, so it’s sturdy but also looks nice and fits right into the neighborhood aesthetic,” says Vu.

The Vus utilized an alternative solu-tion to the 30-pound felt underlay-ment commonly utilized in Southern California, choosing Boral’s MetalSeal high-performance water barrier. A self-adhered product that virtually eliminates the need for nails, the un-derlayment is resistant to puncturing,

R o o f i n g M a g a z i n e . c o m I Roof ing 79

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CIRCLE NO. 89 / Roo!