robbins mgmt10 tb 01

Management, 10e (Robbins) Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations 1) Today's managers are just as likely to be women as they are men. Answer: TRUE Di: ! "age Re: # To$i%: &ho Are anagers( kill: AA*+: ulti%ultural and Di,ersity !) anagement ae%ts em$loyee morale but not a %om$any's inan%ial $erorman%e. Answer: -AE Di: 1 "age Re: / To$i%: &ho Are anagers( kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation 0) n order to be %onsidered a manager2 an indi,idual must %oordinate the work o others. Answer: TRUE Di: ! "age Re: / To$i%: &ho Are anagers( #) u$er,isors and oremen may both be %onsidered irst3line managers. Answer: TRUE Di: ! "age Re: 4 To$i%: &ho Are anagers( /) Ee%ti,eness reers to the relationshi$ between in$uts and out$uts. Answer: -AE Di: ! "age Re: 5 To$i%: &hat s anagement( 4) Ee%ti,eness is %on%erned with the means o getting things done2 while ei%ien%y is %on%erned with the attainment o organi6ational goals. Answer: -AE Di: ! "age Re: 5 To$i%: &hat s anagement( 5) A goal o ei%ien%y is to minimi6e resour%e %osts. Answer: TRUE Di: ! "age Re: 5 To$i%: &hat s anagement( 7) Ei%ien%y is des%ribed as 8doing things right.8 Answer: TRUE Di: ! "age Re: 5 To$i%: &hat s anagement( 1 *o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e <all

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Test bank chapter 1


  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    Management, 10e (Robbins)

    Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations

    1) Today's managers are just as likely to be women as they are men.Answer: TRUE

    Di: ! "age Re: #

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(kill: AA*+: ulti%ultural and Di,ersity

    !) anagement ae%ts em$loyee morale but not a %om$any's inan%ial $erorman%e.Answer: -AE

    Di: 1 "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    0) n order to be %onsidered a manager2 an indi,idual must %oordinate the work o others.

    Answer: TRUEDi: ! "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    #) u$er,isors and oremen may both be %onsidered irst3line managers.

    Answer: TRUE

    Di: ! "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    /) Ee%ti,eness reers to the relationshi$ between in$uts and out$uts.

    Answer: -AEDi: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    4) Ee%ti,eness is %on%erned with the means o getting things done2 while ei%ien%y is

    %on%erned with the attainment o organi6ational goals.

    Answer: -AE

    Di: ! "age Re: 5To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    5) A goal o ei%ien%y is to minimi6e resour%e %osts.Answer: TRUE

    Di: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    7) Ei%ien%y is des%ribed as 8doing things right.8

    Answer: TRUEDi: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    1*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    ;) anagers who are ee%ti,e at meeting organi6ational goals always a%t ei%iently.Answer: -AE

    Di: 0 "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    1) The our %ontem$orary un%tions o management are $lanning2 organi6ing2 leading2 and

    %ontrolling.Answer: TRUE

    Di: 1 "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    11) Determining who re$orts to whom is $art o the %ontrolling un%tion o management.

    Answer: -AE

    Di: 1 "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1!) Dire%ting and moti,ating are $art o the %ontrolling un%tion o management.Answer: -AE

    Di: ! "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    10) -ayol's management un%tions are basi%ally e=ui,alent to int6berg's management roles.

    Answer: -AE

    Di: ! "age Re: 73;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1#) The roles o igurehead2 leader2 and liaison are all inter$ersonal roles.Answer: TRUE

    Di: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1/) Disturban%e handler is one o int6berg's inter$ersonal roles.

    Answer: -AE

    Di: 0 "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    14) int6berg's inormational management role in,ol,es re%ei,ing2 %olle%ting2 and disseminating


    Answer: TRUEDi: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    15) int6berg's resour%e allo%ation role is similar to -ayol's $lanning un%tion be%ause itin,ol,es the %oordination o em$loyee's a%ti,ities.

    Answer: TRUE

    Di: 0 "age Re: 73;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    17) Resour%e allo%ation and disturban%e handling are both %onsidered de%isional roles.Answer: TRUE

    Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1;) A inan%e manager who reads theWall Street Journalon a regular basis would be

    $erorming the igurehead role.Answer: -AE

    Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !) >at6 %on%luded that managers need three essential skills: te%hni%al2 human2 and %on%e$tual.

    Answer: TRUE

    Di: 0 "age Re: 1311To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !1) Te%hni%al skills be%ome less im$ortant as a manager mo,es into higher le,els omanagement.

    Answer: TRUE

    Di: ! "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !!) *on%e$tual skills be%ome less im$ortant as a manager mo,es into to$ management.

    Answer: -AEDi: 1 "age Re: 11

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(


  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    !5) nno,ation is only im$ortant in high3te%h irms.Answer: -AE

    Di: ! "age Re: 1/

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !7) A distin%t $ur$ose is im$ortant in deining an organi6ation.

    Answer: TRUEDi: 1 "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    !;) A non3$roit organi6ation2 su%h as the United &ay2 %annot be %onsidered an organi6ation.

    Answer: -AE

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    0) &hi%h o the ollowing statements regarding managers in today's world is a%%urate(

    A) Their age range is limited to between 0 and 4/.+) They are ound only in large %or$orations.

    *) They %an be ound e@%lusi,ely in or3$roit organi6ations.

    D) The single most im$ortant ,ariable in em$loyee $rodu%ti,ity and loyalty is the =uality o therelationshi$ between em$loyees and their dire%t su$er,isors.

    Answer: D

    Di: 1 "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    01) omeone who works with and through other $eo$le by %oordinating their work a%ti,ities inorder to a%%om$lish organi6ational goals is .

