rock català

Rock Català Catalan rock starts to be popular in the 70’s. The instruments that Catalan Rock includes are: drums, keyboard, guitar and electric bass. These groups didn't play ethnic instruments with the idea of being like typical rock groups like some universal ones. It started because some musicians wanted to play the music they were used to listen (English and Spanish rock mainly), but in their own language, that was Catalan.

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Rock Català. Catalan rock starts to be popular in the 70’s. The instruments that Catalan Rock includes are: drums, keyboard, guitar and electric bass. These groups didn't play ethnic instruments with the idea of being like typical rock groups like some universal ones. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Rock Català

Rock Català

• Catalan rock starts to be popular in the 70’s.

• The instruments that Catalan Rock includes are: drums, keyboard, guitar and electric bass. These groups didn't play ethnic instruments with the idea of being like typical rock groups like some universal ones.

• It started because some musicians wanted to play the music they were used to listen (English and Spanish rock mainly), but in their own language, that was Catalan.

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Grups of Catalan Rock

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Lax’n Busto

• Lax’n Busto is a group of Catalan Rock music. It was formed in Vendrell in 1986.

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• Their first record was “VAS DE PUNT... O QUÈ!!!”. Released in 1989. The other 9 records are:

• "LAX´N´BUSTO" (1991).

• "QUI ETS TU?" (1993).


• "A L'AUDITORI" (1996).

• “SÍ” (1998).

• “LLENÇA’T” (2000) .

• "AMB TU“ (2004).

• “RELAX” (2007).

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Mai Diguis Mai a un Mai

• Mai diguis mai a un mai, desenganxa´t de terra i puja a l´espai, ¿vols que t´ensenyi a volar?

• Posa´t al meu costat, perquè des d´aquí dalt tot es veu més clar, ¿de què tens por?, vine a volar.

• Buscant el camí més llarg per arribar més tard a casa, uoh-oh!, els ulls són boles de cristall que marquen el teu estat.

• Mai no diguis mai a un mai (4)

• This song explains that life is great and you don’t have to waste it.

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Els Pets

• “Els Pets” is a group of Catalan Rock, whose leader is Lluís Gavalda. It was created in “Constantí” (Tarragona) in 1985.

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• “ELS PETS” was the name of their first CD in 1989. The other 11 records are:

• “Calla i Balla” (1991)• “Fruits Sex” (1992)• “Brut Natural” (1994)• “Vine a la Festa” (1995). • “Bon dia” (1997)• “Sol” (1999)• “Respira” (2001)• “Malacara” (2002).• Agost (2004)• Això és espectacle (2006). • Com anar al cel i tornar (2007).

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La vella montserrat, desperta el barriA cops d'escombra tot cantant,Les primeres persianes, sobren feixugues badallant.Rere el vidre entelat, el cafeter assegura que no era penalI es desfà la conversa igual que el sucre del tallat.

Bon dia, ningú ho ha demanat però fa bon dia,Damunt els caps un sol ben insolentIl.lumina descarat tot l'espectacle de la gent.

This song describes Prades, a village of Catalonia.

It Explains what the people do in the morning when they get up

And the typical activities of every day.

I chose this song because it’s a revolution of the Catalan rock.

The musical instruments are:

Electric guitar, battery, trumpet and voice.

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• Gossos is a group of Catalan Rock. It was formed in 1993. Their live in Reus, the capital city of the province of Baix Camp, our province.

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• Their first record are “GOSSOS”, released in 1994. There are their other nine records.

• En privat - (1996)

• Metamorfosi - (1997)

• Directament - (1998)

• De viaje - (2000)

• Cares - (2001)

• El jardí del temps - (2003)

• 8 - (2005)

• Oxigen - (2007)

• 15 Anys a L'Auditori - (2008)

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• T’han condemnat a fer-te gran, dues llàgrimes no fan un fracassat, si vols volar, salta primer al barranc.

• Jugant com nens tota l’estona, vols vindre amb mi i amb un cop de sort, no ens caldrà tornar.

• Dins d’un volcà no hi ha temps real. Imaginant, caminarem damunt les ones el vent t’acaronarà.

• Ho aconseguiràs, sé que et trobaràs. Jo et perseguiré, si tot et va bé.

• This song explains the sadness of the singer for growing.

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• Sau is one of the first groups of Catalan rock, and one of the most popular of the movement.

• Its members were Carles Sabater, the singer, and Pep Sala, in the guitar and, sometimes, he played the piano.

• The group was born in 1987, and lasted until 1999, then Carles Sabater died.

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• Sau edited 11 albums:

• No puc deixar de fumar (1987)

• Per la porta de servei (1989)

• Quina nit (1990)

• El més gran dels pecadors (1991)

• Els Singles (1992)

• Concert de mitjanit (1992)

• Junts de nou per primer cop (1994)

• Cançons perdudes.

• Set (1996)

• Bàsic (1997)

• Amb la lluna a l'esquena (1998)

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Boig per tu

• BOIG PER TU (Crazy for you).

• “sé molt bé que des d’aquest bar

• jo no puc arribar on ets tu

• però dins la meva copa veig

• reflexada la teva llum

• me la beuré

• servil i acabat

• boig per tu. 

• This song talks about a man who likes the moon, but it is very far and he cannot touch it.

• We like this song because it is one of the most famous and it’s very pretty.

• This song transformed in a hymn of Catalan rock, when Carles died.

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Sopa de Cabra

• Sopa de cabra, was a group of music from 1986 to 2002, and it was considered Catalan rock even though they didn’t want to be this, just because they sang in Catalan

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• Their 14 CD’s:

• “Sopa de Cabra” (1989).• “La Roda” (1990).• “Ben endins” (1991) .• “Girona 83-87 "Somnis de Carrer"

(1992).• “Mundo Infierno” (1993).• “Al·lucinosi” (1994).• “Sss...” (1996)• “La nit dels anys” (1997).• “Nou” (1998).• “Dies de Carretera” (2000).• “Plou i fa sol” (2001).• “Bona nit, malparits!” (2002) .• “El llarg viatge” (2003).• “Podré tornar enrere. El tribut a Sopa de

Cabra” (2006).

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• Sempre deia que a la matinada es mataria però cap el migdia anava ben torrat somriu i diu que no té pressa ningú m´espera allà dalt i anar a l´infern no m´interessa és molt més bonic l´Empordà.

• This song explains how the life of the singer is. It talks about the village of the singer

• I choose this song because it’s the most listened, and popular. This song marks a revolution of this group.