rome 2015. why pope francis is obsessed with mary today, christians around the world celebrate the...

Rome 2015

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Page 1: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

Rome 2015

Page 2: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary

Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine months before Christmas, this holy day commemorates Jesus’s conception in Mary’s womb. Of particular focus is Mary’s courageous choice to say “yes” to God’s invitation to be the mother of Jesus. Devotion to Mary is an integral part of being Catholic. It also plays a poignant role in the life of Pope Francis, who is known to pray the rosary three times a day. A pope dedicated to Mary is about as guaranteed as a pope who is Catholic. But Francis’s Marian devotion stands apart from his predecessors for one reason: Francis’s conception of Mary is not just as the meek mother of God, but also as a strong and courageous leader of the faith

TIME magazine, March 25, 2015



No wonder I am so angry! Watch how the children gather wood and the fathers build sacrificial fires. See how the women knead dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. And they pour out liquid offerings to their other idol gods! Am I the one they are hurting?” asks the Lord. “Most of all, they hurt themselves, to their own shame.”


Why is devotion to Mary an integral part of being Catholic? It all starts with the false doctrine of the Trinity. Their argument goes something like this… God is Jesus and Jesus is God. Therefore if Jesus is God this means Mary gave birth to God. If Mary gave birth to God this makes Mary the Mother of God. If Mary is the Mother of God then she cannot be a normal human being. She herself must be a God. Born supernaturally. The Catholic doctrine of the “Immaculate conception” has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. It is about the immaculate birth of Mary who they say was born free from original sin. She was sinless. They also believe she is in heaven and answers prayers. Mary they say is Queen of Heaven. But this false goddess is an invention and in fact has its roots in ancient Babel and Babylon long before Mary was ever born. In fact the Bible talks about the false god called the queen of heaven 700 years before Christ was born!

(Jeremiah 7:18-19 NLT)

Page 3: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

The Vatican has officially recognised a Palestinian state in a new treaty. The treaty, which was finalised on Wednesday but still has to be signed, makes clear that the Holy See has switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organisation to the "state of Palestine”. The Vatican had welcomed the decision by the UN General Assembly in 2012 to recognise a Palestinian state. But the treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and constitutes an official recognition. The treaty comes as Pope Francis prepares for a visit by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday before the canonisation of two new saints from the Holy Land the following day.Israel said it was "disappointed”. In a statement, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said the move would not help the peace process and "distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations."

Daily Telegraph, May 13, 2015



And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, Some believe the “he” to refers to Jesus. But it cannot be so. It is a latter day Roman ruler who causes the overspreading of abominations – the Pope


The Pope makes a treaty with the Palestinians with regards the division of the land of Israel! We have in Biblical terms the little horn power of Rome in Daniel 7 (the Pope) making a covenant with the Philistines (Palestinians) with regard to the division of God’s land of Israel who He gave to the Jews. There must be scriptural significance with this event. And there is. Amazingly we read of a future leader of the Rome confirming a covenant with those opposed to the descendants of Jacob. It’s in Daniel 9v27. We read that “he shall confirm a covenant with many”. “He” grammatically refers to the ruler that destroyed the city and the sanctuary. The ruler who did this was a Roman ruler in AD70. A latter day Roman ruler makes an agreement for a period of 7 years with “many”. The many refers to descendants of Esau- those who oppose Israel

Vatican recognizes State of Palestine in new treaty

(Daniel 9:27)

Page 4: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

Putin to visit Pope Francis June 10 at the Vatican

Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet with Pope Francis on June 10 at the Vatican, with conflicts in Syria and Ukraine likely to top the Holy See's agenda. Putin last called on Francis on November 25, 2013. The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Thursday the meeting would take place in the afternoon of June 10; Putin is expected to visit Russia's pavilion at the Expo world's fair in Milan, where June 10 has been slated as Russia's national day.After nearly a half-century of hostility between the Vatican and the Kremlin during the Cold War, a major breakthrough came just after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 when the Soviet president, Mikhail Gorbachev, met the Polish-born pontiff, John Paul II.After a 2009 visit by then-President Dmitry Medvedev, Russia and the Holy See upgraded their diplomatic relations to full-fledged ties, with ambassadors..

Associated Press, June 4, 2015



1. And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, THE POPEthe great horn was broken; and for it came up four notable ones toward the four winds of heaven. 2. And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. PUTIN

This meeting due to take place next week is significant. The Pope and Putin will discuss strategies with Syria and Ukraine. The two main areas of conflict in the world right now. Russia has a key part to play in both. In Bible terms the Pope and Putin are massively important players in prophecy. Daniel 7 tells us about the Pope and Daniel 8 about Putin. Daniel 7 tracks the little horn (a horn is a ruler) who comes out of the Roman Empire who speaks great things against God and changes the times and seasons. The ruler described is the religious power of Rome headed by the Pope who claimed he was the Holy Father – they even changed our calendar! The little horn of Daniel 8 is different. This is NOT Rome. This horn comes out of Greece – he was Antiochus Epiphanes. But a latter day king of the north exists – this time in Russia.


(Daniel 7:20 / 8:28-9)

Page 5: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

The Vatican has signed its first treaty with the "State of Palestine" and called for a two-state solution, in a move that drew immediate anger from the Israeli government.Israel warned that its future diplomatic relations with the Vatican could be damaged by the treaty, which it said "damages the prospects for advancing a peace agreement".The treaty was agreed in principle last month and covers the activities of the Catholic church in Palestine. Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the Vatican's foreign minister, said at the signing that he hoped it could be a "stimulus to bringing a definitive end to the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which continues to cause suffering for both parties".He called for the resumption of negotiations with the aim of a two-state solution. "This certainly requires courageous decisions, but it will also offer a major contribution to peace and stability in the region," he said.