    A) an assembly line worker

    +) a laborer

    *) a managerD) a sales$erson

    Answer: *

    Di: 1 "age Re: /To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    0!) n the $ast2 nonmanagerial em$loyees were ,iewed as em$loyees who .A) re$orted to to$ e@e%uti,es

    +) re$orted to middle managers

    *) su$er,ised othersD) had no others re$orting to them

    Answer: DDi: 1 "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    #*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    00) &hi%h o the ollowing ty$es o managers is res$onsible or making organi6ation3widede%isions and establishing the $lans and goals that ae%t the entire organi6ation(

    A) irst3line managers

    +) to$ managers*) $rodu%tion managers

    D) resear%h managers

    Answer: +Di: 1 "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    0#) All le,els o management between the su$er,isory le,el and the to$ le,el o the organi6ation

    are termed .

    A) middle managers

    +) irst3line managers*) su$er,isors

    D) oremen

    Answer: ADi: 1 "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    0/) &hi%h o the ollowing le,els o management is asso%iated with $ositions su%h as executive

    vice president2chief operating officer2chief executive officer2 and chairman of the board(

    A) team leaders+) middle managers

    *) irst3line managers

    D) to$ managersAnswer: D

    Di: 1 "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    04)Agency headorplant manageris most likely asso%iated with whi%h o the ollowing(

    A) team leaders

    +) middle managers*) irst3line managers

    D) to$ managers

    Answer: +Di: ! "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    05) The lowest le,el o management is .

    A) a nonmanagerial em$loyee+) a de$artment o resear%h manager

    *) a ,i%e $residentD) a irst3line manager

    Answer: D

    Di: 1 "age Re: /To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    /*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    07) u$er,isor is another name or whi%h o the ollowing(A) team leader

    +) middle manager

    *) irst3line managerD) to$ manager

    Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: /To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    0;) anagers with titles su%h as regional manager2project leader2 orplant managerare.

    A) irst3line managers

    +) to$ managers*) $rodu%tion managers

    D) middle managers

    Answer: DDi: ! "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    #) &hi%h o the ollowing best rele%ts the management stru%ture o a traditional organi6ation(

    A) $yramid

    +) %ir%le

    *) hub with s$okesD) ininite line

    Answer: A

    Di: 1 "age Re: 4To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    #1)Division manageris asso%iated with whi%h o the ollowing le,els o management(

    A) team leaders+) middle managers

    *) irst3line managers

    D) to$ managersAnswer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    #!) is the $ro%ess o getting a%ti,ities %om$leted ei%iently and ee%ti,ely with and

    through other $eo$le.A) eading

    +) anagement*) u$er,ision

    D) *ontrollingAnswer: +

    Di: 1 "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    4*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    #0) The distin%tion between a managerial $osition and a nonmanagerial $osition is .A) $lanning the work o others

    +) %oordinating the work o others

    *) %ontrolling the work o othersD) organi6ing the work o others

    Answer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: 4To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    ##) &hi%h o the ollowing is an e@am$le o an ei%ient manua%turing te%hni=ue(A) %utting in,entory le,els

    +) in%reasing the amount o time to manua%ture $rodu%ts

    *) in%reasing $rodu%t reje%t rates

    D) de%reasing $rodu%t out$utAnswer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    #/) &asting resour%es is %onsidered to be an e@am$le o .

    A) ei%ien%y+) ee%ti,eness

    *) inei%ien%y

    D) inee%ti,eness

    Answer: *Di: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    #4) An automobile manua%turer that in%reased the total number o %ars $rodu%ed at the same

    %ost2 but with many dee%ts2 would be .

    A) ei%ient and ee%ti,e+) in%reasing ei%ien%y

    *) in%reasing ee%ti,eness

    D) %on%erned with in$uts

    Answer: +Di: 0 "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    #5) Ee%ti,eness is synonymous with .

    A) %ost minimi6ation+) resour%e %ontrol

    *) goal attainmentD) ei%ien%y

    Answer: *Di: 0 "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    5*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    #7) Ei%ien%y reers to .A) the relationshi$ between in$uts and out$uts

    +) the additi,e relationshi$ between %osts and beneits

    *) the e@$onential nature o %osts and out$utsD) in%reasing out$uts regardless o %ost

    Answer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: 5To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    #;) n su%%essul organi6ations2 .A) low ei%ien%y and high ee%ti,eness go hand in hand

    +) high ei%ien%y and low ee%ti,eness go hand in hand

    *) high ei%ien%y and high ee%ti,eness go hand in hand

    D) high ei%ien%y and high e=uity go hand in handAnswer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    /) &hereas is %on%erned with the means o getting things done2 is

    %on%erned with the ends2 or attainment o organi6ational goals.A) ee%ti,enessB ei%ien%y

    +) ei%ien%yB ee%ti,eness

    *) ee%ti,enessB goal attainment

    D) goal attainmentB ei%ien%yAnswer: +

    Di: 0 "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(


  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    /0) Today2 the basi% management un%tions are %onsidered to be .A) $lanning2 %oordinating2 staing2 and dire%ting

    +) $lanning2 organi6ing2 leading2 and dire%ting

    *) %ommanding2 organi6ing2 leading2 and staingD) $lanning2 organi6ing2 leading2 and %ontrolling

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    /#) &hi%h o the ollowing management un%tions rom the mid31;/s is no longer in%luded inthe basi% un%tions o management(

    A) $lanning

    +) staing

    *) leadingD) %ontrolling

    Answer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    //) &riting an organi6ational strategi% $lan is an e@am$le o the management


    A) leading

    +) %oordinating*) $lanning

    D) organi6ing

    Answer: *Di: 0 "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    /4) ?rgani6ing in%ludes .

