ronald mcdonald house charities of chicagoland & nw indiana 2013 yearbook


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Page 1: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook


Page 2: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Dear Donors, Friends, Supporters, and Volunteers:

On behalf of the board of directors and staff at RMHC-CNI, we are pleased to share a look back at a stellar 2013 at RMHC-CNI. As a charity, we are bound by our mission of providing care and compassion to the families of hospitalized children and to provide assistance to underserved children and young people in our communities.

In 2013, we have continued our progress toward providing for as many families as possible through our programs and services.

• Our four Ronald McDonald Houses and sleep rooms served over 4,900 families, with an average stay of seven nights, accounting for almost 40,000 “family nights”.

• Our Ronald McDonald Care Mobile provided well-checks, vaccinations and specialist referrals for more than 2,200 area children.

• Our Family Room served over 150 families, whether they utilized the bedrooms or the community space.

• Our multiyear Scholarship Program provided tuition assistance to 35 young people and celebrated the graduation of nine college graduates.

While we celebrate the ccomplishments of our charity in 2013, we are always striving to do more and to do better for those we serve.

In 2014, we began construction on a fi fth Ronald McDonald House near Central DuPage Hospital, thus expanding our reach in the community. We also expanded the geographical reach of our Care Mobile and continue to support well-deserving and community-minded young people as they seek a college education.

None of the things we have accomplished or plan to accomplish would be possible without the generosity of our donors, and the commitment of our volunteers, staff and board of directors, who give selflessly of their time and efforts.Thank you for your continuing support.


Doug Porter and Bill Budig

A note from Doug Porter, CEO, and Bill Budig, Chairman, RMHC-CNI Board of Directors


(L to R) Doug Porter and Bill Budig

Page 3: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

The Matthies family’s journey to the Ronald McDonald House near Advocate Children’s Hospital began in 2009 when their baby boy Augie was born. Prior to his birth, parents Joanna and David were told that Augie would be born with Truncus Arteriosus with an interrupted aortic arch. Truncas Arterious is an uncommon congenital cardiovascular anomaly that is characterized by a single arterial trunk arising from the normally formed ventricles by means of a single semilunar valve.

Augie was born on January 20, 2009 at Hinsdale Hospital. At two days old, Augie was in congestive heart failure and was transferred to the NICU at Christ Hospital (later renamed Advocate Children’s Hospital). On January 29, Augie had his fi rst surgery and the parents were told that his recovery could take up to four weeks. It was then that Joanna and David learned about the newly opened Ronald McDonald House across the street and checked in. “When things change quickly with your child, you realize that you need to be close,” David said. “It was nice to get out of the hospital and talk to other people who know what you’re going through,” he said. The family, which included their other sons Robert and P.J., stayed at the House for three weeks.

The family returned to the House in 2010 when Augie was 18 months old and required another open heart surgery and Joanna and David stayed for three nights. “It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have, the House is for all walks of life,” David said. “Illnesses can affect anyone’s family and, rich or poor, you don’t know how much you need this place until you need it,” he said.

The family was so touched by their experience at the House that they launched “Augie’s Drive For Supplies” in 2009. The event started small, with Joanna and David distributing the House wish list to their family and friends and collecting items on a Saturday afternoon in May. Now in its sixth year, the event has grown in size and scope, with the family collecting enough items to fi ll a 24-foot moving truck and monetary donations totaling $10,000.

Joanna and David also attend charity events such as Glamorama and the Red Shoe Society’s events every year. Joanna and David like instilling in their children a sense of giving back to the community through the supply drive. “While it’s an awful thing that Augie has this defect that will follow him throughout his life, the House and our involvement with it has been such a blessing,” Joanna said.

While he is always being monitored for his heart condition, Augie is an active fi ve year old who is obsessed with hockey and the Chicago Blackhawks.

Family Perspective

Photo credit: Amy Goray Photography


The Matthies Family

Augie Matthies

Page 4: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Manuel Mandujano was awarded an RMHC-CNI HACER scholarship in 2010, with the hopes of pursuing a college degree from DePaul University. Four years later, RMHC-CNI is proud that Manuel graduated from DePaul with a double major in psychology and political science.

From the beginning of his association with the charity, Manuel volunteered at Ronald McDonald House near Children’s Memorial. “I got to know and appreciate the charity when I started volunteering,” Manuel said. Manuel continued volunteering at the House near Children’s Memorial until the new House near Lurie Children’s opened in June 2012. He then became a summer intern. “As an intern it gave me a unique experience to spend 40 hours a week with the families and made me fall in the love with the charity even more,” Manuel said.

A year later Manuel became a part-time Operations Coordinator, where his primary responsibilities were to check in families, input hospital referrals, manage volunteers, and tour and help families. “The atmosphere in the House is like no other and being there showed me the real life impact the charity has on the families we serve,” Manuel said.

Recently Manuel became a full-time Operations Manager, where he spends time working with families, on the charity’s database, doing statistical analysis, and updating the fi ling system at the House.

Manuel feels the scholarship he received is much more than the $16,000 in fi nancial assistance he received over four years of college. “The scholarship also allowed me to associate with professionals and volunteers who work with the charity,” Manuel said. “I have been able to make professional contacts and to get career advice,” he said. Manuel plans to attend DePaul University law school in the fall, while continuing to work as an Operations Manager at the Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s.

Our Impact


Page 5: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Our MissionThe mission of RMHC-CNI is to care for families of children with complex medical needs by providing comfort, compassion and a sense of community. RMHC-CNI keeps families of hospitalized children together in a ‘home away from home’.

