rocky mountain conference news

ROCKY MOUNTAIN Conference 1ST QUARTER + SPRING + 2010 Education Department News – Mile High Academy and Campion Academy serve their world. + PG4 Camping Ministries throughout Rocky Mountain Conference Glacier View Ranch and Mills Spring Ranch. . + PG6 A Tribute to Orlando Magaña from his fam- ily, friends and coworkers for Christ. + PG8 Departmental News – Youth, Women’s Ministries, Family Ministries, Adventist Community Services and the Bible Worker Training Program. + PG10 OUR VISION: TO TOUCH EVERY PERSON IN OUR REGION FOR CHRIST. What is Our Greatest Challenge? By Gary Thurber, President People ask everywhere I go, “What are your first impressions of our confer- ence, and what do you see is our greatest need?” Having been in the Rocky Mountain Conference for nearly seven months now, I feel blessed to be a part of this family. My wife, Diane, and I have traveled to many parts of this field already and have enjoyed meeting new people as we visit churches, experience a few of our schools and gaze at some of the most beau- tiful scenery anywhere. What has brought the most encouragement to me, however, has been witnessing the passion so many people have for the mission of our church. Everywhere I go people ask, “What are your first impressions of our conference, and what do you see as our greatest need?” My answer is simple: We have an amazing group of people here with an incredible opportunity to do great things for the Lord. Our greatest challenge? If there is one area I would like to encourage us in it is unity. Psalm 133:1 says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” If there is one thing I can see that may hold us back from moving forward in a great way with our mission to save the lost, it would be our lack of unity. Unity does not mean that we all should look, act and think alike! One of the greatest strengths we have as a church is our diversity! It would be a sad day for our church if everyone thought just like me. Everyday we can learn and grow from each other’s perspectives and opinions. God wants us to do so. Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, and let us reason together.” Romans 12:10 says, Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor.” New Employees – Pastor Harold Alomía, Pastor Chris Evenson, Cheri Barber, Pastor Mitch Williams, Pastor Joel Kratzke and Pastor José Rodriguez. + PG12 Camp Meetings – Western Slope, Cowboy, Wyoming, Northeastern Colorado and Hispanic. + PG14

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2010 March


Page 1: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Conference1 S T Q U A R T E R + S P R I N G + 2 0 1 0

Education Department News – Mile High Academy and Campion Academy serve their world. + PG4

Camping Ministries throughout Rocky Mountain Conference – Glacier View Ranch and Mills Spring Ranch. . + PG6

A Tribute to Orlando Magaña from his fam-ily, friends and coworkers for Christ. + PG8

Departmental News – Youth, Women’s Ministries, Family Ministries, Adventist Community Services and the Bible Worker Training Program. + PG10

O U R V I S I O N : T O T O U C H E V E R Y


C H R I S T .

What is Our Greatest Challenge?By Gary Thurber, President

People ask everywhere I go, “What are your first impressions of our confer-ence, and what do you see is our greatest need?”

Having been in the Rocky Mountain

Conference for nearly seven months now, I

feel blessed to be a part of this family. My wife,

Diane, and I have traveled to many parts of this

field already and have enjoyed meeting new

people as we visit churches, experience a few of

our schools and gaze at some of the most beau-

tiful scenery anywhere. What has brought the

most encouragement to me, however, has been

witnessing the passion so many people have for

the mission of our church.

Everywhere I go people ask, “What are your

first impressions of our conference, and what

do you see as our greatest need?” My answer is

simple: We have an amazing group of people

here with an incredible opportunity to do great

things for the Lord. Our greatest challenge?

If there is one area I would like to encourage

us in it is unity. Psalm 133:1 says, “Behold, how

good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell

together in unity!” If there is one thing I can see

that may hold us back from moving forward in

a great way with our mission to save the lost, it

would be our lack of unity.

Unity does not mean that we all should look,

act and think alike! One of the greatest strengths

we have as a church is our diversity! It would be

a sad day for our church if everyone thought just

like me. Everyday we can learn and grow from

each other’s perspectives and opinions. God

wants us to do so. Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now,

and let us reason together.” Romans 12:10 says,

“Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give

preference to one another in honor.”

New Employees – Pastor Harold Alomía, Pastor Chris Evenson, Cheri Barber, Pastor Mitch Williams, Pastor Joel Kratzke and Pastor José Rodriguez. + PG12

Camp Meetings – Western Slope, Cowboy, Wyoming, Northeastern Colorado and Hispanic. + PG14

Page 2: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Gary Thurber, President

The New Testament describes the church

as a body with Christ as the head and each of

us having our part to play to make the church

complete. Ellen White penned these thoughts

about diversity and unity:

“We seldom find two persons exactly

alike. Among human beings as well

as among the things of the natural

world, there is diversity. Unity in

diversity among God’s children—the

manifestation of love and forbearance

in spite of difference of disposition—

this is the testimony that God sent His

Son into the world to save sinners” (Sons

and Daughters of Christ, p. 286).

It is just this simple. When we are united we

are strong – when we are divided we are weak.

So in our diversity, what is it that unites us as a

church? Just what are those things that bring

us together for a common purpose? Obviously,

our passion to fulfill The Great Commission

is at the heart of what draws us together. In

this world full of chaos, taking this gospel to

our own neighborhoods and to the remotest

parts of the world simply won’t happen unless

we unite and organize ourselves to work in

harmony as the body of Christ. Below, I have

listed a few areas in which I believe the Lord

has called us to unite together, intent on

winning this world for Jesus and preparing the

way for His soon return.

