robert houze university of washington (with contributions from b. smull) winter monex summer monex...

Robert Houze Robert Houze University of Washington University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull (with contributions from B. Smull ) ) Winter MONEX Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and its Legacy, 3-7 Feb 2005, New Delhi

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Page 1: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Robert HouzeRobert HouzeUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of Washington

(with contributions from B. Smull(with contributions from B. Smull))

Winter MONEXWinter MONEX Summer MONEXSummer MONEX

Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and its Legacy, 3-7 Feb 2005, New Delhi

Page 2: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Johnson & Houze 1987

Page 3: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Houze et al. 1981

WINTER MONEXWINTER MONEXDiurnal variation of high cloudiness near BorneoDiurnal variation of high cloudiness near Borneo

08 LST08 LST 20 LST20 LST

14 LST14 LST 02 LST02 LST





Page 4: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Houze et al. 1981

Radar Obs. of WINTER MONEX Borneo cloud systemRadar Obs. of WINTER MONEX Borneo cloud system

Stratiform Precipitation


Page 5: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Mapes et al. 2003



South America

South America



Diurnal gravity wave generation of mesoscale convection over coastal South America

Page 6: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Johnson & Houze 1987

Page 7: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

300 mb wind & sfc pressure850 mb wind

Percent High Cloudiness in the Summer MonsoonPercent High Cloudiness in the Summer Monsoon

May-September 19991999

< 235 K < 210 K

Zuidema 2002

Page 8: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Diurnal cycle, mean percent high cloudiness, 1999

Cloud Top < 210 K

Zuidema 2002

Page 9: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Zuidema 2002

r < 85 km

r = 140-210 km

r = 85-140 km

r > 210 km

Location of cloud systems by horizontal dimension May-September 1999


< 210 K

Page 10: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and


NOAA ShipRonald H. Brown

Webster et al. 2002

Page 11: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Zuidema 2002

JASMINE Mesoscale Convective SystemsJASMINE Mesoscale Convective SystemsDefined & tracked by 218 K infrared thresholdDefined & tracked by 218 K infrared threshold

Page 12: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

JASMINE 1999, Ship Track & Satellite DataJASMINE 1999, Ship Track & Satellite Data

85-90 E85-90 E


Webster et al. 2002

Page 13: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and
Page 14: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

IR Temperature

08:30 LST

Page 15: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

IR Temperature

11:30 LST

Page 16: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

IR Temperature

14:30 LST

Page 17: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

IR Temperature

17:30 LST

Page 18: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

IR Temperature

20:30 LST

Page 19: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

IR Temperature

Ship radar

20:30 LST

Page 20: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

2345 LST 22 May 99 0215 LST 23 May 99 0615 LST 23 May 99


Ship Radar DataShip Radar Data

Page 21: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Doppler Radial Velocity




Ship Radar DataShip Radar Data

22 May 19992300 LST

Page 22: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Doppler Radial Velocity




Ship Radar DataShip Radar Data

22 May 19992143 LST

Page 23: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

JASMINE Ship RadarData

TRMM PrecipitationRadar Swath

23 May 1999 0650 LST

Page 24: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

23 May 1999 0650 LST

TRMM Precipitation Radar shows extensive stratiform structureTRMM Precipitation Radar shows extensive stratiform structure

Page 25: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and


6 July 19796 July 1979

850 mb wind

Houze & Churchill 1987

Page 26: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Houze & Churchill 1987


6 July 19796 July 1979

NOAA P3 AircraftNOAA P3 Aircraft





88E 92E88E 92E



Page 27: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

850 mb wind


8 July 19798 July 1979

Houze & Churchill 1987

Page 28: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and



8 July 19798 July 1979

NOAA P3 AircraftNOAA P3 Aircraft



82E 86E82E 86E



Houze & Churchill 1987

Page 29: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and


Microphysics, All P3 flights, 3-8 July 1979Microphysics, All P3 flights, 3-8 July 1979

Houze & Churchill 1987






Columns Plates & Dendrites

Aggregates &Drops




el T





eg C








Relative Frequency of Occurrence


Page 30: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Intense Convective Wide Stratiform



TRMM Precipitation RadarTRMM Precipitation RadarJune-Sept, 2002-2003June-Sept, 2002-2003

Page 31: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Oceanic convection in both winter and summer monsoons occur in deep, broad mesoscale convective systems, often diurnally forced

Ground and airborne radars showed that precipitation in the mature mesoscale convective systems was predominantly stratiform

Microphysical data collected by aircraft confirmed the highly stratiform character of the precipitation, with evidence of ice particle growth by vapor deposition & aggregation

JASMINE 1999 shows the deepest, broadest, & longest lasting mesoscale systems are diurnal & propagate southward, possibly as waves, with discrete jumps in the progression of the cloud systems

TRMM satellite radar data (since 1997) confirm the stratiform character of the precipitation over the ocean—in contrast to that over the land

Page 32: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and
Page 33: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and
Page 34: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and
Page 35: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and
Page 36: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Diurnal cycle, mean percent high cloudiness, 1999

<235 K <210 K

Zuidema 2002

Page 37: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and
Page 38: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Churchill & Houze 1984

Stratiform precipitation shown by the Bintulu RadarStratiform precipitation shown by the Bintulu Radar

Page 39: Robert Houze University of Washington (with contributions from B. Smull) Winter MONEX Summer MONEX Presented at: International Conference on MONEX and

Houze et al. 1981

WINTER MONEXWINTER MONEXTime series of high cloudiness seen by satelliteTime series of high cloudiness seen by satellite



December 1978