Our Programs

Ronald McDonald Houses: Our four Ronald McDonald Houses help us implement our mission by providing a ‘home away from home’ to keep families together. Located near Advocate Children’s Hospital, Loyola University Medical Center, University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital, and the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, the Houses allow families to eat, sleep and fi nd the emotional support they need - just blocks from where their child is being treated. RMHC-CNI also fi nalized plans to build a fi fth Ronald McDonald House near Central DuPage Hospital – which will open in 2015. Once the fi fth House opens, RMHC-CNI will provide 152 families with a bedroom each and every night. In 2013, we served almost 4,000 families for more than 37,000 “family nights”.

• RMHC-CNI also operates sleep rooms inside two area hospitals – Lurie Children’s and University of Chicago. The sleep rooms provide a respite for the families of the most critical patients.

Ronald McDonald Family Room: The Ronald McDonald Family Room in Edward Hospital celebrated its one year anniversary in 2013. The Ronald McDonald Family Room provides a haven of respite and hospitality to families whose children are in treatment at the hospital. Located just outside the pediatric intensive care unit and outpatient service area, the space provides a home-like atmosphere away from the stress of the hospital. Two additional sleep rooms provide overnight relief for the parents of the most critical patients. In 2013, the Family Room served more than 150 families for more than 400 “family nights”.

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile: RMHC-CNI’s Care Mobile program, in partnership with Advocate Children’s Hospital, provides essential health services to children in underserved areas in a mobile environment. Children receive check-ups, immunizations, and referrals for specialty care, including asthma, cardiology, and allergies. Our goal is to fi nd a “health care home” for all the children seen on the Care Mobile. In 2013, more than 2,200 children were served on the Care Mobile.

Scholarship Program:2013 marked the eighth year of our multiyear scholarship program, which provides $4,000/year, renewable scholarships to academically outstanding, community-minded and economically challenged young people. In 2013, we were supported 35 young people in different stages of their college education. We also celebrated the graduation of 9 young people as they earned college degrees.

Other Highlights/Accomplishments• Established the William A. Burns Legacy Giving Society,

which has since raised $3 million in funds to preserve the future of the charity.

• Established plans for a fi fth Ronald McDonald House near Central DuPage Hospital, which will increase our room capacity throughout Chicagoland to 152.

• Was awarded the Better Business Bureau seal, which indicates that we met all 20 of their standards for charitable accountability.

• Established a House of Representatives of well-known Chicagoans to foster support and spread the word about RMHC-CNI and its work in the community.

• Engaged more than 4,000 volunteers in our charity, who have donated more than 110,000 hours in all areas of service.

• Volunteers served more than 2,000 meals to our families and facilitated almost 500 programs at our Houses.

• Engaged more than 75 corporate partners in our mission and activities.


Page 6: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Keith Relief was founded in 2011 by Chicago Blackhawks player Duncan Keith and his wife Kelly-Rae. The charity is dedicated to alleviating the fi nancial and emotional burdens of families and individuals suffering from medical crisis.When the Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s was scheduled to open in June 2011, the Keiths were excited to get involved. Keith Relief pledged $250,000 to sponsor the transplant fl oor on the 8th fl oor of the House. “RMHC-CNI is such a great cause and helps families,” Kelly-Rae said. “When your child is sick you’re helpless.

I can’t stress enough how much the Houses are needed in this world,” she said.This past Christmas Kelly-Rae, Duncan, his teammates and their wives/girlfriends purchased and delivered gifts for the families at the House, helping to make the season much brighter. “Duncan and I make it a tradition every year to not exchange gifts, and instead we choose to give gifts to someone in need or someone who just needs something to smile about for a brief moment,” she said.

McDonald’s owner/operator Derrick Lott and his wife Chris have been involved with RMHC-CNI since they both worked for the McDonald’s Corporation almost 20 years ago. While working there, they volunteered to a cook a meal at one of the local Ronald McDonald Houses. “When you spend time at the Houses, you see fi rsthand where the donations go and what the charity stands for,” Derrick said.

When the two married and later became McDonald’s owner/operators in 2001, it was a natural progression to continue their support of the charity. They currently participate in fundraising efforts for the charity in their restaurants through participation in the canister program, and donating a percentage of sales from cookies and Happy Meals. The Lotts also fi nancially support charity events.

“We have been very blessed in our lives and we will be supporters of RMHC-CNI forever,” Derrick said. “The impact the charity has on a family is something you never see anywhere else,” he said.Derrick became a member of RMHC-CNI’s board of directors in January 2014.

Our SupportersDerrick and Christine Lott, McDonald’s Owner/Operators

Duncan and Kelly-Rae Keith, Chicago Blackhawks


Page 7: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Leo Burnett has been a consistent corporate partner to RMHC-CNI since 1993. From donating red and green organic apples to the families, staff and volunteers at the House near Lurie Children’s to committing $20,000 toward the capital campaign, Leo Burnett’s generosity overflows.

“We are proud to partner with an organization that is so committed to children and their families,” Michelle Mahoney, Director of Community Relations and Events at Leo Burnett, said. “Under our Leo Love program we are able to offer a cross functional approach of giving back by providing a multitude of opportunities for our employees at every level to donate their time, talent and resources.”

Part of this approach includes volunteer teams cooking at least twice a month, every month, at the Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s. “Our employees love spending time at the House, preparing fun and creative meals, all while connecting with the families,” said Mahoney.

Employees also participate in wish list drives, which are provided by the agency’s “Giving Tree”, a “Helping Hand” employee payroll donation deduction program, whereby RMHC-CNI receives a check every three months, and Leo Burnett’s Matching Gift Program,

which matches employee donations dollar for dollar.