First is our common passion for the Word

of God and to be people of prayer. I am not

sure if anything else we do will matter if we

are not united in this area. There is a dearth of

knowledge and understanding of God’s Word in

this world which leads to transformed lives, and

I believe God wants us to shine a light into that

darkness. We simply can’t do that if we do not

have His light in us. Through study and prayer,

we will surely come to know and understand

more greatly God’s purpose in our lives and we

will be changed each day to be more like Him

as we share our witness with others.

Second, are our church’s 28 fundamental

beliefs. There are

some who have

tried to add or

take away from

them. None of us

individually have

the authority to

do so. However, if

anyone does feel

they have new

light, our church

has a process in

which it can be

considered. But

until the church

at large votes

otherwise, our

fundamental beliefs

remain what we rally behind.

Third, our Church Manual is another

means that unites us. It is filled with common

sense about how we will work together as a

sisterhood of churches. Some churches may

vary on procedural issues, but the spirit of the

Manual should always remain intact. At the

heart of the Manual is the wisdom it shares that

the body of the church is the final authority

for how it organizes itself and chooses its’

leadership – not any one individual.

The fourth way unity makes a difference is

our service to our fellowman and community.

Together, we can truly affect lives and help

those the Lord places in our path and have

a more powerful witness in our evangelistic


Fifth, we also must unite behind our schools.

If we look at why schools were established in

the beginning, the reasons they need to exist

today are only more profound and relevant.

In future issues we will be sharing wonderful

information regarding professional research

that has been done on how our students

perform academically and the spiritual benefits

of being part of our schools. But beyond those

amazing results, the most important asset our

schools provide is teachers who understand the

Gospel, creation,

the character of

God, and who

are prayerful

about each

student in their

room. Providing

education has

never been

easy or cheap,

just worth it.

United, education

becomes possible.

Sixth, I would

like to mention

how we work

together to

support and

spread the gospel. We, as a church, have

always worked under the philosophy found

in Romans 15:1: “Now we who are strong

ought to bear the weaknesses of those without

strength…” As the body of Christ – His church

– it was established from the beginning that

the Conference would be the storehouse for

tithe, which in turn goes to support pastors

and other spiritual leadership such as Bible

teachers for our schools in the Rocky Mountain

Conference and literally around the globe. It

is estimated that somewhere between 25 and

Unity in diversity around ...

1. Our passion for the Word of God and to be people of prayer

2. Our 28 Fundamental Beliefs

3. The wisdom of the Church Manual

4. Service to our fellowman – both in our local communities and in the world

5. Our schools

6. How we work together to support and spread the gospel

7. Love

Page 3: Rocky Mountain Conference news


30 million people around the world worship in

Seventh-day Adventist churches each Sabbath.

That has been made possible largely because

we pool our tithe and then think both locally

and globally how to best use the resources

God has given us. Even though the rest of the

world is beginning to be able to support more

of its own ministry needs, the North American

Division is still supplying about 60 percent of

the ministry needs around the globe. What a

privilege we have here in North America to

support the world church the way we do and

what an astounding difference it is making!

There are some who have expressed to

me that they don’t want to return tithe to

the church because they do not see the

church as relevant. Others have called the

church “Babylon” and divert their tithe in

other directions. Do we have a perfect church

organization? No, of course not! We should

always be looking at ways to be more effective,

so we can reach more people for Jesus. But one

thing is for sure – splintering ourselves in this

area results in the body of Christ becoming

weaker, not stronger.

During the past two years, our Conference

has experienced a decline in our regular tithe

by over one million dollars. Our reserves were

disappearing and the financial challenges were

great. Thankfully, there were several generous,

unexpected windfall tithe contributions, which

restored our reserves (equal to three months

of operating expense) and helped ministry

continue in our conference. Regular tithe

is still down, and we continue to face more

cutbacks in order to balance our budget which

ultimately means less pastoral coverage and

support for our churches and schools.

United as one, I have no doubt all of our

financial needs will be met to carry out God’s

work in the Rocky Mountain Conference and

beyond. I invite each of you to test and see if

the Lord will not “Open the windows of heaven”

as we are faithful in returning both our tithes

and offerings to Him.

There are many other areas of unity I could

cover, but let me end with one Paul empha-

sizes. He says that if we don’t get this one right,

nothing else will be of any effect. In Colossians

3:14, Paul says, “And beyond all these things, put

on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.”

According to John, Jesus agreed when he

said, “By this you shall know you are my disciples,

if you love one another.” (John 13:34)

Wouldn’t it be a shame to not be able to

share this last-day message in the Rocky

Mountain Conference because we are not rec-

ognizable as Christ’s disciples? This thought did

not escape Ellen White. Take a look at what she

wrote about 1 Corinthians 13 in the Review and

Herald, July 4, 1904, in an article entitled, “The

Value of Christlike Love.”

The Lord desires me to call the attention of

his people to the thirteenth chapter of First

Corinthians. Read this chapter every day,

and from it obtain comfort and strength.

Learn from it the value that God places

on sanctified, heaven-born love, and let

the lesson that it teaches come home to

your hearts. Learn that Christlike love is

of heavenly birth, and that without it all

other qualifications are worthless.

In order for us to move our mission forward,

we must display love for one another! Read fur-

ther what Ellen White says about this issue as it

relates to our vision for winning the lost:

If we would humble ourselves before

God, and be kind and courteous and ten-

derhearted and pitiful, there would be one

hundred conversions to the truth where now

there is only one. But, though professing

to be converted, we carry around with us a

bundle of self that we regard as altogether

too precious to be given up. It is our privilege

to lay this burden at the feet of Christ and in

its place take the character and similitude of

Christ. The Savior is waiting for us to do this

(Testimonies to the Church, Vol. 9, p. 189)

In this newsletter, you will find various trans-

lations of 1 Corinthians 13. Let me challenge

you to find your favorite version and take the

counsel Ellen White gave – read it everyday. Let

the words guide us as together we move for-

ward as a church family with the work the Lord

has given us to do.