Daily Telegraph, June 26, 2015



The end will come like a flood: war will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed. He will confirm a covenant with many for one “seven”.In the middle of the “seven” he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.’


The Bible speaks of a latter day Roman ruler (Pope) making a treaty (covenant) with the enemies of the Jews. It marks the start of a final 7 year period of time (the time of trouble) that counts down to the crowning as king of Jesus in Jerusalem. The signing of this treaty (covenant) this week could well be the very one spoken on in Daniel 9:27.In a modern translation the verse reads like this “The ruler will make a treaty with many people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.” Who is the ruler? Well “his people” we are told in the previous verse are those who destroyed Jerusalem in AD70. The Romans! The ruler is a Roman ruler. The treaty is with “many” people. “Many” refers to enemies of Israel.

Vatican signs first treaty with "State of Palestine"

(Daniel 9:27)

Page 6: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

Pope Francis to be tried by Sanhedrin

A re-established and self declared Israeli Sanhedrin, the religious High Court composed of 71 sages, has declared that it is putting Pope Francis on trial unless he retracts his statement that the Jews have no right to the land of Israel or to Jerusalem. In February 2013, the Vatican officially recognized the “State of Palestine” but more significantly, the Vatican signed a treaty in June with “Palestine” in which the Holy See switched its diplomatic relations from the Palestinian Liberation Organization to the “State of Palestine”. This treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and as such, constitutes an official recognition. The trial and judgment will be on September 20th, 2015. If Pope Francis chooses to ignore the summons, he will be judged in absentia. The Sanhedrin sent a letter to Pope Francis in reaction to the Vatican’s recent support of the Palestinian Authority’s unilateral moves to declare themselves a nation,

Breaking Israel News, July 7, 2015



Look down from thy holy habitation, from heaven, and bless thy people Israel, and the land which thou hast given us, as thou swarest unto our fathers, a land that floweth with milk and honey.BIBLE

QUOTE(Deuteronomy 26:15)

The word Sanhedrin is not found it the Authorised version of the Bible – but it is there. It is translated as “council”. Modern version use the word Sanhedrin. It was an assembly of twenty-three to seventy-one men appointed in every city in the Land of Israel and they acted as the Supreme Court. This new Sanhedrin has decided to put Pope Francis on trial for his recent signing of a covenant with the Palestinians which recognises their right to half the land of Israel. In their letter to the Pope they say “We require from you an apology for your recognizing as a nation those who stole the land, those who are known as the Palestinian Authority, and we are informing the Vatican that the God given right to the land of Israel is to the nation of Israel.” They are right.

Page 7: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

Pope Francis begins historic U.S. trip

Pope Francis' gleaming white Alitalia plane — colloquially known as "Shepherd One" — touched down at Joint Base Andrews Tuesday, as the pontiff began a historic six-day, three-city visit that will have political, diplomatic and spiritual ramifications. Breaking from the usual protocol for a state visit, President Obama and Vice President Biden chose to greet the papal plane at the Air Force base outside Washington before Francis departed in a hatchback Fiat to begin his tightly scheduled, carefully choreographed and highly anticipated visit. He has an ambitious schedule: The pontiff will visit the White House, meet with U.S. Catholic bishops and celebrate a new saint with a canonization Mass for the Spanish missionary priest Junipero Serra on Wednesday. On Thursday, he'll be the first pope to address a joint meeting of Congress, and on Friday he'll address the nations of the world at the opening of the UN General Assembly.

USA Today, September 22, 2015



And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.


(Revelation 16:13-14)

The Pope was given red carpet treatment as he landed in America for his 6 day visit. President Obama gave a short but perceptible bow as he welcomed Pope Francis. It is amazing to see the kings of the earth bow before this man. They do so because of his influence on one billion people. They are intoxicated by the Papal regime. It seems to last forever – a continuous voice that so many listen to. The Vatican is a nation in its own right so has a place at the UN. The only religion to do so. The Pope in his speech to congress talked about freedom (7 times) and also fraternity and being equal. These are the three central themes that came out of the French Revolution. The false prophet of Rome who declares to be the Holy Father is speaking in the very froglike way that Revelation says he would. To understand this further click here to watch a video.

Page 8: Rome 2015. Why Pope Francis is obsessed with Mary Today, Christians around the world celebrate the ancient Marian Feast of the Annunciation. Falling nine

Pope Francis begins historic U.S. trip

Pope Francis' first stop in New York was at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan, where, at an evening prayer, he said the following. ”I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice.” Then he said “The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds. God sees to the fruits of our labours. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” Then he spoke at the UN General Assembly. “Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Once again, the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of nations. In my own name, and that of the entire Catholic community, I wish to express to you,

USA Today, September 30, 2015



For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.


(1 Corinthians 1:18-19)

The speeches the Pope gave in New York this week are worthy of note as they totally establish him as the anti Christ. Firstly he called Muslim’s his brothers and sisters. From a religious point of view a true Christian cannot call a Muslim his brother or sister. Our brothers and sisters are only those in Christ. He then went on to say that Jesus Christ’s life ended in failure, the failure of the cross!!! He didn’t go on to say anything else! He just left it there. Failure. But the cross, the death of Christ, was VICTORY.It was victory over sin. Hence his resurrection. No mention of this by the anti Christ.At the UN General Assembly he said “In my OWN NAME” I speak to you. Christ said, " I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in OWN NAME, him ye will receive" . The world has received another man -the Pope not Christ.