    A) deining organi6ational goals

    +) hiring organi6ational members*) moti,ating organi6ational members

    D) determining who does what tasks

    Answer: DDi: 0 "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    /5) A manager resol,ing %onli%t among organi6ational members is $erorming what un%tion(

    A) %ontrolling+) %ommanding

    *) dire%tingD) leading

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    ;*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    /7) The $ro%ess o monitoring2 %om$aring2 and %orre%ting is %alled .A) %ontrolling

    +) %oordinating

    *) leadingD) organi6ing

    Answer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    A eadershi$ Cunkie "art %enario)

    *arrie is a leadershi$ 8junkie.8 he has read all o the latest $o$ular management te@ts on

    leadershi$ and strongly eels that it has im$ro,ed her ability to manage and $erorm her job. heis always eager to share her knowledge with her $eers2 es$e%ially emerging issues in leadershi$

    and the dieren%es between the ways men and women lead.

    /;) de,elo$ed a %ategori6ation s%heme or deining what managers do2 %onsisting o

    1 dierent but highly interrelated roles.


  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    4!) &hi%h o the ollowing is not an e@am$le o a de%isional role a%%ording to int6berg(A) s$okes$erson

    +) entre$reneur

    *) disturban%e handlerD) resour%e allo%ator

    Answer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    40) A human resour%e manager attending a lo%al o%iety or

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    45) &hi%h o the ollowing is not an e@am$le o an inter$ersonal role a%%ording to int6berg(

    A) igurehead

    +) leader*) liaison

    D) s$okes$erson

    Answer: DDi: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    47) A%%ording to int6berg's management roles2 the roles in,ol,e re%ei,ing2

    %olle%ting2 and disseminating inormation.

    A) inter$ersonal+) inormational

    *) te%hni%al

    D) de%isionalAnswer: +

    Di: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    4;) All o the ollowing are e@am$les o inormational roles a%%ording to int6berg e@%e$t


    A) liaison+) monitor

    *) disseminator

    D) s$okes$ersonAnswer: A

    Di: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    5) &hi%h o the ollowing is not an e@am$le o a de%isional role a%%ording to int6berg(A) s$okes$erson

    +) entre$reneur

    *) disturban%e handlerD) resour%e allo%ator

    Answer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    1!*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    51) All o the ollowing are managerial roles that are more im$ortant at the higher le,els o theorgani6ation e@%e$t .

    A) leader

    +) disseminator*) igurehead

    D) negotiator

    Answer: ADi: 0 "age Re: 1

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    5!) &hi%h o the ollowing re$resents the most useul way o des%ribing the manager's job(

    A) roles

    +) un%tions

    *) skillsD) organi6ational le,el

    Answer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    50) any o int6berg's roles align with the basi% un%tions o management. -or e@am$le2 the role is a $art o $lanning.

    A) igurehead

    +) leader

    *) liaisonD) resour%e allo%ation

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    5#) All three o int6berg's inter$ersonal roles are $art o the un%tion.A) organi6ing

    +) $lanning

    *) leadingD) %ontrolling

    Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    5/) &hi%h o the ollowing indi,iduals identiied the three essential managerial skills(

    A) >at6+) ewisberg

    *) RainesD) *hambers

    Answer: A

    Di: 1 "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    10*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    54) The three essential managerial skills in%lude .A) te%hni%al2 human2 and em$iri%al

    +) human2 em$iri%al2 and %on%e$tual

    *) te%hni%al2 inter$ersonal2 and %ontrollingD) te%hni%al2 human2 and %on%e$tual

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    55) Understanding building %odes would be %onsidered a skill or a building%ontra%tor.

    A) human

    +) te%hni%al

    *) %on%e$tualD) em$iri%al

    Answer: +

    Di: 1 "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    57) &hi%h o the ollowing is true %on%erning te%hni%al and managerial skills(


  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    71) The ability to work well with other $eo$le2 both indi,idually and in a grou$2 des%ribes whi%h

    o the ollowing skills .

    A) te%hni%al skills+) assessment skills

    *) $lanning skills

    D) human skillsAnswer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 11

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    7!) &hi%h o the ollowing ty$es o skills are des%ribed with terms su%h as abstract situationsand visualization(

    A) inter$ersonal

    +) human*) te%hni%al

    D) %on%e$tual

    Answer: DDi: ! "age Re: 11

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    70) &hi%h one o the ollowing $hrases is best asso%iated with managerial %on%e$tual skills(A) de%ision making

    +) %ommuni%ating with %ustomers

    *) using inormation to sol,e business $roblemsD) $rodu%t knowledge

    Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 11

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    7#) &hi%h o the ollowing skills are more im$ortant at lower le,els o management2 as thesemanagers are dealing dire%tly with em$loyees doing the organi6ation's work(

    A) human

    +) te%hni%al*) %on%e$tual

    D) em$iri%al

    Answer: +Di: 1 "age Re: 1

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1/*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    7/) +udgeting is asso%iated with the management un%tions o $lanning and .A) dire%ting

    +) organi6ing

    *) leadingD) %ontrolling

    Answer: D

    Di: 1 "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    74) entoring is $rimarily asso%iated with the management un%tion o .A) $lanning

    +) organi6ing

    *) leadingD) %ontrolling

    Answer: *

    Di: 1 "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    75) An organi6ation is .A) the $hysi%al lo%ation where $eo$le work

    +) a %olle%tion o indi,iduals working or the same %om$any

    *) a deliberate arrangement o $eo$le to a%%om$lish some s$e%ii% $ur$ose

    D) a grou$ o indi,iduals o%used on $roit making or their shareholdersAnswer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    77) ?ne o the %ommon %hara%teristi%s o all organi6ations is 2 whi%h is ty$i%ally

    e@$ressed in terms o the organi6ation's goals.