United with Christ and one another, we can-

not be stopped from doing our part to fulfill

the Great Commission here in RMC!

If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don’t love, I’m nothing. If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bank-rupt without love.

Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self. Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. Love doesn’t strut, Doesn’t have a swelled head, Doesn’t force itself on others, Isn’t always “me first,” Doesn’t fly off the handle, Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others, Doesn’t revel when others grovel, Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.

Love never dies. Inspired speech will be over some day; praying in tongues will end; understanding will reach its limit. We know only a portion of the truth, and what we say about God is always incomplete. But when the Complete arrives, our incompletes will be canceled.

When I was an infant at my mother’s breast, I gurgled and cooed like any infant. When I grew up, I left those infant ways for good.

We don’t yet see things clearly. We’re squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!

But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consum-mation: Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.

–1 Corinthians 13, The Message Bible

Page 4: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Students Put Their Mission in Motionby Cheryl Chiasson

Helping Haiti

The students in 6-12th grade at Mile High

Academy raised money and partnered with the

South Denver Kiwanis Club to package food on

February 10 for families in Haiti. Their efforts

brought in a total of over $2,500, which result-

ed in the packaging of 10,000 meals.

Prior to the packaging event day the high

school students personally invited their MHA

neighbors to participate. They knocked on

doors and appealed for donations as well as

inviting the neighbors to come to the school

during the packaging process on February 10.

This is the second packing event that MHA

conducted with the South Denver Kiwanis for

their “Kids Against Hunger” project. “It is a privi-

lege to network with community leaders and

have them on our campus. They work hand-

in-hand with our kids to reach out and make

a global difference,” said Jeremy Wall, Campus

Ministries Coordinator. Gary Philpott, Mile High

Academy Development Board member, con-

nected the school with Kiwanis for this com-

munity activity.

Local news stations 7 (CBS) and 9 (NBC)

shared the story on their broadcasts later that


Students at Mile High Academy are Making a

Difference for Kids in Africa and Haiti.

Clothing for Africa

Recently the preschool through 5th

grade classrooms at Mile High Academy col-

lected clothing, toys, and other items for the

“Children’s Clothing for Africa” project.

The donations are on their way to children

in rural Kenya. Included in the shipment is

fabric for an orphanage where women with

treadle sewing machines will make curtains and

dresses for the girls. “You can scarcely imagine

the joy on the faces of these destitute children

when they receive their very first underwear

and socks!” said Dr. Stanley Wheeler who sorted

and shipped the donations.

The missionaries in Kenya will make a DVD to

send back to Mile High Academy. It will show

the Kenyan children wearing the clothes and

playing with the toys.

Education Department

Page 5: Rocky Mountain Conference news


For the second year, Campion Academy has

participated in ASSIST. The initiative provides

work for students, assists parents with tuition,

and provides opportunities for community


Students involved

in the program are

matched up with

senior citizens in

nursing/ rehabilita-

tion homes and oth-

ers in the commu-

nity who need some

assistance with daily

living needs. The

assistance does not

cost the recipients anything, but the students

receive $8- 10 an hour; the pay goes directly

toward tuition. The plan is funded 80% by a

donor through the Department of Social Work

and Family Studies at Southern Adventist Uni-

versity (SAU) and 20% from money raised by the

partner school.

This school year ten students are involved;

they work 15-20 hours a week. Jim Lynch,

manager of the work program at Campion,

says more students could be hired if the

donor base from SAU or money raised locally

were increased. To participate, a student must

apply. Applicants are then selected by a fac-

ulty committee on the basis of financial need

and the student’s willingness to be a good

witness and a good representative of God

and Campion Academy. Lynch reports that, to

date, the students enjoy the challenges and no

one has dropped out of the program.

A supervisor at the Sierra Vista Nursing

Home where six of the students work testifies,

“Our residents have formed deep and last-

ing relationships with the different kids. They

have been a monumental help to our activ-

ity program in many ways including running

programs, individual one-to-one visits, and the

responsibility of an entire wing. I am grateful

for the Academy and hope to have the ASSIST

program for years to come!”

Transportation to the work sites is provided

by the Academy.

Campion requires

all students to be

involved in a work


News in Brief


BRUNCH Thirteen

students received

a total of $8,200 in

specific scholarships at a brunch January 31 for

scholastic accomplishments or financial needs.

Dean Helm, financial officer, reports that 50%

of Campion students receive financial help. “In

today’s economy and with parents struggling,

we are glad we can help worthy students.” Two

of the recipients, Heidi and Lena Nagaard, are

pictured here with Larry Howard who present-

ed the Billy Howard scholarship.


For ten days, ten students and 15 adults will

be touring Italy to study art, music, and history.