Leo Burnett also supports RMHC-CNI’s major fundraising events such as Big Mac Under the Glass, All American Games, Glamorama, and “Pulling for the House”.

“We take pride in our commitment to give back starting in 1935 when Leo Burnett opened his doors during the Great Depression and shared his apples with the community. We are proud to call RMHC-CNI a partner and look forward to continually supporting them in as many creative and impactful ways as possible.” said Michelle.

The Coldwell Banker Charitable Foundation was formed in 2007 with the primary purpose of raising funds to provide support to housing-related causes that directly benefi t the needs of the people and communities they serve. Since the foundation was founded, they have raised $906,000 through automatic payroll deductions, events and local fundraising. They have distributed grants to 26 organizations throughout Chicagoland and Milwaukee.

Ronald McDonald House Charities was the fi rst charity selected by the foundation. “We knew we wanted to partner with housing charities and the Ronald McDonald Houses do such good work and are so visible,” Elizabeth Ballis, Realtor with the Coldwell Banker Chicago Halsted offi ce and a founding member of the Advisory Council, said.

The partnership between Coldwell Banker and RMHC-CNI has grown every year. They have generously sponsored the Toy Rooms at both Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s and at the new Central DuPage Hospital. They have also sponsored multiple Christmas trees and bricks on the rooftop at Ronald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s. “The relationship between us has grown over the years and has been wonderful,” Ballis said. The company has also had meetings in the community room at the House near Lurie Children’s. Not only does the foundation fi nancially support the charity, Coldwell Banker volunteers have prepared meals, hosted toy drives, and regularly attend and participate in RMHC-CNI events such as the charity’s annual “Pulling for the House.” “It’s amazing how many lives the charity touches,” said Amy Eiduke, Communications Director at Coldwell Banker. “Anybody can have a need for a Ronald McDonald House, and we want to help those families fi nd a place to call home during a diffi cult time,” she said.

Leo Burnett

Coldwell Banker


Coldwell Banker Advisory Council

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$250,000-$499,999McDonald’s Owner Operators of Chicagoland & NW IndianaNicholas Yakovatz Family Trust


$50,000-$99,999Coca-Cola North AmericaDr Pepper Snapple GroupEstate of Mae MartinGethsemane United Church Of ChristHoffer FoundationMcCain Foods, Inc.Robert R. McCormick FoundationRunning for HopeWintrust Commercial Banking

$25,000-49,999Antunovich AssociatesConAgra Foods - Lamb WestonFive Star Audiovisual, Inc.Illinois PGA FoundationKen’s Beverage, Inc.McDonald’s CorporationMcDonald’s Corporation Matching Gift ProgramMercedes Benz of WestmontOuterwallReceptions for Research, The Greg Olsen FoundationThe Northern Trust CompanyUnited Scrap Metal, Inc.United Soccer Academy

$10,000-$24,999A.N. & Pearl G. Barnett Family FoundationAlpha Delta Phi Foundation, Inc.Blue Waters FoundationMr. and Mrs. Bill BudigBulley & AndrewsMrs. JoAnn CantalupoCapstone Financial AdvisorsCargill IncMr. and Mrs. Donald ConleyMr. and Mrs. Herve’ De La VauvreMr. and Mrs. Ray DeThorneDominick’s Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Luke DonaldEast Balt, Inc.EcolabMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. EndressFedEx OfficeGammon Charitable Foundation, Inc.Georgia PacificMr. and Mrs. JC Gonzalez-MendezGordon H & Karen Millner Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Brian GriffithHarris Theater for Music & DanceHernandez & Garcia LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Billy KlemzLeo Burnett CompanyLoyola Center for Health & FitnessMcDonald’s Greater Chicago RegionMcDonald’s Hispanic Owner-Operators AssociationMcDonald’s USAMDW ProvisioningMerisant US, IncMrs. Zena MillerMullins Food Products, Inc.Ms. Sheila J. Musolino and Mr. Michael GiambroneNational Basketball AssociationMs. Dianna NelsonMr. Ken R. NorganOSI IndustriesMr. and Mrs. Christopher PieszkoMr. and Mrs. Doug PorterRasreyeMr. and Mrs. Ken Reimer Jr.Restaurant Technologies IncRMHC, Inc.S&D Coffee IncSaputo Dairy Foods, USA LLCMr. and Mrs. Chris SingletonMr. and Mrs. Bruce TaylorThe Bama Companies, Inc.The Coca-Cola CompanyThe Walter J and Edith E Best FoundationMr. and Mrs. Don ThompsonTrue, LLCTruist Comprehensive DistributionTyson Foods, IncWalmartMr. and Mrs. Steve WilsonWright Management Co., Inc.

