roll of the workout

It!s A Roll Of The Workout And A Roll Off Your Tummy Lose Weight In Record Time & Keep It Off Forever! Feel Young & Energetic! Get Motivated! Have fun while you workout! Workout at home, at the office, at the park or in your hotel room in 6 Minutes Or Less with ZERO equipment! Burn up to 12x More Calories Than A One Hour Walk! It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

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a game to make working out fun


Page 1: Roll of the Workout

It!s A Roll Of The WorkoutAnd A Roll Off Your Tummy

Lose Weight In Record Time & Keep It Off


Feel Young & Energetic!

Get Motivated!

Have fun while you workout!

Workout at home, at the office, at the park or

in your hotel room in 6 Minutes Or Less with

ZERO equipment!

Burn up to 12x More Calories Than A One

Hour Walk!

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 2: Roll of the Workout


“I have never felt this good in my life! It is amazing that just 6 minutes a day can get me so much energy, I am so busy with work every day and I really needed this quick and easy workout program and now I!m feeling fantastic! Thanks heaps Nick, you!re the man!”

Graeme JohnInternet Marketing

“Thankyou so much Nick, you have changed my life. I have now lost 70 Kilos (154 Pounds) which I never thought possible, thankyou for believing in me”

Lara Macpherson National Occupational Health and Safety Manager

“Nick!s passion for fitness is utterly infectious. It is almost impossible NOT to do what he says and reap the rewards. I own many of his products and am never disappointed. Nick has a gift for showing you what is possible, helping you believe you can do it and then giving you a very specific plan how to get there. If you are serious about getting fit then read this book and do what Nick says. You will be amazed at what you are able to accomplish in a mere 6 minutes a day.”

Tina Pieri Spiritual Healer

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 3: Roll of the Workout

It!s A Roll Of The Workout

It!s A Roll Of The WorkoutCopyright © 2009 by Nick Papaziakas. All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author.

Published in Australia by Nick Papaziakas

DisclaimerThis publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. The authors and publisher of this material are also not responsible in any matter, whatsoever, for any injury that may occur through following the instructions in this material. The activities, physical and otherwise, described herein for informational purposes, may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader should consult a physician before engaging in them.

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 4: Roll of the Workout


Are you lazy and unmotivated?

Are you sick of wasting money on gym memberships that you never use?

Are you bored of the same workout routines that gym instructors give to everyone?

Do you feel ill at just the thought of another long, hard workout?

Are you struggling to find the time to exercise?

Are you finding that personal training and gym memberships are just too expensive?

Is a $10,000 full home gym set-up out of your budget?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, please keep reading!

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 5: Roll of the Workout


Imagine having a personal trainer every day of the week - 24/7...

Imagine having someone motivate you through your workouts...

Imagine not even having to think while you are working out because it!s already set out for you...

Imagine saving time driving too and from gyms and being able to exercise without any equipment at home, at work, at the park, and on holidays/business trips in your hotel room...

Imagine doing a workout in just 6 minutes and getting 12 x better results than people at the gym doing one hour workouts are getting...

Imagine HAVING FUN while working out...

And best of all... Imagine never having to pay a single cent on gym memberships, personal training or home gym equipment ever again!

If only it were possible...

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 6: Roll of the Workout

Let Me Explain...

Hi my name is Nick Papaziakas,

I have been an international health and fitness expert for the past 8 years, starting out as a personal trainer and now an Author, Life Coach and Fitness Model. I have owned my own personal training studio, worked at large fitness centers, and worked at large gym equipment stores. People have paid me and continue to pay me over $11,000 for me to coach them 1on1. In this book I am going to give you the same advice that I give my 1on1 clients.

Let me get something straight here... I still think 1on1 personal training (with the right trainer) is one of the best investments you can make to get in shape. I also think that a gym membership is a great investment... if you have the time to drive there, and the motivation to go. As for home gym equipment... let!s just say I!m not the biggest fan, 95% of people that buy home gym equipment end up with an expensive clothes line.

Since the beginning of my career I have helped thousands of people change their lives and improve their health and wellbeing. I did this as I mentioned above through personal training, selling gym memberships and home gym equipment, basically I have been in every single business environment that promotes health (Well, some of them I think demoted health... but we won!t go into that here).

