role of perception

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Tell us about the role of perception in the building of human personality


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What Is Perception"Perception is

a process through which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve and respond to


is word which means "a process of knowing." How do you know a reality, how you se

e things and interpret them. It may be related to reality or may not.

Three concepts of personality:

Communication has many forms. veryone who communicates through a picture,

verbal design or with a landscape has its three meanings.

(1) Intended meanings, the meanings which I want to convey to the audience.

(2) !he second meaning is dictionary meaning e.g. communication material, wor

ds I have used.

(3) ost important is "perceived meanings" the meanings that you are getting yo

ur meanings will

be based on meanings that you are getting from the other person#s speech.

$o perceived meanings are critically important, e.g. during a lecture many a time

what I say you don#t take it the way I said this leads to misunderstanding. !he

di%erence between intended and perceived meanings is called misunderstanding.

Theories elated To Personality !he four ma&or theories of personality are listed in order of their time frame of

study, with trait theory research rare in today#s literature.

'. Trait Theory

 !rait theory states that in order to understand individuals, we must break down

behavior patterns into a series of observable traits.

(. Psychodynamic Theory

 !he second important theory is based on the work of $igmund )reud.

Psychodynamic theory emphasizes the unconscious determinants of behavior.

*. !manistic Theory

Humanistic theory emphasizes individual growth and improvement, as

popularized by Carl +ogers.

. Integrative #pproach

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 !he Integrative approach describes personality as a composite of an individual#s

psychological processes.

What Is Personality

In some ways we are all the same. -e all have the same human nature. -e share a

common humanity. -e all have human bodies and human minds, we all have

human thoughts and human feelings.

 et in other ways we are all completely di%erent and uni/ue. 0o two people are truly

alike. 0o two people can ever have the same e1perience of life, the same

perspective, the same mind.

ven identical twins are uni/ue in this respect2 twin number ' will always be twinnumber ' and will never know what it is actually like to be twin number (, to

e1perience life and see the world through number (3s eyes.

Personality can be de4ned in di%erent ways, depending on whether we focus on the

individual or on people in general.

If we focus on people in general, then we can de4ne personality in terms

of individal di$erences 5 that is, the range of di%erent styles of thinking,

feeling and acting. 6ust as human beings can di%er a great deal in terms of their

physical traits 7height, weight, hair, and so on8, they also di%er in terms of mental

and behavioural traits. )or e1ample, some people are

noticeably talkative and outgoing while others are noticeably quiet  and reserved.

$uch di%erences and variations are seen everywhere throughout the human


If we focus on the personality of a speci4c individual, we can de4ne it as that

person3s particular set of enduring dispositionsor long9term tendencies to think,

feel and act in particular ways.

If we focus on the personality of a speci4c individual, we can de4ne it as that

person3s particular set of enduring dispositionsor long9term tendencies to think,

feel and act in particular ways.

-e3re not talking about speci4c actions being repeated again and again, like

compulsive hand9washing, but about overall patterns, tendencies, inclinations.

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$omeone who has tended to be /uiet and reserved up to now will probably still tend

to be /uiet and reserved tomorrow. !hat doesn3t necessarily mean that they are

compelled to be /uiet and reserved at all times, in every possible situation. +ather,

they are disposed to be be /uiet and reserved more often than not.

-e can also sometimes see changes in an individual3s personality over time. !heremay be subtle developmental changes during adolescence, for e1ample, or there

can be /uite dramatic alterations following a massive brain in&ury.

Personality %haracteristics in &rgani'ations

Hundreds of personality characteristics have been identi4ed that are relevant to

personality. $ome characteristics with interesting implications in organizationsare2 locus of control, self9esteem, self9e:cacy, self9monitoring, and

positive;negative a%ect.

'. ocs of %ontrol

 !he degree to which individuals perceive control over a situation being internal

or e1ternal is called locus of control. <ocus of control compares the range of

beliefs that individuals hold in terms of being controlled by self 7internal locus8 or

controlled by others or the situation 7e1ternal locus8.

(. elf*+steem

=n individual#s self9worth is referred to as self9esteem. Individuals with high self

esteem have positive feelings about themselves. <ow self9esteem individuals

are strongly a%ected by what others think of them, and view themselves


*. elf*onitoring

 !he e1tent to which people base their behavior on cues from other people and

situations is self9monitoring. Individuals high in self9monitoring pay attention towhat behavior is appropriate in certain situations by watching others and

behaving accordingly. <ow self9monitoring individuals prefer that their behavior

re>ect their attitudes, and are not as >e1ible in adapting their behavior to

situational cues.

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. Positive-.egative #$ect

Individuals e1hibit attitudes about situations in a positive or negative fashion.

=n individual#s tendency to accentuate the positive aspects of situations is

referred to as positive a%ect, while those accentuating less optimistic views are

referred to as having negative a%ect. mployees with positive a%ect are absentfrom work less often. 0egative a%ect individuals report a higher level of &ob


ole &f Perception In Personality /evelopment

?eing interested in personality for as long as I can remember. -hat makes people

tick@ In what ways am I di%erent from other people@ =re we all the same under the

skin@ !hese /uestions have always intrigued me. !his is one of the reasons why Ibecame a psychologist.

?ut in addition to the psychological viewpoint, I embrace a more spiritual view of

human nature 5 a trans9personal view of the personal self. )rom this perspective,

personality is a vehicle through which our essential self, our innermost being,

operates in the world, particularly in social interactions.

I3ve learned that to really understand ourselves we need a kind of bi9focal vision to

view ourselves at two levels. I generally refer to these as essence and  personality .

• Personality is who we are, or at least who we seem to be, as individuals in

everyday life. It3s how we e1press ourselves to others and how we perceive

ourselves as a result. $ome of us are more e1travert than others. $ome of us

are more neurotic than others. It3s all relative.

• +ssence is what we are at the level of ultimate reality, beyond all the relative

stu% of ordinary life.A ssence is our true nature, our innermost being, our

deepest truth. ssenceis synonymous with spirit or soul. It is pure potential

emerging and evolving through consciousness. =ll essence is one, but there is

a speci4c instance of essence that is you and another instance that is me.

Psychologists generally view the self in terms of brain, mind and personality, butgenerally overlook spirituality and so neglect the essence of who we are. ystics

view the self in terms of divine essence, the spirit or soul, but generally overlook the

psychology of personality in ordinary life. ?ut combining these two levels 5

personality and spirituality, the personal and the transpersonal, the psychological

and the mystical 5 gives a fuller and richer picture of who we are.

?ottom line2 It depends upon  your  perspective on human nature.

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If you believe that people are biological machines driven by their genes, their

brains, and their environments, then the personality is simply those di%erences in

behaviour that are caused by accidental genetic, biological, and environmental


If you believe that people can consciously change and improve themselves to somee1tent, then personality also includes the possibility of developing character 2 a set

of strengths and virtues 7as well as weaknesses and vices8 that individuals can

adopt and develops throughout life.

If you believe that people are part of a self9evolving cosmic consciousness,

e1ploring and e1pressing itself through the myriad forms of humanity and other

creatures, then personality is an individually9tailored vehicle for such e1ploration.