$5,000-$9,999Advocate Children’s HospitalMr. and Mrs. Joseph AntunovichApple iAdBCUBlack McDonald’s Operators AssociationMr. and Mrs. James BradyBright Future International NFPCardinal Health FoundationColor Room Salon & Day SpaCombined Insurance CompanyMr. Randy ConnMr. Vincent CrimaldiMr. and Mrs. Michael CroninDigitrac Systems CorpMr. Michael FarrellMs. Ann FishFive Star Decorating Inc.Florida Plastics International Inc.Foltos Tonsorial ParlorFord Motor CompanyMs. Deb Gammon and Mr. Lou GradtGATX Corporation

Glenview State BankGolden State FoodsGolden State Foods CorporationGolin HarrisMrs. and Mr. Marion GrossGurtz Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Haggerty Jr.Hard Rock ConstructionHAVI Global SolutionsHayes Beer Dist. Co.Hershey’sKerry IngredientsKeystone Foods, LLCMr. and Mrs. Jim L. KnaufErik W. Kolacz & David M. KroegerMr. and Mrs. Mike KregorMr. Paul LangosLBP Manufacturing, Inc.Level 4 Yoga LLCMr. and Mrs. Ron Lofton Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Derrick LottM&M MarsMancari’s Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram, IncMarriott Chicago Downtown Magnificent MileMr. and Mrs. Raymond NelsonNewly Weds Foods, Inc.Northbrook Jr. Board for RMHNorthwest Indiana McDonald’s OperatorsPeter Schwabe, Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPRahal Foods, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James SanfilippoMr. and Mrs. Jim SappingtonSchwab Charitable FundSolano-De Carrier Management Co., LLCMr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Joey SparenbergMr. Bill StephenSutton StudiosThe American Gift FundThe CarMax FoundationThe Dayton Power & Light CompanyThornton Township High School District 205TTX CompanyVictor Meschures MCTS&P LLPVillage of Oak BrookMr. and Mrs. Steve WilsonMr. and Mrs. Jon Zindel

$2,500-$4,999A & E Television NetworksAce Hardware FoundationAdvent Systems, Inc.Alamance Foods, Inc.Allstate Giving CampaignMr. Alvis AlstonAnn & Robert H Lurie Children’sArmada Supply Chain Solutions

Annual Donors

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$50,000-$99,999Coldwell Banker

10,000-24,999Ms. Tara Kamradt

5,000-9,999Justinian Society Of LawyersMr. Brian Pomis


Aronson AdvertisingAT&TAuctions By Cellular LLCBaldwin Richardson Foods, Co.Benjamin Benedict Green-Field FoundationMr. Brian BoorMr. Gregory Bork Jr.BPI GroupMr. Guy Bucciferro Jr.Buffalo Wild WingsBuilding Services of AmericaCadence HealthCharter One BankChicago Association of RealtorsMs. Alma ChomskyChunowitz, Teitelbaum & Mandel, Ltd.Clear Lam Packaging IncCook County Farm BureauMr. Wayne CymermanMr. and Mrs. Ron DarrusDell Corporate GivingDeloitte LLPDiscovery NetworksMr. and Mrs. Edward DonnellyMr. and Mrs. Mark EvansMr. and Mrs. William FairchildFirmenichMr. and Mrs. Mike FloresMr. and Mrs. Mark V. FreemanGAP Foundation Money for Time ProgramMr. Barry GersowskyMr. Joel GeskyMr. and Mrs. James GibsonGlobal Wholesale W&S of Illinois, Inc.Goddard Systems IncGolden State Foods FoundationH & W IngredientsMr. and Mrs. David HaighMs. Betzi HancHealthPortMr. and Ms. John HeaphyMr. James HillMr. and Mrs. Paul HuebenerIBM Employee Services CenterIndiana Correctional AssociationIngredion IncorporatedJacob J. Fink Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Roger C. Buddig

John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.Jones Lang LaSalleMr. Daniel KantorMr. and Mrs. Angelo KaravitesKeystone Display IncMr. Gerald KingMr. Brad KirkMr. and Mrs. Michael J. KotynekKPMG LLPKraft FoodsLake Park High School District 108Mr. Dave LevinsonMr. and Mrs. David LewisLockton CompaniesMr. Donald LubowichMrs. and Mr. Judy LucasM. Block and Sons IncMr. and Mrs. Dan B. MackeyMs. Karyl MandelMarengo-Union Chamber of CommerceMr. and Mrs. Alex McClementMr. Michael McDonaldMr. Mark McGrathMetrolift, Inc.Microsoft Corporation Matching Gifts ProgramMotorola, Inc.National Philanthropic TrustNBC UniversalNFL NetworkMr. Jim Norberg and Mr. Carl Scianna-NorbergMr. and Mrs. Steven T. NorbyNubani Distributors Inc-Operating AccountOak Park Women’s GuildOMD USA, LLCMr. and Mrs. Ben PaullPhillips FlowersMr. and Mrs. Dave PojmanMr. Tom PowersPrince Castle Inc.Miss Danya ProudMr. Tim RadwayMr. Ian RahalMr. Timothy RenzRestaurant Management CorporationRevolution TechnologiesMr. and Mrs. Benjamin ReyesRMS Management Inc

Mr. and Mrs. David RothsteinMr. Brian SalernoMr. and Mrs. Andrew SandvikMs. Laura SaranMr. and Mrs. Todd SchaeferMr. and Mrs. Edward Schmitt Jr.School District #109Mr. Thomas ShaughnessyShell Oil Products USSoleil Salon & Day SpaSpark CommunicationsStandard BankMs. Alicia StephensonMr. and Mrs. Richard StoddartMrs. Stephanie StorkelMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. StrattonMs. StrobelThe Chicago BullsThe Chicago Community FoundationThe Goddard SchoolThe Hyatt Lodge at McDonald’s CampusThorn River FoundationMr. and Mrs. Larry TinkerMr. Bob TippinTory Burch, LLCTranslation LLCTurano Baking CompanyUnited CenterMr. Craig UrbanVan Drunen FarmsVictor J Andrew High SchoolThe Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth WadasWalgreensMr. Mike WalshWalter Daniels Construction Co. Inc.Mr. Jeffrey WestMr. and Mrs. Garret WheelerWilliam Blair & Company, LLCMr. and Mrs. Darrell WinbushWyandot, Inc.Mr. James ZemanZurich American Insurance Company