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 7: Roll of the Workout

What has led me to creating "It!s a roll of the workout! has probably been my mind subconsciously putting together all the answers to people!s health problems over the years. I am usually quite a modest person but I am very proud of my problem solving capabilities, it is what now makes me one of the world!s best life coaches and professional speakers.

For years I was frustrated at people telling me that they did not have time to exercise, that it was boring, and that they couldn!t afford personal training, or a gym membership or home gym equipment. The top three excuses that I heard over and over again where 1. I don!t have the time (My interpretation was I!m Lazy) 2. I don!t have the money (I would later hear them tell me about all the amazing, expensive restaurants they went to over the weekend) 3. I have to ask my partner (Why would you be with someone that doesn!t want you to be healthy?). I got so frustrated at these three excuses, I racked my brains for years to find a solution for these people, and I downright wasted my time... I wasted hours and hours on people that didn!t want to change. I now realize that FIRST the person has to want to change, or at least be open to change. It disappoints me that so many people just aren!t. So naturally I then realized that if I want people to change, there has to be a damn good reason for them to do so. To this day I have spent at least $40,000+ on personal development courses to learn about rapid change, I have studied with Tony Robbins, Garry Kewish, Brian Tracey, Bob Proctor and many, many other Personal Development Guru!s, and after $40,000 I can now say that as long as a person is open to improving their lives, and open to change, then I can take that person to heights that they have only ever dreamed about. The secret that has helped my clients It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 8: Roll of the Workout

lose up to 70kg and totally change their quality of life is that they changed their mindset. People associate pain and pleasure to everything that they do and whichever is greater wins. For example a smoker associates more pleasure than pain to smoking, e.g. Fun, Friends, Relaxation. Whereas a non-smoker associates more pain to smoking e.g. Cancer, Breathlessness. The same applies with exercise, an exerciser associates more pleasure to exercise than a non exerciser e.g. Feeling sexy, better relationships, more energy. And a non-exerciser associates more pain to exercise e.g. Yucky Sweat, Fear of failure in front of other people, pain from the exercises. I hope this is making sense, if not don!t worry too much as long as you simply exercise you will do just fine. It is mindset that is the first step to success with anything in life from Health, Wealth, Careers, and Even Successful Relationships. It!s the meaning that people put to life that makes their life what it is. Ok, so I figured out how to get people to take action fast and the results have been sensational. People from left right and centre started getting results and thanking me for helping them, they where losing weight in record time too! 16kg in 6 weeks, 10kg in 6 weeks, 70kg over 2 years, 20kg in 10 weeks... The list goes on. The people that where training with me got such amazing results that I soon became very, very busy training their family and friends. Right at the peak of success, I decided to change my own life... I decided that I wanted to reach more people, millions of people... I also knew that millions of people had the excuses of no time, no money and their partner is not allowing them to spend the money and time on their health. I knew that millions of people did not have the right mindset It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 9: Roll of the Workout

to succeed in life. I wanted to help, it!s my nature and I know that what gets me out of bed in the morning is that I am helping as many people as possible. Thanks to the internet, that dream is now possible.

So after all this time, effort and billions of hours of thinking I have something that eliminates the excuses of time, money and an unsupportive partner. The only thing I need from the people reading this book is to be open to improving their lives, and to be open to change... It!s o.k if you do find it hard to change, we should have a few life coaching sessions over the internet phone. I only give my personal email out in my books so just email [email protected] if you would like a few life coaching sessions over the phone, and because I know you are probably wondering how much it is... well the first session is free to entice you to come and have a chat! I just want to help. You will thank yourself for taking action after the first session. 1. Time is one of the funniest things, everyone has the same amount of it... there isn!t one person on Earth that does not have 24 hours in a day, so why do some people have such an abundance of time and others not? It comes down to productivity skills... Anyway you don!t need to worry about this anymore because I have found a way that you only need to workout for 6 minutes to lose weight. Well, there goes that excuse!!! 2. Money... The world revolves around money, I call it the

middle man because it is what stops people from having what they want, so we are going to cut the middle man out of this and it!s going to be straight from me to you... this program is free... BOOM, another excuse eliminated.