    A) its $eo$le+) its goals

    *) its systemati% stru%ture

    D) its $ur$oseAnswer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    7;) ?ne o the %ommon %hara%teristi%s o all organi6ations is 2 whi%h %lariies

    members' work relationshi$s.A) its $eo$le

    +) its goals*) its deliberate stru%ture

    D) its $ur$oseAnswer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    14*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    ;) A deliberate arrangement o $eo$le to a%%om$lish some s$e%ii% $ur$ose is .A) a stru%ture

    +) a $ro%ess

    *) an organi6ationD) an assembly o$eration

    Answer: *

    Di: 0 "age Re: 1#To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    ;1) A dieren%e between traditional organi6ations and new organi6ations is that the neworgani6ations tend to be more .

    A) stable

    +) %ommand oriented

    *) rule orientedD) dynami%

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    ;!) &hi%h o the ollowing best des%ribes the %on%e$t that management is needed in all ty$esand si6es o organi6ations2 no matter the %ountry in whi%h they're lo%ated(

    A) the $artiality o management

    +) the segmentation o management

    *) the uni,ersality o managementD) the %ultures o management

    Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    ;0) Uni,ersality o management means that .A) all managers in all organi6ations $erorm the our management un%tions

    +) all managers in all organi6ations %an $erorm their job the same way

    *) all organi6ations %an hire any manager to $erorm the management jobs

    D) any manager %an work in any organi6ation and $erorm any management jobAnswer: A

    Di: 0 "age Re: 1/

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    ;#) ?rgani6ations that are well managed .A) %hoose the best su$$liers or their $rodu%ts

    +) %om$ete on an international basis be%ause they ha,e the best $rodu%ts*) always ha,e the lowest3%ost $rodu%ts

    D) de,elo$ a loyal %ustomer base2 grow2 and $ros$erAnswer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 1/

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    15*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    ;/) &hi%h o the ollowing ty$es o managerial $ositions is most likely to in,ol,e %leri%alduties(

    A) shit su$er,isor

    +) regional de$artment head*) $roje%t manager

    D) %hie e@e%uti,e oi%er

    Answer: ADi: ! "age Re: 14

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    ;4) A manager's su%%ess is ty$i%ally .

    A) de$endent on how hard the manager works

    +) how %losely the manager su$er,ises the em$loyees

    *) based on how skilled the manager is at the te%hni%al elements o the jobD) de$endent on others' work $erorman%e

    Answer: D

    Di: 1 "age Re: 14To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    ;5) A $rimary res$onsibility o managers is %reating a work en,ironment that .A) is sae and well lit

    +) is %lean and organi6ed

    *) allows em$loyees to do their work to the best o their ability

    D) $ro,ides e@%ellent %ustomer ser,i%eAnswer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 14

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    ;7) &hi%h o the ollowing re$resents a %hallenge o management(

    A) enjoy relati,ely easy work+) work with a ,ariety o $eo$le

    *) ha,e little inluen%e on organi6ational out%omes

    D) ha,e to deal with a ,ariety o $ersonalitiesAnswer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 14

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    ;;) Ea%h o the ollowing re$resents a %hallenge o management e@%e$t .

    A) must o$erate with limited resour%es+) are highly ,alued by organi6ations

    *) must moti,ate workers in un%ertain situationsD) su%%ess de$ends on others' $erorman%e

    Answer: +Di: ! "age Re: 14

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    17*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    anagerial +asi% Training %enario)

    magine that your marketing %om$any has just merged with a manua%turing organi6ation. ou

    ha,e been asked to hel$ $ro,ide some 8basi%8 managerial training to the engineers in theresear%h and de,elo$ment unit o the new sister %om$any. To make sure you are %o,ering the

    ne%essary issues2 your boss has asked to see an o,er,iew o materials that you will be $ro,iding

    the engineers.

    1) Fow that both %om$anies are merged and are a systemati% arrangement o $eo$le set to

    a%%om$lish a s$e%ii% $ur$ose2 they %ould be des%ribed as an) .A) business unit

    +) multinational %om$any

    *) organi6ation

    D) holding %om$anyAnswer: *

    Di: 1 "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hat s an ?rgani6ation(

    11) ?ne o the irst things the engineers need to learn is that are the $eo$le who

    dire%t the a%ti,ities o others in an organi6ation.A) dire%tors

    +) managers

    *) subordinates

    D) line workersAnswer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    1!) Another a%t that engineers need to learn is that su$er,isors may re=uently be reerred to as

    .A) middle managers

    +) to$ managers

    *) $roje%t leadersD) irst3line managers

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: /To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    10) any o the engineers in the grou$ are un%lear about what managers a%tually do. ourtraining materials e@$lain that a manager's job o%uses on .

    A) the $erorman%e o %leri%al duties+) $ersonal a%hie,ement

    *) hel$ing others a%%om$lish their work goalsD) su$er,ising grou$s rather than indi,idual em$loyees

    Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: /To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    1;*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    The *ustomer eeting %enario)

    >elly2 a $rodu%tion su$er,isor2 is res$onsible or 1 em$loyees who assemble %om$onents into a

    inished $rodu%t that is sold to distributors. >elly re$orts to +en2 a $rodu%tion manager2 who inturn re$orts to Dan2 a general manager2 who re$orts to %>enna2 a ,i%e $resident o o$erations.