Major Gifts

Page 10: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

$1,000,000+AnonymousMcDonald’s Owner Operators of Chicagoland & NW Indiana

500,000-999,999AnonymousJohn B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc.McDonald’s Corporation Matching Gift ProgramMr. Oscar PerrettaRock the House (John DeCarrier and Nick Karavites)The Cantalupo Family and AirprayersTrue, LLC

$250,000-$499,999Mr. and Mrs. William ChunowitzDr Pepper Snapple GroupGeorge M. Eisenberg Foundation for CharitiesGolden State Foods FoundationGriffith Laboratories U. S. A.Mr. and Mrs. Allen GustafsonKeith Relief FoundationMcDonald’s All American Basketball GameNewly Weds Foods, Inc.Mr. Ken R. NorganMr. and Mrs. Doug PorterMr. and Mrs. James A. SkinnerTaylor Company*Tyson Foods, IncUnited Scrap Metal, Inc.

$100,000-$249,999Annie’s FunAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Bill BudigBulley & AndrewsCetco*Chicago Great Clips Co-opChicago White SoxMr. and Mrs. Paul ClarkColdwell BankerConAgra Foods - Lamb WestonEstate of Ludwig W. StreifenederFifth Third BankGrainger FoundationGrubb & Ellis CompanyHarris Family FoundationKeurig Inc.McCain Foods, Inc.McDonald’s Technology Charity ClassicOzingaMr. Edward F. PowrozekReceptions for Research, The Greg Olsen FoundationMs. Marsha SerlinSquare D / Schneider Electric*Starwood HotelsTempurpedic*The Coca Cola CompanyThe Elizabeth Morse Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Don ThompsonUSG FoundationWomen’s Auxiliary for the RMH near Lurie Children’s

$50,000-$99,999Andrew Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Greg BairdBaldwin Richardson Foods, Co.Bays English MuffinsMr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beavers Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Steve BeitlerBenjamin Moore & Co.*Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. BensenCarepoint Pharmacy

Cargill, Inc.CartonCraft, Inc.Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick Family FoundationChicago Blackhawk Alumni Assoc.Mr. Ernie CochanisMr. Don L. CrosbyMr. and Mrs. Luke DonaldDuPont Building Innovations*Ellen Soren Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. EndressMs. Jan L. Fields and Mr. Doug WilkinsFootprints FoundationMr. and Mrs. Mark V. FreemanMr. Mark GiangrecoMr. and Mrs. JC Gonzalez-MendezGrant Thornton LLPHaworth*J.D.D. Investment CompanyMr. and Mrs. James JohannesenMr. and Mrs. Angelo Karavites & Mr. and Dr. Nicholas KaravitesMr. and Mrs. William W. KeyserKeystone FoodsMr. and Mrs. Billy KlemzKohler Co.*Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. KuchurisLa Z Boy Inc.*Mr. and Mrs. John Lardas Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. LeiningerMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LinmanLocke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLPLott Management Inc.Ms. Paula MarshallMr. and Mrs. Rick McGrathMs. Sheila J. Musolino and Mr. Michael GiambroneMr. and Mrs. Kevin NewellMr. and Mrs. John O’KeefeMr. Kevin M. OzanMr. and Mrs. Christopher PieszkoMr. and Mrs. Dave PojmanRose Packing Company Inc.Ms. Christine SchenkMr. and Mrs. Paul SchrageMs. Jean SilvaMr. and Mrs. Chris SingletonMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. StrattonMr. and Mrs. Charles E. StrongTellabs Grants for Giving ProgramThe Sun Times Foundation/Chicago Community TrustThe Northern Trust Charitable TrustThe Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead TrustMr. Fred TurnerMr. and Mrs. David WeickWright Management Co., Inc.

$25,000-49,999Allstate Arena*Mr. and Mrs. James BradyBuilding Services of AmericaCarylon FoundationChristiaan Pretorius Studio*Mr. and Ms. Timothy ColeComEdMr. and Mrs. George H. CumpataMr. and Mrs. John DakajosMr. and Mrs. Ryan DardisMr. John DavisMr. and Mrs. Mark A. DuffyMr. Ben ErskineFedEx OfficeMs. Meg FloerschMr. Rich FloerschMrs. Maura HavengaDr. A. J. Hotaling

Mr. and Mrs. Paul HuebenerIllinois PGA FoundationInterface Flooring*Judith L. Kaufman and Jerome B. Kaufman, MDKen’s Beverage, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Greg T. KoernerMr. and Mrs. Mike KregorLeo Burnett CompanyMr. Bill’s Century RideMr. and Mrs. Rich MelmanMr. and Mrs. Timothy C. NevinsNoland Sales*NordstromMr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Robert and Teresa OlsonPinnacle PerformanceRonald McDonald House near Lurie Children’s Auxiliary BoardMr. and Mrs. Todd SchaeferMr. and Mrs. Michael SchambergerMs. Karen SimonMr. and Mrs. Lovie SmithThe Field Foundation of IllinoisMr. and Mrs. John TracyWe Clean Maintenance & Supplies, Inc.*We Clean Maintenance & Supplies, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jon Zindel