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 10: Roll of the Workout

3. Unsupportive partner... I can tell you right now, that if you get your partner to read this, and then show him or her how you can workout in 6 minutes without any expenses and get INSANE results then they will probably join in too, especially if they see you doing it. Just don!t ever continually ask them to join in, it doesn!t work. If you are really having troubles, then this goes back to mindset and a few life coaching sessions wouldn!t hurt either, it!s such a big topic so I won!t go into it here, but just know that I am here if you would like to talk about anything. I am the solutions man after all :)

THE SOLUTION IS... Turn the page to find out...

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 11: Roll of the Workout

IT!S A ROLL OF THE WORKOUT - The Game Board Book

Decent Quality Treadmill - $2500 Decent Quality Elliptical Trainer - $2000 Basic Home Gym Equipment - $3500 12 Month Gym Membership - $1200 12 Months of Personal Training - $12,480

Total Investment for traditional health improvement methods - $21,680 (Not including weight loss food programs which can come to $10,000 per year)

Its a roll of the workout - The Game Board Book - $0

Total Investment for The Game Board Book - $0


Ok, we are up to the most exciting bit of the book, it has taken you longer to read this book than it will take you to workout today! How exciting is that. It!s A Roll Of The Workout is a workout game board, all you need is 5 dice to play. I have put together a group of the best exercises for weight loss and split them into different categories so you get a full body workout and burn calories up to 12x faster than people using traditional methods of weight loss. This means you will lose weight a lot faster than these people! And through consistent and small action you will keep it off forever. The workout board is on the back page of this book, I know you will go and look at it now that I have said that but come back to this page... Ok now that you are back, you have seen how simple it is. You just roll the dice, then you add them all up, then you do the It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 12: Roll of the Workout

exercises. The amount of repetitions per exercise is based upon the total amount of all the dice put together, the only time this changes is if you roll a double six, then your repetitions double... Haha, I!m sorry... Being a personal trainer for all those years has left a mean streak in me. If you do not understand how to play the game yet, just go to and watch a few video!s of how to play the workout game. The full instructions are also in this book. I want to talk a little bit about how to use the game board for maximum advantage. I asked on the front page how would you like a free personal trainer, i!ll let you in on a secret... I have used these exercises in many, many personal training sessions and sometimes even guessed the amount of repetitions that my client was supposed to do... Almost all personal trainers do this. Now let!s just say that you had a friend over, you both want to lose some weight or tone up, what is stopping you from being each-others personal trainer and helping each-other get through the repetitions that you rolled? The workouts only take 6 minutes, you can either do it together or just wait your turn... How good will you feel when your friend rolls a double six and it!s not your turn! Payback for all the times they showed up late to something! The game board is on an A-4 piece of paper so you can also take it anywhere as long as you have the five dice with you. You can take it to work and do a quick session at lunch time, it is such a flexible workout routine you can do it anywhere, anytime. This board game also works with large groups, this will stop the arguments about which exercises are coming up next, just roll the dice and then it!s luck of the roll. Get everyone to join in and you have a group personal training session, you It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 13: Roll of the Workout

can even take it in turns as to who is the personal trainer for the session making sure everyone does all the repetitions. Remember these exercises are the best exercises of all for weight loss and tone (Bodyweight exercises). I would love to hear your stories or even your ideas to add to this book, if you could comment on my website I would appreciate that -

Ok, enough of me talking, let!s get into the action... Read the rest of this book for instructions and exercise examples (Or watch the video examples online) and get going! In 6 minutes you will be feeling awesome.

Thank you so much for reading, I am really pumped about this and now that you know how many people I want to help (Millions), please help me reach my dreams by telling your friends and family about my website. They will love you for it.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Nick PapaziakasAuthor, Coach & Fitness Model

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 14: Roll of the Workout


Upper Body# # # # # # # # # #

Lower Body




Workout Board Instructions

Workout Board

Final Words

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 15: Roll of the Workout

UPPER BODY!""#$!%&'(!)*#$+,-#-!.,//!0&1#!2"!(&2$!-3&2/'#$-4!5$6-!51'!+3#-0


On knees or toes, place hands about 6 inches wider than your shoulders. Inhale as you lower your body towards the floor, maintaining a straight line from head to toe. Exhale as you push your body back up. Don!t sink in the middle or pike your buttocks in the air and only lower your body until your shoulders are in line with your elbows. Visit for a video demonstration.