    Re%ently2 %>enna asked Dan to ha,e a meeting with >elly and +en regarding some %ustomer

    %on%erns in the $rodu%tion area. The o%us o the meeting was to judge the ,alidity o the%ustomer %on%erns2 and to de,elo$ a s$e%ii% $lan to address these %on%erns.

    1#) &hat is the %ommonality among >elly2 +en2 Dan2 and %>enna(A) They all $rodu%e the same $rodu%t.

    +) They all ha,e the same job %ontent.

    *) They all are managers.

    D) They all ha,e the same ,ision.Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: /34

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    1/) >elly is %onsidered to be what le,el o management(A) to$ manager

    +) su$erintendent o assembly

    *) middle manager

    D) irst3line managerAnswer: D

    Di: 1 "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    14) +en and Dan are %onsidered to be what le,el o management(

    A) to$ managers

    +) middle managers*) su$erintendents o assembly

    D) irst3line managers

    Answer: +Di: ! "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    15) &hi%h o the ollowing is not an e@am$le o a de%isional role a%%ording to int6berg(

    A) s$okes$erson

    +) entre$reneur*) disturban%e handler

    D) resour%e allo%atorAnswer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    17) &hi%h o the ollowing is not an e@am$le o an inter$ersonal role a%%ording to int6berg(A) igurehead

    +) leader

    *) liaisonD) s$okes$erson

    Answer: D

    Di: 0 "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1;) A%%ording to int6berg's management roles2 the roles in,ol,e re%ei,ing2%olle%ting2 and disseminating inormation.

    A) inter$ersonal

    +) inormational*) te%hni%al

    D) de%isional

    Answer: +Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    11) All o the ollowing are e@am$les o inormational roles a%%ording to int6berg e@%e$t


    A) liaison

    +) monitor*) disseminator

    D) s$okes$erson

    Answer: ADi: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    111) &hi%h o the ollowing is not an e@am$le o a de%isional role a%%ording to int6berg(A) s$okes$erson

    +) entre$reneur

    *) disturban%e handlerD) resour%e allo%ator

    Answer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: ;To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    11!) All o the ollowing are managerial roles that are more im$ortant at the higher le,els o theorgani6ation e@%e$t .

    A) leader+) disseminator

    *) igureheadD) negotiator

    Answer: A

    Di: 0 "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !1*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    110) The roles o disseminator2 igurehead2 negotiator2 liaison2 and s$okes$erson are moreim$ortant at the le,els o the organi6ation.

    A) lower

    +) middle*) higher

    D) su$er,isory

    Answer: *Di: ! "age Re: 1

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    11#) The organi6ing $ro%ess is more im$ortant .

    A) or to$3le,el managers than it is or irst3le,el managers only

    +) or to$3le,el managers than it is or either middle3 or irst3le,el managers

    *) than leading at all le,els o managementD) than any o the other management $ro%esses

    Answer: +

    Di: 0 "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    11/) &hi%h o the ollowing best des%ribes the %on%e$t that management is needed in all ty$esand si6es o organi6ations2 no matter the %ountry in whi%h they're lo%ated(

    A) the $artiality o management

    +) the segmentation o management

    *) the uni,ersality o managementD) the %ultures o management

    Answer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    114) Uni,ersality o management means that A) all managers in all organi6ations $erorm the our management un%tions

    +) all managers in all organi6ations %an $erorm their job the same way

    *) all organi6ations %an hire any manager to $erorm the management jobs

    D) any manager %an work in any organi6ation and $erorm any management jobAnswer: A

    Di: 0 "age Re: 1#

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

    115) Almost all managerial tasks in,ol,e .A) de%ision making

    +) organi6ation skills*) inter$ersonal skills

    D) handling inormationAnswer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !!*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    117) Understanding building %odes would be %onsidered an) skill or a building%ontra%tor.

    A) inter$ersonal

    +) te%hni%al*) %on%e$tual

    D) $oliti%al

    Answer: +Di: 1 "age Re: 1

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    11;) Te%hni%al skills in%lude .

    A) leadershi$ and ei%ien%y in a %ertain s$e%iali6ed ield

    +) knowledge o and $roi%ien%y in a %ertain s$e%iali6ed ield

    *) amiliarity with and interest in a general ield o endea,orD) skill and interest in a general ield o endea,or

    Answer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: 1To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1!) &hi%h o the ollowing ty$es o skills is des%ribed with the terms analyzeand diagnose(A) inter$ersonal

    +) $oliti%al

    *) te%hni%al

    D) %on%e$tualAnswer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 11

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    The *ustomer eeting %enario)

    >elly2 a $rodu%tion su$er,isor2 is res$onsible or 1 em$loyees who assemble %om$onents into a

    inished $rodu%t that is sold to distributors. >elly re$orts to +en2 a $rodu%tion manager2 who in

    turn re$orts to Dan2 a general manager2 who re$orts to %>enna2 a ,i%e $resident o o$erations.Re%ently2 %>enna asked Dan to ha,e a meeting with >elly and +en regarding some %ustomer

    %on%erns in the $rodu%tion area. The o%us o the meeting was to judge the ,alidity o the

    %ustomer %on%erns2 and to de,elo$ a s$e%ii% $lan to address these %on%erns.

    1!1) %>enna is %onsidered to be what le,el o management(

    A) to$ manager+) su$erintendent o assembly

    *) middle managerD) irst3line manager

    Answer: ADi: ! "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    !0*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1!!) The stru%ture o the managerial relationshi$s among %>enna2 Dan2 +en2 and >elly %anbest be des%ribed as a .

    A) le@ible work grou$

    +) traditional $yramid stru%ture*) inno,ati,e nu%lear stru%ture

    D) %ommuni%ation hub

    Answer: +Di: 1 "age Re: 4

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    The "ere%t anager %enario)

    +renda >rat has $ro,en hersel to be an able manager.

