
Robotics By Reuben Taverner

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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A fiction novel about a boy inventor who's inventions go wrong. Genre is kind of mixed as events take place, enjoy.


Page 1: Robotics

RoboticsBy Reuben Taverner

Page 2: Robotics

” Whoa “ I exclaimed, I was trying the new roller coaster out in adventure land, Minnesota. “Holy, whoa, ahhh” I screamed as the car went up, down, left, right and upside down.” Phew “ I sighed as the roller coaster went to the straights. The ride was named the toilet bowl because you go around in a spiral, and then it ascends to the loop de loops. When the ride was over I felt so dizzy and nauseas that I collapsed face flat on the ground after taking about 3 steps. Raising a hand I mumbled, “I’m ok, at least I think I am “. Dragging myself off the ground I stretched out, not only does that ride scary but I also had to wait one and a half hours to get on it as it was so popular and the ride was only 5 minutes long, but that is quite a long time to ride on a roller coaster because of the twists and turns.

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” Jacky “ a voice broke the silence of my world and I went back in to focus,” Jacky “ the voice called again. In a minute of hard thinking I recognized the voice” oh no “ I started but it was to late because before I had a chance to react I was on the ground because Bea had me in a tackle that pushed the power out of me, she was a friend of mine that I met in kindergarten I don’t know why but we have been friends ever since then. She also does rugby for some weird reason, so she always tackles me. Pretty much as soon as I got up I heard another familiar voice and this time I recalled the voice a lot faster, I tried to sidestep out of the way but in the blink of an eye I was back on the ground after being tackled again this time by my best friend Jasper.” Why does everyone want to tackle me today “ I winced,” what was that for dude, it really hurt “,” sorry I have been training for my rugby championship tournament and it is really important to me, remember “ he replied accusingly, looking like he thought his best friend to remember that. He got up very hastily and brushed himself off and looked down at me waiting for me to get up. I got up a lot slower, that tackle winded me,” boy can he tackle “ I wheezed. We then tried some other new rides out including a shoot while you go round, a merry go round where you shot figurines (suggested by Jasper).

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After a few more rides Jasper and I started to get hungry,” dang it guys I’m starved please can we get some thing to eat like a hot dog or some thing for lunch “ Jasper begged,” I second his idea personally, I’m ravenous “ I followed,” fine lets go, but not for to long because I still want to do some more rides, but why not just do more rides and eat later “, Bea argued, then she sighed, it was fair actually, it was two against one so she had to agree anyways because it was majority wins. So we went to the nearest hot dog stand where we ordered our lunch Jasper ordered a jumbo chilidog and topped it with sliced radish, mustard, pickles, onions, ketchup and some weird chili sauce thing.” Ewww, you are going to eat that junk “ remarked Bea with more than a hint of disgust,” yep “ smiled Jasper who was licking his lips,” it is the best combo ever made “. As he bit in to his dog little bits of onion, radish and a pickle fell out of the chilidog and splattered on to his shirt, I found that pretty funny for some reason so my shoulders shook, as I laughed for a bit. As for me I got a jumbo hot dog with ketchup and mustard followed by Bea who bought a small hot dog with only ketchup. We sat eating our hot dogs in our own little world in which Bea was in a mansion as ruler of the world, Jasper was the worlds best rugby player always winning trophies and what not and I was the worlds best inventor which my products were made famous all over the world.

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Once we had finished I glanced at my watch and sighed heavily, it was 3:37 and I promised mum I would be home by 4:00 sharp. I waved goodbye to my friends as I hopped on to my bike and pedaled away and pulled up in our front garage by 3:58 and threw it down, I swung the door open at just 4:00,” hi Jacky “ my mum called to me,” time you did some homework “ she instructed, I trudged over to my desk and plopped down on it. We live in cedar avenue block 21 and house 40 the houses here are designed by the owners so it is a cool place to live. Pulling my pencil out I got started on task one,Write more than one paragraph on how people domesticated animals (descriptive language needed). It read in bold letters,” easy peasy, lemon squezzy “ I remarked, in about 45 minutes to and hour I had finished three paragraphs and was starting a fourth. I read over my work and decided to only write a tiny bit more for the paragraph and then go up to play. So I wrote only three sentences for that paragraph, but it was the conclusion so I did not really care anyways. Then I did a few math equations for the sake of it.

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I shot up from my seat and ran to my T.V. that (I don’t mean to brag) is 58 inch, HD, 3D and has all the channels. I belly flopped on to the nice Persian couch that was not only nice looking but expensive too. I forgot to tell you my parents are quite rich because my dad runs a company and my mum is a part time surgeon so they got paid quite a lot of money. My favorite show just came on when my mum stormed though the door,” that is definitely not her happy face “ I muttered under my breath,” she must have had to change Chrisi’s diaper again “.” Mum what’s up “ I asked as quietly as possible,” I have to some surgery on a persons leg “ she replied hastily,” I will be back by 9:00 oh, and please take care of Chrisi, ok “,” fine mum “ I answered, anyways I will be starting on a new invention tonight, some thing to make our lives easier, the plan was a robot.

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I hopped up the stairs to my bedroom, which was on the fifth floor last room, and flung the door open inside everything was where it should be my PS3, Xbox 360 with kinect and wii. Along with that my queen sized bed, plus the bathroom with a small spa like thing. I ran to my cupboard where I kept all my toys and got out my spare parts my dad made me when he had his leave from work, and I started tinkering with the parts trying to use everything I had. Soon I got hungry and went down stairs to get some dinner for Chrisi and I and we had some sandwiches and some ice cream for dessert and then sped back up to my room as soon as possible and downloaded some files to make the robot do actions like clean, move ect. Then I transferred those files in to my robots central thought chip, which I connected to each part of the body with wires all connected to the head in a complex way. After checking my electronics book I started to piece the parts together. In about an hour or so I had assembled the head, which was looking like a fishbowl and I was halfway through assembling the body that resembled a trashcan with armholes.