Bench Dip

Sit on a chair or bench and place hands next to hips. Move hips in front of chair and bend elbows, lowering body until elbows are at 90 degrees. Keep shoulders down and butt close to chair. Visit for a video demonstration.

Close Grip Push-Up

Place your palms on the floor with your thumbs touching one another. Extend your legs back so that only your toes are touching the floor and your body is straight. Keeping your elbows tucked by your side and your body straight, slowly lower your body as far as possible without hitting the floor. Pause, then push back up to the starting position without locking your elbows out. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 16: Roll of the Workout

Straight Leg Deadlift

Grasp a weighted object such as a backpack using an overhand grip. Stand up looking directly ahead, keep your back flat and legs nearly straight, bend forwards from the hips until your back is parallel to the ground. You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings and glutes. As you bend forward, your hips and glutes should move backwards and your body should be centered through your heels. At the bottom of the movement, do not allow the weight to touch the floor and don!t round your back. Hold for a count of one then forcefully contract your glutes and hamstrings to raise your torso back into the erect starting position. Visit for a video demonstration.


Stand in front of the weighted object such as a backpack with your feet parallel and shoulder width apart. Bend your legs until your hips and knees are the same level, keeping your rib cage up and your head level. Your back should be straight, at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Grasp the object with your hands just over shoulder width apart, one overhand, the other under. Using the power of your legs and hips, and keeping your arms straight, lift the weighted object from the floor until your legs are straight. The object should be against the upper part of your thighs. Slowly return the object to the floor, keeping your torso erect, arms straight and head up, eyes looking forwards. Your chest should be slightly forwards and over the object. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 17: Roll of the Workout

8-Count Bodybuilder

(1) Start from a standing position (2). Squat down and put your palms on the floor (3). Extend your legs out and backwards behind you. Keep your body straight and in alignment as you move into a basic push-up position. (4). Use a scissor like motion, kick your legs apart (5). Bring your legs back together whilst still in a push-up position (6). Execute a push-up (7). Move your legs back up to your chest (8). Jump up, this returns you to starting position. Visit for a video demonstration

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Page 18: Roll of the Workout

LOWER BODY7&.#$!%&'(!)*#$+,-#-!8,//!9&1#!!"!:&2$!;,"-4!93,<3-!=!%200


Place your feet shoulder width apart, abs pulled in. Squat down slowly as you sit back on your heels keeping good posture with chest up, shoulders back, and chin level. Lower as far as you can, keeping knees behind the toes and not going below 90 degrees. Tip: Place a chair behind you and act like you!re about to sit down, pulling up before actually sitting. Visit for a video demonstration.

Prison Squat

Place your feet 6 inches wider than your shoulders with your hands behind your head, abs pulled in. Squat down slowly as you sit back on your heels keeping good posture with chest up, shoulders back, and chin level. Lower as far as you can, keeping knees behind the toes and not going below 90 degrees. Tip: Place a chair behind you and act like you!re about to sit down, pulling up before actually sitting. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 19: Roll of the Workout

Y Squat

Place your feet 6 inches wider than your shoulders with your arms straight above your head, also 6 inches wider than your shoulders. With your abs pulled in Squat down slowly as you sit back on your heels keeping good posture with chest up, shoulders back, and chin level. Lower as far as you can, keeping knees behind the toes and not going below 90 degrees. Tip: Place a chair behind you and act like you!re about to sit down, pulling up before actually sitting. Visit for a video demonstration.

Forward Lunge

Stand with your feet together and take a giant step forward, lowering into a lunge and keeping knees at 90 Degrees. Pushup and return feet together then repeat. Remember to alternate legs. Visit for a video demonstration.