$10,000-$24,999ACSAileen S. Andrew Family FoundationAntunovich AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Joseph AntunovichMr. and Mrs. Blanton CanadyMs. Gloria Badiner*Baird & WarnerMr. and Mrs. Ryan BakerMr. and Mrs. Rick BarrettMr. Jeffrey BayerBears CareBeavers HoldingsBlowitz-Ridgeway FoundationMr. and Mrs. Steven M. BrunnerMr. and Mrs. John CarnagioCarnivaleMr. and Mrs. Maneesh K. ChawlaMr. and Mrs. Bryan ConsoloMr. and Mrs. Michael F. CroninMr. and Mrs. John De CarrierMr. and Mrs. Herve’ De La VauvreDenis Savard FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ray DeThorneMr. Eric DonovanMr. and Mrs. Michael F. DoodyFestival of Children FoundationFive Star Audiovisual, Inc.*Five Star Audiovisual, Inc.Florida Plastics International Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Chris GlassMr. and Mrs. William GundlachMs. Jamie HaberkornMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Haggerty Jr.Ms. Nancy Henn Living TrustMs. Lindsay HickeyHoys International*Illinois Association of Jr. High Student CouncilsJewell Events CateringMr. and Mrs. Cam KennedyKinsella Landscape, LLC*Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. KotynekMr. and Mrs. Ken KoziolDr. and Mrs. Ricardo LaguatanMr. Dean LaneMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. LeonardLeopardo Companies

Opening New Doors Campaign


Page 11: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lofton Sr.Maron Electric*Mr. and Mrs. Joe MaslickMs. Zella M. McClureMr. and Mrs. John R. McDanielMcDonald’s Company (Japan) Ltd.McDonald’s Greater Chicago RegionMicole FoundationMr. Estate of Lawrence J. MolinelliMullins Food Products, Inc.Mr. Jim Norberg and Mr. Carl Scianna-NorbergMr. and Mrs. Steven T. NorbyNor-Lake*Mr. and Mrs. James R. PetrowichPhil Stefani Signature Events and Restaurants*Ms. Lesley Prizant GoodmanMr. and Mrs. Edward RensiRexam Beverage Can CompanyRubbermaid Consumer*S20*Mr. and Mrs. Jim SappingtonMr. Harry Schildkraut*Mr. Mark ShougerSkender Interiors Group LLCMr. and Mrs. Russ SmythStevenson Crane Service Inc.*Mr. and Mrs. Richard StoddartMr. and Mrs. Charlie StoneThe Calipari FoundationThe Options Clearing CorporationMr. Bob TippinTR Biddle*Union Pacific FoundationMr. and Mrs. David B. VermylenMr. Denis WeilWells Fargo FoundationMr. and Mrs. Garret WheelerMr. and Mrs. Darrell WinbushMr. and Mrs. Ralph WrightXerox Corporation

$5,000-$9,999ABT ElectronicsMr. and Mrs. Robert AbtAcme RefiningAMG Charitable Gift FoundationMrs. Edith AndrewMrs. and Mr. AnschuetzAVB BrandSource*Mr. Stephen BardoMr. and Mrs. Edgar L. BarnettBison Gear & Engineering Corp.Ms. Monica BoylesCassiday Schade LLPChicago Land Chapter of YPOMrs. Carol CienkusMr. Eric ClaudioColor Room Salon & Day SpaMr. and Mrs. Robert CooneyMr. and Mrs. Tom CovelliCovidienMr. and Mrs. James De MariaMr. and Mrs. Matt DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Howard DraftEast Balt, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Dave EvansMr. and Mrs. Mike FloresMr. and Mrs. Gavin FloydFresh FarmsMr. and Mrs. James GannonGolden State FoodsMr. and Mrs. Pancho GonzalezMr. and Mrs. James J. GotchMs. Michelle GreenwoodMr. and Mrs. Brian GriffithH & K InternationalHarbor Capital Advisors, Inc.Mr. Almous HarrodMr. and Mrs. Daniel P. HerrmannHinsdale Bank & Trust

Hub 51Ms. Catherine HuffordJ.R. Simplot CompanyJack Ringer Family FoundationKick Off for KidsMr. and Ms. John R. KnazurMr. and Mrs. David LewisMr. and Mrs. Derrick LottM. Block And Sons, Inc.Ms. Judy MajicMikey Corbett Children’s Cancer Fund,Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Matt MitchellMs. Sheila J. Musolino and Mr. Michael Giambrone*NEC Display SolutionsMrs. Janice NelsonMr. and Mrs. Ryan OsgoodMr. and Mrs. Brian FrielMr. Tom ParisiMr. Joe PavalonMr. Theodore F. PerlmanMr. Duane PhillipsPrairie Capital AdvisorsReed Family FoundationRichard E. Frain Charitable FoundationMr. John W. RobbinsRR Donnelley FoundationMr. and Mrs. Tim RudderowMs. Patricia Schoenberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. SestakMs. Laura ShallowMr. and Mrs. Steve SilversMr. and Ms. Matthew SmithMr. and Mrs. Dennis StabileMr. Jeffrey SterenMr. Sven SykesMr. and Mrs. Bruce TaylorThe Northridge GroupTommy R’s Catering*Ms. Cristina VilellaMr. and Mrs. Bill WhiteWiesbrook PTAWilliam Blair & Company FoundationXR Trading

$2,500-$4,999023-Alpha Tau OmegaA Finkl & SonsABT Electronics*AltametricsAMCOL InternationalMr. Bob ArnoldeArtists and Brands LLCMr. and Mrs. Salim AsrawiMs. Lora BatdorffMr. Mark BazzettaMs. Louise BereznyMs. Mary BishopMr. and Mrs. David BoggessMr. Greg BoothMs. Cindy BorlandDr. and Ms. Mark ButterlyCedar Hill Associates, LLCMr. Eric A. CeputisCharlie Trotter’sChips ManufacturingChiro One Wellness Centers LLCMr. and Mrs. Wayne ChmielMr. and Mrs. Anthony ClarkeCoinstar CaresMs. Ginny ConnersMr. and Mrs. Kevin ConveryMr. and Mrs. Mike CorbettCostco WholesaleMr. Todd CoughlanMr. Peter CristCurtis Design*Mr. and Mrs. Norm DickMr. and Ms. Craig DonathEgg Harbor Cafe Management CoMr. and Mrs. Frank Ellermeyer