Melia Williams, head of the Music Department

will be heading the tour. Joe Martin and other

faculty will take 28 students to Belize for a mis-

sion trip to build a school, hold a VBS, and give

literature in prisons. More details will be on the

Campion website:

ASSIST Program Assists Campion Students Academy Student Service Initiative Stipend Tuition

by Ardis Stennbakken Calendar of EventsMarch

11-22 Belize Mission Trip

11-21 Italy Fine Arts Trip

25-27 RMC Music Festival

26-27 Parents; Weekend

April 2-4 Mother Daughter Retreat, GVR

(Stephanie Johnson, presenter)

7-11 Southwest Spring Band Tour

(Grand Junction, Cortez,

Alamosa, Cañon City)

12-17 Week of Prayer (Buell Fogg)

18-19 Academy Days

20-27 Senior Class Trip


6-9 Sophomore Biology Field Stud-

ies Trip (Moab, Utah)

14-15 Weekend of Prayer

23 Music Awards Brunch, Pops

Concert, Scholar’s Reception

28-30 Graduation


22 Registration for 2010-2011


24-26 Alumni Homecoming

Page 6: Rocky Mountain Conference news


by Clayton and Wanda Hart

Looking out the front window, the snow is

falling lightly and the clouds occasionally give

way to the sun which shines through and glis-

tens on the trees like millions of tiny diamonds

sparkling brightly. The majestic mountains of

the Continental Divide are covered in a blanket

of white and stretch upward to the Heavens

as if to proclaim the glory of God our Creator.

Meanwhile, at our sis-

ter camp in Wyoming,

the entire landscape is

painted pure white like

a new canvas ready for

God to paint the beauty

of nature as He meant it

to be. The landscape out-

side brings pure bright-

ness as if He were cover-

ing us with His robe of

righteousness. As we experience God all around

us, we send you greetings and salutations from

your two camps in Rocky Mountain Conference.

We are honored to serve the ministry and recre-

ational needs of our Constituents in RMC and to

minister to Christians of other faiths at Glacier

View Ranch and Mills Spring Ranch.

Glacier View RanchBack at the Ranch we are beginning to get

busy again after some much needed down

time over the last two months. Last year we

hosted over 137 groups, not including individu-

als and day guests. We were excited to minister

to great groups like RMC Pastors Retreat and

RMC Bible Conference. We just recently hosted

the University of Colorado Campus Ministries

with 166 Christian college students. We also

enjoy hosting the RMC Pathfinder Invitational

Bible Bowl each March. We are excited to note

that we have most of our weekends booked

with groups both small and large. Did you

know that we are here for individual events and

family events as well as any size group event?

Check out Rustic Cabin for your family’s next

get together.

When you enter GVR, you will soon notice

that we have made many improvements to

your camp facility including much-needed

site upgrades, building upgrades, landscaping

around the lodge build-

ing, etc. We are currently

erecting a new elevated

tent cabin in Pathfinder

Village where you can

experience outdoor

camping in an open-air

shelter. We are excited

to announce that all

Pathfinder Clubs in RMC

can use the GVR path-

finder Village area free for planned Pathfinder

events. The only catch is that clubs must do

some form of clean-up project or community

project at GVR. Don’t miss this great opportu-


We are open year round here at GVR and

would love to host your next event any time

of the year. Please visit our web page at www. or drop us an e-mail at

[email protected] to check things out

and plan your next event. You can call us at any

time 303-459-0771 with any questions. Come

spend some quality time with us.

Mills Spring RanchOn top of Casper Mountain surrounded by

trees you will find we have a beautiful camp

located on over 200 acres. If you decide to visit

Mills Spring Ranch (MSR) you will soon find

that you love the place as you enjoy fellowship

together in a natural setting where God can be

discovered through the beauty of His creation.

At MSR we have family cabins, youth cabins,

meeting rooms, assembly rooms, developed

RV sites, daily picnic areas, wedding areas

and unlimited camping. MSR will re-open this

spring and host a number of group activities

like Wyoming Camp Meeting, summer camp,

women’s ministries groups, youth groups,

church groups, and a number of other groups.

We are making some changes at MSR includ-

ing needed building upgrades, miscellaneous

facility repairs, site improvements and so much

more to make your stay enjoyable. We have

begun an active marketing campaign including

an updated web site, new contact informa-

tion, past group follow-up, new group contacts

and distribution of brochures to all Wyoming

churches, schools and other community areas.

You won’t want to miss seeing the progress

happening at our spectacular camp property

located in Wyoming. Please visit us at our web

site or drop us an

e-mail at info@


com to check

things out and

plan your next

event. You can

call us anytime

at 307-235-2022

with questions.

Camping Ministries

Page 7: Rocky Mountain Conference news


November 19, 2009, was a big day for the

Wurth family of Frederick, Colorado. They

opened their arms not just to the new daughter

they were adopting, Hannah Ellen, but also to

her birth mother and father along with their

extended families.

“My husband and I felt strongly

that we wanted an open adop-

tion,” says Lori Wurth. “We

wanted a young couple that we

could be part of their life and

they could be part of ours.”

Hannah was born at Parker

Adventist Hospital, the only

hospital in Colorado to provide

a Family-to-Family Adop-

tion Support Program. This program provides

support and education for birth families and

adopting families from the moment a woman

begins considering adoption through the birth

and beyond to parent education. As part of the

program, birth moms can be referred to a sup-

portive physician and receive private birthing


“We work to make sure the birth moms feel

validated and respected,” says Rebecca Vahle,

adoption liaison for the hospital. “We work with

crisis pregnancy centers, physician offices and

many adoption agencies to create a supportive


We would love to give you a personal tour of

the facility and assist in planning your next

event. We are located just 20 minutes from

Casper, Wyoming, on top of Casper Mountain.

Come spend some quality time with us.

Summer Camps We are excited to host our summer camps

this year as we discover what love Jesus was

showing for us when He “DIED 4 U”. We will

be exploring the character of Christ with the

campers as we go through the Spiritual Gifts.