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I lay back on my bed and admired my creation just then a thought struck,” Chrisi, oh no no no “ I remembered, I was so caught up with my invention I forgot about Chrisi. I jumped up and sped down the stairs flinging my self around the corners and taking the steps 3 at a time until I got to her bedroom on the first floor. Anxiously and carefully I opened the door and my mouth fell open, Chrisi was on the floor crying and sobbing with her bottle in her hands and her room was a complete mess. Picking Chrisi up gently I tried to soothe her,” it is way past your bed time little lady “, I reassured my self and tiptoed to the door. Just as I was nearly out the door Chrisi cried,” no, Jacky no go “,” fine “ I reluctantly agreed, I went back inside and decided to read her her favorite story, that was about a unicorn that was sad because she had no friends but in the end she makes friends with a unicorn that just moved in. In minutes she was sound asleep and I first tided up a bit before tiptoeing back out of the room and turned of the lights once again and this time it was quiet.

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Soon I was back in my room working on my robot, which was probably going to be done quite soon. Peeking at my watch, 8:40 it read,” whoa “ I exclaimed,” time files “. Eventually I got tired and restless and fell asleep. The robot lay beside my bed on it’s side nearly finished and waiting.” DING DONG, DING DONG “ my alarm blared,” ahhhh “ I yawned, that woke me up real good, I forgot I set the alarm to old bell, I took a glance at my digital clock it was 7:17 am,” I think I will do some work on my robot before breakfast “ I mumbled, after pulling my self out of bed I went straight to work, the robot was actually quite simple with the pace that I worked at it, I was nearly done in about 50 minutes. Except for a leg, a hand and one eye. Then I felt like I had done enough for now and went down for breakfast, where I had half an apple and a bowl of rice bubbles which I chewed up the food so fast I nearly choked.

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After that I stopped at Chrisi’s room where she was still sound asleep in her little cute bed. Speeding up the stairs I made it to my room and scrambled through the door but I was running to fast and I skidded forward,” my robot, whoa no no no nooo “ and I smashed in to the side of my bed and fell backwards,” owwwww “ I winced. Pulling my self up I got to work as soon as possible trying not to worry about the pain in my head, I was nearly finished when my mum came down and gasped,” Jacky what happened “,” nothing mum I just slipped “ I replied,” I will put some cream on it now it should make it feel better “ she instructed going up the stairs, she came back holding a little bottle of cream in her hand, Deep heat it read,” don’t worry this will only sting a little bit “ she reassured me. She squeezed a few drops of the cream on her finger and gently rubbed it on my bruise, that I had no idea was there until mum came in and freaked out. After the bruise started to sting but it got better and I felt less pain on my head felling around there I felt a quite large bump on the right of my forehead.” Thanks mum “ I said with sincerity and gave her a hug as she left the room and went to wake Chrisi up.

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” Yes “ I cheered, my robot was almost complete, I was just adding the finishing touches to the design. Once I was done that I grabbed the instruction manual for the machine and it said that the robot was voice activated.” Robot power up “ I commanded. Seconds later the robots eyes blared blue and the robot stood up awaiting another command,” robot show yourself to mum and clean the whole entire place up “ I commanded him again. The robot obeyed and was rumbling down the stairs soon. My eyes lit up with a burst great excitement, it was working! Meanwhile mum was trying to feed Chrisi when the robot showed up in the doorway,” oh so that is what Jacky has been working on all this time hey “ commented as she admired the robot, suddenly the robot grabbed the vacuum cleaner with his pincer like hands and powered it up then it started vacuuming the house and soon the house was perfect and spotless apart from a few well um ornaments. After emptying the vacuum bag in the nearest trashcan it barged out the door and started cleaning the street sucking up mail boxes, cats, dogs and even small children and then emptied them in to a trashcan and it started again sucking up everything that it thought was unclean.

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The robot was thinking I commanded it to clean the city. I ran up to my window and saw that the robot cleaning up everything,” why does this always happen to robots, I mean in movies they backfire, in books they backfire now in reality they backfire, what next “ I sighed. I sprinted outside and tried to stop the robot,” stop, STOP STOP, you useless piece of metal why won’t you stop “ I screamed at the robot but it would not listen it was just too busy cleaning to listen to me, after a few minutes of hard thinking I got a brilliant idea, well, at least I think it was a good one,” time to take matters in to my own hands “ I thought as I hurried back to the house. I went down to the basement and grabbed my dad’s mallet and ran back up.

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Once I had reached the robot I pulled the hammer over my head and put all my strength in to my arms and bashed the robot over the top of the head. The robot eyes suddenly went pitch black and the robot had a huge dent in its head about the size of my own head. I wandered away not feeling fully satisfied with my self and I wondered,” I think there was a better way to do this than that “ but what I did not notice was that the dent did not destroy the robot fully but it did damage the central thought chip and the robots eyes powered on again, this time blaring red with a new thought in mind,” exterminate “.

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Epilogue: The robot powered up and started stumbling away to the shadows where it would come again sometime. When I got home I saw the next day that I was on the television and reporters were swarming our house trying to interview me, I was quite famous for a while but then it all stopped, and every thing turned back to normal, probably because people had other things to worry about now, but anyways I did not mind it was fun while it lasted.” So what am I going to invent next “ I thought as I got home. I started on blue print for a new invention called,” the remote “ which should (if it even worked) control most electrical appliances in a certain range that is to be decided, my mum though was quite angry with me and I got scolded plus I ended up getting grounded for nearly destroying the city.

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Book 2: The test