Reverse Lunge

Stand with your feet together and take a giant step backwards, lowering into a lunge and keeping knees at 90 Degrees. Pushup and return feet together then repeat. Remember to alternate legs. Visit for a video demonstration.

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 20: Roll of the Workout

Bench Step Ups

Step up onto a suitably strong bench by placing the foot of your lead (stepping) leg flat onto it. At the same time, remove your non-stepping leg from the floor and bring it up to place the foot parallel to and shoulder width apart from the stepping foot on the bench. Step back down with your lead foot and bring the other foot back down to join it to complete one repetition. Remember to alternate legs. Visit for a video demonstration.

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 21: Roll of the Workout



Lie on your front on the exercise mat and relax. Keep your forearms flat on the mat (in an upside down V-Shape) throughout. Lift your body up onto your forearms and toes. Aim for a straight line between neck and ankles. Hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat as many times as required, one x five second hold equals one repetition. Visit for a video demonstration.

Alternating Bridge

Lie on your front on the exercise mat and relax. Keep your forearms flat on the mat (in an upside down V-Shape) throughout. Lift your body up onto your forearms and toes. Aim for a straight line between neck and ankles. Straighten your right arm off the ground, and your left leg off the ground, Hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat on the opposite side and then as many times as required on both sides, one x five second hold equals one repetition. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 22: Roll of the Workout


Lie facedown on the floor, legs together and straight, arms straight and extended above your head. Keep your head/neck in a neutral position. Keeping limbs straight (but not locked) and torso stationary, simultaneusly lift your arms and legs up towards the ceiling to for a gentle curve with your body, hold for 5 seconds then repeat. Visit for a video demonstration.

Alternating Superman

Lie facedown on the floor, legs together and straight, arms straight and extended above your head. Keep your head/neck in a neutral position. Keeping limbs straight (but not locked) and torso stationary, lift your left arm and right leg up towards the ceiling to for a gentle curve with your body, hold for 5 seconds then repeat on opposite side. Visit for a video demonstration. Oblique Mountain Climbers

Get into the pushup position (arms straight), toes on the mat. Keep your upper body stable throughout. Bring your right knee up towards your left arm, then back down to the starting position. That!s one movement, your feet should only touch the floor in the starting position. Repeat with your left knee up to your right arm. Visit for a video demonstration

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 23: Roll of the Workout


Lie flat on your back on the ground, lift your shoulders and heels off the ground by 2 inches and hold. Bring your knees intowards your chest and continue to raise your shoulders off the ground until your chest meets your knees. Slowly lower back towards the ground into starting position and repeat. Visit for a video demonstration.

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 24: Roll of the Workout

PLYOMETRIC A/(&6#0$,+!)*#$+,-#-!8,//!B#/0!93#!C50!DEE!:&2$!%&'(!%(!F"##',1<!!"!:&2$!B#05G&/,-6!C&$!93#!)10,$#!H5(

Jump Squat

Start in squat position and explosively jump upward to maximum height. Land in squat position and immediately repeat jump until all repetitions are complete. (See Squat for more information if you are unsure). Visit for a video demonstration.

Jump Lunges

Start in lunge position. Explosively jump off front leg using calves of back leg to propel body upward. While in midair, switch legs so back leg is in front during landing. Visit for a video demonstration.

Clap Pushup

Start in pushup position, keep your hands shoulder width apart, drop down to the floor, once you reach the bottom push as hard as possible. You want to explode off the ground. Once your hands make contact with the floor, drop down in a quick manner and explode off the floor again. (See Pushup for more information if you are unsure). Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 25: Roll of the Workout


Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you, Kick your feet back to a pushup position, immediately return your feet to the squat position, leap up as high as possible from the squat position. Visit for a video demonstration.

Prone Tuck Jumps

Begin in a pushup position with your feet hip width apart. Using the power from your hips, knees and ankles rapidly accelerate your knees towards your chest using a maximum jumping push motion, once your feet have landed repeat the motion backwards until you are back into the pushup starting position and repeat for the designated amount of repetitions. Visit for a video demonstration.