Again this year we will be hosting six RMC

summer camps including Family Camp and

Wyoming Camp at MSR. We will continue to

host three Friendship Camps with our part-

ners at Centura Health and the Seventh-day

Adventist hospitals. We are having Blind Camp

again this year with our friends from Christian

Record Services.

As you can see, we will have a busy but fun

summer as we teach kids to explore Jesus

through the beauty of nature. Come and

explore some of our activities like horseback

riding, high ropes, rock climbing, swimming,

and mountain biking, just to name a few.

Campers will enjoy making new friendships and

discovering the joys of recreation and the fan-

tastic programming. Most young people make

a life-changing decision for Jesus at camp! We

plan to have 500 campers this year at GVR and

MSR. Our camps run from June 6, 2010, until

July 18, 2010. We would love to have your child

come and share in the fun this year at camp.

From your entire Camp Ministries Team at

RMC, we want to wish you a wonderful and

blessed experience as you plan your next event

at one of your beautiful camps in Colorado or


Hospital Supports Open Adoptionsby Parker Adventist Hospital

The hospital also offers support and education

to the adopting family. If desired by the birth

mom, the adopting mom can be in the room

during the birth. Adopting families also can stay

in the hospital for free, if space is available, until

the baby is ready to go home.

“This was such an incredible experience that

we knew it was God’s wish for us to be at this

hospital,” Wurth says.

Page 8: Rocky Mountain Conference news


A Tribute to Orlando MagañaAfter serving for eight years in the Rocky Mountain Conference, Pastor Magaña passed away February 2, 2010.

Orlando Julio Magaña Correa was born on April 16, 1952 to Marcial and Rosa Magaña in Belize, Central

America. He had four siblings: Romeo, Ruby, Oswaldo, and Ivan. Early in his childhood, his parents learned

about the imminent return of Jesus. This belief became his passion and desiring to do something to actively

share this news, he decided to become a minister.

While studying Theology at CADES (Centro Adventista de Estudios Superiores), he met and married a young

woman named Ruth with whom he had 3 children: Orlando, Dennis, and Kenneth. During this time, he served

as a minister and administrator in various capacities in Belize, Central America. In 1980, Orlando received a call

to serve in the United States. Over the next 19 years he served as a minister and Hispanic ministries coordinator

in the Illinois and Nevada-Utah Conferences of Seventh-day Adventists. During the time he was in Illinois, he

obtained his Masters in Divinity degree at Andrews University. In 2002 he received a call to the Rocky Mountain

Conference to serve as its Vice President for Multicultural Ministries and Evangelism. During his years at Rocky

Mountain Conference, the ethnic churches in his department saw an increase of 55.2% in membership with at

least 280 evangelistic campaigns conducted. He always attributed any and all accomplishments to the glory of

God, and to the work of the lay and pastoral teams. His professional career spanned 33 years.

He is remembered for being a man of a quiet, thoughtful demeanor both at home and at work. He was a

strong leader, respected by his family, coworkers, and church. Over all, he is remembered not only for his love

of God, but also for his devotion to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the very ends of the world. He will always be remembered by his family as a patri-

arch, provider, and spiritual leader. We look forward to seeing him upon Christ’s return – the day he helped many others long for.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

– 1 Corinthians 13 New King James Version

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Youthby Marlene Perry

Braxton is a young man who lives out in the

country with his

parents and three

siblings. He has

always been home

schooled, which

was great for his

schooling but it left

him a little shel-

tered from outside

activities and social

exposure. Braxton

has always been a

bit on the quiet side, adventurous in outdoor

activities but shy when it came to meeting

and interacting with other kids his own age.

He attends a small church in his home town.

His church only has a few kids, mostly younger

than he.

Braxton had heard of Pathfinders, but never

had been exposed to a club or any other activi-

ties. He was told about the Oshkosh Pathfinder

Camporee and given the promotional video to

watch. For the first time, he showed excitement

about the possibility of meeting new kids and

experiencing something new and exciting. The

only drawback was with three siblings and the

expenses of the family farm, he and his parents

just didn’t know how they would be able to get

the funds to pay the registration, let alone the

airfare to attend the event. After much prayer,

they felt that if Braxton were to participate in

this event, God would have to make a way.

Otherwise, he would have to wait until another

event came along that was less expensive.

After learning

of Braxton’s desire

to attend the

Camporee, a spon-

sor covered all his

expenses. You can

only imagine how

excited he was to

learn God had pro-

vided a way.

Upon arriving at Oshkosh, he was amazed to

see so many people working together to set up

the camp. He quickly found out about the pin

trading between kids. At first he was not too

sure that he had all the skills to negotiate, but

was quickly pulled into the excitement. Every

evening he would pull out his pin “treasures” to

look at each one in detail. It was an outstand-

ing way for him to build his self confidence and

meet new friends from all over the world. He

was always quick to head off to the evening

programs, soaking it up like a sponge.

This shy young man that left for Oshkosh was

not the same by the time he returned home. He

was energized to make a difference in the lives

of others. The experience was overwhelmingly

positive for him in so many ways. Braxton has

since committed his life to sharing the Gospel

of Jesus wherever and whenever he can. He

has now enrolled in an academy and is taking a

leadership role in his small church. The oppor-

tunity afforded to Braxton has changed his

life forever. It will be amazing to see how God

will use him to further His work. He is already

planning on attending the 2014 Pathfinder

Camporee. He will be too old to attend as a

Pathfinder, but is planning on going as a vol-

unteer to help other kids experience this life-

changing event. He is already registered for the

North American Division Just Claim It Prayer

Conference and the YPAC Leadership Training,

all taking place this April in Ohio.