Ms. Brenda ElliottEnterprise Holdings FoundationEurowestEwing-Dougherty*Florida Plastics Spirit TeamMr. and Mrs. Jeff ForsellGerber Collision & Glass*Mr. James Hoag and Mrs. Marcia GlennGlenview State BankGlobal Experience Specialists, IncMr. Jose Gonzalez RodiguezMr. and Mrs. Daniel GorskyMr. Bryan GraneMr. and Mrs. Brian GrossHAVI Global SolutionsMr. Rich HeiseHolland & Knight LLPMr. and Ms. Matthew HulsizerInsightMs. Ubong ItuenMr. and Mrs. Roger C. BuddigJohn F. and Joan P. Mullins Charitable FoundationJohnson & Johnson Matching Gifts ProgramMr. and Mrs. Michael JordanMs. Tara KamradtMr. Marc KaplanesMr. and Mrs. Timothy F. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Clifford E. KorollMr. Dale LaidlawMs. Latanya Lane-AlbalaMr. and Dr. LederhausenM&M MarsMartin-Brower CompanyKen Norgan’s McDonald’s StoresMr. Greg McMasterMrs. Helen MelchiorMs. Phyllis MohlarMurphy Paving & Sealcoating, Inc.Nawara Financial AdvisorsMr. John NealNetJets, Inc.New York Jewelers*Mr. Bruce NorganOSI Group, LLCMr. Bob PancoastMr. and Mrs. John PerronePolk Bros. FoundationProject Leadership Associates, Inc.Mr. Greg PurcellMr. Rick RadekRestaurant Technologies IncDr. Ruby Roy and Dr. Thomas BusseMr. Brian SalernoMr. Ed SchmittSecurity Lighting SystemsMr. Joe SilichMs. Nancy SlatteryMr. John SterlingSun TradingMr. and Mrs. Michael S TeitelbaumThe Horton GroupThe Schrage Shoe Golf TournamentMs. Christina ThomasToyota Financial Services Central RegionTrucking TRMUnilock Chicago, Inc.*Van Cleef & ArpelsVerizon BusinessVIP Valet Services, Inc.*Whitney Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Harry WillettMr. and Mrs. James WillettWilliam J Clancy FoundationWing Hamlin Company, Inc.Wintrust Commercial BankingMrs. JoAnne ZiemanMs. Andi Zwit

*In-kind donation


Page 12: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook


Jose and Mary AmarioFrances BrokerBudig FamilySergeant William A. BurnsBill ChunowitzDon CrosbyMary and Terry DillonMae K. MartinJan Fields and Doug WilkinsThe Floersch FamilyBruce HillRon and Sheri GoldenPaul and Rosanne HuebenerDonna M. HuhnThe Kotynek FamilyIrene KowalczykLorraine KlemzWilhelmine E. LongRick and Paula McGrathDenise and Rick McKinneyZena MillerSheila MusolinoIda R. PetersonKen NorganThe Porter FamilyRam, Rasika, Megha & Ashvin ReddyPeter & Sara RichterHoward and Kathryn SilverThe Thompson FamilyNancy, Mary and Nicholas Yakovatz

William A. Burns Legacy Giving Society


Page 13: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

$1,000,000+Cadence Health

$100,000-$249,999Chicago Great Clips Co-op Advertising FundDr Pepper Snapple GroupKevil & Kevil, LLCRonald McDonald House Charities-Global

$50,000-$99,999CartonCraft, Inc.Chicago Blackhawk Alumni Assoc.Coldwell BankerDupage Justinian SocietyGriffi th Laboratories U. S. A.MAKE CorporationRock The House (John DeCarrier & Nick Karavites)St. John the Baptist Knights of ColumbusTyson Foods, Inc

$25,000-49,999AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Jim CarrasMrs. and Mr. Marion GrossMr. and Mrs. Rick ProhammerReceptions for Research, The Greg Olsen Foundation

$10,000-$24,999Mr. and Mrs. Doug PorterMr. & Mrs. Bob Sheehan Ms. Nancy TallentUnion Pacifi c Foundation

$5,000-$9,999Mr. Jeffrey BayerBower Elementary SchoolMr. Marshall ColemanMr. and Mrs. Norm DickFOIC FoundationGolden State Foods FoundationMr. and Mrs. John HendricksonKelly A. Kirtland, DDS, LTDMr. and Mrs. Billy KlemzMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. LeonardMr. and Mrs. Frank LiberioMcDonald’s Corporation Matching Gift ProgramMs. Lisa NewmanMr. Eric NixonMr. and Mrs. Jasper Sanfi lippo Sr.Mr. Jeffrey Sanfi lippo & Mr. Rusty HernandezMr. and Mrs. John ShultzMr. and Ms. Greg SwierkWe gratefully acknowledge gifts received during fi scal year 2013. Although every effort is made to avoid errors, occasionally mistakes can occur. Please accept our apologies if your name has been omitted or incorrectly spelled or listed. If an error has occurred, please notify Jim DeMaria at 630-623-2309 or at [email protected].