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 26: Roll of the Workout

Standing Tuck Jumps

Begin standing upright with your feet hip width apart. Dip into a quarter squat position by bending at the knees and hips while pushing your arms behind your body. From this position rapidly accelerate your body upward by extending your hips, knees, and ankles and aggressively swinging your arms upward. Using maximal effort, jump as high as you can vertically and pull your knees up toward your chest. When you return to the ground, absorb the landing with your hips and knees. Reset in the upright position and repeat for the designated number of repetitions. This drill can be performed as individual jumps or repetitively. When performing repetitive jumps, as soon as you return to the ground jump again. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 27: Roll of the Workout

CARDIO >5$',&!)*#$+,-#-!8,//!I##"!:&2$!;#5$0!;#5/03(!=!B5J#!:&2!C##/!:&21<!=!)1#$<#0,+

Star Jumps

Start with feet together and arms by your side. Jump into a position with the legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to a position with feet together and the arms back by your side. Repeat until repetitions are complete. Visit for a video demonstration.

Spot Sprints

Start in a standing position and begin to run on the spot building into a very fast run on the spot until you are sprinting on the spot and your knees are coming up as high as possible. One repetition is when the left and right leg have been lifted off the ground. Visit for a video demonstration.

Speed Mountain Climbers

Get into the pushup position (arms straight), toes on the mat. Keep your upper body stable throughout. Bring your right knee up towards your right arm, then back down to the starting position. That!s one movement, your feet should only touch the floor in the starting position. Repeat with your left knee up to your left arm. Exert Maximum Speed. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 28: Roll of the Workout

Air Punches

Start in a standing position, clench your hands into a fist and bring them up to your jaw, keep your elbows by your side and punch forward with your left fist and then your right fist always bringing your hands back to your jaw. Visit for a video demonstration.

Up - Downs

Start in a standing position and drop to the ground as fast as you can, as soon as you are all the way onto the ground get back up as fast as you can until you are back into the starting position. When landing on the ground place your hands on the ground before any other part of your body hits the ground. Visit for a video demonstration.

Basic Burpee

Start in a standing position, then squat down towards the floor until your palms are touching the floor. Kick your left leg back, and then immediately after kick your right leg back until you are in the pushup position. Bring your left and right legs back into squat position one by one then stand up back into starting position. Visit for a video demonstration.

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Page 29: Roll of the Workout


1. Start at the left hand side of the workout board 2. Roll one dice per exercise category 3. Place each dice on the exercises rolled4. Add up the total of all five rolls 5. The total repetitions per exercise will be the total of

all five dice rolls put together 6. The only time the repetitions change is if you have

rolled a double six, if so your repetitions double7. Complete exercises one at a time starting from left of

the workout board to right of the workout board8. It is suggested that you complete five to ten total

rounds per week for maximum results

EXAMPLE OF GAME (You can also watch video"s at

For example If you roll a !5" on the Upper category that means you will have to do the exercise that comes up on that row. If you roll a !3" on the Lower Body Category you will have to do the exercise that comes up on that row. If you then roll a !4" for the Core Category, a !2" for the Plyometric Category and another !5" for the Cardio Category. Your total repetitions per exercise will be 5+3+4+2+5 = 19 Repetitions per exercise

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts

Page 30: Roll of the Workout


HEREUpper Lower Core Plyometric Cardio FINISH












Bench Step-


V-Crunch Standing

Tuck Jumps

Basic Burpee 6

Deadlift Reverse




Prone Tuck


Up-Downs 5

Straight Leg






Burpees Air Punches 4



Y Squat Superman Clap Push-





Bench Dip Prison Squat Alternating




Spot Sprints 2

Push-Up Squat Bridge Jump Squats Star Jumps 1

Upper Lower Core Plyometric Cardio FINISH

HERE 1. Roll Dice 2. Add Dice Totals 3. Perform Exercises WORKOUT BOARD

Page 31: Roll of the Workout


Please tell your friends and family about my website and I will send each of them a free copy of this book, plus access to all video demonstrations absolutely FREE. Send them to

If you would like to be talked through your first session of "It!s A Roll Of The Workout! via internet phone, or for additional coaching enquiries please email [email protected]

It!s A Roll Of The Workout - Bodyweight Version. Visit for FREE Workouts