Women’s Ministriesby Ginger Bell

Women’s Ministries is many things: ministry and

fellowship within the local church and commu-

nity, one-on-one ministry through Bible study

and prayer, yearly retreats, and more!

Beautiful Glen Eyrie Christian Conference

Center in Colorado Springs is the place where

women’s retreats are held on even years. This

hide-a-way tucked among red rock boulders,

well manicured grounds, comfortable accom-

modations, and the opportunity to view wild-

life, sets the atmosphere for a spiritual experi-

ence in God’s beautiful nature. As women enter

this campus, there is a feeling of joy as friends

gather together, new friends are made, and a

renewal of God’s presence is felt.

Many lives have been changed. For instance,

one woman who wasn’t planning on attend-

ing had a friend who asked her to go in her

place due to an unforeseen circumstance. This

was a new experience for her. She had never

attended a retreat before and didn’t really know

what to expect, but God and His Holy Spirit

touched her heart! She experienced an uplift-

ing spiritual renewal, especially through one of

the break-out seminars. As a result, she made

a re-commitment to God, returned home and

was re-baptized. God works in marvelous ways!

The next Women’s Retreat at Glen Eyrie will be

September 10-12 of this year with Brenda Walsh

as the key-note speaker. Plan now to attend –

and watch for further information!

Departmental News

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Valentine’s Workshop by Pastor Wayne Nazarenus

Adventist Community Servicesby Cathy Kissner

Believing in the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, has led many people into the Adventist

Church. This same belief leads many into the discipleship of Adventist Community Services.

Disciples realize that they have the gift of seed planting. How do they know what services they are

to do? Isaiah 58:6-12 states very clearly what the Father wants/demands from His children in dis-

cipleship. Those verses describe how Christ’s followers are to serve others the way Christ did.

In Rocky Mountain Conference, Adventist Community Services includes medical ministry, tutoring

and mentoring, food pantries, feeding the homeless, distributing clothing, classes in health, stop-

ping smoking, and weight loss, and disaster response. This list is not all that can or should be done.

Each church needs to survey their community in order to know the services needed in their com-


At the time of a disaster, Adventist Community Services Disaster Response responds according to

the guidelines established by the North American Division. Each time ACSDR has become involved

in a disaster, I have seen many seeds planted. The team of responders is often asked, “Why are you

here, you don’t have a church in my community.” “What do you believe?” ACS is seed planting—

come join us.

Departmental News

Eight couples from the Pueblo First, Pueblo

West and Canon City Seventh-day Adventist

Churches participated in a Couples Enrichment

weekend at the Pueblo First Church on

Valentine’s Weekend, 2010.

The purpose of the three-session workshop

was to help couples build stronger relationships

by using skill-building exercises. In preparation

for the sessions, couples completed a detailed

PREPARE-ENRICH assessment tool which gives

couples insight into over twenty areas of their


The Workshop was directed by Al Williams,

Family Ministries Director of the Rocky

Mountain Conference, with the assistance

of Wayne Nazarenus, Pueblo Pastor; Steve

Schwarz, Canon City Pastor; and Kay Wakefield,

professional counselor and chaplain from


Suppose I speak in the languages of human beings and of angels. If I don’t have love, I am only a loud gong or a noisy cymbal. Suppose I have the gift of prophecy. Suppose I can understand all the secret things of God and know everything about him. And suppose I have enough faith to move mountains. If I don’t have love, I am nothing at all. Suppose I give everything I have to poor people. And suppose I give my body to be burned. If I don’t have love, I get nothing at all.

Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not want what belongs to others. It does not brag. It is not proud. It is not rude. It does not look out for its own interests. It does not easily become angry. It does not keep track of other people’s wrongs.

Love is not happy with evil. But it is full of joy when the truth is spoken. It always protects. It always trusts. It always hopes. It never gives up.

Love never fails. But prophecy will pass away. Speaking in languages that had not been known before will end. And knowledge will pass away.

What we know now is not complete. What we prophesy now is not perfect. But when what is perfect comes, the things that are not perfect will pass away.

When I was a child, I talked like a child. I thought like a child. I had the understanding of a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

Now we see only a dim likeness of things. It is as if we were seeing them in a mirror. But someday we will see clearly. We will see face to face. What I know now is not complete. But someday I will know completely, just as God knows me completely.

The three most important things to have are faith, hope and love. But the greatest of them is love.

– 1 Corinthians 13 – New International Reader’s Version

Page 11: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Out of the Darknessby Karen Lewis

“When things begin to get very dark, those of us who have at one time had some kind of relationship with God, no matter how shallow, turn to God out of desperation,” said Brenda.

Brenda is the daughter of Joan, a woman

Linda Benningfield Hashman studied with a

couple of years ago. Linda is one of the Bible

workers from the “Lifting up Jesus” training

programs at the Chapel Haven church. Joan

had been out of the church for 40 years and

rejoined the church after studying with Linda.

Brenda was a constant subject of prayer as

her mother, Joan and friend Linda often prayed

together over her. Not long after her mother

surrendered her life to Jesus, Brenda called

Linda and asked her out to lunch. As they sat

across from each other at lunch, Linda looked

into her face and knew she was in the process

of conversion. There’s nothing like that look!

Linda began the “Lifting up Jesus” Bible studies

with Brenda a short time later.

Brenda recently recounted to Linda how she

came to Jesus. “When things begin to get very

dark, those of us who have at one time had

some kind of relationship with God, no mat-

ter how shallow, turn to God out of despera-

tion. That’s what I did,” said Brenda. “I thought

I invited you to lunch to help you to see how

the business I was in could enhance your busi-

ness – not to talk about coming back to Jesus.