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1!4) +renda a%%om$lished her $roje%ts on time with high3=uality results2 but she took moretime than other managers in the $ro%ess2 you %ould say that as a manager she was .

    A) ei%ient2 but not ee%ti,e

    +) a leader2 but not a to$ manager*) $roje%t oriented2 but not ee%ti,e

    D) ee%ti,e2 but not ei%ient

    Answer: DDi: ! "age Re: 5

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(

    1!5) The 8management un%tions8 e@em$liied by +renda in%lude all but whi%h o the ollowing(

    A) $lanning

    +) %ontrolling

    *) organi6ingD) %alibrating

    Answer: D

    Di: ! "age Re: 7To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    Coe the anager %enario)

    As a $rodu%tion su$er,isor2 Coe de%ides on -riday aternoon how many units o out$ut his

    em$loyees will be able to $rodu%e and on whi%h days %ertain $rodu%ts will be run in hisde$artment.

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1!;) &hen Coe %he%ks the amount o out$ut that the em$loyees ha,e %om$leted and the numbero units that ha,e been reje%ted2 he is $erorming whi%h o the management un%tions(

    A) %ontrolling

    +) leading*) $lanning

    D) organi6ing

    Answer: ADi: ! "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    10) &hen Coe tells the em$loyees that he is sure they %an ulill the s%hedule be%ause they are

    su%h good and skilled em$loyees2 he is $erorming whi%h o the management un%tions(

    A) %ontrolling+) leading

    *) $lanning

    D) organi6ingAnswer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat s anagement(kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    The +usy Day %enario)

    Don Eskew2 $lant manager at *ontrol ystems2 n%.2 sighed as he si$$ed his irst %u$ o %oee at

    / A.. and read his agenda or the day.

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    10!) &hen Don %ondu%ts the tour or the east %oast managers2 he will be o$erating in whi%h othe management roles(

    A) leader

    +) liaison*) monitor

    D) igurehead

    Answer: DDi: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    100) &hen Don meets with "hil to dis%uss "hil's $erorman%e issues2 Don will be o$erating in

    whi%h management role(

    A) leader+) igurehead

    *) monitor

    D) disturban%e handlerAnswer: A

    Di: 0 "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    10#) &hat role will Don be $erorming when he gi,es the $lant tour to the news$a$er re$orter(

    A) monitor

    +) igurehead*) disseminator

    D) s$okes$erson

    Answer: DDi: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    10/) &hen Don re,iews the new e=ui$ment malun%tion2 what management role will he $lay

    when de%iding whether to bring in e@tra $eo$le(

    A) monitor+) disseminator

    *) resour%e allo%ator

    D) disturban%e handlerAnswer: *

    Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    !5*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    The Heneral anager %enario)

    i%hael is the general manager o a $rodu%tion a%ility. n a routine day2 i%hael might meet

    with %ity oi%ials or %i,i% leaders about en,ironmental issues due to the $lants $resen%e in the%ommunity. Ater these meetings2 he will then meet with the $lants un%tional managers to

    dis%uss the %on%erns e@$ressed by the %ity re$resentati,es. ?ther times2 i%hael might meet with

    the $rodu%tion manager2 +etty2 and the human resour%e manager2 Coy%e2 to dis%uss a %om$laintiled by one o the em$loyees in a $rodu%tion de$artment. i%hael might also s$end time on the

    nternet looking or new te%hnologies that %an be used in the $rodu%tion $ro%esses o his $lant.

    104) &hen i%hael gains inormation rom %ity oi%ials or %i,i% leaders to learn how the $lant's

    o$erations may be ae%ting the en,ironment2 he is $erorming whi%h management role(

    A) leader

    +) resour%e allo%ator*) entre$reneur

    D) monitor

    Answer: DDi: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    105) &hen i%hael meets with +etty and Coy%e to dis%uss a %om$laint iled by one o the

    em$loyees in a $rodu%tion de$artment2 he is $erorming whi%h management role(

    A) resour%e allo%ator

    +) disturban%e handler*) liaison

    D) igurehead

    Answer: +Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    107) &hen i%hael meets with the un%tional managers to share with them the results o the

    meeting with %ity oi%ials or %i,i% leaders2 he is $erorming whi%h management role(

    A) disseminator

    +) liaison*) disturban%e handler

    D) negotiator

    Answer: ADi: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    !7*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    10;) &hen i%hael s$ends time on the nternet looking or new te%hnologies that %an be used inthe $rodu%tion $ro%esses o his $lant2 he is $erorming whi%h management role(

    A) leader

    +) entre$reneur*) s$okes$erson

    D) disturban%e handler

    Answer: +Di: 0 "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: Te%hnology

    1#) i%hael's sear%h or new te%hnologies that %an be used in the $rodu%tion $ro%esses o his

    $lant is an e@am$le o whi%h ty$e o management role(

    A) inter$ersonal+) inormational

    *) de%isional

    D) %ontrollingAnswer: +

    Di: ! "age Re: ;

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(kill: AA*+: Te%hnology

    1#1) i%hael's sear%h or new te%hnologies that %an be used in the $rodu%tion $ro%esses o his

    $lant is an e@am$le o whi%h ty$e o management skill(A) %on%e$tual

    +) %ommuni%ation

    *) ee%ti,enessD) inter$ersonal

    Answer: A

    Di: ! "age Re: 11To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    kill: AA*+: Te%hnology

    1#!) n a short essay2 e@$lain how the deinition o a manager has %hanged o,er time. "ro,ide an

    e@am$le that illustrates the %urrent deinition.