Ronald McDonald House near Central DuPage Hospital Campaign

Page 14: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Chicagoland and Northwest IndianaFinancial Statements (in Dollars) As of December 31, 2013

Balance Sheet Assets 2013 2012 Cash and Cash Equivalents 1,017,219 2,052,076 Investments 2,527,574 1,343,248 Contributions Receivable 7,786,766 3,988,529 Prepaid Expenses 389,443 241,838 Assets held for resale 800,000 1,130,000 Property and Equipment (net of accumulated depreciation) 53,887,860 55,694,549 Total Assets 66,408,862 64,450,240

Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts and Grants Payable 227,858 230,168 Deposits - 50,000 Long term debt 5,938,000 10,259,077 Deferred revenue 49,768 60,485 Accrued Expenses 611,921 697,906 Total Liabilities 6,827,547 11,297,636 Net Assets 59,581,315 53,152,604 Total Liabilities and Net Assets 66,408,862 64,450,240

Income Statement Support and Revenue 2013 2012 Fundraising Events (net) 4,656,533 4,881,238 Other Contributions 9,318,904 6,799,544 Other Revenue Room Rental and House Operations 282,067 225,159 Net Realized and Unrealized Gain on Investments 296,180 178,212 Interest and Dividends 49,753 15,601 Loss on asset held for resale (330,000) 4,982,606 Rental Income 432,848 169,056 Total Support and Revenue 14,706,285 17,251,416 Expenses Program Services House Operations 5,748,901 4,712,698 Grants and Scholarships 441,484 385,849 Indirect Fundraising Costs 505,239 630,621 Management and General 1,355,392 1,037,785 Total Expenses 8,051,016 6,766,953 Change in Net Assets 16,697,971 10,269,260 Transfer of Net Assets 0 0 Net Assets, Beginning of Year 42,883,344 42,883,344 Net Assets, End of Year 59,581,315 53,152,604 For a full copy of the RMHC-CNI 2013 Financial Audit prepared by Plante & Moran PLLC, go to


Page 15: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook

Exceeding Financial Standards


House Operations

Grants & Scholarships

Indirect Fundraising Costs




















• Spend no more than 35% of related contributions on fund raising. Related contributions include donations, legacies, and other gifts received as a result of fund raising efforts.

• Avoid accumulating funds that could be used for current program activities. To meet this standard, the charity’s unrestricted net assets available for use should not be more than three times the size of the past year’s expenses or three times the size of the current year’s budget, whichever is higher.

• Spend at least 65% of its total expenses on program activities.

RMHC-CNI adheres to the Better Business Bureau’s Standards for Charitable Accountability* in 2013 our results versus the Standards were as follows:


✓Yes No

✓Yes No

✓Yes No

*The BBB Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability were developed to assist donors in making sound giving decisions and to foster public confi dence in charitable organizations. The Standards seek to ensure that the charity spends its funds honestly, prudently and in accordance with statements made in fund raising appeals.

Page 16: Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland & NW Indiana 2013 Yearbook


Board of Directors:Mike Kotynek, Chairman EmeritusPaul Huebener, ChairmanDave Pojman, Vice ChairmanMary Haggerty, TreasurerTodd Schaefer, SecretaryRyan BakerJim Brady Steve BrunnerBill BudigMark Butterly, M.D.Jeff Cantalupo John Carnagio Maneesh ChawlaMike CroninRyan Dardis Carmen DeCarrierRay DeThorne Diane Donald Mark Duffy Joe Endress Mary Herrmann Nicholas Karavites Jodi Keller-Wheeler Cam Kennedy Greg KoernerCliff Koroll Mike Kregor Dean Lane Mary Leonard

Dave Lewis Rick McGrath Lorraine Nelson Tim NevinsLisa Newman Jim Norberg John O’Keefe Kevin Ozan Jim PetrowichRam Reddy Brian Salerno Charlie StoneMichael ThompsonJon Zindel

New Board Members/Changes in 2014Paul Huebener, Chairman EmeritusBill Budig, ChairmanBrian Salerno, Vice ChairmanMike Kotynek, TreasurerMary Leonard, SecretaryRose Ann AnschuetzMark GiangrecoDeborah Gonzalez-MendezLesley Prizant GoodmanMarion GrossTara KamradtRob LangFrank Liberio

Derrick LottSandy ProhammerMichael SchambergerEric SchroederBob SheehanJohn ShultzNancy Tallent

RMHC-CNI Offi ceDoug Porter, Chief Executive Offi cer1301 W. 22nd Street, Suite 905Oak Brook, Illinois 60523 (630) 623-5300 offi ce(630) 623-5307 direct(630) 623-0808

Ronald McDonald Houses:Near Advocate Children’s HospitalKelly Evans, Senior House Director4410 W. 93rd StreetOak Lawn, IL 60453(708) 423-5285 (708) 423-5658 fax

Near Loyola University Medical CenterLisa Mitchell, Senior House DirectorTripp Avenue at

Air Mail RoadP. O. Box 7002Hines, IL 60141(708) 327-2273 (708) 327-6000 fax

Near Lurie Children’sMark Shouger, Senior House Director211 E. Grand AvenueChicago, IL 60611(312) 888-2500(312) 464-0689 fax

Near University of Chicago Comer Children’s Hospital Mardelle Gundlach, House Director5444 S. Drexel Avenue Chicago, IL 60615(773) 324-5437 (773) 493-2905 fax

Ronald McDonald Family Room in Edward HospitalKatie Allabough, Family Room Director 801 S. Washington St. Naperville, IL 60540 (630) 527-3800