I planned on coming back, but on my own

time. It was so easy to talk to you, and dur-

ing the studies, it just seemed right to make

the commitment to

Jesus. Once I did, it

felt like a lifetime of

weight and dark-

ness had been lifted

off of my shoulders.

My next hurdle was

struggling with when

I would get ‘good

enough’ to be saved.

When I expressed this

and you explained

that I was already

saved, I burst out

crying. It was such a

relief! I ‘got it”’right

at that moment. That

moment enabled me

to move forward on

my journey and not

be stuck in that ter-

rible place. I could

never have moved

beyond the grief with-

out the light of the

words God gave you

to say to me. He also

gave me light as to what that meant – I was

already saved! All I had to do was reach out and

grab onto it, then share it with others that God

has brought into my life.”

Bringing people to Jesus can happen easily

through honest friendship and by taking time

to know and really listen to their stories. Several

women from Chapel Haven joined our study

and offered Brenda love and acceptance, and

we only got about half way through before she

was baptized. She had been an Adventist as

a child and she knew the doctrines. What she

didn’t know was Jesus. And when she met Him,

she fell in love.

Brenda’s study group continues every

Monday night at her house. Almost

immediately after Brenda was baptized,

she began studying the Bible with her

neighbor Terri and that study continues.

Terri now regularly attends Chapel Haven

and is currently attending the Bible work-

er training program. It’s the most beauti-

ful thing in the world to watch how the

Lord works when we cooperate with Him.

To learn more about how to share Christ with

others, consider attending the next 16-week

Lifting up Jesus training session with Karen

Lewis. This course gives you the tools and con-

fidence you need to begin studying the Bible

with others in a very relaxed and effective way.

For more information call Karen Lewis at 303-


Page 12: Rocky Mountain Conference news


J. Harold Alomía, pastoring SW Wyoming and NW Colorado

Born in Peru, Pastor Alomía grew up in Berrien Springs, Michigan for a short time, and Peru. In

2003, Harold immigrated to Farmington, New Mexico where he worked at the Piñon Hills Adventist

Church as a contract Bible worker and Spanish Pastor. When it seemed that ministry was not to

be his path, the Lord opened doors in miraculous providence and called Harold to be a part-time

pastor in the “Mountain District” of Colorado. That same year he married his wonderful wife, Rosie

Alvarado. Harold pastored the Mountain District for two years before heading to Berrien Springs

to work on his Masters of Divinity (MDiv) degree. Today, the Alomía’s are back ‘home’ serving the

“ColoYoming” district of eight church in the Rocky Mountain Conference. Having eight churches

is a challenge, but ministry is about “team” so Harold and Rosie are striving to follow their Head

Coach, Christ. As they follow Him, the challenges result in sweet victory in Jesus.

Cheri Barber, Administrative Assistant in RMC Office

Excited to be on the Rocky Mountain Conference team, Cheri Barber began working at the confer-

ence office on a full-time basis on January 1. A graduate of Campion Academy, Andrews University,

and the University of Nebraska School of Nursing, Cheri serves the RMC office as an administrative


In her free time, Cheri enjoys spending time with her family and friends, her small study group, read-

ing and traveling. Cheri and her husband, Byron, have four grown children, three of whom live in the

Denver area.

Chris Evenson, assisting in Youth, pastoring Aspen Park, CO

Chris Evenson graduated from Union College with a Theology degree in 2005. His wife Lisa also

graduated in 2005 with a degree in Physician Assistant studies. Following their graduation, they

moved to the Denver area where Chris began ministry at the Denver South Church. After two won-

derful years, the Evenson family moved to Berrien Springs, Michigan, where Chris began the MDiv

program. After 2 ½ years, Chris completed his MDiv degree and the Evenson family, who left as two,

returned to the Rocky Mountain Conference as three. Jakob Gunnar Evenson joined the family on

Oct. 8, 2009. Chris, Lisa and Jakob are currently serving the Aspen Park Church as well as assisting in

the Youth Department at the conference office.

New Employees

Page 13: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Joel Kratzke, pastoring Twin Peaks in Louisville, CO

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” Prov. 16:9 NKJV. Having served in the

RMC and having left for other work in Minnesota, then having been called back to the RMC, Pastor

Joel can attest to the truth of the proverb. His desire and goal in ministry is be used to bring people

into a fuller and deeper relationship with Jesus Christ while, at the same time, fulfilling the call God

has given to His end-time church – to declare the “Three Angels Messages.” Pastor Kratzke under-

stands that we must learn to “live” that message if it is to have any power in the lives of those we

meet. Joel and his family are pleased to be called to serve at Twin Peaks Adventist Fellowship in

Louisville and are looking forward to finding those who are searching for Christ.

Joel and his lovely wife, Valerie, have two children, Victoria (14 years) and Jeremiah (11 years).

Mitch Williams pastoring the Adventure in Greeley, CO

Mitch Williams is pastor for the Adventure Seventh-day Adventist Church in Windsor, Colorado.

Mitch has been married to Lena for approximately 15 years, and is blessed with four daughters,

Gabrielle, 12, Colette, 7, Jenna, 7 and Olivia, 3. Pastor Mitch, a former entrepreneur, entered full-time

ministry in 2005. He graduated from Andrews University Theological Seminary in 2009. Previously,

he and his partner founded and operated a medical supply business for 10 years. Like the Apostle

Peter, Mitch sensed Jesus calling him to a different vocation, to be a fisher of men.