    Answer: anagers used to be deined as the organi6ational members who told others what to doand how to do it. n the $ast2 it was easy to dierentiate managersrom nonmanagerial

    employees. Fonmanagers were organi6ational members who worked dire%tly on a job or task and

    had no one re$orting to them. anagers were those who su$er,ised other em$loyees.

    Today2 the %hanging nature o organi6ations and work has blurred the distin%tion betweenmanagers and nonmanagerial em$loyees. any traditional nonmanagerial jobs now in%lude

    managerial a%ti,ities. -or e@am$le2 managerial res$onsibilities are shared by managers and teammembers at Heneral *able *or$oration's a%ility in oose Caw2 askat%hewan2 *anada. ost o

    the em$loyees at oose Caw are %ross3trained and multi3skilled. &ithin a single shit2 an

    em$loyee %an be a team leader2 e=ui$ment o$erator2 maintenan%e te%hni%ian2 =uality ins$e%tor2or im$ro,ement $lanner.

    Di: 1 "age Re: /2 1131!

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(B &hat Do anagers Do(

    !;*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1#0) n a short essay2 des%ribe the similarities and dieren%es between managerial and

    nonmanagerial $ositions in today's work en,ironment.

    Answer: a. imilaritiesn today's work or%e2 both managers and nonmanagers may at times

    ha,e res$onsibility or %ertain managerial a%ti,ities. n addition2 like nonmanagerial em$loyees2managers may %arry out some duties that do not in,ol,e su$er,ising others.

    b. Dieren%esA nonmanager's job tends to be o%used on $ersonal a%hie,ement. +y %ontrast2 a

    manager's job is not about $ersonal a%hie,ement but rather hel$ing othersto do their work. n

    addition2 nonmanagers o%us $rimarily on a%%om$lishing s$e%ii% tasks. anagers may ha,etheir own tasks to a%%om$lish2 but they also o%us on %oordinating the work o others.

    Di: 1 "age Re: /

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    1##) n a short essay2 des%ribe and $ro,ide e@am$les o irst3line2 middle2 and to$ managers.

    Answer: a. -irst3line managers are the lowest le,el o management and manage the work ononmanagerial indi,iduals who are dire%tly in,ol,ed with the $rodu%tion or %reation o the

    organi6ation's $rodu%ts. -irst3line managers are oten %alled su$er,isors2 but may also be %alled

    line managers2 oi%e managers2 or e,en oremen.

    b. iddle managers in%lude all le,els o management between the irst3line le,el and the to$le,el o the organi6ation. These managers manage the work o irst3line managers and may ha,e

    titles su%h as de$artment head2 $roje%t leader2 $lant manager2 or di,ision manager.

    %. To$ managers are res$onsible or making organi6ation3wide de%isions and establishing the$lans and goals that ae%t the entire organi6ation. These indi,iduals ty$i%ally ha,e titles su%h as

    e@e%uti,e ,i%e $resident2 $resident2 managing dire%tor2 %hie o$erating oi%er2 %hie e@e%uti,e

    oi%er2 or %hairman o the board.Di: 1 "age Re: /34

    To$i%: &ho Are anagers(

    1#/) n a short essay2 dis%uss the dieren%e between ei%ien%y and ee%ti,eness and in%lude a

    s$e%ii% e@am$le to su$$ort ea%h %on%e$t.Answer: a. Ei%ien%y reers to getting the most out$ut rom the least amount o in$uts.

    +e%ause managers deal with s%ar%e in$utsin%luding resour%es su%h as $eo$le2 money2 and

    e=ui$mentthey are %on%erned with the ei%ient use o resour%es. -or instan%e2 at the

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1#4) n a short essay2 list and e@$lain the our basi% un%tions o management.Answer: a. "lanningin,ol,es the $ro%ess o deining goals2 establishing strategies or

    a%hie,ing those goals2 and de,elo$ing $lans to integrate and %oordinate a%ti,ities.

    b. ?rgani6ingin,ol,es the $ro%ess o determining what tasks are to be done2 who is to do

    them2 how the tasks are to be grou$ed2 who re$orts to whom2 and where de%isions are to be

    made.%. eadingwhen managers moti,ate subordinates2 inluen%e indi,iduals or teams as they work2

    sele%t the most ee%ti,e %ommuni%ation %hannel2 or deal in any way with em$loyee beha,ior

    issues2 they are leading.

    d. *ontrollingto ensure that work is $ro%eeding as it should2 managers must monitor and

    e,aluate $erorman%e. The $ro%ess o monitoring2 %om$aring2 and %orre%ting is what is meant by

    the %ontrolling un%tion.Di: ! "age Re: 7

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    01*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1#5) n a short essay2 list and dis%uss 5 o the 1 managerial roles de,elo$ed by int6berg.n%lude s$e%ii% e@am$les o ea%h role and grou$ ea%h a%%ording to inter$ersonal2 inormational2

    and de%isional roles.

    Answer:nter$ersonal Roles

    a. -igureheadsymboli% headB obliged to $erorm a number o routine duties o a legal or so%ial

    nature. E@am$les in%lude greeting ,isitors and signing legal do%uments.

    b. eaderres$onsible or the moti,ation and a%ti,ation o subordinatesB res$onsible or

    staing2 training2 and asso%iated duties. E@am$les in%lude $erorming ,irtually all a%ti,ities thatin,ol,e subordinates.