Pastor Mitch believes we are at the two-minute warning of earth’s history. Mitch’s vision is founded

on the principle of community as revealed repeatedly in the Bible. Ministry therefore is done best

in community. To be introduced to Jesus, to grow in Jesus, to model Jesus, to survive in Jesus,

we’ve got to live in Him as a supernatural, Spirit-led community – through corporate worship, small

groups, God-centered homes, friendship-evangelism and group-led service.

José David Rodriguez, planting a Hispanic Church in Arvada, CO

Pastor José David Rodriguez was born in Cali, Colombia. The youngest of seven brothers, David

started knowing Jesus from a very young age. His mother Ana was a fervent Adventist. Due to his

love for Christ and the urgent need to preach the present truth of the Second Coming of Jesus, David

attended Adventist University Of Colombia where he graduated from the theological seminar. Pastor

Rodriguez has served in Colombia, Ecuador and the US where many people have come to know the

love of Christ through his ministry.

Pastor David Rodriguez and his wife Angela have two daughters, Gabriela and Katarina

(baby Katie May). They enjoy visiting the mountains, and are all artistically

inclined. His wife teaches Art and Spanish. David enjoys drawing and he

enjoys playing the guitar with the entire family singing with him. They are

excited to be able to serve in Denver and Northern Colorado.

Page 14: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Western Slope Camp MeetingJune 3-5, 2010

Montrose Adventist School

Speakers includeJim Nix, the Director of the White Estate

Gary Gibbs, Associate Director of Hope ChannelAndrea Jacobsen, Andrews University – for the Youth

This summer’s Western Slope Camp Meeting will be held Thursday evening, June 3, through

Sabbath, June 5. The meetings will begin with a keynote by Rocky Mountain Conference Presi-

dent, Elder Gary Thurber, at 7:00 pm on Thursday evening. On Friday there will be seminars

and presentations by the two featured speakers for the weekend, Elder James R. Nix, Director

of the Ellen G. White Estate, and Gary Gibbs, Associate Director of the Hope Channel. The ABC

(Adventist Book Center) will be coming out and youth programs are being planned. For more

information call (970) 249-4942.

2010 Regional* Camp Meetings

*All regional camp meetings are locally sponsored and funded. For information, comments and

feedback, please contact the regional pastoral leadership for that area.

2010 Regional* Camp Meetings

July 7-10 Cowboy Camp Meeting

July 13-17 Wyoming Camp Meeting

Mills Spring Ranch

July 22-24 North East Colorado

Camp MeetingCampion Academy

September 3-6 Hispanic Camp Meeting

Glacier View Ranch

• I may talk the talk, but my words mean nothing without love. If you don’t truly mean it, it’s just rambling.

• I may have faith that fears nothing, and the ability to see the future, and I may be really smart, but without love I am worthless.

• I may give all my money to a homeless shelter, and sacrifice myself for others, without love it is worthless.

• Love is endearing and is laid back, not quick to get angry, and does not want what others have. Love is not conceited.

• Love does not talk smack, love doesn’t look out for oneself only, is not irritable, thinks positively.

• Is not happy with wrong doing, does not keep score, but is happy with the truth.

• Love can handle anything, believes all things, gives hope, it never gives up. Love is always there for you.

• Love will never end. Ideas will become irrelevant, languages will be over, technology will vanish.

• The little we know, we will tell.

• When perfection comes, imperfection disappears.

• When I was young, I was immature in the way I talked, acted and thought, but when I became an adult, I put those childish ways behind me.

• Now God only allows us to see a small picture but when we are with God, we will be able to see the big picture, like God knows us now.

• There is faith, love, hope. Love is the greatest.

1 Corinthians 13, translated by a Youth Group at

LifeSource in 2002.

Page 15: Rocky Mountain Conference news


Goes upthru system

BenefitsRMC Locally

Goes up, but comes back as local benefit

Page 16: Rocky Mountain Conference news


2 5 2 0 S D o w n i n g S t r e e tD e n v e r , C O 8 0 2 1 0

Upcoming Events in RMCApril, 20107-11 Just Claim It Youth Prayer Conf. (YPAC) Columbus, OH

8-10 Denver ASI Rally (Asscherik & Gibson)16-17 Grand Junction Youth Rally (Jerry Mahn)18-19 Campion Academy Days21 Association Board (9:30a RMC Office)23-25 ACS Disaster Response. Train. (Aurora)23-25 NAD Children’s Ministry Training (CO. Spr. Central)24-25 The Message of the Music – Derrol Sawyer (Nucla) 24 Pathfinder Council25 Adventure Fun Day

May, 201010 Campion Board16 Pathfinder Fair in Canon City16-22 ACS Nonprofit Leadership Cert–123 AdventSource Website Training (RMC Office)25 Executive Committee

1 . 8 0 0 . 2 5 4 . 9 6 8 7 + W W W. R M C S D A . O R G

29 MHA Commencement30 Campion Commencement31 RMC Office Closed for Memorial Day

June, 20103-5 Western Slope Camp Meeting – Montrose16 Association Board (9:30a RMC Office)24 General Conference Session begins27 Wyoming Youth Camp begins at Mills Spring

July, 20103 General Conference Session ends5 RMC Office closed for Independence Day7-10 Cowboy Camp Meeting–Silver Jack Reservoir ( Pathfinder Council11 Pathfinder Village Clean-up

13-17 Wyoming Camp Mtg.–Mills Spring22-24 NE CO Camp Mtg. at Campion23-25 Adventurer Family Campout25-31 Pathfinder Teen Survival Outing27 Executive Committee

August, 20105-8 Pathfinder Camporee at GVR8-11 Family Pastors’ Meetings at GVR18 Association Board (9:30a RMC Office)