    %. iaisonmaintains sel3de,elo$ed network o outside %onta%ts and inormers who $ro,ide

    a,ors and inormation. E@am$les in%lude a%knowledging mail2 doing e@ternal board work2 and

    $erorming other a%ti,ities that in,ol,e outsiders.

    normational Roles

    a. onitor seeks and re%ei,es wide ,ariety o internal and e@ternal inormation to de,elo$

    thorough understanding o organi6ation and en,ironment. E@am$les in%lude reading $eriodi%als

    and re$orts2 and maintaining $ersonal %onta%ts.b. Disseminatortransmits inormation re%ei,ed rom outsiders or rom subordinates to

    members o the organi6ation. E@am$les in%lude holding inormational meetings and making

    $hone %alls to relay inormation.

    %. $okes$ersontransmits inormation to outsiders on organi6ation's $lans2 $oli%ies2 a%tions2

    results2 and so on. E@am$les in%lude holding board meetings and gi,ing inormation to the


    De%isional Roles

    a. Entre$reneursear%hes organi6ation and its en,ironment or o$$ortunities and initiates

    8im$ro,ement $roje%ts8 to bring about %hanges. E@am$les in%lude organi6ing strategy andre,iew sessions to de,elo$ new $rograms.

    b. Disturban%e handlerres$onsible or %orre%ti,e a%tion when organi6ation a%es im$ortant2

    une@$e%ted disturban%es. E@am$les in%lude organi6ing strategy and re,iew sessions that in,ol,e

    disturban%es and %rises.

    %. Resour%e allo%atorres$onsible or the allo%ation o organi6ational resour%es o all

    kindsmaking or a$$ro,ing all signii%ant organi6ational de%isions. E@am$les in%lude

    s%heduling2 re=uesting authori6ationB $erorming any a%ti,ity that in,ol,es budgeting and the$rogramming o subordinates' work.

    d. Fegotiatorres$onsible or re$resenting the organi6ation at major negotiations. E@am$les

    in%lude $arti%i$ating in union %ontra%t negotiations.

    The inter$ersonal roles are roles that in,ol,e $eo$le and other duties that are %eremonial and

    symboli% in nature. The three inter$ersonal roles in%lude being a igurehead2 leader2 and liaison.

    The inormational roles in,ol,e re%ei,ing2 %olle%ting2 and disseminating inormation. The threeinormational roles in%lude a monitor2 disseminator2 and s$okes$erson. -inally2 the de%isional

    roles re,ol,e around making %hoi%es. The our de%isional roles in%lude entre$reneur2 disturban%e

    handler2 resour%e allo%ator2 and negotiator.

    Di: 0 "age Re: 73;

    0!*o$yright 9 !; "earson Edu%ation2 n%. "ublishing as "renti%e

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(kill: AA*+: *ommuni%ation

    1#7) n a short essay2 dis%uss whi%h a$$roa%h is more useul or des%ribing the job o amanagerun%tions or roles( Des%ribe the %ontributions o both a$$roa%hes.

    Answer: -ayol's un%tions a$$roa%h re$resents the most useul way o des%ribing the manager's

    job. This is be%ause -ayol's un%tions $ro,ide 8%lear and dis%rete methods8 o %lassiying

    management a%ti,ities and te%hni=ues. Though less ee%ti,e than the un%tions a$$roa%h2int6berg's roles a$$roa%h does oer im$ortant insights into managers' work. any o his roles

    align well with one or more o the un%tions. -or instan%e2 resour%e allo%ation is $art o $lanning2

    as is the entre$reneurial role2 and all three o the inter$ersonal roles are $art o the leadingun%tion.

    Di: ! "age Re: 1

    To$i%: &hat Do anagers Do(

    1#;) n a short essay2 des%ribe the three main ty$es o managerial skills identiied by Robert

    >at6. &hi%h skills are most im$ortant to ea%h le,el o management2 and why(Answer: a. Resear%h by Robert . >at6 %on%luded that managers needed three essential skills.

    These are te%hni%al skills2 human skills2 and %on%e$tual skills. Te%hni%al skillsare the job3s$e%ii% knowledge and te%hni=ues needed to $erorm s$e%ii% tasks $roi%iently.

  • 5/27/2018 Robbins Mgmt10 Tb 01


    1/) n a short essay2 dis%uss the im$ortan%e o studying management. Fe@t2 list at least i,erewards and i,e %hallenges o being a manager.

    Answer: +y studying management2 you'll be able to re%ogni6e $oor management and work to

    %orre%t it. n addition2 you'll be able to re%ogni6e good management and en%ourage it2 whetherit's in an organi6ation you're sim$ly intera%ting with or whether it's in an organi6ation where

    you're em$loyed. Another reason or studying management is the reality that or most students2

    on%e they graduate rom %ollege and begin their %areers2 they will either manage or be managed.A inal reason to study management is the rewards and %hallenges o being a manager.

    Rewards o +eing a anagera. most im$ortant work o an organi6ation is %reating a work en,ironment in whi%h

    organi6ational members %an work to the best o their ability

    b. ha,e o$$ortunities to think %reati,ely and use imagination

    %. hel$ others ind meaning and ulillment in workd. get to su$$ort2 %oa%h2 and nurture others

    e. get to work with a ,ariety o $eo$le

    . re%ei,e re%ognition and status in organi6ation and %ommunityg. $lay a role in inluen%ing organi6ational out%omes

    h. re%ei,e a$$ro$riate %om$ensation in the orm o salaries2 bonuses2 and sto%k o$tions

    i. good managers are needed by organi6ations

    *hallenges o +eing a anager

    a. it's hard work

    b. ha,e to deal with a ,ariety o $ersonalities%. oten ha,e to make do with limited resour%es

    d. moti,ate workers in %haoti% and un%ertain situations

    e. be able to su%%essully blend knowledge2 skills2 ambitions2 and e@$erien%es o a di,erse workgrou$

    Di: ! "age Re: 1#314

    To$i%: &hy tudy anagement(

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